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Healing Voice

Healing Voice

By Ralph Sero

If I can ease your mind, heart and soul, then I will have fulfilled my goal.
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Why trying to be right is STUPID!

Healing VoiceAug 21, 2018

Why trying to be right is STUPID!

Why trying to be right is STUPID!

Understand both sides of an argument instead of defining your beliefs based upon the opinions of a few.
Aug 21, 201812:32


Start planning for tomorrow today or it may be to late!
Aug 16, 201812:04
My experience seeking Professional Mental help! SPECIAL EPISODE

My experience seeking Professional Mental help! SPECIAL EPISODE

End the stigma on mental health. Make sure people have a safe place to express their inner turmoil without fear of judgement.
Aug 10, 201820:06
How to STOP comparing yourself to others!

How to STOP comparing yourself to others!

Don't focus on being anyone else except yourself.
Aug 09, 201821:58
Make YOURSELF a PRIORITY. Stop caring what people think

Make YOURSELF a PRIORITY. Stop caring what people think

You will never be fulfilled until your are 100% yourself
Aug 08, 201817:10
How to make ANY terrible situation BETTER

How to make ANY terrible situation BETTER

Our perception determines our form of truth. If you seek a bad situation, you will find it. If you seek good, you will find it. Control your mind for a better life.
Aug 06, 201816:47
Mental toughness is built through doing the stuff you don't want to do!

Mental toughness is built through doing the stuff you don't want to do!

Training your mind is like training your body. Not everyone wants to go the gym everyday. But when you train your body when you don't want to, you still get strong. Same thing applies your mind, doing what you dislike only makes you mental tougher!
Aug 01, 201815:44
Why Communication saves Relationships

Why Communication saves Relationships

If you don't know what's on the other person's mind, then you will never know what you're doing wrong or can be doing better
Jul 31, 201817:34
Focus on being GENUINE and being YOURSELF

Focus on being GENUINE and being YOURSELF

We should be ourselves instead of pretending. Don't do what is right for someone else but do what is inherently right for your soul.
Jul 30, 201819:38
Start off the day the right way

Start off the day the right way

You only get 24hrs in a day. Spend them in gratitude.
Jul 28, 201802:47
Figure out your priorities! 90% of your time should be spent furthering your life!

Figure out your priorities! 90% of your time should be spent furthering your life!

Become aware of your habits and start creating a future that you want! Don't live a miserable life where you are working just to get by!
Jul 27, 201814:54
How to conquer Mental Health Issues

How to conquer Mental Health Issues

Drugs won't cure you. It's a tough battle but it's winnable. You have to fight your mental health issues with positivity because there are no easy cures for life.
Jul 26, 201821:05
Why History Matters -history is the evolution of human thought-

Why History Matters -history is the evolution of human thought-

If you learn from the past and the experiences of others, you can avoid future mistakes in your own life
Jul 25, 201813:29
Why you should improve your People Skills.

Why you should improve your People Skills.

Let's face it, at some point you're going to have to deal with people. Instead of dreading this future, learn how to make the most of it and improve yourself!
Jul 24, 201810:18
How to recreate yourself for Success!

How to recreate yourself for Success!

Why be mediocre? You only get one life, choose to be extraordinary.
Jul 23, 201812:44
REASONS to be a Well-Rounded Thinker

REASONS to be a Well-Rounded Thinker

You can't understand life without seeing the big picture. To see the big picture you have understand and observe the tiny details. If you don't, you'll have a skewed perspective.
Jul 22, 201816:46
Why WORDS MATTER! Take control of your life!

Why WORDS MATTER! Take control of your life!

Words are Magic. Words dictate how you think and experience reality. If you focus on positive words then your life will be more positive, but the reverse is true too, negative words lead to a negative life.
Jul 21, 201811:46
Why you should STOP OVER-THINKING!

Why you should STOP OVER-THINKING!

Over-thinking is a state of mind that makes you feel good about your thought patterns. When you let go of those ideas and beliefs, you open yourself to happiness and success.
Jul 20, 201815:51
How to deal with a breakup!

How to deal with a breakup!

Breakups are painful but you have to remember that these moments are here for personal growth. The universe is only preparing you for a better opportunity. Stay open and don't lose your sense of self-worth!
Jul 19, 201813:09
You NEED to define success for yourself!

You NEED to define success for yourself!

Until you know what success means to you, you will never find the proper path to travel on!
Jul 18, 201809:45
Learn from others and you will achieve your goals faster!

Learn from others and you will achieve your goals faster!

Life is built upon the shoulders of others. When you stand on those shoulders you are capable of moving closer to where you want to be. Learn from people who have achieved what you want!
Jul 17, 201814:36
Why You should Avoid Lying/Lies.

Why You should Avoid Lying/Lies.

When we lies to other we are more likely to lie to ourselves and believe a world full of deception. Strive for truth and honesty and you become closer to self awareness
Jul 16, 201811:56
Why Selfness leads to Self-Awarness and a better life!

Why Selfness leads to Self-Awarness and a better life!

Being selfless is the most selfish thing you can do. You start to realize you are not your mind but a part of something much greater than you can ever understand!
Jul 15, 201814:06
Money Talk. Why does money matter?

Money Talk. Why does money matter?

Money is a cornerstone for civilization. But we should live for the sole purpose of chasing money. When we're doing what we enjoy, money will follow.
Jul 14, 201814:12
What is Patience? Taking Action while being Patient!

What is Patience? Taking Action while being Patient!

I'm not a fan of waiting for miracles to happen. You have to put in work to get the results you want. But you have to enjoy the process and be patient to make the most out of your life!
Jul 13, 201811:48
Ways to overcome your Depression!

Ways to overcome your Depression!

Depression is the worst part of being a human. But, you have to remember that you're not alone. Realize that you are loved and that YOU DO MATTER!
Jul 12, 201815:25
Eating unhealthy foods leads to undisciplined behaviors!

Eating unhealthy foods leads to undisciplined behaviors!

You are what you eat. If you put unhealthy foods into you're body, you're more likelier to feel the results of negativity, depression and biological diseases. Choose healthier options and feel your body coming alive!
Jul 11, 201810:32
Spend more time in Nature for health benefits!

Spend more time in Nature for health benefits!

Humans are inherently linked to the wild. But as we become civilized, we forget our bond with life itself. Come back to nature and let your worries fade away.
Jul 10, 201811:37
How to deal with Angry People!

How to deal with Angry People!

Angry People are people who are acting out on thier childish behaviors. They're not really mad at you, but they're mad at the lack of control they have.
Jul 09, 201807:35
Why you should keep TRYING even when you FAIL!

Why you should keep TRYING even when you FAIL!

Success isn't an overnight story. The richest, most famous, most successful individuals weren't always rich, famous or successful. The only people truly fail to achieve their dreams are the people who give up. The only difference between a master and a student is that the master has failed 1000 times.
Jul 08, 201810:02
Why you should AVOID toxic people!

Why you should AVOID toxic people!

Negativity is infectious. But if you have big dreams, you need to be around people who will lift you up instead of putting you down.
Jul 07, 201808:49
What to do when you're having a BAD DAY!

What to do when you're having a BAD DAY!

Not every day is full of sunshine. Sometimes you have to put in a little bit more effort to realize that your worries aren't as bad as they seem.
Jul 06, 201806:06
Cultivating Self-discpline. Start small and grow your mental strength!

Cultivating Self-discpline. Start small and grow your mental strength!

Discipline isn't something that happens over night. You have to be willing to take small steps and slowly letting discipline become a part of your life.
Jul 05, 201811:10
Don't allow yourself to 'Feel Sorry for Yourself'!

Don't allow yourself to 'Feel Sorry for Yourself'!

In my mind there are real emotions: emotions you experience in the present moment. And there are false emotions: a state of being when you remember a situation from the past and your start feeling depressed. If you can overcome your false emotions, you can live a more fulfilling life!
Jul 04, 201810:48
Manage your behaviors and how you spend your Time!

Manage your behaviors and how you spend your Time!

We all get a limited amount of time to be alive. But if you want to prevent yourself from working a miserable job when you're 50, start today. Today is the best day to plan your future and achieve success for tomorrow.
Jul 03, 201809:55
Finding your Purpose in Life (jobs)!

Finding your Purpose in Life (jobs)!

Don't do something you won't enjoy! You only get one life, one opportunity to be fulfilled.
Jul 02, 201810:35
Believe in yourself. Stop your limiting beliefs!

Believe in yourself. Stop your limiting beliefs!

People who believe in themselves are more likely of accomplishing their goals than people who don't. You can't fly to the moon of you don't believe that it's possible.
Jul 01, 201809:21
Don't let your Emotions dictate your Mind!

Don't let your Emotions dictate your Mind!

Sometimes we get angry for the wrong reasons. Our emotions prevent us from learning. If we learn to control and handle them, the world will unfold its secrets! And you'll improve your communication skills.
Jun 30, 201808:59
Why Meditation is VITAL for a better life!

Why Meditation is VITAL for a better life!

The sooner you start meditating and the more consistently you meditate. The closer you will become to realizing your true inner nature. You must develop your awareness to become fulfilled.
Jun 29, 201808:41
Worry less! Inner Peace is better!

Worry less! Inner Peace is better!

Stop having a desire to feel certain all the time. The idea of certainty leads to anxiety. When you accept the uncertainty that comes with being human, you will find inner peace.
Jun 28, 201806:41
Be Aware through gratitude

Be Aware through gratitude

Life is more fulfilling when you can think about your world rather than letting the world manipulate you.
Jun 27, 201804:07
Setting Goals and Patience

Setting Goals and Patience

Know where you want to go, but remember to enjoy the process. Your goals are fleeting experiences, so make you enjoy what you are doing.
Jun 26, 201806:10
Lift your Consciousness

Lift your Consciousness

Don't allow your mind to be stuck on anger, hate or sadness. Start viewing life from the highest of perspectives.
Jun 25, 201805:07
Transform your life from a seed into a magnificent tree!

Transform your life from a seed into a magnificent tree!

Growth is natural. Nothing is intended to stay the same. A seed must become a tree. And you deserve to become the best version of yourself!
Jun 24, 201807:41
You're beautiful and highly capable!

You're beautiful and highly capable!

We each have a personal journey to venture on. Remember to not forget that you are perfect. Don't take life too seriously or you will miss out on being happy and fulfilled. The more we judge ourselves and our actions, the more we live a life full of sadness. Let my words heal and ease your soul.
Jun 23, 201809:05