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Patriots Must Rise

Patriots Must Rise

By Anatoli & Suzanne Аnatoliciva

This Podcast is hosted by Anatolie and his wife Suzane Anatoliciva and brought to you by Patriot Survival Northwest llc. You can follow the couple's written work at our HubPages URL. Also Patriots Must Rise is a completely donor funded platform, so please help support us. Thank you in advance.

Patriots Must Rise is going to become kid friendly. We are turning our Podcast into a cartoon, with clean language and an educational format.
Please support ore podcast with a donation at this link:

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Goodbye Spotify

Patriots Must Rise Oct 11, 2023

Goodbye Spotify

Goodbye Spotify

Due to censorship we are only using the platforms listed in the video. hope to see you there.
Oct 11, 202300:37
This Is My React Video To The Woke Fakumentary, "Everything's Going To Be All White."

This Is My React Video To The Woke Fakumentary, "Everything's Going To Be All White."

This video is about promoting peace and unity as well as debunking more of the Left's Propaganda. While you watch is video, please ask yourself, who is the racist?

What is the basic problem in America? The biggest issue is the division in America. So what is the solution? First we need the truth to come out about January 6th 2021, and why our government and the media doesn’t want the truth to come out. We need the truth to come out to the public and war criminals such as CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC and many others put out of business and the members shoot in the streets.

For years the Deep state has been manipulating the masses and I have to wonder, how long are we going to put up with it? COVID-19 lost credibility so the Globalists go to war against Ukraine.

Our production notes for this episode can found at this link:

If you like our content and you want to see more our podcast is crowd founded. You can find several ways to donate at this link:

Sep 26, 202341:07
Did Common Core Set Us Up For The 2020 Steal?

Did Common Core Set Us Up For The 2020 Steal?

Did Common Core Education Reform set us up for the theft of the 2020 General Election.

What is the basic problem in America? The biggest issue is the division in America. So what is the solution? First we need the truth to come out about January 6th 2021, and why our government and the media doesn’t want the truth to come out. We need the truth to come out to the public and war criminals such as CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC and many others put out of business and the members shoot in the streets.

For years the Deep state has been manipulating the masses and I have to wonder, how long are we going to put up with it? COVID-19 lost credibility so the Globalists go to war against Ukraine.

Our production notes for this episode can found at this link:

If you like our content and you want to see more our podcast is crowd founded. You can find several ways to donate at this link:

Sep 25, 202317:37
What Happen to the Old Lady After Scum Bag Drug Lord is Killed!

What Happen to the Old Lady After Scum Bag Drug Lord is Killed!

This is a true life case study of how socialism works.

It used to be that the word "Patriot," meant that you had a loyalty to your native country. But with the lockdowns of 2019, for Covid-19, it be came clear that the word "Patriot," had to be redefined. Now when we talk of patriotism we are talking of someone who has a Love for God, defends high moral standards, respects the rights and freedoms of the individual, and will defend his or her beliefs from any and all threats. This Podcast is about how to servive as a concervative in our ever changing world. What is the basic problem in America? The biggest issue is the division in America. So what is the solution? First we need the truth to come out about January 6th 2021, and why our government and the media doesn’t want the truth to come out. We need the truth to come out to the public and war criminals such as CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC and many others put out of business and the members shoot in the streets. For years the Deep state has been manipulating the masses and I have to wonder, how long are we going to put up with it? COVID-19 lost credibility so the Globalists go to war against Ukraine. Our production notes for this episode can found at this link: If you like our content and you want to see more our podcast is crowd founded. You can find several ways to donate at this link:

Sep 24, 202316:46
What Is Really Happening In Ukraine!

What Is Really Happening In Ukraine!

This broadcast is coming to you from somewhere in the world, deep in a nondescript bunker. this service is completely crowd funded so if you wish to support us please donate on this page.

Sep 23, 202328:26
This Is Why We Have A Homeless Problem!

This Is Why We Have A Homeless Problem!

Clark County's Columbia River Mental Health in Vancouver, Washington is ripping off tax payers. Why robbing mental health patients of their meds, forcing them into homelessness.

Sep 20, 202308:15
We Are Already At War

We Are Already At War

The Covid-19 Lie has enabled the UN too take an increasingly abundant amount of power.

Visit the link below for our production notes and a way to donate.

Sep 19, 202347:38
ThisIs Why We Have Division In America

ThisIs Why We Have Division In America

What is the basic problem in America? The biggest issue is the division in America. So what is the solution? First we need the truth to come out about January 6th 2021, and why our government and the media doesn’t want the truth to come out. We need the truth to come out to the public and war criminals such as CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC and many others put out of business and the members shoot in the streets.

For years the Deep state has been manipulating the masses and I have to wonder, how long are we going to put up with it? COVID-19 lost credibility so the Globalists go to war against Ukraine.

Our production notes for this episode can found at this link:

If you like our content and you want to see more our podcast is crowd founded. You can find several ways to donate at this link:

Sep 18, 202311:30
Oh for a free America.

Oh for a free America.

What is the basic problem in America? The biggest issue is the division in America. So what is the solution? First we need the truth to come out about January 6th 2021, and why our government and the media doesn’t want the truth to come out. We need the truth to come out to the public and war criminals such as CNN, Fox, MSNBC, ABC and many others put out of business and the members shoot in the streets.

For years the Deep state has been manipulating the masses and I have to wonder, how long are we going to put up with it? COVID-19 lost credibility so the Globalists go to war against Ukraine.

Our production notes for this episode can found at this link:

If you like our content and you want to see more our podcast is crowd founded. You can find several ways to donate at this link:

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Redland’s California City Council, votes to not fly the pride flag:

Chaos at Sunol Glen school board meeting as district votes to ban pride flags

Some Schools Ban Pride Flags, LGBTQ Symbols In Classrooms

Sep 18, 202348:17
Is The Pride Flag Banned?

Is The Pride Flag Banned?

Thank God people are waking up. Public Buildings around the nation are saying no to Pride. If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:’s California City Council, votes to not fly the pride flag: Chaos at Sunol Glen school board meeting as district votes to ban pride flags Some Schools Ban Pride Flags, LGBTQ Symbols In Classrooms

Sep 15, 202328:12
The Left Will Kill Trump Before 2024

The Left Will Kill Trump Before 2024

What will MAGA look like after the the Left kills Trump.

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Sep 13, 202327:13
All Democrats Are Pedophiles

All Democrats Are Pedophiles

This episode is throwing back into the face of Democrats why we believe Democrats are Pedophiles.

Sep 12, 202323:27
This is an update on my disability claim.
Sep 09, 202334:55
They Started This War Part 2
Sep 09, 202334:09
They Started This War Part 1

They Started This War Part 1

This is why we must fight back. I am the first to tell you that I am not a fan of the Public Indoctrination System, aka, the Public Education System. But in this 2 part series I explain why I don't and would never endorse sending a child to a public school.

Also am going to call out ScrewTube for their unsafe default settings.

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Sep 08, 202329:59
We Are Calling Out The Left

We Are Calling Out The Left

Our system is so corrupted, how can anyone trust our government?

Sep 08, 202332:02
Why Does BLM Think Blacks Are Above The Law.

Why Does BLM Think Blacks Are Above The Law.

Since when is a woman trying to run over a cop with her car, getting shot, not justified.

Sep 06, 202308:42
The World Has Caught On To The Democrats

The World Has Caught On To The Democrats

The Democrats have been using Bio-warfare against Americans for 102 years and by default the World just to win elections. But now the EU has started talking about it. So when the Globalists Hlo had everything backfire with Trump's election in 2016 they had to change the game plan. So they use a global pandemic to better cheat in 2020. Because America doesn't want a Democrat to win in 24 they are up to their same tricks and failing miserably.

Sep 05, 202332:20
The LBGTQ community has been coming for our Kids sense the 1990's

The LBGTQ community has been coming for our Kids sense the 1990's

I cracked Tick Tok's algorithm. Microsoft has been indoctrinating our kid's since the 1990's into being gay.

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Sep 04, 202319:02
Biden Appointed Judge Attacks Parents

Biden Appointed Judge Attacks Parents

Maryland Judge, rules parents have no right to say anything against pro-fag education in public schools.

Sep 02, 202315:30
The Water Around Maui Was Never Burning!

The Water Around Maui Was Never Burning!

In this podcast we debunk the notion that the water was on fire during the arsonist attack on Maui.

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Sep 01, 202324:06
Why We Need Welfare Reform

Why We Need Welfare Reform

Welfare has long been a democrat talking point, because they steal from the funds. Reform is needed. Let's talk about this. Youtube will probably delete this video so if you can find "Patriots Must Rise," on Rumble and anywhere you can listen to your podcasts. If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Aug 31, 202315:23
What Are They Hiding

What Are They Hiding

Everyone has been talking about the strange behavior of the Wild Fire in Hawaii. But I think I know what really happened.

Aug 30, 202334:53
This Is A Letter To the Judge Who Is Hearing My Case!
Aug 28, 202323:09
The Real Reason Some Think This Is A Scam.

The Real Reason Some Think This Is A Scam.

In this video I talk about testing a cloud mining app called Skyminer. Here is the link to the research.

This is a letter to those who think it is a good idea to lock down.
This is a public service warning to the Left as to what will happen if the left ever tries to lock us down again. The worse thing the Left can do is piss off a group of people that already hate them and give them the time to fight back.

At this point locking down will be the last straw.

I’m raising $20,000 until 09/20/2023 for Save America At All Costs. Can you help?

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Aug 27, 202317:25
Why It Is Not A Good Idea To Ever Lockdown Again!

Why It Is Not A Good Idea To Ever Lockdown Again!

Why it is not a good idea to lockdown.

This is a letter to those who think it is a good idea to lock down.

This is a public service warning to the Left as to what will happen if the left ever tries to lock us down again. The worse thing the Left can do is piss off a group of people that already hate them and give them the time to fight back.

At this point locking down will be the last straw.

I’m raising $20,000 until 09/20/2023 for Save America At All Costs. Can you help?

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Aug 25, 202313:45
Celebrate the Next MAGA-Day

Celebrate the Next MAGA-Day

Dan Bongino asked when they should have their next concert. Here is my answer.

Check out the concert.

Aug 21, 202304:47
Joe Biden's Real America

Joe Biden's Real America

Let's talk about the real economy that Biden has destroyed.

If you are listening on the podcast the video is also on YouTube so you can see what I am talking about.

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Aug 19, 202329:30
Why The Left Already Lost The Culture WAR!

Why The Left Already Lost The Culture WAR!

Patriots Must Rise is going to become kid friendly. We are turning our Podcast into a cartoon, with clean language and an educational format.

Please support ore podcast with a donation at this link:

The Left stole the 2020 Election and destroyed America, with the installation of Joe {the Foreign Agent} Biden, who sold his soul to greed and Ukraine. So what are your plans as the world goes to Hell. Let me tell you of ours. COVID-19 was nothing new. The Dems have been doing this for 102 years and they shut down the economy, for what, to destroy America! Gen Z is turning away from the Left. Brandon Herrera is now running for the 23rd congressional district in Texas. Please support his campaign @

Covid-19 was not the first time the Democrats created a virus to cheat in an election.

Did Joe Biden Murder Hawaiians?!

There Is Something to The Hawaiian Fires Being Set.

Our Enslavement Is No Accident

Aug 18, 202316:05
US Marshal talks about the 2020 Riots.

US Marshal talks about the 2020 Riots.

This is my first person take on what is was like in Portland Oregon during the George Floyd, BLM, Anti-FA riots.

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Aug 17, 202316:60
How Bidenomics Is Hurting Me.

How Bidenomics Is Hurting Me.

Elections have consequences  I am disabled but I am doing everything that I can to stay off of the welfare system. I hope these videos can help others in a similar situation do the same. If you wish to support us here is the link to do so:

Aug 15, 202324:50
We Have To Put Our Past Behind Us and Unit against Our Common Enemy.

We Have To Put Our Past Behind Us and Unit against Our Common Enemy.

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Every paycheck I look for something to invest in. But this will be my last paycheck for a while so I need this investment to count. I think I found the investment that will get my wife and I through some hard times. I offer this discussion up to our creator and ask for Wisdom on this matter.

I started to use the Sky Miner app for Bitcoin mining on android.. But don’t do anything with Skyminer until you read the Production Notes.

Download it from here:

and earn 10$ worth of bitcoin instantly when you use my invitation code in the signup window.

My code is: uvCRF2

After much prayer and consideration, I upgraded my Skyminer account again. This month, God willing, my wife and I will be paying our rent in BTC. That way I can focus on the podcast and not be so stressed about donations.

But with so many fraudulent apps and cloud mining site out there I am still not trusting it completely. For one thing there are a lot of negative reviews about Skyminer but all of them seem to be complaining about wanting free money with no investment. So I am hopeful.

I mean we are all here to make money so why would the writers of the app be any different? The mistakes I have made with Skyminer were all my fault. I may not have accounted for the transaction fee or not given the amount correctly. But I contacted support and weight time was not rectified yet.

The 2024 Election is already being rigged.

Newmax Greg Kelly 08/10/2023

Newmax Carl Hiblie 08/11/2023

Newsmax TV & Web:

#FACT Joe Biden is a foreign agent!

#FACT all Democrats are crooks.

#FACT Brandon Herrera is running for Congress!

#FACT GLOBAL man made climate change is a scam.

I paid Tom McDonald for the rights of use to his amazing song. And my wife got laid off yesterday. I know God has reasons to put us through hardship but at this point they allude me.

Intro Music by Tom McDonald, “In God We Trust,” Please go and check his music out on YouTube.

I talk about why they are always going after Trump.

I forgot to talk about the fact that every four years on the Election cycle we have a pandemic. Go to my Production Notes at this link to learn more.


Aug 14, 202326:45
CNN is killing our kids!
Aug 13, 202326:16
Let's Organize The First MAGA Day
Aug 13, 202331:10
It Is Time To Shake Things UP!

It Is Time To Shake Things UP!

Description For The August 8th, 2023 Episode of The “Patriots Must Rise,” Podcast

Tittle: It Is Time To Shake Things Up!

COVID-19 was nothing new. The Dems have been doing this for 102 years and they shut down the economy, for what, to destroy America! Gen Z is turning away from the Left. Brandon Herrera is now running for the 23rd congressional district in Texas. Please support his campaign @

Please support ore podcast with a donation at this link:

Intro Music by Tom McDonald, “In God We Trust,” Please go and check his music out on YouTube.

I forgot to talk about the fact that every four years on the Election cycle we have a pandemic. Go to my Production Notes at this link to learn more.

Aug 13, 202323:13
The 2024 election is already being rigged!

The 2024 election is already being rigged!

If you wish to support our ministry, you can donate at this link:

Description For The August 3rd, 2023 Episode of The “Patriots Must Rise,” Podcast

Tittle: Things Are Going To be Tight for a While

Every paycheck I look for something to invest in. But this will be my last paycheck for a while so I need this investment to count. I think I found the investment that will get my wife and I through some hard times. I offer this discussion up to our creator and ask for Wisdom on this matter.

I started to use the Sky Miner app for Bitcoin mining on android.. But don’t do anything with Skyminer until you read the Production Notes.

Download it from here:

and earn 10$ worth of bitcoin instantly when you use my invitation code in the signup window.

My code is: uvCRF2

After much prayer and consideration, I upgraded my Skyminer account again. This month, God willing, my wife and I will be paying our rent in BTC. That way I can focus on the podcast and not be so stressed about donations.

But with so many fraudulent apps and cloud mining site out there I am still not trusting it completely. For one thing there are a lot of negative reviews about Skyminer but all of them seem to be complaining about wanting free money with no investment. So I am hopeful.

I mean we are all here to make money so why would the writers of the app be any different? The mistakes I have made with Skyminer were all my fault. I may not have accounted for the transaction fee or not given the amount correctly. But I contacted support .


This is a Ponzie scheme. It is important that Patriots learn to reconcile the idea that investing in GPU to mine Bitcoin yourself is the only way that you trust the process. A 3 or 4000 dollar computer is a sound investment to dedicate to the process. Keep in mind that BTC holds at $29k.

If you find this information useful and you want to see more, my family and I need your help. If you can afford it please donate by scanning the QR code on the Left.

In the meantime, I have been up all night researching ways to combat giving into a centralized digital currency.

I know that you are probably thinking, Tolie, you are pushing Bitcoin. What is the difference?

The difference is the Blockcain which is the Internet itself has a natural bi product. That bi product is the recite of the central banking system moving your money into other people’s accounts and visea versa. That is called crypto currency. It can’t be regulated without getting rid of the banks. That is not going to happen.

The 2024 Election is already being rigged.

Newmax Greg Kelly 08/10/2023

Newmax Carl Hiblie 08/11/2023

Newsmax TV & Web:

#FACT Joe Biden is a foreign agent!

#FACT GLOBAL man made climate change is a scam.

I paid Tom McDonald for the rights of use to his amazing song. And my wife got laid off yesterday. I know God has reasons to put us through hardship but at this point they allude me.

Intro Music by Tom McDonald, “In God We Trust,” Please go and check his music out on YouTube.

I talk about why they are always going after Trump.

I forgot to talk about the fact that every four years on the Election cycle we have a pandemic. Go to my Production Notes at this link to learn more.


Aug 13, 202320:23
The Covid-19 Vacine Is designed to kill you.
Aug 13, 202359:32
This Is A Public Service Emergency

This Is A Public Service Emergency

Joe Biden was installed and this is the result. Vote Democrat and starve.

Aug 11, 202302:10
Corruption Part 3

Corruption Part 3

We had some tech problems getting Part 2 uploaded. Please visit the notes to watch the second part.

This is the link to our Production Notes:

Aug 09, 202317:38
Life Happens

Life Happens

Life happens, people are crooks. Let me show what we have been dealing with.

Aug 08, 202342:33
Let's Talk About Crypto Scams Part 1
Aug 06, 202313:41
The Time Is Now

The Time Is Now

The Left has used fear to steal elections for over 100 years. But we aren't going to take it anymore. We are on to you.

Aug 04, 202322:19
Not COVID again!

Not COVID again!

Description For The August 8th, 2023 Episode of The “Patriots Must Rise,” Podcast

Tittle: Not COVID again!

COVID-19 was nothing new. The Dems have been doing this for 102 years and they shut down the economy, for what?

Intro Music by Tom McDonald, “In God We Trust,” Please go and check his music out on YouTube.

I forgot to talk about the fact that every four years on the Election cycle we have a pandemic. Go to my Production Notes at this link to learn more.

Aug 03, 202316:03
Biden Is Not Getting Out Of This

Biden Is Not Getting Out Of This

Description For The August 8th, 2023 Episode of The “Patriots Must Rise,” Podcast

Tittle: Biden Is Not Getting Out Of This

Joe and Hunter Biden are in much more legal trouble then the Press is telling us.

The token Black Lesbian Press Secretary, has belittled and offended America yet one more time.

Intro Music by Tom McDonald, “In God We Trust,” Please go and check his music out on YouTube.

I talk about why they are always going after Trump.

I forgot to talk about the fact that every four years on the Election cycle we have a pandemic. Go to my Production Notes at this link to learn more.

Aug 02, 202324:04
Information Overload
Aug 01, 202323:06
Our Enslavement Is No Accident
Jul 31, 202341:14
We Are All Slaves and Probably didn't know it!

We Are All Slaves and Probably didn't know it!

20 years ago Stefan Molyneux, published a 13 min video on Youtube. This video is a prediction of the Great Reset.

This link is part 2
Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast: Our Enslavement Is No Accident

Here is the source info:
Stefan Molyneux, "The Story of Your Enslavement,"

I don't know if Stefan is even around but if he is or if anyone wants to leave a voice message that might be used of "Patriots Must Rise," please click the link below:

Also I love making this content and hope you enjoy the results. But Everything we do in this would costs money. If you can please Donate while you are visiting the link above. Thank you.

Listen to the most recent episode of my podcast:
Jul 31, 202318:02
Why Is It The Left Is Supporting Jason Aldean?
Jul 30, 202323:38
Who Is The Man In The Whitehouse?
Jul 30, 202328:20
The Fight Begins
Jul 29, 202320:08