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Let's Talk About It

Let's Talk About It

By Pamela Roberts

A panel of women with opinions and bottles of wine.
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Just a tad of empowerment.

Let's Talk About ItNov 27, 2022

The Kit and Kaboodle
Dec 13, 202242:40
Just a tad of empowerment.
Nov 27, 202240:18
Menopause Out Loud

Menopause Out Loud

We here on The Big Deck have decided to dedicate this season to one topic. Menopause.

Now, some of y’all might be thinking - Why? And my response to you is WHY NOT! Enough with this old, dried up hag nonsense. Certain things need to change about The Change. Over the next 6 episodes you will hear women on the brink, in the midst and on the other side of what once was referred to as Climacteric insanity. We will discuss the ups and downs, the ins and outs and most importantly, the known unknowns of the Feminine Mystique.

So sit back, pour yourself a glass of whatever gets you through… and enjoy.

Nov 10, 202238:08
The Production Meeting #2

The Production Meeting #2

I’ll keep it short and sweet. There was a hurricane, we evacuated, we had a production meeting, it ended up being two hours and 45 minutes. This is part 2.

You know the drill. Grab yourself a glass, fill it with a beverage of your choice and enjoy.

Sep 21, 202126:37
The Production Meeting # 1
Sep 14, 202133:32
Free Britney!!!

Free Britney!!!

So, it has been three weeks, one covid lockdown, and a hurricane since last we spoke. When I said we were going on hiatus I didn’t think that meant an evacuation as well… But apparently editing a podcast in your uncle’s living room, while waiting for your power to be reconnected 3 states away is how we do things now.

Ok, yes, we all should just leave Britney alone, but we all know that women, especially those in the entertainment industry, rarely get the benefit of living their lives without some amount of scrutiny. Why can’t she pose nude on her Instagram or smack her housekeeper without the whole world knowing? Why can’t women in general, take the time they need to take care of their mental health?

Joining me for this discussion are executive producer Jeanne Patrick and my good friend Shelley. So once again, sit back get comfy, pour yourself a beverage and enjoy!

Sep 06, 202131:39
Menopause Episode 1

Menopause Episode 1

Let's face it ladies, if the sentence I'm Rob Base and I came to get down places you somewhere in a high school gym, doing your best Club MTV moves, then you too are experiencing the precious moments that surround Menopause. This episode kicks off a series of talks with those of us approaching (Peri-menopause), those of us counting the months, and those of us throwing out the emergency tampon or pad in purse.  

Jul 23, 202134:09
Hiatus Announcement/Trailor
Jul 22, 202101:11
Period Piece Wokeness

Period Piece Wokeness

Hidden Figures, Downton Abbey, Bridgerton! So many series, so many false narratives. What happens when you rewrite history for the sake of someone's ego? You get a bunch of beautiful people in beautiful costumes telling utter lies. Joining me on the panel tonight, are my best friend Renee Benson, Shelley and our new guest Travis Cosentino, plus Jeanne Patrick as the peanut gallery.

Jul 05, 202131:24
Trailer - Period Piece Wokeness

Trailer - Period Piece Wokeness

Have you ever found yourself entrenched in a beautiful BBC drama replete with historically accurate flatware only to have your suspension of disbelief get smacked in the face by a well-crafted speech about how a marginalized person, is in fact a human being; and how they too are deserving of love? In the next episode we will discuss the moments when we are expected to just believe that there was one person who was not a product of their environment, and had the mentality to think outside the box. Could it be White Savior Complex, blind casting, or just all around shenanigans?

 We definitely won't have the answers, but rest assured there will be opinions and wine. 

Coming soon! 

Jun 25, 202102:10
Common Side Effects Too: Electric Boogaloo or The Shit We Missed
Jun 19, 202132:06
Common Side Effects Include

Common Side Effects Include

According to on May 9, 1960 the FDA approved the female birth control pill, granting "...greater reproductive freedom to American women." In 2011 studies for a male birth control pill were discontinued due to a high drop rate over subjects experiencing adverse side effects. What were these side effects? The same as the female versions, yet women to this day are just expected to deal with acne, depression, headaches, and decreased libido. In addition to nausea, breakthrough bleeding, blood clots and suicidal ideation. As recent as May 2020 the FDA approved a birth control gel that alters the pH of the vagina. Which not only makes it difficult for sperm to get through, but also causes urinary tract infections and an itchy burning crotch. So sexy! Why is it that in the year 2021 men are still working with only three options? One the barrier method aka a condom, which women end up supplying most of the time, two The Good ol’ Snip Snip or three The Pull and Pray; and women are out here literally fucking up their natural pH just to live their lives? Well, we don’t have the answers to these questions but we’re definitely gonna talk about it.

Special thanks to guests Jeanne Patrick and Misean Reed. 

Super Special Thanks to Unique Lee for her sage wisdom. 

May 29, 202126:38
Not You Too!

Not You Too!

A not so deep dive into hashtags and good guys.

May 12, 202129:19
Trailer - Not You Too!

Trailer - Not You Too!


How is it that some men got zapped and others got to get on with their lives? Could it be that those who escaped the initial wave were “nice guys” or were they just not wielding enough power?

In our first episode, we discuss those who managed to avoid getting hit with the hashtag stick. So… Let’s Talk About It.

Apr 27, 202100:49