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By Brandon Jubar

Join me for an engaging and enlightening review and discussion of the weekly Scripture readings from the Roman Catholic Lectionary. Let's "break open the Word" and find the messages and lessons that are practical for our lives and applicable to this crazy world we live in today!

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S3E2: 2nd Sunday of Advent (Cycle A)

REAL WordDec 02, 2022

S3E53: Solemnity of Christ the King (Cycle A)

S3E53: Solemnity of Christ the King (Cycle A)

As Christians, we’re comforted by God's promise of personal restoration and guidance, and by the promise that in Christ, death is transformed from an end into the beginning of eternal life. However, these promises hinge on the authenticity of our belief. To be true believers, our faith has to be a living, active force demonstrated through unselfish service to those most in need. Embracing this challenge means understanding that our actions towards the least in society are direct services to Jesus. It’s in the selfless giving, the compassionate action, and the humble service that our true belief is revealed. In living out this commitment to service, we embody what it means to be true disciples of Christ!

Nov 25, 202327:46
S3E52: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E52: 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As Christians, we know that true virtue is more than our deeds; it’s the very essence of our character. Coupled with this understanding is the perspective of living in the present as if we’ve already stepped into the future. It’s about embodying the values of that future today by actively engaging with the gifts God has blessed us with. We aren’t passive recipients, we’re stewards called to cultivate, grow, and use those gifts to enrich our lives and the lives of others. This path demands courage, commitment, and a heart that’s open to the endless possibilities that come with living our faith out loud!

Nov 17, 202327:19
S3E51: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E51: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As Christians, we should keep in mind a few truths: first, we've gotta chase after wisdom because it isn't just handed to us; second, saying goodbye to someone who has died isn't forever, because in Christ, we have a sure hope of getting back together again; and third, we must stay ready in our faith, because it's not something we can just pick up from someone else when we need it. All these pieces fit together to remind us that living a life of faith means being proactive, not sitting around waiting for things to happen. This journey of faith requires us to make the choice, every single day, to be ready—ready for whatever comes our way, and especially ready for the moment we meet Jesus face to face!

Nov 10, 202324:14
S3E50: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E50: 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Spiritual leaders are called to help us navigate our journey of faith, guiding us with unquestionable integrity. But their task is more than vocalizing beliefs - it’s about allowing the divine word to come alive, taking our faith to the next level. The key to great faith leadership is quietly demonstrating the ability to walk the walk by humbly living each day as a testament to your convictions. And along this journey of faith, the quiet but confident steps of authenticity and humility are the ones that truly echo in the hearts of others!

Nov 03, 202323:19
S3E49: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E49: 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

When Christ described the law, he called us to a deep compassion and empathy, urging us to see beyond rules and to embrace love as the true essence of our faith. St. Paul's teachings shine a light on how a sincere imitation of Christ can become a beacon of hope and an honest form of evangelization. Yet, the most profound revelation is the interconnectedness of our love for God and for our fellow human beings. When we fully grasp that, then we’ll understand that every act of kindness, every gesture of love towards another, is simultaneously an act of devotion to the Lord. When we truly take this to heart, we recognize that in genuine love, we encounter the very presence of the divine!

Oct 28, 202326:33
S3E48: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E48: 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As Christians, we know that God’s wisdom transcends human understanding, guiding us to see the divine in the unexpected. By anchoring ourselves in faith and conviction, we can begin to fill our lives with hope, love, and the empowering grace of the Holy Spirit. And as we continue along our journey of faith, we’re reminded of the delicate balance we have to maintain between our spiritual and our earthly callings. Our challenge is to find a way to balance our worldly responsibilities with a deep devotion to the divine. If we can find that balance, we’ll be better able to share Jesus’ “wisdom and love” in truly authentic ways!

Oct 20, 202326:04
S3E47: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E47: 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Accepting the Lord’s invitation is easier if we learn to be content in both abundance and scarcity. In the eyes of the Lord, every soul is welcome at the banquet, regardless of who they are or where they’re from. Through our faith and the support of our community, we can navigate challenges while ensuring everyone knows they are welcome at the Lord’s table. We can make the banquet of the Lord a reality for everyone, embodying the true essence of love, compassion, and inclusion in our world!

Oct 13, 202323:26
S3E46: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E46: 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As Christians, we know that God’s love and guidance are present in our lives, but we cultivate good fruit through our actions and our faith. And we won’t stumble upon peace; it’s nurtured through our dedication to a life of faith and practice. We’re called to recognize Christ’s presence in the scriptures but also in our daily lives. This recognition should inspire us to produce a bountiful harvest of love, compassion, and justice. We must work to produce fruit that reflects God's love, and to make this world a better place for everyone!

Oct 06, 202325:05
S3E45: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E45: 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As Christians, it's important for us to realize that we all have the gift of personal agency and choice. Yes, we are responsible for what we’ve done in the past, but repentance is always possible. However, words alone aren’t enough – it’s our actions that truly matter. We must be selfless and humble, continually striving for a more compassionate world. Every choice we make can have a profound impact on our families, our communities, and the world at large, so we must embrace the Gospel message of love, forgiveness, and radical acceptance!

Sep 29, 202322:18
S3E44: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E44: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As Christians, we know that God’s love is limitless and God's grace is extended to each of us. No matter what we’ve done, God generously forgives our sins when we seek that forgiveness with humble hearts. God’s grace has no bounds but our faith must be more than simply believing. Our faith must be visible through our actions. Our faith should be clear to anyone who sees how we live our lives. Living our faith out loud has the power to stir souls and inspire others to seek God’s grace and forgiveness!

Sep 22, 202325:12
S3E43: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E43: 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

When we learn to release our anger and extend forgiveness to others, we open the door for divine forgiveness in our own lives. As Christians, we know that belonging to the Lord is an eternal commitment calling us to mirror God’s boundless forgiveness. We’re called to be bearers of forgiveness because we’ve received the gift of forgiveness from the Lord already - and it’s a gift that’s meant to be shared. When forgiveness is a cornerstone of our daily lives, it becomes a way to create a world filled with compassion, love, and grace!

Sep 15, 202326:01
S3E42: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E42: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Christians must never shy away from confronting sin, even when our message is unpopular, because it’s an essential part of our faith. The key is to make sure that love is our guiding light. Loving our neighbors as ourselves has the power to fulfill all of God’s commands, uniting us in a bond of compassion and forgiveness. And we must remember that when we act together out of love, we reflect the essence of Christ’s teachings, forging a path towards a more just and compassionate world!

Sep 08, 202323:29
S3E41: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E41: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

The Word of God isn’t meant to be hidden away; it’s meant to be shared with the world. This means we must step out of our comfort zones and boldly spread the Gospel message of love, forgiveness, and radical acceptance. We must align our desires with God’s divine purpose. This is our call to action. It’s a call to selflessness, and a call to wholeheartedly pursue a world that is transformed by God’s grace!

Sep 01, 202323:11
S3E40: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E40: 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Scripture often reminds us that our actions have a profound impact on the world, so being a disciple isn’t a spectator sport. We must participate in order to create a world filled with justice, compassion, and love. But we’re also invited to pause and experience the divine gift of creation and the majesty of the Creator. We are called to recognize that Jesus is our hope and our salvation. If we can shape our lives around the heartfelt belief that Jesus is the Messiah, then we can truly build the Kingdom on earth!

Aug 25, 202324:29
S3E39: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E39: 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As Christians, we should understand the importance of breaking down barriers and bringing people together. No one is left out or overlooked. God’s embrace is offered to all, and Jesus, the embodiment of love and forgiveness, came to save ALL of us. This is a message that rings true today, urging us to put aside differences and open our hearts to each other. It’s a call to build bridges, to tear down walls, and to embrace one another in the name of peace, love, and unity!

Aug 18, 202324:04
S3E38: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E38: 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As Christians, we need to realize that God’s love and guidance aren’t limited to grand spectacles; they’re found in everyday moments that too often go unnoticed. Because of that, those closest to God can sometimes miss His call. We shouldn't judge them though - we should see it as a reminder of our shared humanity. And part of that shared humanity is the tendency to doubt. Doubt is a heavy burden, but faith can lift us up. If we learn to embrace the quiet presence of God, remain open to His call, and know that our faith can overcome doubt, then we can find our way to greater love, forgiveness, and connection to the divine!

Aug 11, 202324:15
S3E37: Feast of the Transfiguration (Cycle A)

S3E37: Feast of the Transfiguration (Cycle A)

Through the prophets, God promised to send a savior who would bring peace, forgiveness, and salvation to the world. We know that promise was fulfilled in Jesus Christ, whose message of love, forgiveness, and radical acceptance lights our path in a rather dark world. Though the odds may seem stacked against us, we’re called to build the Kingdom on Earth anyway. As true disciples, we’re called to work together to fulfill God’s vision; and we know we can do it because Jesus is right here by our side!

Aug 04, 202324:05
S3E36: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E36: 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Scripture reminds us that if we ask God for the gift of wisdom, the Lord will guide and support us. Our ultimate destination is Heaven, so we must be unrelenting in our pursuit of that goal. The lessons we learn from both the Old and New Testaments should inspire us to build the Kingdom on earth, creating a more just and compassionate world. We can bring the Gospel message of love, forgiveness, and radical acceptance to the world. And we can do it all because God is at our side!

Jul 28, 202323:22
S3E35: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E35: 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

God’s mercy and strength are endless and lift up all creation, offering hope and redemption to even the most vulnerable. In our moments of pain, the Holy Spirit is there to support us when we can’t find the words to pray. And even though God’s kingdom coexists with the opposing forces, we’re called to be agents of change. As true disciples of Christ, we have to share the Gospel message of love, forgiveness, and radical acceptance, even though evil will continue to exist in the world!

Jul 21, 202322:50
S3E34: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E34: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

For Christians, the Good News helps us understand that our current sufferings are temporary and God’s glory awaits us. It gives us hope in the assurance that our faith and commitment to the Gospel will sustain us and enable us to thrive. Now, as we allow the Word of God to take root in our hearts and multiply, we become prophets, sharing the message of salvation with others and demonstrating the amazing power of love, forgiveness, and radical acceptance!

Jul 14, 202326:20
S3E33: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E33: 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

The prophet Zechariah showed that Jesus wouldn’t come as a conquering victor, but as the King of Peace. And to truly worship this peaceful king, we must resist temptations and turn away from sin. This seems daunting, but Jesus assured us that the burden of discipleship is lighter than the burden of carrying the weight of wrongful thoughts and deeds. If we take on his yoke by embracing his teachings and commands, we will discover that the reward for following Jesus far outweighs anything we get from sin. It’s a journey that leads to true freedom, peace, and eternal life with the Father in heaven!

Jul 07, 202324:31
S3E32: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E32: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Scripture shows us the importance of kindness, of hospitality, and of the courage to speak truth to power. It reminds us that, through baptism, we die to sin and rise to new life with Christ. It also challenges us to prioritize Jesus above everything else and to be willing to take up our cross and follow him. As Christians, we have to be prepared to face whatever challenges come our way. And through our actions, we must fully embrace discipleship and live out the call to follow our Lord, Jesus Christ!

Jun 30, 202324:24
S3E31: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E31: 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

We know proclaiming the truth can be difficult, but we understand the importance of letting people know that Jesus has triumphed over sin and death. He is more powerful than any force that seeks to separate us from God’s love because we are important to God. And despite the challenges we face, we are called to share the word of God, knowing that God is with us, empowering and protecting us. We have been assured of the ultimate victory of truth and the transformative power of God's grace!

Jun 23, 202323:45
S3E30: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E30: 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As true disciples of Christ, we need to understand that being loved by God is foundational to our identity. We’re called to actively participate in building the Kingdom of God, but this mission must be rooted in the knowledge that we are precious to God. When we understand this, we can respond wholeheartedly to God's call. And it becomes so much easier to approach service with joy and authenticity, fostering healthy relationships and preventing burnout. Knowing we are precious to God can be truly transformative. It can power our ongoing conversion as disciples, while shaping our attitudes, our actions, and our interactions with others. It powers us to continue building the Kingdom on earth!

Jun 16, 202323:47
S3E29: Feast of Corpus Christi (Cycle A)

S3E29: Feast of Corpus Christi (Cycle A)

We know that we’ll face challenges throughout our lives, but the Lord doesn’t expect us to face them alone. We’re called to be in communion with Christ and one another, for we all make up the Body of Christ on earth. We can find strength, support, and comfort in our connection to the Lord and to our fellow disciples, confidently confronting the trials that come our way. Together, we can overcome challenges, uplift one another, and spread Jesus’ message of love, forgiveness, and radical acceptance!

Jun 09, 202321:44
S3E28: Trinity Sunday (Cycle A)

S3E28: Trinity Sunday (Cycle A)

In spite of our poor choices, God continues to offer us forgiveness… if we humbly ask Him. We know that we’re called to emulate God's compassion by praying for blessings upon others, including those who criticize or even oppose us. And knowing God's desire for the salvation of the world through Jesus Christ, we’re encouraged to introduce people to the transformative power of our Savior. In doing so, we can contribute to creating a more compassionate and inclusive world - one that reflects the love and mercy of the Holy Trinity!

Jun 02, 202321:57
S3E27: Pentecost Sunday (Cycle A)

S3E27: Pentecost Sunday (Cycle A)

We’re living through a difficult time. The world needs true disciples of Christ to share the Good News, to reignite hope, and to build the Kingdom on earth. But when we get discouraged - and we will - we need to remember that the Spirit can bridge any divide and bring people together because, in spite of all our differences, we are ALL equal before the Lord. Jesus challenges you and me to venture out, bear witness to God’s forgiveness, and then work with the Spirit to bring the peace of Christ to a desperate world!

May 26, 202323:32
S3E26: Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (Cycle A)

S3E26: Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord (Cycle A)

The Solemnity of the Ascension shares God’s purpose and how the church fits into that plan. The universal Church has a mission to fulfill but it might not be easy because the Church is intended to be universal and inclusive. These two elements coexist so well because Jesus is with us. And if we share the Gospel message, and face the challenges head on, we know that Jesus is right beside us, providing guidance and strength as we build the Kingdom on Earth!

May 19, 202322:22
S3E25: 6th Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

S3E25: 6th Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

As true disciples of Christ, we’re called to lead people to the Lord whenever the opportunities to do so arise. This means we might need to make personal sacrifices for the greater good, including responding to opposition with gentleness and respect. But by loving one another as Jesus loved us, we show our love for him and open ourselves to the love of the Father. So let’s demonstrate our love for Jesus by following his commands and by sharing the Gospel message of love and radical acceptance!

May 12, 202321:25
S3E24: 5th Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

S3E24: 5th Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

True disciples of Christ aren’t meant to sit idly by and let things just happen as they may. We are called to actively engage with the world and make a positive difference in the lives of those around us. The role of service has always been critical to the church, and our Gospel reading today shows that without people like us, there is no “spiritual house.” So let’s not be afraid to embrace the challenge the Jesus places before us. We can start small, but we can’t forget that true disciples are called and destined to do great things!

May 05, 202321:37
S3E23: 4th Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

S3E23: 4th Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

When people are shown the way, the Spirit can move their hearts. Peter encouraged people to repent, be baptized, and receive the Holy Spirit… and they listened. We can do the same. We can be shepherds to others by modeling Jesus’ love and radical acceptance. If we let the Spirit work through us, we can lead people to greener pastures. Suffering may be part of the journey, but we know that’s okay. And even if we go astray, we have faith that the Holy Spirit will always lead us back to the Lord!

Apr 28, 202322:32
S3E22: 3rd Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

S3E22: 3rd Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

Quite often, our readings contain lessons on how to live our lives in a better way, but sometimes our readings are focused on the foundations of our faith. We base our faith on the belief that Jesus is the Messiah and that he came to free us from sin and death, just as the prophecies said he would. Our faith and trust in the Lord is what gives power to the Gospel message. Our faith isn’t some musty old religion - it’s always bright and new because Jesus is risen and will never truly be gone!

Apr 21, 202325:16
S3E21: 2nd Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

S3E21: 2nd Sunday of Easter (Cycle A)

When we look at the messages from our readings this week, the overarching theme is a call to return to the essence of early Christianity. We seem to have lost our way, and to get on a better path, we should do more to emulate the early church's focus on sharing the Gospel message, taking care of one another, and inviting everyone to the Lord’s table. But to do that, we need to understand the importance of faith over certainty. We need to put our trust in the unseen and overcome our human desire to be “right.” Instead of arguing about the Latin Mass or the existence of Limbo, we should be trying to return to the core teachings of Christianity, prioritizing love, faith, and the divinity of Jesus Christ.

Apr 14, 202324:59
S3E20: Easter Sunday (Cycle A)

S3E20: Easter Sunday (Cycle A)

As Christians, we understand that, through our belief in Jesus Christ, we receive forgiveness of sins and experience the life-changing power of his name. We should strive to let the Gospel message be like new yeast in our lives, spreading and transforming every aspect of who we are. To do that, we need to allow Jesus to change us from the inside out. And even though we may struggle with fears and uncertainties, we can trust that Jesus is always with us, guiding us and leading us on this journey of faith!

Apr 07, 202323:21
S3E19: Palm Sunday (Cycle A)

S3E19: Palm Sunday (Cycle A)

We know that people can become blind to Jesus for many different reasons, proclaiming their righteousness while turning their backs on Christ. It’s easy to fall into that trap because God’s rules are different. When people get caught up in their prejudiced beliefs, they end up being Christians in name only. It’s a difficult problem, so we must answer our baptismal call. Especially when things get bad, we have to do our best to continue sharing the Gospel message of love and radical acceptance!

Mar 31, 202325:31
S3E18: 5th Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

S3E18: 5th Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

God can work miracles, including bringing an entire “people” back from exile and protecting them. He did it for the Israelites, and we need to carry that message to the persecuted and marginalized people in our world today. We can be modern day prophets and truly come alive with the spirit. That doesn’t mean we’ll never suffer; but if we end up in one of life’s “dark tombs,” we need to remember that we’re not alone. Just like he came for Lazarus, Jesus will come for us too!

Mar 24, 202322:38
S3E17: 4th Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

S3E17: 4th Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

We tend to judge OTHERS by their words and actions, but WE expect to be judged by our intent… and we rarely give others the benefit of the doubt. Of course, there are people with bad intentions - and our intentions aren’t always wholesome - but it’s up to God to do the judging. The Lord can see our hearts, so nothing can hide those dark deeds from God. Our judgment is clouded by many things, and we all have blind spots, which is all the more reason to leave the judging to God!

Mar 17, 202325:02
S3E16: 3rd Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

S3E16: 3rd Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

During Lent, we’re called to repent for our sins, but we should also take time to think about our blessings. We tend to remember bad things and forget the good, which can give us a negative perception of things and cause us to believe we’re not worthy of God’s love. We must remember that it’s not about worthiness. We’re all sinners and God loves us anyway. In fact, Jesus loves us so much that he’s made the first move and is just waiting for us to ask so he can provide what we need!

Mar 10, 202323:56
S3E15: 2nd Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

S3E15: 2nd Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

All the great things that have come from our faith happened because people trusted in the Lord. Abram trusted in the Lord, and the first covenant was made. The apostles and the earliest disciples of Christ trusted the Lord, which led to the new covenant. St. Paul trusted the Lord, which allowed him to authentically preach the importance of suffering for the Gospel message, which allowed the early Christian community to thrive and grow in spite of years and years of persecution. And it all happened because they trusted the Lord!

Mar 03, 202319:04
S3E14: 1st Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

S3E14: 1st Sunday of Lent (Cycle A)

We have free will and the knowledge of good and evil, so we should be held accountable for our choices. There are other factors that cloud our judgment though, and we’re tempted to take care of our own needs first, so it’s good that Jesus gave us an example to follow by facing temptation and resisting. We should try to be strong like Jesus and choose to do what’s right. We won’t always succeed, but luckily our sins are forgiven through Jesus’ sacrifice, so all we need to do is ask!

Feb 24, 202322:37
S3E13: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E13: 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

As Christians, we are called to be holy. In this week's readings, Moses tells us that God wants us to be holy. Paul tells us that we are God’s temple, and what can be more holy than that? And then Jesus explains what it will take for us to be holy as we’re striving to be perfect, like God. But Jesus doesn’t want us to be discouraged by how difficult this all seems. It won’t be easy, but if we sincerely try to follow the law of love that he lays out, we can meet that higher standard, and we will be in relationship with our God!

Feb 17, 202319:29
S3E12: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E12: 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Because of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, we have what we need to live righteous lives, and God has given us the free will to do it. But that also makes us accountable. “Free will” is a tremendous responsibility, but if we can learn to open our hearts and minds to the Spirit, we can embrace the deeper wisdom that God offers. That broader perspective on creation, and our place in it, will help us understand the teachings of Jesus. We can see past the letter of the law and live our lives according to the spirit of God’s law!

Feb 10, 202322:18
S3E11: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E11: 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Being a Christian isn't a spectator sport. God wants us to take positive action and make a difference in the world, and we can do it in big or small ways. We should work together with the Christian community, but we are also called to be conduits for the Holy Spirit. As believers, we are the salt and light of the world, and our lives are sacramental. Our actions should enhance the lives of others, glorify God, and share the light of Christ that will illuminate the darkness in the world!

Feb 03, 202320:04
S3E10: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E10: 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Righteousness is about adhering to moral or ethical principles and allowing them to guide our actions. Self-righteousness is the belief that one’s own actions and beliefs are morally superior, which leads to being judgmental. As Christians, we are called to seek righteousness and humility, and to put our effort into boasting about the Lord and not about ourselves. It’s challenging because it requires a change in perspective, and then asks us to live according to God’s vision of the world, rather than our own!

Jan 27, 202320:19
S3E9: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E9: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

After the imprisonment of John, Jesus left Galilee and the Gospel says, “From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’” The image of great joy and light to people in darkness is followed by the call to repent because it relieves us of our burdens. When we repent, we open ourselves up to the light of Christ and the joy it brings. So, if we keep our focus on Jesus, we’re able to leave certain things behind and truly answer Jesus’ call!

Jan 20, 202321:24
S3E8: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

S3E8: 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (Cycle A)

Being true disciples of Christ means answering God’s call, which makes Jesus our Lord. And if Jesus is our Lord, then we must live as he commands and take up his mission on Earth. Like the Suffering Servant, only preaching to believers isn’t enough. We are called to bring the Good News to all nations. If we remember that Jesus came to take away our sins, then perhaps we can see past our privilege, get out of our comfort zone, and truly bring God’s light to the world!

Jan 13, 202320:29
S3E7: Feast of the Epiphany (Cycle A)

S3E7: Feast of the Epiphany (Cycle A)

The Magi honored the baby Jesus and then went on their way but we know we’re called to do more. We only celebrate Christmas one time every year but we believe the light of Christ is a gift meant to be shared every single day. WE have gifts as well and it’s through the sharing of those gifts that we truly honor Jesus and spread the Gospel message of love, radical acceptance, forgiveness, and salvation for all!

Jan 06, 202321:36
S3E6: Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Cycle A)

S3E6: Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Cycle A)

Knowing we are children of God doesn’t justify judging and condemning others, especially when we know that invoking God’s name to bless those around us gives us countless opportunities to bring God’s divine grace into the world. Today’s readings can help us connect to Mary and embrace her approach, which was to keep the focus on Jesus. If we play our role to the best of our ability and leave Jesus as the main character, we will be worshipping Christ and honoring the Blessed Virgin Mary!

Dec 30, 202222:01
S3E5: Christmas Day (Cycle A)

S3E5: Christmas Day (Cycle A)

We believe God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It’s a difficult concept and people wonder, “How is that possible?” Not fully understand something doesn’t make it impossible, and nothing is impossible for God. Others ask, “Why would God become human?” Our answer is that it was the ultimate act of love, because the invisible God became visible and tangible. Jesus brought us closer to God in a way that had never been done before, which is one reason we should truly celebrate at Christmas!

Dec 23, 202219:29
S3E4: 4th Sunday of Advent (Cycle A)

S3E4: 4th Sunday of Advent (Cycle A)

The common thread running through our readings today is the gift of God’s grace. Isaiah challenged Ahaz to place his trust in God, and offered a miraculous sign. His prophecy shows that Jesus Christ is the Son of God which, powered by grace, is what called St. Paul to be an apostle to the Gentiles. But the ultimate gift of God’s grace came through the Incarnation. The birth of Jesus fulfilled God’s loving promise to offer salvation and give us, "the created," a way to spend eternity with God, our Creator!

Dec 16, 202221:23