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They Mostly Podcast at Night - Horror Movie Reviews with Chaos

They Mostly Podcast at Night - Horror Movie Reviews with Chaos

By They Mostly Podcast at Night

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They Mostly Podcast at Night - Horror Movie Reviews with ChaosSep 30, 2019

268 THE RETURN! with House of Wax (1953)
Jun 06, 202401:14:32
267 - The Exorcist (1973) and GOODBYE!

267 - The Exorcist (1973) and GOODBYE!

Say Hello and Goodbye to OUR FINAL EPISODE!

We saved this horror classic for last - but if you expected us to side with the critics you obviously don't listen to this podcast very often!

Reagan is a 12 year old girl who starts talking to Captain Howdy through her Ouija board - and then becomes possessed by a demon from Assyria named Pazuzu! Doctors can do nothing! Science can't explain it! Thank goodness for Captain Catholicism - err some priests. Yeah, some priests.

Aug 07, 202301:03:30
266 - Rabid (1977)

266 - Rabid (1977)

This week, join us super late for a fast-spreading disease overtaking Montreal with chaos in the streets and martial law in the sheets! Marilyn Chambers plays Rose, a woman who gets into a near-fatal motorcycle accident, but luckily only a mile away from a plastic surgery clinic which uses experimental futuristic skin grafts to save her life! But in a turn zero people expected, the skin grafts morph into an extra appendage that hides in her arm pit and feeds from human blood to keep her alive! Rose becomes patient zero in this epidemic, but no one ever finds out except her boyfriend Hart, and Montreal is DOOMED!

Aug 03, 202346:47
265 - Escape Room (2019)

265 - Escape Room (2019)

A group of randos from different walks of life all receive mysterious invitations to try a brand new elite escape room with a prize of $10,000 going to the first one to complete it. Little do they know it's really the plot of Hostel, where richey-riches watch them fight for their lives through deadly traps and puzzles with no intention of giving the winner a thing.

Jul 24, 202346:43
264 - Orca

264 - Orca

In honor of the Orcas harassing yachts in the Strait of Gibraltar, this week Chaos and Carnage are bringing you the story of a killer porpoise out for REVENGE! Young Dumbleldore is a sea fairin' man off the coast of Nova Scotia, kidnapping sea life for aquariums to pay off his boat so he can get back to Hogwarts! Until the day he has the brilliant idea to capture and adult male Orca, because, of course, THINGS GO AWRY! He kills the male's' mate, who miscarries their baby Orca, all in sight of the male who screams in impotent rage and VOWS REVENGE! Well, the only logical thing to do is go back out to sea for a man-of-honor duel to the death with a 30ft porpoise!

Jul 18, 202348:07
263 - Psycho (1960)

263 - Psycho (1960)

Alfred Hitchcock's classic! What else is there to say? A pretty blonde lady steals some money to start over with her honey, then a severely messed up guy murders her because his dead mommy said to. It was the 60s, they didn't know shit about mental illness or the criminal mind, but hey, that shower scene though!

Jul 10, 202359:00
262 - The Birds (And MonsterFest)

262 - The Birds (And MonsterFest)

This week, Chaos starts things off by talking about how Monster Fest went, and then Chaos and Carnage dive into the Hitchcock classic tale of avian terror, The Birds! With LOTS of trivia!! Melanie is a San Franciscan socialite who meets Mitch, a lawyer who spends his weekends on his mama's farm in Bodega Bay. She decides to prank him with birds for his younger sister Cathy's birthday, then gets roped into his world when gulls attack! They attack Melanie, then some more gulls attack Cathy's birthday party, then some sparrows invade the family house, and then the crows go ballistic on some schoolchildren! Is this an isolated incident in Bodega Bay, or the beginning of the birdpocalypse? We don't know! Join us for the ride!

The origins of that 'charming' Risseldy Rosseldy song the schoolchildren sing:

Jun 19, 202301:04:06
261 - Day Shift

261 - Day Shift

This week, the vampires are coming, and they have sunscreen! Audrey is an "uber vamp" who is supplying vampires with impossibly high sunscreen and homes in the valley so she can take the world back from humans one property at a time! I have no idea where the vampires have been living if not in houses, but don't worry about that, right? Bud tells his wife and daughter that he is a mild-mannered pool cleaner, but he is secretly a badass vampire hunter and the secret has taken its toll on his marriage. If he can't get the money together for his daughter's tuition and braces by Monday, his wife is taking his daughter across the country to Florida. Bud has one week to kill enough vampires to get the money together, but dealing with a fang pawn broker isn't providing the dollars he needs, so he gets his friend Big John to pull some strings and get him back into the vampire hunter's union. The union boss hates him, however, and sticks him on the day shift with his spy Seth to get Seth to write up all Bud's union violations. Bud unknowingly kills Audrey's daughter and so the "uber vamp" goes after his family in revenge! Oh no! Will Bud be able to shoot his way out of this problem??

Jun 05, 202344:53
260 - Cocaine Bear

260 - Cocaine Bear

This week, Chaos and Carnage invite you to join them on Blood Mountain in the state of Georgia for one very excited, very aggressive, very unfriendly bear! Prepare yourself for a silly, violent black bear cocaine-fueled RAMPAGE as drug smugglers go hunting for a missing shipment of the white stuff!

Chaos also talks about the true story behind the movie and how a metric ton of cocaine went missing in the Georgia woods in the first place - info pulled from the documentary "Cocaine Bear: The True Story" streaming on Peacock (which is incidentally where you can also check out "Cocaine Bear" for yourself).

May 30, 202356:01
259 - Down A Dark Hall

259 - Down A Dark Hall

This week, Carnage takes us to a Gothic mansion where a school for troubled but gifted young women is harboring dark secrets! Down A Dark Hall is a film adaptation of the Lois Duncan novel of the same name which follows the story of Kit, a teen girl whose parents are at their wits end due to her constant acting out. Her psychologist has seemingly found an answer to their problems in the form of the Blackmoor boarding school run by Madame Durant, who promises to draw out and develop Kit's latent talent. But her methods and motives are sinister indeed, and Kit soon finds that the beautiful halls are more oppressive than inspiring. She becomes a piano virtuoso practically overnight, though she and the other girls at the school suffer from missing time, obsessive devotion to their creative pursuits, losing touch with reality, voices that speak only to them, and ghastly apparitions that roam the halls at night. Will Kit be able to regain control of her life before it's too late, and how will she confront the dark forces conspiring to tear them all apart?!

May 22, 202348:29
258 - The Last Broadcast

258 - The Last Broadcast

WE'RE BACK BITCHES! This week, Chaos and Carnage take you through the very first found footage horror movie, The Last Broadcast, from 1998 (A very good year, Carnage says). The story follows a Dateline-esque format where experts dissect and discuss the footage of an episode of the local access show 'Fact or Fiction?' where the cast and crew went into the Pine Barrens of New Jersey to search for the Jersey Devil. Only their guide returned alive, and he is arrested for the murder of the others, but there are people who don't believe he had the motive to carry out such an attack.

This was the first movie shot wholly digitally. They didn't even want to send it to the like, one theater it released in, on film, so the movie was beamed into the theater via Satellite!

It's been over a month since we last recorded an episode, so we um, forgot to rate it (oops!) in the episode. Carnage gives it a 3.789/10 and Chaos gives it a 5/10.

May 15, 202350:21
257 - Insidious

257 - Insidious

It's not a well-fleshed out story and it's super weird in places, but we go through all the messy details for your listening pleasure.

Apr 17, 202343:52
256 - The Nun

256 - The Nun

Warning for mentions of suicide and Catholicism. Chaos writes these and all they can say about The Nun is that it should have been called The None for NOTHING HAPPENS. First there were nuns, then there were no nuns, the end.

Apr 10, 202345:58
255 - From Dusk Till Dawn

255 - From Dusk Till Dawn

This week we head back to the mid 1990s with the Tarantino-written From Dusk Till Dawn, the only crime drama/vampire flick of its kind! Prepare for violence and mayhem and Juliet Lewis! - A timeline of every Tarantino movie, for the curious

Apr 03, 202348:37
254 - Scream VI

254 - Scream VI

Yep, we went to the theater to check out the latest in the Scream franchise, and we have thoughts!! Carnage is our resident Scream queen (aka superfan) and we compare and contrast this movie with the others as well as discussing it for its own merits.

Mar 27, 202347:14
253 - Don't Listen (Voces)

253 - Don't Listen (Voces)

This is a Spanish-language film dubbed in English on Netflix. Don't Listen is what happens when you do listen, over and over, to evil voices telling you you're gonna die - chances are, you're gonna die. Technically if they didn't listen, would they still have died?? Those flies probably would have done their evil infestation thing anyway, so perhaps?

Mar 20, 202341:01
252 - Death Note (2017)

252 - Death Note (2017)

The Americanized, live action adaptation of the Anime/Manga Death Note. Carnage has never previously heard of Death Note and Chaos promises not to talk about the Anime too much.

Mar 13, 202301:07:38
251 - The Rental

251 - The Rental

A masked stalker bugs houses and kills people...eventually. After about an hour of drama surrounding two couples and their weekend getaway at an Air BnB.

Mar 06, 202337:37
250 - Hellraiser (2022)

250 - Hellraiser (2022)

Chaos and Carnage drag you to hell this week as a jerk millionaire kills people with the puzzle box to get his audience with god... or more accurately, the devil... but he's kind of un-smart, too. Riley and her boyfriend Trevor steal the puzzle box, looking for a quick buck, but instead invite the cenobytes out to play! The priest seems interested in Riley, but demands sacrifices...

Feb 27, 202358:38
249 - Cargo (2017)

249 - Cargo (2017)

Martin Freeman has an infant daughter. His wife becomes a zombie and bites him. Now he's traveling across the Australian outback in search of someone to care for his daughter before he turns!

Feb 20, 202345:46
248 - He Never Died

248 - He Never Died

This Week, it's an in-depth look at Chaos on their down time... just kidding, it's Henry Rollins being Henry Rollins in this story of a really old dude who just like never died for some reason despite or because of all the people he's killed... He's a vampire cannibal trying to live a quiet life alone until his blood dealer and the daughter he never knew he had show up to mess up his coveted solitude and then he has to go all Liam Neeson in Taken on some gangsters. Good thing he can't die!

Feb 13, 202343:40
247 - The Pale Blue Eye

247 - The Pale Blue Eye

This week, Chaos and Carnage are taking you to West Point, where hearts are literally being stolen! Edgar Allen Poe is a young cadet there, helping out Christian Bale as he attempts to find out why people are being murdered and their hearts removed. - Chaos' relative!!!

Feb 06, 202358:01
246 - M3GAN

246 - M3GAN

This week, Chaos and Carnage take you inside a high tech toy company, where engineer Gemma is bringing the next big thing in AI robots to 'life' with M3GAN, your $10,000 friend! Gemma creates M3GAN to be a friend to her poor niece Cady who just lost her parents. But as we all soon learn, it's not only unhealthy for Cady to be so attached to M3GAN, but it's very unhealthy for M3GAN to be attached to Cady!

Jan 30, 202347:54
245 - The Forever Purge

245 - The Forever Purge

The Purge is back - for keeps! This week, Chaos and Carnage take you through the most recent and (maybe) last Purge movie, where white supremacists have decided that the Purge needs to continue on indefinitely so they can torture and kill all the minorities that they want. It's pretty awful, but how was the movie? Listen to find out.

Jan 23, 202347:31
244 - Hell Baby

244 - Hell Baby

This week, Chaos and Carnage take us through the horror comedy written and directed by Robert Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon! This movie primarily parodies haunted house and possession movies, so if those are your jam get ready for a send up. Vanessa and Jack are expecting a baby and move their family into the House of Blood in a little-known neighborhood in New Orleans. Things immediately go awry. - The Morbidly Beautiful podcast network - Chaos' YT channel (Skyrim Let's Play)

Jan 16, 202348:28
243 - Smile

243 - Smile

Don't tell women to smile. Just don't. You may not like what you see! This 2022 release is full of quality jump scares, an interesting plot, and a lot of ideas. A metaphor for trauma and how it spreads, Smile is a lot deeper than you may have guessed. Listen to find out why! - The Morbidly Beautiful podcast network - Let's Play Skyrim with Chaos (as Adventuring Hedgehog)

Jan 09, 202346:11
242 - The House on Sorority Row

242 - The House on Sorority Row

Get ready for another 80's slasher! It's been a while! Chaos, our resident 80s slashaholic, unearthed this cheesy gem full of plotholes and yet not very much plot just for you, our beautiful listeners. A sorority prank goes too far, accidentally resulting in the house mother's untimely demise. But if she's dead, then who is out for revenge?! And why the hell do the graduating seniors continue on with their normal plans of having a house full of people when the body has gone missing??You'll never guess who the killer is - no you really won't, because there's really no clues to who the killer actually is, and they're not an established character anyway. Wah, wah.

Jan 02, 202342:57
241 - Silent Night (2012)

241 - Silent Night (2012)

Happy Holidays everyone! This week, Chaos and Carnage look for the Christmas spirit in Silent Night (2012), the remake of the original. Some movies just don't need to be remade, and unfortunately this is one of them. But we can at least make fun of it! = All our links/socials! = The Morbidly Beautiful podcast network

Dec 26, 202236:22
240 - Contamination

240 - Contamination

Contamination is a lesser-known Video Nasty made in Italy but set in New York City. It follows Colonel Stella Holmes, Commander Hubbard, and police Lieutenant Aris as they discover green eggs from Mars. But don't eat these green eggs with ham, as they will explode your insides should their yolk touch you! Someone is importing boatloads of the eggs in coffee containers to America and finding them will be enough of a challenge, but what lies in store for our heroes is much more alien (and disgusting) than they could have possibly imagined. - All our links in one place (find merch here!) - The Morbidly Beautiful podcast Network

Dec 19, 202236:59
239 - Resident Evil: Apocalypse

239 - Resident Evil: Apocalypse

This week, Chaos and Carnage take you through the sequel to Resident Evil! Alice is back and ready to kick ass, which is good because this time we're going to see her face down Nemesis (aka poor Matt). And Jill Valentine makes her debut in the movie series, but is this video game favorite going to live up to why she is so beloved? And will this new group of cohorts make it out of Raccoon City before Umbrella Corp nukes the site from orbit? - all our links - our web site - the Morbidly Beautiful podcast network - Skyrim Let's Play (Adventuring Hedgehog)

Dec 12, 202235:09
238 - Suspiria (2018)

238 - Suspiria (2018)

This week, Chaos and Carnage are taking you dancing...but it might (probably) end in DEATH. This Suspiria is quite different from the original, which we first did way back in episode 12, five years ago. We take you through the movie and also do some comparing and contrasting between both movies. - all our socials, merch, etc. - Chaos' YouTube channel and home of her Skyrim Let's Play series. - our podcast network

Dec 05, 202249:37
237 - Scream 2022

237 - Scream 2022

This week, Chaos and Carnage take a look at the very new Scream movie. Scream is Carnage's favorite franchise and last week we did the newest installment of Chaos' favorite franchise, but they have quite different reactions to the two.

Nov 28, 202241:41
236 - Halloween Ends

236 - Halloween Ends

Jamie Lee Curtis produces this disappointing "end" to the Halloween Franchise. But is it really over? And why the heck are we so disappointed anyway? Listen to find out, bishes.

Nov 21, 202239:30
235 - The VelociPastor with guests Mama Chaos and Sam Helsing!

235 - The VelociPastor with guests Mama Chaos and Sam Helsing!

Mama Chaos picked this movie and requested that Sam Helsing return for it, so you can credit/blame her - hahaha! This week, join Chaos, Carnage, and guests as they break down this hilariously bad-on-purpose send up of action and exploitation cinema, The VelociPastor! He's a priest, he's a weredinosaur, and he has a really bad costume to prove it! - All our links! Merch here! - Our podcast fam! - Chaos' Skyrim Let's Play (Adventuring Hedgehog)

Nov 14, 202201:02:41
234 - Shaun of the Dead

234 - Shaun of the Dead

This week, Chaos and Carnage pull out a pick that is long-overdue for the podcast, Shaun of the Dead! See the Zombie Apocalypse through the eyes of a group of London slackers as they hilariously try to survive by fighting their way to their favorite pub.

Nov 07, 202243:55
233 - SAWTOBER EP 5 - Jigsaw and Spiral

233 - SAWTOBER EP 5 - Jigsaw and Spiral

Apologies for Chaos' voice this week, they had bad allergies that day. This week we round out Sawtober! And it's our 5th anniversary!

Oct 31, 202247:10
232 - SAWTOBER EP 4 - Saw VI and Saw: The Final Chapter

232 - SAWTOBER EP 4 - Saw VI and Saw: The Final Chapter

This week, Chaos and Carnage bring you even more Saw! Can the world get enough? Who will live and who will die? Well a lot of characters we don't know will die, but maybe some known characters might join them! Next week, Jigsaw and Spiral.

Oct 24, 202254:30
231 - SAWTOBER EP 3 - Saw IV & Saw V

231 - SAWTOBER EP 3 - Saw IV & Saw V

This week continues Sawtober with two more technically successful entries into the franchise, Saw IV and V. Join Chaos and Carnage as they search for meaning in the convoluted plot!

Oct 17, 202257:23
230 - SAWTOBER EP 2 - Saw II & Saw III

230 - SAWTOBER EP 2 - Saw II & Saw III

Welcome to Sawtober episode 2! We hope you're a fan of the Saw franchise, because here comes our review of Saw II & III ! Carnage is a fan! Chaos is not! Come listen to us duke it out (verbally) over these polarizing movies!

Oct 10, 202257:43
229 - SAWTOBER EP 1 - Saw

229 - SAWTOBER EP 1 - Saw

**We apologize for the lateness of this episode but illness persists**

This week, join Chaos and Carnage for a look into the Saw franchise for the first of a month to come of non-stop Saw movies! Hopefully that excites you more than it excites Chaos, who is not really a fan. But Carnage's enthusiasm makes up for anyone's lack thereof.

Oct 03, 202254:00
228 - The Mist (2007)

228 - The Mist (2007)

Join us for Stephen King's The Mist! Technically it's fog, not mist, but due to copyright issues they had to go with 'Mist.' We have also suggested 'Mog' or 'Fist' but we decided 'The Fist' sounded too dirty.

Sep 19, 202201:20:47
227 - Resident Evil (2002)

227 - Resident Evil (2002)

We know there's been a lot of noise about the 2022 TV series (Cancelled?! What?!) so this week we are going back to the OG of the series and bringing to you our break down of Resident Evil!

Sep 12, 202255:28
226 - Prom Night (1980)

226 - Prom Night (1980)

This week join Chaos and Carnage for another movie from the original scream queen, Jamie Lee Curtis! And...that's about all it has going for it.

Aug 22, 202249:58
225 - Prey

225 - Prey

Yes, that's right! We're going there! And there WILL be spoilers ahead! Join Chaos and Carnage for Prey.

Aug 15, 202201:13:39
224 - Candyman (2021)

224 - Candyman (2021)

This week join Chaos and Carnage for the Candyman reboot!

Aug 08, 202243:18
223 - Dark Skies with guest Mama Chaos

223 - Dark Skies with guest Mama Chaos

This week join Chaos and Carnage and MAMA Chaos for Dark Skies!

Aug 01, 202257:38
222 - Host

222 - Host

Join Chaos and Carnage this week for the Zoom call from Hell!

Jul 25, 202241:05
221 - What We Do in the Shadows

221 - What We Do in the Shadows

We apologize for the lateness of this episode! Join Chaos and Carnage for this vampire mocumentary in impressive style with a carnival's worth of entertainment!

Jul 21, 202244:47
220 - Re-Animator with returning guest host Just Joe!

220 - Re-Animator with returning guest host Just Joe!

This week, join Chaos and Carnage for the return of Just Joe and the horror/comedy 80's classic Re-Animator!

Jul 11, 202201:03:31
219 - A Quiet Place 2 with Guest Catastrophe!

219 - A Quiet Place 2 with Guest Catastrophe!

This week, Catastrophe is back to join us for the sequel to her last guest appearance, A Quiet Place 2! Join us for some new backstory and a lot of people who can't be quiet!

Jul 04, 202201:14:41