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Hey Psyche, how do I?

Hey Psyche, how do I?

By Chris Hatfield

Our mind (psyche) can be a busy old place and can regularly cause us challenges if we don't manage it effectively. Our success, mental wellbeing and general day to day life can be influenced by our mindset, so it's important we learn how to nurture it.

Hey Psyche, how do I? tackles all those questions we ask ourselves, but don't quite know the answer to. Talking all things mental health and mindset, the short 5 minute episodes give you practical takeaways you instantly implement into your daily routine.
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#20 Leaders; Why it's Important Not to Always be the Smartest Person in the Room ft. Bobby Umar

Hey Psyche, how do I?Sep 18, 2018

#84 Better Manage My Anxiety & Stress?

#84 Better Manage My Anxiety & Stress?

Stress and anxiety can be a constant challenge to deal with and often can feel like emotions you're fighting against. Tune in for some practical ways to better understand and reframe these emotions. 

Mar 27, 202305:42
#83 Increase My Happiness?

#83 Increase My Happiness?

The desire to be happy is what most people want, but often misunderstand how to achieve it - it can be mistaken as a destination or sometimes assuming because you don't feel happy, you're unhappy - tune in to hear about how you can better understand happiness and how to take control of yours. 

Mar 24, 202306:36
#82 Become a Better Listener?

#82 Become a Better Listener?

Listening is a skill that will take you far in life; whether that's relationships, friendships or your career. A lot of us believe we listen, but often it can be listening to respond rather than understanding. Or find ourselves jumping in too much. 

Tune in for this episode on some tactical ways you can improve your listening to build a great understanding and connection with others. 

Mar 20, 202305:01
#81 Build a Better Morning Routine?

#81 Build a Better Morning Routine?

Never wake up by accident is what I heard from a podcast guest years ago and it really stuck with me. We have those mornings where we feel slow and it can often carry through to our day. I'm not talking about joining the 5am Club here, but there are some things to include at the start of your day to set yourself up right. Tune in to hear them!

Mar 17, 202304:21
#80 Handle Difficult Conversations?

#80 Handle Difficult Conversations?

We all have those conversations we put off having as we feel like they're going to be difficult. Whether it's work related or ones with friends or a partner - prolonging them creates anxiety and often leads to it coming out in an unconstructive way. 

Tune in for some tips on how to approach these conversations and reduce the feeling of them being difficult. 

Mar 13, 202305:06
#79 Manage the Ups & Downs of Life?

#79 Manage the Ups & Downs of Life?

Life can feel like the most unexpected rollercoaster - moments of extreme highs and then other moments of lows that feel like you'll be stuck there forever. It can be frustrating and create anxious thoughts if we don't manage these effectively. 

In this episode we discuss how you shift your mindset to look at those highs and lows to avoid that frustration and create a healthy way to look at life. 

Mar 05, 202304:49
#78 Plan My Day More Effectively?

#78 Plan My Day More Effectively?

You may look at your schedule for a day and either think you've got it all figured out, only for the plan to be ruined by unexpected issues. Or you are working reactively with no real plan in place. Either way there are tools to avoid either of these happening and in this episode we talk about how you can create a foolproof plan to achieve a productive and rewarding day. 

Mar 05, 202305:37
#77 Savor the High Moments in Life More?

#77 Savor the High Moments in Life More?

We can work so hard to achieving our goals in life, invest endless amounts of time and then when we achieve them, that feeling can disappear very quickly. It can leave us wondering where it went and instantly go chasing the next high. 

In this episode, we discuss how to savor those moments more, how to avoid placing all of your joy in a destination and the future. 

Feb 26, 202304:48
#76 Get Better at Delivering Feedback?

#76 Get Better at Delivering Feedback?

Feedback can be something a lot of people dread receiving along with giving it to people. Feedback that isn't delivered effectively, will often cause a standoff, a defensive reaction and the feedback being ignored in the long run. 

Tune in to hear some tactical ways to become more effective at delivering feedback using AEIOU and how it will change the way people respond to your feedback, whether that's a manager, team member, friend or partner. 

Feb 26, 202307:22
#75 Become Kinder to Myself?

#75 Become Kinder to Myself?

We can often be our worst enemy and biggest critic in our life and career. If it goes unchecked it can create unhealthy perfectionism, imposter syndrome and other challenges. In this episode you'll hear some tactical ways to become kinder to yourself, your own biggest fan, without compromising your work ethic and goals. 

Feb 19, 202305:46
#74 Become More Optimistic?

#74 Become More Optimistic?

It's easy to slip into the mindset of thinking the worst in situations - a mix of the world we live in and our brain's default setting of thinking of the worst to protect us, can become overwhelming. In this episode you'll hear some tips in how you can challenge those thoughts and become more optimistic in life. 

Feb 19, 202304:60
#73 Handle Bad Days?

#73 Handle Bad Days?

Bad days, we've all had them, well what seems like them and they often can cause a domino effect or us to dwell on them for our evenings and weekends. Tune in for this episode to hear how to respond to bad days or weeks and most importantly, how to reframe them to reduce the impact they have on you. 

Feb 13, 202304:51
#72 Stop Thinking I'm Behind In Life?

#72 Stop Thinking I'm Behind In Life?

With so many mirrors of comparison these days, it's easy to think you're falling behind in life, in comparison with others. Whether that's career, relationships or personal milestones. In this episode I'll talk about how you avoid these thoughts and focus on self-comparison. 

Feb 13, 202304:35
#71 Handle Perfectionism? Pt.2

#71 Handle Perfectionism? Pt.2

Perfectionism can cause a constant feeling of disappointment and not doing "enough" in life and your career. Tune in to hear how to reframe your perfectionism and to create a healthier way on how you create benchmarks and standards you work towards. 

Feb 06, 202304:56
#70 Switch Off From Work? Pt.2

#70 Switch Off From Work? Pt.2

Switching off has become even more difficult and can create added stress and overthinking, when you find it difficult to do so. Tune in for some practical ways to switch off and how to switch on to things that recharge you. 

Feb 06, 202305:09
#69 Stay Motivated? Pt.2

#69 Stay Motivated? Pt.2

Motivation is something we can expect to have on tap and often wonder where it is; leaving us to wait for it before getting started. Tune in to hear how you can take control and create your own motivation rather than always waiting for it. 

Feb 02, 202304:31
#68 Handle Disappointment, Knockbacks & Failure?

#68 Handle Disappointment, Knockbacks & Failure?

We experience disappointment and knockbacks on a daily basis, from the smallest to the biggest versions. Tune in for this episode to hear how you can reframe these moments to feel more comfortable in how you respond and reflect on them. 

Feb 02, 202306:56
#67 Tackling Unhealthy Comparison with Others ft. Mattia Schaper

#67 Tackling Unhealthy Comparison with Others ft. Mattia Schaper

Competition in sales can be exciting and create extra motivation, drive and ambition to keep growing. However if it's framed in an unhealthy way it can often lead to tinted comparisons, anxiety and constantly feeling like you're not good enough. 

To touch on how to avoid and tackle this, I'm joined on this episode by Mattia Schaper, Co-Founder & Sales Development Coach @ SDRs of Germany.

Dec 12, 202223:21
#66 Deal with Knockbacks in Sales? ft. Benjamin Dennehy

#66 Deal with Knockbacks in Sales? ft. Benjamin Dennehy

One of the biggest threats to your success in sales, and even in life, is your mindset. If you can't deal with the knockbacks and avoding constant comparison with others, then you'll struggle. 

To talk about this topic, I'm delighted to be joined in this episode by Benjamin Dennehy, The UKs Most Hated Sales Trainer who has built a strong and effective reputation in the sales space from being upfront and staying true to his personality.

Along with the topics above, I'll be asking Benjamin what else gets missed when thinking about mindset in sales, along with some of his defining moments that led him to where he is today.

Sep 26, 202238:59
#65 Handle Pressure? ft. Tom Lavery

#65 Handle Pressure? ft. Tom Lavery

Pressure is something we feel in and outside of work and when not handled effectively can cause constant stress, impacts to performance and our wellbeing. 

To discuss this topic, I'm joined by Tom Lavery, Founder of Jiminny. Tom has over 15 years experience in leading Sales teams in high-growth SaaS businesses. Before founding Jiminny in 2016, he was the SVP at Reward Gateway, where he went through two PE backed rounds of investments and grew the Revenue team from zero to over 100 people.

He'll be sharing what pressure means to him, how he's changed his perspective on it and the tools he uses to manage it effectively. 

Sep 05, 202224:42
#64 Plan My Next Career Step?

#64 Plan My Next Career Step?

We all reach a crossroads at some point in our career where we're not quite sure of what next. It can be a confusing and frustrating time, which can lead us to overthinking the situation. 

Check out this episode for some effective ways to reflect on what is next if you're in this boat. 

Aug 30, 202206:02
#63 Overcome a Lack of Confidence in Parts of my Role?

#63 Overcome a Lack of Confidence in Parts of my Role?

Confidence is one of the most misunderstood skills that we have. There is an expectation we should be able to summon it for things we've never done. 

Tune in to hear how you can overcome and build confidence in certain aspects of your role. 

Aug 29, 202205:59
#62 Become More Consistent With Posting Content?

#62 Become More Consistent With Posting Content?

Do you want to build your online presence and personal brand, but find it hard to think of what to talk about online or the time to do it? Tune in to hear some practical ways you can build healthy habits to becoming more consistent with posting content and building your awareness and credibility. 

Aug 26, 202204:31
#61 Better Understand Different Personalities? Pt2 ft. Lewis Gadsdon

#61 Better Understand Different Personalities? Pt2 ft. Lewis Gadsdon

Tune in for part 2 to hear from from Associate Director @ Wiser Elite and Founder of SDR's of London Lewis Gadsdon on what else you can do to better understand different personalities. 

Aug 15, 202202:53
#60 Better Understand Different Personalities? Pt1 ft. Lewis Gadsdon

#60 Better Understand Different Personalities? Pt1 ft. Lewis Gadsdon

Understanding people is the key to not just any role in sales, but also life. The more you can recognise someone personality and their traits, the easier it is to understand and connect with them. 

Tune in for part 1 to hear from from Associate Director @ Wiser Elite and Founder of SDR's of London Lewis Gadsdon on how you can do this using the 4 colour personality profiling approach. 

Aug 15, 202203:08
#59 Avoid Dwelling on Knockbacks?

#59 Avoid Dwelling on Knockbacks?

Those knockbacks in your day can really throw you off course. Whether it's personal or work related, we can often be left feeling a bit helpless and it can cause a bad moment to become a bad day, week and even month. 

Tune in as we talk about the value of developing an Infinite Gamer Mindset and the questions to ask yourself when you find yourself faced with a knockback. 

Aug 08, 202205:32
#58 Get Better at Planning My Day?

#58 Get Better at Planning My Day?

Procrastination, stress and anxiety can all get in the way of and be caused by a lack of planning in your day. You can have the intention to get things done, but not a foolproof plan of action. 

Tune in to hear the 5 steps you can take to plan your day to ensure it's effective, less stressful and rewarding. 

Aug 08, 202205:19
#57 Sell to Both Parts of the Brain?

#57 Sell to Both Parts of the Brain?

The 2 systems in our brain want very different things. One looks for variety, the other looks for familiarity. So how do you appease both parts of your prospects brain or anyone you're trying to engage with for that matter?

Tune in to here how to do this using the MAYA principle and the value of creating a "familiar surprise".

Aug 01, 202204:43
#56 Become Better at Storytelling? PT3

#56 Become Better at Storytelling? PT3

In this 3rd installment of becoming better at storytelling, we focus on the importance of identifying and bringing to life the conflict and impact of your prospects villain. 

It's one thing to identify their pain point, but what is the conflict of it and the impact. Articulating this in your stories will grab your audiences attention and ensure they take action on what you're discussing. 

Aug 01, 202203:24
#55 Keep My Prospects Attention?

#55 Keep My Prospects Attention?

Breaking through the noise is more important than ever when selling. But it's one thing to grab their attention, it's another to keep it. 

Tune in to hear how the importance of making what you sell visual and tangible can keep your prospects attention. 

Jul 25, 202203:25
#54 Become Better at Storytelling? PT2

#54 Become Better at Storytelling? PT2

In the second part to storytelling, tune in to hear why it's important to identify and talk about the villain in your stories. Without a villain, your hero won't take action. 

Jul 25, 202204:03
#53 Stand Out From The Crowd When Selling?

#53 Stand Out From The Crowd When Selling?

The 3rd part to episode #48 focuses on how you can stand out from the noisy world of selling. If you're not intentional, you can blend in with everyone else, regardless of how good your product is. 

Tune in to hear about our brain's internal gatekeeper and the value of pattern interrupts when selling. 

Jul 18, 202203:49
#52 Become Better at Storytelling? PT1

#52 Become Better at Storytelling? PT1

Stories are a great way to engage with others, capture attention and become more memorable. So how do you become better at telling them and why is it important?

Tune in for part 1 to hear why they resonate so much more, the value of them over just statistics and the key elements that go into a great story. 

Jul 18, 202203:50
#51 Utilise More Emotions When Selling?

#51 Utilise More Emotions When Selling?

The 2nd brain buying driver from #48 What Makes Prospects Say "Yes" episode; focusing on why emotion plays such a big part in our decision making and why it creates more action than just the logical side of our brain. 

Jul 11, 202204:08
#50 Become Less Defensive? ft. Yaalit Pereira

#50 Become Less Defensive? ft. Yaalit Pereira

Do you find yourself becoming very defensive when faced with knockbacks or receiving feedback? Tune in for this episode if so, featuring Yaalit Pereira, Founder of SDRs of Israel & AE at Vidyard. 

Yaalit will be sharing some of the ways she's worked on and continues to do so, to avoid being so defensive and more open and receptive. 

Jul 11, 202205:30
#49 Make My Sales Approach More Personable?

#49 Make My Sales Approach More Personable?

Following on from #48 what makes prospects say "yes"; tune in to dive into the importance of making things more personable when engaging with others and why you need to make it less about you and all about them. 

Jul 03, 202203:06
#48 Get More Prospects to Say "Yes"

#48 Get More Prospects to Say "Yes"

Did you know the majority of our decision making is subconscious; mainly taking place in the emotive part of our brain. 

Tune in to find out the 6 brain buying drivers and how you can utilise them to break through the noise and generate more opportunities. 

Jul 03, 202204:10
#47 Become More Mindful of My Self-Worth?

#47 Become More Mindful of My Self-Worth?

Your self-worth is the foundation for what you feel you deserve in life and how you see yourself and the world around you. A lack of it can often lead to imposter syndrome and the feeling of lacking direction and motivation. 

Tune in for practical ways to become more mindful of your self-worth and a couple of exercises to tackle this. 

Jun 28, 202204:56
#46 Become More Confident Sharing My Opinion?

#46 Become More Confident Sharing My Opinion?

We can often avoid sharing our opinion out of fear of conflict, imposter syndrome and/or confidence. This can often hold us back in our progression and building our confidence. 

Tune in to find out some practical ways you can build your confidence in sharing your opinion and why it's so valuable to do so. 

Jun 28, 202204:30
#45 Get Better at Presenting Infront of Others?

#45 Get Better at Presenting Infront of Others?

Public speaking can feel overwhelming, stressful and something we look to avoid. A real relief when it's over in situations where we end up having no choice but to do it. So how can you deal with this to overcome it?

Check out this episode for 3 ways to get more comfortable at presenting infront of others. 

Jun 21, 202204:33
#44 Focus on The Process, Not The Outcome?

#44 Focus on The Process, Not The Outcome?

It's very easy to set yourself goals and then get stuck in overthinking them. The more we fixate on the outcome, the less time we spend focusing on the process, which is what we can truly control. Tune in for this episode on how you can become more focused on your process and why it's important. 

Jun 21, 202203:34
#43 Better Manage My Energy?

#43 Better Manage My Energy?

It's great to be able to plan your time and where you spend it, but what often gets neglected is energy. How do you manage, preserve and recharge your energy? 

Check out this episode to hear more about why it's important to focus on energy before time management and 3 strategies to utilise it effectively. 

Jun 16, 202206:05
#42 Get Rid of Bad Habits?

#42 Get Rid of Bad Habits?

Habits are the foundations to your success and mental wellbeing, but bad habits can create shaky foundations and makes it tough to build on. Check out this episode on how to tackle your bad habits and replace them with healthy ones. 

Jun 16, 202205:23
#41 Start Journaling?

#41 Start Journaling?

Journaling is something you may hear more people talking about now, but what are the benefits of it and how can you get started? Tune in for this episode to find out exactly that with 1 question to start focusing on each day. 

Jun 09, 202203:59
#40 Get Better at Decision Making? PT2

#40 Get Better at Decision Making? PT2

So you've now got a deeper understanding of why we struggle to make decisions, it's time to find out some practical ways to improve yours. Tune in for 5 ways to work on your decision making, from using a points system to the "2 minute diversion" tactic.

Jun 05, 202204:22
#39 Get Better at Decision Making? PT1

#39 Get Better at Decision Making? PT1

If you're constantly indecisive about your decisions or second guess yourself, then this episode is for you. Tune in for part 1 to hear some of the main psychological reasons why we struggle to make decisions. 

Jun 05, 202204:49
#38 Get Out Of My Comfort Zone?

#38 Get Out Of My Comfort Zone?

Whenever you're trying something new or dealing with challenges, you'll have to adapt and try things that you aren't used to. We label this as being outside our comfort zone, which we are always asking how can we move beyond. Tune in to hear why labelling it as that can be damaging your progression and how to reframe it. 

Jun 01, 202204:23
#37 Better Understand Different Personalities?

#37 Better Understand Different Personalities?

Communication is key in every part of your life; but we all like to do it in different ways. The more you understand someone's personality type, the more you can better understand how to engage with them. Tune in to hear the 4 different types you and those around you can be. 

Jun 01, 202205:20
#36 Become More Confident?

#36 Become More Confident?

Confidence is something we all want to go into every situation with; but what happens when it's not there? One of the biggest misconceptions about confidence is that you need it to start something. Tune in to find out why that's a myth and what you should focus on instead. 

May 29, 202202:49
#35 Become More Resilient? PT2

#35 Become More Resilient? PT2

It's one thing to know what resilience truly is and what goes into making you resilient; it's another to understand how you can develop yours. Tune in for part 2 on this topic to hear of some practical ways you can build your resilience. 

May 27, 202204:59