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By One2oneacademy

Become a Paid Subscriber: Become a Paid Subscriber: Podcasts for students who are learning English as a second language.
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One2onepodcastsDec 01, 2022

National Army Subscription - A Sign Of The Times
May 27, 202406:01
IELTS Blah Blah Blah
May 21, 202405:06
Nurse - Medical English
May 20, 202407:14
Life After IELTS
May 14, 202408:49
The Canary Sings
Apr 22, 202401:05
Inheritance - Rise Of The Affluent Middle Class
Mar 24, 202404:26
The Power Of English: Unlocking Global Opportunities
Mar 19, 202405:26
A Digital Youth Connected
Mar 11, 202404:08
I See You
Feb 19, 202408:25
Lend Me Your Ears

Lend Me Your Ears

Dictation is essential for students who are learning English as a second language for several reasons:

Dictation exercises require students to listen carefully and accurately transcribe spoken words or sentences. This helps them develop their listening skills, enabling them to understand and follow instructions more effectively.

Dictation helps students improve their spelling and vocabulary. By listening to words and sentences and writing them down, students become more familiar with correct spelling and usage of words in context.

Dictation exercises often involve sentences that require proper grammar and sentence structure. Students practice dictation by reinforcing their understanding of sentence formation, punctuation, and sentence organisation.

Dictation exercises require students to pay close attention to details like word order, capitalisation, and punctuation. This helps them develop a keen eye for detail, which is important in various academic and professional contexts.

Dictation exercises challenge students' memory and recall abilities. They have to remember the words or sentences they heard and accurately reproduce them in writing. This trains their memory and strengthens their ability to retain information.

Regular practice of dictation can boost students' confidence in their language skills. As they improve their listening and writing abilities, they gain more confidence in their overall language proficiency.

So, dictation is an effective tool for developing various language skills, including listening, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, attention to detail, memory, and confidence. It is especially beneficial for walking students as it engages both their auditory and written skills, helping them become more proficient in language learning.


1. The temperature today is 25 degrees Celsius.

2. The meeting is scheduled for 3:30 PM.

3. The store is open from 8:00 AM to 10:00 PM.

4. The deadline for the project is on November 15th.

5. The restaurant reservation is for seven people.

6. The flight departs at 9:45 AM.

7. The book has 300 pages.

8. The car can reach a maximum speed of 200 KM per hour.

9. The conference will take place from March 10th to March 12th.

10. The package will be delivered in 2-3 business days.

11. The train arrives at 6:15 PM.

12. The recipe requires 500 grams of flour.

13. The marathon will start at 7:00 AM.

14. The movie duration is 2 hours and 15 minutes.

15. The bus leaves every 30 minutes.

16. The library opens at 10:00 AM and closes at 6:00 PM.

17. The hotel room rate is £150 per night.

18. The baby weighed 7 pounds at birth.

19. The museum ticket costs £10 for adults and £5 for children.

20. The concert starts at 8:30 PM and ends at 11:00 PM.

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Website - Link

Lesson Plan - Premium Dictation

Feb 16, 202408:52
Virtual Gigantic Storage – The Business of Charging
Feb 15, 202406:56
Travel Talk - Mastering The Way from A to B

Travel Talk - Mastering The Way from A to B

Travel is often included in the IELTS speaking exam because it allows test-takers to demonstrate their ability to speak fluently, express their ideas clearly, and use a wide range of vocabulary and grammar structures. Additionally, discussing travel-related topics can help assess a candidate’s ability to engage in a conversation, share personal experiences, and provide opinions and reasons.

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Production - One2one Podcasts

Lesson Plan - Link

Jan 13, 202404:41
From the Living Room to the Screens: The Transformation of Family Bonding in the Digital Age

From the Living Room to the Screens: The Transformation of Family Bonding in the Digital Age

The hottest IELTS writing topics can vary from time to time as current events and trends influence them. However, some recurring topics include climate change, technology, education, health, and social issues. It's essential to stay updated with global news and current affairs to be well-prepared for any potential IELTS writing topic.

In today's podcast, we look at the role of a traditional TV and how its value in a household has changed. Families continue to bond but in different ways. As a family, we no longer value the idyllic scene of watching television together. Portable devices such as tablets, laptops, and smartphones have set a new precedent.

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Production - One2one Podcasts

Lesson Plan - From the Living Room to the Screens: The Transformation of Family Bonding in the Digital Age

Jan 08, 202407:56
Artificial Weather: A Global Storm In A Tea Cup
Dec 28, 202300:58
Hunting Numbers

Hunting Numbers

One2one academy, teaching English as a second language since 2011. 

Hello, and thank you for joining me for this one-on-one podcast. In today's episode, you will need to listen to some sentences used in IELTS listening tasks and identify the numbers that you hear.


1. According to recent statistics, the number of people living in urban areas has increased by 20% in the past decade.

2. It is estimated that approximately 13% of the global population is affected by mental health issues.

3. The graph illustrates a steady increase in the number of internet users, with a growth rate of 9% per year.

4. Research has shown that nearly 17% of students prefer online learning over traditional classroom settings.

5. The survey revealed that 85% of respondents believe climate change is a pressing global issue.

6. The data indicates that the average household spends 16% of its income on food.

7. A significant percentage of the population, around 36%, is actively engaged in volunteer work.

8. Over the past five years, there has been a 19% decrease in the number of smokers in developed countries.

9. The study found that 79% of participants reported feeling stressed due to work-related pressures.

10. In recent years, there has been a sharp rise in the number of people using social media platforms, with over 9 billion active users worldwide.

Money, Dates, and Time 

1. To contact the customer service department, please dial 1-800-555-1234.

2. The meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 15th, at 9:30 AM.

3. The train to Edinburgh departs from platform three at 11:45 AM.

4. According to the weather forecast, the temperature will reach a high of 25 degrees Celsius tomorrow.

5. The museum opens on weekdays at 10:00 AM and closes at 5:00 PM.

6. The historical event took place on July 4th, 1776, and marked the independence of the United States.

7. The flight to Paris is scheduled to depart at 7:30 PM and arrive at 10:45 PM local time.

8. The documentary lasts approximately 90 minutes, excluding introductions or discussions.

9. The application submission deadline is Friday, October 30th, at 5:00 PM.

10. The conference will be held from November 12th to November 14th at the convention centre.

This podcast was written and produced for one2oneacademy©, and the presenter was Sanj Saigal.

Dec 07, 202304:19
The Price Of Plastic
Dec 05, 202301:46
Distracted digits: The technical tug of war
Nov 30, 202304:56
Meeting Room 3 - Business Jargon

Meeting Room 3 - Business Jargon

Episode 2

Some students assume that Business English is a different language. It seems frustrating at the best of times that after passing exams, integration into a work environment is challenging. One word will help define this, and it's; "formality".

Simply put, there are three main considerations: high, medium, and low, otherwise known as Very formal, semi-formal, and casual. The type of organisation that you work for depicts the business tone.

In this episode, I will show you some business compound prepositions, business Phrasal verbs, how empathetic voice tones can make a difference and slang used in a work environment.

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Production - One2one Podcasts

Website -

Nov 21, 202310:51
Interview Politics Under The Microscope - Stirring A Debate
Nov 16, 202313:40
The Florist

The Florist

 The Florist

The IELTS test has four parts. Numbers are a regular feature, so ensure that you practice. Numbers can appear in various forms in any of the 40 listening questions. That said, it's highly likely that they feature in the first listening task. 

Finding target study materials can be challenging, so look out for our exclusive podcasts, which focus on developing your listening skills, exclusive to One2one Academy.

The following is a list of the type of formats below:

  • Credit card numbers
  • Telephone numbers 
  • Times
  • Dates
  • Measurement
  • Currency 
  • Age 

Listen carefully and write down the numbers that you hear.

  1. What type of flowers did the customer request?
  2. How many flowers did the customer request?
  3. The customer wanted the flowers for his Sister's birthday. What was the date mentioned?
  4. What was the customer's credit card number?
  5. What was the customer's credit card expiry date?
  6. What was the customer's credit card CVV number?
  7. How much were the flowers? (no currency was expressed, so write down the amount.
  8. The flowers were purchased for the customer's Sister. What was her name?
  9. Write down the delivery address to include the postcode.
  10. What is the delivery time stated in the audio?
  11. If there is a problem, what number should the client call?

*The answers and podcast transcript are provided in class.

Production - One2one Podcasts ©

Website -

Written and produced exclusively for

Oct 31, 202302:33
Cue Card Training
Oct 27, 202302:49
Caring For The Elderly
Oct 26, 202301:06
Technology And The Digital Divide - The Older Generation
Oct 19, 202301:07
Boost Your Career with Strong Business English Skills in Today's Globalized World

Boost Your Career with Strong Business English Skills in Today's Globalized World

Episode 1

Meeting Room 3 is a series of podcasts produced by one2one Academy. In this series, we take a look at the world of Business English, its impact on the global landscape, and uncover some of the myths behind it. Join us for an insight into this somewhat confusing yet important version of the English language.

Episode 1 - A Global Audience

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Production - One2one podcasts

Website -

Oct 19, 202305:49
Hologram Horizons: Unveiling the Future of Technology
Oct 16, 202304:14
Climate Change: A Global Challenge

Climate Change: A Global Challenge

One2one Academy, teaching English as a second language since 2011.

"Climate change is not just a problem for the future. It is happening now and affecting us all. We must come together to protect our planet and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come."

Welcome to this one2one podcast, which is based on the IELTS exam. In this podcast, I will discuss the concept of climate change and give you an essay for homework and a Cue Card for speaking practice. 

Sep 23, 202307:21
The Relic
Sep 19, 202305:27
Speak Up
Jul 27, 202304:08
What's yours is mine

What's yours is mine

This episode is about inheritance tax and questions whether it's a fair system of taxation. Currently featured in the media, it's a topical discussion and is available as part of our conversation course.

Our lesson plans are all written and produced by a UK-published author and are copyrighted. ©

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Website -

Jul 18, 202305:29
The Law

The Law



Describe a law that you like in your country.

You must say:

a. Why you like this law

b. How old this law is?

c. Why this law was created? 

And say whether this law has made a difference to your country.

IELTS Speaking Test - Part 2

You have one minute to think about what you want to say and 2 minutes to speak. This is a monologue-based task. Your examiner will not interact with you.

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Jul 03, 202300:55
Jul 01, 202311:06
Sorry For The Inconvenience

Sorry For The Inconvenience

This podcast is based on a listening and comprehension task. Listen to the recording and answer the questions at the end to check your understanding—part of our English For Work course.

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Course - English For Work

Task - Listening and comprehension

Website -

Jun 23, 202302:42
Save Or Spend?
Jun 20, 202304:05
Phrasal Verbs Unlocked
Jun 10, 202310:19
From a dream to reality
Jun 09, 202306:22
Jun 06, 202310:09
Jun 05, 202302:52
Rat Race

Rat Race

Listening Practice

John had been working as an office manager for a large corporation for over a decade. Despite enjoying the job and the stability it brought, he had always harboured a desire to start his own business. He knew it would be a risky endeavour, but the thought of being his own boss and having complete control over his work was too enticing to ignore. Join me for this listening and comprehension task from one2one Academy.

  1. What type of store did John open?
  2. What job did John do before he became self-employed?
  3. Why did John want to open his own business?
  4. What did John spend many hours doing?
  5. What does John consider to be his strength?
  6. What challenges did John face?
  7. What did John provide his customers with?
  8. What did John place a strong emphasis on?
  9. What skill did John bring to his business?
  10. How long did John work as an office manager?

Written and produced by - One2one Academy

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Website -

Jun 02, 202302:41
May 29, 202304:14


Reading - A Six-Point Plan

Is there a strategy for the reading section of the IELTS exam, and can you truly develop a system to achieve a higher score?

Welcome to this edition of one2one podcasts. I hope you can develop a strategy for this part of the exam and obtain a higher score. 

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Website -

Production - One2one Podcasts

May 26, 202304:54
May 22, 202306:54


Project management has changed over the last five years. Working from home, the introduction of team meetings, not to mention a more dominant virtual presence. As part of our conversation lesson plan portfolio, this is a challenging class based on the ability to express an opinion in English as a second language. Join me for this conversation lesson plan and put your language skills to the test!

Presenter - Sanj Saigal 

Production - One2one Podcasts

Website -

May 18, 202304:48
May 12, 202301:01
May 02, 202300:18
Romance Is Dead
Apr 27, 202305:36
Kraybourne House
Apr 24, 202304:38
Apr 20, 202308:36
Business Phone Trailer

Business Phone Trailer

Answering a business phone in English as a second language is important for five main reasons:

1. Professionalism: Speaking English fluently and confidently on the phone portrays a professional image to clients and customers. It shows that you take your job seriously and are capable of handling business communication effectively.

2. Global communication: English is the international language of business, and many companies conduct business with clients and partners around the world. By speaking English on the phone, you can communicate with people from different countries and cultures, opening up opportunities for your company.

3. Customer service: Clear communication is essential for good customer service. By speaking English fluently, you can understand customer inquiries and respond appropriately, ensuring that their needs are met and they feel valued.

4. Competitive advantage: In today's global economy, businesses need to stay competitive. Being able to communicate effectively in English can give your company a competitive edge, especially in industries where English is the dominant language.

5. Personal growth: Learning and improving your English skills can be personally rewarding, boosting your confidence and self-esteem. It can also open up opportunities for career advancement and personal growth.

Join me on Spotify for a micro class on how to a business phone.

Apr 20, 202301:52
Living Beyond Necessity - The Perils and Pleasures Of Luxuries

Living Beyond Necessity - The Perils and Pleasures Of Luxuries

What defines a luxury and a necessity, and how do our personal values and societal norms shape our understanding of these terms? Thank you for joining me today, this is a one2one conversation-based podcast, and in it, I will discuss the concept of luxuries vs necessities. Luxuries and necessities have always been a topic of debate, with some arguing that luxuries are essential for a good quality of life, while others see them as unnecessary indulgences. In this debate, we will explore both sides of the argument and determine whether luxuries are truly necessary or just frivolous expenses.

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Website -

Production - One2one Podcasts

Apr 18, 202307:41
Answering A Business Phone

Answering A Business Phone

"One2one Academy, proud to be different".

Sometimes, we can't commit to things because we don't get the time. So join me for our exclusive English For Work micro classes on Spotify. One2one Academy, teaching English as a second language since 2011.

Business English.

In today's podcast, I will explain how to answer a business phone and provide a template you can use and modify. In addition, you will learn essential vocabulary and how to take a message for a colleague.

Presenter - Sanj Saigal

Production - One2one Podcasts

Apr 14, 202307:14