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Talon on the Street

Talon on the Street

By Oak Park Talon

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EYE 2 EYE: Cornetto Trilogy

Talon on the StreetMay 14, 2021

Podcast: In-Depth Analysis of the Greatest Artists

Podcast: In-Depth Analysis of the Greatest Artists

By: Aaron Huggins & Casey Hirsh

Apr 01, 202204:60
Talon on the Street: Wild Card Week

Talon on the Street: Wild Card Week

Hello, and welcome to Talon on the Street, where we get the opinions of Oak Park High School. This episode’s question is a wild card, let’s get started:

Interviewer: Okay Matthew, if you were to get rid of any state, what would it be and why?

Matthew Schwartz: I would probably pick California because it's so liberal.

Interviewer: Expand on that please.

Matthew Schwartz: I don’t think there’s really anything to expand on. It’s just very liberal here in California.

Interviewer: Okay Dylan, would you rather fight one horse sized duck, or 100 duck sized horses?

Dylan Shewring: I would rather fight 100 duck sized horses.

Interviewer: And why?

Dylan Shewring: I just feel like they’re tiny so I could take them on.

Interviewer: Expand on that please.

Dylan Shewring: I feel like the size difference in a horse and a duck is just too much for me. So, one kick of the horse and I’m done, but I feel like i could take on little tiny ducks.

Interviewer: Okay, okay thank you.

Dylan Shewring: You're welcome.

Interviewer: Alright Aidan, a penguin walks through a door right now with a sombrero, what does he say, and why is he here?

Aidan Snyder: He says, “What’s good,” and he’s there to just mob if you know what I’m saying.”

Interviewer: Okay Shiri, if you were a pizza delivery woman or man, how would you benefit from scissors?

Shiri Ratoviz: I would use the scissors to cut the pizza in any way the customer would like their pizza cut. And that’s all.

Interviewer: If you were to compare yourself to an animal, what would it be and why?

Student 5: Oh why? A cat, because they’re smart and cool.

Interviewer: If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future, or back to the past?

Student 6: To the future, to see if the world is messed up or not, so I could come back and fix it over time.

Interviewer: What kid’s movie is scary to you?

Student 7: “Monster House”

Interviewer: Can you expand?

Student 7: I don’t know, very scary, still traumatized till this day.

Interviewer: If I give you $50,000 to start your own business, what would that business be?

Jerry: It would be a charity for the homeless and people that need food, and that would need medical help.

Interviewer: That was very inspiring Jerry, thank you.

Jerry: Thank you.

Interviewer: Josh what’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you recently?

Student 8 (Josh): We were driving and one of my friends fell out of the car window. But he’s okay.

Interviewer: All good?

Student 8 (Josh): yeah all good, but it was very funny.

Interviewer: If you had to work, but you didn’t need the money, what would you do?

Student 9: I would be a professional nanny.

Interviewer: Expand on that please.

Student 9: I love kids and teaching.

Interviewer: Okay Ryan, what’s the best feature on the face? Male or female.

Student 10 (Ryan): I like some voluptuous lips.

Interviewer: Can you please explain?

Student 10 (Ryan): I like nice lips.

Thanks for listening, we will see you next week!

Apr 01, 202203:15
Talon on the Street: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Talon on the Street: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Hello, and welcome to Talon on the Street, where we get the opinions of Oak Park High School. This episode’s question is: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?, let’s get started:

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 1: Nikita Manyak

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Student 1: In 5 years I see myself working at the children’s hospital in Pennsylvania.

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 2: Kashish Rai

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Student 2: I see myself at a law school, an undecided one though.

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 3: Michelle Gilman

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Student 3: Studying history.

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 4: Tess Leong

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Student 4: Hopefully in 5 years, I’ll be in a college that I’m happy with.

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 5: Eddie

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Student 5: In college.

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 6: Emma Corbitt

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Student 6: San Diego University.

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 7: Ryan O’Leary

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Student 7: Probably in college, hopefully at UCSD.

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 8: Graham Ros

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Student 8: Somewhere on a movie set hopefully.

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 9: Aaron Helfstein

Interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

Student 9: Probably on one of Graham’s movie sets.

That was your peers opinions on where they see themselves in 5 years, thank you for tuning in to Talon on the Street.

Mar 28, 202201:31
Fashion Column Podcast: “Is prom causing you stress”

Fashion Column Podcast: “Is prom causing you stress”

Music Introduction


Haley: Hi this is Haley Bandemer

Hannah: And this is Hannah Levy

Haley: And welcome back to the fashion podcast

Hannah: Today we are going to be talking about the logistics and stress leading up to prom

Interlude Music


Hannah: So prom seems like a big night of fun, right? You have on an outfit, you may or may not have a date, dancing and having a good time. This year’s prom is on Saturday, May 21 at the W Hotel in Los Angeles. But, there is a lot of things that students should have on a mental checklist.

Haley: There are so many things like… transportation, your potential date, getting ready, your outfit, there are so many things that go along with going to prom, not just buying your ticket and heading out the door.

Hannah: Right! For example, let’s say you are stressing out about finding your outfit, and then you finally found something that you feel good in. But you have to get it altered. Are you dropping it off the tailor? Are you picking it up? That's the first thing to worry about.

Haley: The next thing I think is if you're even going to take pictures with people if you have a date, if you have a group if you're doing some on your own, and then how are you going to get from your place to your destination?

Hannah: Right? Are you taking pictures with the whole grade at a nearby park? Are you doing it in someone's backyard just with your date? And then after you take your pictures? Are you getting a bus or a limo? Or are your parents taking you to the W Hotel? There's a lot of things that ASB doesn't cover that as someone who's wishing to participate in prom you have to figure out for yourself beforehand, because so many local problems are happening on the same day that if you don't act soon, a lot of the transportation methods will probably be booked

Music Interlude


Haley: The next thing I think we should talk about is dates. There's if you're going with a date, if you're going solo, if you're going with a group. And if you are going with a date, how are you going to ask them? How far in advance Are you going to ask them? Are you guys going to color coordinate? Are you going to do something totally different? Are you going to get a booth near? Are you going to get a corsage? And how far in advance do you have to order these things? To carry out the perfect prom date?


Hannah: One thing that I know is on many seniors minds is not just prom itself. But what's going on after there's a long standing tradition of going to some kind of after party or having a sleepover or something and the night and I've heard rumors that some people want to get a hotel room at the W itself. Other people are looking into Airbnb ease. Some people might just go back to their house with friends. Relying on just your friend group to figure out all the logistics of prom can be really stressful. As we're all still taking classes. Some of us have jobs, and we urge everyone listening to help each other out and try and make bookings in advance. Do everything beforehand so you don't find yourself stressed and in a state of chaos, the actual weekend of prom.

Haley: So here's to getting things done early and I hope this podcast can help you gather all the tools you need to carry out the perfect prom plan. Thank you for listening

Music Ending

Mar 28, 202203:18
Talon on the Street: What Song Best Describes You?

Talon on the Street: What Song Best Describes You?

Hello this is Sophia Lippel, and welcome to Talon on the Street, where we get the opinions of Oak Park High School. This episode’s question is: What song best describes you and why? Let’s get started:

Interviewer: Hello, could I get your name?

Student 1: Parsa Dargahi

Interviewer: If you had to choose a song to best describe you, what song would it be and why?

Student 1: “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift because I just like how I feel when I listen to that song.

*Music playing*

Interviewer: What’s your name?

Student 2: Celeste Goldes

Interviewer: If you had to choose a song to best describe you, what song would you choose and why?

Student 2: I would choose “Sofia” by Clairo because it really hits my heart strings, and I’m a hopeless romantic. Even though I don’t act like one, I really am one deep down.

*Music playing*

Interviewer: Okay, can I get your name?

Student 3: Sofia Doyle

Interviewer: If you had to choose a song to best describe you, what song would you choose and why?

Student 3: “Motion Sickness” by Phoebe Bridgers because I relate to the lyrics.

*Music playing*

Interviewer: Can I get your name?

Student 4: Yeah, Bella Shoden

Interviewer: If you had to choose a song to best describe you, which song would it be and why?

Student 4: “Can’t Always Get What You Want” by The Rolling Stones because in life you got to just go with the flow and what I want, I am just fine without getting it, you know?

*Music playing*

Interviewer: Can I get your name?

Student 5: Isabella Snow

Interviewer: If you had to choose a song to best describe you, what song would you choose and why?

Student 5: I would choose this song “Right Down the Line” [by Gerry Rafferty] because I really like Euphoria and it’s a good song.

*Music playing*

Interviewer: Can I get your name?

Student 6: My name is Paris Talavera

Interviewer: If you had to choose a song to best describe you, what song would you choose and why?

Student 6: I would pick “Fight the Feeling” by Mac Miller because I love the energy it radiates.

*Music playing*

Interviewer: Can you say your name?

Student 7: I’m Emma Tabor

Interviewer: Okay, so if you had to choose a song that you say best describes you, what song would you choose?

Student 7: I would say “Drivers License” by Olivia Rodrigo because, you know I got my drivers license in like June, and right around the same time I got my heart absolutely ripped open into two, and it was just the timing of everything -- it all happened so fast. Yeah, it was honestly just a sign from the universe just to keep on pushing, so thank you Olivia.

*Music playing*

Student 8: My name is Amber Gilman and a song that describes me is “Kyoto” by Phoebe Bridgers because it’s fun and upbeat and chill, and I think that describes me.

*Music playing*

Student 9: I chose, “So I know You Care” by Toulouse … maybe? (Talon on the Street checked and it is in fact by Toulouse). I’m Nirvana Brady and I think I really resonated with the song because I feel like in the past few years I am really trying to surround my life with people that actually care and really try to find people that bring value into my life. So yeah! That’s why I resonate with the song.

*Music playing*

Student 10: My name is Krishanu Nigam and I’m a junior. The song that I think describes me is “Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy) (Remastered 2010)” by John Lennon. The reason being is because I am a beautiful boy.

*Music playing*

That was your peers' opinions on: What song describes you and why! See you next week, and thank you for tuning in to Talon on the Street!

Feb 16, 202204:07
EYE 2 EYE: Cornetto Trilogy

EYE 2 EYE: Cornetto Trilogy

In this episode, Hayden Brown and Chase Willet will be discussing the Cornetto Trilogy, a set of three films – “Hot Fuzz,” “The World’s End” and “Shaun of the Dead."

May 14, 202110:24
Talon Top 5: Mr. Cook's Favorite Movies

Talon Top 5: Mr. Cook's Favorite Movies

Mr. Cook ranks his top five movies of all time with host Chase Willet.

Apr 30, 202108:32