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Formation Matters

Formation Matters

By Nicholas Sheehy

Reflections on faith and humanity
Currently playing episode

Seeking His Face

Formation MattersAug 11, 2022

Divina Misericordia

Divina Misericordia

Hay tumbas cerradas en nuestra vida, pero tenemos de nuestro lado a Jesús vencedor de la muerte.
Mar 31, 202411:54
Can Catholics Drink?

Can Catholics Drink?

Talk to Newman Center on temperance
Mar 18, 202431:20
San Patricio y los griegos quieren ver a Jesús

San Patricio y los griegos quieren ver a Jesús

5o domingo de cuaresma
Mar 17, 202409:56
Humility trumps despair

Humility trumps despair

But a man who is truly humble cannot despair, because in the humble man there is no longer any such thing as self-pity (Thomas Merton, New Seeds of Contemplation). Bilingual homily.
Mar 15, 202413:22
Mass as a Sacrifice
Mar 07, 202419:05
Vencer el aburrimiento con la acción

Vencer el aburrimiento con la acción

Cristo nos sirve como modelo para actuar y vencer a la desgana.
Feb 06, 202410:22
From Drudgery to Drive
Feb 04, 202410:26
Luchar contra el demonio

Luchar contra el demonio

Jesús es más fuerte que el demonio. Siempre debemos de confiar en Jesús.
Jan 28, 202411:03
Fighting the Devil like a Christian
Jan 28, 202409:17
Practical Take-aways from Oppenheimer’s Tragic Mistake

Practical Take-aways from Oppenheimer’s Tragic Mistake

Too often, we think about science and morality as completely different subjects of study. Many would balk at the term “science of morality.” However, both subjects are important and must work together if we are to progress as a society in a way that respects our own humanity.

Jan 26, 202438:02
Encuentro, Discipulado, Apostolado

Encuentro, Discipulado, Apostolado

Este domingo, la liturgia nos habla de la vocación.
Jan 21, 202410:48
A Saint At 24? Pier Giorgio And Jesus
Jan 21, 202411:34
Llamado de Dios a los jóvenes

Llamado de Dios a los jóvenes

Dios quiere nuestra ayuda para llegar a los jóvenes.
Jan 14, 202416:05
Help youth encounter the Lord, hear his voice, and follow him

Help youth encounter the Lord, hear his voice, and follow him

Youth is a time full of hopes and dreams, stirred by the many beautiful things that enrich our lives: the splendor of God’s creation, our relationships with friends and loved ones, our encounter with art and culture, science and technology, our efforts to work for peace, justice and fraternity, and so many other things. We are living at a time, though, when for many people, including the young, hope seems absent. (Pope Francis, Message for the XXXVIII World Youth Day, 26 November 2023)
Jan 14, 202410:60
The Holy Family, Model For Holy Families
Dec 31, 202310:58
Es Adviento: Confiesa tus pecados
Dec 04, 202310:48
Una noche en Belén

Una noche en Belén

¿Cómo era para José y María llegar a Belén y no encontrar lugar? Imagínense que llega el Salvador del mundo y no hay ningún lugar para acogerlo. Como ha de haber sido difícil para José, sentir la vergüenza de no poder ofrecer mejor lugar a María y a Jesús. Ha de haber sido difícil para María también ya que estaba cansada del viaje y ya lista para dar a luz al niño que llevaba en su seno durante ya nueve meses. Tienen experiencia de peregrinación, de pesebre y de pastores.

Dec 02, 202337:25
El Camino a Belén

El Camino a Belén

¿A dónde vamos durante este Adviento?

Estamos acostumbrados a tener un propósito claro para la Cuaresma. Quizás ofrecemos un sacrificio y se convierte en un largo camino hasta el Triduo Sacro y el final de nuestro sacrificio a la hora de celebrar la Pascua. Pero para el Adviento, no solemos pensar así. Estamos ocupados con los preparativos para la Navidad. Ponemos adornos en nuestras casas. Hay fiestas. Organizamos fiestas. Nos invitan a fiestas. Hay actividades en la escuela de nuestros hijos. Quizás tenemos un calendario de adviento, pero es más de comer chocolate que prepararnos para la Navidad de forma espiritual.

Dec 02, 202333:09
Enciende tu luz - Contemplación y acción

Enciende tu luz - Contemplación y acción

Quiero ayudarles a vivir mejor este adviento, sobre dos vertientes. Quiero que profundicen su contemplación de Cristo. La meta de toda nuestra vida cristiana es enamorarnos más de Dios. Es más fácil a través de Cristo, porque es Dios y hombre. Por ser Dios, merece todo nuestro amor y adoración. Por ser hombre, es más asequible a cada uno de nosotros.

Dec 02, 202327:21
Expectation of Advent
Dec 02, 202309:43
Homily for St. Cecilia

Homily for St. Cecilia

Concluding the retreat, Fr. Martin preached the homily.

Nov 22, 202306:22
What attracts young men to the Legion today?

What attracts young men to the Legion today?

Fr. Martin Connor shares a talk with the California LC's reflecting on what attracts men to the Legion today.

Nov 22, 202328:50
David vs. Goliath and the Vocation

David vs. Goliath and the Vocation

Fr. Martin Connor preaches the retreat to the California LC's.

Nov 22, 202320:01
Desarrollar sus Talentos

Desarrollar sus Talentos

Cuando Cristo habla de los talentos nos prepara para la vida eterna.

Nov 19, 202309:53
The Price of Greatness

The Price of Greatness

Parable of the Talents.

God wants us to discover, develop and deploy our talents.

Nov 19, 202309:58
Don de vida contemplativa

Don de vida contemplativa

El Evangelio de las vírgenes prudentes nos muestra el valor de "ser" antes que "actuar". Es una lección muy importante para nuestro mundo.

Nov 12, 202310:54
Gift of Contemplative Life

Gift of Contemplative Life

We live in a world that is so focused on output and production to determine value. Contemplative religious help us to remember that life is not only about production. Being comes before action. Their being in the presence of God comes before any particular actions that they may need to perform to preserve their monastery’s way of life. They take as their model the Blessed Virgin Mary. She is the fruit of the Immaculate Conception, as we remember from the apparition at Lourdes. She had an absolute purity. Contemplative religious reflect this through their dedicated service in the shadows of the world. They are not famous. They do not appear on the cover of Vogue magazine. And yet, they are the women who have the deepest impact in the world. Their time of solitude and seclusion is the very definition of leisure. They have time to dedicate to the noblest of pursuits – the contemplation of God and his good works.

Nov 12, 202310:19
No digas "padre" a un hombre

No digas "padre" a un hombre

¿Cómo Jesús quiere que amemos al Padre?

Nov 06, 202310:23
Don't Call Any Man Father

Don't Call Any Man Father

What does Jesus mean when he says this?

How are we called to love our Heavenly Father?

Nov 06, 202311:55
3 Keys to Be a Saint

3 Keys to Be a Saint

Be faithful, true, and tough.

Saints Joan of Arc, Thomas More, and Isaac Jogues show us what we need to do if we are going to be saints.

Talk given at Guadalupe Radio to the boys and girls at the Family Retreat.

Nov 06, 202327:21
Call no man Father

Call no man Father

Mt. 23:1-12

How do we overcome our false sense of independence and let go of the bitterness of orphanhood?

In the faith, there are no orphans. We all come from the Father, and Jesus knows that we need to remember that. His prohibition to call others “father” is not a quick phrase to give evangelical apologists fodder to attack Catholics for calling priests “father.”

We call priests “father” as a sign of respect and hopefully it can help us bridge the gap to see God as our father. Unfortunately, the situation Jesus describes in the Gospel does not feel 2,000 years away. We are all too familiar with false teachers and hypocrites. But it would be a mistake to allow the foundation of our faith to crumble because of their bad example.

Nov 05, 202310:26
Homily for David and Miranda's Wedding

Homily for David and Miranda's Wedding

Getting married in the Church is a challenge and a mission.

Oct 31, 202314:32
Celibato por el Reino de Dios

Celibato por el Reino de Dios

Cómo se hace para cumplir con los mandamientos de Dios? Se tiene que fundar en el amor a Dios sobre todo y luego el amor al prójimo. El celibato es un don y un signo de ese amor.
Oct 29, 202312:34
Newman Night 10.28.2023 Q&A

Newman Night 10.28.2023 Q&A

Questions to Fr Shawn.
Oct 29, 202320:51
Shakespeare, Sex, and the Art of Friendship

Shakespeare, Sex, and the Art of Friendship

Beginning with Romeo and Juliet, followed by the trials of Odysseus, Fr Shawn Aaron, LC establishes the foundations for true intimacy and friendship that we all long for. This talk was given 10.28.2023 at the Newman Center in Pasadena, CA.
Oct 29, 202349:14
Dar a César lo que es de César

Dar a César lo que es de César

Homilía 22 de octubre de 2023

Oct 23, 202310:22
How do I vote as a Christian?
Oct 22, 202310:40
Solo Dios Basta

Solo Dios Basta

Podemos sentir que somos indignos del amor de Cristo. Pero el nos reviste con su traje de bodas. Así nos hace dignos.

Mt. 21,1-14

Oct 15, 202312:41
Only God is Enough

Only God is Enough

Mt. 21:1-14

The movie The Greatest Showman tells a powerful story of a man who had to overcome tremendous obstacles to take care of his family and do something amazing with his life, beginning a whole new type of circus. And yet, one of the refrains of his life is expressed through the words: “never enough.” For so many of us, these words echo in our minds and hearts as well. We fear that we are “never enough.” Today’s Gospel gives us a clue about how to establish our identity in God and know that He is enough.

Oct 15, 202311:29


Los viñadores rechazaron al dueño. Se habían olvidado de la importancia de conectarse con Dios.

Oct 08, 202310:37
Learning to Love what is Right

Learning to Love what is Right

We need to learn to have an ordered love.

St. Augustine spoke a lot about this when reflecting on happiness.

Oct 08, 202310:12
Amor a lo ordenado

Amor a lo ordenado

Mt. 21,33-43

"Puesto que el amor crece dentro de ti, así crece la belleza. Porque el amor es la belleza del alma". (San Agustín)"Puesto que el amor crece dentro de ti, así crece la belleza. Porque el amor es la belleza del alma". (San Agustín)

Oct 06, 202308:04
Loving What is Right

Loving What is Right

Loving What is Right


Mt. 21:33-43 The evil workers in the vineyard show us what happens when love is disordered. We need to learn to love rightly and respond to God's grace in our lives.

“Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.” (St. Augustine)

Oct 06, 202306:19
¿Soy yo, Señor?

¿Soy yo, Señor?

La imagen del hijo mayor en el Evangelio de hoy me llama mucho la atención. Pues siento que soy yo. ¿Qué te está diciendo el Evangelio sobre tu tendencia de justificarte?

Oct 01, 202306:59
Mirror Image

Mirror Image

We tend to justify ourselves. This leads to a bad attitude in relation to God. We have to overcome this if we are going to be fully happy with God.

Oct 01, 202304:42
God Remembers us in his Grace

God Remembers us in his Grace

God wants to touch our hearts. The names of Zechariah, Elizabeth and John speak to how God wants to deal with us.
Jun 25, 202311:05
New Age and Catholicism - Intro

New Age and Catholicism - Intro

We can easily be taken in by a New Age ideology. It is so important to grow in our faith.
May 09, 202306:38
3 Ways to Pray the Rosary

3 Ways to Pray the Rosary

Talk at St. John the Evangelist Parish in Baldwin Park for the Sanctitas Young Adult Adoration. What is not the rosary? What is the rosary? 3 things to focus on while praying the rosary.
Oct 15, 202216:25
Today’s Spiritual Warfare

Today’s Spiritual Warfare

I have told you this so that you might have peace in me. In the world, you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world. (John 16:33)

Do you seek peace? Of course, you do. Jesus knew the deepest longings of the human heart. This is why so much of his preaching goes to the core of our being. He is talking about life and he is talking about us. Jesus knows us better than we know ourselves.
Sep 23, 202203:31
Today, Fight Fear

Today, Fight Fear

I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me. (Philippians 4:13)

How do you face fear? We all have fears that threaten to invade our life.
Sep 22, 202203:00