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By Nicole Felter

This the podcast version of our Chat & Learn program! We want to make each Chat & Learn as accessible as possible to our community. You can see a full list of our upcoming Chat & Learns here:
Currently playing episode

Effectively Managing Remote Teams

PowerToFlyJul 23, 2020

Building and Managing the Perfect Team

Building and Managing the Perfect Team

By Kate Anderson, Co-founder and VP, Operations at IFundWomen.

Your team is the heart of your business, and making smart hiring decisions from day one will allow your vision for your company to become reality. In this chat we will tackle making your first hire, growing a team, and the importance of focusing on people first.

In this chat, you’ll learn:

  • How to identify your company’s mission and values
  • How to choose the perfect candidate for your company
  • How to design your employee onboarding process
  • How to build a company culture that your employees will want to promote
Jul 17, 202157:46
What Does It Take to Become a Better Ally in the Workplace?

What Does It Take to Become a Better Ally in the Workplace?

By Elissa Cabasso, Senior Director Account Management at JW Player.

Allyship at work can foster beneficial connections and build a more positive workplace culture. Being an ally is a lifelong process that involves acknowledging privilege and bias, and challenging them in yourself and in your environment.

Being an effective ally is a skill like any and takes time to master. Elissa, Sr. Director of Account Management at JW Player, will share how she uses active listening to educate herself about the experiences and needs of others to become a better ally and more supportive colleague.

In this chat we will discuss:

  • What it means to be a supportive ally
  • Best practices for being an ally in the workplace
  • How to recognize your biases and work to overcome them
Jul 17, 202101:03:26
Pride All Year Long: A Conversation with Drag & Trans Icon Peppermint

Pride All Year Long: A Conversation with Drag & Trans Icon Peppermint

By Miss Peppermint, Actress, Singer, Reality Star & Activist. 

Peppermint, a trailblazing actress, singer, reality star, activist, and longtime key figure in queer nightlife, will join PowerToFly in an intimate conversation moderated by Joey Nolfi, writer and multimedia host at Entertainment Weekly, to discuss her personal life, her successful career, and ways we can all help combat the ongoing violence against trans women of color.

Jul 17, 202154:60
Parental Leave 101: How to Ensure a Smooth Transition to and from Parental Leave

Parental Leave 101: How to Ensure a Smooth Transition to and from Parental Leave

By Bridie Kennedy, Sales Leader, and Michael Davis, Enterprise Account Executive at New Relic. 

Preparing for the arrival of a new addition to the family is an exciting adventure, but it can come with some feelings of unease around balancing your career and family life. As you make the leap from worker to working parent, it's important to recognize the value of planning for your transition away from, and back to, work.

New Relic’s Enterprise Account Executive, Michael Davis, and Sales Leader, Bridie Kennedy, have both experienced these transitions, and they will be sharing their personal insights and best tips for soon-to-be parents on how to navigate balancing career and family.

In this chat, you’ll learn:

  • Tactical steps to prepare for parental leave and the return to work
  • How to balance being ambitious in your career and parenthood
  • How to confidently set boundaries to avoid guilt at home and at work
Jul 17, 202101:01:25
OFFICE HOURS: Interview Prep With PowerToFly’s Career Coach!

OFFICE HOURS: Interview Prep With PowerToFly’s Career Coach!

By Marina Zucchini, PowerToFly's Career Coach. 

Do you want to ace your next interview? Join this free interview coaching session with our Career Coach, Marina Zucchini, to learn the expert tips you need to succeed!

In this chat you’ll learn:

  • The general dos and don’ts of interviews
  • How to address the salary question
  • Questions you can ask the company (remember, you’re also interviewing them!)
Jun 18, 202131:33
The Growth Mindset: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome as an Engineer

The Growth Mindset: How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome as an Engineer

Jackie Feminella at Senior Frontend Engineer at Guru Technologies.

I started my career in television production and then in technical recruiting. About two years out of college, I found Software Engineering, switched careers again, and have been in this field for 5 years now. Something that I learned from the get-go was that experiencing Imposter Syndrome is normal and widespread, especially in this field. However, I often felt that I was on my own in figuring out how to actually combat those imposter thoughts.

A couple of years into my engineering career, I remembered Carol Dweck's research on Growth Mindset from studying Psychology in college. Over time, I've begun to leverage Growth Mindset habits and found myself more comfortable in the unknown of each new challenge, even when I feel Imposter Syndrome thoughts creep up.

In this chat, I want you to walk away with:

  • What a Growth versus Fixed Mindset is
  • Specific tips to foster Growth Mindset thoughts and habits
  • How a Growth Mindset can help you in your career
Jun 18, 202101:02:32
Don’t Land the Job That Sucks! Top Considerations for Assessing Your Next Career Move

Don’t Land the Job That Sucks! Top Considerations for Assessing Your Next Career Move

By Zhanna Tam, VP, Growth Marketing at Netskope, and Paula Judge, VP, Talent at Accel. 

Your job search journey is coming to an end… You applied, you interviewed, you negotiated, and now the decision is in your court. Do you accept the offer?

Most people do. They have gone through the interview process that requires a lot of time investment, preparation, research, and stress. But sometimes, that job turns out to be something different and they are soon disappointed by the choice they made. Get recommendations on how to avoid this situation and choose the perfect next job.

In this chat, we want you to walk away with:

  • Recommendations on what criteria to evaluate when thinking about your next career move
  • Tips on where to find information about your potential employer, beyond employer review sites
  • An understanding of perspectives of a recruiter and a hiring manager when it comes to filling a role
  • Motivators: how to identify what’s really driving you to look for a new role.
Jun 18, 202101:01:59
Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence in the Workplace: What Can Companies Do?

Protecting Victims of Domestic Violence in the Workplace: What Can Companies Do?

Jun 17, 202158:28
Cross-Functional Collaboration: The Keys to Success

Cross-Functional Collaboration: The Keys to Success

By Maya Ziv at Corporate Counsel at Helix.

I had thought that my background in science and specialty in complex contracting at law firms prepared me to be an expert in-house attorney. It wasn't until I joined the startup world that I realized that my expertise couldn't just live in a vacuum. I've learned the key to success in any organization is working across cross-functional teams effectively. In other words, it's crucial to work with people from different functional areas of the company (for example, Engineering, Marketing, Product, Business Development, Customer Success), and understand how these individual team goals contribute to the organization's overall mission and goals.

In this chat, I want you to walk away with:

  • Confidence in how to interact with functional leaders and manage their expectations
  • How to keep common goals in mind while working with functional teams on their departmental goals
  • Tools for collaboration and building trust, respect, and willingness from cross-functional teams
  • Tips for effective communication across teams, understanding how to approach and work with individuals stakeholders
Jun 17, 202101:03:09
Building Community: How to Foster Belonging within Your (Remote) Team

Building Community: How to Foster Belonging within Your (Remote) Team

By Natalie Angelillo, Vice President of Community & Communications at OfferUp

Companies often limit or assign the “people” related activities to the HR team, expecting them to “be responsible” for building their culture. But HR teams alone can't build community or culture for a company. Great cultures come from a group of people united in a shared mission.

In this talk, I will share some stories and practical advice for companies and HR teams on how to foster a sense of belonging internally in remote and remote/hybrid work environments.

This talk will give practical and simple tips to execute programs. We'll also work on a framework that will help you create alignment and belonging for all employees.

Jun 02, 202101:06:16
Breaking the Cycle Of Generational Trauma and Racism

Breaking the Cycle Of Generational Trauma and Racism

By Alice Li, Staff Engineer at Squarespace. 

I’m the daughter of a refugee whose family was tortured and executed in his native country, then arrived in the United States only to build a life plagued with targeted anti-Asian violence that continues to escalate today. Overcoming systemic oppression and inherited generational trauma is a lifelong marathon, not a sprint -- this is a mantra that I carry with me as I build my own life and career. As a woman of color in the tech industry, finding ways to advocate for myself and my colleagues is a continuous process.

In this chat, I want us to reflect on:

  • Leading with empathy and vulnerability
  • Managing privilege guilt with true allyship
  • Healing through sponsorship, mentorship, and coaching
May 31, 202158:41
My Mission to Be Mission-Driven: How to Turn Passion into Impact

My Mission to Be Mission-Driven: How to Turn Passion into Impact

By Katie Hallam, Partner Marketing at Helix.

I've always said that life's too short not to make an impact...and I hope that's impactful for somebody! I've been very lucky in having some exciting opportunities throughout my career, but the opportunity that inspired me the most was the one I almost didn't have the courage to take. I've learned that not every path is a straight line, and it's never too late to pivot.

In this chat, I want you to walk away with:

  • An understanding that you're always building your skillset
  • An acceptance that not all your passions need to be a part of your career for you to be passionate about your career
  • A better appreciation for what impact means to you
  • How to think about your transferable skills in relation to your passions
May 31, 202101:01:44
Inclusion in the Workforce: The Career Path of a Professional With Vision Loss

Inclusion in the Workforce: The Career Path of a Professional With Vision Loss

By Oksana Chuchunkova, Employment Program Coordinator at the Russian Disability Peoples’ Organization. 

When I was a little girl, I wanted to become a singer just like the most popular singer in the U.S.S.R. at that time. I dreamed about different jobs but my choices diminish when I grew up. I hadn't taken into consideration that some jobs were not available for me because I’m blind.

As time went by, policies and institutions evolved and became more inclusive and accessible but challenges for blind job seekers still exist all over the world. I’ll tell my story to the audience but this talk goes beyond my personal journey.

In this chat, you'll discover:

  • Rare jobs that can be done successfully by blind individuals
  • Problems and solutions at the workplace for blind people
  • Adaptation methods that will help blind people live with maximum comfort
  • Strategies and changes that we can all apply to help live in a more inclusive society
May 31, 202157:30
#IamRemarkable: Embrace Your Self Worth & Express Your Achievements!

#IamRemarkable: Embrace Your Self Worth & Express Your Achievements!

By Karuna Pai Thomas, Diversity & Inclusion Catalyst. 

I had concluded that my discomfort for ‘tooting my own horn’ was from my conservative upbringing, however, after meeting people from around the world, I quickly learned I wasn’t alone!

#IamRemarkable is a global Google movement that strives to empower everyone, particularly women and underrepresented groups, to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond!

Self-Advocacy, Self-Promotion and Story Telling are uncomfortable muscles for many, but traits that are crucial to our success in the workplace and life in general. #IamRemarkable workshop strives at instilling confidence to engage in self-advocacy and challenge the perception of self-promotion.

In this chat/workshop, I want you to walk away with:

  • Mindset shift - “It's not bragging if it's based on facts”
  • Recognize and articulate your achievements/wins, no matter how big or small
  • Spark conversations in your circle on the importance of self-worth and confidence
May 31, 202158:16
How to Pivot into a Career in Digital Design (UI UX)

How to Pivot into a Career in Digital Design (UI UX)

By Samaya Sinha & Khrystyna Oros from Ideate Labs

Become a creative problem solver in this workshop!

You're ready to make a shift, but how? Join a webinar from Ideate Labs LLC for advice on interviews, portfolios, and finding the perfect job. Ideate Labs provides professionals with free resources and webinars, as well as semester long courses, to prepare them for a career in UI UX design.

Khrys and Samaya, the founders of Ideate Labs, pivoted into their UI UX jobs 5 years ago. They met at a small startup, working as marketing associates. Unfortunately the work culture at the job was not right for them. They learned about UI UX while at their startup job and successfully positioned ourselves as UX designers. Khrys and Samaya have over 5 years of UI UX experience working at startups, nonprofits, agencies and corporations. They mentor startups at Wharton's Venture Labs and their mission is to make digital design accessible to all.

As 2 women, 2 immigrants, working in the U.S., they know how hard it can be to fit into a new role, fit into new work cultures, and ultimately take the lead on projects and initiatives to lead teams to success.

In this talk, they will share their secrets around landing a UI UX job:

  1. What makes a great portfolio?
  2. How to find a recruiter that will help in the job search?
  3. What kinds of jobs to look for?
  4. How to get new skills to develop your resume?
  5. How to nail the interview (Zoom and in-person!)
  6. How to learn UI UX skills

In this chat, we want you to walk away with:

  • Easy steps you can take to pivot into a new career
  • How to position yourself for a new career
  • How to play to your strengths
  • Tangible steps to learn UI UX design
  • Free resources to help you get started!
May 31, 202159:29
How to Negotiate Practically Anything

How to Negotiate Practically Anything

By Olivia Jaras, CEO & Founder of Salary Coaching for Women. 

Have you ever noticed that while you may start with negotiations with a clear plan, they quickly go off the rails and off track quickly? Come with me as I teach you how to negotiate everything you want and on your terms.

In this session I will give you simple and actionable steps that will empower you to negotiate practically everything!

May 31, 202157:35
Group Management 101: Quick Guide For Leading and Empowering Your Team

Group Management 101: Quick Guide For Leading and Empowering Your Team

By Alissa Mayers, Public Programs Manager at Columbia's Zuckerman Institute.

I have always been curious about working groups, mostly because I have never really enjoyed them, and when I have seen really effective groups or teams I am always did they do that? When done right they can be effective and empowering, but so many of us have had bad experiences with working groups. Whether you end up feeling like you are doing all of the work, or cannot seem to have clear communication, we have all struggled a bit with optimizing our group work experiences.

During this talk, I will share a perspective with you about working groups that can help change how you show up to a group and how you manage a working group experience.

May 30, 202101:02:03
How Teachers Pay Teachers Increased Employee Engagement through a Culture of Continuous Learning

How Teachers Pay Teachers Increased Employee Engagement through a Culture of Continuous Learning

By Kwame Thomison, Sharell Bryant, Carly Stambaugh from Teachers Pay Teachers

Join three TpTers in discussing how to grow a vibrant learning culture within your technical teams, and hear how they use continuous learning to increase employee engagement.

In this chat you will learn:

  • Actionable steps you can take to introduce yourself and your team to the Continuous Learning culture
  • A solid understanding of the benefits this culture will provide
  • Resources to impact small and larger teams
May 29, 202101:12:21
Asking For That Promotion: Tips & Tricks to Landing Your Next Big Role

Asking For That Promotion: Tips & Tricks to Landing Your Next Big Role

By Kelly Wulff, General Counsel of Vouch Insurance

Join me for an interactive discussion about how to ask for the big one - that promotion or that job that will set you up for the next step in your career. In our time together, we'll discuss what managers and leaders evaluate when considering promotions and how to set yourself up for success. We'll also talk about how to have that conversation, you know, the uncomfortable one when you ask to be considered for the big role.

In this chat, I want you to walk away with:

  • Strategies to land your next role
  • Inside scoop on the managers/leaders’ minds
  • Tips & tricks to thrive in that difficult conversation
May 29, 202101:03:04
Identifying Environments Where You'll Thrive

Identifying Environments Where You'll Thrive

By Michelle Amato, Vice President of Sales, Global Financial Services at Workiva.

It took me several years and a few companies to find one that really allowed me to leverage my strengths and be comfortable in my voice to lead. Being in a company that supports and promotes diversity growth in sales has empowered me to leverage my voice and be an advocate for others.

In this chat you’ll learn:

  • How to discover your right environment
  • How to set yourself for success (being this one of the cornerstones for growth!)
  • What advocating for others looks like
May 27, 202101:03:57
What We've Learned From Working in a Male-Dominated Industry: Tips & Tricks to Achieve Success

What We've Learned From Working in a Male-Dominated Industry: Tips & Tricks to Achieve Success

Christy Pasion & Marcia McKniff from Datadog

We started our careers in the tech industry knowing that only 16% of women hold senior-level positions, with just 10% at the executive level. And we wanted to challenge that. Today, as leaders in both Sales and Technical Solutions at Datadog, we have the opportunity to change the status quo, and progress the company forward through the successful management of our own teams and departments. We have learned many lessons through failure and success on our own career paths, and we want to share our advice and stories with other aspiring tech industry leaders so that together we can move the needle on female representation in this male-dominated industry.

In this chat we want you to walk away with:

  • Actionable steps you can take to achieve success in tech
  • Skills to hone if you'd like to become a leader in this space
  • Talking points to start the conversation around career progression with your managers
May 23, 202101:01:19
Taking & Returning from Parental Leave: How to Prepare Yourself (and Your Manager!)

Taking & Returning from Parental Leave: How to Prepare Yourself (and Your Manager!)

By Jessica Kurz, Senior Director of Strategic Projects at VTS

As someone who is about to take my second parental leave in two years, I've learned a lot about how to prepare for the time away from work as well as how to transition back in. I believe that parental leave is essential and that all caregivers should be given the opportunity to temporarily step away from work guilt and stress free. I hope to be able to share some tips from my experience that will help you prepare for each phase of your leave - from the initial conversation with your manager all the way through to being fully back in your role post-baby.

You'll walk away from this chat with a better understanding of:

  • When and how to begin discussing your need for parental leave with your manager
  • Ways to plan for your time away from the office
  • How to set yourself up for a successful return to work
  • Ideas for navigating difficult scenarios related to taking leave and adjusting back into work mode post-leave
May 23, 202101:01:23
How Networking Changed My Personal and Professional Life

How Networking Changed My Personal and Professional Life

By Bina Kamath, CEO & Founder at Orion's Reach.

Networking is my superpower. I realized this early on when I came to Canada in 1996 and eventually it became a part of my routine. Networking allowed me to tap on resources, connections and opportunities I didn't know existed and evolve as a person in my personal and professional life.

In this chat, I want you to walk away with:

  • Actionable steps you can take to start networking now
  • Strategies on how to network
  • How to overcome barriers to networking
May 23, 202158:29
Agile Mindset: Best Practices for Removing Obstacles

Agile Mindset: Best Practices for Removing Obstacles

By Brittany Durdin from the uShip team. 

We all face obstacles in our lives, personal and professional. When it comes to our professional lives, our work environments can have a significant impact on how we handle those obstacles, but what makes an environment “good” for clearing obstacles? A “good” environment is rooted in trust, and empowerment is the key to setting up teams to be self-sufficient and ultimately more efficient and effective.

In this chat, I want you to walk away with:

  • Skills to become more self-sufficient in removing obstacles
  • A deeper understanding on why trust is so important in creating an environment where teams are healthy and successful
  • Some tools on how to set clear expectations for teams
May 23, 202101:02:07
Landing Your First Job in Tech: Solving the No Experience - No Job Challenge

Landing Your First Job in Tech: Solving the No Experience - No Job Challenge

By Bosky Mukherjee.

I get asked a lot of questions on breaking or pivoting into tech and almost in all those questions lies doubts and misconceptions about the stereotypes who have made it in tech. Candidates are busy wordsmithing their resumes or trying to get a referral and network without meaningful results. My question to you is - Have you thought about flipping the question around and asking yourself how likely doing the same things again and again should give you different results. So I set out to reframe the classic Chicken & Egg Problem of "No experience, no role & no role; no experience" conundrum to help jobseekers solve this.

In this chat and learn, I want you to walk away with:

  • Understand the job hunting game and what is happening on the other side of the table
  • Actionable steps you can start taking today to kickstart your journey in a tech career that won't cost you money
  • Reframe Imposter Syndrome and the Inner Voice to work for us; not against us
May 23, 202158:49
Getting the Most Out of Your People: Management Lessons From the Venture Philanthropy World
May 23, 202101:00:30
Burnout in the Workplace: How to Recognize It and Treat It Effectively

Burnout in the Workplace: How to Recognize It and Treat It Effectively

By Lauren Baptiste. 

Is stress getting in the way of your work? Is work getting in the way of your well-being? As a Type A woman working up the ranks, the ambition that got me to the top was the same kryptonite that led me to a hospital, ill from corporate burnout. Join me in my second Chat & Learn in which we'll get real about burnout in the workplace.

May 23, 202158:33
Prescription for a Joyful Life: Connect to Your Soul, Trust Your Intuition, & Find What Feels Good

Prescription for a Joyful Life: Connect to Your Soul, Trust Your Intuition, & Find What Feels Good

By Michele Sammons. 

If your default mode is to overthink, determined to make things complicated, and effort your way into happiness and success (I did this for years), listen carefully—life can be different. It can be joyful.

I believe with all my heart that the Spiritual Path can be sprinkled with fun. We can skip our way to joy. We can giggle with delight. We can marvel at our own magnificence. We can let it be easier than we’ve been making it out to be.

During this powerful chat, you’ll learn

  • How to wake up your intuition
  • Pay attention to your instincts
  • Trust your guidance
May 23, 202158:45
You Can Live a Life Free of Financial Stress

You Can Live a Life Free of Financial Stress

By the It'$ My Money Lady, Patrina Dixon. 

I thought my life was almost perfect until I realize that I had an opportunity to improve my finances. There was a time in my life where I had trouble managing money I noticed other people in my community also had issues with managing money for themselves and their families. Money seems to be the common issue and why people are stressed about certain things. I’ve created easily digestible content to help people manage their finances and live a life completely free of financial stress.

In this chat, I want you to walk away with:

  • How to create and follow a budget
  • The best ways to save your money
  • How to create an additional stream of income
May 23, 202158:12
You Too Can Invest: Practical Guide to Investing and Designing Your Financial Future

You Too Can Invest: Practical Guide to Investing and Designing Your Financial Future

By Mina Ennin Black. 

Growing up I always thought investing was something that other people did. It wasn’t for me. It seemed…complicated. It wasn’t until I looked around at my family that I realized that to make any meaningful progress with our finances, investing had to be part of the conversation.

That’s when I set out to be a trained Financial Advisor on a mission to help as many women as I can understand not only how to invest but how investing can really change their lives.

In this chat, I want you to walk away with:

  • Actionable steps you can take to begin investing with as little as $1
  • How to create a workable financial and investment roadmap that you’ll actually use
  • What you can do at every life stage for your finances
May 23, 202159:23
You Don't Need a Tech Degree to Be a Senior Engineer

You Don't Need a Tech Degree to Be a Senior Engineer

By Autumn Wright and Amanda Raymond from the CallRail team.

We are two non-traditional engineers. One of us graduated from a bootcamp and worked under a mentor at a startup. One of us is a self-taught developer who learned on the job through a series of IT department positions. We’ve taken the long road and learned hard lessons on our way to our current positions as senior software engineers in an established and successful engineering org. Even though our paths are different, we’ve both experienced an evolution from learning to code to focusing on solving problems.

In this chat, find out:

  • What we wish we could go back in time and tell our junior developer selves
  • What habits we’ve curated that have continued to serve us well
  • What are the most meaningful facets of our work
  • Common lessons from the past 5 years and what the next 5 years look like
May 21, 202101:00:09
Transformative Networks: Three Concrete Steps to Building a Powerful Network

Transformative Networks: Three Concrete Steps to Building a Powerful Network

By Eliza VanCort.

Creating networks that support and nurture you while propelling you forward is far more than developing a hefty rolodex. Networking goes to the very heart of who we really are, how we feel about ourselves, and the toxic messages that hold us back. To build and maintain strong, transformative networks we must know our worth. This involves: neutralizing anti-mentors, knowing our value, and bragging like champs. I have developed concrete strategies to do all three.

In this chat I want you to walk away with:

  • Strategies to identify and neutralize anti-mentors.
  • Approaches that help you know your worth.
  • Concrete steps to brag like a champ.
May 21, 202159:03
Bringing Value to Others: The Secret to Finding Passion in the Work You Do

Bringing Value to Others: The Secret to Finding Passion in the Work You Do

By Kyleigh Meisler, Partner and Event Operations Manager at GameChanger.

Graduating from college I thought I knew what path I wanted my career to take. I found myself working hard, but unfulfilled. I desired to find a career that could meld my passion for sports and feel like I was making an impact while having room to grow and learn. Working in the sports tech industry has allotted me the opportunities to do just that while working with individuals with different backgrounds and interests.

In this chat, we'll discuss:

  • How you can blend your interests into your career
  • Finding value in the work you do
  • The importance of work/life balance, especially in this new world of remote working
May 21, 202101:02:35
Balancing Caregiving & Career: What I Learned from a Year of Working & Caregiving During a Pandemic

Balancing Caregiving & Career: What I Learned from a Year of Working & Caregiving During a Pandemic

By Anne Salgado, Senior Level Customer Care Manager at LogMeIn

I am a Mother, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Friend, Teacher, Volunteer, Employee and Manager. I feel happy, exhausted, excited, angry, inspired, frustrated, empathetic, and grateful. There are days when I bounce between or merge these roles that lead me to success and other days when I feel as though I struggled to find any success.

Vacillating in this way is not something I have easily embraced as I have always committed to giving 100% in every aspect of my life. Yet I have learned in the last year that it is completely reasonable and acceptable to not provide 100% of yourself to everyone or every project every day. And I am now totally okay with it.

In this chat, I want you to walk away with:

  • Tips on how to show grace to yourself
  • Strategies on how to support your colleagues and team members during stressful times
  • Knowing how to prioritize your support system and what to do if you don’t have one
May 15, 202101:03:10
Presentation and Pressure in the Workplace

Presentation and Pressure in the Workplace

By Tokes Ojo-Ade and Marissa Regnerus from the T. Rowe Price team.

As women, we navigate a delicate balance when we show up to the office. We're told to dress professionally to be taken seriously, but not so seriously as to come off as rigid. Dress in a feminine way, but don't become sexualized. Trendy clothes are in, but dress for your age. Hear from two professionals who present differently but have the same objective: be seen as an expert in their field while being comfortable with who they are. Join our discussion as we explore the rewards and cost of presenting authentically at work.

May 01, 202101:01:57
Advancing Your Career Without Climbing the Ladder

Advancing Your Career Without Climbing the Ladder

By Nora Leet and Sue Lorentz from the Surescripts' team.

Nora came to the sudden realization that she didn’t want her boss’ job. But with 15-20 years of work in front of her, that didn’t mean she wanted to just standstill. One of Sue’s greatest learning experiences came not when she was promoted, but when she was asked to take on a project in her current role. Professional growth comes in many shapes and sizes and is not inextricably tied to getting promoted.

In this chat, we want you to walk away with:

  • An HR perspective on why organizations need and benefit from people who aren’t seeking to move up
  • Ideas for how you can grow in place, regardless of your longer-term ambitions
  • Tips for talking to your boss about what *you* want
May 01, 202101:02:12
Empowering Differences for Intentional Changes

Empowering Differences for Intentional Changes

By Ashley T. Brundage.

Empowering Differences is the intentional action of using power and authority for yourself or others while positioning ways in which you are not the same as the people around you. Using your differences, what makes you unique, to empower yourself and others to make real change happen. I captured this process of change management by creating it as a book and online leadership development course that I am excited to share with PowerToFly!

You will walk away from this conversation with:

  • An understanding of why empowering differences is so important to making real intentional changes happen
  • Strategies for you to begin to feel empowered in your differences
  • Tips for empowering others
May 01, 202158:13
Confronting Your Fears Head On to Stay True to Yourself

Confronting Your Fears Head On to Stay True to Yourself

By Jennifer Yeh.

We only have one life. And until you’re brave enough to walk along the edge of this one life, you’ll be meandering in a field of cultural and social norms and other people’s wants, needs and expectations. Your true self is waiting outside of all that noise - separated from everything that holds you back. Getting to your true self takes bravery, and bravery can only come about when you’re faced with something that requires you to be so!

In our chat, we’ll talk about:

  • How to leverage emotions to find objectivity
  • How to make decisions and assess risk
  • How to adapt and pivot while staying focused
May 01, 202101:01:21
Unlock Career Growth by Building Organic Relationships

Unlock Career Growth by Building Organic Relationships

By Latisha Kimber, Head of Digital Engagement at S&P Global.

Being your authentic self at work shows up in many ways—in fact, it can help you embrace opportunities for growth. I've taken on several new roles throughout my career with the goal of stretching myself and growing into the professional I want to be, and the vast majority of those opportunities came to me thanks to the organic relationships I've built. I want to show you how to reap the same benefits by tapping into the one superpower we all have—being ourselves. You will walk away from this chat with:

  • Tips for building authentic relationships
  • A framework for intentional networking
  • Tools to ensure that others are aware of your skill sets so they think of you when opportunities arise
Apr 30, 202101:01:42
The Unconventional Path to Entrepreneurship: 5 Keys for Success

The Unconventional Path to Entrepreneurship: 5 Keys for Success

By Lauren Washington. 

I always thought there was a right time and right path to becoming an entrepreneur. After starting my career as a teacher, joining the corporate world for 8 years, getting an MBA, and then jumping headfirst into entrepreneurship for the last 7 years, I've realized there isn't. I’m really excited to share my journey with you all and help you start your own journey of entrepreneurship.

You will walk away from this chat with:

  • Some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way - so you don’t have to learn the hard way
  • Tips for getting started on your own big idea
Apr 30, 202154:45
Building the Cannabis Industry From Scratch: Advocating for Social Equity & Opportunities for Women

Building the Cannabis Industry From Scratch: Advocating for Social Equity & Opportunities for Women

By Toni Forge & Kyra Reed.

The cannabis industry offers women and marginalized communities opportunities for ownership, employment, and participation in its growth in a way that no other industry provides. But we need strong advocates and talented professionals to ensure that we are great in numbers and success. We'll be answering questions and sharing our experiences as women and advocates in the emerging cannabis industry. We invite women from all backgrounds to explore if this industry is a good fit for their career goals.

Apr 30, 202101:00:01
Let's Talk About Mental Health and How We Can Protect It

Let's Talk About Mental Health and How We Can Protect It

By Charity Collier.

I witnessed many people in 2020 learn to navigate how to work from home and not being able to spend time with loved ones. What people may not realize is the toll on our mental health these changes have caused.

I look at mental health like physical health, we need to take care of it on a daily basis, just like we take care of our bodies. As we move into 2021 it is my hope we can take time to take care of mental health and make time for self care. I also understand the barriers and the question "but how"?

In this talk I hope to aid participants in knowing how to recognise mental health in themself. As well as plan on how to take care of their mental health while juggling life, such as working from home, and easing back into in person connections.

In this chat I want you to take away:

  • The difference between mental health and mental illness
  • How mental health may look in your life.
  • What self care really is
  • What actions you can do for healthier mental health
Apr 21, 202101:00:47
Stop Assuming and Start Asking: The Best Tips & Tricks for Finding Allies & Advocates

Stop Assuming and Start Asking: The Best Tips & Tricks for Finding Allies & Advocates

By Diane Foley from Raytheon Technologies.

I’ve heard countless stories of women working hard and achieving results, yet they are still being passed over for promotion and other growth opportunities. When I dig a little deeper, I find many of those women have never overtly shared their career aspirations or goals with their managers or other decision makers. That leaves those managers and decision makers to make their own assumptions about these women and their aspirations.

In this chat, I want you to learn:

  • How to advocate for yourself and your career
  • How to find allies in the organization who will advocate for you
  • How to identify and overcome common organizational dynamics that impact women’s advancement
Apr 19, 202101:01:01
You Deserve to Be Happy: Discover How to Create a Life You Love

You Deserve to Be Happy: Discover How to Create a Life You Love

By Angela Choi. 

It is your birthright to lead a happy and joyous life. Perhaps this seems easier said than done because somewhere along the way, you started making choices and doing things based on what you were told you “should” be doing. Or maybe your fears got in the way and instead, you chose a safer path. Maybe you’ve now found yourself wondering if this is the life you actually want and if not, how you can make changes to it. Whatever the case may be, I’m here to remind you that happiness is your birthright – your work and contributions to the world are meant to bring meaning and joy to your life.

In this Chat and Learn, I’ll teach you 6 steps that you can take right away that will enable you to understand what’s been holding you back and empower you to start creating a life that you absolutely love.

Apr 13, 202159:04
Let’s Talk Taxes: What You Need to Know When Filing This Year

Let’s Talk Taxes: What You Need to Know When Filing This Year

Quite often, taxes can seem mysterious, overwhelming, or downright intimidating, simply because of the complex and ever-changing nature of US tax code each year. We too have been in the role of tax novice as we entered the workforce, often relying on friends and family for our important tax decisions. Taxes are not just a once-a-year event. Even when we have started a new position, this comes with essential tax forms and considerations for us to think about. Together, we will offer you our key learnings from working in the tax and FinTech industries so that you can feel tax literate this season.

In this chat, we want you to walk away with:

  • Actionable steps you can take for your taxes and finances when you start a new job
  • A solid understanding of how to prepare for tax season
  • Ownership over your tax returns, plus what a tax refund or tax debt means for you
Apr 13, 202153:06
The Important Role Women and Diversity Have in Travel

The Important Role Women and Diversity Have in Travel

By Jeannette Ceja. 

In this chat we will discuss ways that we can amplify the important role that women contribute to the travel industry. Also, how we can further build a more inclusive and diverse travel movement.

Apr 12, 202159:38
How to Identify & Leverage Your Transferable Skills

How to Identify & Leverage Your Transferable Skills

By Dovie Majors from the Amazon team. 

Have you thought about moving into a different role within your existing company or taking that leap of faith to transfer your skills to a new business? It can be scary and somewhat daunting. An initial reaction is to doubt your skills and your personal brand. The goal of this chat is to explore how to identify and leverage your transferable skills.

Apr 12, 202101:01:18
Connect With Calmness: Tips and Tricks to Discover It Within You

Connect With Calmness: Tips and Tricks to Discover It Within You

By Criss Cuervo. 

Since I was a young girl I heard about meditation, however it seemed something esoteric and far from my reach. For many years I read books on the subject but still did not understand how to practice or explore my inner world. After many years of study and search, I finally started to understand from my own practice what meditation is along with experiencing many of its benefits.

Apr 12, 202156:54
The Diverse Definitions of Success: Find and Embrace Your Own

The Diverse Definitions of Success: Find and Embrace Your Own

By Marcela Díaz.

An encounter at a local Art gallery led to a tech job and my very own “Emily in Paris” experience once they transferred me to France. It took me a while to connect the dots that being 100% myself in and out of the office had been the key, not only to personal fulfillment, but to unlock a professional opportunity I assumed out of reach, particularly being a female, a Latina, and an immigrant.

Apr 12, 202158:44
Mastering Cultural Intelligence Starts by Mastering Yourself: Lead Your Individuality to Lead Others

Mastering Cultural Intelligence Starts by Mastering Yourself: Lead Your Individuality to Lead Others

By Shiva Roofeh. 

Being an Iranian, American, Muslim, Jew I've learned to painfully deal with hurting situations due to the lack of cultural intelligence of others. It is my objective to stop people from this suffering.

I want you to walk away from this chat with:

  • What cultural intelligence is and isn't
  • Ways to manage culturally confusing situations so you can respond better
  • Tools to find deep rooted, hidden cultural and personal assumptions that have been driving your conversations, actions and behaviors
  • Strategies to start changing those conversations, actions and behaviors
Apr 12, 202157:12