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By Nomosphone Podcast

Nomosphone is a podcast by students at the Law School Faculty of Tilburg University, focusing on real-time issues and interviewing experts of the field. In the period 2022-2023 we will be focusing on 4 main topics, Grass Roots Movements, Family Migration, International Law and Human Rights and lastly Global Crime, multiple episodes will be dedicated to aspects of these topics.
Currently playing episode

Gender Inequalities: The Distinction Between Men and Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Harassment

NomosphoneAug 30, 2023

Gender Inequalities: The Distinction Between Men and Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Harassment

Gender Inequalities: The Distinction Between Men and Women, Domestic Abuse and Sexual Harassment

During this podcast episode, Estela and Theodore are privileged to welcome Professor Morag Goodwin, the Chair holder of Global Law and Development at Tilburg Law School since 2015. In this episode the hosts discuss various different topics ranging from the MeTooMovement and gender inequalities, the placement of men and women in society, varying social expectations, and the more sophisticated topics pertaining to sexual assault and harassment on a wider scale.

Throughout this episode, attention is sharply directed at the importance of gender equality and empowerment as the hosts focus on the MeTooMovement and the Sunday Shoes case by Lucie E. to illustrate various examples. This episode sets out the different treatment of men and women in society, and how different expectations exist for each gender. It also focuses on sexual harassment and the difficulty of speaking out when situations concern trauma and hold the risk of secondary victimization for victims who fear judgment from society.

Furthermore, this episode discusses the positives and shortcomings of the MeTooMovement, as it vividly embodies the need for stronger laws such as the implementation of new treaties, agreements, and conventions to protect vulnerable people against domestic abuse, violence, and sexual harassment. Finally, importance is shed on the topic of unification and speaking out, as it empowers and encourages victims to speak out, encouraging them to step forward.

Aug 30, 202358:37
Greenwashing and Bluewashing: The proposal on the Green Claims Directive

Greenwashing and Bluewashing: The proposal on the Green Claims Directive

In this podcast episode, Estela and Theodore are privileged to welcome Professor Paul Verbruggen, the current Program Director of the Global Law Bachelor at Tilburg University. This podcast installment of the Global Crime series is specially dedicated to a critical discourse surrounding the new proposal on the EU Green Claims Directive.

Throughout this episode, attention is directed at the importance of consumer protection when situations concern misleading green marketing of products and services. This leads to an extensive discussion about Greenwashing which highlights the topics of unfair competition and deceptive practices utilized by renowned airlines and companies to attract more consumers by unfair means.

Furthermore, this episode underscores the imperative nature of consumer protection, demonstrating the vital need for amplified transparency, and the dissemination of credible comprehensive information, which would act to safeguard consumer rights effectively, while promoting trustworthiness and credibility within the common market.

Moreover, attention is directed towards addressing greenwashing and exploring potential regulatory measures to counter deceptive practices. These subjects fuel an in-depth discourse on the topic of advertising, and the risks associated with unethical behaviors exhibited by companies that feign environmental responsibility, utilizing misleading advertisements to secure an unjust upper hand in the market, which consequently leads to unfair competition that places competitors at an unfair disadvantage.

Finally, this episode highlights the importance of consumer empowerment, the mitigation of greenwashing and the overall need for credibility, transparency, and disclosure which firmly elucidates the need for the implementation of the Green Claims Directive. 

Aug 23, 202301:03:37
 How effective has the funding of pro-life abortion movements been? - A comparison between the US and EU

How effective has the funding of pro-life abortion movements been? - A comparison between the US and EU

In this last episode of the grassroots movements series, Giada and Lore interview Carlo Martuscelli, a reporter at POLITICO.EU, after having read his article -  “the plan to overturn abortion rights in Europe.” - relaying the Roe v. Wade decision and its possible consequences in Europe. The episode concentrates on the funding of pro-life abortion movements as a successful strategy of grassroots movements (using the report compiled by the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (EPF)) whilst also touching upon other issues surrounding abortion, such as access to contraception methods, welfare systems and politics. Throughout the episode, comparisons are made between the rhetoric used in the US and EU and their histories, concluding that financial support is only one of the factors that have aided the rise of pro-life abortion movements.

Jul 05, 202346:13
Social and Cognitive Psychology: Deception and Leakage Cues in the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Defamation Case

Social and Cognitive Psychology: Deception and Leakage Cues in the Amber Heard and Johnny Depp Defamation Case

In this insightful episode of our podcast, we are privileged to have Dr. Erle, a distinguished Assistant Professor of Social Psychology from Tilburg University, join us as we delve into the intricate realms of social and cognitive psychology. Our discussion is focused on the interplay between deception detection, psychological schemes and leakage cues, a narrative that we unfold using the renowned Amber Heard and Johnny Depp defamation case as an illustrative point. Alongside this, we explore the topic of credibility and authenticity within the judicial framework, a pertinent theme in our contemporary legal landscape.

Further light is also shed on the double-edged nature of polygraph tests. On one hand, they can potentially lead to erroneous convictions when the subject suffers from stress, anxiety, PTSD, dissociative disorders, or cognitive impairments related to memory loss. Yet, on the other hand, they still serve as key instruments in trials, as exemplified in the notable case of Chris Watts from Colorado, who was convicted following a failed polygraph test.

Moreover, the podcast episode explores the nuances of evidence presentation in courts. It critically examines how the exaggeration, falsification, or modification of claims can often lead to a tarnished perception of individuals as allegedly untruthful, when their narratives do not align with the evidence. This dialogue emphasizes the significance of accuracy and consistency in testimonies as it reinforces the importance of integrity in legal proceedings. It also encompasses an exploration of social leakage cues, as we delve into the intriguing realm of perception, while highlighting the nuanced complexities and intricate dynamics inherent in the fields of legal and social psychology while drawing examples from real world phenomena.

Jun 21, 202358:35
The Puzzle of Family Reunification law in the U.S. ft. Vinh Ho

The Puzzle of Family Reunification law in the U.S. ft. Vinh Ho

In this next episode on the topic of Family Reunification, the hosts are joined by Mr. Vinh Ho, who has over 15 years of experience within the field of immigration law in the United States. Together they discuss the state of immigration in the U.S., how the Green Card system functions, as well as how the lack of ratification on the part of the U.S. of one of the most widely recognised human rights treaties affects family members crossing borders to reunite with their loved ones. 

May 03, 202347:50
Changing Perspectives: Animal Advocacy ft. Ryuji Chua
Apr 19, 202339:21
Childhood Negligence and Parental Violence - The Examination of Jeffrey Dahmer’s Childhood in the US and the Separation between Private and Family Life in Europe.

Childhood Negligence and Parental Violence - The Examination of Jeffrey Dahmer’s Childhood in the US and the Separation between Private and Family Life in Europe.

In a recent scholarly symposium, the hosts had the esteemed opportunity to engage with lecturer Jeanette Satink, a distinguished academic from Tilburg University, recognized for her expertise in the realm of childhood neglect and parental violence. Their discourse focused on examining the developmental years of Jeffrey Dahmer, set against the backdrop of Milwaukee during the 1960s and 70s. Utilizing Professor Satink's comprehensive research and knowledge, Estela and Theo analysed various interconnected themes, such as childhood neglect, parental violence, sexual abuse, gender disparities, as well as the rights of children and victims to access effective remedies and compensation.

Furthermore, they investigated the implementation of preventive measures to combat parental violence and neglect, evaluating the judicial processes within the Dutch legal system and the wider European context. The conversation also touched upon the intricate complexities of parental violence and its implications for state intervention in the private sphere. This led to an in-depth analysis of Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), which protects the right to privacy and family life without undue interference.

The dilemma of parental violence poses a significant challenge, requiring a nuanced balance between conflicting legal principles and the recognition of appropriate exceptions that conform to the provisions of Article 8 of the ECHR. Their enlightening and thought-provoking exchange highlighted the urgency of addressing these multifaceted concerns, ultimately aiming to protect the rights and welfare of children and families within a broader societal framework.

Apr 05, 202340:39
Iran Conflict: A Glimpse into Women’s Rights from an International Perspective

Iran Conflict: A Glimpse into Women’s Rights from an International Perspective

Right after International Women’s Day, the aim of this episode is to highlight the importance of equal rights for Women by assessing the situation in Iran. Having been extensively talked about in the media, it is of uttermost importance to understand the situation women find themselves in from a legal perspective. Further, different jurisdictions will be discussed, alongside personal stories and look at how these are represented in the case at hand.

Mar 15, 202324:17
Family Reunification law in the European Union - From supranational to national, the practice of harmonised discrepancy

Family Reunification law in the European Union - From supranational to national, the practice of harmonised discrepancy

Did you know that family reunification is the primary reason why people migrate to the EU? In this episode, the hosts explore the laws governing family reunification migration within the EU - namely the Council Directive 2003/86/EC of September 22 on the right to family reunification as well as the Rights of the Child, and how these laws influence each other. They will also delve into the different implementations of these laws in some EU Member States and attempt to explain how these differences came into being. Throughout the podcast, discussions on the nuances and discretions of these laws and their implementations are raised.

Mar 01, 202343:21
Inside the Mind of an Activist: Thomas Goorden on environmental activism and the PFAS-case in Belgium

Inside the Mind of an Activist: Thomas Goorden on environmental activism and the PFAS-case in Belgium

Zwijndrecht-Antwerp, Belgium, 2021. A major scandal is exposed, concerning chemical pollution with PFAS. This forever-chemical is used to manufacture waterproof and grease repellent products, used for raincoats, extinguishing foam, cosmetics, fast-food wrapping/packaging  and non-stick pans. As useful as it is, when people are exposed to large amounts, the chemical can also be carcinogenic and disruptive to their hormonal balance.

3M, an American multinational chemical conglomerate, is found responsible for knowingly polluting the area - groundwater and soil - , spreading beyond the Dutch border. Also the Flemish government seemed not to have taken their responsibilities.

And this is where Thomas Goorden and his entourage come into the picture: the whistleblowers of the case.
In this second episode of the grassroots movement series we welcome Thomas at our virtual table. Especially known for his tireless commitment in the PFAS-case, Thomas tells us about his experience being an environmental activist.

Feb 15, 202339:39
Introductory Episode: Mechanisms of Crime and Mainstream Cases

Introductory Episode: Mechanisms of Crime and Mainstream Cases

In the short introductory episode we introduce Global Criminalisation as a universal topic that will focus on various popular mainstream cases such as Jeffrey Dahmer, Amber Heard, Nikolas Cruz and Chris Watts. We emphasize the significance of Global Crime, as we demonstrate an interconnecting link between global criminalisation and wicked problems, which are rather sophisticated, and impossible to solve. We also discuss our upcoming aims for the next episode, which will revolve around Jeffrey Dahmer and his biosocial components, his criminal mindset, and external factors that had caused him to deviate from society and transform into the most renowned serial killer in Milwaukee.

We break down the elements of criminal behavior as we leave our listeners with a series of rhetorical questions, such as whether punishment is the only reasonable method to solve the complex issue of criminality, whether criminals should be provided with a second chance to correct their deviancy and be reintegrated back into society, and whether criminals are actually born with faulty genes or whether they’re created by society itself through isolation, negligence and various other psychological factors.

Our podcast aims to answer these sophisticated questions by relying on expert Guest Speakers in the next upcoming episode, which shall not only explore the depths and crevices of the criminal mind, but shall also provide us with deep insights into why crimes occur in the first place, and what incentives motivate perpetrators to step out of line, despite their knowledge of stringent laws, which enforce strict order within our society.

Feb 08, 202305:39
Introduction to the International Law group

Introduction to the International Law group

In this episode, we are taking everyone on our journey of public international law and human rights law. We go through the overall structure of our episodes and share our initial ideas on this legal field. As it is of utmost importance to cover various geographic areas with regards to the public international law sphere, we bring cases from all over the world, including Iran, the UK, Nicaragua and Western Sahara. In the end, we hope to spark the same interest and passion for international law within you that we have found.

Feb 06, 202307:18
Introduction to Migration and Family Reunification

Introduction to Migration and Family Reunification

In the first episode on the topic of family migration, we provide an explanation on what is considered a migrant, as well as what constitutes family reunification migration. Next, we would discover the state of migration in general, and family reunification migration in specific, over the course of time, from past, present, to future. Through this episode, we hope to give a brief introduction to the topic of family reunification migration and hopefully pique your interest in this ever-growing global issue.

Feb 03, 202320:07
What makes a successful grassroots movement? Interview with Dr Luke Abbs

What makes a successful grassroots movement? Interview with Dr Luke Abbs

This first episode introduces one of the topics of this season, grassroots movements, and assesses the characteristics needed to form a successful movement.

#BlackLivesMatter, #MeToo and #JustStopOil are probably the best-known examples of grassroots movements today. But what makes these movements effective? And when are they not?

With us is Dr Luke Abbs, a research fellow at the University of Winchester’s Centre of Religion, Reconciliation and Peace. Using historical examples and outcomes of academic research, we try to find answers to many questions that can be posed on protest actions.

Feb 01, 202343:09
Introduction to Nomosphone by Dr Deepak Mawar

Introduction to Nomosphone by Dr Deepak Mawar

In this introductory episode, Dr Deepak Mawar, lecturer at Tilburg University, introduces what Nomosphone is, the themes and people behind the episodes of this upcoming season. 

Jan 25, 202302:02