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The Midwest Mindset

The Midwest Mindset

By Paul Theisen

It is a cross between midwest values and a growth mindset.
Currently playing episode

#30 No news is good news, with Gary Gnu

The Midwest Mindset Aug 27, 2022

#83 Take a breathe......
Sep 02, 202304:09
#82 TMM Top 5 things that make us smile!

#82 TMM Top 5 things that make us smile!

"Smiling is my favorite......" -Will Ferrell

Aug 26, 202320:52
#81 Time Management

#81 Time Management

Time is such an important commodity, how we use it, matters. Here are some tips that Paul and J discuss to use in your future, to improve your Time Management!

Aug 19, 202335:09
#80 TMM Regret (how to get over it)

#80 TMM Regret (how to get over it)

"If I knew then, what I know now, I would have done it differently" - Edith Eger (Holocaust Survivor)

Aug 12, 202336:44
#79 Focus

#79 Focus

How do we stay focused in our careers, lives, and relationships.....wear all black T-shirts?

Aug 05, 202326:47
TMM #78 How to build self confidence

TMM #78 How to build self confidence

How can we build our self confidence in ourselves, as well as help others build their self confidence. Enjoy.

Jul 29, 202328:06
#77 What do you value in life?

#77 What do you value in life?

Spouse, kids, family, and friends....sure. All important in our lives. How about beyond that?


Jul 22, 202326:25
TMM #76 How to do HARD THINGS!

TMM #76 How to do HARD THINGS!

It feels good to stay in your comfort zone. So how do we get out of this doing hard things.


Jul 15, 202325:36
#75 TMM "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with"

#75 TMM "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with"

Are the people in your life adding to your growth and development, or are they sucking the energy from you? Take a listen and see if this applies to you.


Jul 08, 202323:17
TMM #74 Culture

TMM #74 Culture

How can you show up with a growth mindset to help add to your teams, companies, or families culture?

In today's episode, Paul and J discuss their experiences with both toxic and positive cultures in their lives.


Jul 01, 202339:46
#73 TMM Imposter Syndrome

#73 TMM Imposter Syndrome

Albert Einstein, Mayo Angelou, Simon Sinek, and many more, all suffered from "Imposter Syndrome".

We all do. Here are some tools and tricks to overcome imposter syndrome.


Jun 24, 202337:14
#72 Gratitude

#72 Gratitude

Gratitude in our lives. How do we show it to others? What are the benefits to us, as well as others. Enjoy!

Jun 17, 202326:05
Graduation!! With my new guest host!

Graduation!! With my new guest host!

Just a little LIVE podcast from Lake Minnewaska, MN
Jun 10, 202313:07
#70 Walk N Talk with PT

#70 Walk N Talk with PT

Be authentic, and real... got it.

Jun 03, 202308:19
#69 My buddy, Tim Herron.....not the golfer.

#69 My buddy, Tim Herron.....not the golfer.

Tim was one of my first clients, and he shares how we worked together early on this journey of showing up with a Growth Mindset. Enjoy.

May 27, 202319:36
#68 Happiness

#68 Happiness

The Happiness Equation -Neil Pasricha

The Happiness Advantage -Shawn Anchor

May 20, 202315:56
#67 Intermittent Fasting

#67 Intermittent Fasting

Hey gang, I come to you today with a great habit that I have implemented into my daily routine, that has helped me tremendously with my health, both physically, and mentally. Check out these resources as well:

May 13, 202317:40
#66 Reversal of Desire

#66 Reversal of Desire

Have you heard of Phil Stutz? Have you watched the very successful documentary of STUTZ by Johah Hill?

In today's episode, we go over one simple tool that Dr. Stutz uses in this documentary, and in his book titled: The Tools! Enjoy

May 06, 202309:27
#65 Self Care

#65 Self Care

"When we improve the way we see ourselves, we improve the way others see us! Enjoy

Apr 29, 202316:49
#64 John John! Meet my older brother John Theisen.

#64 John John! Meet my older brother John Theisen.

In this interview, John and I discuss his life's journey after leaving little old Stearns County, MN for Concord, CA. Graduating College, getting married, becoming a father, and continuing to live a life with a growth mindset.


Apr 22, 202343:32
#63 3 Tips to improve your communication!

#63 3 Tips to improve your communication!

Are you a great communicator? Are very articulate and well spoken in front of large crowds? I wasn't.....but I am getting better, each and every day. By using these tips and by practicing, I am learning to show up more confident, more professional, and more effective in my communication with others. Enjoy.

Apr 15, 202311:01
#62 TMM Great Scott!

#62 TMM Great Scott!

J Scott Pitonyak joins the podcast! My brother from another mother, my college buddy, my old roommate, and one of my best friends J and I discuss, growing up in the Midwest, what is a Growth Mindset to him, and how has Fatherhood changed his life. Enjoy.

Apr 08, 202337:36
#61 Brett is back!!

#61 Brett is back!!

Brett is back! In today's episode, Brett and Paul discuss how they recharge, reset, and reconnect in their personal, work, and family life.


Apr 01, 202328:14
#60 TED LASSO!!!

#60 TED LASSO!!!

Spring break for Paul. Keeping it light with my top ten TED LASSO QUOTES! Enjoy

Mar 25, 202319:09
#59 "I'll be happy when......"

#59 "I'll be happy when......"

Stop wishing your days away!  Be more present in the NOW.  Here are five easy tips to do this.  Enjoy!

Mar 18, 202314:45
#58 Brother's don't shake hands....brothers gotta hug!

#58 Brother's don't shake hands....brothers gotta hug!

Joining today is: Jeff Theisen!  Paul's younger brother.  They discuss old stories of cutting wood to heat their home, childhood stories, and plenty of movie quotes and suggestions.  Enjoy

Mar 11, 202339:37
#57 Self Confidence

#57 Self Confidence

5 ways that I have built my self confidence.  Enjoy

Mar 04, 202316:54
#56 Work hard today, for the LIFE you want tomorrow.

#56 Work hard today, for the LIFE you want tomorrow.

If you want to see change; if you can take will need to do a few Hard Things.  In today's episode, I talk about 5 tools to help

you get there!  Enjoy

Feb 25, 202315:33
#55 Pessimism-5 ways I overcame a pessimistic lifestyle

#55 Pessimism-5 ways I overcame a pessimistic lifestyle

Not your typical podcast today.  I discuss what it felt like to be a pessimistic person, to live in a "fixed mindset".  And how I overcame it.


Feb 18, 202316:11
#54 CHAD DANIELS! Stand up comedian, father, and friend.

#54 CHAD DANIELS! Stand up comedian, father, and friend.

This was one of my favorite episodes!  I missed not having B. J., but having Chad here, and talking about the ups and downs of being a parent in the Midwest.

Please share; and enjoy!

Feb 11, 202353:23
#53 Top Ten Tools to help you, "Feel Good" in February

#53 Top Ten Tools to help you, "Feel Good" in February

In today's episode, Paul gives us his Top Ten tools to feel better about himself and ways to change our our day, week, or month will go.  Enjoy!

Feb 04, 202321:13
#52 How do we get out of our sympathetic nervous system...."fight or flight".

#52 How do we get out of our sympathetic nervous system...."fight or flight".

Today, Paul discusses 6 tools that anyone can use to change your nervous system from stress, anxiety to calm, and quiet.  

Jan 28, 202319:03
#51 Our first guest to the Podcast! Welcome Eric Page.

#51 Our first guest to the Podcast! Welcome Eric Page.

Fatherhood and how we show up matters.  In this episode, Brett and Paul interview Eric and discuss the values of fatherhood, the importance of being active partners with your spouse, and examples of failures as a parent.  Enjoy!

Jan 21, 202341:37
#50 Mistakes we've made as Fathers, parents....

#50 Mistakes we've made as Fathers, parents....

Brett and I tease guests to the podcast for next week, and today discuss Jocko's list of 6 things we should do when parenting our children.  However, Paul and Brett where they fell short in these areas, and where they can do better.  Enjoy.

Jan 14, 202338:27
#49 Fatherhood! New father's and the Love, Limits, and Let go's of our early years as fathers.

#49 Fatherhood! New father's and the Love, Limits, and Let go's of our early years as fathers.

Brett and Paul discuss their early days as new fathers.  The bad, the ugly, and the funny moments we had while loving every minute of it.  Enjoy!

Jan 07, 202336:20
#48 Fight through Adversity.....Vikings VS Colts!

#48 Fight through Adversity.....Vikings VS Colts!

Today Brett and Paul discuss overcoming adversity.  Using culture and mentors in our lives to battle conflict or troubles that might have held you back in the past.

With a number of great stories, as well as a healthy Vikings discussion.


Dec 31, 202231:08
#47 Gratitude....for you the listener, for Brett, and for life.

#47 Gratitude....for you the listener, for Brett, and for life.

Brett and Paul would just like to take this time to say THANK YOU!  For listening to this podcast, for your feedback, and for you making a conscience effort to show up as a new, and improved human being.  Thanks!

Dec 24, 202229:57
#46 Time Suckers! How do we value our time?

#46 Time Suckers! How do we value our time?

Brett and Paul discuss work functions, holiday parties, and family gatherings, where we can get sucked into conversations that suck our time away from us.  Enjoy

Dec 17, 202235:16
#45 Overthinking! Stop it; but how?

#45 Overthinking! Stop it; but how?

Bob Newhart had a great stand up piece where he was a therapist that billed by the minute.  The patients would come into his office and share their issues, or their anxiety, and his advice was one simple statement.....STOP IT.....Haha.  But this is hard to do, especially when we are stuck in our own head.  Brett and I discuss in this episode, how we have overcome those moments when we are stuck in over thinking.


Dec 10, 202236:18
#44 Imposter Syndrome

#44 Imposter Syndrome

When do you feel like an imposter in your life?  How do you get past it?  In today's episode, Brett and I discuss examples of when we have felt this way, and how we overcame it.  Enjoy!

Dec 03, 202238:36
#43 Attitude is Everything!

#43 Attitude is Everything!

I know it is not always easy to have a positive attitude in everything that we do, but in this episode, Brett and Paul discuss the tools that they use to help keep a positive attitude in their daily lives.  Enjoy.

Nov 26, 202232:39
#42 The Drama Triangle. Holiday season is here, do you have time for drama in your life?

#42 The Drama Triangle. Holiday season is here, do you have time for drama in your life?

In this episode, Brett and I discuss the drama triangle, and how we can try to spot it before we get sucked in, or what to do when we are asked to get involved in it.  Enjoy!

Nov 19, 202237:36
#41 The stories we tell ourselves, and how to avoid ANTS in your life.

#41 The stories we tell ourselves, and how to avoid ANTS in your life.

This is a great episode, filled with personal stories and tools to overcome Automated Negative Thoughts...ANTS.  

Nov 12, 202240:26
#40 I don't know.....

#40 I don't know.....

When have you answered a question that you weren't sure if the you were correct?  Do we let our Ego's get in our way?  The power of this statement...I don't know yet.

Nov 05, 202220:58
#39 A clear desk, and a clean mind.

#39 A clear desk, and a clean mind.

Today's episode Brett and Paul discuss the advantages of starting your work day with a clean desk.  The benefits of organization, and a little structure.


Oct 29, 202228:22
#38 Momentum

#38 Momentum

Momentum, how do we get it.  What do we do when we get it?  And how do we keep it?

Oct 22, 202228:54
#37 Discipline

#37 Discipline

Video version

Oct 18, 202236:01
#37 Discipline

#37 Discipline

Discipline, and the top five ways to be more disciplined in your life.  Check out the action step in the end, and enjoy! 

Also, if interested, Brett and I love this book and talk about it in this week's episode.  Discipline is Destiny by Ryan Holiday.

To help support this podcast, go to:

Oct 15, 202237:18
# 36 Change of seasons

# 36 Change of seasons

Fall colors, football, stories of our fall months in MN.  Then we dive into PJ Fleck, coaching, and a little bit of leadership.  It's a mess, but it's our mess.  Enjoy!

Oct 08, 202236:28
#35 life, in relationships, and how to handle it! ENJOY

#35 life, in relationships, and how to handle it! ENJOY

Some interesting insight on how to be comfortable in the unknown, take a listen and please share this with people who might needs this.  

Oct 01, 202237:35