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Prevention Leaders w/ Dave Closson

Prevention Leaders w/ Dave Closson

By Dave Closson

Join the 'Prevention Leaders Podcast with Dave Closson' for insightful discussions on substance misuse prevention. Explore trends, strategies, and success stories with experts. Ideal for professionals and community members, this podcast empowers and inspires action towards a healthier future. Connect, learn, and lead the change in combating substance misuse.
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Zero Proof, Full Impact: Connection, Culture, and Community

Prevention Leaders w/ Dave ClossonJun 05, 2024

Zero Proof, Full Impact: Connection, Culture, and Community
Jun 05, 202458:52
Susie [수지] Reece: Confronting Suicide with Hope and Advocacy

Susie [수지] Reece: Confronting Suicide with Hope and Advocacy

In this compelling episode of the Prevention Leaders Podcast, host Dave Closson speaks with Susie [수지] Reece, a leading figure in suicide prevention whose personal and professional life intersect through her own experiences of loss and resilience. Susie shares her insightful perspectives on overcoming the suicide of her father, the unique challenges of her upbringing, and how these experiences propelled her into her role as a prevention advocate. This episode delves into how lived experiences can significantly inform public policy and mental health practices.

In This Episode, You Will Learn About:

  • Susie’s Personal Journey

    • The profound impact of her father’s suicide and how it shaped her career and advocacy in suicide prevention.

    • Navigating the cultural challenges and stigmas associated with her diverse background in a predominantly white, rural community.

  • The Power of Lived Experience

    • The critical role personal history plays in professional advocacy, shaping practices and policies for mental health and suicide prevention.

    • How Susie uses her story to foster broader conversations and develop effective preventive strategies.

  • Challenging Stigmas and Enhancing Cultural Sensitivity

    • Why open conversations about mental health are vital for change and understanding.

    • Strategies Susie employs to navigate and address cultural sensitivities in her prevention work.

  • Practical Insights in Prevention Work

    • Effective and ineffective strategies in suicide prevention from Susie’s extensive experience.

    • The importance of community involvement and clear communication in crafting impactful prevention measures.

Key Quotes from Susie:

  • "Losing my father was a pivotal moment that steered me towards prevention; it’s about turning profound loss into proactive prevention."

  • "Each conversation about mental health can break down stigmas and build up understanding."

  • "Using raw and real personal experiences to guide prevention strategies is not just useful—it’s necessary."

Resources Mentioned:

Call to Action:

Apr 17, 202453:23
Lambi Learns About Addiction: A Dialogue on Addiction, Family, and Recovery

Lambi Learns About Addiction: A Dialogue on Addiction, Family, and Recovery

This episode features an in-depth conversation with Trish Luna, an author and speaker from Nashville, on the Prevention Leaders podcast, hosted by Dave Closson. Trish shares her personal journey and the motivations behind her book 'Lambi Learns About Addiction:

A Book About Prevention', aimed at helping children navigate the complex emotions and situations arising from familial substance use disorders. Her work, deeply rooted in personal experiences with addiction's impact on her family, aims to offer solace, understanding, and practical tools for children to cope with addiction's effects around them. The discussion delves into the book's creation, the importance of addressing addiction openly, and how 'Lambi Learns' serves as a vital resource for both children and adults. Trish emphasizes the need for compassionate, informed conversations around addiction, viewing it as a disease rather than a moral failing, to foster healing within families and communities.

00:00 Opening: The Beacon of Hope in Children's Lives

00:28 Welcome to the Prevention Leaders Podcast

01:05 Introducing Trish Luna: A Voice for the Vulnerable

02:23 The Personal Journey Behind 'Lambi Learns'

05:03 Facing Stigma and Finding a Voice

12:13 The Evolution of 'Lambi Learns' and Its Impact

26:17 Empowering Conversations and Emotional Literacy

34:06 The Power of Conversations: Changing Lives with Lambi

34:31 Turning Tragedies into Triumphs: The Emotional Journey with Lambi

34:52 Coping Tools and Emotional Regulation for Kids

37:51 The Importance of Prevention and Future Choices

38:44 Connecting and Helping: The Impact of Lambi Across the Country

39:43 Heartbreaking Stories and the Comfort of Lambi

59:39 Expanding Lambi’s Reach: Training and Community Engagement

01:00:59 Closing Thoughts: The Impact of Sharing and Prevention

Episode Links:

  • Mar 13, 202401:09:10
    The School of Hard Talks: Transforming Family Conversations
    Feb 07, 202447:20
    The Intersection of Neurobiology, Genetics, and Personal Recovery in Mental Health and Addiction

    The Intersection of Neurobiology, Genetics, and Personal Recovery in Mental Health and Addiction

    In this compelling episode, we delve into the intricate world of mental health and addiction, guided by the expertise of Jacqueline Hall, Chief Operating Officer of Wired BioHealth and Wired for Addiction. This episode stands out as we blend scientific insight with a deeply personal narrative, offering listeners a unique perspective on the challenges and solutions in the realm of mental health and addiction recovery.

    Dave shares his journey, providing an intimate look at the struggles faced and the triumphs achieved in battling addiction and mental health issues. His personal story serves as a powerful backdrop to the discussion with Jacqueline Hall, who brings her extensive knowledge of the biological components of behavioral wellness.

    Key topics include the science behind neurotransmitters and their impact on mental health, the transformative role of biomarker panels in personalizing treatment plans, and the significance of genetic markers in understanding and treating mental health and addiction. The conversation also touches on the importance of empowering individuals with knowledge about their health and encouraging proactive steps toward wellness.

    This episode is not just informative but also inspiring, offering hope and practical solutions for those facing similar challenges. It's a must-listen for anyone interested in the intersection of science, health, and personal transformation.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Social Media Links:

    Dave's Links:

    Jan 03, 202457:40
    From Struggle to Strength: Nathan Wray's Inspiring Path to Empowering Others

    From Struggle to Strength: Nathan Wray's Inspiring Path to Empowering Others

    In this deeply inspiring episode, we sit down with Nathan Wray, a Prevention Coordinator and motivational speaker who has turned his personal struggles into a powerful force for change. Nathan shares his journey from battling addiction to empowering youth and communities through emotional regulation and prevention strategies. His story is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, connection, and trust.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Nathan Wray's Personal Journey: Nathan opens up about his past struggles with addiction and how he transformed his life, becoming a beacon of hope and change.

    The Importance of Emotional Regulation: Nathan discusses how mastering emotional regulation can lead to healthier decision-making and prevent substance abuse.

    Building Trust with Youth: Insights into how Nathan builds meaningful connections with young people, fostering trust and open communication.

    The Role of A Prevention Coordinator: Nathan explains his role, including his work with the Roane County Anti-Drug Coalition and as a DEC (Drug Endangered Children) response team coordinator.

    Impactful Moments in Prevention Work: Nathan shares a heartwarming story of a student impacted by his talk on the dangers of vaping.

    Tips for Engaging Youth: Nathan provides practical advice for engaging with young people in educational settings, emphasizing the importance of connection and active participation.

    Youth Engagement and Empowerment: Nathan defines youth engagement and discusses its critical role in empowering young individuals.

    Advice for Parents and Educators: Nathan offers guidance on teaching emotional regulation to children and the importance of 'serve and return' in early childhood.

    DEC and Its Role in the Community: An overview of the Drug Endangered Children program and its multidisciplinary approach to reducing trauma in children's lives.

    Guest Bio:

    Nathan Wray is a Prevention Coordinator for the Roane County Anti-Drug Coalition and a motivational speaker. With a passion for helping youth overcome adverse childhood experiences, Nathan's work focuses on education, prevention, and empowerment.

    Support Our Cause:

    Join us in supporting LoveYourBrain this giving season. Visit my Donation Page to make a contribution and help us provide free resources for the TBI community.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Nathan's journey reminds us that every challenge we face can be a stepping stone to something greater. His dedication to empowering the youth and his insights on emotional regulation are invaluable tools for anyone looking to make a positive impact in their community.

    Subscribe and Follow:

    Don’t forget to subscribe to our podcast for more inspiring stories. Follow us on Social Media Links for updates and bonus content.

    Episode Links:

    DJC Solutions Links:

    Dec 12, 202357:40
    Lessons on the Road to Peace
    Nov 03, 202301:07:09
    Purple Stars: Shining Brighter - A Deeper Dive into Military Connected Youth Resilience

    Purple Stars: Shining Brighter - A Deeper Dive into Military Connected Youth Resilience

    In today's episode, we dive deep into the heart of a topic that's often overlooked but is of paramount importance: the challenges and resilience of military-connected youth. As we navigate the intricate web of their experiences, we uncover the layers of support, understanding, and community that these young individuals need and deserve.

    Key Highlights:

    • Purple Star Award Program: This initiative identifies schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Sarah and Steve shed light on the four foundational requirements that schools need to meet to earn this prestigious recognition.

    • The Power of Connection: One of the most resonating themes throughout our discussion was the importance of connection. Military-connected youth crave understanding, a sense of belonging, and peer-to-peer relationships that resonate with their unique experiences.

    • Upcoming Event - Purple Star USA Conference: Scheduled for October 26th, this conference promises a wealth of knowledge. With 21 sessions, insights from boots-on-the-ground professionals, and even a special message from First Lady Dr. Jill Biden, this is an event you won't want to miss. Whether you're already part of a Purple Star school or just curious, there's something for everyone.

    • Stories Beyond Data: While data drives much of what we do in prevention, there are some stories that numbers can't capture. Hearing from the Purple Star liaisons and the military-connected youth themselves, it's evident that this program is making a tangible difference in their lives.

    • A Call to Action: If there's one thing to take away from this episode, it's the importance of recognizing, supporting, and celebrating our military-connected youth. Whether it's through the Purple Star Award Program, attending the upcoming conference, or simply being more aware of the challenges these young individuals face, every effort counts.

    It's always a pleasure to chat with passionate prevention leaders like Sarah and Steve. Their dedication to supporting military-connected youth is truly inspiring. Remember, prevention is better together, and together, we can make a difference in the lives of these resilient young individuals.

    Episode Links:


    Oct 18, 202344:40
    Purple Stars: A Mission for Engaging and Supporting Military Families

    Purple Stars: A Mission for Engaging and Supporting Military Families

    In this episode of the Prevention Leaders podcast, host Dave welcomes Sarah, a Military Family Resiliency Specialist from Kentucky. Sarah, who has been making a significant difference at local, regional, and national levels, delves into her background, growing up in a military family. She shares poignant personal stories, including her father's deployments, her brothers' military experiences, and the tragic loss of her older brother to suicide, which deeply impacted her family.

    Sarah's journey into the realm of prevention was marked by a transformative experience when she attended a QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) suicide prevention training. This experience underscored the importance of upstream prevention and the immense power of information. As she discusses the nuances of engaging with military families, Sarah emphasizes the need to understand their unique challenges. She highlights the establishment of the Purple Star Award program in schools, which aims to recognize and support military-connected students. This initiative, along with her collaborations with the VA and other military organizations, showcases her commitment to the cause.

    Building resiliency in military families is a key focus for Sarah. She talks about offering evidence-based curriculum and training to these families and the role of schools in supporting military students. Community engagement and understanding stand out as crucial elements in her approach. Sarah also generously shares a list of resources and recommendations for further support, including "Make the Connection," the "VA Community Provider Toolkit," "Sesame Street for Military Families," the "Military Child Education Coalition," "Military OneSource," and ""

    Episode Links:

    DJC Links:

    Oct 04, 202346:12
    The Unique Value of You: Making an Impact in Prevention Work

    The Unique Value of You: Making an Impact in Prevention Work

    In this episode, host Dave is joined by Mitch Moore, an experienced prevention specialist, to discuss the importance of community involvement, effective onboarding, and the power of collective impact in the field of prevention. Whether you're new to the field or a seasoned professional, this episode is packed with insights and practical advice that will help you make a meaningful impact in your community.

    • [00:00] Introduction and Welcome Back
    • [02:30] Introduction to Mitch
    • [05:00] The Importance of Community Involvement in Prevention
    • [15:00] Effective Onboarding and Training
    • [25:00] The Power of Collective Impact
    • [35:00] Upcoming Events: Fall Prevention Specialist Conference and Supervision of Prevention Professionals
    • [40:00] Final Thoughts and Takeaways

    Key Takeaways

    1. Community Involvement: The magic of effective prevention lies in involving the community. It's not just about doing prevention to the community but doing it with them.
    2. Effective Onboarding: Building better processes for onboarding new prevention specialists can make the work more effective and efficient.
    3. Collective Impact: Prevention is better together. The more we can collaborate and share resources, the stronger our impact will be.

    Upcoming Events Fall Prevention Specialist Conference - Coming up in October, a must-attend for anyone in the field.

    Supervision of Prevention Professionals - An event in November focused on the unique challenges and opportunities in supervising prevention professionals.

    Episode Links:


    Sep 06, 202347:56
    Leadership Beyond Titles: Embracing the Speak Up Mindset
    Aug 03, 202301:00:03
    There is no Safe Level of THC in the Developing Adolescent Brain

    There is no Safe Level of THC in the Developing Adolescent Brain

    In this episode, Dave is joined by Laura Stack, the mother behind Johnny's Ambassadors, a non-profit organization dedicated to educating parents and teens about the risks associated with adolescent marijuana use. The organization was named after Laura's son Johnny, who tragically lost his life after struggling with marijuana addiction and the onset of mental health issues. In this conversation, Laura shares the wealth of resources and materials available on Johnny's Ambassador's website, including videos, educational content, toolkits, and even a program for substance abuse counselors. Laura encourages listeners to reach out and make use of these free resources, and also invites them to attend their educational conference. Listen in for a heartfelt discussion on adolescent mental health, the dangers of marijuana use, and the power of preventive education.

    Key Takeaways:

    • The devastating effects of marijuana on the developing adolescent brain.

    • The mission of Johnny's Ambassadors to educate and prevent marijuana use among teens.

    • The vast range of educational materials and resources available for free on the Johnny's Ambassadors website.

    • The importance of educating not just the teens, but parents and teachers too.

    • Invitation to attend the Johnny's Ambassadors Educational Conference.

    • The power of sharing Johnny's story to help others and promote prevention.

    Links and Resources:

    "There is no safe level of THC in the developing adolescent brain." - Laura Stack

    Jun 06, 202356:15
    Transforming Substance Misuse Prevention: Inside Montana Summer Institute with Jeff Linkenbach [#36]
    May 02, 202323:20
    Building a Culture of Prevention with Nichole Dawsey [#35]

    Building a Culture of Prevention with Nichole Dawsey [#35]

    In this episode, prevention specialist and podcast host Nichole Dawsey joins Dave to discuss the importance of building a culture of prevention. They cover topics such as the impact of trauma on substance use, the role of peer support in prevention, and the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing substance use disorder. They also discuss the power of small moments in shaping positive team culture and the magic of the Teen Institute, a transformative leadership opportunity for high school students.

    A few key points to remember:

    1. Prevention is a community effort that requires the involvement of various stakeholders such as parents, educators, healthcare professionals, law enforcement, and community leaders. By working together, they can address substance use disorders comprehensively and create a culture that fosters prevention and wellness.

    2. Prevention leaders must recognize that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to substance use disorder prevention. They need to use multiple tools and strategies to address substance use disorder from different angles, including universal prevention, respite, peers, harm reduction, and recovery support.

    3. It is possible to create transformative experiences that empower youth to be prevention leaders. Programs such as Teen Institute provide youth with the knowledge, skills, and peer support they need to create change in their communities. These experiences can help build a culture of prevention and make a lasting impact on individuals and communities.

    Episode Links:

    Apr 04, 202342:45
    Addressing Stigma in Rural Communities Through Art and Workshops [#34]
    Mar 07, 202348:09
    What does it mean to be a Prevention Leader w/Dena Kemp. [#33]

    What does it mean to be a Prevention Leader w/Dena Kemp. [#33]

    Today, we’re talking about community engagement, facilitation, and what it means to be a prevention leader with Dena Kemp, who is a Southeast Kansas Community Support Specialist.

    Dena is also an alumni of the HueLife Prevention Leaders Cohort

    This Hue Journey is an intensive skill-building experience. The program will significantly improve facilitative leadership capabilities in the context of coalition work, develop facilitation methods, and provide a fun learning environment. Participants will be part of a learning community and support system lasting long beyond the five cohort intensives.

    Angie Asa-Lovstad, Karie Terhark, and Dave Closson, your guides on this Journey, have over 38-years of combined experience leading community coalitions in the drug and alcohol prevention scope. Together they have also led state-wide collaboration using tools that will be taught in the Prevention Leaders Cohort to ensure coalition members are included in every step of the process, organically creating buy-in and sustainability.

    HUE Prevention Leaders Cohort is a 15-month commitment. We meet two times each month (or 6 times per quarter) via Zoom.

    Prevention Leadership Means:
    • Create a shared vision with stakeholders and collectively develop long-term and short-term goals.
    • Empower your stakeholders to carry out the plan that keeps people engaged to follow through.
    • Establish an evaluation practice with accountability within the teams to be responsive to a changing environment.
    • Build confidence in leading groups of stakeholders and community members.
    • Develop self as a transformational leader and use data to create shared awareness around community issues.
    • Develop your team, empower coalition members, and leverage the personal passion of each member.

    Episode Links:

    DJC Solutions Links:

    Feb 07, 202336:22
    Why bring the worlds of Prevention & Facilitation together? [32]
    Jan 19, 202342:32
    The Metaphysics of Prevention & The Quest for Presence [#31]

    The Metaphysics of Prevention & The Quest for Presence [#31]

    In this episode. we’re talking with Dr. Joel Bennett who is the President of Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems (OWLS), a consulting firm that specializes in evidence-based wellness and e-learning technologies to promote organizational health and employee well-being.

    About Joel Bennett, PhD, MA, CWP

    Joel Bennett, PhD, is President of Organizational Wellness & Learning Systems (OWLS), a consulting firm specializing in evidence-based wellness technologies to promote organizational health and employee well-being. Dr. Bennett first delivered stress management programming in 1985 and OWLS programs have since reached close to 250,000 workers across the United States and abroad, including training over 1,000 facilitators and coaches. He is a primary developer of “Team Awareness” and “Team Resilience,” evidence-based, culture of health programs recognized by the U.S. Dept. of Health and Surgeon General as effective in reducing employee behavioral risks. Team Awareness has been adapted by the U.S. National Guard as one of their flagship prevention programs and it has been used by municipalities, hospitals, restaurants, electrician training centers, small businesses, Native American tribal government, and in Italy and South Africa. In 2022, he was acknowledged with the "Lifetime Achievement Award" from the National Wellness Institute. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Philosophy from State University of New York (Purchase) and his MA and PhD in Psychology from University of Texas-Austin. Dr. Bennett has authored/co-authored six books including "Raw Coping Power," "Heart-Centered Leadership," and "Your Best Self at Work" and his Google Scholar page provide links to over 30 peer-reviewed scientific studies. He was previously on the board of the Academy of Management’s “Spirituality and Religion Interest Group (MSR)” and the Board of Directors for the National Wellness Institute. He provides key-note speaking and continues to train coaches and facilitators in team (culture of health) and resilience workshops.

    Episode Links:

    DJC Solutions Links:

    Jan 03, 202346:59
    Higher Ed Prevention & Owning Your Authenticity in the Workplace [#30]

    Higher Ed Prevention & Owning Your Authenticity in the Workplace [#30]

    Today, we’re talking about prevention in the higher ed setting with Dr. Allison Smith who facilitates a statewide higher education prevention coalition, provides professional development training for higher education staff and stakeholders, facilitates campus community partnerships and delivers technical assistance around the issue of substance use prevention collegiate communities.

    This episode is jam-packed with wisdom from Dr. Smith on strategic planning in higher ed prevention, how to utilize the Strategic Prevention Framework, increasing collegiate recovery communities and even how to leverage social capital.

    We also get into a wonderful conversation about owning your authenticity in the workplace. Dr. Smith and I both share fun stories of how we have each grown to embrace our authenticity.

    Allison is an amazing person! Seriously... if you haven't hit play yet, here's a little more about her:

    Dr. Allison Smith serves as the Assistant Commissioner for Student Health and Wellness for the Louisiana Board of Regents. In this role she facilitates the Louisiana Higher Education Coalition, oversees statewide core survey administration, provides professional development training for higher education staff and stakeholders, facilitates campus community partnerships and delivers technical assistance around the issue of substance use prevention in Louisiana's collegiate communities.

    Additionally, Dr. Smith also focuses on broader campus safety issues such as hazing prevention, increasing access to mental health resources and policy matters related to the implementation of Title IX and power-based violence statutes.

    Dr. Smith is a native of Baton Rouge. She received a bachelor's degree in psychology from Southern University in 2009, a master's degree in public administration from Louisiana State University in May 2011, followed by a doctoral degree in educational leadership, research and counseling with a specialization in higher education administration in 2016.

    A native of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Allison received a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Southern University in 2009, a Masters of Public Administration from Louisiana State University in May 2011 followed by a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership, Research and Counseling with a specialization in Higher Education Administration in 2016 also from Louisiana State University.

    Allison has spent the last 10 years working in the field of substance mis/use prevention and recovery in higher education, with eight of those years being spent at Louisiana State University until moving to the Louisiana Board of Regents, where she currently champions this work.

    A consistent passion for Allison is addressing diversity, equity, inclusion and access in the world of prevention programming and recovery in higher education – on both the student and staff sides. In sharing her personal experiences, Allison is able to help audience identify areas for collaboration and mutual wins from a different perspective they may not have previously considered in their good faith efforts to collectively problem-solve.

    Through her love of conversation and collaboration (and pop culture), Allison enjoys connecting multiple parties to create innovative yet practical solutions and making “hard” or “difficult” conversations empathetic, informative and actionable to create a more just and equitable world.

    Additionally, Allison enjoys encouraging others to fully be their authentic selves in every arena and to discover, develop and leverage their social capital.

    With extensive experience, a passionate desire for change and a humorous stage presence, Allison is sure to motivate, captivate and educate your audience -- all while inspiring them to action.

    Sit back and enjoy the show!

    Episode links:

    Dec 06, 202250:02
    STAND Coalition: Schools Together Allowing No Drugs [#29]
    Nov 03, 202248:39
    You Must Be Present To Win: A Conversation w/Chief Lees [#28]

    You Must Be Present To Win: A Conversation w/Chief Lees [#28]

    Let me tell you a little bit about my extraordinary guest, Chief Jill Lees. 

    Chief Lees graduated from Indiana University in 1995 with a degree in Criminal Justice. She attended the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy in Bloomington during the summer of 1994 as an IU Police Part-time Police Officer. She was sworn in at the Plainfield Police Department (IN) on May 15, 1995, National Peace Officers Memorial Day.

    During her 23-year career at the Plainfield Police Department Lees has served as a DARE Officer, Department Instructor/Field Training Officer, Bicycle Patrol Officer, School Resource Officer, Explorer Post Leader, Hostage Negotiator, Chaplain, Public Information Officer, Child Safety Seat Technician, CALEA Accreditation Manager, R.A.D. Instructor, and Crime Watch Coordinator.

    While serving the Plainfield Police Department, she received numerous awards from within the Department and from the Plainfield Community including the Van Buren Elm awarded in 2019 which is the Town of Plainfield’s highest honor.

    Chief Lees retired from the Plainfield Police Department in March 2019 and was appointed as the Chief of Police of the Indiana University Police Department

    Bloomington Division on March 4th, 2019. While serving as Chief of IUPD Bloomington, Chief Lees graduated from the FBI National Academy Session #279 on March 13, 2020 and recently graduated from the FBI LEEDS Session #80.

    Lees was selected in June 2020 to serve as a member of the Distinguished Alumni Council for the Indiana University Paul H. O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. She is an O’Neill Graduate student at IUPUI finishing the MPA program in May 2022 and was selected at the IUPUI campus in Indianapolis as an Elite 50 award recipient in April 2021.

    Episode Links:

    DJC Links:

    Oct 05, 202254:48
    What's Wrong with Prevention? [#27]
    Sep 07, 202242:34
    Moving Communities & Individuals Onward with Onward Coaching and Consulting [#26]
    Aug 02, 202242:56
    One Choice | Reducing Adult Addiction Must Begin with Youth Prevention [#25]

    One Choice | Reducing Adult Addiction Must Begin with Youth Prevention [#25]

    Most addiction is rooted in the teenage years: 9 in 10 all adults with substance use disorders began using one or more drugs like alcohol, nicotine, and marijuana before the age of 18. A key reason for this is the unique vulnerability of the still-developing teen brain to substance use. The earlier substance use is initiated, the more likely an individual is to develop a substance use disorder. And if teens use one substance, they are far more likely to use others as well.

    My guests today are bringing a new context to youth prevention messaging. There’s just One Choice. Youth substance use prevention efforts are often focused on individual substances, specific settings (e.g., impaired driving), and even specific amounts (e.g., binge drinking). While specific prevention messages are useful, they lack the context of the common patterns of substance use reported by youth. Nationally representative data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health show that for young people, all substance use (and non-use) is closely related: among youth aged 12-17, the use of any one substance – alcohol, cigarettes, or marijuana – significantly increases the likelihood of using the other two substances and other illicit drugs. Similarly, not using any one substance significantly reduces the likelihood of using any other substances.

    Rooted in the science of the vulnerable developing brain, the goal of youth prevention can be reframed as, One Choice: no use of any alcohol, nicotine, marijuana. or other drugs by youth under age 21 for reasons of health.

    One Choice is a message of hope and science.


    Jul 12, 202259:11
    Hub City Outreach Center | Empowerment Through Prevention [#24]
    Jun 07, 202249:36
    SHIFT: A different conversation on substance use and college campuses [23]
    May 03, 202240:59
    Sober Curious, Sober Yoga, and The Mindful Life Practice [#22]
    Apr 05, 202239:04
    Randy Grimes - Tackling Stigma & Spreading a Message of Hope & Healing [#21]

    Randy Grimes - Tackling Stigma & Spreading a Message of Hope & Healing [#21]

    A former NFL center, Randy Grimes lived as everyone’s all-American—with a successful 10-year career for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, a beautiful and devoted college-sweetheart-turned-wife, and two healthy children. But pain took over, and the prescription pills used to treat chronic injuries eventually led to playing in blackouts. When Randy’s career ended, the pills continued—feeding an opioid addiction that would last 20+ years and erode his identity, health, and family. When addiction claimed the life of a close friend, Randy finally found the courage to raise his hand and ask for help. This single decision reclaimed Randy’s life.

    Randy found himself having blackouts and waking up with no memory of the game he’d played that afternoon. In spite of this, he was named NFL Man of the Year for his team.

    After leaving the NFL, Randy’s life slid further off center. Without football, he lost his identity, life playbook, and locker room family. In its place, he gained a raging addiction that lasted 20 years and stole nearly everything.

    Today, Randy is a motivational speaker for Tour de force Speakers and founder of Pro Athletes in Recovery, which provides resources to athletes and others to receive the help they so desperately need. Along with treatment resources, Pro Athletes in Recovery provides aftercare for those who need it.


    Mar 08, 202241:04
    Are your clients stuck? Let's change that! [#20]
    Nov 13, 202133:04
    Every Brain Matters -  "It's Just Pot - What's The Problem?" [#19]

    Every Brain Matters - "It's Just Pot - What's The Problem?" [#19]

    Today we are talking with Abruee Adams who is a former colorado mom and mom for kids in recovery. Aubree is a driven prevention champion and one doggone-inspiring woman! In this episode, she says her story of being a former colorado mom and her global community with Every Brain Together they are fostering a cultural change with the widespread use of their logo, which unites us and symbolizes both “freedom from marijuana” and optimal brain and environmental health.

    The public has been deceived and misled regarding marijuana products and their effects, which has led to a public health crisis. Many groups are fighting back to stem the flow of damages from today’s high-potency marijuana and new delivery systems, which is difficult, costly, and time-consuming. Regardless, this long-term uphill endeavor is worth our sustained effort. We get stronger together. Just like if we face a bear in the woods, we stand side-by-side, get bigger, and get louder together to survive. No matter what decisions are made or how much the drug culture expands, we will “Keep On Keepin On”, because we wholeheartedly know that Every Brain Matters. 

    Join the community!


    Oct 09, 202135:49
    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and Prevention's Professional Standards [#17]
    Jun 02, 202137:55
    Substance Misuse Prevention and the Turnkey Revolution [#16]
    May 05, 202117:34
    T/TA and Adult Learning Theory [#15]
    Apr 12, 202111:52
    How To Level-Up Your TA [#14]
    Mar 03, 202111:38
    What is the culture of your Prevention Team? [#13]
    Feb 03, 202113:58
    Coming home isn’t always the end of the war [#12]
    Dec 08, 202013:20
    The First Step in Stepping-'Up Your Game as a Prevention Leader [#11]

    The First Step in Stepping-'Up Your Game as a Prevention Leader [#11]

    We all know how important sleep is, but are we as Prevention Leaders making sleep a priority? 

    If you're struggling to just tread water these days or wanting to step up our game and rise to the challenges 2020 is bringing us, it all starts with getting quality sleep. 

    In this episode, I share my personal story of TBI and PTSD related sleep problems and how I worked for over a year to get my sleep back on track! 

    You'll walk away with tips you can use immediately to improve your sleep and your prevention game!

    Oct 12, 202012:47
    The Assessment: Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast [#10]

    The Assessment: Slow is Smooth and Smooth is Fast [#10]

    Your committee is excited and ready to begin the strategic prevention framework. You have diligently worked to get the key stakeholders at the table. Things are looking great. Now it is time for step one, the assessment. You disseminate the results of the substance use survey to each committee member and each notices a high past 30-day consumption rate. Bingo! We know the problem, now we can use that data to select an appropriate evidence-based intervention.

    Eeeeeekkkk hit the brakes!

    Jul 28, 202004:26
    Coaching for Success w/HueLife [#9]

    Coaching for Success w/HueLife [#9]

    If you’re feeling overwhelmed, stress, not sure where to begin, or want to step your game up to a whole new level then this episode is for you. We dive into coaching, how it differs from TA, and how to create long term change.


    HueLife is a human understanding and engagement (Hue) consulting firm. They take ideas, aspirations, and goals, and turn them into exciting realities that their clients are proud of.  They work with public, private, and government sectors in organization development, strategic planning, public and in-house facilitation training, consulting, executive search, community engagement, and leadership/team development.

    May 05, 202018:01
    Substance Misuse Prevention: The Infinite Game [#8]

    Substance Misuse Prevention: The Infinite Game [#8]

    For today’s episode, we are bringing you another quick mini-episode with Angie and Karie from HueLife. A quick refresher from the last episode, the Huelife mission is to educate, facilitate, and inspire engagement in meaningful action for the greater good of communities and organizations.

    We wanted to build on the last episode where we chatted about the importance of starting with why. Today we are unpacking how Simon Sinek’s latest book, The Infinite Game aligns with the work we do in prevention.

    Apr 24, 202008:47
    Prevention & Starting with Why [#7]
    Apr 13, 202010:53
    Drug-Free Communities (DFC): Steps for Success w/HueLife [#6]

    Drug-Free Communities (DFC): Steps for Success w/HueLife [#6]

    In today’s episode we will be talking about leading a DFC coalition, writing for years 1-5 and for 6-10, and a proven process that builds buy-in and sustainability right from the beginning.

    The Drug-Free Communities (DFC) program has been a central, bi-partisan component of our nation’s demand reduction strategy since its passage in 1998. The consistent and steady growth of the program from $10 million in 1998 to $100 million in 2019 and the number of grantees (from 92 original grantees to more than 2,000 grantees) is a testament to the program’s popularity. The premise of the DFC program is simple – that communities around the country must be organized and equipped to deal with their individual substance misuse problems in a comprehensive and coordinated manner.


    HueLife is a human understanding and engagement (Hue) consulting firm. We take ideas, aspirations and goals, and turn them into exciting realities that our clients are proud of.  We work with public, private and government sectors in organization development, strategic planning, public and in-house facilitation training, consulting, executive search, community engagement, and leadership/team development.

    Mar 30, 202038:45
    Building An Engaging Coalition [#5]

    Building An Engaging Coalition [#5]

    In this episode, I have a wonderful conversation with Angie and Karie from They share key insights, lessons learned, and strategies to build an engaged and driven coalition. We dive into the process they use to build buy-in, trust, ownership, and sustainability in community coalitions across the country. 

    Mar 23, 202033:45
    Strategic Planning: The power is in the process [#4]
    Mar 16, 202010:06
    Motivational Interviewing For Campus Police [#3]
    Feb 09, 202033:32
    An Interview with Ryan Snow, Police Officer and Certified Drug Recognition Expert Instructor [#2]

    An Interview with Ryan Snow, Police Officer and Certified Drug Recognition Expert Instructor [#2]

    For today’s episode, I went back to my archives and dusted off a conversation I had with Officer Ryan Snow.

    We chat about his work on a campus and community coalition, being involved in data collection and analysis, strategies for engaging law enforcement in your prevention efforts and how he uses motivational interviewing on patrol.

    First a bit about Ryan -

    Ryan serves fulltime as a police officer with a large university police department where he educates the community about DUI and drug-related issues.

    He is a certified drug recognition expert instructor and has completed hundreds of hours of training related to drugs and the impact they have on the human body.

    As a police officer, Ryan has firsthand knowledge of the danger that drugs bring to communities.

    He has spoken at numerous national and state conferences on topics related to drugs, and he has also developed training opportunities for campuses and delivered those classes at colleges and universities across the nation.

    Ryan’s work has been featured in webinars, newspapers, television and educational articles, and prior to law enforcement Ryan graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education and a master’s degree in educational administration.

    Jan 02, 202021:15
    Introduction to the Prevention Leaders Podcast [#1]
    Dec 30, 201922:22