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Ideas with Legs

Ideas with Legs

By nils vesk

Expert tips and behind-the-scenes secrets from my innovation strategies I use with global companies and ‘start ups’ around the world to help you become that ‘go to’ person for ideas in an organisation, or to create that side hustle project for extra income.
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Ideas with LegsJul 17, 2020

The 3 Golden Rules of User Testing in Design Sprints

The 3 Golden Rules of User Testing in Design Sprints

Master user testing in your design sprints with these three golden rules: 1. Observe, don't predict - Watch how users interact with your product instead of asking them to guess their usage. 2. Engaging interviews - Ask insightful questions like 'I noticed you did this - what was your thought process?' to understand user behavior. 3. Think-aloud prompts - Encourage users to verbalize their actions with questions like 'Why did you choose to do that?' This video will guide you through effective user testing techniques to get the most out of your design sprint. Don't forget to subscribe for more user-centric design sprint strategies! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Jan 07, 202401:42
Storyboarding in Design Sprints Essential for Effective Prototyping

Storyboarding in Design Sprints Essential for Effective Prototyping

Want to transform your ideas into impactful prototypes in a design sprint? Start with storyboarding. This video guides you through why storyboarding is a crucial step, ensuring your prototypes are well-thought-out and effective. Dive into the art of visual storytelling as a foundation for successful prototyping. Don't forget to subscribe for more valuable design sprint techniques! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Jan 06, 202401:34
Boost Your Design Sprint's Idea Generation: The Power of Prompts

Boost Your Design Sprint's Idea Generation: The Power of Prompts

Struggling to generate killer ideas in your design sprints? Discover the proven method: using prompts. This video shows you how prompts can drastically increase both the quantity and quality of ideas, complete with a revealing graph from a real sprint session. Subscribe now for more breakthrough strategies in design sprint facilitation! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Jan 05, 202401:19
Avoid This #1 Mistake in Idea Generation During Design Sprints

Avoid This #1 Mistake in Idea Generation During Design Sprints

Ever wondered why some design sprints fail to produce innovative ideas? This video reveals the top mistake to avoid: critiquing ideas during the generation phase. Learn why holding off on critiques is crucial for fostering creativity and how to encourage open idea sharing. Subscribe for more insights into running successful design sprints! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Jan 04, 202401:18
4 Key Steps to Launch a Successful Design Sprint Team

4 Key Steps to Launch a Successful Design Sprint Team

Embarking on a design sprint? Discover the four pivotal steps to success in this quick guide: defining a major challenge, choosing the right team members, setting a specific goal, and crafting an emotionally compelling story to inspire. Ideal for those looking to enhance their project management and inspire innovative thinking. Subscribe for insightful tips on design sprints! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Jan 03, 202401:22
Selecting Your Design Sprint Team: Key Considerations & Expert Tips

Selecting Your Design Sprint Team: Key Considerations & Expert Tips

Choosing the right people for a design sprint? This video delves into the essentials: from recruiting internal team members to involving external experts and customers. Plus, discover the types of questions to ask and how to reframe problems as opportunities for better outcomes. Subscribe for more practical strategies on design sprints! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Jan 02, 202401:26
Design Sprints: Top 10 Business Problems They Solve

Design Sprints: Top 10 Business Problems They Solve

Unlock the power of design sprints to tackle your top business challenges. This quick video lists 10 key issues that design sprints can help you overcome, from improving customer engagement to accelerating product development. Perfect for busy professionals seeking effective solutions. Subscribe for bite-sized insights into using design sprints for business success! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Jan 01, 202401:30
3 Essential Components for a Successful Design Sprint

3 Essential Components for a Successful Design Sprint

Unlock the secret to a successful design sprint with these three critical components: 1. Transforming problems into opportunities – a pivot that turns challenges into viable solutions. 2. Generating a wealth of ideas ripe for prototyping – where quantity breeds quality. 3. Moving seamlessly from evaluation to implementation – observe, learn, and plan your next steps based on real user interactions. This video is your guide to mastering the art of design sprints, ensuring each phase contributes to a meaningful outcome. Don't forget to subscribe for more insights into effective sprint strategies!

Dec 31, 202301:42
3 ways you can measure the ROI of your AI investments

3 ways you can measure the ROI of your AI investments

In this podcast, I’m going to share three ways you can measure the ROI of your AI investments effectively. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ I’ll discuss the importance of KPI tracking (Key Performance Indicators). Simplify your metrics to focus on efficiency, time-saving, cost reduction, or customer satisfaction. These straightforward indicators will help you easily measure your investment's ROI. 2️⃣ I’ll delve into running a cost-benefit analysis. Evaluate the actual costs involved, such as software agreements and training time, and compare them to the savings or benefits, like reduced labor costs, problem-solving efficiency, or improved customer satisfaction. This comprehensive analysis will provide a clear picture of your AI investment's returns. 3️⃣ I’ll emphasize the importance of creating benchmarks. Establish benchmarks that allow you to assess the effectiveness of your AI tools, both internally and with reference to external benchmark data. In the end, armed with these strategies, you'll be better equipped to measure and maximize the ROI of your AI investments. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 30, 202302:22
How can you foster an AI innovative culture while combining innovation with AI driven tools in order to get great results?

How can you foster an AI innovative culture while combining innovation with AI driven tools in order to get great results?

In this podcast, I’m going to show you how to foster an AI-innovative culture while combining innovation with AI-driven tools to achieve outstanding results. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ I’ll discuss the importance of incentivising creative problem-solving. Implement a reward or recognition system that acknowledges and encourages individuals who use creative thinking alongside AI to develop solutions. 2️⃣ Next, I’ll talk about initiating cross-training programs. These programs bring together tech-savvy individuals with non-tech team members, facilitating the exchange of skills and knowledge to collaboratively work on innovative projects. 3️⃣ Then I’ll delve into the concept of AI hackathons. Organize regular gatherings where employees from all departments can join forces, combining AI expertise with innovative thinking to address the organization’s challenges effectively. In the end, by implementing these strategies, you'll be better equipped to create an AI innovative culture that seamlessly integrates AI-driven tools with innovative thinking, leading to exceptional outcomes. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 29, 202301:58
How to get a team interested in using AI, especially if they are tech-resistant?

How to get a team interested in using AI, especially if they are tech-resistant?

In this podcast, I’m going to show you how to get a team interested in using AI, especially if they are heavily tech-resistant. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ First, I’ll discuss the importance of a hands-on easy demonstration. Show your team how AI can be used in their daily activities to save time, reduce stress, and increase productivity. Demonstrations that highlight tangible benefits can pique their interest and make AI more accessible. 2️⃣ Next, I’ll talk about proactively addressing concerns. Create a transparent forum, like a town hall meeting, where team members can openly express their worries or doubts about AI. Address these concerns honestly and constructively to alleviate fears. 3️⃣ Then, I’ll delve into the concept of identifying champion users. Find team members who are early adopters of AI and provide them with additional training. These champions can become advocates and mentors for others who may be less enthusiastic about AI adoption. In the end, by following these strategies, you'll be better equipped to engage your tech-resistant team in AI adoption and make the process smoother. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 28, 202302:24
How we can use AI to streamline the ideation to execution process

How we can use AI to streamline the ideation to execution process

In this podcast, I’m going to show you how to leverage AI to streamline the ideation-to-execution process, enabling faster, more efficient, and risk-minimized innovation. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ First, I’ll discuss the use of prioritized algorithms. These algorithms help you evaluate and rank ideas based on predefined criteria, making it quicker and easier to identify high-potential ideas without sifting through countless options. You can customize the criteria to align with your organization's priorities. 2️⃣ Next, I’ll introduce AI project management tools. These tools assist in project planning by providing accurate timelines, task management, cost estimations, and contingency planning. They enhance project efficiency and reduce the likelihood of unexpected delays or cost overruns. 3️⃣ Then, I’ll talk about real-time performance metrics. AI-driven monitoring systems allow you to track key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics in real-time. They can quickly identify bottlenecks or delays, helping you address challenges promptly and minimize time and resource wastage. In the end, integrating AI into your innovation process can significantly enhance your ability to move from ideation to execution more effectively. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 27, 202302:38
How do we create some feedback systems that enable us to refine the AI solutions

How do we create some feedback systems that enable us to refine the AI solutions

In this podcast, I’m going to show you how to create effective feedback systems that enable us to refine AI solutions while enhancing our innovative thinking. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ First, I’ll explain the concept of a dual-loop feedback system. This involves two feedback loops: one focusing on data analysis to refine and improve AI algorithms, and the other centered on qualitative feedback from users to assess how they perceive and interact with the AI. 2️⃣ Next, I’ll introduce the idea of an idea exchange platform. Instead of generic crowdsourcing, provide a structured template for employees to self-assess and submit ideas for new AI applications or tools. This helps streamline the process and ensures more thoughtful contributions. 3️⃣ Then, I’ll discuss the importance of A/B testing. Compare innovative solutions developed through creative problem-solving with those utilizing AI platforms. This allows you to evaluate which approach is more effective and can even lead to a blended solution that leverages both methods. In the end, by implementing these feedback mechanisms, you can continuously improve AI solutions while fostering innovation within your organization. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 26, 202302:40
What's the easiest method for less creative people to spark innovative ideas?

What's the easiest method for less creative people to spark innovative ideas?

In this podcast, I'm going to share the easiest method for less creative people to spark innovative ideas: Reverse Brainstorming. Here's how you can use this technique to stimulate creativity and generate innovative solutions: 1️⃣ Prepare the Setup: Start by grabbing a sheet of paper and dividing it into three columns. 2️⃣ List What NOT to Do: In the first column, instruct your team to brainstorm and write down all the things they should NOT do to solve the problem or address the challenge at hand. Encourage them to think of the worst possible ideas, no matter how absurd or unconventional. 3️⃣ Identify Extreme Opposites: In the far-right column, ask your team to write the complete opposite of each idea they listed in the first column. These extreme opposites should be outrageous or absurd solutions that no one would seriously consider. 4️⃣ Find a Middle Ground: Now, in the middle column, prompt your team to identify ideas that fall somewhere in between the extreme opposites. These ideas should be less radical but still incorporate elements of the absurd or unconventional. These middle-ground ideas often provide innovative and workable solutions. Reverse brainstorming leverages the natural tendency of many individuals to identify faults and problems. By initially focusing on what not to do and exploring extreme opposites, you encourage creative thinking and eventually arrive at innovative ideas that can help solve the problem effectively. Give reverse brainstorming a try in your team meetings or brainstorming sessions, and you may be surprised by the creative solutions it generates. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 25, 202302:39
Why should we innovate?

Why should we innovate?

In this podcast, we'll address a fundamental question that many consultants often avoid: "Why should we innovate?" Here's a concise breakdown of the key reasons why innovation is essential: 1️⃣ Accelerated Growth: Innovation fuels growth by continually introducing new or improved products and services. This dynamic approach helps a company expand its market share and remain competitive in the long run. 2️⃣ Market Dominance: Innovators are leaders, not followers. They stay ahead of the curve by developing products that captivate a willing market seeking the next big thing and superior solutions. This positions your company as a dominant force in the industry. 3️⃣ Efficiency and Cost Savings: Innovation isn't limited to products; it extends to processes, services, and manufacturing methods. By embracing innovation, you can identify ways to save time, reduce costs, and optimize resource utilization. 4️⃣ Increased Demand: Customers are naturally drawn to exciting, cutting-edge products that deliver superior results. Innovative solutions not only capture a larger market share but also allow you to command higher prices, leading to increased profits. Embracing innovation is not just a choice but a necessity in today's dynamic business landscape. It drives growth, fosters market dominance, enhances efficiency, and stimulates customer demand. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 24, 202302:04
What's a clear and standardised method to evaluate idea and benefits?

What's a clear and standardised method to evaluate idea and benefits?

First, I’ll introduce a simple one-page self-assessment form that should be completed before submitting any idea. This form should include these key questions: 1️⃣ How Workable is the Idea? Determine if the idea explores new territory or if it's something that has been overdone without room for innovation. 2️⃣ How Willing is the Market? Assess whether there is a genuine demand for the solution and if customers are willing to pay for it. 3️⃣ Is It Winnable? Evaluate how quickly and effectively the idea can be executed in comparison to competitors. 4️⃣ Tactical Alignment: Consider how well the idea aligns with the organization's strategic priorities. 5️⃣ Technical Feasibility: Examine whether the necessary technical skills are available in-house or if they can be sourced cost-effectively. 6️⃣ Financial Analysis: Calculate the potential financial gains versus the perceived risks of pursuing this innovation. By using this standardised self-assessment form, you not only guide individuals to think critically about their ideas but also provide an objective and transparent evaluation process. It simplifies the assessment and ensures that each idea is evaluated using the same criteria. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 23, 202302:38
The best ways to encourage my team to innovate

The best ways to encourage my team to innovate

In this podcast, I will show you the best ways to encourage my team to innovate: 1️⃣ Craft Inspirational Stories Create stories that inspire your team to bridge the gap between where they are now and the innovative future you envision. Share these stories regularly and diversify the storytellers to include various perspectives and voices. 2️⃣ Provide Space and Support Offer your team the necessary space, time, and support to innovate. Encourage and empower them to take innovative initiatives. 3️⃣ Simplify Innovation Don't burden your team with reinventing the wheel. Instead, focus on small, achievable steps. For example, you can ask, "What could we do with these five minutes?" Keep innovation manageable and realistic. 4️⃣ Offer Skill Training Recognize that not everyone naturally possesses innovation skills. Provide training to help your team members excel in discovering insights, generating ideas, and validating and executing innovative solutions. By following these steps, you can foster a culture of innovation within your team and empower them to drive meaningful change. For more valuable insights and discussions, subscribe or visit us at Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 22, 202302:04
How to successfully move an idea into implementation?

How to successfully move an idea into implementation?

In this podcast, I’m going to show you how to successfully move an idea into implementation, a critical skill for every innovator. 📋 Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ I’ll guide you on planning your innovation journey, sharing insights on how to meticulously map out your steps, ensuring nothing is overlooked. 2️⃣ You’ll learn how to identify and tackle potential obstacles, offering you the tools to navigate challenges like a pro. 3️⃣ Then, I’ll teach you the importance of validation and seeking feedback, drawing inspiration from the world of mad scientists who understand that feedback is the breakfast of champions. 4️⃣ Finally, I’ll show you how to systematically develop your idea and build an effective team for execution. Think of this as your innovation blueprint. 🌟 In the end, you'll not only have a handful of strategies to turn your ideas into reality, but you'll also be better equipped for innovation, armed with knowledge and techniques that will set you apart. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 21, 202302:15
What's the best question to prompt innovation in your team?

What's the best question to prompt innovation in your team?

In this podcast, I’m going to share the best question to prompt innovation in your team. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ First, I’ll reveal the simple yet powerful question: "What's an incredible innovation, invention, or idea that you've seen recently outside of your industry that grabbed your attention, and why?" By asking this question, you encourage your team to think beyond their industry, job roles, and daily routines. They'll reflect on experiences like a fascinating holiday, an impressive website, or a user-friendly app. These experiences can trigger innovative thinking. 2️⃣ Next, I'll explain how this question can help your team deconstruct and adapt principles from outside sources to improve your organization's processes or products. 3️⃣ In the end, by fostering a "what if" mindset and encouraging your team to draw inspiration from diverse sources, you can stimulate innovation and achieve remarkable results. So, give this question a try in your team meetings and watch the creative ideas flow! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 20, 202302:14
What are some creativity techniques other than design thinking?

What are some creativity techniques other than design thinking?

In this podcast, I'll share some creativity techniques beyond design thinking to enhance your creativity. 1️⃣ Scramble Technique: Prompt your mind and others by using the Scramble technique. This involves substituting, combining, reversing, adding, multiplying, magnifying, minimizing, breaking up, breaking down, leveraging, or eliminating elements. Prompts like these can stimulate new ideas. 2️⃣ Strengthen Your Alternative Muscle: Train your brain to come up with multiple alternatives on the spot. The more alternatives you can generate, the more likely you are to discover innovative solutions. Practice substituting different elements and exploring new combinations. 3️⃣ Change Levels of Thinking: Shift your thinking to different levels of abstraction. Ask challenging questions like, "What if we had to eliminate that?" or "What if we couldn't use this material?" This encourages you to explore new connections, possibilities, and innovations. By incorporating these creativity techniques into your thinking process, you can enhance your ability to generate innovative ideas. For more valuable insights, subscribe and visit us at

Dec 19, 202302:09
How to present your ideas to a board or committee?

How to present your ideas to a board or committee?

In this podcast, I'll share how to effectively present your ideas to a board or committee. 1️⃣ Validate the Problem and Market: Demonstrate that you have validated the problem you're addressing and confirmed there is a market willing to pay for the solution. Boards and committees are more likely to support ideas with proven viability. 2️⃣ Highlight Strategic Fit: Emphasize how your idea aligns with the strategic priorities of your organization. Showcase how it contributes to achieving overarching goals and objectives. 3️⃣ Address Risk Head-On: Address the element of risk. Identify and focus on the most significant uncertainties and potential implications of your idea. Explain how you've validated your ability to handle these challenges or mitigate risks effectively. 4️⃣ Craft a Compelling UVP (Unique Value Proposition): Develop a unique value proposition that clearly articulates why your idea is essential, what sets it apart from existing solutions, and the value it will deliver to customers. By incorporating these key elements into your presentation, you can increase the likelihood of gaining support from your board or committee for your innovative ideas. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 18, 202302:01
What holds me back from innovating?

What holds me back from innovating?

In this podcast, I’ll explain what often holds you and your team back from innovating and how to overcome it. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ First, I’ll address the primary obstacle – the fear of making mistakes. Research suggests that about nine out of ten people are motivated by avoiding mistakes in their work. However, many wrongly perceive innovation as inherently risky, leading them to avoid it. 2️⃣ Next, I’ll discuss the solution – validation. By teaching people how to validate ideas cost-effectively and rapidly, we can eliminate the fear of mistakes. This process provides the confidence that your innovative ideas are likely to succeed, as you've already validated them with your customers. 3️⃣ Then, I’ll highlight the importance of recognizing that innovation doesn’t have to be risky if you validate your concepts properly. In the end, by embracing validation as a critical part of your innovation process, you can overcome the fear of making mistakes and move forward with confidence. Don’t let fear hold you back from innovating. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 17, 202301:53
How to foster innovation and stay ahead with your thinking?

How to foster innovation and stay ahead with your thinking?

In this podcast, I'll share how to foster innovation and stay ahead in your thinking: 1️⃣ Search for Pain Points: Identify bottlenecks, frustrations, or recurring problems within your industry or processes. These challenges represent opportunities for innovation. Focus on solving these pain points to drive innovation. 2️⃣ Stay Abreast of Emerging Trends: Keep yourself informed about emerging trends in various domains, including scientific, technological, environmental, economic, and legal areas. This awareness will inspire fresh thinking and enable you to anticipate and innovate ahead of your competitors. 3️⃣ Adapt Ideas from Outside Your Industry: Innovative solutions often result from combining ideas from different industries. Look beyond your field for inspiration and merge concepts from diverse sources to create novel and commercially successful innovations. 4️⃣ Maintain a Flexible and Agile Mindset: Cultivate a flexible and agile mindset that allows you to approach challenges from new angles. Seek alternatives and embrace neuroplasticity to change the way you think. This adaptability will help you discover innovative solutions and stay ahead in your thinking. By following these four strategies, you can nurture innovation and ensure you're at the forefront of creative thinking. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 16, 202301:57
How to sell your idea to executive management?

How to sell your idea to executive management?

In this podcast, I’m going to show you how to sell your idea to executive management successfully. ⦿ First, I’ll share the three essential W's to consider: Workable, Winnable, and Willing. Is your idea workable in an unexplored territory or an area that competitors haven't addressed effectively? Are your customers willing to pay for your solution? And how winnable is your idea? Can it be executed quickly and efficiently? ⦿ Next, I’ll discuss the tactical, technical, and financial aspects of pitching your idea. Is your idea aligned with the organization's strategy (tactical)? Do you have the technical expertise to execute it, or can you find it cost-effectively (technical)? Lastly, what's the return on investment versus the perceived risk (financial)? In the end, armed with these strategies, you'll be better equipped to pitch your ideas effectively to executive management and gain their support. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 15, 202302:15
How to balance everyday work while finding time to innovate?

How to balance everyday work while finding time to innovate?

In this podcast, I'll share practical methods for balancing your everyday work activities while still finding time to innovate. Method One: Use "Charrette" ⦿ Think of "charrette" as setting aside short bursts of focused time. ⦿ Just like designers who create amazing work when a deadline is near, allocate brief periods (5, 10, or 30 minutes) to work on innovative ideas. ⦿ This helps overcome procrastination and boosts productivity. Method Two: Capture Ideas Anywhere ⦿ Ideas often come when you're not working. ⦿ Carry a device like your smartphone to jot down or record ideas. ⦿ Whether you're golfing, relaxing in a bath, or dining out, capture ideas as they arise. These simple methods let you fit innovation into your daily routine without extra effort. They make creativity more accessible in your busy schedule. If you found these strategies useful, please leave a comment below, subscribe for more content, and visit us at Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 14, 202303:03
How do I encourage innovation in a team that lacks diversity?

How do I encourage innovation in a team that lacks diversity?

In this podcast, I'll discuss how to encourage innovation in a team that may lack diversity: 1️⃣ Change Perspectives: Encourage team members to envision how individuals from diverse backgrounds, such as surgeons, Oprah, or Richard Branson, would approach the problem. This shift in perspective can introduce fresh insights and ideas. 2️⃣ Create Odd Couples: Pair team members with contrasting backgrounds and perspectives. For example, match a tech-savvy individual with a customer service representative who may lack technical expertise. These unique pairings often spark innovation, even though conflicts may arise. By implementing these two strategies, you can infuse diversity into your team's innovative thinking and achieve more effective results. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 13, 202302:02
How to promote innovation in a results-focused transactional organisation?

How to promote innovation in a results-focused transactional organisation?

In this podcast, I'll discuss how to promote innovation in a results-focused transactional organisation. 1️⃣ Reward and Recognise Validation: Encourage and recognise individuals who validate their ideas up front. Validation significantly reduces the risk associated with innovation and boosts confidence. It's a critical aspect of the innovation process. 2️⃣ Share Impactful Stories: Share stories that highlight the importance of innovation and its direct impact on the bottom line. Emotional stories that bridge the gap between the current state and desired outcomes help employees understand why innovation matters. 3️⃣ Reward Improvement in Innovative Behaviour: Recognise and reward employees for demonstrating behaviours that drive innovation. Make these behaviours observable, measurable, and specific, creating a clear list of criteria. This reinforces the desired behaviours and contributes to building a culture of innovation within a results-focused transactional organisation. By implementing these strategies, you can create a corporate culture that values and promotes innovation while maintaining a results-oriented approach. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 12, 202302:05
How get people to understand the importance of processes in our organisation?

How get people to understand the importance of processes in our organisation?

In this podcast, I'll share simple ways to help your organization understand the importance of processes. 1️⃣ Think of business processes as the GPS of your organization. Instead of viewing them as bossy instructions, consider them as collaborative guidelines to help everyone navigate effectively. 2️⃣ When creating a process, make it a team effort. Involve everyone, just like in brainstorming sessions. Sticky notes can become your best friends during this process. 3️⃣ Incorporate multiple perspectives. When many people contribute, the process becomes a collective effort, rather than one person's dictatorial approach. 4️⃣ Start small when developing process maps. This way, any mistakes or adjustments won't have significant consequences. Begin with manageable steps, and you'll see positive results gradually emerge. To sum it up, processes are most effective when they involve the entire team, promote inclusivity, and excite everyone in your organization about the new process. I hope you found these tips valuable. Thanks for watching! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 11, 202302:04
How do I sell innovation in my organisation?

How do I sell innovation in my organisation?

In this podcast, I'll guide you on how to effectively sell innovation within your organization. 1️⃣ Focus on building trust. Trust is formed when expectations align with experiences. Share success stories and demonstrate how innovation is being successfully implemented. Show people that you are delivering on their expectations. 2️⃣ Prove the value of innovation. Highlight how it benefits the organization, whether it's saving time, effort, or money. Concrete examples of how innovation works in practice can be powerful in showcasing its value. 3️⃣ Position yourself as a thought leader. Share inspiring innovation stories that encourage others to bridge the "innovation gap." Consistent messaging is key. Over time, people will begin to embrace innovation, and it will become ingrained in the organization's culture. It's not a complex process, but it requires consistent communication. Eventually, you'll see innovation becoming an integral part of your organization. If you found this valuable, consider subscribing below or leaving a comment to let us know what you'd like to see in our future videos. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 10, 202301:47
How can we innovate quickly?

How can we innovate quickly?

In this podcast, I'll share straightforward methods to innovate more quickly than ever before. 1️⃣ Foster a flexible mindset within your team. Encourage them to generate alternative ideas readily. A flexible mindset ensures you can brainstorm and explore a multitude of concepts on demand. 2️⃣ Become adept at efficient validation. Confirm that you're addressing a genuine problem, that there's a market willing to pay for your solution, and that your solution effectively resolves the problem. Swift and cost-effective validation is key. 3️⃣ Embrace processes. Processes provide predictability, streamline efforts, and maintain consistency. Utilize templates for evaluating ideas and insights, ensuring that your validation methods are on point day in and day out. If you're looking to accelerate innovation even further, focus on innovating a small component rather than an entire product. Gaining momentum with smaller innovations can make the overall innovation process much faster and smoother. I hope you found these tips valuable. If you did, consider subscribing below, and for more insights, visit us at

Dec 09, 202301:55
Education initiatives to ensure we get AI mastery & innovative thinking

Education initiatives to ensure we get AI mastery & innovative thinking

Discover three practical ways to seamlessly integrate AI solutions into your existing workflow processes. ⦿ Phased Implementation: Instead of diving headfirst into AI adoption, start small with a pilot program. Evaluate, gather feedback, and incorporate it into the next rollout. Gradually, you'll bring more people on board, ensuring a more significant impact. ⦿ Comprehensive Workflow Mapping: Identify key areas where AI can optimize your workflow. Prioritize those with the most potential. As momentum builds, expand AI integration to other processes. ⦿ Cross-Functional Integration Teams: Foster collaboration across different departments and skill sets. By involving diverse teams, you'll highlight the value of AI integration across your organization. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 08, 202301:58
The #1 Mistake in User Testing: How Many Users Are Enough

The #1 Mistake in User Testing: How Many Users Are Enough

Think you need a crowd for effective user testing in design sprints? Think again! This video busts a major myth: that extensive user groups are necessary for valuable feedback. In reality, testing with just 5 users can unveil 85% of the insights you need. Learn why a smaller, iterative approach - test with 5, incorporate feedback, then test with another 5 - can be much more effective. Subscribe for more insights into optimizing your design sprint process! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here: SUBSCRIBE to increase your output and innovation!

Dec 07, 202301:40
3 Ways to craft a positive AI narrative for innovation

3 Ways to craft a positive AI narrative for innovation

Crafting a positive AI narrative for innovation! 🚀 Here are three key takeaways ⦿ Share success stories and case studies to show how AI makes life easier. ⦿ Frame AI as "augmented intelligence" to emphasize its role in boosting productivity. ⦿ Foster transparency through town halls, reassuring AI's purpose is to enhance, not replace Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 07, 202302:19
How do we create some feedback systems that enable us to refine the AI solutions?

How do we create some feedback systems that enable us to refine the AI solutions?

Here's a question I've been getting a lot lately how do we create some feedback systems that enable us to refine the AI solutions that we're using while bolstering our innovative thinking that's behind how we use those AI tools?

The first thing that we can do is to create a dual-loop feedback system. I know it sounds a bit complex, but the first one is how can we look at the data around the algorithms that our AI is using. So refining and improving them. The second feedback system we want to have is to look at a qualitative system on how people think the AI is working and how they're responding and working with it.

The second way that we can do this is to use an idea exchange platform. Now, I'm not a huge fan of idea crowd platforms, because we tend to get a massive dump of all of these ideas, and they might not necessarily be well thought out. But if you give people a template that self assesses their ideas on potential new AI applications or new AI tools that they could be using, that becomes very, very useful.

So do that and you'll find it starts to help you get some great results.

And the third thing that we can do to create great feedback is to do some good old A B testing. So we do an A test, maybe with the innovative use of our thinking, and our creative problem solving, and the B test might be using AI platforms. And so when we do that, we can see which one's more effective, or maybe it's a blend of both of those.

I hope these three techniques are going to help you to look at ways that you can get better feedback mechanisms into incorporating AI in your organization. Thanks for watching. And if you'd like to learn more about what we do, make sure you check out our 12-month innovation program called Breakthrough Innovator.

You can find us at breakthrough

Dec 06, 202302:18
What's the easiest method for less creative people to spark innovative ideas?

What's the easiest method for less creative people to spark innovative ideas?

What's the easiest method for less creative people to spark innovative ideas?

Simply put is called reverse brainstorming. So do this activity. One, grab a sheet of paper and divide it into three columns. In the first column, get your people to write out all of the things they can't do to solve the problem that you're trying to deal with.

So let's say for example the challenge is losing clients and say, what are all the ways that we can lose clients? So you're trying to do all of the things you're not supposed to do, right? Sounds weird. Just go with it. Once you've done that, the second thing that you do is go to the far column on the right, and down there, you write the complete opposite, the crazy opposite to each thing you said you're not supposed to do.

So if one of the ways to lose clients is to harass them by calling them or texting them every five minutes, Then the complete opposite would be something like maybe it's to send them a box, just one box, once a year with a box of goodies that has that stuff in. I'm not sure what it might be.

And you just work down, down, down, and you keep going through the extreme opposites. And then the third step after that is to go, what's something in between? What's something that we could do that kind of leans towards this absurdity, this craziness? But enables us to solve the problem. Trust me, this technique works.

And it works because most of us, especially when we're uncreative, have what's called, I guess you'd call it a mismatching gene. We are good at finding faults and mistakes. So if you lead with that as a strength, tell me all the things why we can't do this and how we make sure it won't happen again.

Then you'll find you come up with the great crazy ideas. And in between there. Hope that works. It has worked for the clients that we've worked with for the last 20 years, reverse brainstorming.

Dec 05, 202302:15
Why should we innovate?

Why should we innovate?

Here's a simple question that a lot of consultants avoid. Why should we innovate?

First off, innovation accelerates growth. If you're continually producing new or improved products or services, it means you capture more market share.

Next, we've got market dominance. Innovators aren't followers, they're leaders, and they're ahead of the curve. When you've got products that are grabbing the attention of a willing market who want that next big best thing and a superior solution, you've got it sewn up.

Thirdly, innovation gives you efficiency and cost savings, whether it's through a process, whether it's through service, whether it's through product manufacturing, using innovation enables you to look at ways that will save you time, money, and resources.

And finally, we have increased demand. Customers are drawn to products that are exciting, new, cutting edge, and create better results that other people aren't getting. And when we do that, not only do we command a bigger market share, but we can also command higher prices, meaning higher profits.

I hope that helps you. Thanks for watching. And if you want to check us out, and what we do, check out our 12-month innovation program at www. breakthrough

Dec 04, 202301:19
What's the best question to prompt innovation in your team?

What's the best question to prompt innovation in your team?

In this podcast, I’m going to share the best question to prompt innovation in your team. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ First, I’ll reveal the simple yet powerful question: "What's an incredible innovation, invention, or idea that you've seen recently outside of your industry that grabbed your attention, and why?" By asking this question, you encourage your team to think beyond their industry, job roles, and daily routines. They'll reflect on experiences like a fascinating holiday, an impressive website, or a user-friendly app. These experiences can trigger innovative thinking. 2️⃣ Next, I'll explain how this question can help your team deconstruct and adapt principles from outside sources to improve your organization's processes or products. 3️⃣ In the end, by fostering a "what if" mindset and encouraging your team to draw inspiration from diverse sources, you can stimulate innovation and achieve remarkable results. So, give this question a try in your team meetings and watch the creative ideas flow! Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 02, 202302:14
What holds me back from innovating?

What holds me back from innovating?

In this podcast, I’ll explain what often holds you and your team back from innovating and how to overcome it. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ First, I’ll address the primary obstacle – the fear of making mistakes. Research suggests that about nine out of ten people are motivated by avoiding mistakes in their work. However, many wrongly perceive innovation as inherently risky, leading them to avoid it. 2️⃣ Next, I’ll discuss the solution – validation. By teaching people how to validate ideas cost-effectively and rapidly, we can eliminate the fear of mistakes. This process provides the confidence that your innovative ideas are likely to succeed, as you've already validated them with your customers. 3️⃣ Then, I’ll highlight the importance of recognizing that innovation doesn’t have to be risky if you validate your concepts properly. In the end, by embracing validation as a critical part of your innovation process, you can overcome the fear of making mistakes and move forward with confidence. Don’t let fear hold you back from innovating. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Dec 01, 202301:52
How to present your ideas to a board or committee?

How to present your ideas to a board or committee?

In this podcast, I'll share how to effectively present your ideas to a board or committee. 1️⃣ Validate the Problem and Market: Demonstrate that you have validated the problem you're addressing and confirmed there is a market willing to pay for the solution. Boards and committees are more likely to support ideas with proven viability. 2️⃣ Highlight Strategic Fit: Emphasize how your idea aligns with the strategic priorities of your organization. Showcase how it contributes to achieving overarching goals and objectives. 3️⃣ Address Risk Head-On: Address the element of risk. Identify and focus on the most significant uncertainties and potential implications of your idea. Explain how you've validated your ability to handle these challenges or mitigate risks effectively. 4️⃣ Craft a Compelling UVP (Unique Value Proposition): Develop a unique value proposition that clearly articulates why your idea is essential, what sets it apart from existing solutions, and the value it will deliver to customers. By incorporating these key elements into your presentation, you can increase the likelihood of gaining support from your board or committee for your innovative ideas. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Nov 30, 202302:01
3 ways that you can seamlessly integrate your AI solutions into your existing workflow processes

3 ways that you can seamlessly integrate your AI solutions into your existing workflow processes

Discover three effective ways to seamlessly integrate AI solutions into your existing workflow processes. ⦿ Phased Implementation: Instead of diving headfirst, start small with a pilot program. Evaluate, gather feedback, and improve before expanding. Slowly but surely, more people will embrace AI, creating a more significant impact. ⦿ Comprehensive Workflow Mapping: Identify areas where AI can enhance productivity. Focus on the most promising areas first, and as momentum grows, extend AI integration to other processes. ⦿ Cross-Functional Integration Teams: Collaborate across departments and skills to explore AI implementation. By involving various teams and skill sets, everyone can contribute to making work easier, faster, and more efficient. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Nov 29, 202302:30
What are some creativity techniques other than design thinking?

What are some creativity techniques other than design thinking?

In this podcast, I'll share some creativity techniques beyond design thinking to enhance your creativity. 1️⃣ Scramble Technique: Prompt your mind and others by using the Scramble technique. This involves substituting, combining, reversing, adding, multiplying, magnifying, minimizing, breaking up, breaking down, leveraging, or eliminating elements. Prompts like these can stimulate new ideas. 2️⃣ Strengthen Your Alternative Muscle: Train your brain to come up with multiple alternatives on the spot. The more alternatives you can generate, the more likely you are to discover innovative solutions. Practice substituting different elements and exploring new combinations. 3️⃣ Change Levels of Thinking: Shift your thinking to different levels of abstraction. Ask challenging questions like, "What if we had to eliminate that?" or "What if we couldn't use this material?" This encourages you to explore new connections, possibilities, and innovations. By incorporating these creativity techniques into your thinking process, you can enhance your ability to generate innovative ideas. For more valuable insights, subscribe and visit us at

Nov 28, 202302:09
How To Create The Perfect Blend of Education to Nurture AI and Innovation

How To Create The Perfect Blend of Education to Nurture AI and Innovation

Achieving the ideal balance between AI mastery and innovative thinking is possible with these steps: 1️⃣ Dual Track Learning: Provide parallel learning paths—one for AI and the other for creative thinking. Upon completion, offer certificates to boost recognition. 2️⃣ Mentorship Programs: Pair AI enthusiasts with creative thinkers. Set clear milestones to track their progress in both AI skills and innovative problem-solving. Empower your team with the knowledge and skills needed for an AI-driven, innovative future! 🔗🧠 Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Nov 27, 202301:31
The best ways to encourage my team to innovate

The best ways to encourage my team to innovate

In this podcast, I will show you the best ways to encourage my team to innovate: 1️⃣ Craft Inspirational Stories Create stories that inspire your team to bridge the gap between where they are now and the innovative future you envision. Share these stories regularly and diversify the storytellers to include various perspectives and voices. 2️⃣ Provide Space and Support Offer your team the necessary space, time, and support to innovate. Encourage and empower them to take innovative initiatives. 3️⃣ Simplify Innovation Don't burden your team with reinventing the wheel. Instead, focus on small, achievable steps. For example, you can ask, "What could we do with these five minutes?" Keep innovation manageable and realistic. 4️⃣ Offer Skill Training Recognize that not everyone naturally possesses innovation skills. Provide training to help your team members excel in discovering insights, generating ideas, and validating and executing innovative solutions. By following these steps, you can foster a culture of innovation within your team and empower them to drive meaningful change. For more valuable insights and discussions, subscribe or visit us at

Nov 26, 202302:04
3 Ways to craft a positive AI narrative for innovation

3 Ways to craft a positive AI narrative for innovation

In this podcast, I'm going to show you how to answer the question 3 Ways to craft a positive AI narrative for innovation. Crafting a positive AI narrative for innovation! 🚀 Here are three key takeaways ⦿ Share success stories and case studies to show how AI makes life easier. ⦿ Frame AI as "augmented intelligence" to emphasize its role in boosting productivity. ⦿ Foster transparency through town halls, reassuring AI's purpose is to enhance, not replace Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Nov 25, 202302:19
How to successfully move an idea into implementation?

How to successfully move an idea into implementation?

In this podcast, I’m going to show you how to successfully move an idea into implementation, a critical skill for every innovator. 📋 Here’s a quick rundown of what you’re about to learn: 1️⃣ I’ll guide you on planning your innovation journey, sharing insights on how to meticulously map out your steps, ensuring nothing is overlooked. 2️⃣ You’ll learn how to identify and tackle potential obstacles, offering you the tools to navigate challenges like a pro. 3️⃣ Then, I’ll teach you the importance of validation and seeking feedback, drawing inspiration from the world of mad scientists who understand that feedback is the breakfast of champions. 4️⃣ Finally, I’ll show you how to systematically develop your idea and build an effective team for execution. Think of this as your innovation blueprint. 🌟 In the end, you'll not only have a handful of strategies to turn your ideas into reality, but you'll also be better equipped for innovation, armed with knowledge and techniques that will set you apart. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Nov 24, 202302:44
3 ways that you can seamlessly integrate your AI solutions into your existing workflow processes

3 ways that you can seamlessly integrate your AI solutions into your existing workflow processes

I'm going to show you how to/ answer the question 3 ways that you can seamlessly integrate your AI solutions into your existing workflow processes Discover three effective ways to seamlessly integrate AI solutions into your existing workflow processes. ⦿ Phased Implementation: Instead of diving headfirst, start small with a pilot program. Evaluate, gather feedback, and improve before expanding. Slowly but surely, more people will embrace AI, creating a more significant impact. ⦿ Comprehensive Workflow Mapping: Identify areas where AI can enhance productivity. Focus on the most promising areas first, and as momentum grows, extend AI integration to other processes. ⦿ Cross-Functional Integration Teams: Collaborate across departments and skills to explore AI implementation. By involving various teams and skill sets, everyone can contribute to making work easier, faster, and more efficient. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Nov 23, 202302:30
How do I encourage innovation in a team that lacks diversity?

How do I encourage innovation in a team that lacks diversity?

In this podcast, I'll discuss how to encourage innovation in a team that may lack diversity: 1️⃣ Change Perspectives: Encourage team members to envision how individuals from diverse backgrounds, such as surgeons, Oprah, or Richard Branson, would approach the problem. This shift in perspective can introduce fresh insights and ideas. 2️⃣ Create Odd Couples: Pair team members with contrasting backgrounds and perspectives. For example, match a tech-savvy individual with a customer service representative who may lack technical expertise. These unique pairings often spark innovation, even though conflicts may arise. By implementing these two strategies, you can infuse diversity into your team's innovative thinking and achieve more effective results. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Nov 23, 202302:02
How to get people to create innovative ideas in a saturated market?

How to get people to create innovative ideas in a saturated market?

In this podcast, I'll share effective strategies to inspire people to generate innovative ideas, even in a saturated market where new products are needed. 1️⃣ Start by pinpointing pain points and bottlenecks from the customer's perspective. Avoid creating solutions for nonexistent problems. Identify real challenges faced by customers in the industry. 2️⃣ Encourage your team to brainstorm wild and creative ideas. Emphasize that there's no such thing as a bad idea. One idea often sparks another, leading to breakthrough innovations. Use prompts and brainstorming techniques to stimulate creativity. 3️⃣ Explore ideas from outside your industry. Cross-pollinate by adapting concepts from unrelated fields. Combining ideas from various sources can lead to fresh and innovative product concepts. 4️⃣ Stay customer-centric. Understand the needs, desires, frustrations, and aversions of your customers. These insights are the foundation for valuable innovations. 5️⃣ Prioritize validation before development. Ensure there's a market willing to pay for your solution, and confirm that your solution effectively addresses the problem. Validation minimizes risks and resources wasted on unproven concepts. 6️⃣ Recognize and reward innovation. Acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of individuals who generate innovative ideas. Consider instituting awards for the most improved innovator, fostering a culture that values and encourages innovation. These strategies can help your organization consistently generate great ideas for new products, even in a competitive market. If you found this information valuable, please leave a comment below, subscribe for more content, and visit us at

Nov 23, 202301:58
How to sell your idea to executive management?

How to sell your idea to executive management?

In this podcast, I’m going to show you how to sell your idea to executive management successfully. ⦿ First, I’ll share the three essential W's to consider: Workable, Winnable, and Willing. Is your idea workable in an unexplored territory or an area that competitors haven't addressed effectively? Are your customers willing to pay for your solution? And how winnable is your idea? Can it be executed quickly and efficiently? ⦿ Next, I’ll discuss the tactical, technical, and financial aspects of pitching your idea. Is your idea aligned with the organization's strategy (tactical)? Do you have the technical expertise to execute it, or can you find it cost-effectively (technical)? Lastly, what's the return on investment versus the perceived risk (financial)? In the end, armed with these strategies, you'll be better equipped to pitch your ideas effectively to executive management and gain their support. Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Nov 22, 202302:15
How to create a culture of innovation?

How to create a culture of innovation?

In this podcast, I'll share three straightforward ways to cultivate a culture of innovation in your organisation. 1️⃣ Gain Commitment from Leaders: ⦿ Ensure that your leaders are committed to and visibly support innovation. Their dedication sets the tone for the entire organisation. 2️⃣ Promote Validation Over Risk-Taking: ⦿ Encourage employees to validate their ideas before full implementation. Show how validation reduces the risks associated with innovation. 3️⃣ Foster Open Conversations and Innovation Rituals: ⦿ Create an environment where open discussions about innovation are encouraged. Implement innovation rituals, such as quarterly hackathons, to spark creativity and collaboration. By following these steps, you can establish a culture of innovation within your organisation. For more insights, subscribe and visit us at Make sure you claim your free Innovation Checklist to create rapid innovation at minimal risk here:

Nov 20, 202301:45