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Saltwater Stories

Saltwater Stories

By Saltwater stories

Join us as we hear the real stories from our community and engage in growing together through Gods word. Hosted by the wise & wonderful Duncan and Jane, Saltwater Stories is about hearing the raw stories from our church family and learning from them. We hope that these short stories will help our family grow to be Salt and Light here and to the ends of the earth…
Currently playing episode

Saltwater Stories - S1 E5 - Learning Styles (Part B)

Saltwater StoriesSep 16, 2023

Saltwater Stories - S1 E5 - Learning Styles (Part B)

Saltwater Stories - S1 E5 - Learning Styles (Part B)

Saltwater Stories - S1 E5 - Learning Styles (Part B)

With Kate Bradley

Educator, leader, and learner

Kate takes us into the realm of the 'learning journey.' While time, persistence, and planning are key elements of successful learning, the challenging truth is that failure can be and often is a powerful and important learning tool.

The courage to learn in growth groups is founded on trusting relationships, which create the space where we can change and grow safely. Kate shares practical strategies which she has used to promote and nurture trust.

Kate addresses the human dynamics and challenges of change. Growth groups can be places where trust of each other nourishes trust of a God who loves us and draws us further into change. 

Kate Bradley is an educational leader in the sphere of childhood/primary learning, a life long learner herself, and an experienced leader and member of growth groups. 

This episode will invite you into the ways in which relationships of trust and honesty, create the space for God to change and transform.

Sep 16, 202330:21
Saltwater Stories - S1 E4 - Learning Styles (Part A)

Saltwater Stories - S1 E4 - Learning Styles (Part A)

Saltwater Stories - S1 E4 - Learning Styles (Part A)

With Nick Hackett

"What if..." and "How does..." are key questions we bring to our exploration of the world, and which make learning fun and exciting.

Growth groups are essentially a place where we engage in learning together. Discovery, joy, purpose, passion, and flourishing, are some of the words which Nick Hackett brings, as he describes some key ways to create growth groups where learning is encouraged and experienced.

Nick Hackett is an educational leader in the sphere of adolescent learning, a life long learner himself, and an experienced leader and member of growth groups. 

This episode will invite you into the ways in which relationships, trust, and openness, create fertile ground for the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.

Nick mentions a book - CJ Mahaney, The Cross Centred Life: Keeping the gospel the main thing.

Jun 09, 202322:41
Saltwater Stories - S1 E3 - Managing group dynamics

Saltwater Stories - S1 E3 - Managing group dynamics

Saltwater Stories - S1 E3 - Managing group dynamics

With Libby Hackett

Group facilitation and management are important skills for growth group leaders. There’s a lot of joy when things go well, but the reality is that group dynamics can be tricky and facilitation doesn’t always come easily. 

Libby Hackett has belonged to and led a variety of growth groups on two continents, and explains that facilitation is one of those skillsets that you never stop building. Right from the day you step foot in your first group as a new member, there are lessons to learn and things that everyone can do to help a group mature.  

In this very practical episode, Duncan and Jane take a deep dive with Libby exploring facilitation and management strategies for all sorts of group dynamics. There’s something in this episode for everyone.

Apr 25, 202340:44
Saltwater Stories - S1 E2 - What is a Growth Group and why should I go to one? With Tim Baker and Chris McLoughlin
Nov 22, 202231:30
Saltwater Stories - S1 E1 - Why Growth Groups? With Rev. Nathan Sandon

Saltwater Stories - S1 E1 - Why Growth Groups? With Rev. Nathan Sandon

Join us as we discuss the purpose and vision of Growth Groups in the life of our church.

Hosted by the wise & wonderful Duncan and Jane, Saltwater Stories is about hearing the raw stories from our church family and learning from them. In this episode, our own Rev. Nathan encourages us with discussion on why we are here. Touching on our vision of discipleship, community, and intergenerational care, Nathan shares some of his stories and experiences in Austi Growth Groups.

We hope that these short saltwater stories will help our family grow to be Salt and Light here and to the ends of the earth…

Nov 03, 202219:24