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NomadMe | The Digital Nomad Daily Show

NomadMe | The Digital Nomad Daily Show

By Beck Power

This is a podcast for digital nomads and aspiring nomads, people who want to be location independent or work remotely.

What's a digital nomad? Someone who works online, not tied to a specific location - we work from anywhere.

I'm talking about my daily life as a nomad, about issues, problems, wins, successes, different countries, languages and ways to make more money nomadically. Tune in to find tools to help you nomad better.
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30 Podcasts in 30 Days - What I've Learned

NomadMe | The Digital Nomad Daily ShowMar 22, 2018

Building the Original Digital Nomad Hub with Amy Scott of Nomadtopia

Building the Original Digital Nomad Hub with Amy Scott of Nomadtopia

Amy Scott is a pioneer of the nomad movement, starting after her cousins convinced her to quit her job in 2004!

Thirteen years later, she is a podcaster and freelance editor, with several other income streams to support her lifestyle.

She has seen the digital nomad world go through many changes and developments through the years.

Give a listen to learn how her Nomadtopia hub has been a major part of the growth of the industry and lifestyle.

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Oct 10, 201835:52
Business Systems Strategy with Andrea Jordan

Business Systems Strategy with Andrea Jordan

Andrea Jordan is a fellow Kiwi who works as a business strategist and photographer.

This former lawyer helps business owners reduce their stress and systematize and organize their business systems through her company, all while traveling as a digital nomad for the past four years.

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Oct 03, 201833:05
Guided Guatemalan Tours with Chelsea Glass

Guided Guatemalan Tours with Chelsea Glass

Chelsea Glass had her heart stolen by Latin America.

She spends half the year running her travel company, giving tours around Guatemala.

The other half, she works on the internet to build her business while enjoying her adopted home region.

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Sep 26, 201824:28
Content Marketing while traveling full time with Susan Shain

Content Marketing while traveling full time with Susan Shain

Susan Shain is a recovering ski bum who followed the path of seasonal jobs that has taken her around the world for the past decade.

Listen to how she ended up a travel blogger and content marketer traveling full time as she built her freelance writing career.

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Sep 19, 201823:24
Travel Blogging Pioneer Nora Dunn, The Professional Hobo

Travel Blogging Pioneer Nora Dunn, The Professional Hobo

Nora Dunn is one of the original Pioneers of travel blogging going back to 2006, and has blazed a trail for literally thousands of others she's inspired through the years.

She makes her living as a freelance writer and blogger, and also teaches people how to become a digital nomad.

Nora is truly one of the original modern nomads who has lived and traveled in just about every way you can imagine.

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Sep 12, 201845:18
Digital Nomad Life on Pause with Amber Monaco

Digital Nomad Life on Pause with Amber Monaco

Amber Monaco and I get into kind of a taboo subject today.

Amber is an American Digital Nomad who has spent most of her time as a Copywriter and content creator, and has recently made a switch BACK from the digital nomad life.

Find out why in this week's episode…

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Sep 05, 201824:44
New Season: Ep 101: Mapping Megan Around the World

New Season: Ep 101: Mapping Megan Around the World

Megan Jerrard from Mapping Megan has one of the most popular travel blogs around since 2007.

Her adventure and adrenaline filled stories with her husband Mike have been featured in places like National Geographic, the New York Times, and Forbes.

Listen to find out how she has made such a name for herself in the competitive world of travel writing.

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Aug 29, 201822:58
Ep 100: 100 Podcasts in 100 Days

Ep 100: 100 Podcasts in 100 Days

Recording 100 podcasts in 100 days was more than just putting on a show for you. Hopefully you've been able to learn quite a bit from these episodes, but the part that excites me the most is due to my own challenge.

After years of talking about doing a podcast, I finally decided to actually talk on a podcast, and publish it.

Things have changed considerably since starting 3 months ago. Taking on this challenge was pretty difficult, but the reward you feel from actually accomplishing the goal. I didn't always feel like doing it, and there were a ton of complications.

It would have been easy to walk away when things went wrong, but I'm the type of person who says they're going to do something, and it just happens. But it's still a challenge.

Hear how I encourage myself to follow through with some discipline in order to complete tasks I wasn't even sure was possible.

Hear what's coming next and why it's important to have the discipline to complete you

May 30, 201810:02
Life in Playa del Carmen for Digital Nomads

Life in Playa del Carmen for Digital Nomads

Playa del Carmen Mexico is one of the better digital nomad hotspots, and is where I am now.

The wifi situation has not been ideal in my experience, but some people have found better connections.

Playa is about 15–20% more expensive than it was for me in Bangkok, but I've been eating out at fancier places, and doing new stuff since I only just arrived.

Listen to today's podcast to find out the rest of my thoughts on Playa and staying here long-term.

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May 29, 201811:54
Finance Travel and Freelance Success with Eric Rosenberg

Finance Travel and Freelance Success with Eric Rosenberg

Eric has a long-term background in the world of finance, including all the traditional career life plans of banking industry jobs, grad school, and the world of corporate accounting.

He escaped from what he calls "Grey cubicle land" 2 years ago after the "overnight success" he found from starting a blog in 2008 and building his side-hustle.

He left his high-paid finance job when he was able to replace his income through freelance writing and other work based off his blog platform.

Eric goes deep into loads of tips on travel and flight hacking using credit card points and travel rewards programs on today's podcast.

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May 28, 201828:36
Epic Retreats and Workshops Around the World with Lynan Saperstein

Epic Retreats and Workshops Around the World with Lynan Saperstein

Lynan wants everyone on the road and traveling instead of complaining about the life they hate.

A semi-nomadic nomad based in Austin, she works with many international clients and scaling her business.

Starting as a bit of a retreat junkie, she's been building her own epic hosted retreat experiences for a variety of events. She also helps her clients to build their own events and retreats.

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May 27, 201831:01
Circling the Drain and How to Break the Cycle

Circling the Drain and How to Break the Cycle

Explaining yesterday's Pessimism episode (podcast episode? My own episode?)

Yesterday a lot of my fears and insecurities were bubbling to the surface. I know we all do this to some degree or another, and I'm a believer in dealing with it, letting it out, and getting it handled.

Almost every time it happens, it is related to comparing myself to others or something else I think I should be doing.

Handling it will get you past it and back to normal, and I cover some of the ways I deal with these momentary lapses in today's podcast.

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May 26, 201809:18
The Pessimist and Self-Doubt

The Pessimist and Self-Doubt

Does your brain make itself crazy too? Despite all evidence of past and current successes, our brains can find the flaws, make us feel weak and worthless, and fail to help us get things done.

Today you can listen to a personal self-therapy session and hear how my brain is working as I record this episode, and how saying all this stuff out loud actually helps make it better to help me realize how silly our brains are.

Hear how negative self-talk and general madness of that cycle can be dealt with so life can go on without interruption.

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May 25, 201811:58
Accountability for Fun & Profit

Accountability for Fun & Profit

If you’re easily distracted from the things you were planning by the newer shinier thing that pops up, and the thing you were planning never ends up happening, you might need a way to stay accountable (like me).

It’s why I started this public 100 podcasts in 100 days project. I could have kept it to myself as a personal goal, but knowing myself, I would have faffed it off at a much earlier episode than this one at 94.

This one was a lot of work, and I would have easily quit or been distracted and felt the shame of quitting early had I kept my standard low on this, or kept it quiet. I announced it publically, and the quitshame would have been far worse if everyone else knew too.

Listen to today’s podcast to hear how I’ve been dealing with my own accountability, and how you can get help with accountability of your own.

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May 24, 201812:32
Finding the Real You

Finding the Real You

Stuff can happen in life, and usually does. I made a video the other day with the intention of going into a totally different topic, ended up with a monologue about how I've had some of that stuff happen in my life recently.

Everything in my life has been shaken up this first half of the year, and it really threw me for a bit. 

This time of reflection and vulnerability has lead me down the rabbit hole of finding out what I really want.

Listen to how you too can get back to finding the real You, and where you want to be. Learn how my brain works, and yours might as well.

Don't stay small and safe, when you can be the real you.

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May 23, 201813:55
Busy-ness is not a Business

Busy-ness is not a Business

Making decisions and taking actions can be a good thing. A lot can be said for listening to all the things, reading all the things, and learning all the things…and even taking some initial actions.

But very little gets said about that after the "getting started" phase of building a business. Things will get difficult, but it's part of the journey. There are a lot of aspects to a business, and there are tons of things that can keep you busy, but are merely distractions.

Hear how it's showing up in my business life, and how I deal with it to get back on track with the important things (like making money!)

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May 22, 201806:27
Nomadic Craft Beer Marketing with Chad Mitchell

Nomadic Craft Beer Marketing with Chad Mitchell

Chad is a digital Nomad who currently manages the marketing department for the craft beer industry in Southeast Asia. Yep, he gets paid to travel and share craft beer with people in exotic countries.

There are digital nomad jobs in every conceivable niche!

Learn all about passions, networking, and how you can build any business venture if you're willing to do whatever it takes on today's podcast!

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May 21, 201825:12
Ep 90: Remote Copywriting with Chelsea Baldwin

Ep 90: Remote Copywriting with Chelsea Baldwin

Chelsea Baldwin has been a freelance copywriter since 2008 and fresh out of college. She's travelled the world through Southeast Asia, India, and South America while sustaining her lifestyle through copywriting for businesses.

Learn on today's podcast how she gets clients and jobs, all about the workshops she teaches, and simple exercises you can do today to improve the sales copy for your businesses or for your clients.

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May 20, 201832:04
The Facade

The Facade

Talking with my friend Libby last night, we got into a chat about people who put up a facade. Usually online in various places (like Tinder) that only shows the best parts of their life and to make them look good, but isn't authentic

Authenticity is a lot easier than pretending to be something you're not. It's best to just be yourself so that the you that people see is the real you. Be authentic from day one and don't give a crap what anyone thinks.

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May 19, 201805:39
Bad Days for Nomads and Regular People

Bad Days for Nomads and Regular People

Digital Nomads have bad days. Just like everyone else. Don't feel like doing it today, don't want to get out of bed, whatever the reason, it happens to all of us.

So what should you do when you're having a day that just sucks?

First answer is to just embrace it. Let it happen and accept it. Within a reasonable amount of time. Don't have too many.

Find out what else you can do to overcome these bad days, whether you're a nomad or a normal person on today's podcast.

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May 18, 201806:55
Why Digital Nomads Travel

Why Digital Nomads Travel

In talking with many other Digital Nomads, we seem to tend to all go to the same places, hang out in groups and packs, and general do the me too kind of travel.

A friend asked me why I travel, and I tried to give my answer as to why I do it.

I travel because it gives me the familiar feeling of being an outsider.

Listen to today's podcast and hear more about the reasons why, in one of my more personal and authentic episodes.

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May 17, 201808:04
What is Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome It

What is Imposter Syndrome and How to Overcome It

You haven't heard of Imposter Syndrome? You most likely have it, as most people seem to have it to some degree.

It's that thing where you feel no matter how successful you are at something (often business), you don't really believe you're "good enough" and people are going to find out you're a fraud, and you'll be exposed as a charlatan, and you'll lose everything.

Seems healthy enough? Ironically, the people who don't seem to have this issue are usually the ones who really should!

Listen to today's podcast for ways to lessen this nonsense in your brain so you can figure out that you actually are good enough and deserving.

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May 16, 201804:52
Therapy is for All of Us

Therapy is for All of Us

Today I wanted to talk about the necessity of therapy and having an outlet when living as a Digital Nomad or an entrepreneur and business owner. It's often a lonely life and no matter where you go, you go with you. Without an outlet or outside source of a place to get things sorted out with someone else rather than yourself alone is invaluable.

I would encourage you to reach out to someone outside your normal sphere. Whatever works for you…whether a therapist, mentor, coach, or other kind of person who doesn't have a biased interest (such as a family member)…reach out to someone you can turn to for help sorting through "stuff" for optimal mental and emotional assistance.

Even laying the thoughts out there and getting your stuff out can help you process that stuff and keep you on the right track.

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May 15, 201806:09
Tough Girl Challenges with Sarah WIlliams

Tough Girl Challenges with Sarah WIlliams

Whether running 6 marathons in 6 days in the Sahara desert or hiking the 2190 miles of the Appalachian Trail in 100 days (while vlogging it!), Sarah Williams lives to inspire other people to great adventures.

Sarah is all about motivating and inspiring women and girls to get out there, to live life to their fullest, to travel, to explore. As well as talking the talk, she also gets out and walks the walk.

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May 14, 201828:41
Nomadic Home Bases and Building Community with Sienna Brown

Nomadic Home Bases and Building Community with Sienna Brown

Having a home base and growing communities is what Sienna Brown does...from Spain!

Originally from Brooklyn, NY and now living in Spain for 4 years, Sienna runs a community and business for women of color to help them move abroad to Spain. She is also the marketing director for the first coworking and coliving space on the mediterranean.

Find out why she chose the small town of Jávea, Spain to maintain a home base, and how she got her growing community started to help women of color move abroad and live the life of their dreams.

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May 13, 201830:27
Other People's Opinions

Other People's Opinions

In today's episode, I'm reading from a book I've been getting a lot out of, and thought I would share something important with you here today.

The book is called Mindset by Carol S. Dweck, PhD. I opened it to this section while on a quick break, and found it useful and applicable to me right now.

Give a listen as I read a page from this book that talks about a common problem that women have in everyday situations of daily life.

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May 12, 201809:18
Simplicity in Your Business Offers

Simplicity in Your Business Offers

An impromptu episode from the beach in Playa del Carmen Mexico. Joined by previous NomadMe Podcast guest Mariza Montiero! (Episode 55: Cryptocurrency)

Getting stuck doing the same thing the same way is a situation I've been keeping myself in with some of my businesses. I use NomadFly as an example of how I need to simplify the offer and strategy, rather than the complications I've been adding for a variety of reasons.

Mindset and copywriting have a ton to do with this also, and you can hear in this episode how this new change has really lit the fire again after getting into too much of a routine back in Bangkok.

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May 11, 201808:55
Ep 80: Positivity is a Life Skill

Ep 80: Positivity is a Life Skill

I keep a few negative people on my friend's list to help me. It doesn't always work, but the people who are constantly negative about everything in the world (especially about things that don't even affect them) can be useful as a reminder to NOT BE LIKE THAT.

It takes a bit of work to not let it drag you down, and you definitely don't want to keep too many of this type of person in your circle. You don't want to become that.

Listen today to hear some examples of how I deal with these people and exercises to make life a much more fun adventure through the power of positivity.

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May 10, 201806:49
Dealing with the Inevitable Haters

Dealing with the Inevitable Haters

I never quite understand how people can spend so much time hating and spreading negativity.

Spreading positivity is one of my core values, yet there always seems to be a couple of dickheads in any crowd.

Listen to today's podcast to learn how best to deal with, think about, and cope with haters, dickheads, and negative people.

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May 09, 201805:06
Rejection by Family Members

Rejection by Family Members

Being rejected by people you hold dear is one of the more traumatic events for digital nomads. People who are close and don’t understand the appeal of your chosen lifestyle will reject you and try to hold you back to their own standard of living.

Listen today to the story of my expected life’s blueprint, how I’ve learned to deal with it, and how to get on with life regardless of those who try holding you back.

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May 08, 201816:14
Travel Tours to Fund Nomadic Life with Blake Boles

Travel Tours to Fund Nomadic Life with Blake Boles

Bitten early on by the travel bug, Blake Boles dug into the different ways he could fund a traveling lifestyle for himself. Since 2008, he’s built his own travel tour company that allows him to follow this dream life as a digital nomad.

Learn how he built the business running only one or two trips a year and funds his lifestyle the rest of the year.

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May 07, 201822:59
Managing Time and Money with Naomi Peters

Managing Time and Money with Naomi Peters

Naomi is an actress with full citizenships in three countries. She has been location independent since 2007, and a full-time nomad since 2016. All while running her time-intensive consulting business. 

She’s learned to use house sitting strategies to both travel full-time and dramatically cut down her expenses and pay down excessive debt at a much higher rate than normal.

She runs a virtual team that works in the areas of assistant services, bookkeeping, copywriting, organizing, tech services, and business structure consulting.

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May 06, 201829:16
Finding Your People

Finding Your People

This one took me a bit of time to figure out, but it is of priceless benefit to my life once I started to work it out.

Being nomadic and moving from place to place makes building a typical local community difficult. Since your local changes from place to place, it certainly isn’t a traditional lifestyle.

It is critically important to have a community of your people for the times when things won’t quite go your way and you just need support.

I’ve been fortunate that I worked it out imperfectly, but have my group of friends (family), so that when this latest breakup happened, I had my people to go to rather than sitting alone in my room.

Go out and make yourself approachable to be sure you build up your core group of your people before you really need to. Stay emPowered,

May 05, 201807:42
Traveling as a Lesbian

Traveling as a Lesbian

Travel to most countries doesn’t really matter much, but when traveling as a lesbian, you do need to exercise a bit of caution in many cases.

I would never discourage anyone from travel, but as a single female traveller, you will want to be wary of who you tell about your situation. Most regular people aren’t used to the idea of a woman traveling alone, and I get asked about my husband or boyfriend all the time.

Sometime it doesn’t matter, but in most cases, a little extra discretion about who you tell is all you need to otherwise make this point of travel a non-issue.

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May 04, 201804:22
Getting Rid of Your Extra Stuff

Getting Rid of Your Extra Stuff

Today is a quick episode about selling off or otherwise getting rid of excess stuff. I’ll give you some of the many ways to sell off your stuff so you can move on relatively light.

It seems like it can’t be helped when you take up a home base for any length of time. You just accumulate stuff.

You can’t reasonably take it all with you when moving on to another country to make a different home base.

Listen to today’s episode for my advice on how to make the process as painless as possible.

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May 03, 201808:43
Creepy Men you Meet as a Digital Nomad

Creepy Men you Meet as a Digital Nomad

There’s a situation that comes up among female digital nomads. It’s a subject that gets talked about quite a bit, and that’s being approached by creepy men.

Not all men, of course. But it happens quite a bit. It’s not something that should prevent you from traveling at all, but it is something that seems to happen more often than back at home. 

It’s a conversation that needs to continue, as we continue to blend into different cultures and groups so that women can feel safer and respected, men can learn how not to be creepy, and even ways to offer up assistance, if needed.

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May 02, 201807:11
Saying Goodbye and Moving On

Saying Goodbye and Moving On

Every Digital Nomad will have to deal with goodbyes. 

Friends, relationships, even cities will come and go from your life as long as you are driven to explore.

Some people struggle with this even more than leaving home to start their travels.

Tune in to today’s episode to hear my take on this as I prepare to say goodbye to one chapter of this nomadic life, and am excited at what’s to come!

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May 01, 201814:45
Ep 70: Thought Leader Marketing with M. Shannon Hernandez

Ep 70: Thought Leader Marketing with M. Shannon Hernandez

M. Shannon Hernandez helps her clients establish themselves as the experts they already are.

She quit her 15-year career as a teacher making usual low teacher’s pay, and now lives mostly in Costa Rica working 3 days a week while generating $30k per month in revenue from her business.

If you want to be a thought leader, build a brand, and a business that you’re proud of based on your knowledge and authenticity — this is an episode you don’t want to miss!

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Apr 30, 201829:17
Freelance Writing with Viv Egan

Freelance Writing with Viv Egan

On today’s podcast, we’ve got freelance writer and co-host of the amazing Nomad & Spice Podcast Viv Egan.

A Digital Nomad since 2014, she now considers herself Location Independent, since she does work from a home base in the UK, but travels whenever she likes (and of course can run her business from anywhere).

Viv dishes out tips, resources, and some of the many types of writing jobs out there to get started with a freelance writing career, and tells you what you really need to get started as a freelancing Digital Nomad.

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Apr 29, 201833:16
The Long Game and The Shortcut

The Long Game and The Shortcut

Shortcuts are a great way to get ahead, if you can find real ones.

Focus on your business and it’s purpose, then the platforms will come easier, because you’ve been focused on the right thing.

Put in all the effort you can before moving on to something else from your business platforms.

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Apr 28, 201809:20
Green Smoothies Feel Euphoric

Green Smoothies Feel Euphoric

Healthy lifestyle is important when adding the stresses of travel and running a business.

In today’s episode, I’ll give you my recipes on how I start each day at my home base in Bangkok.

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Apr 27, 201807:07
Why Digital Nomads are Often Minimalist Travelers

Why Digital Nomads are Often Minimalist Travelers

Regular vacation travelers pack up and drag around luggage sometimes bigger than they are. 

Doing all this then moving it all to the new place every couple of days is tiring, even for people only traveling only a few weeks.

This excess packing of giant bags of things you’ll never need would make Digital Nomad life impossible.

When I travel, no matter for weekend trips or a 4 week trips, I always bring the same small bag.

Listen to today’s podcast for the many ways to deal with things you can’t live without and even free up cash to start your business.

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Apr 26, 201808:27
A Thailand Getaway Nobody Knows About

A Thailand Getaway Nobody Knows About

Thailand is such a widely-known Digital Nomad hub, mostly congregated around several major hubs.

But there are many places still that work great for Digital Nomads, even if most of them never go.

I recorded this when just back from our short trip to Khao Sok.

Find all about this secret (for now, lol) place in today’s podcast

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Apr 25, 201807:28
What Skills you can Learn as Digital Nomads

What Skills you can Learn as Digital Nomads

People always ask what skills they should learn to become a Digital Nomad. But that's the way it really works.

Learning random skills if you have no goal for what you want to do is pointless.

The way I think about Digital Nomad skills is more about the type of work you want to do, and each has it's own skills

Hear the way I break it down in today's podcast.

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Apr 24, 201806:46
7 Books in 7 Weeks with Lise Cartwright

7 Books in 7 Weeks with Lise Cartwright

Prepare to be amazed in this episode, because I'm talking to Lise Cartwright.

Lise is pretty much THE BOMB. Yes, she's a prolific author and coach. Yes, she wrote 7 books in 7 weeks but she also has a strategy. (She would have to, right?) She's sharing that strategy with us today - not just to write a book, but to self publish it and everything that entails. The goal here is to show you that writing a book doesn't need to be the big scary thing everyone thinks. It's more about breaking it down into chunks that are achieveable. So let's do this!

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Apr 23, 201831:54
Running a Saas Company as a Nomad and Volcano Retreats

Running a Saas Company as a Nomad and Volcano Retreats

I was introduced to Amar recently and was blown away by his action taker personality - I really love that kind of entrepreneur. Amar co founded Zenmaid, software as a service for companies that organize maid services. He also runs entrepreneur retreats at Italian volcanoes. Epic.

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Apr 22, 201824:08
Setting up a Bank Account in Thailand

Setting up a Bank Account in Thailand

When I first arrived in Thailand, I lost my bank card immediately. It was a huge problem. I just always thought I wouldn't be able to set up a Thai account, so I didn't for about two years. Now I have accounts in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, the USA and the UK. And working on more! I think it's a lot easier to just have a local account for things so I set them up all the time. Honestly if you want something you will find a way to do it. And if you don't want it enough you will find a lot of excuses. But getting an account in Thailand is easy, it just takes persistence. I tell you the banks to use and avoid, and what to say when you want to open an account in Thailand.

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Apr 21, 201808:50
Over-Preparation for Becoming Nomadic

Over-Preparation for Becoming Nomadic

In this episode, I take a question from a nomad Facebook group and give some advice. It's just advice from my experience, and what I would do. The question is about leaving home for a year and whether or not to prepare all the visas in advance. Listen in to find out the (my) answer...

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Apr 20, 201806:07
The Best Business Advice I Got

The Best Business Advice I Got

The advice in today's episode is pretty simple. You might not like it. You ma not want to hear it. It's not going to make things more fun. But it's true, and I wish I would have listened to it years ago. It's to focus on one thing, don't give up on it, be consistent with it and OWN it. I was so indecisive for so long, I wasted a lot of time. Enjoy this episode! Remember to jump over into our Facebook group, 6 Figure Digital Nomads.

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Apr 19, 201807:03
Starting a Business without any Capital

Starting a Business without any Capital

In this episode I PLEAD with you to stop waiting for investment in our big idea before you get started, or waiting until you've saved up thousands until you'll create a product. Create the product sales page and then see if people will pay you! Better yet, just talk to people and see if they will pay, then send them a Paypal button. Create the product for them according to their specific needs, get testimonials, double the price and then sell to other people. Don't forget to join our Facebook group, Six Figure Digital Nomads :)

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Apr 18, 201808:13