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Conversations with Ray Martinez

Conversations with Ray Martinez

By Ray Martinez

My podcasts vary from interviews with people, storytelling of my past experiences, and sharing other stories that are uplifting, caring, and sensitive topics most people don't want to engage in, but listen to with interest and concern. Some of the podcasts contain Christian connotations and current events at the time of the podcast. The intent is for uplifting moments while sharing life lessons and reasonable thinking.
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Keys to truly knowing God | John 17:3

Conversations with Ray MartinezDec 02, 2022

Stand for what? | Eph 6:13-14

Stand for what? | Eph 6:13-14

The Bible uses the concept of "standing" or "standing up" both literally and metaphorically to convey a variety of spiritual, moral, and relational principles. We will talk about several key themes along with relevant scriptures that illustrate their meanings. In our podcast, I incorporate Coach Kinard, my sister Mary Jane, and Thomas Jefferson. Join me in an in-depth discussion and teaching from the Word of God.

May 25, 202419:39
Self-control | Fruit of the Spirit | Pro 25:28

Self-control | Fruit of the Spirit | Pro 25:28

Self-control plays a crucial role in helping individuals live a life that honors God and others in several ways: Resisting temptation, making wise decisions, avoid impulsive behavior, practicing patience and forgiveness. It helps control the instability of greed, lust, anger, envy, gluttony, and pride. Listen in as we take a deep dive into characters in the bible that understood this all too well.

May 17, 202415:30
Gentleness on my mind | Fruit of the Spirit | Col 3:12

Gentleness on my mind | Fruit of the Spirit | Col 3:12

The Greek word for gentleness is "praütes" (πρότης), which can be translated as meekness or gentleness. It denotes strength under control, humility, and a gentle disposition. We will take a deep dive into the scriptures and understand gentleness through the lives of people like Barnabas, Moses, Ruth, Titus, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Join us today for a great conversation.

May 10, 202416:27
Fathfulness is essential | Fruit of the Spirit | Ps 119:90

Fathfulness is essential | Fruit of the Spirit | Ps 119:90

This is week seven of our continued study of the fruit of the Spirit. We’ll talk about what faithfulness is. Faithfulness is a recurring theme throughout the Bible, both in the Old and New Testaments.  In the Old Testament, for example, the concept of faithfulness is often linked with God's covenant with his people Israel, emphasizing the importance of loyalty and obedience. Listen for more insight for living.

May 03, 202409:38
My goodness! | Fruit of the Spirit | Eph 5:8-9

My goodness! | Fruit of the Spirit | Eph 5:8-9

The concept of goodness is fundamental in the Bible, reflecting attributes such as moral excellence, righteousness, and kindness. Jesus acknowledges the ultimate source of goodness as being God Himself. Listen in for a deeper conversation about goodness.

Apr 25, 202413:43
Are we kind? | Fruit of the Spirit | Eph 4:32

Are we kind? | Fruit of the Spirit | Eph 4:32

In the book of Ruth, Ruth's kindness and loyalty towards her mother-in-law, Naomi, are evident throughout the story. Ruth's selfless dedication and care for Naomi are exemplified in Ruth 1:16-17. In Hebrew, the word for kindness is "חֶסֶד" (chesed). Chesed encompasses a range of meanings beyond just kindness; it can also be translated as mercy, loving-kindness, or steadfast love. In the context of interpersonal relationships and moral behavior, chesed refers to acts of compassion, generosity, and loyalty towards others. Listen in as we take a deep dive into "kindness."

Apr 20, 202409:42
Dynamic Wisdom | mini podcast | Psa 111:10

Dynamic Wisdom | mini podcast | Psa 111:10

We are reminded of the importance of the reverent fear and worship of the Lord as the foundation of wisdom. It is through this fear and respect for God that we gain a good understanding, wisdom, and meaning in life. Those who follow the will of the Lord experience the enduring praise of Him. Let's focus on the concept of dynamic wisdom today. Listen in for a light discussion about Godly wisdom.

Apr 16, 202404:33
Patience is a virtue | Fruit of the Spirit | 2Timothy 3:10-11

Patience is a virtue | Fruit of the Spirit | 2Timothy 3:10-11

The Bible describes patience as the ability to endure waiting, delay, or provocation without becoming annoyed or upset. It emphasizes attributes such as perseverance, long-suffering, and forbearance. Patience is often linked with trust in God's timing and wisdom. In this episode I talk about two of my former teachers, Dr. Gil Carbajal and Dr. Dennis Baker. Join me as we take a deep dive into the world of patience.

Apr 13, 202419:08
Peace be with you—the fruit of the Spirit | Eph 2:14

Peace be with you—the fruit of the Spirit | Eph 2:14

The Bible has much to say about "peace." Peace is often described as a state of tranquility, harmony, and freedom from conflict or turmoil. It goes beyond mere absence of strife and encompasses a deep sense of well-being, wholeness, and contentment that comes from being in a right relationship with God and others. Listen in for a deeper dive into "Peace."

Apr 05, 202418:26
The Joy of the Lord is my strength | Ps 16:11

The Joy of the Lord is my strength | Ps 16:11

Continuing on with our study about the fruit of the Spirit. Today it is about Joy! Joy is part of the Spirit that embodies all circumstances in our life. The Bible defines joy as a deep sense of delight, gladness, and happiness that comes from knowing and experiencing God's love, mercy, and blessings. Joy is a state of rejoicing and contentment that transcends circumstances. Let's take a deep dive today about your joy.

Mar 28, 202418:42
What love is and is not | Phi 1:9-11

What love is and is not | Phi 1:9-11

The Bible says that mankind is made in the image of God, and that God is love. Its pages are full of people driven by love, responding to love, and obeying God in love.  If Jesus Christ is the primary subject of the Bible, then love is the theme. The greatest act of love in history was when Jesus Christ died to pay for the sins of the world.

Mar 22, 202415:35
The fruit of the Spirit intro | Gal 5:22-23

The fruit of the Spirit intro | Gal 5:22-23

While we study this matter, the Holy Spirit develops these characteristics in us such as love, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self control. These things take time to develop, but they come as we need it...we are in the developing stage.  Big companies have R&D departments (Research and Development)...they need these departments to perfect the product or improve it. We are researching, and the Holy Spirit is developing us. We will follow this topic for several weeks. Stay tuned and listen in for a deep dive.

Mar 15, 202409:50
What do you stand for? | Daniel 6:10

What do you stand for? | Daniel 6:10

Last week, we talk about thinking and acting independently…this week we will discuss what do you stand for? As a leader, it is important to know what you stand for. This means having a clear understanding of your values and principles and being willing to take a stand on important issues, even when it may be difficult or unpopular. Unfortunately, many leaders vacillate or waffle when faced with tough decisions. They may be swayed by outside pressures or fear of criticism, and as a result, fail to take decisive action. However, the most effective leaders are those who take a stand, regardless of the peer pressure, and are not afraid to stand behind their decisions. In the Bible, there are several illustrations that exemplify standing for one's beliefs, values, and principles. Listen in as we take a deep dive into the scriptures about this topic.

Mar 07, 202414:45
Thinking & acting independently | Romans 12:2

Thinking & acting independently | Romans 12:2

The Bible does address the concept of independent thinking, encouraging believers to exercise discernment and wisdom in their thoughts and actions. Listen in for a deeper dive!

Mar 02, 202410:59
In the breach | James 4:7

In the breach | James 4:7

As we navigate the wilderness of life, facing trials and temptations, we are reminded of God's presence and power to protect us. Despite the forces working against us, we can take refuge in the assurance that God's Word and His divine power can thwart any attack from the enemy. Listen in for more insight.

Feb 23, 202413:43
Be of good cheer | John 16:33

Be of good cheer | John 16:33

My notes and discussion emphasize the biblical teaching of "being of good cheer" or having courage and confidence despite facing trials and sorrows in the world. 

Jesus assures his disciples of his victory over the world, encouraging them to find peace in him. Despite impending persecution and suffering, believers are reminded that they are secure in God's love and that nothing can separate them from it. 

The key takeaways include the assurance of victory through Christ, the call to confidence and courage, and the promise of inner peace.

Feb 17, 202407:52
Jesus the evangelist | Mark 1:1

Jesus the evangelist | Mark 1:1

Evangelism isn't about a what, but a Who. Maybe that's why God has given us so many ways to evangelize? Because God's love in Jesus is something no one can adequately express, and no heart can fully fathom. We simply have to live with Him, not just for a season or a semester, but all eternity. Listen in for more insight.

Feb 10, 202411:49
Light vs. Darkness | John 9:1-7

Light vs. Darkness | John 9:1-7

The story of Jesus healing the blind man with mud is found in John 9:1-7. The story of Jesus healing the blind man with mud emphasizes divine healing through unconventional means, the importance of obedience and faith, God's sovereign mercy, spiritual transformation, the power of encountering Jesus, perseverance in the face of opposition, and Jesus as the Light of the World. Listen in so we can learn more about the difference of light and darkness.

Feb 02, 202411:35
Teaching with Authority | Mini podcast

Teaching with Authority | Mini podcast

Today, our main topic of discussion is teaching with authority. The synagogue served as a gathering place for the congregation, where Jesus spoke and amazed the people with His authoritative teaching. Unlike the rabbis who relied on previous teachings, Jesus spoke as the origin of the Word, with the authority of the Lord Himself. Listen to hear what happened in the synagogue.

Jan 30, 202403:51
Taking Advice | Proverbs 15:22

Taking Advice | Proverbs 15:22

Taking advice is essential for making wise decisions, as emphasized in Proverbs. Seeking counsel from multiple sources helps to avoid disappointment and achieve success. However, it is crucial to choose trustworthy and wise advisors. The Bible provides examples of the consequences of bad advice. Surrounding ourselves with diverse perspectives allows for a stronger foundation when forming opinions. Personal mentors who align with God's Word offer valuable guidance. Recognizing our nation's Christian foundation, the Supreme Court has affirmed our status as "one nation under God." Listen in for more advice.

Jan 20, 202409:31
What "is", is in the bible? | Phil 4:8-9

What "is", is in the bible? | Phil 4:8-9

What does "is mean in the bible? "Is", is present tense. In theology, the present moment represents a significant concept known as "the sacrament of the present moment." It emphasizes the belief that God is not only present in our past and future, but most importantly, in our present experiences. It teaches us to be fully aware and attentive to the present moment, recognizing that it is the time in which we can encounter God's presence and experience His grace, love, and transformative power. Let's take a deeper dive by listening in today.

Dec 30, 202309:59
John the Baptist clarifies his role | John 1:6-8, 19-28

John the Baptist clarifies his role | John 1:6-8, 19-28

John clarifies that he is not the Christ, but he points to the coming of another person, Jesus. Despite the people's anticipation of the Messiah, John emphasizes that he is not the one they are waiting for. He even denies being Elijah, although Jesus later confirms that John is the fulfillment of Elijah's role. John, aware of his purpose, declares that he is a voice calling in the wilderness to make straight the way of the Savior. He humbly acknowledges that he is not worthy even to tie Jesus' sandals. Listen in for more details...

Dec 26, 202303:60
Scanning your heart | Psalms 139:23-24

Scanning your heart | Psalms 139:23-24

So the question is…

How do we scan the unseen part of us—-the soul? That's where the Holy Spirit comes in. As we study our Bible, the Holy Spirit shows us our failures and weaknesses. Then He prescribes the needed treatments of repentance, faith, and obedience. There will always be some element in our lives that is in need of introspection and improvement. Don't be afraid to ask the Lord where and how to improve. When you ask Him to scan your heart, He will, and He will reveal the results to you. Then work to make those changes with His strength and power to guide you. Listen in for a deeper dive into what the Word says.

Dec 24, 202308:44
The Three Wise Men | Mat 2:1-5

The Three Wise Men | Mat 2:1-5

In the biblical account, the wise men, also known as the Magi, were not specifically identified as three individuals, and their names were not mentioned. However, tradition has often referred to them as Caspar, Melchior, and Balthazar. It is important to note that these names are not found in the biblical text. Listen in as we take a deep dive into the biblical Wise Men of Orient times.
Dec 16, 202309:34
Why Christmas? | Luke 2:10-11

Why Christmas? | Luke 2:10-11

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Christians the world over celebrate Christmas in honor of the birth of Jesus Christ in Bethlehem. Various Christmas traditions have been associated with the celebration of Christmas, and different cultures celebrate different ways. The unifying factor is the historical fact that Jesus was born.  Listen in, and at the end of the podcast you will hear part of a special song for you.

Dec 08, 202310:33
Suffering in a fallen world | Romans 8:18

Suffering in a fallen world | Romans 8:18

Suffering is an unavoidable part of our lives in this fallen world. But earth is not our permanent home (1 Peter 2:11; Hebrews 11:13). As we wait for eternity, we can cling to this life-transforming hope communicated by the apostle Paul: “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us” (Romans 8:18, NKJV). Listen in as we dive deeper into this topic.

Dec 02, 202310:02
Don't worry about who is eating what | mini podcast

Don't worry about who is eating what | mini podcast

We will be exploring the topic of relationships in the Roman Church, based on the passages from Romans 14:1-15:13 and 16:3-15. In these chapters, Paul addresses the issues and dynamics within the churches in Rome. In Romans 14, Paul discusses the matter of judging others based on what they eat. He emphasizes that it is not our place to judge others in such matters. Whether someone eats meat or not is not of utmost importance. We are called to live for the Lord and recognize that when we die, we die to the Lord. It is God who will judge each one of us, so we should not put stumbling blocks in the way of others. Listen in to learn more about relationships.

Nov 25, 202303:10
Free from fear| Mini podcast

Free from fear| Mini podcast

We learn that the coming of the Lord will be sudden and unexpected for those who do not believe. Jesus often emphasized that He is coming soon, and as Christians, we have been anticipating this for 2000 years. In 1 Thessalonians 4, Paul assures us that we who are alive will witness His coming. Therefore, we are called to live lives of faith and trust, not in fear. Listen in so as to alleviate your fears.

Nov 25, 202302:25
Stay Vigilant | Genesis 35:2

Stay Vigilant | Genesis 35:2

When we allow the devil to slither into some habit in our lives, it causes a loss of spiritual power. When we make excuses for stepping away from the truths and standards God has set for us, we open ourselves up to sin and the accompanying guilt that, comes with it. The best way to avoid spiritual blackouts is to keep sin from entering our lives. But the real question is how do we do it? How do we get rid of these bad habits— these evil things that infiltrate our life? The Bible offers guidance on staying vigilant in various aspects of life, emphasizing spiritual vigilance and watchfulness. Let's dive in to today's podcast and learn how not to do the very thing we don't want to do.

Nov 25, 202312:04
Jesus describes heaven | John 14:2

Jesus describes heaven | John 14:2

Though Jesus acknowledged that an after-death heaven existed, Jesus devoted his preaching, not to that heaven, but to a Kingdom of Heaven that he said was here and now, near, “at hand” (Mark 1:15). The principal message that Jesus brought to us was the Gospel or “Good News” of the Kingdom of Heaven. Listen in to our heavenly discussion.

Nov 18, 202309:12
Paul's encouragement | mini podcast

Paul's encouragement | mini podcast

The central message of today's podcast episode is encouragement. We are reminded of the interconnectedness we have as believers in Christ and the importance of gathering together. Paul's words encourage us to support one another, sharing the word of God and inspiring repentance and belief. Listen in for more insight.

Nov 13, 202303:19
Giving our "all" to God | mini podcast

Giving our "all" to God | mini podcast

The greatest challenge lies in the word "All." How do we truly give our all? It requires wholehearted commitment and dedication. We cannot approach our relationship with God in a halfhearted manner. We must ask ourselves how we can live in a way that truly counts, giving our all to God. Listen in for more insight for living.

Nov 12, 202303:26
Understanding hell | Mat 25:41

Understanding hell | Mat 25:41

JESUS speaks often about the reality of hell, describing it as a place of eternal punishment and separation from God. The word translated “hell” in Mark 9:43 is the Greek word Gehenna, which comes from the Hebrew name for a place called the “Valley of Hinnom.” Jesus uses this place to paint a vivid image of what hell is like. The Jewish people often associated the Valley of Hinnom with spiritual death. The risk of not believing in Christ is far greater than any risk associated with believing in Him. The consequence of rejecting Christ and choosing to live apart from Him is eternal separation from God in hell. Listen in so we can learn more about hell. This podcast is taken from my book, "The teachings of Jesus."

Nov 11, 202311:15
We are the chosen | mini podcast

We are the chosen | mini podcast

On this All Saints' Day, it is important for us to remember who God is and the promise of life everlasting. It is a time to have faith and trust in God's shepherding presence in our lives. We can rest assured that our loved ones who have gone before us are now with God. Let us give thanks for their faith, and let us also look forward to the day when we will be reunited with them. Listen as to why you are chosen.

Nov 06, 202304:28
Understanding Angels | Mat 22:30

Understanding Angels | Mat 22:30

JESUS spoke often about angels, describing them as heavenly beings who carry out the will of God. In this podcast, we will explore what Jesus says about angels and their role in the spiritual realm. Angels are personal spiritual beings who have intelligence, emotions, and will. This is true of both the good and evil angels (demons). Listen in to learn more about Angels. This comes from my book, "The Teachings of Jesus".

Nov 03, 202309:39
Jesus teaches about worry | Mat 6:25

Jesus teaches about worry | Mat 6:25

JESUS speaks often about the dangers of worry, describing it as a hindrance to our spiritual growth and a sign of a lack of faith. Those who leave everything in God’s hands will eventually see God‘s hands in everything. In this podcast, we will explore what Jesus says about worry, its effects on our lives, and how we can overcome it. Listen in today on a great teaching and insight. This teaching comes from my book: "The teachings of Jesus."

Oct 27, 202314:16
Gotcha didn’t catch Jesus | mini podcast

Gotcha didn’t catch Jesus | mini podcast

Welcome to today's mini podcast episode! In today's scripture reading, we will explore three passages: Isaiah 45:1-7, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10, and Matthew 22:15-22. These passages shed light on a common human behavior known as the "Gotcha" game, particularly prevalent among politicians, especially in the weeks leading up to an election.

Oct 23, 202303:33
Jesus understands our fears! | Mat 10:28

Jesus understands our fears! | Mat 10:28

FEAR is a natural human emotion that can be caused by various factors, including perceived danger, uncertainty, or the unknown. In this podcast, we will explore what Jesus says about fear, its effects on our lives, and how we can overcome it.  Listen in as we talk about the nature of fear, the effects of fear, and overcoming fear.

Oct 22, 202311:22
The passion of Christ | 1Cor 2:1-5
Oct 13, 202312:53
Jesus teaches the significance of fasting | Mat 6:16-18

Jesus teaches the significance of fasting | Mat 6:16-18

FASTING is a spiritual discipline that has been practiced by many religions throughout history. In Christianity, fasting is often seen as a way to deepen one’s relationship with God and focus on spiritual growth. 

In this podcast, we will explore what Jesus says about fasting and its significance in His teaching.  Listen in today.

Oct 07, 202310:25
Finding peace in a chaotic world | mini podcast

Finding peace in a chaotic world | mini podcast

Welcome back to another episode of "Finding Peace in a Chaotic World." Today, we are delving into the topic of societal harmony and the pursuit of peace, inspired by Romans 12:14-21.

In this passage, the Apostle Paul offers us practical advice on how to navigate our interactions with others and maintain peace in society. He encourages us to bless those who persecute us and not curse them. This may seem counterintuitive, but it reflects the transformative power of love and forgiveness. Let's dive right in!

Oct 02, 202304:26
Having a new mind | mini podcast

Having a new mind | mini podcast

Having the mind of Christ doesn't mean thinking exactly like Jesus, but rather aligning our thoughts with His. It involves a change of mind, a new way of processing things. Paul encourages the Philippians to be of the same mind, in full accord, and to consider others more significant than themselves, showing humility and love. We are not only in need of a new heart, as Ezekiel mentions, but also a new mind. Listen in for insight for living.

Oct 02, 202303:23
Power of silence taught by Jesus | Mat 26:59-64

Power of silence taught by Jesus | Mat 26:59-64

JESUS is often questioned by the religious leaders of his time, who seek to trap him in His words. However, Jesus chooses to remain silent at times, much to the confusion of those around him.  In this podcast, we will explore why Jesus chooses to be silent when questioned and what we can learn from His example. Please, listen in.

Oct 02, 202312:09
Appropriate worship | mini podcast

Appropriate worship | mini podcast

Our daily lives as Christians, in our bodies and in our relationships with the world and our vocations, become the arena of worship. This is who we are and what we do in Christ. We are not to conform to the behavior and customs of this world but to be transformed. Transformation is a metamorphosis, a change from within. It involves having the mind of Christ, as Paul teaches that we do have the mind of Christ

Sep 25, 202304:22
Not fair, but Just | mini podcast

Not fair, but Just | mini podcast

We will be diving into the theme of "Not Fair but Just." Our scripture readings for today come from Isaiah 55:6-9, Philippians 1:12-14, 19-30, and Matthew 20:1-16.

In Isaiah 55:6-9, we are reminded to seek the Lord while He can be found, and to understand that His thoughts and ways are higher than ours. This serves as a foundation for our exploration of the concept of fairness and justice. Listen in for more details.

Sep 25, 202303:19
Jesus teaches compassion | Mat 15:32

Jesus teaches compassion | Mat 15:32

COMPASSION is a fundamental aspect of Jesus’s teaching. He emphasizes the importance of showing love and kindness towards others, especially those who are marginalized and vulnerable. In this podcast, we will explore what Jesus says about compassion and its significance in our lives. This study comes from my book, "The Teachings of Jesus".

Sep 23, 202313:38
What it means to live out the Gospel | mini podcast

What it means to live out the Gospel | mini podcast

Romans chapter 12:1-2 emphasizes the power of appropriate daily worship. This concept of being a living sacrifice means being dead to ourselves but alive to Christ. Listen in for more details.
Sep 19, 202304:19
Free to forgive

Free to forgive

Today we will talk about being “Free to Forgive”.

Joseph said to them to not fear. Your evil only caused God to make good of it. Joseph had every reason to be angry with his brothers. He was thrown into a pit, then sold him into slavary. Then they told his father that Joseph was killed by wild animals. In a classic rags to riches, Joseph becomes in charge of Egypt. Jesus cross was meant for evil, the cruelest method of death back then. But God meant it for good, for the salvation of the world. This is about forgiveness. Listen in for a deeper dive into forgiveness.
Sep 19, 202304:04
The role of women in Jesus' ministry | 1Peter 3:7

The role of women in Jesus' ministry | 1Peter 3:7

Jesus Christ is often revered as a revolutionary figure in His approach toward women. He challenged the patriarchal norms of His time and elevated the status of women in society. 

In a day when women were considered second-class, Jesus shattered prejudices and elevated the status of women to unprecedented heights. That value equalization continued with His apostles.  In this podcast, we will explore what Jesus says about women and their role in His ministry.  Listen in about how women help changed the world.

Sep 16, 202313:58
Personal Evangelism | mini podcast

Personal Evangelism | mini podcast

Welcome to the podcast on Personal Evangelism with Dr. Jerry Root’s teaching. In today's episode, we will delve into the importance of putting our faith into action and sharing the good news of Christ with others. 

Our scripture for today is Philemon 6, which reminds us of the generosity that comes from our faith and the good things we have in Christ. Dr. Jerry Root emphasizes that the gift of evangelism is not reserved for a select few; it is for every believer. It is not a skill to be learned, but rather a natural outpouring of our faith.

Sep 14, 202305:09