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Washday Talks

Washday Talks

By Ora

Realistic, Open, and Authentic. Welcome to Washday Talks! Most of my greatest thoughts come whilst I’m washing my hair, who can relate? Here at Washday Talks we speak about life through an authentic lens. Follow me on Insta: @washdaytalks Check out the blog: Donate and Support Let's Chat! To Hear Exclusive Content Become a Paid Subscriber:
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Washday TalksMar 29, 2024



In today’s long awaited episode we discuss what it means to be a Christian in the creative space, and the challenges and blessings that come alongside it. My friend, Dami has started a successful journey of content creation in the past year and has been able to explore the realities of loving Jesus on a public platform and the impact that makes. We also discuss the balance between unhealthy comparison and taking inspiration from other people’s content. There is a very thin line between the two. Navigating life as a creative can be difficult, but a supportive community and strong personal drive will keep you going. Throughout this episode I have inserted clips of my own creative journey over the past few years, all of which is rooted in my love for Christ. Enjoy the episode and follow Dami ❤️@DamiFadun Music by lakey inspired

Mar 29, 202431:45
The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness is a personal journey - a decision that we make to release someone from an unhealthy hold in our heart. Unforgiveness is the breeding ground for bitterness, resentment, and anger. It can poison our relationships with others and our relationship with ourself. Forgiveness doesn’t require reconciliation, neither does it require you to forget the wrong done to you. It just requires that you let go, and it makes you all the better for doing so. You will be all the better for doing so - - - - - -

Check Out Instagram Page "Washday Talks" for quotes from today's episode. Background music: LakeyInspired

Aug 08, 202323:48
Stay In Your Lane - Fight Comparison

Stay In Your Lane - Fight Comparison

Watch today’s episode on how to overcome comparison and jealousy when it comes to building up your talents and aspirations. There is no beneficial fruit in unhealthy comparison, it leads to the breakdown of relationships and dreams. If one does not master their emotions in the place of comparison, they are at risk of ruining everything they have worked for. We must learn to be content in our own journey. We must learn to stay in our Lane.

Jul 25, 202324:06
Capitalising Opportunities - Featuring Esther

Capitalising Opportunities - Featuring Esther

Join us in today's episode with Esther on how to make the most of your opportunities. Esther has balanced various leadership positions and outreach programmes with her social life and education. Being a Land Economy Student at the University of Cambridge has not stopped her from pursuing her passion of social activism and equity within higher education.

In today's episode Esther shares her wisdom on how to interact with new people, how to balance her life, and how to deal with conflict. Esther shares her experiences working within Jesus College, and how she makes the most of the opportunities that come her way.

This is an episode you don't want to miss!

Jun 22, 202329:21
The Value of Connections - Featuring Toni

The Value of Connections - Featuring Toni

Join us in today's episode on the value of connections with our guest Toni!

When I first met Toni I admired his ability to connect with people on a genuine level. In today's episode we discuss the importance of putting yourself into new environments and being intentional about the relationships we make and keep. Networking is more than just a corporate transaction - great benefits come from interacting with great people.

It would be a shame to deny ourselves the opportunity to grow with others. When we show up, we do ourselves a big favour.

Jun 16, 202342:49
Perfect Love

Perfect Love

Love is shown in the hard times, because it is tested in the hard times. You can't have perfect love if there isn't some conflict. Or rather, you don't realise you have perfect love until some conflict arises.

Feb 09, 202326:34
Season of Preparation

Season of Preparation

The season of preparation is a time period where we acquire things, lose things, and endure things as a result of surrounding pressure. The ultimate purpose of a season of preparation is to stir within you the character needed for your next level. These seasons are inevitable in life as they equip us for future events. What distinguishes a season of preparation from one of struggle is our perspective. We can use our challenges to develop our character.
Sep 15, 202230:27
The Realities of Ambition - Featuring Tumi

The Realities of Ambition - Featuring Tumi

Have we ever taken the time to fully explore what ambition is to us? Ambition does not guarantee success, neither does it guarantee peace. In fact, for many of us, our ambitions are rooted in our selfishness. Let’s discuss ambition through a realistic lens and uncover whether the sleepless nights, relentless effort, and hyper self awareness is really worth it
Mar 31, 202259:31
What Is Your Why?

What Is Your Why?

Why do you keep going? Let’s discuss motivations and willpower, consistency, and purpose. We get real in today’s episode, weaving psychology with philosophy and opinion with fact. What is your why? And why do you keep going?
Mar 17, 202236:59
Why I Hate Self Help

Why I Hate Self Help

Self Help is ruining our social lives, self esteem, and personality. Not all motivational content is really motivational, choose wisely when looking for a quick inspirational video, not everything is as beneficial as it seems.

Nov 11, 202121:14
The Dark Side of Ambition

The Dark Side of Ambition

Ambition is great, until it's not. Don't get caught up in your thirst for success, remember there's more to life than riches and fame.

Oct 21, 202119:22
Don't Underestimate The Power of Fiction

Don't Underestimate The Power of Fiction

Fiction, a form a self expression, a window to the soul. As we get older we tend to gravitate towards the world of self-help and critically acclaimed educational books - of course knowledge is wealth, right? But what if I told you that the made up fantasies of our childhood held a type of gold unrivalled by any sophisticated manuscript, would you still view fiction as a pleasure of the past, or would you take it up as your greatest treasure.

Sep 30, 202117:43
The Myth Of Meritocracy

The Myth Of Meritocracy

We've all heard the common narrative, that we all have the same 24 hours in a day, the same access to higher education, the same opportunities as those around us. But is it really true? Do we all really compete on a level playing field? Does privilege really exist? One could argue that our society is fair and just, but personal experiences offer a different story. Personal experiences suggest that a meritocratic society is merely a myth.

Jul 01, 202117:29
Friend or Foe? Social media and how it destroys us

Friend or Foe? Social media and how it destroys us

The rise of TikTok has brought fame to many, and the pursuit of it to much more, it's a hotspot for information on anything and everything, a place to connect and to laugh. But is there something sinister about the app, and is it something we need to watch out for? Just how much of a grip does it have on our society? And how exactly do we get free?

Apr 08, 202124:32
Welcome To Washday Talks

Welcome To Washday Talks

Washday Talks, a place to be chatty.

Apr 07, 202100:45