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Resourceful Influencing

Resourceful Influencing

By Sangeeta Naik

How to overcome personal setbacks to achieve Significance? I
I help mid career professionals to create optimal efficiency with resourefulness while being joyful about tiny achievements.
I am Sangeeta N, a Joyful Excellence coach with an experience of training more than 20000 mid career professionals being joyful while being efficient

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7 aspects to be educated on sustained growth trajectory

Resourceful InfluencingMar 25, 2022

Job search after discontent

Job search after discontent

Key Insights:

  1. 🌟 Leadership & Achievement: Achieved a 15% boost in program execution efficiency and a 20% increase in sales conversion rates through effective leadership.

  2. 💼 Collection & Financial Management: Strategically managed collections, reducing overdue invoices by 15% and improving on-time payments by 10%, contributing to financial stability.

  3. 📊 Account Management Expertise: Successfully identified and resolved financial issues, resulting in reduced outstanding balances.

  4. 💰 Efficient Payment Posting: Implemented an efficient payment posting process leading to increased on-time payments and reduced outstanding balances.

  5. 🚀 Revenue Growth: Spearheaded revenue growth initiatives, achieving a 1 crore increase in revenue within 12 months.

  6. 🧠 Strategic Thinking: Contributed to enhancing sales programs and ensuring program effectiveness to meet business goals.

Oct 30, 202332:26
The Secret Power of Strategy: Timing Your Way to Promotion

The Secret Power of Strategy: Timing Your Way to Promotion

Timing plays a pivotal role in career advancement.

Start by clarifying your career goals, aligning them with your organization's needs.

Look for opportunities to shine when your skills are most valuable, like during key projects or expansions.

Build relationships and allies within your workplace to garner support.

Patience is crucial; wait for the right moment when your achievements align with organizational needs and key stakeholders' backing.

Strategically timing your promotion efforts can give your career the boost it needs. Let us connect :

Sep 25, 202323:07
Unlocking Success: How Thinking Like an Entrepreneur Boosts My Brand

Unlocking Success: How Thinking Like an Entrepreneur Boosts My Brand

Thinking like an entrepreneur can supercharge your brand's success.

Begin by setting ambitious, clear goals that drive your vision forward.

Embrace calculated risks and innovation, seeking opportunities to improve your brand.

Cultivate a strong network, be resourceful, and prioritize your customers' needs.

Adaptability and resilience are crucial; the business landscape evolves, and setbacks are part of the journey.

Invest in marketing, brand identity, and financial management.

Execute your ideas and stay committed to lifelong learning.

Thinking like an entrepreneur empowers you to navigate the dynamic business world and unlock your brand's potential.

Book a call here

Sep 25, 202321:51
How to strategize value driven goal setting

How to strategize value driven goal setting

Strategizing value-driven goal setting involves aligning your personal or organizational goals with your core values and principles. This ensures that your objectives are not only achievable but also meaningful and fulfilling. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you strategize value-driven goal setting:

1. Identify Your Core Values:

  • Begin by clearly defining your core values. These are the principles, beliefs, and ideals that guide your decisions and actions.

2. Reflect on Your Purpose:

  • Consider your life's purpose or your organization's mission. What impact do you want to make in the world? How does this align with your values?

3. Define Your Long-Term Vision:

  • Envision where you want to be in the long run. What does success look like to you or your organization in 5, 10, or 20 years?

4. Set SMART Goals:

  • Create Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals. Ensure that each goal is well-defined and has a clear timeline.

5. Align Goals with Values:

  • Review your list of goals and assess how each one aligns with your core values. Goals should resonate with what matters most to you or your organization.

6. Prioritize Goals:

  • Prioritize your goals based on their alignment with your values and their impact on your long-term vision. Focus on the most essential ones.

7. Break Down Goals:

  • Divide each major goal into smaller, manageable tasks or milestones. This makes them less overwhelming and easier to track.

8. Create Action Plans:

  • Develop action plans for each goal or task. Specify the steps, resources, and timelines required to achieve them.

9. Regularly Review Progress:

  • Establish a routine for reviewing your progress. Regularly assess how your goals align with your values and adjust as needed.

10. Stay Adaptable: - Be open to adjusting your goals if circumstances change or if you discover that they no longer align with your values or vision.

11. Measure Impact, Not Just Outcomes: - Consider not only the outcome of your goals but also their impact on your values and purpose. How have your values been reinforced or expressed through your actions?

12. Seek Feedback and Support: - Engage with mentors, advisors, or peers who share your values or have experience in value-driven goal setting.

13. Celebrate Achievements: - Celebrate your successes along the way. Acknowledging your achievements reinforces the value-driven nature of your goals.

14. Stay Mindful and Reflective: - Regularly engage in self-reflection to ensure that your goals remain aligned with your evolving values and purpose.

15. Learn and Grow: - Embrace the journey of personal or organizational growth. Continuously learn, adapt, and refine your goals to better align with your values.

Value-driven goal setting ensures that your efforts are not only productive but also deeply meaningful. It allows you to pursue objectives that resonate with your core beliefs and bring a sense of purpose and fulfillment to your life or organization.

Sep 04, 202326:54
Harnessing the Power of an Unbeatable USP for Timely Promotions

Harnessing the Power of an Unbeatable USP for Timely Promotions

In this video, I'm going to teach you how to harness the power of an unbeatable USP for timely promotions. If you're looking to get noticed by potential employers or clients, then you need to know about the power of an unbeatable USP. An unbeatable USP is something that's unique and essential to your business, and can help you stand out from the competition. In this video, I'm going to show you how to find and use an unbeatable USP for timely promotions. By the end of this video, you'll have everything you need to start promoting your business using an unbeatable USP! How to achieve relevance by identifying 4 unattended areas of your life. Join here for my next webinar at

Aug 29, 202323:07
Success Genesis in Resourceful Influencing

Success Genesis in Resourceful Influencing

Success in resourceful influencing relies on effective communication, empathy, and problem-solving abilities. To achieve this, it's crucial to clearly communicate your ideas, actively listen to others, and understand their perspectives through empathy. Building trust and credibility is fundamental, and supporting your arguments with data and evidence reinforces your influence. Framing your messages in alignment with your audience's values and employing storytelling techniques can make your points more relatable and memorable. Being adaptable to different situations and personalities, mastering negotiation skills, and leading by example are also vital components. Maintaining a positive attitude, respectful persistence, and a willingness to seek feedback and adapt further enhance your ability to influence ethically and authentically. By honing these skills, you can navigate various aspects of life with persuasive prowess and achieve greater success in your endeavors.

Resourceful influencing is a potent tool that can impact personal relationships, professional growth, and leadership roles. Successful resourceful influencing involves understanding your audience, empathizing with their needs, and communicating persuasively. Building trust and credibility, providing data-driven evidence, and framing messages to align with values are crucial. Adaptability, negotiation skills, and leading by example also play significant roles. Remaining positive, persistent, and open to feedback ensure ethical and authentic influence. By mastering these skills, you can become a more effective influencer, leading to positive outcomes in diverse spheres of life.

Regenerate responseFree Research Preview. ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about 

Jul 25, 202309:25
3 straregies to get a promotion

3 straregies to get a promotion

When there are rigit rules for promotion, one loses time.

When one shoulders too much of responsibilities, the boss does not give promotion.

When the boss is not in a good book of seniors, he will not recommend anybody for promotion..

How to be promited in that case?

Watch it

Jul 04, 202301:20:55
Scientific Goal setting for Resourceful Influencing
Jun 27, 202301:02:08
How your 9-5 job is helped by an annual work plan

How your 9-5 job is helped by an annual work plan

Ask yourself this question, with reverse engineering. Does your 9-5 daily work can help you explain what you did the entire year? May be you will feel lost if you havenot sized up as to how your KRA has been serviced with what you do on daily beasis. Do you digress?

A 9-5 job typically follows a structured work schedule where employees are expected to be present and engaged during specific hours of the day. While this schedule provides a framework for work, it doesn't guarantee efficiency or productivity on its own. An annual work plan is beneficial for enhancing efficiency in a 9-5 job for several reasons

In this episode we have discussed the following

🎑 Identify the 5 areas of your work profile

🎑 What are the activities under each

🎑 What are your annual goal under each activity

🎑 How would you assign your fixed and varibale tasks

🎑 How does your month look like after assigning time to each task?

Book a calendly call so that we can explore better :

Jun 25, 202341:22
Materializing a much awaited manual for Resourceful Influencing

Materializing a much awaited manual for Resourceful Influencing

In this episode, we discuss the following"

  1. Embrace Creativity: Resourceful influencing requires thinking outside the box and finding innovative solutions to problems. Embrace your creative side and cultivate a mindset that actively seeks unconventional approaches. Look for alternative perspectives, consider different angles, and explore uncharted territories. Don't be afraid to challenge the status quo and bring fresh ideas to the table.

  2. Develop Strategic Thinking: Resourceful influencing goes beyond quick fixes or short-term gains. It involves strategic planning and considering the long-term impact of your actions. Take the time to analyze the situation, identify potential obstacles, and anticipate future needs. Develop a comprehensive roadmap that outlines your goals, milestones, and the steps required to achieve them. This strategic thinking will guide your decision-making process and ensure that your influence is sustainable and impactful.

  3. Foster Collaboration: Resourceful influencing thrives on collaboration and collective efforts. Build strong relationships with individuals who share your vision and values. Create networks of like-minded individuals who can contribute their unique skills and perspectives. Encourage open communication, active listening, and the exchange of ideas. By fostering a collaborative environment, you can harness the collective wisdom and resources of your team to achieve greater outcomes than what you could accomplish alone.

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Book a Calendly call with me: Ever-expanding Sangeeta



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Community is for creating environment and upgrade you with people with Resourceful mindset

Jun 20, 202309:12
Resume redrafting Part 4 - Changing pattern of Resourceful Influencing

Resume redrafting Part 4 - Changing pattern of Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discuss

🎋 Save space and use aesthetics in the Resume

🎋 Do not repeat the skills if already outlined

🎋 The experience section should contain both outcome and the skill

Book a Calendly call with me: Ever-expanding Sangeeta



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#innovation #Leadership #Leaders #Coaching #Learning #HR #HRBP #CHRO #CEO #CMO #CFO #CIO #Engagement #Change #Wellness #diversity

Hope we can keep in touch.

If so, here is what I do


I am a joyful excellence coach, and help working professionals love what they do excel at it and achieve significance thereby

Joyful excellence is;


step 1: overcome personal struggles

step2: Discover your super powers and establish them

step3 : influence with your uniqueness

hope your work life is bringing you significance all the time.

Do share your email id and phone no so that I can share my daily learning.

Jun 09, 202347:17
Sa-Dhan & Accion Synergy in exploring End client Engagement for Resourceful Influencing
Jun 07, 202301:23:09
Resume Redrafting part 1 towards Resourceful Influencing
Jun 05, 202327:25
Turn a negative feedback into a 90 days goal in Resourceful Influencing

Turn a negative feedback into a 90 days goal in Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we have discussed

🎑 How to turn a negative feedback into a 90 days goal

🎑 Why the habit is important for Resourceful Influencing

🎑 How to follow the strategy time and again to perfect the habit

Book a Calendly call with me: Ever-expanding Sangeeta



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May 31, 202310:28
3 ways to get over the Work place cribbing with Resourceful Influencing

3 ways to get over the Work place cribbing with Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discussed 3 ways to handle a irritable boss

🎑 Discuss over a cup of tea

🎑 Handle her like a hurt child - traumatized

🎑 Set boundaries and improve work flow

Book a Calendly call with me: Ever-expanding Sangeeta



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#resourcefulinfluencing #resourcefulness #evathon #growthon #hackathontask #leadingwithsangeeta @evaessence #evamagnificence #evasignificance #leadershipgrowth #everexpandingsangeeta  #syncdesigners

May 28, 202344:18
Intro to Joyful excellence to expedite Resourceful Influencing

Intro to Joyful excellence to expedite Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discuss

🎑 How Joy can be the secret agent for manifestation

🎑 How the feeling level is the most important in the whole world

🎑 Joyful excellence is where life wants us to lead onto

Book a Calendly call with me: Ever-expanding Sangeeta



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#resourcefulinfluencing #resourcefulness #evathon #growthon #hackathontask #leadingwithsangeeta @evaessence #evamagnificence #evasignificance #leadershipgrowth #everexpandingsangeeta  #syncdesigners

May 27, 202317:50
Integrating Emotional Intelligence for Magnetic Resourceful Influencing

Integrating Emotional Intelligence for Magnetic Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discussed

🎑 The knowledge about Emotional Intelligence

🎑 Emotional Intelligence is the trigger to success and health

🎑 Everybody should have a periodical EI profiling

Book a Calendly call with me: Ever-expanding Sangeeta



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#resourcefulinfluencing #resourcefulness #evathon #growthon #hackathontask #leadingwithsangeeta @evaessence #evamagnificence #evasignificance #leadershipgrowth #everexpandingsangeeta  #syncdesigners

May 27, 202321:44
Discovery call for 3 level up positioning in present job

Discovery call for 3 level up positioning in present job

In this episode we discussed

🎑 Can we start working for 3 level up in the present organization

🎑 How do you make yourself deserving to be carried higher up

🎑 What decision you need to take to get initiated

Book a Calendly call with me: Ever-expanding Sangeeta



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#resourcefulinfluencing #resourcefulness #evathon #growthon #hackathontask #leadingwithsangeeta @evaessence #evamagnificence #evasignificance #leadershipgrowth #everexpandingsangeeta  #syncdesigners

May 27, 202349:29
Discovery call to help a grand restart a career in Resourceful Influencing

Discovery call to help a grand restart a career in Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discussed

🎑 Strength analysis 🎑 Resume remodelling

🎑 Interview preparation

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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May 27, 202335:27
Sequencing is not multitasking to create efficiency
May 26, 202309:56
Leadership DNA test results to create competncy stories for Resourceful Influencing
May 25, 202310:38
Synchronicity to be Signficant with Resourceful Influencing
May 21, 202316:09
Digital event by my mentor Vivek Mehrotra the LOA expert into effective Resourceful Influencing
May 21, 202302:02:45
African Crusade - 28th Day Progress bringing Resourceful Influencing to play
May 20, 202301:05:58
In Sync 100 to brand next level -  with Suveccha & Ankita

In Sync 100 to brand next level - with Suveccha & Ankita

In this episode we discussed

🎋 Mission congruence
🎋 Win-Win Path
🎋 Branding of next level

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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May 20, 202301:00:27
Choosing strength over a skill to get magnetic Resourceful Influencing
May 19, 202311:01
3 ways to overcome defiance despite desolation
May 19, 202310:49
4 ways being Powered up in Resourceful Influencing
May 18, 202331:40
What is the purpose of life which can take me to Resourceful Influencing

What is the purpose of life which can take me to Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discussed

🎋 How to get started

🎋 Why to get going

🎋 What makes us keep moving

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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May 17, 202312:23
How to achieve Big Hairy Audacious Goals (Bhag) to have Resourceful Influencing
May 16, 202309:08
Get stuff done to be significance for Resourceful Influencing
May 16, 202343:42
Positive accountability helps Resourceful Influencing

Positive accountability helps Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discuss

🎋Screen advice

🎋Accountability isnt costly in the long run

🎋Free yourself with making others responsible for you

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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May 15, 202323:09
Life becomes all set to launch itself to the next level
May 15, 202324:55
Enlist suppport with accountability to create Resourceful Influencing

Enlist suppport with accountability to create Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discuss

🎋How to get challenged

🎋How to sense the Universal nudge

🎋How to become one's own inspiration

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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#resourcefulinfluencing #resourcefulness #evathon #growthon #hackathontask #leadingwithsangeeta @evaessence #evamagnificence #evasignificance #leadershipgrowth #everexpandingsangeeta  #syncdesigners

May 15, 202318:31
What does it take for us to be Resourceful Influencers
May 15, 202303:37
Joy is Juggle with Out of Box Yardstick towards Resourceful Influencing

Joy is Juggle with Out of Box Yardstick towards Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discuss

🎋 Why Joy?

🎋 How to attain joy in everyday's activities?

🎋 The level you is not bound by the lower level rules

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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#resourcefulinfluencing #resourcefulness #evathon #growthon #hackathontask #leadingwithsangeeta @evaessence #evamagnificence #evasignificance #leadershipgrowth #everexpandingsangeeta  #syncdesigners

May 15, 202306:51
I raised my girls to be very independent
May 13, 202310:07
African Crusade- 21st day on a journey of Resourceful Influencing

African Crusade- 21st day on a journey of Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discuss

🎋finding ways to buy the children painting material

🎋To be ablt to speak to the mayor without bias

🎋We are geeting ahead.

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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May 13, 202355:33
overcome the hurt by exercising empathy

overcome the hurt by exercising empathy

In this episode we discuss

🎋Don't hurt even if you are hurt

🎋Replace with Self love comments those self derogatory remarks which you made sometime back

🎋Be careful not to hurt back

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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May 12, 202309:13
Greatness Game for Resourceful Influencing
May 12, 202341:57
Give yourself a challenge to overcome a fear
May 11, 202342:00
Practice the habit of Original Observation to enhance Resourceful Influencing
May 10, 202315:38
3 ways to interpret and leverage the attraction for opposite sex
May 08, 202312:08
How to Give Yourself Permission to Chase Your Dreams!

How to Give Yourself Permission to Chase Your Dreams!

In this episode we discuss


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May 07, 202328:13
African Crusade focus on children painting to build resourceful influencing
May 06, 202301:26:45
Asking courageous questions that lead to greatness
May 06, 202340:10
In Sync 100 - Empowered Professionals Hub

In Sync 100 - Empowered Professionals Hub

In this episode we discussed

🧧 How to make the best of LinkdIn

🧧 How to present the the entire session in 30 minutes

🧧 How to make the best of the Empowering hub

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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May 06, 202303:08:43
TFB Triangle of Mindset in Motion towards Greatness
May 05, 202301:22:51
Identifying Who you are to become the ultimate Poised Empress
May 04, 202301:01:41
The 3 exercises of Engaging in Greatness of Resourceful Influencing

The 3 exercises of Engaging in Greatness of Resourceful Influencing

In this episode we discussed 3 ways of engaging greatness

🎑 Understanding the coping mechanism

🎑 Mind and body check in

🎑 The Trigger origin story

Useful free Resources available at my YouTube channel at .



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May 03, 202301:01:41