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The God of Second Chances

The God of Second Chances

By Ron Clark

Searching for Hope in Ancient Biblical Stories
Are the ancient Biblical stories narratives of an angry God, violence, and judgment? Are they only an ancient historical document? Are they lists of rules, commandments, and traditions?

Or, are they a history of a God who loves people, offers them hope, and works with courageous men and women who accept the call to preach peace, mercy, and justice?

Join us for this series of short lessons from the ancient Biblical narrative of God’s people interacting with a world and culture that needs hope, love, and compassion.
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A New God

The God of Second ChancesAug 23, 2019

Ministry Word of the Lord 1: Luke, Theophilus, and the Presence of Jesus

Ministry Word of the Lord 1: Luke, Theophilus, and the Presence of Jesus

This video series involves short devotionals on the theme of presence in ministry and the Gospel of Luke. In this lesson, the Introduction to Luke's Gospel offers us a new view of the ministry of Jesus and why we need to plant and revive churches throughout our world.

Sep 01, 202308:24
Malachi: Does God Hate Divorced People?

Malachi: Does God Hate Divorced People?

Often Malachi is used to bring shame and guilt on those who have experienced divorce. However, the story is one similar to many women and men in our world. Yahweh was mistreated in a relationship, and faced a very painful reality. God understands those struggling in their marriages and identifies as one suffering. However, holiness calls us to be assertive and offer hope with this strength.

Nov 22, 202215:05
Zechariah: God is Big Enough!

Zechariah: God is Big Enough!

The nation of Judah had returned home to rebuilt their fallen temple. There was only one problem...shame. Shame lay at the heart of the nation. Yet Yahweh told the leaders that their God is big enough, even big enough to forgive the sin of everyone at once!

Nov 22, 202216:60
Coach Haggai

Coach Haggai

While the book of Haggai is small, it is packed with power. The prophet becomes a coach guiding and encouraging us to forge the past and embrace a God who can forgive sins in a day!

Nov 22, 202217:06
Zephaniah: A God Who Hides To Help Us

Zephaniah: A God Who Hides To Help Us

In the book of Zephaniah, the prophet shares a message of doom to a people who continually rejected their God. People thought Yahweh was hidden, but in reality this God seeks those who hides from evil and longs for deliverance.

Nov 22, 202217:17
Habakkuk: Pleading for Mercy

Habakkuk: Pleading for Mercy

The nation of Judah was suffering at the hands of the Babylonian army. Habakkuk felt called to defend his people, even though they were guilty. We need more advocates for the guilty, even if it means standing toe to toe with God.

Oct 13, 202216:47
Nahum: God vs the Bully

Nahum: God vs the Bully

Even though the prophet Jonah offered hope to Nineveh of Assyria, their repentance must have been short lived. Nahum reminds us that God confronts bullies and offers comfort to the people of the Lord. Likewise faith communities can learn this lesson concerning protecting those who suffer, while holding oppressive individuals accountable for their behavior.

Oct 13, 202218:22
Micah: What and Where is Justice?

Micah: What and Where is Justice?

As the Covid pandemic seems to lift, many of our cities struggle with chaos, injustice, and crime. It can be discouraging. Sometimes we wonder if justice not only exists, but is practical. Micah the prophet calls us to understand our personal role in our relationship with God and people.

Sep 09, 202221:36
Jonah: Lord, I Really Don't Want to Help These People

Jonah: Lord, I Really Don't Want to Help These People

In this lesson we discuss the famous Jonah story. While we may remember him as the prophet who was swallowed by a whale, the story tells us that he was swallowed by his own hatred of the Assyrian people, and, in turn, his anger with God.

May 08, 202223:32
Obadiah: Showing Compassion in the Day of Trouble.

Obadiah: Showing Compassion in the Day of Trouble.

In this episode we discuss the brief, but powerful book of Obadiah. Obadiah means "servant of Yahweh" and this prophet challenges us to show compassion on those needing help, suffering, and fleeing persecution.

Apr 19, 202215:30
Amos: Listening to the Truth

Amos: Listening to the Truth

The prophet Amos was a contemporary with Hosea. He too went to the Northern kingdom of Israel, however the priest and king of Israel asked him to leave...they did not want to hear the truth. God seeks those who hear the truth and follow it. God truly wants a relationship with all of us and offers hope even during times of pain, suffering, and a climate of chaos and sin.

Oct 06, 202118:09
Joel: A Storm Is Coming

Joel: A Storm Is Coming

Joel's prophecy was a warning to the people of Judah. The prophet reminded the nation that the Babylonian army, described as an army of locusts, was on the horizon. However, Yahweh encouraged (as Joel begged) the nation to repent, change their ways, and turn back to their God. This hope was not only offered to a nation, facing destruction, but all of us. We have a God who not only seeks relationship, but desires a relationship with honor, love, and respect.

Oct 06, 202121:01
Hosea: God Woos Us

Hosea: God Woos Us

The prophet Hosea shared the painful story of a spouse who has been mistreated by their unfaithful and inconsiderate spouse. Not only was this the story of God and an unfaithful people of Israel, it is the story of a God who continues to pursue a people who reject their Lord. This God also offers hope and a future when the unfaithful spouse seeks repentance. Even though God was rejected, Yahweh still reached out to seek hope, reconciliation, and relationship...even though it brought pain to the creator of the world.

Oct 06, 202119:55
Ezekiel and the God of Renewal

Ezekiel and the God of Renewal

Ezekiel was a priest who was taken into Babylonian exile with many other Judeans. He would have witnessed the destruction of life, the temple, and felt the pain of captivity. As a trauma survivor his visions and experiences are graphic and portray a need for hope and healing. Yahweh is that God who reminded the prophet that the Lord sought healing, repentance, and renewal with the prophet as well as the people. We are not limited or judged by the behaviors or sins of others, but have a hope to be unique in the eyes of our God and Savior.

Apr 08, 202118:13
Jeremiah: Prophet, Therapist, and Friend for God

Jeremiah: Prophet, Therapist, and Friend for God

Jeremiah is the second of the three major prophets in the Hebrew Bible. In this book Jeremiah was sent by God to confront the abusive and unfaithful people of Judah. As any therapist Jeremiah represents the pain and suffering of Yahweh, while advocating for the people, his other "client." However, Jeremiah offers hope of a new relationship, if the people are willing to come home. Jeremiah reminds us that our role, as servants of God, is not only to hold others accountable for sin, but to provide hope of reconciliation, forgiveness, and healing.

Apr 08, 202118:57
Isaiah's God of Comfort

Isaiah's God of Comfort

Isaiah is the first of the three major prophets. The prophet is quoted more than any other in the Gospels. Why? He shows us the heart of a God who desires to comfort and heal a nation turning its back on their own Hod while regretting this in captivity.
Feb 20, 202120:09
Who Were the Prophets?

Who Were the Prophets?

As we transition from the "Former Prophets" to the "Latter Prophets" we begin by asking, "Who were the prophets". Were they crazy, wild eyed, ecstatic preachers? Were they magicians or fortune tellers? Were they servants of Yahweh who spoke of the realities of their day? Join us as we explore these heroes of the Bible and begin to read their stories.
Jan 10, 202117:17
Let Heaven and Nature Sing

Let Heaven and Nature Sing

The song "Joy to the World," reminds us that heaven, earth, and nature will sing of the glory of Jesus. When Yahweh leads the people of Judah from captivity a renewed heavens, earth, and relationship emerged. As John the Baptist proclaimed the return of God's people, in the wilderness, he reminded us that Jesus would also restore the world to be who God created us to be. No matter who we are, what we have done, or where we have been, the God of Second Chances is there to help us. As our world heals from the Covid pandemic, we likewise need churches that will reunite a world emerging from captivity.
Dec 23, 202015:30
Comfort and Joy

Comfort and Joy

In the song, "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen..." the promise is that Comfort and Joy will accompany us during this Christmas season. Likewise in Isaiah the prophet speaks a message from Yahweh of "Comfort" to a nation returning from captivity and healing from their own sins. The birth of Jesus not only offers comfort and hope, but joy from the darkness and sorrow when our lives rebel against God. No matter who we are, what we have done, or where we have been, the God of comfort is there to help us. As our world heals from the Covid pandemic, we likewise need churches that will bring comfort, joy, and hope in a world emerging from captivity.
Dec 23, 202014:52
Here's Your Sign

Here's Your Sign

The prophet Isaiah challenges an unfaithful king to trust his God. Even more, the king's God challenges this king to believe, endure, and be faithful. The child is the sign, as he was for Joseph, you, and I. Christmas is not simply a time to give gifts, it is a time to believe that Jesus is the sign that God is truly with us.

Dec 11, 202021:05
Yahweh Among The Kings Pt 2

Yahweh Among The Kings Pt 2

During the time of the kings, God continued to be present. In the midst of rebellion, obedience, and chaos...Yahweh uphold the covenant of love and faithfulness. This is the lesson for 2 Kings.

Dec 05, 202016:43
Yahweh Among the Kings Pt 1

Yahweh Among the Kings Pt 1

During the time of the kings, God continued to be present. In the midst of rebellion, obedience, and chaos...Yahweh uphold the covenant of love and faithfulness. This is the lesson for 1 Kings.

Dec 05, 202016:53
Advent...Hope in the Darkness: Coffee With God

Advent...Hope in the Darkness: Coffee With God

During Advent we are preparing for another Covid Holiday. However, is it possible to see God, during this time, as more than a baby in a feed trough? What if we could have coffee at a table with God? What would we hear? Would we see hope in the darkness?

Dec 05, 202014:25
After God's Own Heart

After God's Own Heart

David's sin was great, yet his relationship and love for God was greater. What happens when we are confronted with our sin? Do we point the finger back at those God sends to help us, or do we choose to be men and women after God's own heart?

Nov 07, 202019:48
A King Honors His God

A King Honors His God

In 2 Samuel we read the story of David's rise to royalty. Having been annointed by the prophet Samuel in 1 Samuel, he patiently waited for God to take the throne from Saul and bless David as king. David and Yahweh share a powerful relationship, one that reflects honor and love between David and his God.

Nov 07, 202019:42
Listening and Rejecting Yahweh--1 Samuel

Listening and Rejecting Yahweh--1 Samuel

In part 2 of this discussion of 1 Samuel, the people of Israel want a King. By this they reject their God, Yahweh.  However, the theme of listening continues as we will later explore in 2 Samuel.

Oct 31, 202019:23
Listening to Yahweh

Listening to Yahweh

In 1 Samuel we experience the connection between listening/obedience and leadership. During dark times, when it seems God is silent, Yahweh finds those who listen to raise up leaders.
Oct 07, 202017:41
Lesson for Malawi

Lesson for Malawi

This lesson is a discussion for our churches in Malawi concerning the name of God (Yahweh) and the deity of Jesus.

Aug 19, 202024:59
No Leadership, No Justice, No Peace

No Leadership, No Justice, No Peace

The book of Judges ends with a haunting theme--when there is a lack of leadership...justice is absent. In the midst of the violence of a people struggling in their relationship with Yahweh, the reality that justice, peace, and leadership are deeply connected. Even today, our communities struggle due to a lack of strong leadership who offer peace and justice.

Jul 09, 202017:15
Judges Who Lead

Judges Who Lead

In the book of Judges stories of violence, oppression, vulnerability, and disobedience seem to be the norm. However, there is a powerful message concerning leadership in this book. If we look past the violence we understand that Leaders who let loose, have people who follow and bless God!

Jul 09, 202017:45
Joshua: Faith and Leadership Among the Idols of Life

Joshua: Faith and Leadership Among the Idols of Life

While the book of Joshua contains violence, wars, and struggle for land ownership the story does illustrate the faithfulness and love of God as well as people's response to that love. The book began, very similarly, as Deuteronomy ended with the promise that God would not abandon the people. It also ends with the relational covenant similar to the one Moses offered the people of Israel. As a leader Joshua not only modeled a faith and commitment to Yahweh, but he called others to that--while still modeling that even if they chose the opposite.

Jun 26, 202014:15
Joshua: Yahweh's Honor

Joshua: Yahweh's Honor

While the book of Joshua contains violence, wars, and struggle for land ownership the story does illustrate the faithfulness and love of God as well as people's response to that love. The book began, very similarly, as Deuteronomy ended with the promise that God would not abandon the people. However, in this lesson we learn that relationships thrive when both parties offer love and honor one another with faithfulness.

Jun 26, 202015:47
Spring Surge: Preparing For Pentecost...Calling On God

Spring Surge: Preparing For Pentecost...Calling On God

With the current Covid-19 Crisis our congregations and faith leaders have had to adapt ministry both digitally and through social distancing. How will we create a vision beyond Easter Sunday (one of our biggest attendance and outreach days)? Pentecost would be the end of May and the time when many countries would begin to experience a Business Surge as well as a Spring Surge.

Peter reminded the people that this event was a chance to call on God. What does it mean to call on a God who seems silent, holy, or distant? How does Jesus' presence remind us that we have an opportunity for relationship with the creator of the world, the cosmos, chaos, and light?

Apr 30, 202020:21
Spring Surge: Preparing for Pentecost...Restoration and Diverse Languages

Spring Surge: Preparing for Pentecost...Restoration and Diverse Languages

With the current Covid-19 Crisis our congregations and faith leaders have had to adapt ministry both digitally and through social distancing. How will we create a vision beyond Easter Sunday (one of our biggest attendance and outreach days)? Pentecost would be the end of May and the time when many countries would begin to experience a Business Surge as well as a Spring Surge.

The pouring out of the Spirit was not only manifested by the themes of Fire and Spirit, but diverse languages and dialects. This sign reminds us that the Gospel of Jesus is meant to be Global; crossing language, world view, and cultural boundaries to show the mighty works of God. As Luke began and ended at the temple...Acts began and ended in the home. The Christian movement can once again claim the cities of our world through homes, languages, and messages of power and hope.

Apr 28, 202022:40
Spring Surge...Preparing for Pentecost--Fire and Spirit

Spring Surge...Preparing for Pentecost--Fire and Spirit

With the current Covid-19 Crisis our congregations and faith leaders have had to adapt ministry both digitally and through social distancing. How will we create a vision beyond Easter Sunday (one of our biggest attendance and outreach days)? Pentecost would be the end of May and the time when many countries would begin to experience a Business Surge as well as a Spring Surge.

The Pentecost event included the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, one of two themes used by the prophets in the exilic communities. John the Baptist predicted that Jesus' ministry would involve these two themes of Fire and Spirit as the Gospel grew in communities seeking healing and forgiveness.

Apr 24, 202018:26
Spring Surge...Preparing for Pentecost

Spring Surge...Preparing for Pentecost

With the current Covid-19 Crisis our congregations and faith leaders have had to adapt ministry both digitally and through social distancing. How will we create a vision beyond Easter Sunday (one of our biggest attendance and outreach days). Pentecost would be the end of May and the time when many countries would begin to experience a Business Surge as well as a Spring Surge.

Jesus prepared his disciples to become witnesses of this movement.  By breathing the Holy Spirit upon them, empowering them to forgive and hold people accountable, and teaching them the story, he equipped them to lead the church as it became a global reality. Today, leaders can use the same tools Jesus offered for this movement to thrive in communities emerging this Spring.

Apr 24, 202020:02
Spring Surge...Preparing for Pentecost--A Covidian Easter

Spring Surge...Preparing for Pentecost--A Covidian Easter

With the current Covid-19 Crisis our congregations and faith leaders have had to adapt ministry both digitally and through social distancing. How can we create a vision beyond Easter Sunday (one of our biggest attendance and outreach days). Pentecost would be the end of May and the time when many countries would begin to experience a Business Surge as well as a Spring Surge.

The resurrection of Jesus happened with or without the faith of the disciples. It happened through the power of God. Yet this resurrection is a key component to the Christian Faith. Is the Christian Faith a Good Philosophy or A Reflection of the Power of God? How can we become witnesses of this miraculous event? 

Apr 24, 202022:27
Spring Surge...Preparing for Pentecost--Faces at the Cross

Spring Surge...Preparing for Pentecost--Faces at the Cross

With the current Covid-19 Crisis our congregations and faith leaders have had to adapt ministry both digitally and through social distancing. As I stepped into a new role as director for Kairos Church Planting I found that our church planters adapted well, but had to create a vision beyond Easter Sunday (one of our biggest attendance and outreach days). Pentecost would be the end of May and the time when many countries would begin to experience a Business Surge as well as a Spring Surge. 

Good Friday is a day that many set aside to reflect on the crucifixion of Jesus. However, it is a true and historical event that transformed lives and offers us a new view of ourselves, Jesus, and God.

Apr 24, 202020:31
Jesus Unleashed 4 Christmas: Angels, Shepherds, and a Raggety Baby

Jesus Unleashed 4 Christmas: Angels, Shepherds, and a Raggety Baby

While our traditional view of the Jesus in the manger may be romanticized by lights, clean straw, worshipping animals, and holy shepherds...the story was much more simple, unimpressive, and a sign for outcasts who needed hope.

Dec 13, 201914:56
Jesus Unleashed 4 Christmas: Mary and Elizabeth

Jesus Unleashed 4 Christmas: Mary and Elizabeth

What would it have been like to be in the room where Mary and Elizabeth shared their miraculous stories of their pregnancies. Both women knew what it was like to be marginalized--and both women lived with a promise that their sons would change the world.

Dec 13, 201915:32
Jesus Unleashed 4 Christmas: Zechariah and the Angel

Jesus Unleashed 4 Christmas: Zechariah and the Angel

While Luke's Gospel begins and ends at the temple, it suggests that the Christian movement was not only divine, but an act of God. However, this movement began with the promise that a child would prepare the way for the Lord. How did Luke prepare Theophilus for his journey through the life of Jesus? How did John prepare the people to meet God? How can we prepare people for this Holiday Season and an experience of the living Christ?

Dec 04, 201915:19
Jesus Unleashed 4 Christmas: Dear Theophilus

Jesus Unleashed 4 Christmas: Dear Theophilus

Luke’s Gospel is the story of the Jesus movement for a wealthy reader. During the Holiday season Luke seeks to persuade the reader to see this movement as a simple relationship with God. Today, we must remember the Holiday season as a simple relationship with a loving God instead of “stuff.”
Dec 04, 201916:55
An Old Man's Wish: Discipleship and Deuteronomy

An Old Man's Wish: Discipleship and Deuteronomy

As Moses ends his life, he is allowed to see the promised land. His life was a struggle and yet, during the final days, he reflects on his walk with Yahweh, and the love God has shown people. Today, discipleship is similar--we are called to walk with God, wrestle in faith, and see our Lord face to face. 

Nov 22, 201928:07
Tending Sheep and Goats

Tending Sheep and Goats

At Agape we are often asked "Why do you emphasize social justice so much?" Others might ask why we are so passionate concerning ministries to the houseless, victims of abuse, those in trafficking or sex industry, and vulnerable people. 

In a world where many faith based institutions can become focused on reaching the wealthy, powerful, or famous--the parable of the Sheep and Goats (Matthew 25:31-46) challenges us to value ministry to the vulnerable, Jesus' brothers and sisters, and be ready to stand before the throne of the Son of Man.

Nov 12, 201925:25
Called From the Tent

Called From the Tent

We begin our yearly reading plan with Genesis, but quickly become discouraged when we reach Leviticus. Why? Because we view this work as a list of detailed rules of "thou shalts" and "thou shalt nots" or deep discussions for the priestly tribes. However, the Hebrew title "Yahweh called to Moses from the tent..." reminds us that this book offers us insight into our relationship with God. What does it mean to be "called by God?" "What is holinesss?" and "What is worship?" are all questions that help us not only understand this book, but understand our relationship with Yahweh.

Nov 01, 201917:51
God Speaks in the Tent

God Speaks in the Tent

The book known as Numbers is not simply a book of "numbers," stories of violence, and threats to the reader. The book is known as "Yahweh spoke to Moses inside the tent..." In this story God not only offers intimacy for all of us, but encourages us to hope for this same intimacy in the lives of others.

Nov 01, 201921:27
Why Care About IPV?

Why Care About IPV?

In our training and work with the community we observe that many faith communities neglect confrontation of abusive personalities and abandon those suffering abuse. In addition to this many Christian leaders and Christians ask, "Why should we care? Is this really an issue that Jesus has called us to address?"

Oct 25, 201916:05
IPV Awareness Month 4: The Rape of Dinah

IPV Awareness Month 4: The Rape of Dinah

In Genesis 34 Jacob's daughter was raped by a neighboring prince. While Biblical scholars for centuries have debated whether Dinah was raped, or caught in a love affair, their discussion is very similar to our ongoing debates concerning consent, force, and oppression. The recent #MeToo movement not only calls us to awareness that males have, from the beginning of time, continually overpowered our sisters while silencing their voice. Moral leadership is needing in both ancient and modern times.

Oct 04, 201919:37
IPV Awareness Month 3: Dealing With a Father In Law

IPV Awareness Month 3: Dealing With a Father In Law

In Genesis we find a woman, named Tamar, who has been manipulated by men--but God intervenes and calls us to protect, support, and intervene as well.

Oct 04, 201916:15
IPV Awareness Month 1: Is Intimate Partner Violence a Biblical Issue

IPV Awareness Month 1: Is Intimate Partner Violence a Biblical Issue

October is Domestic Violence Awareness month, or IPV (Intimate Partner Violence). In our work with local, state, and government agencies we have often heard that faith communities not only contribute to the problem of addressing and confronting abuse, but leaders are often ill equipped to help those oppressed by controlling and abusive behavior. Even more we hear many, many stories of faith leaders using the Sacred texts to keep women from leaving or finding safety from their abusive partners. 

Do the Sacred texts teach that individuals have the right to use violence to oppress their partners?

Does God stand on the side of the abusers or offenders?

Does Jesus call leaders to protect the vulnerable and confront oppressors?

In this 4 part series we will explore the Biblical text and it's application to those struggling to be free from intimate partner violence, oppression, and manipulation.

Oct 04, 201918:06