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Run Hard Mom Hard

Run Hard Mom Hard

By Nikki Parnell & Stef Wenninger

Presented by Treeline Journal. We're looking at the ins and outs of what it takes to be a mother who runs ultra marathons. We'll dive into the challenges mothers face while training and racing ultras. We hope to be an encouragement to women who are balancing life with kids and all the miles. It's not easy, but women keep showing up again and again to run, take care of themselves, and show this sport new levels of strength and grit.
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20. Erika Litzer on Collegiate Swimming, River Guiding, Ski Patrolling and Ultrarunning

Run Hard Mom HardAug 14, 2020

100 | Megan DeHaan: Ranch Life, Running, and Directing Races

100 | Megan DeHaan: Ranch Life, Running, and Directing Races

In this episode we get a chance to speak with Megan DeHaan, a mother, rancher, ultrarunner, and race director. Megan shares her unique journey from her first-ever race postpartum to directing the challenging Crazy Mountain 100 ultramarathon in Montana. Balancing life on a ranch with her passion for running, Megan discusses the realities of motherhood, ranch life, and the thrill of ultrarunning. Her story is a testament to the strength and resilience of running moms everywhere.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Motherhood and Running: Megan highlights how running helped her combat postpartum depression and find a community.
  2. Ranch Life: Insights into the demanding yet rewarding lifestyle of ranching in Montana, including balancing work with running and family life.
  3. Ultramarathon Journey: From her first trail race to directing her own 100-mile race, Megan's ultrarunning story is filled with determination and adventure.
  4. Race Directing Challenges: Behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to organize an ultramarathon in the rugged Montana mountains.
  5. Community and Support: The importance of community in both the running and ranching worlds, showcasing how support systems are crucial for success.
Feb 09, 202401:04:59
99 | Rachel Drake: Motherhood, Ultra Marathons, and Staying Positive

99 | Rachel Drake: Motherhood, Ultra Marathons, and Staying Positive

Welcome to another episode of Run Hard Mom Hard! Our guest, Rachel Drake, shares her insightful journey through pregnancy, postpartum, and her return to competitive trail running. As a professional athlete sponsored by Nike Trail, Osprey, and Spring Energy while simultaneously pursuing a Ph.D., Rachel opens up about the challenges and triumphs of being a mother, athlete, and student.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Mom Guilt and Training: Rachel talks about the reality of mom guilt in training and balancing family life with her passion for running.
  2. Training Through Pregnancy and Postpartum: She shares her experiences training during and after pregnancy, including dealing with injuries and adapting her routine.
  3. Professional and Personal Balance: Rachel discusses how she balances her professional commitments with her personal life, emphasizing the importance of taking care of oneself.
  4. Future Goals and Races: She shares her upcoming goals, including her aspiration to participate in the Western States 100 and her training approach for the Black Canyons race.

Notable Quotes:

  1. "It's important to trust your body and intuition postpartum; don't rush the process." - Rachel Drake
  2. "Having kids does make you a better athlete in a lot of different ways." - Rachel Drake
  3. "It's okay not to 'bounce back'; embrace the journey of getting to know your new body." - Rachel Drake

Links Mentioned in Episode:

Rachel Drake's story is a powerful testimony to the strength and resilience of mother-runners. Her journey offers valuable insights and inspiration to mothers who are navigating the complex world of parenting and pursuing their passions in running and beyond.

----------- Subscribe to Run Hard Mom Hard for more inspiring stories. Share your own experiences and thoughts on this episode using #RunHardMomHard on social media. Stay tuned for our next episode!

Jan 12, 202455:04
98 | Breaking Records and Chasing Dreams: Nicole's Epic Win at Travelers

98 | Breaking Records and Chasing Dreams: Nicole's Epic Win at Travelers

Nicole is a mom, dental hygienist, and passionate ultra runner. She has completed four 100-mile races in the last 2 years, including the Arkansas Traveler 100 where she set a new course record - beating Ann Trasons record! Nicole is definetely someone to keep your eye on because she's taking this sport to a new height

Nicole shares her journey as a mom and ultra runner, discussing how she got started in running and her transition to longer-distance races. She provides insights into her training and preparation for the Arkansas Traveler 100, where she set a new course record. Nicole also shares her experiences during the race, including the challenges she faced and the mental strategies she used to stay focused. She offers valuable advice for moms who want to get into ultra running, emphasizing the importance of finding balance and not comparing oneself to others.​

Key Takeaways:

  • Nicole's love for running began in college and gradually evolved into a passion for longer-distance races.
  • She prioritizes effort and fueling during both training and races.
  • Nicole faced challenges with hydration and the urge to pee during the Arkansas Traveler 100.
  • She recommends getting a coach and finding training partners to make the ultra-running journey more enjoyable.
  • Nicole emphasizes the significance of not comparing oneself to others and finding joy in the process of running.


  • "No matter if you were winning or if you were dead last, do you still love it? Would you still be choosing this? And the answer is yes." - Nicole
  • "You have to compete with the best to be your best." - Nicole
  • "It's not about the pace, it's about the effort." - Nicole
Dec 08, 202356:46
97 | 100 Miler(s) Recap

97 | 100 Miler(s) Recap

Today, we have a special announcement - Ashley Nordell is going to be a guest host while Nikki is studying overseas! We're going to miss Nikki so much, but SHE WILL BE BACK!

On the podcast today, Ashley and Stef are talking about their 100 milers or attempts at one. Listen in to get all the details!

Nov 17, 202350:49
96 | Catching Up with Stef & Nikki

96 | Catching Up with Stef & Nikki

We're here this week with some life updates - Nikki's upcoming move to the UK, Stef's daughter's health struggles, and we also hear about Stef's latest 50 mile race and how her training is going for her upcoming 100miler in September! Tune in and enjoy! Lots of love to you all out there today!

Aug 25, 202350:01
95 | Martha Slocomb on Running as a Spiritual & Mindful Practice

95 | Martha Slocomb on Running as a Spiritual & Mindful Practice

We’re back this week with an awesome conversation with Martha Slocomb - an ultrarunner, mom, ordained minister, and yoga instructor out of Omaha, Nebraska! We talk with Martha about (all the) things like how she became who she is today, the integrated connection between body and soul, and how “we were made to run - mind, body, spirit” because of the healthy, rejuvenating place it puts us in as humans. Martha shares a saying from yoga, “May all beings benefit from this practice”, which can be applied to our running and how it is a ripple effect. If you do something that makes you feel whole and calm, everyone you interact with afterwards will benefit from your calmness and maybe become more regulated themselves. We also hear how running can be a spiritual and mindful practice by shifting our attention to the present, slowing our breathing, and being curious and noticing (not judging) what is around us and the feelings inside our bodies. While training and racing, we can take our focus off achievement -  instead, tuning into gratitude and seeing races as opportunities, recognizing that not all opportunities work out or can be taken as parents but opportunities flow and we can believe that more will come down the road.  We also hear about some of Martha’s FKT endeavors and she encourages women to get out and try it - especially routes that have never been logged by a woman (you don’t have to be fast, you just have to be first)! They are fun, low pressure challenges that set the stage for other women doing FKTs too.  It was really enjoyable having a chance to reflect on our relationship with running, ponder why we do it and wonder how we could be more intentional about it. Huge thank you to Martha for giving us her time and wisdom! 

Resources: Calm appTonies meditations for kids Balance app with kid meditations Circle round stories/ podcast Cosmic Kids YogaHunt, Gather, Parent book Snoop dogg meditations/affirmations song

Sponsors: Treeline Coffee - pick up a bag of our YOU GOT THIS coffee blend KÜHL - check out their lightweight, technical outdoor clothing! We love their water resistant Weekendr Tight for anything and anywhere!

Jul 28, 202301:25:26
94 | Melissa Boisvenue on Running with Grief, and Much More

94 | Melissa Boisvenue on Running with Grief, and Much More

This week we get to talk with Melissa - a Canadian ultrarunner and mom of two living babies and one, Baby Googoo, in the heavens

Melissa connects with people on and off the trail who are living with grief. She is a great resource and advocate for women that have experienced pregnancy and infant loss - or grief of any kind (as Melissa says, though our stories might not look the same it doesn’t mean our feelings aren’t relatable). She is creating the kinds of safe spaces where women can talk about loss, find support for mental health and stop apologizing for crying when they’re sad. As moms, we can feel the need to protect our children and the people around us, often times from our own feelings when in actuality it’s ok to be sad and honest about our emotions and it shows our kids that they have permission to be human and feel all their feelings too. Melissa reminds us that grief and happiness can coexist and she shares how she has found healing through trail running, learning to trust her body again and reuniting with her Algonquin Métis roots that encourage her to be more present and a part of the interconnectedness of nature.

Melissa finds a way to dig in and help with things she’s passionate about. What I mean, is that she is an ultra runner, but also became the VP of the Association of Canadian Ultramarathoners supporting Canadian athletes. She suffered pregnancy loss, but also heads the social media and marketing team for the Pregnancy And Infant Loss Support Centre in Canada. You get the gist, she’s a mover and a shaker and doing amazing things that reach out into many communities! 

A huge thank you to Melissa for being vulnerable with us and inviting us into the hard and beautiful parts of humanity! Listen wherever you find your podcasts, don’t forget to share this one with anyone else who might need these powerful messages! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Follow Melissa on Instagram

Check out Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Centre (counseling is free even for people in the US!!)

Book Recommendations from Melissa:

Braiding Sweetgrass 

We Are Water Protectors

Pick up a bag of our YOU GOT THIS coffee from Treeline Coffee using code RUNHARD10 for 10% off your order!

Jun 16, 202301:05:44
93 | When Things Don't Go According to Plan with Ashley Nordell
May 26, 202301:14:43
92 | Podcast Updates with Nikki and Stef!

92 | Podcast Updates with Nikki and Stef!

Hi all!! We are back and here with some podcast updates, life updates and updates from the mother runner world lately! We’re so happy to be back chatting and are excited for more to come!
May 12, 202339:27
91 | Whitney Heins from The Mother Runners on Marathons, Reframing Disappointment and Returning from Injury

91 | Whitney Heins from The Mother Runners on Marathons, Reframing Disappointment and Returning from Injury

Hi Friends!! Between Stef’s big camping trip and Nikki’s international move (updates in the episode) it’s been another long minute since posting a new podcast episode but we finally (!!) have a conversation to share this week! Hooray!

We chat with Whitney Heins - a speedy marathoner, running coach and the founder of The Mother Runners, an inclusive and uplifting community of... well, people like us! Mothers and runners! Whitney started this online space for moms out of a desire to learn more about how to wear these two hats and it has become a remarkable resource for women who are still showing up for themselves in the form of running after having kids.

In this episode Whitney shares her learnings from racing CIM in December and helpful mental processing when a race doesn’t quite go as planned. She talks about reframing disappointment, having big goals while at the same time making peace with the chance of failing and teaching our kids about how to grow from setbacks. Whitney has come off of three years of injuries too and shares a compassionate perspective on what that’s like for anyone who is facing injury.

We loved our time with Whitney and are thankful for what she’s doing in our sport! A woman supporting women! Search “Run Hard Mom Hard” on your preferred podcast platform to listen in! Enjoy!

Show Notes:

Find The Mother Runners: online & follow on Instagram!

Go to Treeline Coffee and get 10% off of the most delicious and necessary mom fuel out there with code RUNHARD10

Feb 17, 202301:19:58
90 | Erika Hoagland on Western States, Pregnancy Deferrals, Fear of Change & Embracing the Runner You are Right Now

90 | Erika Hoagland on Western States, Pregnancy Deferrals, Fear of Change & Embracing the Runner You are Right Now

This week we had the pleasure of talking with Erika Hoagland! Erika was previously the editor for Ultrarunning Magazine and today she still writes a column called I Am An Ultrarunner as well as she owns a cookie company (she makes the most beautiful cookies), she is a mom and she trains for and races ultras. We chat about the joys and insanities of motherhood, her journey through child birth and her consistent racing through the years. Erika ran Western States this year after using the pregnancy deferral when she had her daughter in 2017. She explains her experience, how it works and why it’s so important in our sport to allow moms the freedom of not having to choose between racing and growing their family. Briefly, here’s how it works: if you raced your way into Western States or had your name drawn in the lottery but you are pregnant or get pregnant before the race and feel like it’s not the best time to be running 100 miles, you can defer your race to another year when you’re more ready to run without any punishment of loosing your place in this race that is so difficult to get into. This allows mothers to do what is best for their bodies and families (Hallelujah).

Erika shares about her race at Western States this year and the fears, anxieties and stresses she carried with her in training and the race itself. She didn’t have the race she hoped for and it brought about some heavy emotions that she has processed and thankfully shared with us because her words were so relatable and life-giving to the rest of us (at least for Stef and I!) As humans, and especially as moms, we can tend to compare our past selves to our current selves and cringe when we don’t feel like we’re “back” to where we once were athletically. We can intertwine our self-worth with our race times and be saddened by unmet expectations. But Erika is moving forward and embracing the runner she is right now, ditching the stress of outcomes and finding joy in ultra running. We loved our time with Erika and are so inspired by her! Listen to this episode by searching “Run Hard Mom Hard” wherever you get your podcasts! Don’t forget to subscribe to the pod and share this with your fellow mother runners! Thank you!!

Show Notes:

Erika Hoagland

Erika's seriously gorgeous cookie business: Rosebud Cookies

Ultrarunning Magazine - such a staple in our sport!

Western States Pregnancy Deferral

Our sponsor: Treeline Coffee - Get 10% off the most delicious mom fuel and joy with code RUNHARD10 

Dec 16, 202201:20:04
89 | Heidi Strickler on Moms, Kids, Food & Body Image

89 | Heidi Strickler on Moms, Kids, Food & Body Image

This week we have Heidi Strickler on the podcast again (if you didn’t tune in for episode 44 back in 2020 you should listen to that one too)! Heidi is our favorite Sports Dietitian - she specializes in nutrition for endurance female athletes, RED-S, amenorrhea, disordered eating and more. Today we discuss how we as parents can talk about food and body image in a healthy way with our kids! We learn about body neutrality (“our bodies are the skin suits that allow us to experience life” as Heidi says), body positivity when appropriate, steering away from the mindset that our bodies have anything to do with our worth as a human, and how to set kind and/or firm boundaries with other people who comment on our kids’ bodies. Heidi emphasizes how we can communicate the benefits of our kids eating complete meals but how all foods can fit within that and how we can move past many of the food shaming and negative judgments of certain foods we hold onto (ex: listen in to hear how Luna Bars compare with Pop Tarts)! We also hear about Heidi’s personal experience with an eating disorder, how she extends freedom and permission to herself in her recovery and offers the same freedom and permission to us as well, and we’re so appreciative.

This was an incredibly helpful conversation for us and we hope it brings insight and inspiration to you too! Just remember, we won’t do this perfectly, but trying to be intentional, maybe breaking some negative intergenerational cycles where we can, and embracing the little teachable moments with our kids goes a long way towards raising healthy, confident, self-loving humans!

Show Notes:

Follow Heidi on Instagram!

Two Book resources from Nikki written by Hillary McBride:

The Wisdom of Your Body (AMAZING)

Mothers, Daughters and Body Image (Only a couple chapters in, still AMAZING)

Use code RUNHARD10 to get 10% off delicious Treeline Coffee… because a cup of coffee is basically a cup of vegetables (**refer to the conversation in this episode) and the best way to start your day 

Nov 25, 202201:14:47
88 | Jodi Fisher on Go Guarded and Running Safety for Women

88 | Jodi Fisher on Go Guarded and Running Safety for Women

This week we talk with Jodi Fisher - a mother, a runner and the founder of Go Guarded, which is a company dedicated to empowering active individuals with self-defense tools. Unfortunately we live in a world where all women have known fear and we must take our safety seriously, even or especially when we're running. Go Guarded makes products that are one of the many layers of self-defense we can protect ourselves with. There are rings with serrated blades and handheld tools that come with a blade, personal alarms, and/or pepper spray. Each piece is designed with convenience, comfort, effectiveness and affordability in mind to give runners those couple seconds they need to get away from a scary situation. We also talk about the importance of equipping ourselves with knowledge, awareness and confidence that comes with self-defense classes and other ways women can protect themselves. 

We love that Jodi started this business and is helping women feel a little more prepared while doing the things they love, like running and being outside! Check out her website linked in the show notes to learn more and to read through many useful safety resources! Don't forget to subscribe to this podcast and share this one with other mother runners! Y'all stay safe out there!

Show Notes:

Go Guarded

Follow Go Guarded on Instagram

Stef has a Run Angel which is another type of safety tool for runners

We talk about some fun earings Stef has, check them out!  

Grab a bag or coffee subscription at Treeline Coffee and get 10% off delicious mom fuel with code RUNHARD10

Nov 18, 202201:07:48
87 | Rest
Nov 11, 202242:49
86 | Manifesting Your Dreams
Nov 04, 202243:46
85 | Stef's 50 M Race Recap & Nikki's Move to Costa Rica
Sep 16, 202201:03:51
84 | Kids, Life, Training and Costa Rica with Nikki & Stef
Aug 11, 202233:58
83 | Jennifer McConachie on Going Far

83 | Jennifer McConachie on Going Far

This week we had the pleasure of chatting with Jennifer McConachie - an inspiring multi endurance sport adventurer, author and mother. Jennifer has done some amazing things - like raced ultras on 5 of the 7 continents, climbed several of The Seven Summits, swam the Hellespont from Europe to Asia, done stage races, adventure races, and recently created and completed a 100 mile paddle down the Missouri River - just to name a few!

She immerses herself in the places she goes - learning as much as she can before a big trip - reading the literature, studying the culture. She’s driven to push herself outside her comfort zone and to find and be the best version of herself. Jennifer says ultra experiences are like parenting experiences condensed so the mental strength for both of them mirror each other. One of the mindsets she carries with her in endurance sports and motherhood is that how you feel now is not how you’re going to feel later - a powerful reminder to give yourself time, space and grace in the low moments of an ultra event or while parenting!! It WILL turn around.

It was such a joy talking with Jennifer and getting inspired to go do an adventure - near or far! Enjoy this episode and check the show notes for how to find a copy of her book, “Go Far: How Endurance Sports Help You Win At Life”! Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast and share this with your circle! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Find Jennifer on Instagram

Jennifer’s website

Jennifer’s Book

Grab a bag of Treeline Coffee and use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off your order of delicious mom fuel!

Jul 01, 202201:03:15
82 | Ladia Albertson-Junkans Part 2: Motherhood and Canyons 100k

82 | Ladia Albertson-Junkans Part 2: Motherhood and Canyons 100k

We have Ladia on the podcast again this week for part two! Ladia opens up our conversation with a bang by challenging the prescribed narratives we feel we have to fit into as women and mothers in this place and time in society. For example, the “bouncing back” culture we experience after having babies and seeing body changes as a disservice to the other parts of our life (including running) often does not honor what we go through or how we want to embrace the growth we can find in that space. Ladia says, “but I don’t want to go backwards. I don’t need to be the person I was yesterday or ten years ago…. Whether in pregnancy and postpartum or not, that’s not what I’m trying to move towards. I want to embrace who I am, where I am, today and every day moving forward.” We ponder how to find, process and represent our true experiences with language that will free us and others from societal expectations. The things we go through shape us and we can hone the power of that growth and channel it when facing hard things (like ultra running and motherhood). We talk about the need for mothers to have space to talk candidly about their struggles without being dismissed or having to prove their gratitude of being a mother and the importance as mothers to show our kids our full humanity. Ladia mentions, “The most important thing we do as mothers is be ourselves”.

Ladia shares a little about her birth and feeling the contrast of grief from losing her best friend, Gabriele Grunewald, while looking forward to new life through her son Gabriel (named after Gabe of course!). We hear about how Ladia moved through the early postpartum days when building up running in a way that showed kindness to her body and honored her emotions and anxiety of leaving her baby for long runs. AND! We hear about her INCREDIBLE 4th place finish at Canyons 100k in April! From funny stories to positive energy to trail beauty to racing as a way to feel connection amidst the loneliness of motherhood to numb legs to oozing poison oak, it was so fun to hear Ladia tell the race day tales.

We were so lucky to be in Ladia’s presence again and we hope you enjoy this episode! Don’t forget to subscribe and share this with your people! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Find Ladia on Instagram

Check out the Brave Like Gabe Foundation and read more about who Gabe was and how you can support their mission to raise money for rare cancer research!

Brave Like Gabe 5k is happening on June 25th, 2022!! Don’t miss it - sign up and run it wherever you are while being connected to a greater purpose and all the Brave Like Gabe community.

This episode is sponsored by Treeline Coffee - a woman owned business out of Bozeman, MT who ethically source all their coffee beans from sustainable and socially responsible farms. Use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off your order of the most delicious (and necessary) mom fuel! It is liquid encouragement in a cup, no lie.

Jun 03, 202201:30:09
Episode 81 | Ladia Albertson-Junkans Part 1: Being Human

Episode 81 | Ladia Albertson-Junkans Part 1: Being Human

This week we had the privilege of talking with Ladia Albertson-Junkans on the podcast! Ladia is a data analyst, runner for Brooks, FKT holder, Olympic Marathon Trials Runner, Western States finisher, Chuckanut winner (twice), etc, mom of a 17 month old and a really beautiful soul. We set out to talk with her about her recent 4th place finish at Canyons 100k in April but we honestly didn’t even make it to that (hence why this is part one)! There were just too many other things we needed to learn from Ladia about being human, living life fully and holding space for all the paradoxes of life - the beauty and the heartbreak.

We loved Ladia’s perspective on competition- how it is an opportunity for connection with others, a chance to surprise yourself, how it doesn’t need to be adversarial and how you can bring others along with you when racing. When you open your journey up to fellow competitors and they do the same, it allows for all of us to be invested in each other - where one person’s victory is everyone’s joy.

We hear about her dear and deep friendship with the late Gabe Grunewald who passed away in 2019 from a rare cancer and how Ladia’s life has been impacted forever from that. Gabe found a way to adjust to every interruption as it came, not fighting the circumstances of her cancer but continually fighting for the things that made her feel alive. Gabe was brimming with self-love and self-respect so she could give love away endlessly to others. She kept trying (most obviously through running as she was a professional runner through her whole 10 year cancer journey (!!!)) and she set the example for all of us to not give up on the things that bring you joy when life gets hard. (See show notes for Brave Like Gabe Foundation information!)

Ladia also put motherhood into powerful words when she said, “There’s something to grieve every moment and something to rejoice in every moment and sometimes I’m struck by how those two things not just coexist but almost belong together and are inseparable.” It’s a tough feeling to describe but we think all parents know this to be true!

Huge heartfelt thank you to Ladia for all she shared with us and her generosity in agreeing to do a part two (stay tuned)!  Enjoy it and don’t forget to share this with someone else who could use these words today!

Show Notes:

Find Ladia on Instagram

If you want to hear more from Ladia, listen to some other podcasts she’s been on where she shares more inspiring and touching stories:


Ginger Runner Live

Ali On The Run

Check out the Brave Like Gabe Foundation and read more about who Gabe was and how you can support their mission to raise money for rare cancer research!

Brave Like Gabe 5k is happening on June 25th, 2022!! Don’t miss it - sign up and run it wherever you are while being connected to a greater purpose and all the Brave Like Gabe community.

This episode is sponsored by Treeline Coffee - a woman owned business out of Bozeman, MT who ethically source all their coffee beans from sustainable and socially responsible farms. Use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off your order of the most delicious (and necessary) mom fuel! It is liquid encouragement in a cup, no lie.

May 27, 202201:51:36
80 | Nikki & Stef Talk Race Recaps & Life Updates

80 | Nikki & Stef Talk Race Recaps & Life Updates

We recently tackled some trail races so we share how those went as well as some general life happenings! Tune in if so inclined! :) 

And as usual, you can subscribe to this podcast wherever you listen and sign up for our Treeline Journal Newsletter so you don't miss future episodes! Cheers and happy running and momming!

Pick up a bag of our Run Hard Mom Hard Coffee Blend called YOU GOT THIS from Treeline Coffee Roasters! Use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off your order!

Apr 22, 202238:36
79 | Brittany DeRoche on Beating Cancer and Heart Failure
Apr 01, 202201:47:22
78 | Julie Urbanski on a Nomadic Family Existence

78 | Julie Urbanski on a Nomadic Family Existence

This week on the podcast we talk with Julie Urbanski - a mom of two, co-founder of Team RunRun with her husband Matt, seriously epic world traveler and triple crown thru-hiker! Team RunRun is an awesome run coaching company that helps pair athletes with coaches and Julie shares what is important in a coaching/athlete relationship and how having a coach can really benefit your whole family by making training and racing a more successful experience.

Julie and Matt have traveled and lived all over the world and have hiked the PCT, CDT, CT and AT and now they bring their boys all over as well. Their first son visited 18 countries and 5 continents by the time he was 3. We get to hear valuable travel tips about how they’ve made a nomadic lifestyle work and how they travel with kids - pointing out that kids are hard anywhere (as Julie says, “it can be pure hell to have them in your house all day”) and view long travel days like an ultra - take it one step at a time and try to do each section as best as you can to get to the finish line. Julie shares her favorite places to travel with kids, how she and Matt train while abroad, how to travel light and how they navigate the pull between being close to family and adventuring in far away places. They were oversees for a couple years in New Zealand during the pandemic and we hear about what that was like!

Julie describes her experience becoming a mom and the immediate understanding she found for other parents, what recovery was like from a C-section and then V-back and the difficulties with returning to running postpartum. Julie is so relatable and we received so many chunks of wisdom from her stories about all aspects of life! Fair warning: this is a long episode and it may make you want to sell all your possessions and travel the world. Just a heads up! Listen to this episode by clicking the link below or searching “Run Hard Mom Hard” on your preferred podcast platform! Don’t forget to subscribe and share!

Show Notes:

Find Julie on Instagram

Check out Team RunRun

Read more about Julie’s family travels on their blog

Find Julie’s books about through hiking!

Buy a Breville Espresso machine (Julie’s favorite thing)

And while you’re at it, fill that espresso machine with Treeline Coffee - use discount code RUNHARD 10 for 10% off your order!

Mar 11, 202201:58:26
77 | Allison Baca on Doing Your Best, Trying New Things and Becoming a Mom

77 | Allison Baca on Doing Your Best, Trying New Things and Becoming a Mom

This week we have Allison Baca on the podcast! Allison is an amazing athlete - she’s done triathlons and cycling races all over the world and is currently a professional runner for Salomon, in addition to being a mom to her almost 11 month old son. We talk about all the things - how pregnancy helped her overcome some of the restrictive diet cultures she experienced in collegiate running and cycling, the nerve-wracking emotions found in pregnancy and the early postpartum days, the feelings of brokenness after having a c-section, how she manages life and training with her husband who is also an athlete and so much more! Allison and her family are super active and adventurous - her husband is from Mexico so they’ve traveled a lot with their son and they’re checking off peaks in the Colorado mountains when they can. Throughout her stories she reminds us of the power of pivoting when something isn’t going right in life and to keep trying new things cause you never know where life will take you. Focus on doing your best and the decisions you make in life / motherhood / running will be right for you!

We loved chatting with Allison - she’s hilarious and her descriptions of what so many of us go through in motherhood are so relatable!! Give this episode a listen by clicking the link below or search “Run Hard Mom Hard” wherever you get your podcasts! Don’t forget to subscribe and share this one with your community! Thank you!!

Show Notes:

Find Allison on Instagram

Allison’s Website

Kidrunner Stroller we talked about

Coatimundi - Cute animal found in Mexico

Use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off the best, most delicious mom fuel from Treeline Coffee!

Mar 04, 202201:48:19
76 |Jessi Morton-Langehaug on Long Races and a Rectocele Recovery Journey

76 |Jessi Morton-Langehaug on Long Races and a Rectocele Recovery Journey

This week we have Jessi Morton-Langehaug back on the podcast! If you didn’t catch her remarkable story last time, go back and listen to episode 36. During this episode we chat with her about what she’s been up to in 2021 including races like Cocodona 250 and Tahoe 200 as well as a recent postpartum issue and surgery she just went through. Birth trauma from 8 years ago gave Jessi a rectocele (a type of prolapse that affects the supportive wall of tissue between the rectum and vaginal wall) that had been causing her extreme pain, annoying symptoms and made life and running so much harder. She shares how she found answers, made the decision to do surgery to fix the problem and how recovery was tough but she now has gotten her life back because of it. It can be a lonely and depressing place to be when you’re dealing with issues that can be embarrassing to talk about but the more women like Jessi who share their experiences the more women won’t feel quite as alone if they find themselves in a hard spot - particularly after child birth. Jessi is an advocate for being in charge of your own health and conversations like this bring our mom community together while taking the shame out of talking about our bodies and the real problems we experience! Huge thank you to Jessi for sharing her story! To listen, click the link below or search “Run Hard Mom Hard” on your preferred podcast platform! Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast and share this with anyone out there who might need to hear it! Thank you!!

Pick up a bag or coffee subscription of our Run Hard Mom Hard blend from Treeline Coffee! Use Code RUNHARD10 for 10% off!

Feb 18, 202201:29:29
75 | Annika Brubaker on Overcoming and Ultrarunning
Feb 04, 202201:39:11
74 | Stef’s Coros Apex Watch Review

74 | Stef’s Coros Apex Watch Review

This week Stef gives us the low down on her Coros Apex running watch and why she chose that over other brands! Technology is truly amazing these days and it’s fun to hear what watches can do for us and our adventures! Give it a listen - especially if you’re finding yourself in need of a new watch!

Head to Treeline Coffee to pick up a bag or subscription of our You Got This blend and use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off! Enjoy!

Jan 14, 202249:02
73 | Happy New Year!! (& Chit Chat with Nikki & Stef)
Dec 31, 202146:09
72 | For Moms Entering The Holiday Season
Dec 10, 202132:09
71 | Stef & Nikki's Postpartum Race Recaps!
Nov 19, 202139:13
70 | Lindsey Sexton on Cancer, 100 Miles & the Reminder to Keep Going

70 | Lindsey Sexton on Cancer, 100 Miles & the Reminder to Keep Going

This week we have a super inspiring story shared by Lindsey Sexton - an ultra runner, a mom of three, a school nurse, a preschool/elementary school cross-country coach, and a recent cancer survivor and 100 mile finisher!

Lindsey decided to tackle No Business 100 this October (jumping to 100 miles from only running a 50k prior, because why waste any time if she knew ultimately she wanted to run a 100?!). Her training was interrupted however by a devastating breast cancer diagnosis and a double mastectomy. It was an emotional time and surgery required recovery and restricted movement but she was able to continue training (doing a 30 mile run 5 weeks post op)! Lindsey took us through No Business 100 - from the emotional start line, to all the beauty of the course, to the foot trauma and toe juice, to the even more emotional finish line. Her story is a testament to how we can carry ourselves through hard things, find the silver linings even amidst the bumps we hit along our life journeys and the hope we can find if we just keep going.

Give this encouraging episode a listen and don’t forget to subscribe and share this with your community! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Big Thanks to our sponsors: Treeline Coffee – They are a women owned, ethically sourced coffee roastery that makes exquisite coffee including our “You Got This” coffee blend! Pick up a bag and use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off!

Colorado Virtual Distance Challenge put on by Colorado Brewery Running Series – sign up now for the Holiday Edition through November and December and get prizes for how many miles you log! Sign up and use code RUNHARDMOMHARD for 10% off registration!

Nov 12, 202101:33:02
69 | Kinzie Eckstein on Mental Health for Moms

69 | Kinzie Eckstein on Mental Health for Moms

This week on the podcast we have Kinzie Eckstein - a mental health occupational therapist, life coach, yoga teacher, and creator of Mindful Mamas, a program designed to empower moms to live with intention and purpose in their day to day lives. This episode was full of ah-ha moments where Kinzie explained so well what we go through as moms and runners in a new way - from sensory overwhelm to the physiological, hormonal, and self-identity changes we go through as women to why the expectations we used to put on ourselves no longer apply now that we’re moms to why running is literal medicine. She talks about how our brains change in motherhood, how we can develop mind-body strategies to manage our stress and self-regulate, what is happening in our bodies when we get stuck in a fight or freeze headspace (and how to prevent or comeback from that place), how we can pave more pathways for positive thoughts in our brains, and SO MUCH MORE!!

It’s pretty mind blowing stuff in our opinions and we guarantee you’ll feel seen and encouraged by all that Kinzie shared with us! Give this episode a listen! Don’t forget to subscribe and share this one with all the mamas you know (regardless of whether they run or not)! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Kinzie’s website for OT, Life Coaching, & Yoga classes

Find Kinzie on Instagram

Big Thanks to our sponsors:

Treeline Coffee – They are a women owned, ethically sourced coffee roastery that makes exquisite coffee including our “You Got This” coffee blend! Pick up a bag and use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off!

Colorado Virtual Distance Challenge put on by Colorado Brewery Running Series - sign up now for the Holiday Edition through November and December and get prizes for how many miles you log! Sign up and use code RUNHARDMOMHARD for 10% off registration!

Nov 05, 202101:27:15
68 | Jacky Hunt-Broersma on Ultrarunning as an Amputee

68 | Jacky Hunt-Broersma on Ultrarunning as an Amputee

This week we had the pleasure of talking with Jacky Hunt-Broersma! She is a mom of two and an ultra runner out of Arizona. Jacky is also an amputee and tells us about her journey of losing her leg to cancer, the process of becoming a runner, finding a running blade, training her brain to trust new equipment and proving the doubters wrong that thought amputees can’t run trails let alone ultra distances. Jacky is a world record holder for running 100 miles in under 24 hours, which she did on the treadmill (!!) and she recently trained for and started Moab 240 - she wasn’t able to finish the race due to some unforeseen events but still accomplished so much and has more big feats of endurance on the calendar!

Jacky is open and honest about her story and uses her experiences to help others by sharing resources so more amputees can get into the sport, helping with research on prosthetics for women and leading by example to show that anything is possible! She is so inspiring and encourages us to accept who we are, celebrate our strengths, and keep having the courage to show up and try.

Don’t forget to subscribe and share this episode’s joy and motivation with your running community! Thank you!!

Show Notes:

Follow Jacky on Instagram

Jacky’s website

Some Articles by Jacky:

In Runner’s World

Trail Runner Mag

Thanks to our sponsor, Treeline Coffee - They are a women owned, ethically sourced coffee roastery that makes exquisite coffee including our “You Got This” coffee blend! Pick up a bag and use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off!

Support Treeline Journal and Run Hard Mom Hard Pod on Patreon for as little as $2.00 a month! We’re a reader/listener supported site and couldn’t do this without you!

Check out Stef’s website for any podcast editing or website design needs!

Oct 29, 202101:25:21
67 | Haleigh Fisher on Mental Training

67 | Haleigh Fisher on Mental Training

This week we talk with Haleigh Fisher - an athlete counselor, artist, writer, first time mom and runner. She shares with us about her journey as a collegiate runner, her experience with an eating disorder and unhealthy cultures that can be found on sports teams and how that eventually led her to her purpose working with athletes and their mental health. 

Though a career aptitude test told her she should be a bartender, Haleigh now helps athletes with mental training in areas like goal setting, motivation, self-talk, reframing negative thoughts, perfectionism, redefining failure, identity and self worth in and out of sport, how mental and physical stress affect the body, eating disorders and body image, anxiety, depression, etc. Haleigh exudes compassion and looks holistically at the whole person to help people make positive changes in their lives. We also talk about how in running we often don’t know what the limiting factor is to our performance - is it mental or physical? The mind and body are so intertwined so it's important to work on both. Just as we physically train for races, Haleigh gives us some ways we can train our minds too. She also shares some of her experience in motherhood so far, including birth trauma and what she’s done to find healing.

Haleigh is a joy seeker and a joy spreader and we so appreciated everything she shared with us! This episode is full of great takeaways, especially if you’re a human and have ever had a mental struggle! Listen by clicking the link below or by searching “Run Hard Mom Hard” on your preferred podcast platform! Don’t forget to subscribe and share this goodness with your community! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Follow Haleigh on Instagram

Haleigh’s Counseling Website

Articles by Haleigh on Run Tri Bike Mag 

Articles Haleigh has contributed to in Trail Runner Mag on Sports Dependency & Mental Health During COVID

Thanks to our sponsor, Treeline Coffee! They are a women owned, ethically sourced coffee roastery that makes exquisite coffee including our “You Got This” coffee blend! Pick up a bag and use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off!

Oct 22, 202101:34:23
66 | Mini Motivation Episode: Confidence

66 | Mini Motivation Episode: Confidence

This week it’s Stef and I and we talk about confidence - the negative thoughts that run through our minds, when our confidence gets shaken, how we can grow our confidence and how we can raise confident kids! Give it a listen and enjoy! And we'd sure appreciate it if you would rate and review our podcast on whatever platform you get your podcasts. Thank you and happy Friday!

Oct 08, 202139:47
65 | Amanda Basham - Do What Works For You!

65 | Amanda Basham - Do What Works For You!

This week on the podcast we get to talk with Amanda Basham - professional ultra runner, coach and new parent to 8 month old Rylan with her partner Justin Grunewald. Amanda shares with us all about how she discovered running, how it led to healing from an eating disorder, and how running has changed since becoming a mom. We enjoyed hearing about how her mindsets have shifted - through pregnancy from running for performance to running for health and in this new postpartum era where her main focus is appreciation for the ability to run. We all get to cry a little in solidarity about the challenges that lack of sleep plays while training and we see what Amanda and Justin do to support each other in this phase of life.

Amanda shares about her return to ultras since having a baby, which has been a successful but bumpy ride - she got 4th at Speedgoat in July then had to pull out of CCC due to pelvic pain in August. But one thing we loved about talking to Amanda was that even in the midst of hard moments that come with motherhood she chooses to focus on the inexplainable love she has for Rylan and how “no race or mountain I could summit would be worth not having her.” (We also get some great girl time in with Rylan in this episode and enjoyed meeting her!)

Amanda leaves us with what is in our opinion some of the best advice: In a world of many opinions constantly coming at you and the inescapable mom guilt, do what works for you. That will help you be the best mom for your particular kids in your particular family. Do what works for you. We’re all doing our best and taking things day by day! Amanda is a gem of a person and gave us great, honest, real life inspiration! Listen to this episode by clicking the link below or searching “Run Hard Mom Hard” on any podcast platforms! Don’t forget to share this one with your running community! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Find Amanda on Instagram

Amanda’s coaching

Amanda’s sponsors:



Spring Energy

Buff USA




Oct 01, 202101:40:01
64 | Verna Volker and Native Women Running

64 | Verna Volker and Native Women Running

This week we have the privilege of talking with Verna Volker - a Navajo ultra runner, mom of four and the founder of Native Women Running which is a community geared towards celebrating and bringing visibility to native runners by sharing their stories. This platform was born when Verna realized that she didn’t see herself in the running world. “There’s some type of image that’s always portrayed in running…It’s the mom who’s a white mom, blonde, beautiful, thin, who just ran Boston and is back to her pre-pregnancy weight holding a baby.” Seeing primarily those posts on instagram and thinking “that is just not me” made Verna create a space on the internet where native women could find belonging, encouragement and sisterhood.

Running is a way for Verna to heal. She’s been on her own journey from generational trauma and loss to forgiveness. She runs because many people can’t and she dedicates her races to lost family members or people on her mind. She also puts on virtual runs that are a call to action, bringing awareness to travesties like Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and the recent children who have been found on residential school properties. For too long native people have felt silenced - these runs are a way to use their voice and say, (in regards to missing women) ”These women are important to us. They’re mothers and wives and sisters and aunties and they need to be found or they need to get justice.” We talk about the barriers native runners face, what some race directors are doing to diversify their start lines, the sponsorships NWR provides to support runners in their community, and how women can be proactive and protect themselves while running.

Verna left us with reminders that each of us can use our unique gifts for activism and to be an ally. Do what you can wherever you are! Verna is a true joy and she shared so many important things with us, we are so grateful to have had this conversation! Give this episode a listen by clicking the link below or searching “Run Hard Mom Hard” on any podcast platform! Enjoy and please share this with your people! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Verna on Instagram

Native Women Running Instagram

Native Women Running Website

Hoka Global Ambassador

Moun10 Ultra


Wings of America

National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition

Red Earth Running Co.

Self Defense Products: Go Guarded

Red House Series Podcast

Sep 24, 202101:49:22
63 | Cassie Sutton on Hiking the AT with her 5 year old
Sep 10, 202101:15:38
62 | Tara Warren & The 2021 TDS Experience

62 | Tara Warren & The 2021 TDS Experience

This week we have Tara Warren from episode 52 back on the podcast to talk about her recent experience with this year’s TDS race. TDS is one of the UTMB races over in the Alps and unfortunately this race week started out rough with a tragedy on the TDS course when a member of our running community fell and lost their life. We hear what it was like for Tara who was one of the 1,000+ runners behind the accident whose race was paused then eventually canceled. It became a precarious and frightening situation for the racers waiting on the mountain for hours in the middle of the night with very little information on what had happened and how/when they would be able to get back to civilization. There are still unanswered questions but after this major shared experience, all the runners whose race was “neutralized” became finishers of a new event, TDS - BSM, the first 40 miles of the original race.

It really was a day of “all the feels” for lack of a better term and Tara really helped us feel what it was like to be there -- through the anticipation and dreams of being in the greatest international trail running scene in the world, the worry when cold and stranded on a mountain, having the gift of a friendly face in the midst of a sea of runners who don’t speak your language, the disappointment of a race cut short, and of course, the sadness for a fellow runner’s life. Tara is holding onto the beauty of the place and a couple lessons learned -- like always carry an emergency blanket in the mountains, be patient and go with the flow, and “believe in the goodness of strangers.”

We’re thankful for Tara sharing this story with us and hope for healing as the processing of this event continues for all involved! To listen, click the link below or search “Run Hard Mom Hard” on any podcast platform. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your running community. Thank you!

Show Notes:

Tara’s previous episode with us


Some articles on this year’s events:

Canadian Trail Running

I Run Far

Grab a bag of our “You Got This” coffee blend from Treeline Coffee so you can fuel up, run hard, mom hard, repeat. Use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off your order!

Sep 03, 202101:39:10
61 | Katie Asmuth on the Primal Human Experience Found In Running and Motherhood

61 | Katie Asmuth on the Primal Human Experience Found In Running and Motherhood

This week we have Katie Asmuth on the podcast again! Katie first joined us back in episode 40 to talk about her win at Bandera 100k and now she fills us in on all the crazy life that has been lived since! She shares what it’s been like becoming a professional runner with Saucony, her family’s move to Mammoth, training for Western States and then running during this historic race year (spoiler alert: it was HOT but the women came and dominated!). Katie as always gives us a huge dose of positive energy and a humble yet hungry perspective on competitive ultrarunning. Her race recap is inspiring and she leaves us with important reminders too, like the importance of verbalizing our goals and believing in ourselves (because why the heck not?!). Katie also talks about how labor and racing are beautiful ways of being a part of the human experience. They are some of the primal, extraordinary events that give us the rawest of emotions and euphoria in life. We also chat about how to draw more women into this sport starting with reframing trails from being intimidating and scary to being empowering and a key factor in restoring our sense of self as mothers. We also need to be vocal about the barriers that hold us back from training and racing so that having more support can become more normal. It takes a village to raise a child (and a mother) and we can help build that village for ourselves and the other amazing mamas around us!

It was so fun reconnecting with Katie and we hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did! Click the link below or search “Run Hard Mom Hard” on any podcast platforms to listen. Don’t forget to subscribe and share this one with your people! Thank you!!

Show Notes:

Follow Katie on Instagram

Katie is sponsored by Saucony

Katie’s coach: David Roche

Katie at her core is a Nurse Practitioner — If you’re able to donate to a good cause, Katie is passionate about Venice Family Clinic who are doing so much to take care of any and all people in need in the L.A. area!

We talk a lot about Western States 100!

Grab a bag of our “You Got This” coffee blend from Treeline Coffee so you can fuel up, run hard, mom hard, repeat. Use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off your order!

Aug 13, 202101:23:21
60 | Stef's Birth Story!!!

60 | Stef's Birth Story!!!

This week on the pod we get to hear Stef’s birth story and how life has been as a family of 5! It’s fun to celebrate Stef now being on the other side of pregnancy and moving onward towards recovery and epic running adventures in the future! Woohoo!! 

Show Notes:

Don’t forget to check out our Run Hard Mom Hard coffee blend called “You Got This” made by Treeline Coffee. It is THE BEST way to fuel for any mother runner! Use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off at check out!

This episode is brought to you by XOSKIN! They make awesome running apparel that protects athletes from chafing, blisters, hot spots and odor. Shop around and use code “treeline” for 20% off your purchase! We love their compression shorts and toe socks!

Jul 30, 202158:17
59 | Sarah Ter Har on Growth and Optimism in Life and Running

59 | Sarah Ter Har on Growth and Optimism in Life and Running

This week we get to chat with Sarah Ter Har - a mom, wife, ultra runner, co-race director for Trail Run Events and the soon-to-be owner of Ultra Ladies which is an organization all about increasing female participation in this sport and connecting women trail runners through group runs, coaching and mentorship. We hear about all the above mentioned things plus the many pieces that make up Sarah, like her passions for belly dancing, horseback riding, equestrian science, her longtime relationship with running and her pursuits in coaching and nutrition certifications as well. Sarah also shares with us about recent life transitions, hard decisions, growth she’s gone through, her experience with divorce, prioritizing health and happiness and setting a positive example for her daughter in everything she does (and as you can see, she does A LOT!). Sarah radiates optimism and faces life with ambition, determination and self-awareness both on and off the trail. She was a joy to talk to! Don’t forget to subscribe and share with your running community because we’re all in this together - women encouraging women! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Find Sarah on Instagram

Find Sarah’s races she helps direct: Trail Run Events

Check out the awesomeness that is Ultra Ladies!

Sarah’s Favorite Race: Bulldog 50k

Sarah’s Favorite Meal: Gourmet BLT’s

Don’t forget to check out our “You Got This” coffee blend from Treeline Coffee! Use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off delicious mama fuel!

Subscribe to Treeline Journal’s Newsletter to get one email a week containing the latest podcast episodes and Ultrarunning articles!

Jul 09, 202101:47:23
58 | Nikki & Stef with Western States Recap & Updates
Jul 02, 202101:06:21
57 | Shannon Howell on Childhood, Motherhood & Finding Ultrarunning

57 | Shannon Howell on Childhood, Motherhood & Finding Ultrarunning

We’re back this week with Shannon Howell - a Spanish teacher, mom of two teenagers, and tremendous ultrarunner out of South Carolina! We get to hear about Shannon’s multicultural background, what it was like being raised in a family that moved a lot, traveled all over South America and only spoke Spanish in the home, and how her childhood has shaped her motherhood. She takes us through her life relationship with running and how it has come and gone but always been there when she needed it (and we think it’s safe to say her running is here to stay because Shannon runs so many races and her joy for the sport is contagious!) She has great perspectives on overcoming hard times in races and communicating well with her family about her needs for training and racing. We also talk about what races she has coming up including Western States next week (which she is going to ROCK!!) and TDS later in the summer! Needless to say we will be living vicariously through her!

We loved our time with Shannon and were uplifted by her kind and positive nature! Give this episode a listen and don’t forget to subscribe and share with your running community! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Nikki’s Pelvic Floor PT: Emily Bliss with Bliss Physical Therapy

Read “Why Did No One Tell Me?” By Emma Brockwell for Pregnant and Postpartum mamas

Treeline Coffee - use code RUNHARD10 for 10% off check out our “You Got This” blend for fueling all the mamas out there!

Check out Shannon’s blog, “She Goes The Distance”!

Find Shannon on Instagram

Shannon's coach: Matt Hammersmith

A race to put on your bucket list: Conquer the Rock 50k

Shannon's favorite race: Leadville and Longest Day

Shannon's favorite meal: Empanadas 

You’ll need:

  • 1 Package empanada disks, thawed in fridge (can be found in freezer section under international foods)
  • 1 lb. ground beef (or meat alternative)
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 1 bell pepper, finely chopped
  • Taco seasoning
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Cilantro, cleaned and roughly chopped (optional)
  • 1/8 cup water
  • Small bowl of water
  • Fork


  • Heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium high heat.
  • Add chopped onion and bell pepper, and sauté for a couple of minutes.
  • Add ground beef to mixture, and cook until browned. Mix in taco seasoning, salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mix in 1/8 c of water and bring mixture to a simmer.
  • *Let mixture cool until almost room temperature before next step.
  • Mix in chopped cilantro.
  • For each empanada, put a heaping tablespoon of mixture in the middle. Dip a finger in the small bowl of water and spread a small amount around the outside of the disk. Fold disk over, beginning to pinch edges, being careful to not let any of the mixture fall out. Use fork to crimp the outside edges shut and make a half moon shape.
  • In a small to medium sauce pan, heat 4-6 inches of oil. In order to test the oil for frying, pinch off a small amount of dough and toss in oil. Add two empanadas, frying both sides until golden brown. Move to a plate covered in paper towels for draining.
  • Enjoy!
Jun 18, 202101:43:56
56: Nikki's Birth Story!
Jun 04, 202157:20
55 | Sophie Power on Returning to Running Postpartum & Empowering Mums to Keep Chasing Their Athletic Dreams

55 | Sophie Power on Returning to Running Postpartum & Empowering Mums to Keep Chasing Their Athletic Dreams

This week we had our first international guest - Sophie Power from England! Sophie is well known for being the mom who ran UTMB three months postpartum, stopping to nurse and pump along the way. In this episode we get to hear the backstory behind the infamous photo from the Courmayeur, Italy aid station, including UTMB’s policy on not letting women defer their spot in the race due to pregnancy, her desire to experience this iconic race that she'd been working towards for years, and how she built up her training to prepare for this adventure. She called it “the anti-race” where instead of going as fast as possible, she went slow to protect her pelvic floor and stay on top of nutrition so she could keep up her nursing supply. She ran as smart as any mom could in her position and she was able to have her well-deserved finish line moment with her two sons. She says, “There was a real sense that I was back to myself and that I’d achieved my goal. I was still me and I had done something for my kids. I think I felt that as much as anything else. Looking at how proud my son was, how happy he was, how he was going to grow up…” (by seeing his mom conquering the world, he will know women are capable of anything and he is too!)

We also got to hear about Sophie’s beautiful, recent film made with HOKA ONE ONE called, “The Journey from Pregnancy to Performance” in which she shows the honest and real side of a mother returning to running after having a baby (though of course, each pregnancy and postpartum is different!). She displays a slower progression back to sport after her third baby (AKA not running UTMB three months postpartum) and the work that went into regaining strength. Sophie shares how she worked closely with a pelvic floor physical therapist, how she was diagnosed with prolapse and rehabbed that while keeping the big picture in mind that postpartum is for life and that this recovery must be taken seriously if she wants to run ultras later in life. She addresses topics like how we can reframe mom guilt by remembering that a mom continuing to care for herself and go after her athletic dreams positively effects her kids and has the power to transform society and she gives practical tips on how mothers can prioritize their mental and physical health.

Sophie is doing so much for women in our sport and shedding light on places that have been in the dark for too long - like the gaping holes in health care for new moms and the many barriers that keep women from going after their dreams. Well, change is coming, thanks to people like Sophie!  Don’t forget to subscribe to this podcast, share it with your running community and watch Sophie’s film (see below)! Thank you!

Show Notes:

***Big thanks to this week’s podcast sponsor, XOSKIN! They make awesome running apparel that protects athletes from chafing, blisters, hot spots and odor. Use code “treeline” for 20% off your purchase!

Follow Sophie on Instagram

Trustee of the charity, Women in Sport

EVB shorts - Irish pelvic support shorts!

Coach: Edwina Sutton

Physio: Emma Brockwell

Read Emma’s book: Why did no one tell me?

Sophie’s film: “The Journey from Pregnancy to Performance”

Sophie’s favorite race: Spartathalon

Sophie’s favorite meal: Recipe boxes from local restaurant, “Hawksmoor” - with British things like steak, chips, garlic mushrooms, creamed spinach, sticky toffee pudding. Love it!

May 07, 202101:32:55
54: Nikki & Stef with updates, postpartum survival plans and musings on GRIT and ENDURANCE
Apr 30, 202148:48
53. Jaime Maher on Reframing Your Mindset in Life and Running

53. Jaime Maher on Reframing Your Mindset in Life and Running

This week we talk with Jaime Maher - an ultrarunner, mother, behavior consultant, coach, run club leader and positive impact maker on everyone she meets. To give a snapshot of that last qualification listed, this is how she runs (and wins) ultras: she smiles through every second of the race, slows down and talks to every single person she passes and knows everyone’s life story by the time they cross the finish line. And did I mention that she still wins?!

One of Jaime’s superpowers is reframing the negative - in life and running - and turning it positive. She helps runners do this along race courses and she helped Stef and I with reframing current parenting struggles (thank you Jaime!)! She reminded us that, “Everything is temporary - the good the bad and the ugly, whether it’s in life, whether it’s in running, whatever it is, it’s all temporary so just soak it up. Even the pain! Soak it up because you can use that later to your advantage.”

Jaime and her husband have a sweet partnership and are an ultrarunning power couple. Together they lead a 1,700+ member running club based out of St. Louis where they foster a welcoming and uplifting place for the running community to come together. We also get to hear the story of when they both trained for and raced THE SAME 100 miler (that’s hard for parents to do!), what the race was like, how Jaime got through a hypothermic experience, and how it went having both parents recover from a 100 mile journey. She shares how she trains as a busy mom, the key being that every mile has purpose (quality vs. quantity) and she prioritizes cross training and one day off a week which means that she never went over a 67.3 mile week in prep for her 100 miler! That’s good news for any mom wanting to tackle a big distance but feels too overwhelmed at the time it would take to try.

We’re lucky that Jaime shared her “highly excitable” nature and encouraging mindsets with us and we hope you love this episode as much as we do! To listen, click the link below or search “Run Hard Mom Hard” on any podcast platform. Don’t forget to subscribe and share with the runners in your corner! Thank you!

Show Notes:

Follow Jaime on instagram

Check out Jaime and Ryan’s Arch City Run Club on Facebook!

Get in touch with Jaime about run coaching and check out her website!

Jaime’s husband’s pod: The Endurance House Podcast

Jaime’s Fave Race: Voyageur 50

Jaime’s Fave Meal: Tuscan Chicken made by her 7 year old, Dempsey!

Apr 23, 202101:46:19
52. Tara Warren on the Art of Enjoying and Finding Perspective in 100 Milers

52. Tara Warren on the Art of Enjoying and Finding Perspective in 100 Milers

This week we chat with Tara Warren, an awesome ultrarunning mom and endurance running coach out of Ogden, Utah. We get to hear about how she got into this sport and how she overcame the barriers and fears that hinder many women from dabbling in trail running (wild animals, sketchy people, getting lost and a lack of knowledge). Through repetition and finding empowerment out in the mountains she grew to love running long distances and quickly set out on the progression towards 100 mile races. 

Tara shares the power of 100 milers - how you can take the suffering that you learn during them and use it in all other areas of life, like motherhood and daily struggles. She is passionate about her training, keeps it enjoyable and savors the race experiences as opportunities to use what she’s learned and push herself through whatever may come up along the way - like when she recalled prior singing experiences and breathing techniques to get through a race with broken ribs! There have been a couple years where Tara has run 3 (BIG) 100 milers each summer (races like Bighorn, UTMB and The Bear) and yet she still keeps her long term running health in focus. When we asked her about her training and mom life “balance” she responded with, “It’s a mess!” But she rolls with life similarly to how she does long races, taking things as they come, recognizing she might not get out for a run every day and that doesn’t make it a bad day, just a different day. 

Tara is full of encouragement and positive perspectives for all of us mother runners! Give this episode a listen by searching “Run Hard Mom Hard” on your preferred podcast platform! Don’t forget to subscribe and share this one with your running community! Thank you! 

Show Notes: 

Follow Tara on Instagram

Find her coaching info here! 

Brands Tara partners with: Suunto, Hoka, Ultimate Direction, Gnarly Nutrition, Jaybird, Rabbit, Injinji, Backcountry 

Tara’s Fave Race: Bighorn 100 

Tara’s Fave Meal: breakfasts, baking, and chicken caprese 

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Apr 16, 202101:29:32
51. Pregnancy Gear with Nikki & Stef

51. Pregnancy Gear with Nikki & Stef

We’ve had questions about various things we use during pregnancy and we had a request for a pregnancy gear episode so we’re doing that this week! Listen in to hear what products are getting us through these 9 months! In the last 20 minutes we discuss body image during pregnancy and navigating the pressures put on pregnant and postpartum bodies, sharing a couple resources for anyone who might struggle with those topics. 

Show Notes:

Running related:

Cadenshae leggings and nursing bras - use code “RHMH15%” for 15% off your purchase!

ReCORE Fitness FITsplints and strength programs - use code “rhmh15” for 15% off your order!

Hydroflask water bottles = the best

Treadmills = super handy

Senita maternity running leggings with pockets

Nikki’s advice: Don’t change up your running shoes during pregnancy unless you’d love to kill your feet

Non-running related:

Fetal Doppler

Wrist splints for carpal tunnel

Papaya Enzymes for heartburn! Life saver!!

Burt’s Bees Mama Bee Belly Butter

Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion

Nikki’s Face Oil with Jujoba, Primrose, Rose Hip and Vitamin E oil

Amika Soul Food Hair Mask! AMAZING!

Buy yourself a couple maternity pieces you feel good in. Splurge!

Lululemon leggings for everyday living

Fre Wine (non-alcoholic wine)

Hospital Bag Essentials:

Stef: Extra long phone charging cord, Pads and underwear if you don’t like the mesh ones, Gift for husband, Gifts for siblings, Comfy clothes, Mascara, Face wash, tooth brush, shower stuff, Tucks, Frida Mom Peri Bottle (apparently a must have!), Mother Love Sits Bath Spray

Nikki: Nursing bra, Nursing tank top, Nursing pads, Robe, Nipple cream/butter/balm, Take home outfit for baby, Snacks, Comfy clothes for spouse, Glasses/ contacts, Hair ties, chap stick, deodorant

A couple resources to help with body image during pregnancy and tackling the pressures put on pregnant and postpartum bodies:

Fearless Rebelle Radio Podcast #103, @thebirdspapaya, @bec_ellis_writer, “The Fourth Trimester” book by Kimberly Anne Johnson

Apr 09, 202101:33:59