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Legends Interview Series Presented by Sarah Furuya Coaching

Legends Interview Series Presented by Sarah Furuya Coaching

By Sarah Furuya

A project that started in mid 2019 but had been on the radar for many years.
Not interested in surface tales of business or cliches of life, I have carefully selected a group of people to bring the richness of their lives to the table with incredible frankness and depth. Each is successful in their own way, have built, created, lost, grieved, started again, moved, traveled, celebrated, and delighted in life. Please revel in the richness of these legends.
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Nina Cataldo: Emergency Conversation #powerfulasianwomen

Legends Interview Series Presented by Sarah Furuya Coaching Mar 23, 2021

Katherine North: The Legend of Heathen Mysticism

Katherine North: The Legend of Heathen Mysticism


Introducing Katherine North, the legend of Heathen Mysticism - one of my favourite ever people and coaches - AND WHAT A STORY.

Buy her book for the full skinny and listen to this conversation to hear about her beautiful wild life.
“Women’s bodies are potent territory, you could even say that they have magical powers and so the urge to control them is about power.”

We are hilarious together - when coaches talk they get curious and ask questions so sometimes I go off a bit - it’s a conversation - please enjoy!

We had so much fun and pin-balled around time and topics from Religions (of course) to babies, abortion, parenting, marriage, name changes, transition, big families, small families, disaster, earthquakes, acting, Japan, truth, the embarrassment of me meeting her Mum, wild Tokyo in the 2000s, her memoir (please buy it - I’m giving one away - contact me if you’d like it), her ode to Christmas magic and so so much more.

“I didn’t know who I was in my core but I was very afraid of who I was in my core…”

Katherine is one of the best coaches I have ever experienced and I love a good coach. She has wild integrity and is a great story teller who has a flare for the dramatic without being pretentious - although I have nothing against the pretentious! I mean she is a badass who unfolds her life in such a real way and a way that has so much room for all that is inside it. There are many ways to lead a life.

Once upon a time there was a little girl who was terrified, who was raised in the church with her devout evangelical Missionary Christian parents, but she held a deep dark secret inside of her…

Read more here-

I have been so inspired by Katherine and Nick and the way they navigate their marriage - I mean their love story is wild and unique and filled with rich beauty. And messes. Lots of messes. But they help me to believe that anything is possible and as I lie back on my sofa bed listening to the birds sing their sundown chorus and I prepare to go have a dip in the sea before dinner, I think about the deep joy in authoring our lives. Im doing whatever you want to; changing your name, moving to an island, getting loads of chickens, writing books, falling deeply in love and moving and changing everything, in the joy of sex and sexuality and the miracles that our bodies are.




Discovery Plus Documentary ‘Life Under Renovation’

Shout out to FEW

Just Another Beautiful Family

Holy Heathen a Spiritual Memoir 
The Secret Society of Saint Nicholas
Find them here:

Jun 07, 202101:19:26
Kingsley Kobayashi: Legend of Entrepreneurship & Giving

Kingsley Kobayashi: Legend of Entrepreneurship & Giving

Season Three Episode Nine

Introducing Kinglsey Kobayashi, Legend of Entrepreneurship and Giving.

“The measure of a person’s life is the effect they have on others”.

Kobayashi means small forest and the kanji is: 小林

He also has Kanji (Chinese Characters) for his name Kingsley meaning three kings.

When I first came to Japan and lived in a suburb called Atsugi, about an hour from Tokyo, I was surprised by the number of shops selling Hip Hop clothing. Little did I know that 20 years later I would be interviewing the man responsible for introducing these clothes into Japan. How I love that that has become part of my myth.

“My Grandmother was my rock.”

Kingsley is a gentleman and great company - so many stories from his humble upbringing in Nigeria; raised by his grandmother and single parent father, who as a teacher would take Kingsley to school with him from aged 9 months. Kinglsey contributed to the family from a very young age and learned his work ethic early on, working before and after school and being schooled in the tougher end of economics by his Grandmother. From there he moved to Lagos and started his company and from there, this fascinating Legend turns to Asia and we take you on that journey.

If you look at Kingsley’s website you can see the integration between community, business and family is central to his way of life. Even in his about page he talks about being a loving father and how important his family is and this is quite a rare and courageous thing to talk about in a business context in my experience, but to Kingsley - it’s everything.

“When you have a daily income you are never really poor”

Kingsley and his wife Blanka have written a book to help people gain financial freedom called ‘The Beginners Guide to Financial Freedom’ and they are nominated as one of the top 25 entrepreneurs to look out for by a new channel. Kinglsey does his very best to explain Blockchain to me - and maybe you dear listener will get it straight away!

Please enjoy this fascinating trip through the world of business and positivity.

Raised by a single father, from the age of 9 months he went to school with his father and got the Nigerian nickname ’Schoolboy’

  • Raised by the community and his Grandmother his ‘Rock’ (who died at age 104!)
  • He earned money before and after school to contribute to his family - this contributed to his strong work ethic
  • I was reminded of Karen Hill Anton’s conversation where respect for elder’s is non-negotiable
  • In Japan - you can make it legitimately - while Japan has a reputation for being wary of foreigners, so long as you pay your taxes and earn your money you can build businesses legitimately
  • Find out what Kingsley says about billionaires

AND much much more. Full show notes including the poem he mentions here.

You can find Kingsley here:
Instagram @Kingsleykobayashi
Twitter @kingskobayashi
The Book

May 25, 202101:15:57
Baye McNeil: Legend of Black Self-esteem

Baye McNeil: Legend of Black Self-esteem

Season Three Episode Eight
‘When you have healthy self esteem and you see everyone as your equal, you approach the world differently’

I have to be honest that I was a bit nervous - a little starstruck  interviewing Baye.  I had been waiting for Baye for a year - I really wanted to do the video interview with him because he is such a star but a year on and with the pandemic still in play I just bit the bullet because Baye sounds good in May - catchy.

You can kinda tell that I was a bit in awe when we start AND I keep saying his name wrong. I AM SO SORRY BAYE. In my head is was Baye like May - IT IS NOT, it is Ba-Ye like Kanye. Please adjust your mind voice to Baye’s Senegalese name. And once again to Baye - thank you for correcting me over and over as I revelled in being in your presence. I am shouting at the screen as I am watching myself make this mistake repeatedly.

Baye is a high-profile writer; columnist in Japan Times’ Black Eye, author of TWO best-selling books “
Hi My Name is Loco and I am a Racist” and “Loco in Yokohama”. I can’t even tell you how many other things Baye has done - listen in and visit his website, linked below.

Baye is charming, funny, serious, and fascinating - he opened my world up in the first 5 minutes of this interview. It is my opinion that Baye will go down in history as a great influencer and activist in Japan who changed the course of Japanese history, not only for people of African and Japanese-African descent but so many more people. He opens up minds to what is going on and encourages the good questions. His writing is brilliant and straightforward; generous and rich. He is a presence. 

I loved every minute of Baye talking to me - we debated language use and he told me his preferred terms for bad practice when we discussed his part in the rectification of the Naomi Osaka Nissin whitewashing debacle. 

There are layers and layers of depth and discussion in this interview and I implore you to listen to every last second as Baye keeps delivering more and more wisdom, information, history and humour. He really is terrific company! 

BY THE WAY - we talk of two McMillans - Terri McMillan - Tokyo based creative and technology legend and Terry McMillan - US based legendary author.

More show notes here:

Find Baye here:
Twitter @bayemcneil 
Instagram @bayemcneil

If you liked this interview you might enjoy:

Terri McMacmillan - also Brooklyn background and Tokyo Legend
Liza Chantelle - who talks at length about Jamaica and England
Nina Cataldo - who we mention during the interview
Black Lives Matter Tokyo:

May 11, 202101:40:23
Karen Hill Anton: Legend of Crossing Cultures and Turning Corners

Karen Hill Anton: Legend of Crossing Cultures and Turning Corners

Season Three Episode Seven 

In Karen’s book ‘The View From Breast Pocket Mountain’ before I even got to page 50 she had introduced me to her young relationship with Joseph Heller, author of Catch 22, hanging out with Neneh Cherry (childhood hero of mine). Now, I am a sloooooow reader - I like that about myself - I read about 10 books a year and these days listen to more, but I decided to purchase Karen’s book and dip in before our conversation. I couldn’t put it down. From the first page, that we don’t reveal - it has you hooked.

I am genuinely changed through our conversation - I just loved listening to her talking about being a mother and taking the next steps, humbling herself to being both inside and outside a culture and living a full life in the Japanese countryside. Karen is beautiful and one of the most wonderful things I love about being a woman is how we can traverse with ease across intelligent meaningful conversations with depth and skill to talking about beauty and today was no exception - before we hit record, we both paused and topped up our lipstick! 

We didn’t even touch on the fact that Karen almost became a dancer and taught modern dance and at the end of the conversation, Karen reads from her novel; a wonderful chapter about her relationship with her neighbours - I mean let’s just drop MC hammer in here shall we (I also drop a tasty tidbit in here about my history with the Hammer).

In terms of brilliance - you can’t touch this. (See what I did there?)

  • The questions we DON’T have about our parents and how many stories live in our imagination
  • We talk about imagination and living in the past and the burden of creating anxiety in our fantasies - brilliant coaching fodder! Curiosity and pragmatism
  • She was raised in a time when there was no imaginings about not respecting a parent. It was simply not an option
  • The power and influence of good teachers and mentors and how important the people who will see and witness your potential are. This comes up in a future conversation too (look out for May) AND in the conversation with Leza Lowitz
  • DREAMS - opening the edges of our dreams through contact with people who can open our dreams
  • What happens when she - she just couldn’t get enough
  • Following what’s in front of you and being swept away - not reckless, not crazy, not even edgy but unafraid
  • Corners - going around a corner and not being afraid and not knowing what’s around the corner
  • The joy of becoming a mother and how she never found having a child limiting, she couldn’t be more grateful for children and all that role created for her
  • She is absolutely clear in the book about how hard it was on a farm with no running water and toilets they had to empty themselves and 3 young kids - there’s NO BS here
  • The tragedy of isolation and the joy of community in motherhood
  • You will have to read the book to get the full dojo experience but Karen teases us with the year they had on a dojo
  • Being in community in the deep Shizuoka countryside on Japan
  • How becoming a Japanese Calligraphy 2-dan (basically better than a black-belt) opened Japanese culture up
  • She stopped being a rebel and what she has to say about standing out and fitting in
  • Life as a cross-cultural coach columnist
  • Her life now, her four adult children and her approach to future projects

Instagram @karenhillanton

Buy her book here.

Apr 19, 202101:30:17
Chuck Johnson: Legend of Action

Chuck Johnson: Legend of Action

Season Three Episode Six

Introducing Chuck Johnson, The Legend of Action.

‘Punches of positivity’
‘Diversity is part of the human condition’
“I really do believe it’s all about trusting your instincts”

We have a few technical issues with WiFi here so bear with us.

Every single conversation I think to myself ‘this was my favourite conversation to date’. This conversation with Chuck Johnson is no exception and Chuck IS exceptional. He is gentle, confident, detailed, humble, generous, social-impact minded and terrific company. 

Chuck is also a gentleman. A gentleman who has followed his passion for martial arts across the globe and continues to learn, master, take action and grow as well as takin his place as the sensei at his Tokyo dojo and his company
Quiet Flame - more apt a name I cannot think of for Chuck. Chuck believes that super successful people get into the details and he notices this and relates this to kimono culture and even my sartorial choices on the day. Throughout this conversation we are deep into cultural territory and how we navigate that and learn from constantly being in collaboration with the culture around us.

Chuck now has a Dojo in Roppongi and has already produced a short Samurai action comedy film called ‘Fists of Absinthe’ (Watch here), which became an official selection at the Urban Action Showcase in New York and got a distribution deal.  Highly recommend you go over and watch it - it’s hilarious. Chuck has over 18,000 subscribers on YouTube!

Chuck now wants to use action cinema to address relevant social issues and including sex trafficking and mental health. Can’t wait to hear more about that! 

(Every time I hear myself saying ‘That’s right Chuck’ or ‘tell me more about that Chuck’ I sound like Cilla Black and I’m sure my UK listeners will appreciate this.)

  • From USA Detroit to Lansing and the ethnic and economic shifts inherent in that move
  • How does ANYBODY go from being a C- student to an A student? Well Chuck did - find out how
  • Being the youngest of 6 children - he got used to hustling for himself and that served him well in his travels and decisions
  • Notes on confidence and how he built his
  • HIs route to competition-level Taekwondo and all the countries he visited as a result
  • Belt systems in martial arts and wiring our brains for short and long term goal setting and how this relates to goal setting and life
  • Synergistic impact in everything you know - how studying and mastering one thing can make other things easier - when you have a wide base of knowledge you have this way of seeing the world
  • The layers of kimono, the layers of Japanese culture and the freedom for expression and impact within those layers
  • How he became a celebrity bodyguard, a model and what ring fighting taught him
  • The metaphor and the reality of keeping your eyes open while you are getting hit
  • Chuck’s approach to healing and getting over illness and injury - it’s fascinating to hear this and how he relates it to business
  • His Quite Flame Dojo in Roppongi (one of the most popular and famous places in Tokyo)
  • His social activism and how he wants to marry action entertainment with social issues and touch an audience that might not otherwise be aware or interested in such issues

Apr 05, 202101:26:16
Nina Cataldo: Emergency Conversation #powerfulasianwomen

Nina Cataldo: Emergency Conversation #powerfulasianwomen

Season Three Episode Five

Emergency Conversation with the legend, Nina Cataldo - #POWERFULASIANWOMEN #POWERFULASIANWOMAN

Nina Cataldo, founder of
Hafu Ladies, DEI specialist and Brave and Bold Mastermind leader had an epiphany following a racially hostile encounter last week that coincided with the tragic murders of 8 people in Atlanta.

We honour these people and their families in their grief.

Listen to this conversation as we hear Nina retell her stories, experiences and her call to action to recognise, honour and amplify Powerful Asian Women. Witness her process as she shifts her victim story, and be assured she was and is the victim of hostile racial harassment, and turns it into something Bold and Brave.

Use and follow the hashtag #powerfulasianwoman and #powerfulasianwomen to amplify our amazing friends and collaborators and smash through those stereotypes.

Are you a Bold and Brave Asian Woman who is looking for some serious elevation and to elevate others through action and optimism? Then Nina and her partner Kristy's mastermind could be for you. Details here.

Find Hafu Ladies public page here.

And her Powerful::Strong::Brave post is here.

And see Kristy interviewed on Nightcrawlers here.

Want to hear more about Nina? This is her second time on the podcast and you can find part 1 here.

About Nina
Nina Cataldo is a Tokyo-based Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion facilitator actively working on promoting visibility for multiracialism and multiculturalism in Japan. As a mixed-race Japanese and American, she feels very passionate about paving the way for a more safe and peaceful society for fellow "Hafus" like herself. In 2018, she founded Hafu Ladies, a global community for mixed-race Japanese women where the goal is to continue creating a safe space for women to embrace their identities, educate themselves and others, and to live empowered lives. The community holds educational and social events online. In March 2021, Nina launched a new Mastermind program for Asian Women Entrepreneurs called "Brave & Bold Mastermind". Together with her business partner Kristy Ishii, they guide their cohort in leveraging each members' passion projects and businesses. Follow Nina on Instagram @ninalalala


Mar 23, 202101:09:09
Leza Lowitz: Legend of Tokyo Yoga

Leza Lowitz: Legend of Tokyo Yoga

Season Three Episode Four

Introducing Leza Lowitz, the legend of Tokyo Yoga.

You can see me working things through here as new information comes in from Leza - it’s one of the things I love about these conversations and these legends - what I learn. New ways to think and feel through life.

There’s so much richness in Leza’s story - from the American Mid-West in Iowa, to Key West, Florida then Berkley California, this is a story of the ages. An American story that lands in Japan then continues to evolve.

There are many ways to lead a life.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ― Viktor Frankl

Leza has a unique perspective on life, having lived many different economic, racial and cultural chapters in her life, which makes her have a unique appreciation for the many many ways to lead a life. This, I believe is what gives her gravitas, authority and agency; knowing that with the right mentors, encouragement and opportunities, and the ability to follow those, you can build and create in your life. We cover so much in this conversation from the Vietnam War to the 6 perfections of Buddhism, business, writing and motherhood - it’s all in here.

  • How she ended up going to the same school as Kamala Harris, where she saw Maya Angelou speak
  • How her tumultuous childhood was a calmed as she was introduced to meditation, then an Okinawan Martial Art that planted the seed for her move to Japan
  • How when she was pushed to her limit she was made to understand what you she was capable of
  • We talk about being a victim and how we truly are victims in our stories and how we CAN emerge and move forward and retell our stories
  • Access to amazing mentors and people to believe in you is essential to pull people toward their potential
  • The influence of philanthropic people and how her sister took that idea of community into her Medical practice
  • We discuss the addiction to struggle and drama - do you have struggle addiction? We are reminded of the Goo Goo Dolls `You bleed just to know you’re alive’
  • Get into your body - getting embodied and getting out of the fight or flight and into the rest and digest ‘within my body there’s a city’
  • The trance of unworthiness, the culture of adoration, rest and digest
  • The journey to Japan and how she continued writing and that opened doors to Japan’s most prestigious university
  • The small voice that told her to open a yoga studio, And that same voice that told her that there was a child waiting out there for her. The strong call to motherhood
  • How her yoga studio didn’t take off until she really settled into it herself - and THEN how she ended up on a famous Japanese comedy show!
  • How to rebel within the cultural framework of a different country - and how grateful to Japan we are

Read more on blog here.

Find Leza below
Sun and Moon Yoga, Tokyo

Books by Leza
Up from the sea
In Search of the sun
Yoga Poems
Yoga Heart
and more...

Mar 22, 202101:31:06
Vail Fletcher: Legend of Inter-species Collaboration

Vail Fletcher: Legend of Inter-species Collaboration

Season Three Episode Three

Introducing the legend of Inter-species Collaboration, Vail Fletcher.  Vail is a New York native and an Associate Professor at a local university. She spends her days teaching on-campus or at home researching, reading, writing, and envisioning what's next for their farm. Her research often takes her abroad (most recently to China, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Rwanda, Nicaragua, Austria, Ethiopia, Uganda, and South Africa) to explore nature, ecology, and environmental conflict. She loves: supporting local artisans, big thinking, creative endeavors, flowers/perfumes, pretty things, and a Mexican textile venture with dear friends: Xuxo

“Discomfort is the birthplace of learning.”
“Spend time in awe.”
"Our language reflects our reality.”

This episode is dedicated to William Robert and Ruby Tuesday.

We have a few technical difficulties throughout this - luckily the sticking is fast and doesn’t cause too much interruption so we just move through it.

Vail has recently published an academic tome:
Communicating in the Anthropocene
Intimate relations

From an upstate New York suburban upbringing to the unseated land of Wapato, Portland Oregon, which also goes by the name of Sauvie Island, Vail introduced me to ideas that turned me around inside and shifted my perspective. Seriously part way through Vail says something so profoundly moving that I gasp and go crosseyed (luckily you can’t see that on the podcast). Vail is an incredible mix of intellect, absolute clarity, and earth dweller. Vail’s intellect and humanity and inter-species collaboration is mind-shifting. She is absolutely the real deal and has me questioning my next move and where I want to take things going forward. She schooled me on Flypaths, and the ordinance of dark nights. She also says that love should be something we are thinking about and talking about and intellectualising more. “Why are my girlfriend relationships less important than my romantic relationships?”. Questions that we, in my coaching group, ask again and again.

This is a conversation that I will come back to again and again.

We get directly into colonial conversations and trauma bodies

Also in the episode:

  • Insights into decolonizing our bookshelves and diversifying information
  • Deep dive into trauma and racism and the effects
  • The power of language and the vernacular
  • The idea of foregrounding different histories in addition
  • WAIT WHAT? Climate change is not about Carbon … find out why
  • At one point Vail takes my breath away with her insight …
  • Reimagining economies (it’s more a return)
  • What Vail has to say about children’s books
  • Is art the only way out of this?
  • Paying attention and becoming intimate with her surroundings and non-human neighbours
  • Co-creators and her reframing of neighbours, inter-species collaboration
  • AWE as a way of life and the Orcagasm and nests

    Find Vail at:
    Dwell Magazine-

    See my blog for full write up of other mentions in the podcast.
Mar 07, 202101:30:04
Martine Cotton: Legend of Reinvention

Martine Cotton: Legend of Reinvention

Season Three Episode Two
“It’s never too late to start again”

Fiery feminist and cattle farmer move to New Guinea with with 2-week old Martine on their lap to build roads in the jungles.

Forgive my clumsy questions around racism here - Martine engages brilliantly. 

Martine Cotton has had a fascinating life in one of the many many ways to lead them. Born in Brisbane, she has now returned there by way of New Guinea, Japan, Far North Queensland and many exciting music tours around Australia. 

What have Powderfinger, Gwen Stefani, Nick Cave and Mogwai got in common? Martine has stories about all of them. 

In this conversation, we navigate from Martine being raised in the Aussie community in New Guinea for her early years, to return to life in Australia, the horrors of boarding school, the joy of studying film at university, being at the helm of the Australian music industry in the 90s, an unexpected move to Japan, a stint in the beautiful tropics of Far North Queensland and then what brought her back to Brisbane and her decision, aged 50 to start studying for a BSc in nutrition. 

We delve into the racism so deeply ingrained in Australia, and older generations of family, and how she navigates that through the lens of the social justice.

Martine is passionate on the topic of public health and the societal and individual changes that can be made to help people to not only live long but to live in good health. It’s fascinating listening to her talk about her wish to change public perception around what’s possible for healthy living.

We talk about:

  • The life and soul of the party - how her Mum and Dad loved to enjoy themselves and how she honoured them in death.
  • Bananas, tinned sheep’s brains and more.
  • Boarding School Syndrome
  • Getting older and being gentler
  • Every project doesn’t have to be the best - being good can be enough
  • How she got into studying film
  • Writing Romantic fiction about Duran Duran and Adam and the Ants
  • The paradoxes of both being devoted and loving family and the schisms that happen
  • Band management and club promotion and her deep love of music and bands 
  • A move to Japan and how Blogging in the early and mid-2000s brought people together, including us
  • Nutrition, DNA, Food as medicine

"It’s never too late to start again"

Martine Cotton is something of a jill-of-many-trades, in more rarefied hallways perhaps you could call her a 'multipotentialite'. Mostly because she gets bored quickly once she's worked out the ins and outs of a role or skill. She's forged out career stints in the music industry as a venue manager, band manager, major and small festival and event producer, booking agent, tour manager, marketing and social media director, graphic artist, website builder and music industry educator. Outside of the music world, she's worked as a professional photographer (newspapers, weddings, portraits, events, live music), writer, cook, horse-and-cart driver, English teacher, blogger and university tutor. In 2019, bored again after a 5 year stint running her own online music industry professional development education platform, she started studying a Bachelor of Health Science degree at the University of Queensland, majoring in Nutrition and Public Health. Now on the wrong (best?) side of 50, she has - for the first time ever - settled quite comfortably in the same house and city for over 6 years and absolutely loving being immersed in study.

Links & where to find her here:

Clubhouse: @martinecotton

Feb 25, 202101:55:16
Gretchen Miura: Legend of Healing

Gretchen Miura: Legend of Healing

Season Three Episode One

Introducing Gretchen Miura Legend of Healing. Gretchen is a mindfulness teacher, avid maker and mother of four. Originally from New Jersey in America, Gretchen lives in northern Japan on the Oga peninsula where she and her husband run a Zen temple.  She hosts mindfulness retreats, classes and workshops in English, as well as traditional ceremonies and activities for the local community.  She sells her handmade bento bags, face masks and accessories at her online shop SORAbento. She is living a life focused on creativity, belonging and connection.

This episode is dedicated to Chris.

When Gretchen was 5, her 17 year old brother died in a car accident. This is the backdrop of her life since then. In this conversation Gretchen takes us on the journey of Chris, his death , her family, religion, and her path to acknowledging, dealing with and healing the suffering attached to her loss. And in fact the family loss.

We talk about Catholicism, Buddhism and try and tease apart the humanity of grief and loss, of joy and living. How her 4 children taught her so much about her brother, through the tenderness of the relationship of her youngest daughter and oldest son. 

Gretchen and her temple and family are quite well known and she has appeared in an NHK documentary about her temple and the people around it. She is something of a celebrity in the area! 

This is a deep and rich conversation that goes into the depth of grief, the rituals surrounding death. All the way to the end more and more learnings come out between us and we will have a part 2 later in the year because we didn’t even touch on Gretchen’s hilarious journey to being the parent of 4 and married to a Zen priest in a remote peninsula in Northern Japan! 

- The surprising joy the has come from meeting her grief

- Having authority over the suffering 

- The first and second arrows of loss

- That’s all there is! Hear her thoughts on enlightenment 

- Facing and dealing with grief creates fertile ground for magical experiences

- Grief, love, life and ritual 

- How her children brought her closer to connecting to her brother

- How faith brought the family through Chris’ death yet she struggled to connect with that same faith

- How she connects and can continue to connect with Chris

- Incidents that allowed stress to be dissolved 

- We have to take of one another 

- Universal truths and satori

Links & where to find her here:
Dairyuji Temple Instagram

Dairyuji temple in Oga Akita

Zeb Soto Sect 

Poet Laureate Joy Harjo

Online Shop: Sorabento

Griefworks by Julia Samuel

The word I was scrambling for is ‘flippant’.

Feb 08, 202101:29:18
Susannah Streeter: Legend of Broadcasting

Susannah Streeter: Legend of Broadcasting

Season Two Episode Ten

Introducing Susannah Streeter, highly experienced broadcaster 

Fresh from her October appearance on
Celebrity Pointless, a popular UK game show, and from hosting John Kerry, the Prime Minister of Norway, and royalty in 2019 at the Our Ocean conference, Susannah takes us on a journey from the idyllic countryside of South West England, to her spell as a child actor. Her love of France, being a reporter in the RAF squadron 7644; a media operations unit, how she got into broadcasting; working her way up from the University Newspaper, to becoming a BBC World Business Report anchor and regular BBC breakfast reporter. One year ago she became a senior investment and markets analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown and is finally based in her beloved Bristol.

Oh and did I mention she is also the mother of 3 kids aged from 6-14 and until this time last year was commuting 3 hours between BBC London and Bristol in the UK?

Susannah is a powerhouse of Drive and Determination who sticks to her word, makes the most of every opportunity and situation yet also readily admits you can’t do it all, be happy all the time or have a 100% perfect family! But heavens, does she ever pack it in? And exudes this joie de vivre and can-do attitude that could make you think it’s all easy. IT IS NOT. 

This optimistic, professional, friend, wife, parent, volunteer, seasoned broadcaster and badass party-thrower has carved out and designed a life where hard work, fun, commitment, and living life entirely differently are entirely possible. Choices must be made, and money must be earned and Susannah takes us through this legend from the Grandad who returned from World War 2 with nothing, to her fun and hardworking parents who remain her close good friends.

In our conversation we talk about:

  • The influence of the generations before
  • What connects Susannah, Justin Timberlake and my husband
  • Work ethic and her approach to keeping your word
  • Optimism, drive, determination
  • Why she took up surfing at 40
  • Her surprising approach to planning and opportunities
  • How being a broadcaster she watches the rise and fall of business empires, most recently Top Shop’s Philip Green
  • Some of our choices at 16 were remarkably similar - we talk about that
  • The importance of baby steps and how she can now see the value of packing the presents for competition winners on a local radio station, however frustrating it was at the time
  • Winning formula for long and respectful friendships (we have been friends for 30 years)
  • Kicks in the face, following signs, and moving on
  • Her predictions for the pandemic

Susannah’s poor son bombed our conversation towards the end there so a little editing magic had to happen - poor thing thought we were live and he would end up being a MEME! SO we have a good giggle about that as we close out.

There is just so much value in this rich conversation and I just love the old-school values and work ethic that comes through. It’s a great reminder of what it means to be human and what it takes to excel, be at the top of your game and have a full, loving family life.

Find Susannah here

Jan 25, 202101:13:40
Katie Chappell: Legend of Live Illustration

Katie Chappell: Legend of Live Illustration

Season Two Episode Nine

Introducing Illustrator Katie Chappell  a virtual scribe and live event illustrator best known for her fresh wobbly illustration and giant live window paintings. She has created live illustrations for global clients including Apple, Facebook, Google, Chromebook, BT, Dove and Nespresso among many others.

"My drawings are there so that everybody can understand what’s going on straight away without having to sit through hours of Zoom conferences.

It all started with some graphic recording at a sustainability event for Edinburgh University in 2016, and now I specialise in online virtual illustration, from my studio in the UK.

I’m here so that people don’t die of Zoom fatigue or boredom. I consider myself a spoon-feeder of boring information, bringing people back from the ledge of ‘OMG NOT ANOTHER ZOOM MEETING"

Trigger warning - we touch on pregnancy loss and eating disorders

Katie and I belong to the same coaching group around money mindset and I became instantly curious about her hilarious posts (you’ll see - she has a wicked sense of humour), about how her business was building and thriving, how generous and open she was about sharing what she was doing, earning and working on and how unafraid she is. That does not mean she doesn’t have boundaries - oh no, she has excellent boundaries, but she is also not scared to share intimate parts of her life journey, her income story, within the group, how she does therapy to help her to stay focussed on business. I find these are the people with a lot of growth - they move through their fear, or are unafraid yet also have great boundaries and are incredibly creative.

Katie’s story is a brilliant example of Planned Happenstance - that mixture of curiosity, persistence, flexibility, optimism and readiness.

In fact it’s quite the roller coaster ride that takes us from Scotland to England, Berlin, Italy, SE Asia, Cornwall and from Nannying, working for her Dad and finally this illustration entrepreneur, the Captain of the Good Ship Illustration and Bullet Journal Gang Leader. Not to mention in-demand live illustrator (I’ve just hired her to do some work with my 1-year clients next year and I am incredibly excited).

In this conversation we touch on:

  • The nuances of being from both England and Scotland
  • Open mics at aged 13 and her original career dream!
  • What motivated her to recover from a serious eating disorder and the ongoing work on that (Quote: Fat is not an emotion).
  • Being kicked out of her nannying family, immediately after she tendered her notice, in a new city with a bag of wet washing and how she dealt with that.
  • Being taught cheeky entrepreneurship as a young woman
  • How her brain cracked open to therapy
  • What her greatest learning and takeaway was from her Art degree and her Masters (it may not be what you assume actually!)

One of the great things about Katie is her unfettered yet unpretentious optimism.

And she is hilarious as you will and as her website will confirm.

Find her here

The Good Ship Illustration


Her website (Which I notice has just had an adorable makeover)

And these are her resources because, you know, you should get into the Katie Imaginary Gang!

@katiedraws on Instagram

Jan 13, 202101:17:30
 Francesca Conate: Legend of Africa in Japan

Francesca Conate: Legend of Africa in Japan

Season Two Episode Eight
"You don’t have to be recognised as a Legend, to live like one."

In this uplifting and emotional conversation Francesca Conate talks about dealing with a drawn-out diagnosis, dating with a disability and bringing beautiful energy into the world and the connection between our mind and body. 

From a coaching perspective there is so much to jump into - the twists and turns of life, taking responsibility WITHOUT BLAME for your situation, living life with a joyous and optimistic energy - living like a legend, even if you are not recognised as one. Having confidence from the inside out.

She moved to Japan and spent 13 happy years working as a business English Consultant for Blue Chip Companies and started the Facebook Group African in Japan, where she shares the joy and stories of people and cities in all the countries of Africa. 

After 13 years in Japan, she returned to West USA to deal with health condition and entered a two-year period of uncertainty and heartache while waiting for a diagnosis. Although this was a difficult and emotional journey for her, it is through telling this story that she becomes life coach to us - advising how to navigate such a situation with skill and wisdom. And of course it applies to many other areas of life - not just diagnosis.

Eldest of 3 children of an African American Mum, born in the 50’s, and West African Dad, we talk about losing a parent very suddenly and very quickly when she was very young, and about disease, balance, blame, fear and how we are always trying to work out how we can stay well and live a long life.

How she started to lose herself in her long diagnosis journey but them realised that Francesca was alive and well inside her. It didn’t change - nobody, on her return to Japan was treating her any different because of her cane, her changed mobility and her adjusted energy levels

Being your own best advocate and how she would invite us to go through the diagnosis process - this gets emotional from the heart as Francesca thinks about how it could help people from going through the same heartache she did when she was going through the 2-year diagnosis process. 

She talks about how she pushed back to Doctors and demanded diagnoses not guess-work, her approach to advocating for herself, her body and her health and how her Dad’s logical approach is forever present in her daily life.  Her Mum is the biggest influence in her life, having been a solo parent since her 30s, her Mum made her everything she is today and her Dad is ever present. 

She was and IS still 100% Francesca.

One thing that strikes me about Francesca is her uncompromising presence. And her focus. As we talk about masculine energy, not allowing being a woman to silence her, and how to win at life, we also muse on how  it is crucial to be happy for other people’s winning. 

What a treat this one was - I feel like I just had a coaching masterclass in living fully with our mind, body and presence. And of course with our loved ones.

Africa in Japan on Facebook 
Go and follow this to share in the joy of all the different countries of Africa and the amazing people, cities and culture. 

You can find information about MS here.

I mention an NPR Tiny Desk Concert by Rhiannon Giddens

Dec 27, 202001:25:23
Jane Best OBE: Legend of Fuji Rock

Jane Best OBE: Legend of Fuji Rock

Season Two Episode Seven 

Introducing Jane Best OBE, Legend of Fuji Rock
"I've had such a variety of experiences ... I think it's really important; make the most of good opportunities; even in the time of the pandemic find what there is good in life, I mean it's great isn't it, and people are great ...generally!"

You will see Jane's great lust for life come through in this Legend. She is a force for good, and from an early age overcame chronic shyness and discovered debating. this led to a heightened political awareness and a theme that runs through Jane's work is a combination political activism and awareness, learning and unlearning how to give support and service, especially in the form catering and cooking. She has made Shepherds Pie for the Rolling Stones, released a book about traditional English cooking in Japanese, and has visited numerous refugee projects that Refugee Empowerment International has funded over the years. Jane has an optimism and enjoyment of life that is clear to anyone as well as numerous stories that will educate and inspire. Now in her 60s she lives in the far West of Tokyo in the most idyllic house in the mountains next to the river

***Trigger warning - we talk about colonial harm experienced in Africa, we discuss the attitude of white people living full time in Zambia, we discuss South Africa during apartheid and use some of the language of that regime descriptively. Please take care listening as we may be clumsy but I believe these stories should be told lest they are lost***

In this episode we talk about:


Brilliant ways to gift friends or support our projects

Dec 14, 202001:45:59
Liza Chantelle Aono: Legend of Optimism

Liza Chantelle Aono: Legend of Optimism

Season Two Episode Six

This week we hear the incredible story of Liza, originally from London in England and with her roots in Jamaica, Liza is a Japan TV star for NHK’s Cool Japan, A Rotary Member, Former Miss Jamaica UK finalist, has worked for the Conservative party as one of David Cameron’s emerging leaders, Worked for Arsenal Football Club, lived in Shanghai and is parent to identical twin 4-year-old boys. In this episode we cover a whole range of fascinating topics from her parent’s tales of Jamaica to life in England and the miracle of her boys.

Liza on
Instagram @2posh2push
NHK Cool Japan
Recent article about the Windrush compensation scheme here.

What might upset you - we talk at length about racism and we touch on infertility and endometriosis. I am clumsy on all counts, but Liza is brilliant.

  • UK, Jamaican and American background and the benefits of having a Dad in Miami to escape the rainy English weather
  • Where she gets her optimistic attitude from and the 1957 Jamaican train crash, where 171 people lost their lives. RIP.
  • Her Mum Merlin and how affectionate she was - life was great and she instilled a sense of appreciation in she and her siblings.
  • The recruitment of people from Jamaica to come over the England ‘The Motherland’ to help with the war efforts and rebuild ‘the country’
  • ‘No Irish, No Blacks, No Dogs’ the signs that Jamaicans faced on arrival
  • One of her twins makes an appearance so there’s some editing
  • Liza goes into some detail about the Windrush Generation and how her Grandmother made parachutes during the war
  • How different the education system was in Jamaica to England - a rigorous education system
  • Being an outsider even though you are many generations in England the experience of not being
  • Why white privilege isn’t the right descriptor in Liza’s opinion as it often gets mixed up with wealth, when actually it is the privilege is that of being an individual - not ‘they’
  • She explains the Windrush scandal and the alleged missteps made there
  • How she got into politics and the Conservative party - having a seat the table and representing could have avoided something like the alleged Windrush scandal;
  • How she ended up speaking at the Conservative party conference (Challenge Anneka anyone!?)
  • Liza loves having access to spaces and places she can learn about - she grabs opportunities with both hands! She’s worked with some pretty famous conservatives
  • Her incredible networking skills - and how that got her onto the masthead of the Financial Times and interviewed in the Observer
  • The assumptions made about black kids in her school and about her cousins that landed them in the special ed class and on foundation classes at school. Her cousin now works for Goldman Bloody Sachs!
  • How she took control of her body and overcame her infertility with the help of her karate teacher
  • Everything in our lives we co-write “Imagine how a thought and an action can create something real; a baby or me living by the beach”
  • We get into Liverpool, racism, slavery, the Beatles and the Slavery Museum in Liverpool
  • We keep trying to close the call, but more and more richness kept coming out into the conversation so we are going to do a part 2 in 2021!
Nov 29, 202001:32:18
Jessica Korteman: Legend of Solo Travel

Jessica Korteman: Legend of Solo Travel

Season Two Episode Five
Introducing Jessica Korteman, Legend of Solo Travel. Jessica Korteman is an Australian travel writer, formerly based in Tokyo, Japan, now residing in Melbourne, Australia. She’s travelled to more than 50 countries, about half of them solo, and circumnavigated the globe three times – once by plane, once by ship and the other mostly overland.

***We talk about child loss in this show. So please take extra special care when you are listening***

In this podcast we talk about:

“I’m in a position to do more harm or do more healing”

Find Jessica here:
Notes of Nomads Blog




Travel Solo Anyway

Travel Solo Anyway Facebook


Nov 18, 202002:19:16
Terri Macmillan: The Legend of Humans

Terri Macmillan: The Legend of Humans

Season Two Episode Four

Introducing Terri Macmillan, legend of humans

Punk hippie scholar poet & no religion, too.
NYC → Tokyo.

Please sit down and treat yourself to this energising, frank conversation where nothing is taboo. Just two grown-assed women talking about the different ways to lead a life.


In this podcast

In this conversation we talk about politics, race and depression frankly and conversationally so please take care of yourself as we listen. Also be aware there are swearwords, so you might want to pop on headphones in you are in company. We mention a lot of references and there are links in the show notes below.

  • Original Podcaster in Tokyo
  • Cherokee and Black ancestry
  • Roots in the great African American migration from South to North America
  • Church in Harlem to Queens, then being a crazy teenager - surprised she survived!
  • Living a counter-culture lifestyle in the East Village by day and a corporate record company CBS by day
  • Not having children - by choice and not needing therapy about that
  • NYC in the 70s and 80s and working in Kentucky Fried Chicken on Times Square in the 70s - yes really
  • Band Management and bringing ‘The Mozart Effect’ to Japan
  • Falling apart, career pivot in her 50s and investing seriously in her health and well being
  • The American Project and investing in something bigger than yourself
  • The gentle atheist
  • Politics is how we commune in society
  • How she keeps buoyant and optimistic about American politics
  • The enticing premise of the founding documents of America
  • What the future holds for her 60s, 70s and 80s and her art and prolific output
  • Being human and honouring the humanity of everyone - Terri is a unique and deeply truthful human with a heart of gold and resolve of steel
  • Live Long and prosper (we are geeks at the end - wait for it!)


Octavia’s parables

Sonya Renee Taylor “The Body is Not an Apology”

Rachel Cargyl @richauntiessupreme

Layla Saad “Me and White supremacy”

Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins

Buckley and Baldwin Debate

Find Terri here:
Twitter: @terrintokyo

Oct 11, 202001:39:28
Mei Sawada: Legend of Cirque du Soleil

Mei Sawada: Legend of Cirque du Soleil

Season Two Episode Three

Have you ever watched the Cirque du Soleil and thought "Who the hell does that and how did they get there?" Well listen to today's Legends Conversation with 18-year-old Mei Sawada and learn just decision, passion and support it takes to become and elite performer. Seriously she makes it all sound so easy. But it isn't!

"Soak it all in and do it your own way"

*We had a few technical difficulties in the first half of the recording so the sound quality isn't brilliant - then the sound cut out altogether so we reset and the sounds gets better

In this podcast:

Do you want to know what it takes to be an elite athlete? How long it takes to train? What do you eat? What happens when you let your regimen slip! What kind of commitment and support is essential from family and teachers and other carers and guardians. The love support and belief of parents to change path and direction and to be the very best you can. Mei is single minded and mature as well as super committed to her regimen and the discipline and care it takes to keep a up a professional body

- Throughout we use bits and pieces of Japanese and translate in real time! This is the reality of living bilingually and biculturally - all of us who live here in Japan mix it up!
-  We talk about her Japanese and English backgrounds and how she doesn't feel bilingual or bicultural because she's always been this way
- Fun stories from English Christmas and round the table in Japan with the grandparents
- How her active and sporty parents influenced her decision to become and elite athlete
- The authentic childhood 3-generation home that they are now completely rebuilding!
- The joy of living with a very active and chatty Obaachan (grandma)
- Her sporting path and how active she has been for many many years as a child
- The AHA moment when she entered the arial silks studio and saw people spinning from the ceiling and KNEW she wanted to do that for her job in the future
- Her incredibly committed training schedule
- That moment when she realised how strongly she wanted to do this and how she describes the feelings in her body that arrive when you are about to enter your passion and your zone of genius
- "I just wanted to train and do what I love"
- How proud of her parents were when she decided to follow her heart and drop out of school - even though she was breaking the line of her Grandad and Dad's high school attendance
- How she manages the constant feedback loop of being an athlete
- How she stays motivated and positive in Corona times
- What comes next for a future Cirque du Soleil performer? Where will she 'Soak up the positive energy'

Find Mei & other links here:

Sep 27, 202054:51
Nina Cataldo: Legend of Community Building

Nina Cataldo: Legend of Community Building

Season Two Episode Two
Introducing Nina Cataldo, legend of Community Building & The Hafu Ladies Community!

Nina was born into a family that treasures internationalism and was raised in a bi-cultural and bilingual household. Raised between Tokyo and America's beautiful Pacific Northwest, she used her passion for words and storytelling as a powerful tool to connect people with the world.

In this Podcast

Nina shares with us so much rich information about her experience as a Japanese and American citizen and the experience of being both and moving between those worlds. The tale of her parents' meeting and their quick and surprise marriage and what being an only child means to her. Also just how their continued love and support is central in her life.

The lines of artists and journalists in the family and how that has influenced Nina.

How international her family is and the deep connection the US family has to Japan, then how she managed her move to the States aged 8 and her schooling, her transition through school, how she found the people who were 'like' her in school and university.

I have a breakdown hearing how she used to write stories about the class rats PG and Snowball (rodent disco anyone?) in the USA.

The great influence on of her teacher, Ms. Monroe and another champion had on her and how that encouragement was the fuel to her fire and how she pays that forward to be an amazing mentor other people, both the upcoming generations and reverse mentors people like me.

She takes us through her school and university years in the USA and how she vowed never to come back to Tokyo after a visit, then came back here for one year to follow up on an opportunity. 5 years ago.

Joining the dots backward - she notes that the subjects she chose at school actually support and inform a lot of her work today. Bizarrely - she was too Japanese for the Japanese society but she stays optimistic and moving forward at all times.

Her first boss in Japan had a really healthy attitude to work-life balance and she brings some of his style of leadership and life cultivation into her leadership now.

Nina took a huge leap of faith and took a Peaceboat Voyage back on September 2019, she explains all about Peaceboat and her experience and what it is like to sail on a ship for 4 months.

In September 2018 she saw a gap in what she wanted in the Hafu (mixed race Japanese) community in Japan and started Hafu ladies, at first a brunch club. This group has grown to 900 women and Nina has full embraced the 3 pillars of the community: Educate, Empower, Embrace. And 'Fake it til you make it' or what that means to her.

Nina has been educating in cross-race and culture matters with a leading news agency in Japan, hoping to educate in ways to do less harm to people of mixed race or different races.

At the end of this conversation there is some background noise as Nina is at a place that has in indoor skateboard ramp!

Huge thanks to inspiring Nina for sharing her background, her first 27 years and giving us a taster of the future. It's exciting - cannot wait to see what happens next.

Find Nina here:
Public Page
Private Group
My LinkedIn
Website (WIP)

Sep 13, 202001:38:19
Angela Ortiz: Legend of Social Impact

Angela Ortiz: Legend of Social Impact

Season Two Episode One

"You don't need to walk on eggshells around who you are...There's a freedom about stepping up and owning it."

Introducing the legend of Angela Ortiz- Stratechist, Social Impact Specialist, Spartan.

Columbian American born in the US and raised in Japan, from a very big family of 11 children. Her journey with exploring ancestry, birth order, her place within the family and mining the family history for stories and creating connection. She speaks openly about the moment when she realized her parents were humans and where that led her.

Remembering that just because someone tells you to do something clearly doesn't mean they are right.

"Impossible is Nothing" and how that relates to her story. Importance of always failing forward.

Ange opens up very very frankly about her eating disorder, her recovery, her relapse then how she moved beyond coping to cured.

Ange also talks about her recently published book to help the next generation of leaders to become effective leaders in social impact- she wrote it keeping in mind her own team and staff. In the book Ange walks you through the 8 principles that will make you an effective leader in social impact, with a takeaway for each principle.


The importance of physical fitness in Angela's life and what it means to be a Spartan. How she turned around her Christian ideas to be strategic about where you put your focus and energy.

Angela's book
Place to Grow
Instagram @Angelamarieortiz
Adidas takeback program
Connect with Sarah here on instagram @sarahfuruya
Sign up for Sarah's newsletter here

Aug 31, 202001:49:21
Die Schwarze Frau, Yukiro Dravarious, Drag Queen Extraordinaire
Jul 26, 202001:30:17
Special Episode: Sarah & Kyle- Legends Behind Legends Series

Special Episode: Sarah & Kyle- Legends Behind Legends Series

Season One Episode Six

*Please note that there was a technical problem with the microphones towards the end of this interview. You will notice a change in audio quality.* 

 You may have heard Kyle pop up in various Legends Series episodes so far. Kyle is a Tokyo based videographer, who has worked on projects like Queer Eye Japan and with Sarah has skillfully created the legends series you have seen on YouTube. 

Today Kyle is on the other side of the camera with Sarah.

This is a glimpse behind the curtain of the way videos are put together and the thinking and evolution of the Legends Series.  It’s a way for us to process and talk about the fantastic people we were delighted to work with and interview and just what we took away and what it means to us. Not only that, but the process, on the back end of how we put all this stuff together. It maps to real life, it really does. 

In this episode you will hear:

- Kyle's philosophy on editing and shaping projects

- How Sarah and the other legends kept going despite what was happening in their lives

- Kyle's feeling about being on the other side of the camera

- Perfection and Imperfection and it's happening in this episode! 

- The margin for magic/fortune/things you can't account for

- Mindful agency

About Kyle:

Born in America and raised around the world, Kyle McCloskey has spent his life using film as a means for powerful and intimate storytelling, whether fictional or documentary. While attending Haverford College for his undergraduate degree, he wrote and directed an H.P. Lovecraft-inspired silent horror film that was accepted to international film festivals, garnering him his first IMDb credit.

In the time since, he has worked primarily as a bilingual Tokyo-based videographer, editor, and digital imaging technician/data loader. His work has ranged from big budget Hollywood films to PR videos for small businesses and entrepreneurial individuals looking to make their mark in Japan. He has coached Japanese documentary directors for English language fundraising pitches, written grants for international producers, edited short films and music videos, sourced archival photos and video, and even directed and shot the pilot episode of an NHK World documentary series.


Tracey Northcott's Youtube interview 

Tracey Northcott's Podcast Episode

Videographer and creative collaborator - Kyle McKloskey

Connect with Sarah here on @sarahfuruya on Instragram!

Sign up for Sarah's newsletter here.

Jul 26, 202050:19
Morgan Fisher: Rock Legend

Morgan Fisher: Rock Legend

Season One Episode Five

Keyboardist, Musician, Creator, Rock legend and one of the most authentic and sweet people I know.  

 Since age 16 Morgan has been in bands including Love Affair who had a huge hit with ‘Everlasting Love’, Mott the Hoople, of ‘All the Young Dudes’ fame and has collaborated with Yoko Ono, jammed with REM and was supported by Queen in the Mott the Hoople days!

In this episode you hear about:

  • Therapy, meditation and his time in India: the gift that keeps giving  
  • His tribute to John Lennon - a collaboration with Yoko Ono and how he found himself creating a beautiful version of one of John's most beloved songs in her hotel room  
  • Learning French and the joy of immersion 
  • The beginning of his time as a global nomad.

Watch the interview with Morgan on YouTube here:

YouTube Part 1

YouTube Part 2

About Morgan: 

Upon leaving high school, Morgan immediately began an active and ongoing international life as a musician. Artists he has played keyboards with include The Love Affair (#1 hit in 1968), Mott the Hoople (produced by David Bowie), Yoko Ono, Queen, and members of R.E.M and Y.M.O. These days he may be called upon to compose stylish TV and film music, create meditation music in a Zen temple, or jam with classic rock and blues bands. He has even played samba in Brazil and world music in China.

All his life he has pursued photography as an art, as well as documenting his musical life using still and movie cameras. Since moving to Japan in 1985 he has specialised in and refined his own style of abstract photography, a kind of visual music, or “light painting” involving spontaneous, free movement of the camera and/or the light source. He utilises the finest digital equipment to create his images, which display a depth and subtlety more akin to painting than photography.

Equally close to his creative heart are his solo live performances, improvised on a variety of rare vintage and modern keyboards while projecting his light paintings; they are a true synthesis of sound+light – unpredictable, uplifting, and inspiring.


Mott The Hoople - The 1974 US Tour with Morgan Fischer YouTube


Videographer and creative collaborator - Kyle McKloskey

Connect with Sarah here on @sarahfuruya on Instragram!

Sign up for Sarah's newsletter here.

Jul 26, 202002:05:54
Tia Haygood: Legend of TopTia Photography

Tia Haygood: Legend of TopTia Photography

Season One Episode Four

Tia Haygood of TopTia Photography has an infectious energy and a wicked sense of humor. From North Carolina, to Tokyo, from Law School to photography. 

In this episode you will hear about:

  • The books that piqued her curiosity and led her to come to Japan and follow her dream
  • How she transitioned from teaching to full time photographer 
  • The importance of being seen, recognising opportunities and saying YES to them

You can see Tia's interview on Youtube here!

About Tia:

Tia Haygood is an English & Japanese-speaking photographer living in Tokyo, Japan. She enjoys photographing the urban characteristics of Tokyo and travels around Japan, tasting its many unique local foods. Tia received her first camera at the age of 13 and gradually became familiar with photography afterward. She has also attended classes through the New York Institute of Photography to further her skills.

She is very active in the international community and is currently a member of several Tokyo-based organizations such as FEW Japan, the Australian New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Japan, and Jarman International K.K. She has provided photography services to some of these organizations as well as others throughout Japan.

Her goal is to help businesses enhance their brand visually with excellent imagery. Japanese and international clients can utilize her skills in:

  • Headshot Photography
  • Portrait Photography
  • Event Photography
  • Product Photography





Videographer and creative collaborator - Kyle McKloskey

Connect with Sarah here on @sarahfuruya on Instragram!

Sign up for Sarah's newsletter here.

Jul 26, 202001:18:27
Maya Ileto- Legend of Mayamoves

Maya Ileto- Legend of Mayamoves

Season One Episode Three

"Body work made me feel like my body was mine again".

The beautiful Maya Ileto joins this Legend episode. 

In this episode you will hear about: 

  • Her early years and being a "world citizen" 
  • Living in numerous countries with her academic parents
  • How she recovered from years of heartache by finding a home in her body 
  • How she transitioned her business from working full time in the NPO world to full time in her movement and body business
  • The power of decisions  

There's a lot of wisdom in this interview.  You can watch it here on YouTube.

About Maya:

Malaya Ileto, a.k.a. Maya, is a Certified GYROKINESIS® pre-trainer (teacher trainer) and GYROTONIC® trainer (Pulley Tower, Archway, Leg Extension Unit, Jumping Stretching Board) based in Tokyo, Japan. She conducts bilingual (Japanese & English) classes and courses at Studio Natural Flow, Tleubaev Ballet School, and De Parc Ballet School.

Maya’s background in dance led her to the Gyrokinesis methodology in 2001 and she has trained with Master Trainers Akemi Inoue, Kojiro Imada, Sylvia Frosali and Anke Hauerstein, as well as Juliu Horvath, the creator of the GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®, completing both Level 1 and Level 2. She is also one of the first GYROTONIC® Archway Trainers to be certified in Japan by Master Trainers Erika Hassan and Dima Fedorov. Maya has studied pilates, yoga and ballet (RAD Advanced 1) extensively, and is the first Level 3 certified teacher of Progressing Ballet Technique (PBT) in Japan. She is also an interpreter and published translator.




Videographer and creative collaborator - Kyle McKloskey

Connect with Sarah here on @sarahfuruya on Instragram!

Sign up for Sarah's newsletter here.

Jul 26, 202001:12:25
Lindsey Sawada the Legend of Setagaya
Jul 26, 202001:24:33
The legend of Tracey Northcott

The legend of Tracey Northcott

Season One Episode One

Welcome to the first ever Legend in podcast form! Please excuse the sound quality of this recording, it was our very first attempt! 

“If you wait for things to be perfect, that ship sails…”

So many gems of wisdom in this wonderful interview from  Tracey.  Tracey Northcott of Enfour, Tokyo Family Stays and Tracey Northcott Consulting, is a serial entrepreneur and multi-preneur who has her finger on the pulse of the waves of opportunity that present in the Zeitgeist. From Australian born, now a long-term resident of Tokyo, Tracey -the personal to the professional and everything in between - this hero's journey is the one to watch.

In this episode you will hear about:

Divorce, devotion, Food science, sales and so many different phases in this fascinating life. But as these waves ebb and flow, so she rides them.

About Tracey: 

Australian Tracey Northcott of Enfour, Tokyo Family Stays and Tracey Northcott Consulting is a serial entrepreneur and multi-preneur based in Tokyo, Japan. She is one of the most successful Airbnb hosts in Tokyo, at one point having 23 properties for rent in the Tokyo 23 Wards. She also runs Software development company Enfour with her family as well as Tracey Northcott Consulting where she helps other hosts discover the true potential of their STR or Airbnb business maximizing their investment, enjoyment and hospitality standards.


Watch Tracey on YouTube here: Part 1 and Part 2

Tracey Northcott Consulting:

Tokyo Family Stays:

Videographer and creative collaborator - Kyle McKloskey

Connect with Sarah here on @sarahfuruya on Instragram!

Sign up for Sarah's newsletter here.

Jul 25, 202002:03:47