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Gayatri Pariwar podcast channel featuring podcasts of Akhand Jyoti and other publications from Shantikunj Haridwar
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Enhance Your Potential to Face Challenges

PragyaPodcastJun 17, 2023

Enhance Your Potential to Face Challenges

Enhance Your Potential to Face Challenges

Challenging situations sometimes appear in life suddenly, and they are also invited purposely. Those who run away from these challenges become incompatible, cowardly, and overtaken by weaknesses. Such people come under stress even at the cognition of challenges, and their mental and physical faculties cease to work. Modern research has proved that reason for stress is the absence of proper perception of challenges and faulty evaluation of one’s own capabilities to counter those challenges.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - May/June 2023 issue
Jun 17, 202308:21
Understand the Philosophy of Yagya for Holistic Development

Understand the Philosophy of Yagya for Holistic Development

Ancient Indian culture had given unique thoughts/philosophies that transcended geographical borders. Even today, one can feel the knowledge propagated
by these philosophies in every corner of the world. The concept of yagya (yajna) originated in India belongs to the same category.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - May/June 2023 issue
Jun 10, 202307:58
Creative Utilisation of Imagination

Creative Utilisation of Imagination

Imagination is such a power with which one can create one’s universe and can achieve desirable success, but usually, we remain ignorant of this power and don’t make good use of this natural talent. However, if we become aware of the power of imagination and use it properly, we can make life happier, successful, and blissful.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - May/June 2023 issue

Jun 03, 202307:10
The Need for Healthy Entertainment

The Need for Healthy Entertainment

Personality development requires good education, health, communication skills, and a favorable atmosphere. But healthy entertainment is the prime source to
keep all these aspects alive and vibrant. Without recreation, life becomes dull, dry, and uninteresting. Therefore, clean entertainment plays an important role in facing challenges, achieving progress, and operating optimally under stressful situations.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - May/June 2023 issue
May 27, 202309:06
Introspection is Essential for Self-Improvement

Introspection is Essential for Self-Improvement

Introspection is an essential means and necessary phase of self-improvement, which is often neglected, and for this very reason, man lives in an apprehensive and distressed state of mind. Introspection is a close observation of own thoughts, emotions, and behaviour. It is an effective tool to determine the prime reason for mental stress, grief, and predicaments within own conscience and differentiate between legitimate and illegitimate thoughts. It is an art to examine and ruminate over own thoughts methodically.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - March/April 2021 issue
May 19, 202307:20
Improve Your Lifestyle to Combat Stress

Improve Your Lifestyle to Combat Stress

Growing stress is the bitter truth of life today. Be it children or older people, women or youth, everyone is falling prey to it. Along with this, it is also giving rise to a host of psychosomatic ailments. Though this is a natural consequence of this over- competitive era, our distorted lifestyle is also no less responsible for it. Bad eating habits, irregular daily routine, lousy company, unrestrained conduct and behaviour, and negative thought process - all of these are collectively displaying their hazardous impact on the mind and body of people.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Nov/Dec 2020 issue
May 12, 202306:10
Golden Commandments for The Journey of Life & Happiness

Golden Commandments for The Journey of Life & Happiness

Vedantic science is based on 4 principles: 'tatvamasi', 'ayamatma brahm', 'pragyanam brahm' and 'soham'. These 4 principles indicate that an enlightened individual can become parabrahm in the same way as coal can become a diamond after being refined through a process of intense heat and pressure. Every man has an aura of God in him, which is revealed once he removes the dirt and grime of bad qualities, bad behaviour and caustic habits accumulated over his lifetime. Once the shade of negativity is removed and the tranquillity of penance is developed, the true beauty and attractiveness of a person is revealed. From Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2011 issue
May 05, 202312:40
Patience - The Basis of a Successful Life

Patience - The Basis of a Successful Life

Patience is a virtue from which emanates all other qualities. Without this indispensable virtue, all other powers are reduced to weakness, and the desired result of hard work cannot be obtained. An impatient person remains deprived of the true bliss of life. On the other hand, one who has patience could even triumph over death. The opponents are not an issue; even the enemies are compelled to accept his superiority because patience makes a person tolerant in his outlook.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Apr 29, 202304:35
Get Blessed with Good Health in the Proximity of Nature

Get Blessed with Good Health in the Proximity of Nature

Nature is the source of life, all forms of nutrition, and good health for all living beings. All living beings live their lives in its lap, following their instincts. Their food intake and their entire life are bound by the laws imposed on them by nature. That is why they live healthy and diseasefree lives. Only human beings go against nature, break its rules at each step and then face serious consequences. All the people who live unnatural lives keep falling ill and become victims of untimely death. This article summarises the benefits in living life in accordance with nature.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - March/April 2023 issue

Apr 22, 202311:34
Introvert Personality

Introvert Personality

To be an introvert is to divert one’s thoughts and emotions inwards on an inner journey. This prevents frittering away of energy. That is why the development of introversion has been considered a high ideal of life. When a person touches that level, his personality symbolizes simplicity and equanimity. As a result, he is affected very less by the ups and downs of the circumstances.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - March/April 2023 issue

Apr 15, 202307:59
Nabhi Chakra is the Gateway to Supernormal Achievements

Nabhi Chakra is the Gateway to Supernormal Achievements

Yoga scriptures call the Navel as Nabhi Chakra or Solar Plexus. It resembles a nucleus in an atom or Sun in the solar system. Though physiologists might not realize its due importance because of failing to perceive its role in self-realization, it has always fascinated those who are experts in spiritual science. According to those who have deep penetration into the secrets of spiritual science, Pranic energy first vibrates the solar plexus before entering the heart. Then, after purifying the blood in the lungs and heart, it assists in circulating the blood in the entire body. This articles provides detailed explanation of this chakra and how it can be used to promote physical and spiritual powers within ourselves.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - March/April 2023 issue

Apr 08, 202312:26
Sleeping is an Art

Sleeping is an Art

Sleeping is an art that many people are unaware of. Just as death is an art, and the one who is proficient in it does not fear death. Those skilled in the art of living are rewarded with priceless gifts even in the crises and troubles of life. Similarly, sleep also has its importance as during the process of falling asleep; we enter into our subconscious mind for a short time. In some ways, the process of sleeping during the night is like death, a short-term death. Usually, we go to bed with a load of worries. By doing so, all our day-long worries, tensions, moments of sorrow and pain, hope and despair, follow us to sleep and affect it adversely. Sleep is that door through which our conscious and awakened mind creatively enters our subconscious mind. During sleep, humans influence their subconscious mind with their self-perceptions.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - March/April 2023 issue

Apr 01, 202307:25
As is One's Shraddha, So is One's Life

As is One's Shraddha, So is One's Life

We are all familiar with the word shraddha (deep faith), but it is essential to understand its deeper meaning. Shraddha is our inner belief and emotional attachment towards people, things, or work whom we adore or give respect to or which give us joy. Shraddha is, in a way, the foundation of our personality and the axis around which our emotions and, indeed, our whole life revolves. We show our interest and inclination towards anything as per our shraddha.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Mar 25, 202306:26
Why Should we Perform Navratri Anushthan

Why Should we Perform Navratri Anushthan

This article explains the reasons why one should perform anushthan during the Navratri period.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - March/April 2023
Mar 18, 202307:12
The Basis of Blissful Life

The Basis of Blissful Life

Fame and prestige allure everyone. The entire world is running in the crazy rat race to achieve a distinct reputation. Though sought by all, it remains merely a dream for many. This rare asset is bestowed on only those who have done noble deeds in the past which have attained maturity and begun yielding results. The actions motivated by benevolence are similar to a fixed deposit. In a fixed deposit, a definite sum of money is invested for a specific monetary period, after which either an increased amount of money could be withdrawn or it could be reinvested again. Similarly, our good deeds keep accumulating.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Jan/Feb 2014 issue
Mar 11, 202306:29
What is True Faith, and How does it Affect Human Life

What is True Faith, and How does it Affect Human Life

Faith is a natural quality and essential requirement of human life. The philosophy states – ‘We think because we believe, live because we have faith in life.’ But, what is faith in life? Is it the faith in the eternal existence of the life force or the origin, growth, and continuity of life? The very definition of faith implies its intrinsic roots and internal expansion in the deep cores of consciousness, supporting the above assumptions in affirmation. Intrinsic faith in the purity of the soul and its eternal, omnipresent source - is a sublime impulse of spirituality, a reflection of inner inspirations, and the basis of inner strength.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - July/Aug 2022 issue
Mar 04, 202308:13
How to Augment Power of Concentration

How to Augment Power of Concentration

The importance of concentration is well known. All achievements, successes, and powers in life arise from the bosom of a concentrated mind. However, most people, for lack of concentration, cannot utilize life’s full potential. They remain deprived of possible achievements. They fail to lead a meaningful life, and the reason behind it is the fleeting nature of the mind.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - July/Aug 2022 issue
Mar 04, 202310:33
Some Tips for the Best Utilization of Time

Some Tips for the Best Utilization of Time

Many factors contribute to our success in life, but the foremost among them is the right utilization of time. Those who have made the best use of each moment of their lives have indeed achieved great success. While on the other hand, many people with exemplary talent did not achieve anything substantial in life because of their inability to harness time efficiently. This article presents the various personality traits associated with thinking and behaviour that are the main culprits leading to the wastage of time and inhibiting progress.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Nov/Dec 2022 issue
Feb 25, 202307:39
Do Colours Influence Us

Do Colours Influence Us

Every person has his own body colour. It is believed that this colour changes with the person’s state of mind; for example, we say – a person is red with anger or shame, he is caught in a white lie, he became black with fear, the body is pale with sickness, pink in health and happiness, etc. As the colour of the body changes with the mental state and the emotion a person is undergoing, in the same way, different colours can change a person’s mental state. Each colour is unique and a world on its own and has an amazing effect on our lives.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Feb 18, 202307:39
Smartphone Addiction amongst Children and Youth

Smartphone Addiction amongst Children and Youth

Internet, smartphones and social media are some of the amazing outcomes of the era of communication revolution however across the world a worrisome aspect is the addiction to smartphones. This article discusses this topic in further detail.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Jan/Feb 2023 issue
Feb 11, 202313:42
Stay Away from Stress and Live Life to the Fullest

Stay Away from Stress and Live Life to the Fullest

This article discusses some aspects how one can live a life free from stress, thereby contributing to their physical and mental well-being.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Jan/Feb 2023 issue
Feb 11, 202306:44
Fasting is an Effective Therapy even for Chronic Diseases

Fasting is an Effective Therapy even for Chronic Diseases

Fasting is an extremely effective and valuable therapy It is possible to improve physical and mental health through fasting and increase our spiritual level. Fasting has significant scientific importance too. This is discussed further within this article.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Jan/Feb 2023 issue
Feb 04, 202309:55
The Impact of Classical Music on Health

The Impact of Classical Music on Health

This article explains how listening to classical music can have a positive impact on the health of an individual.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Nov/Dec 2022 issue
Jan 28, 202309:54
Disciplining A Fickle Mind is Difficult but not Impossible

Disciplining A Fickle Mind is Difficult but not Impossible

For success, happiness and peace in life, the discipline of the mind is important. There is a famous saying that the mind is the greatest friend and the biggest foe. No opponent or enemy can defeat the person if the mind is controlled. This article explains some practical, psychological and spiritual principles to discipline the mind easily and effectively.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Jan/Feb 2023 issue
Jan 21, 202306:21
Savoir-faire is an Important Personality Trait

Savoir-faire is an Important Personality Trait

Man is a social animal. He lives in a group and interacts with various people in various situations. His thoughts and actions become his behaviour. Behaviour contributes to the building of a man's conduct and personality. A man's conduct reflects his mental stability. Behaviour is a medium that shows a man's true personality, so one must know the art of good behavioural presentation or conduct. Appropriate execution of work adds to a man's personality.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Jan/Feb 2023 issue
Jan 14, 202306:05
A Positive Mental Attitude Can Improve the Well-Being of a Person

A Positive Mental Attitude Can Improve the Well-Being of a Person

The root of a deadly disease is not found in the human body but in the depths of the mind and emotions. In this article, we explore some interesting anecdotes illustrating the power of thoughts on health.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Jan/Feb 2023 issue
Jan 07, 202306:50
Essential Spiritual Practices For Holistic Self-Development

Essential Spiritual Practices For Holistic Self-Development

This article explains some spiritual practices in daily life that will gradually lead to holistic well-being and progress with the illumination of the inner self. One’s prudent and benevolent deeds, with refined talents, will contribute to brilliant success with respectful cooperation in his/her worldly life too, and will also help upliftment of the society.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Nov/Dec 2022 issue
Dec 31, 202215:46
How Should Our Speech Be

How Should Our Speech Be

Speech has the ability to bring glory and dignity to one’s life, as well as deprive him of the same. This depends on whether the speech is filled with nectar-like sweetness or whether it exudes sharpness and bitterness owing to the flaws of human nature. Therefore, if we want to understand the nature of human life and the significance of communication skills, we must understand the characteristics and shortcomings of human speech.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Dec 24, 202206:50
Learn to Overcome the Feelings of Guilt and Inferiority

Learn to Overcome the Feelings of Guilt and Inferiority

The feelings of guilt, fear, and inferiority are like whirlpools in social life that destroy an individual’s potentials. Moreover, together they make life uncomfortable and unusual, which adversely affect the social and professional life of the person, and he is cursed to live in deep stress and depression.
The sooner one can overcome these tendencies, the better it is from the viewpoint of personality development. But if they have already become a part of one’s nature, then the task becomes a bit time-consuming. In such a situation, they can be overcome only with patience and by taking prudent steps. Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Nov/Dec 2021 issue
Dec 16, 202208:57
Are You Using Time Wisely

Are You Using Time Wisely

Acharya Shriram Sharma has emphasized the importance of time in the following words – ‘Life is time. Those who love life should not squander it in procrastination.’ Indeed, time is synonymous with life. That is why the management of time is essential to be successful in life. This article details a few tips that can help you in better control of time.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2019 issue
Dec 10, 202204:14
Augment Your Vigor and Vitality by Pranayama

Augment Your Vigor and Vitality by Pranayama

There is a close connection between a person’s health, immunity, and longevity with respiration. The technique of controlling this process is called Pranayama. Physical energy, the strength of thoughts, and a resolute mind are all direct benefits of Pranayama. It is not just a physical exercise of the lungs; Pranayama increases longevity and provides vigor and energy to the mind. It is a very beneficial tool for all who aspire for a healthy and happy life.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Dec 03, 202211:54
How to Overcome Adversities

How to Overcome Adversities

The road to progress and prosperity goes through the asperity of the stony path of obstructions. Anyone afraid of obstacles in life must not aspire to achieve any significant progress. The word progress solely entails elevation towards a higher stage, which requires more effort to grow than working on the same horizon. Deterioration in man’s status does not require any specific actions, and it takes fast to condescend. A person who is given the task of moving a specific distance in an upward direction will need more time than the person who moves the same distance in the downward direction. Moreover, the man going downward will do it effortlessly while the one going upward will perspire profusely. The path to progress is always difficult. Had it not been so, every person, whether deserving or not, would find it easy to accomplish outstanding progress.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Jan/Feb 2021 issue
Nov 27, 202207:35
Guru's Glory is Boundless

Guru's Glory is Boundless

Guru, Gayatri, Gita, Ganga, and Gau (Cow) are the five basic elements of Indian culture, and among these five, Guru’s place is on the top. Scriptures become speechless while glorifying the significance of the Guru. Even people having extensive knowledge in the spiritual field find themselves unable to glorify the dignity of the Guru.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - July/Aug 2022 issue
Nov 26, 202208:48
How to Control Mistakes Committed Repeatedly

How to Control Mistakes Committed Repeatedly

Why do we make mistakes repeatedly? Even after making a resolution of not making mistakes, we still end up repeating them. What is the force that aligns all the negativity, makes us commit these mistakes and later regret our actions and decisions? Everybody has to answer this question in their lifetime. But it is not really true that we cannot correct or control our mistakes. To solve this conundrum, it is necessary to get to the root of the problem; to understand how it is created and what gives it strength.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - March/April 2011 issue
Nov 20, 202210:41
The Highway to Achieve Fearlessness

The Highway to Achieve Fearlessness

Fear is an aspect of human existence that is not limited to any group or clan. It is also not something new but an eternal truth. The entire world is gripped in fear of something or the other. Each person is trying to grapple with their own set of fears. Everyone wishes to lead a fearless and conflict[1]free life but is sadly unable to do so.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Nov/Dec 2022 issue
Nov 19, 202208:15
Don't Suffer from Nerves

Don't Suffer from Nerves

Worry and stress are beneficial as well as harmful. Being anxious and stressed about any task creates pressure in our minds to accomplish it, making its execution effortless. Although one can work even without worry, most people work only to bring down their anxiety and stress levels. By working, they can reduce them and hence, feel relaxed. People who get extremely worried and tensed and are unable to perform correctly due to performance pressure get into more trouble because anxiety and stress invade their minds and can become a reason for their physical and mental ailments. An interesting example shows how anxiety and stress impact our body and mind and how they should be dealt with.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - July/Aug 2022 issue
Nov 13, 202206:00
Spiritual Intelligence

Spiritual Intelligence

Spiritual quotient is the upper limit of intelligence which incorporates the meaning of life, and its value has the capacity for mental adjustment and takes life in the direction of non-materialistic and objective aspects. In this are linked spiritual sources, sublime values, and self-imposed code of conduct which collectively enhance a person’s daily work efficiency and health

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Nov/Dec 2022 issue
Nov 12, 202211:12
Why Should You Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Why Should You Improve Your Emotional Intelligence

Earlier, intelligence quotient (IQ) was used to measure a person’s reasoning ability, but nowadays, parameters like emotional quotient (EQ) and spiritual quotient (SQ) are more commonly used for evaluation. Previously higher level of IQ was regarded as a reliable parameter to judge a person’s capabilities and chances of success in his life, but when even such successful people failed in maintaining their relations within family, society, or groups, this parameter proved insufficient, and people began to consider over emotional discernment related to EQ also.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Nov 06, 202207:18
How to Develop the Self

How to Develop the Self

Life is the name of facing challenges and converting these into opportunities. It is developing one’s self by getting out of the comfort zone and accepting the challenges. Life is confronting fears, conquering them, and achieving a desired, meaningful and successful goal. Life is overcoming myriad small weaknesses and gaining control over the self. Life is creating the desired world while facing difficult circumstances and making them favourable. Certainly, this work is not simple, but nothing will be achieved by sitting idle and doing nothing. It requires entering the battlefield and marshalling courage to confront every challenge and face every fear.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Nov/Dec 2022 issue
Nov 05, 202208:34
Spirituality in Daily Life - The Beginning

Spirituality in Daily Life - The Beginning

This article presents some simple practices for self-awareness and self-refinement as the first steps towards adopting spirituality in daily life.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Oct 30, 202207:41
How to Uplift the Life-Force

How to Uplift the Life-Force

Biologically, we, the human beings, are members of the animal kingdom. So, the instincts of sensory pleasure, self-identity, attachment with the physical body, apprehension, fear of injury/attack/death, etc., are as natural in us as in other creatures. However, according to biological evolutionary theories, we are significantly more evolved, as we possess distinct faculties of the brain and the mind with a potential of control over the sense-organs, constructive use of their functions, and self-development.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - July/Aug 2022 issue
Oct 29, 202207:58
Accumulation of Shakti and its Proper Utilization

Accumulation of Shakti and its Proper Utilization

The importance of shakti (strength/power) in life is well known. That is why it has been said in the scriptures – “Balam upasya” (worship power). Whatever the field of life, material or spiritual, the stronger is the victor. In Indian culture, an elaborate methodology of sadhana has been formulated for invoking shakti during every Navaratri. It is essential to know how and in what ways shakti vanes. Generally, there are three reasons for this loss. First and foremost is excessive carnal indulgences which weaken control over the senses and decrease the vital force. The second cause is a life of extremely hectic activities full of tension and stress. This, too, saps strength and vitality in a big way. The third is being garrulous and too talkative.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Oct 23, 202210:20
How to Boost Your Happiness Quotient

How to Boost Your Happiness Quotient

It is said that good things come to those you practice, which means that happiness is a learned skill. If you're looking to lead a happy life, it's crucial to learn the right skills and put them into practice. Here are a few clues.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - May/June 2014 issue
Oct 22, 202205:55
Golden Rules for Attaining Longevity

Golden Rules for Attaining Longevity

When we hear of people who have lived a long life, a thought naturally arises: Can we not live a long life too? Though we are often aware of the rules we need to follow to live a long life, we tend to ignore them. Our ancestors have always believed that we can live for as long as we wish. A well-known example is that of Bhishma Pitamah, who had the power to live for as long as he wanted.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Oct 16, 202206:02
It is the Mind that Wins or Loses

It is the Mind that Wins or Loses

Among all the creatures of the world, man is considered to be of the highest form, and among all the endowments with which nature has blessed him, the human mind is undisputedly the most valuable and the best. In a general sense, ‘mind’ means the faculty or capability of animals through which different emotions and feelings, pleasures and pains, etc., are experienced and friend and foe recognized. Scholars have analyzed the term mind in various ways. For example, playfulness and spontaneity are the natural attributes of the mind. The philosophers, therefore, believe that the human mind is like a pond whose placid water immediately turns into moving waves under the impact of blowing air.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - May/June 2022 issue
Oct 15, 202209:15
Be Awakened and Vigilant

Be Awakened and Vigilant

A man passes his life living either awakened or in the state of sleep. Normally people are awake during the daytime and get to sleep at night. Sleep is inevitable because it helps to cease from physical and mental fatigue and is indispensable to replenish the energy expensed during daytime endeavours. Waking up in the morning after taking a sound sleep at night makes a man energetic and refreshing. He finds himself full of strength to resume his work. On the other hand, cessation from sleep continuously for 3-4 days will cause so much weariness that the journey of life would seem almost impossible.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Nov/Dec 2021 issue
Oct 07, 202212:57
What to Eat, Why Eat and How to Eat

What to Eat, Why Eat and How to Eat

It is well-known that we cannot survive without food. The entire existence of human life on the earth is possible only because of food. Without food, neither can we sustain pranic energy nor physical energy. Our food greatly influences the wellness of both the body and mind. Health is also affected by the sattvic, rajasic, and tamasic nature of our food. Considering the subtle effects of food on the mind, much importance has been given to the purity of food in Indian culture.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - July/Aug 2022 issue
Sep 30, 202211:41
The Scientific Aspect of Gayatri Mantra

The Scientific Aspect of Gayatri Mantra

The vibrations of Vedic mantras carry immense energy that is amplified by the prana (vital spiritual energy) and bio-electricity of the body and the sublime currents of spiritually refined thoughts and sentiments of the sadhakas. The practice of japa-sadhana of Gayatri Mantra is given supreme importance in this context, as the majestic power of this eternal mantra is expanding perpetually, as the sadhana of this mantra has been constantly practiced by millions of spiritual experts since the Vedic age. This mantra is also special in terms of its unique sonic pattern, the sublime flow of sabda and astonishing physical, psychological and spiritual impacts.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - March/April 2011 issue
Sep 27, 202209:53
How to Tackle the Problem of Depression

How to Tackle the Problem of Depression

The mind entangled in negative thoughts or feelings is the breeding ground for depression. When this feeling deepens, it becomes life-threatening. A country like India that believes in staying happy has gone too far ahead in the number of cases of depression. However superficial this problem may seem, its roots have gone too deep. It is indeed despair that leads us to think that everything will be alright soon when we see someone in our family silent, lazy or sulking.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2022 issue
Sep 23, 202207:34
Shraddh - An Expression of Reverence and Gratitude towards our Ancestors

Shraddh - An Expression of Reverence and Gratitude towards our Ancestors

Pitrapaksha - the fifteen days period in the lunar month of Ashwin is the time of remembering with reverence and gratitude our pitras (ancestors) and venerating and worshipping them by performing their Shraddh (worshipping the deceased souls) and Tarpan (offering libation to the ancestors). This period, which begins from the Bhadrapad Purnima and ends on Ashwin Amavasya, is completely devoted to our ancestors. The Pitrapaksha is the unique opportunity which we get to pay off the debt of our ancestors due to the benediction and grace of whom, we were able to take birth in this world and could prosper and flourish by their grace. It is written in the scriptures that during this period our ancestors come on the earth and look at us with the hope that we will offer our devotion towards them by performing Shraddha, Tarpan and Pind Daan, give donation, food, etc on their behalf according to our capacity and do noble deeds.

Article from Akhand Jyoti (English) - Sept/Oct 2017 issue
Sep 17, 202210:37