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Sandy Creek Stirrings

Sandy Creek Stirrings

By Joshua Gimenez

Practical, truthful, applicable, personable, humorous, helpful - that's Sandy Creek Stirrings! The goal of Sandy Creek Stirrings is to “stir up” Christians to do something great for the cause of Christ! Steeped in a heavy dose of Biblical, factual, and logical truth, you can expect practical content, personable listening, and compelling topics that lead to applicable living. You can count on every episode to give you something that you can immediately put into practice within your daily life. Welcome and thank-you for listening! To find out more, visit:
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E225 - The 8 C's of Parenting

Sandy Creek StirringsAug 12, 2022

E288 - Will You Continue?

E288 - Will You Continue?

We hold freedoms - both spiritually and as Americans - because of the sacrifice of someone else. They were willing to go through the trial and difficulties they faced because of their ultimate desire to continue. The question is: will you continue? Join me in the episode for a compelling reminder to continue in our faith and freedom, and for a special announcement at the end of the episode!

May 31, 202429:28
E287 - The Choice Is Up To You by Dr. Dave McCoy

E287 - The Choice Is Up To You by Dr. Dave McCoy

Dr. Dave McCoy was a wonderful man of God that I not only had the pleasure of knowing on a ministry level, but on a personal level as well. The impact he has left on me is one that I will carry for the rest of my life. Before he passed away, I had the incredible opportunity to interview Dr. McCoy on the podcast (episode #64). I would encourage all listeners to go back and listen to that episode.

This message is sure to be a tremendous blessing to your heart and will challenge you in your Christian life. "The choice is up to you!"

May 24, 202439:13
E286 - Things I Think: #2

E286 - Things I Think: #2

Here is another "Things I Think" episode! This episode is a completely different format than what we usually record on Sandy Creek Stirrings. In this episode, I share with you a few random thoughts that have been on my mind – some musings, some “ponderings”, some things that I have been meditating on. Like:

- An under-used tool that many Christians don't make enough use of.

- An Old Testament theme that I hope does not gain any further traction.

- A practical way to thank the Lord and leave a blessing to your children.

- A call to two altars...

All these different things will be discussed in this episode – Things I Think: #2!

May 10, 202454:00
E285 - Signs And Fleeces

E285 - Signs And Fleeces

A big decision needs to be made - a career choice, a path to take, a place to move, a position to accept, a road to travel. Which way should I go? What should I do? Many times, Christians have been taught to look for a "sign" or lay out a "fleece" before making decisions. Yet, is this actually a Biblical necessity for making wise decisions? Should we follow Gideon's example and lay out a fleece? Join me in this episode as we dive into the subject of signs and fleeces!

May 03, 202434:34
E284 - The Pillar of Salt

E284 - The Pillar of Salt

In Luke 17, Jesus is approached by the Pharisees with a question of His coming kingdom. Jesus digs to the heart of the matter, telling them that they are looking for the wrong thing - He is the kingdom of God! After the discussion, He turns to His disciples and begins to tell them the timeline of His coming kingdom. At the end of this conversation, He brings up one of the most fascinating and under-studied verses of all Scripture: "Remember Lot's wife." Join me in this episode as we dive into the significance of Luke 17:32 and the pillar of salt.

Apr 26, 202444:15
E283 - Things I Think

E283 - Things I Think

This episode is a completely different format than anything we have ever done before on Sandy Creek Stirrings. In this episode, I share with you a few random thoughts that have been on my mind - some musings, some "ponderings", some things that I have been meditating on. Like:

- Something that seems to be on the rise and is being more accepted.

- Something that I don't hear enough about anymore.

- Something that is seeming to be questioned more and more in today's world.

- A reality that I have come to see about Fundamentalism.

- And last but not least, the silent enemy in our ranks.

All these different things will be discussed in this episode - Things I Think.

Apr 19, 202449:15
E282 - How To Be A Lady

E282 - How To Be A Lady

There is a difference between just being a "woman" and being a lady. Our culture - our modern generation - has lost manners, etiquette, and the general principles of being a lady. The way someone carries themself and their behavior is important - even according to the Bible. Join me in this episode for 10 PRACTICAL principles on how to be a lady.

Apr 12, 202455:14
E281 - Things That Are Different Are Not The Same by Dr. Curtis Hutson

E281 - Things That Are Different Are Not The Same by Dr. Curtis Hutson

I have the tremendous pleasure of playing a message for you entitled "Things That Are Different Are Not The Same". This message was preached many years ago by the late Dr. Curtis Hutson. Dr. Hutson was a giant of the faith, a wonderful man of God, and a tremendous preacher. The legacy which he has left behind to modern day Christians is one that should not be underestimated. I believe this to be one of the top messages a Christian should hear in their lifetime. May you be blessed by it!
Mar 22, 202442:26
E280 - The Age of Accountability

E280 - The Age of Accountability

What does the Bible have to say about the "Age of Accountability"? Is it a belief that we can back of from Scripture? Does God really take young children to Heaven who have never been saved? At what age does someone become accountable? Where do unborn babies go when they die? All these questions and more are answered in this episode!

Mar 15, 202453:56
E279 - How To Lose Your Queen

E279 - How To Lose Your Queen

Join me in this episode for an extremely practical look at 10 simple things that can ruin your marriage. This episode is focused and pointed toward husbands, exposing them to the mistakes of an Old Testament king and what it cost him. These 10 steps are still destroying marriages today and you need to be aware of them. This episode will be extremely PRACTICAL with things that you can go home and use TODAY!

Mar 01, 202401:07:32
E278 - 1 Cor. 7, Abandoned Men, & Remarriage
Feb 23, 202401:10:56
E277 - "I Have A Problem With My Pastor": Part 2

E277 - "I Have A Problem With My Pastor": Part 2

Thousands, if not millions, of church members sit in pews today who have a problem with their pastor. They have an issue - big or small, preference or doctrine, private or public - and they are unsure of what to do. They don't know how to handle the issue. It's affecting their relationship, it's affecting their response to preaching, it's affecting their reliability, and it's ruining their spirit. How do we handle these issues and problems we may have with our pastor according to Scripture? We talk about that, how to handle every type of issue (from preference to personal conviction, from sin to doctrine), and more in today's episode!

Feb 15, 202459:15
E276 - "I Have A Problem With My Pastor" - Part 1

E276 - "I Have A Problem With My Pastor" - Part 1

Thousands, if not millions, of church members sit in pews today who have a problem with their pastor. They have an issue - big or small, preference or doctrine, private or public - and they are unsure of what to do. They don't know how to handle the issue. It's affecting their relationship, it's affecting their response to preaching, it's affecting their reliability, and it's ruining their spirit. How do we handle these issues and problems we may have with our pastor according to Scripture? We talk about that, whether "touch not mine anointed" applies to the pastor, and more in today's episode!

Feb 09, 202450:50
E275 - The Problem With NAR

E275 - The Problem With NAR

The NAR - "New Apostolic Reformation" is a religious movement that pushes several key philosophies as the basis of their worldview. They hold to a belief in modern day apostles and prophets. They believe in tongues and healing. They believe in dominionism. What are these things and how do they hold up to Scripture? Find out that and more in this episode!

Feb 02, 202451:55
E274 - Does Prov. 31 Say I Can Drink Alcohol?

E274 - Does Prov. 31 Say I Can Drink Alcohol?

The author of Proverbs 31 instructs "Lemuel" to give wine and strong drink to two categories of people. But is this passage a license to drinking and drunkenness?  Does this passage encourage us to drown away our sorrow with alcohol?  Think twice before jumping to that conclusion. We answer those questions and more in this episode!

Jan 26, 202433:28
E273 - Does Deut. 14 Say I Can Drink Alcohol?

E273 - Does Deut. 14 Say I Can Drink Alcohol?

This question we deal with in this episode is in regard to Deuteronomy 14:23-29.  Does the Bible encourage us to take our tithe and buy “strong drink” – alcohol – with it?  At first glance, it may appear so, but we must dive a little deeper.  Join me in this episode as we deep dive into what the Bible is talking about in Deuteronomy 14.

Jan 19, 202433:31
E272 - Can Loved Ones See Me From Heaven?
Dec 15, 202342:14
E271 - Second Interview with Dr. Jack Bachman

E271 - Second Interview with Dr. Jack Bachman

It was my pleasure and honor to have Dr. Jack Bachman join me on the podcast for a second interview! Dr. Bachman has over 30 years of experience in ministry, including being a senior pastor, an assistant pastor, and is currently the Vice President of the Lone Star Baptist College in Mesquite, Texas. In this episode, we cover several topics, including (but not limited to):

- His vision for LSBC International

- How to reach singles for the Lord.

- How to have a blessed, joyous, and fruitful single life.

- How to help singles within your church.

- How to give direction and drive to singles.

- What to do while waiting for a mate.

- Practical things an assistant pastor can do to be a better assistant pastor.

- How to care for your for your pastor as his assistant.

- Important reminders for assistant pastors.

- Being an assistant pastor to you father.

- How to avoid nepotism in ministry.


Dec 08, 202301:10:05
E270 - Homeschooling Will Be Outlawed Because Of This...

E270 - Homeschooling Will Be Outlawed Because Of This...

I truly believe that homeschooling (as we know it) will be outlawed because of the topic we will be discussing in this episode. This topic is something that has been coming up more recently in my conversations with parents and homeschooling parents. It is a topic that needs to be discussed more by those who are interested in the future and education of their children. Join me, as I share some basic thoughts on the topic that I truly believe will lead to the abolishment of homeschooling, as we know it, in America.

Dec 01, 202356:58
E269 - Question: Why Did God Command For ALL To Be Killed?

E269 - Question: Why Did God Command For ALL To Be Killed?

Why did God command for ALL of the Canaanites to be killed - including women, children, and the aged?

This is a question that has puzzled and plagued many a Christian.  Some atheists plant their flag here, the hill to die on, and claim that our God is not a God of Love or mercy.  Instead, they paint the picture of a "god" who is nothing more than a bloodthirsty monster. Yet, how does a Christian answer this protest?  What do we do about these passages?

Nov 17, 202333:15
E268 - Question: Do Animals Go To Heaven?

E268 - Question: Do Animals Go To Heaven?

This may be one of the most, if not THE most, asked question I have come across in youth ministry. Some may laugh or even mock this question, but to many people who have loved an animal and have watched that animal die, it does bear a weight in its answer.  Again, some may think this a trivial question, but believe it or not, this can be a very touchy subject. Let’s go to Scripture and get the answer!

Nov 10, 202334:39
E267 - Medical Marijuana: A Christian's Response

E267 - Medical Marijuana: A Christian's Response

Should Christians use, support, or promote Medical Marijuana? The question of Medical marijuana, as a prescribed drug, has come around within the past few years as more common debate.  It’s a very fair question for Christians to tussle with.  In this episode, we lay the groundwork for thinking through this subject, as well as giving the overall opinion/belief of the host.

Nov 03, 202335:37
E266 - My Weakness Is No Excuse

E266 - My Weakness Is No Excuse

Americans like the comfort that a rich nation, like the USA, can bring them. We don’t like to push ourselves. We like to rest in our weakness because we don’t want to be uncomfortable.  We have Americanized Christianity.  We have told God that we will follow Him as long as we are comfortable.  What does that look like and how does that apply to our personal lives? We talk about that and more in this episode!

Oct 27, 202346:52
E265 - The Rapture Series, Part 4: The Antichrist's Lie & Why It's Ridiculous

E265 - The Rapture Series, Part 4: The Antichrist's Lie & Why It's Ridiculous

Have you ever wondered what the lie is that the antichrist will use to trick the world? In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul talks about the "strong delusion" and "the lie" that will come with the rise of the antichrist. What will this lie be? In this episode, I give 4 takes on what that lie is...and then I tell you why all of them are ridiculous. It's not all about the mystery!

Sep 29, 202301:01:25
E264 - The Rapture Series, Part 3: Second Century Rapture Beliefs

E264 - The Rapture Series, Part 3: Second Century Rapture Beliefs

In today's episode, we discuss what people in the second century believed about the rapture. Many times, mid-trib and post-trib advocates will state that the pre-tribulation rapture was not taught until the 1800's or until John Darby. In this episode, we give evidence (Scriptural and historical) on why that statement is nothing more than a lie. Listen today to find out why!

Sep 22, 202347:04
E263 - The Rapture Series, Part 2: The Biblical Timing Of The Rapture

E263 - The Rapture Series, Part 2: The Biblical Timing Of The Rapture

When will the rapture happen? When will it take place? When will Christ come back? It's a question that many have pondered, many have taken a strong stand on, yet many who have not truly studied this thought out. In this episode, I am joined by Pastor Patrick Gimenez and we discuss what the Bible has to say about when the rapture will take place. If you have any questions, feel free to email me:

Sep 15, 202301:04:04
E262 - The Rapture Series, Part 1: An Intro To The End Times Discussion

E262 - The Rapture Series, Part 1: An Intro To The End Times Discussion

We are super excited to present "The Rapture Series" - a series dedicated to showing the truth of the Rapture from Scripture. With so many swirling beliefs, I want to take time to get down to what the Bible actually says about such an important subject. In this episode - our introduction to the end times discussion - we break down the following terms often used in this conversation:

- The End Times

- The Last Days

- The Tribulation

- The Millennial Reign of Christ

- The Antichrist

- The Two Witnesses

- The 144,000

- The Mark

- The Rapture

- The Lie


You don't want to miss this intro to our brand new series!

Sep 08, 202345:19
E261 - Let It Go: A Message On Forgiveness by Pastor Terry Sellars

E261 - Let It Go: A Message On Forgiveness by Pastor Terry Sellars

Forgiveness is not always an easy task. It's difficult. It's hard. When someone has wronged you, the last thing on your mind is forgiveness. Yet, this aspect of our daily lives is one that cannot go unnoticed. The unforgiving spirit is ruining churches in America daily. An unforgiving spirit will keep you from all that you can be for Christ. This message - "Let It Go" - walks you through the practical application of forgiveness - a true necessity for Biblical living.

Aug 25, 202341:34
E260 - Healing After Hurt

E260 - Healing After Hurt

Everyone goes through pain. Sorrow. Heartache. Betrayal. Times of hurt. In ministry and in life, the ones who you have invested time, friendship, and love into can sometimes pain you deeply. How do you heal after hurt? We talk about that and more in this episode!

Aug 18, 202359:08
E259 - How To Avoid Burnout In Ministry

E259 - How To Avoid Burnout In Ministry

It was the Apostle Paul Who warned that we should not "be weary in well doing" - stating the reality that we can become tired, discouraged, or burnout. It's a reality for many pastors and church staff across the world. Yet, in a busy life and ministry, how can we avoid becoming tired, discouraged, burnt-out, or "weary"? In this episode, we keep things extremely practical with various tips and bits of Biblical wisdom that you can take home and use today!

Aug 11, 202350:25
E258 - Serve Your People by Dr. Jack Hyles

E258 - Serve Your People by Dr. Jack Hyles

In this episode, I play a message for you that is life changing. So many times, we can become so focused on personal issues and being self-centered that we fail to remember our priority: serving others. This message from the Pastor's School of 2000 has been a great blessing to me as a husband, father, and church staff member. This is a message to stick in your back pocket and listen to on a regular basis. I pray that it will be as much of a blessing to you as it was for me.

Aug 04, 202354:54
E257 - What About Abuse In IFB Churches?

E257 - What About Abuse In IFB Churches?

   Have you heard?  Have you seen?  Did you happen to see?  Did you happen to hear?  That Baptist church in... The pastor...

We live in a day and age where there are blogs and podcasts devoted to talking about and discussing sexual abuse in churches. It is no wonder that many have heard about some scandal or terrible happening in a church they know of, a pastor they respected, or a staff member that should have known better.  I want to address the subject and concern of sexual abuse and immorality in churches in this episode.   Asking a question of this magnitude is a valid question and deserves a valid answer. 

In this episode, we will discuss:

- 2 things wrong with the title of this episode.

- What a church should expect when accusations come.

- How a pastor, staff, and church should handle accusations.

- Policies that churches should have written into their by-laws.

- The great law our judicial system is built on.

- What to do after the accusation.

- How to keep accusations from happening or being truthful.

- Why transparency is so important in ministry.

- Why accusations may knock you down, but shouldn't knock you out.


Jul 28, 202358:06
E256 - God Is So Good

E256 - God Is So Good

When is the last time you have stopped and thought about how good God has been? When is the last time you have stopped to count your blessings? In this episode, I take time to talk about some of the things the Lord has been doing in my life. I also discuss the importance of a "new song" in your life!

Jul 21, 202336:28
E255 - Part 2: How To Preach/Guide A Funeral with Pastor Patrick Gimenez

E255 - Part 2: How To Preach/Guide A Funeral with Pastor Patrick Gimenez

Calling all young preachers!

At some point in your ministry, you will be called upon to preach or lead a funeral. How do you do it? In a day where some allow the church's standards to be comprised due to the event, how do we have a "good" funeral? In this two part episode (the second part will be released next week), you will get the privilege to learn from veteran missionary and pastor - Pastor Patrick Gimenez - on how to lead, preach, and guide a funeral!

In this two part episode, you will learn:

- How to act in the hospital room of someone who is dying.

- How to help a grieving family.

- What questions to ask family members after their loved one's death.

- Church funerals vs. Funeral homes vs. Graveside.

- What to preach on.

- How you can get to know the deceased even after their death.

- Preaching a funeral for the lost, the saved, or the unknown.

- Personal touches to aid the grieving.

- How to properly use humor in tough situations.

- How to not compromise your church's standards.

- Tips for videos and music.


Jul 14, 202347:13
E254 - How To Preach/Guide A Funeral with Pastor Patrick Gimenez

E254 - How To Preach/Guide A Funeral with Pastor Patrick Gimenez

Calling all young preachers!

At some point in your ministry, you will be called upon to preach or lead a funeral. How do you do it? In a day where some allow the church's standards to be comprised due to the event, how do we have a "good" funeral? In this two part episode (the second part will be released next week), you will get the privilege to learn from veteran missionary and pastor - Pastor Patrick Gimenez - on how to lead, preach, and guide a funeral!

In this two part episode, you will learn:

- How to act in the hospital room of someone who is dying.

- How to help a grieving family.

- What questions to ask family members after their loved one's death.

- Church funerals vs. Funeral homes vs. Graveside.

- What to preach on.

- How you can get to know the deceased even after their death.

- Preaching a funeral for the lost, the saved, or the unknown.

- Personal touches to aid the grieving.

- How to properly use humor in tough situations.

- How to not compromise your church's standards.

- Tips for videos and music.


Jul 07, 202344:42
E253 - How To Care For Your Temple

E253 - How To Care For Your Temple

Paul gives us a command in this passage that is often forgotten about in a lot of Christian lives.  It’s not preached on or taught on often because it can be offensive and embarrassing to some.  Yet, the Bible gives no exception clause to this passage.  It applies to everyone.  No matter height, weight, color, or gender – we are given the responsibility of keeping this, often forgotten, command.  Find out what that command is and how to apply it in this episode! Get ready for something extremely practical that you can use TODAY!

We also give an important update in the beginning of the episode concerning the month of June.

May 26, 202301:01:11
E252 - 12 More CD's On YouTube
May 19, 202343:57
E251 - Things Christians Should Not Say

E251 - Things Christians Should Not Say

Have you ever said something and then thought about why you said what you did? We can be so quick to speak that sometimes we forget to think about what we are saying. If we are not careful, we can use words, phrases, and language that is not pleasing and honoring to God. In this episode, we share common words and phrases that any Bible-believing Christian should think carefully about before saying. Some of these might surprise you!

May 05, 202353:11
E250 - A Study On Personal Convictions From Romans 14

E250 - A Study On Personal Convictions From Romans 14

How do I and a fellow brother-in-Christ fellowship and get along when we have a difference of opinions? How do we remain friends and keep the lines of communication open when we have different personal convictions? No two brothers or sisters in Christ are exactly alike - there will be differences. When dealing with convictions and standards, Christians have some important decisions to make. Join me, as we break down Romans 14 (verse by verse) and discuss the rules of engagement when we have different personal convictions!

Apr 28, 202357:55
E249 - UPDATE: Should An Independent Baptist Watch "The Chosen"?

E249 - UPDATE: Should An Independent Baptist Watch "The Chosen"?

Almost 2 years ago, we recorded an episode entitled "Should An Independent Baptist Watch 'The Chosen'?" That episode was extremely different from what we normally record and focus on here at Sandy Creek Stirrings. But! To ice the cake of "extremely different", we want to UPDATE that episode because...some things have changed. Join me in this episode as I discuss how my answer to that question has evolved over the past two years and why some things may still be the same.

Apr 21, 202353:15
E248 - Follow-Up: Answering Common KJV Questions

E248 - Follow-Up: Answering Common KJV Questions

In this episode, we take some time to answer some common KJV questions, like:

- Were the KJV translators inspired?

- What about the italicized words?

- Was King James a homosexual?

- Did the translators believe the KJV was perfect?

- What about podcasters and authors who are affecting our churches?

- What can we do about all these questions?


Apr 14, 202351:43
E247 - Making The Bible Version Debate Simple: Part 4

E247 - Making The Bible Version Debate Simple: Part 4

I submit to you that only one translation meets the core doctrines concerning the Word of God.  Only one was translated off a line of manuscripts with no faults and no failures – the Traditional Text. Only one translation is perfect with no contradictions and no errors.  That translation is the King James Version. I believe the evidence provided in this study allow us to definitively conclude the errors of the modern translations and any offspring of the Critical Text. The question is: how do we defend the KJV? Find out in this episode!

This episode covers:

- How to defend the KJV.

- How to answer objects to the KJV.

- What about the old words in the KJV?

- Is it still written on a 5th grade reading level?

- Weren't the translators just "common men"?

- "What about all the errors and contradictions in the KJV"?

- Isn't this all just about modern English?


Apr 07, 202301:02:36
E246 - Making The Bible Version Debate Simple: Part 3

E246 - Making The Bible Version Debate Simple: Part 3

In this episode, we are going to examine what a house built on a faulty foundation looks like.  What is the offspring of a faulty foundation?  Here is the sad truth – all modern translations are based on the Critical Text. In this episode, we go through and prove why modern versions have serious issues on three levels: The Doctrinal Level, The Transnational Level, and The Mindset Level.

This episode covers:

- Issues with using/consulting the Critical Text.

- Issues found within the NIV, ESV, NASV, ASV, RSV, and many more.

- What we use to determine issues in a translation.

- What the "inner soul" of the Bible version debate is.

- Things to be careful of when listening to Bible Version debates.

- Why the NKJV and MEV are not just updates of the KJV


Mar 31, 202353:24
E245 - Making The Bible Version Debate Simple: Part 2

E245 - Making The Bible Version Debate Simple: Part 2

  As we read in 1 Peter 1:19, we have a SURE Word God that we can trust in.  How do we know if something is SURE – "stable, firm, trustworthy"?  You check it’s foundation – what lies beneath it. What holds it up? The foundation is of vital importance.  Christ taught this principle with one of the most well known stories of Scripture: the wise man and the foolish man. Join me in this episode as we discuss "The Foundational Issue" of the Bible Version Debate!

This episode covers:

- Where the Textus Receptus (The Traditional Text) came from.

- Where the Critical Text (The Eclectic Text) came from.

- What are "manuscripts"?

- Why there are only 2 translations of the Bible.

- Surface level examination of Codex Vaticanus & Codex Sinaticus.

- How does "manuscript evidence" help us?

- Why the Bible version debate is deeper than "modern English/language".


Mar 24, 202355:26
E244 - Making The Bible Version Debate Simple: Part 1

E244 - Making The Bible Version Debate Simple: Part 1

For the hundreds of English Bible versions, there seem to be twice as many opinions about which one you should use.  The sad fact is that questions, answers, and conversations revolving around this subject have become so deep that the average Christian gets lost in the first paragraph.  What is the result?  The average Christian is left in the dark when it comes to the FACTS of the Bible version debate.   The goal of this series is to "unwrap" the contents of the Bible version debate, beginning with what the Bible says about itself, the foundation of the Bible versions, answering controversial questions, and much more!  This is accomplished in a simple, easy to listen to format that will compel readers to learn more about the Word of God.  Listen to our Introduction episode today!

Mar 10, 202351:33
E243 - Choosing Prison

E243 - Choosing Prison

I went to prison this past week.  Yes, that's correct: prison.  Some of the men from my church and I went in to prison to help spread the Gospel and be an encouragement to the inmates.  My time "inside the fence" served as a good reminder, once again, of the powerful ability we have been given - the power of choice.  In today's episode, I share some stories from prison and how our choices can lead us to things we do not desire.  

Feb 24, 202343:41
E242 - Amen by Dr. S.M. Lockridge

E242 - Amen by Dr. S.M. Lockridge

Dr. S.M. Lockridge was a stellar man of God who served the Lord  faithfully for many decades.  He preached nationwide and was well-known  as a Bible-believing, fundamental Baptist.  His preaching was eloquent,  yet easy to listen to.  “Amen” (sometimes known as “That’s My King”),  preached in the 1970’s, is most likely his most famous/most remembered  message.  This message is filled with power to help stir you up for the cause of Christ!

Feb 17, 202354:11
E241 - Why I Left Freemasonry After 44 Years

E241 - Why I Left Freemasonry After 44 Years

In today's episode, I had the great pleasure of interviewing a church member (and former employee) who left the fraternal organization of freemasonry after 44 years.  Having held several positions of leadership and acting as a lodge leader for many years, he explains in the interview why he left.  After comparing Scripture with the teaching of Freemasonry, he felt that he could no longer continue as a mason and remain a Bible-believing Christian.  His story, provided information, and glimpse into a (relatively) secret organization is absolutely fascinating.  Listen to the end for when he describes how his pastor's approach to church membership really helped to make this decision possible over 2 years later!

Feb 10, 202353:05
E240 - I Can Do It Myself

E240 - I Can Do It Myself

Sadly, we live in a day and age of churches filled with people who think they can do it themselves. They made it through last year - they went through the motions of Christianity. Yet, at the end of it all, nothing changed in their hearts and they never grew. They became content to go through the motions, and sadly, they will be content to do the same this year. Join me in this episode as we look at the story of a man's life in Scripture who had the mindset of "I Can Do It Myself". Let's see what lessons we can learn from his life!

Feb 03, 202336:15
E239 - How To See Your Children Get Saved At A Young Age

E239 - How To See Your Children Get Saved At A Young Age

This episode is very special to me as I open the episode with a story of something that happened in our personal lives.  Continuing on, I give several things that I believe are a necessity to seeing our children get saved at a young age.  This should be the goal of every Christian parent!

Jan 27, 202344:40