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By S A U N A I E

S A U N A I E is Personal Development Platform for Millennials Who Want To Know More About Their Brain & Financial Health Episodes release on Mondays & Fridays
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S A U N A I EApr 28, 2021

EP. 275: Conquering Imposter Syndrome

EP. 275: Conquering Imposter Syndrome

S A U N A I E Presents Imposter Symdrome

q u o t e: Letting go of the past doesn't mean that it didn't happen. It just means we no longer give it permission to obstruct our lives.

Imposter syndrome—it's that persistent feeling of inadequacy, despite evidence of our accomplishments and abilities. It's that sneaky voice in our heads that tells us we're frauds, that we don't belong, that we're just one step away from being exposed as imposters. But fear not, my friends, because today we're going to shine a light on imposter syndrome and discover how we can overcome its grip on our lives.

Here are a few common signs to look out for:

First: pay attention to your inner dialogue. Do you find yourself discounting your successes, attributing them to luck or other external factors, rather than acknowledging your own skills and hard work?

Second: observe your behavior patterns. Do you hesitate to speak up in meetings, afraid that your ideas will be dismissed or ridiculed? Do you avoid taking on new challenges or opportunities for fear of failure or embarrassment?

And finally, check in with your emotions. Do you experience feelings of anxiety, self-doubt, or unworthiness when faced with praise or recognition for your achievements? These could all be indicators that imposter syndrome is at play.

how we can overcome it and reclaim our sense of self-worth and authenticity.

First and foremost, practice self-awareness. Pay attention to the thoughts and beliefs that fuel imposter syndrome, and challenge them with evidence of your achievements and capabilities. Keep a journal, talk to a trusted friend or mentor, or seek support from a therapist to help you gain perspective and insight into your feelings of inadequacy.

Next, cultivate self-compassion. Treat yourself with kindness and understanding, especially when you're feeling overwhelmed or insecure. Remember that it's okay to make mistakes and that failure is just a natural part of the learning process. Be gentle with yourself and offer yourself the same love and compassion that you would offer to a friend in need.

Another powerful antidote to imposter syndrome is to reframe your mindset. Instead of seeing yourself as a fraud or an imposter, embrace the concept of growth and learning. See challenges as opportunities for growth and see setbacks as valuable lessons that will help you grow stronger and more resilient.

And finally, embrace authenticity. Instead of trying to live up to unrealistic standards or expectations, honor your unique strengths, values, and experiences. Celebrate your successes and acknowledge your accomplishments, no matter how small they may seem. By embracing your authentic self, you can silence the voice of imposter syndrome and step into your power with confidence and grace.

Apr 08, 202425:26
EP. 274: Are You Self-Sabotaging?

EP. 274: Are You Self-Sabotaging?

Self-sabotage—it's that sneaky little voice inside our heads that whispers doubts, fears, and holds us back from reaching our full potential. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a creative, or just someone striving for personal growth, self-sabotage can rear its ugly head at any time. But fear not, my friends, because today we're going to shine a light on this saboteur and arm ourselves with the tools to overcome it.

So, what exactly is self-sabotage? it's any behavior or thought pattern that undermines our own success or well-being. It's that nagging voice that tells us we're not good enough, smart enough, or worthy of success. It can manifest in many forms, from procrastination and self-doubt to imposter syndrome and perfectionism.

But how do we know if we're self-sabotaging? Well, the signs aren't always obvious, but here are a few red flags to look out for:

Firstly, pay attention to your self-talk. Are you constantly criticizing yourself or doubting your abilities? If so, that's a pretty big clue that self-sabotage might be at play.

Secondly, observe your behavior patterns. Do you find yourself procrastinating on important tasks, avoiding opportunities for growth, or engaging in self-destructive habits? These could all be indicators that you're getting in your own way.

And finally, check in with your emotions. Are you experiencing feelings of anxiety, fear, or unworthiness when faced with challenges or opportunities?
Your emotions can be powerful clues to underlying patterns of self-sabotage.
Mar 29, 202420:35
EP. 273: Setting the Tone for 2024

EP. 273: Setting the Tone for 2024

[Segment 1: Reflecting on January - Setting the Tone] As we bid farewell to January, let's take a moment to reflect on the tone we've set for the year. The beginning of the year is an opportunity to set intentions & establish a foundation for success. How have your goals evolved? What challenges have you faced? Reflecting on these aspects provides valuable insights into your journey. - - According to a study by the American Psychological Association, individuals who regularly reflect on their goals are 30% more likely to achieve them. [Segment 2: Crafting Resilience - Strategies for Overcoming Setbacks] Resilience is the key to navigating the inevitable setbacks that come with entrepreneurship. February brings new challenges, but it's also a chance to refine our resilience strategies. Let's explore some actionable steps: Embracing Failure: Instead of fearing failure, view it as a stepping stone to success. - Studies from Stanford University show that entrepreneurs who embrace failure are 20% more likely to achieve long-term success. Learn & Pivot: Evaluate setbacks as opportunities to learn & pivot. The ability to adapt is crucial in the ever-changing landscape of entrepreneurship. - Research by the Harvard Business Review highlights that companies with a culture of learning are 25% more likely to succeed. [Segment 3: Fostering Growth Mindset - Cultivating Continuous Improvement] A GROWTH MINDSET is the foundation of continuous improvement. In February, let's actively cultivate a GROWTH MINDSET with these strategies: Embrace Challenges: See challenges as opportunities for growth rather than insurmountable obstacles. - According to a study in Psychological Science, individuals with a growth mindset are 15% more likely to embrace challenges & persevere. Seek Feedback: Actively seek feedback from peers, mentors, or customers. Constructive feedback is a powerful tool for improvement. - Research from the Journal of Applied Psychology suggests that feedback fosters skill development & innovation." [Segment 4: Positivity Amid Uncertainty - Nurturing Well-being] In a world of uncertainty, maintaining a positive mindset is a superpower. Let's explore ways to nurture well-being & positivity: Mindful Practices: Integrate mindfulness into your daily routine. Whether through meditation, mindful breathing, or other practices, studies in the Journal of Positive Psychology show that mindfulness reduces stress & enhances well-being. Express Gratitude: Regularly express gratitude. A study published in the Journal of Personality & Social Psychology found that practicing gratitude leads to increased happiness & life satisfaction." [Segment 5: Connecting and Collaborating - Building a Supportive Community] February is the perfect time to reevaluate & strengthen your support system. Let's discuss the importance of connecting & collaborating: Networking Opportunities: Actively seek out networking opportunities. - Whether through industry events or online platforms, connecting with like-minded individuals can provide valuable support & insights. Peer Mentorship: Consider establishing peer mentorship relationships. The support & shared experiences of fellow entrepreneurs can be invaluable. - Studies from the Academy of Management Journal suggest that peer mentoring positively impacts both personal & professional development."
Feb 24, 202433:17
EP: 272: Avoiding the January Blues

EP: 272: Avoiding the January Blues

Segment 1: The Power of Positivity - Real Life Statistics]

"Before we delve into strategies, let's acknowledge the impact of a positive mindset. According to a recent study by the American Psychological Association, individuals with a positive outlook are 69% more likely to achieve their goals. Positive thinking not only enhances mental well-being but also contributes to better physical health. This January, let's leverage these statistics to fuel our journey toward a more positive and fulfilling life."

[Segment 2: Overcoming the January Blues - Motivating Tips]

"It's not uncommon to experience the 'January blues' as we transition from the holiday season to the routine of the new year. However, with the right mindset, we can turn this potential slump into an opportunity for growth. Here are some motivating tips to overcome the January blues:

Set Micro-Goals: Break down your larger goals into smaller, achievable tasks. Celebrate these micro-successes to keep the momentum going.

Create a Vision Board: Visualize your goals and aspirations. A study by Dominican University found that individuals who created a vision board were 67% more likely to achieve their goals.

Morning Affirmations: Start your day with positive affirmations. Research from Carnegie Mellon University shows that affirmations can reduce stress and improve performance under pressure.

Connect with Nature: Spend time outdoors. A study in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that exposure to nature enhances mood and increases feelings of vitality."

[Segment 3: Strategies to Maintain a Positive Mindset]

"Now, let's explore specific strategies to maintain a positive mindset throughout January and beyond:

Gratitude Journaling: Take a few minutes each day to jot down things you're grateful for. Studies from the University of California found that practicing gratitude enhances overall well-being.

Mindful Breathing: Incorporate mindful breathing exercises into your daily routine. Research from Harvard Medical School indicates that deep breathing reduces stress and promotes relaxation.

Surround Yourself with Positivity: Engage with uplifting content, podcasts, or books. Positive influences can shape your mindset. According to a study published in the Journal of Consumer Research, exposure to positive stimuli enhances positive thinking.

Limit Negative Inputs: Be mindful of the information you consume. Limit exposure to negative news or social media. A study in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology found that reducing social media use led to significant improvements in well-being."

Jan 22, 202415:39
EP. 271: Creating a Mindset for 2024

EP. 271: Creating a Mindset for 2024

SAUNAIE Presents 2024 Mindset

According to a recent study by the National Institute of Mental Health, 1 in 3 entrepreneurs reports experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety, or both. The pressures of running a business, financial uncertainties, & the constant pursuit of success can take a toll on our mental well-being.

Additionally, the high-stakes nature of entrepreneurship can lead to burnout, with studies showing that over 70% of entrepreneurs experience burnout at some point in their careers.

it's crucial to recognize the signals that indicate our mental health may be at risk. Statistics from a recent Harvard Business Review article indicate that 50% of entrepreneurs regularly experience high levels of stress, which can be a precursor to burnout.

a study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology found that entrepreneurs are 30% more likely to experience symptoms of depression than their non-entrepreneurial counterparts.

Strategies for Mental Wellness

Practical strategies to foster mental wellness throughout the year. These tips are designed to help you navigate the ups & downs of entrepreneurship while prioritizing your mental health."

Mindful Practices: Incorporate mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing exercises into your daily routine. A study published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology found that regular mindfulness practice can reduce stress and improve overall mental well-being.

Work-Life Balance: Establish clear boundaries between work and personal life. A survey by the Harvard Business Review found that entrepreneurs who maintained a healthy work-life balance reported higher levels of job satisfaction and overall well-being. Set realistic working hours, take breaks, and make time for activities that bring you joy outside of work.

Social Connection: Entrepreneurship can be isolating, but social connections are vital for mental health. According to a study published in the Journal of Business Venturing, entrepreneurs who had a strong social support network reported lower levels of stress and higher levels of life satisfaction. Make an effort to maintain relationships with friends, family, and fellow entrepreneurs. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can provide valuable emotional support.

Professional Help: Don't hesitate to seek professional help when needed. Therapy and counseling can be powerful tools for managing stress and improving mental health. Statistics from the American Psychological Association indicate that therapy is effective for a wide range of mental health concerns, with over 80% of people who engage in therapy reporting significant improvement.

Jan 02, 202422:06
EP. 270: 2023 Evaluation

EP. 270: 2023 Evaluation

SAUNAIE Presents End of the Year Reflection

It's been a roller coaster of a year, filled with highs, lows, & everything in between. As entrepreneurial millennials, we often find ourselves caught up in the hustle & bustle of the business world. Take a moment to reflect on your achievements, challenges, & the lessons learned throughout the year. What milestones did you reach? What setbacks did you face? Reflecting on these aspects sets the foundation for growth & future success.

Let's celebrate our wins, big & small! It's easy to focus on what's next without acknowledging our accomplishments. Take pride in your achievements, no matter how minor they may seem. Recognizing & celebrating success not only boosts your confidence but also serves as a reminder of your capabilities. Share your victories with your support system; they've been there with you through thick & thin.

The entrepreneurial journey can be intense, & it's crucial to prioritize your mental health. Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine. Whether it's meditation, deep breathing exercises, or mindful walks, find what works for you. These practices can help reduce stress, improve focus, & enhance overall well-being. Remember, a healthy mind is your greatest asset in the business world.

As we bid farewell to the current year, it's time to set intentions for the year ahead. What are your business goals? How do you envision your personal growth? Establishing clear intentions provides a roadmap for success & helps you stay aligned with your values. Consider creating a vision board or journaling to articulate your aspirations & keep them at the forefront of your mind.

Surround yourself with a supportive network. Being an entrepreneurial millennial can be isolating at times, but having a strong support system is invaluable. Connect with like-minded individuals, join networking groups, & seek mentorship. Share your experiences and challenges; you'll find that many others are on a similar journey. Building a support system not only provides guidance but also fosters a sense of community.

Jan 02, 202418:44
EP. 269: What is Personal Development?

EP. 269: What is Personal Development?

S e g m e n t s: **Segment 1: The Essence of Personal Development** 1. **Defining Personal Development:**    - Let's start by defining personal development. It's a lifelong process that involves acquiring new skills, improving existing ones, & fostering personal qualities that enhance your Well-Being & Potential. 2. **The Path to Self-Discovery:**    - Personal Development is a journey of Self-Discovery. It allows you to understand your Values, Strengths, & Areas that need improvement. This self-awareness is the compass that guides your life. 3. **Unlocking Potential:**    - It's about unlocking your full potential. Through Personal Growth, you maximize your Abilities, which can have a transformative effect on your career, relationships, & overall life satisfaction. **Segment 2: The Consequences of Stagnation** 1. **Missed Opportunities:**    - When you don't focus on personal development, you risk missing opportunities for growth & advancement. Your career might plateau, & your personal life may become stagnant. 2. **Emotional Stagnation:**    - Stagnation in personal development often leads to emotional stagnation. You may find yourself stuck in negative thought patterns or lacking the tools to manage stress and challenges effectively. 3. **Diminished Resilience:**    - Personal development is key to building resilience. When you don't grow on a personal level, your ability to bounce back from setbacks weakens, making it harder to navigate life's ups & downs. 4. **Strained Relationships:**    - Neglecting personal development can strain relationships, as it might be difficult to understand & connect with others on a deeper level. **Segment 3: The Impact of Personal Growth** 1. **Enhanced Confidence:**    - Personal development boosts your self-confidence, which is a crucial asset in both personal & professional life. 2. **Improved Problem-Solving:**    - You become a better problem-solver. Personal growth equips you with the tools to face challenges head-on & find innovative solutions. 3. **Fulfillment and Happiness:**    - Most importantly, personal development leads to greater fulfillment & happiness. It's the key to leading a life that aligns with your values & aspirations.
Dec 04, 202324:22
EP. 268: Balancing Ambition & Self-Care

EP. 268: Balancing Ambition & Self-Care

S A U N A I E Presents Balancing Self-Care & Ambition

Segment 6: The Ambition-Self-Care Equation

1. **The Ambition Pull:**

  - - As Millennials, We're often Driven by Ambition. We have BIG Dreams & the Determination to make them come True.

- - Our Passion Fuels Our Work, but sometimes, it can become an All-Consuming Fire.

2. **The Self-Care Imperative:**

 -  - On the flip side, Self-Care is imperative for our Mental & Physical Health.

- - Neglecting Self-Care can lead to Burnout, Anxiety, & even Long-Term Health issues.

3. **Setting Boundaries:**

  - - One way to Balance this equation is by Setting Boundaries.

- - It's okay to say NO, to Allocate time for self-care, and to protect your well-being. This isn't a sign of weakness; it's a strategy for long-term success.

4. **Prioritizing Well-Being:**

   - Remember that your well-being is your most valuable asset. It's the foundation upon which your entrepreneurial dreams are built. Prioritizing self-care isn't an indulgence; it's a strategic move to ensure you're fit to tackle your ambitions.

5. **Mindfulness and Presence:**

   - Embrace mindfulness and being present in the moment. It's easy for our ambitions to make us live in the future, but self-care often happens in the present. Take time to savor the small moments and practice gratitude.

6. **Community and Support:**

   - Surround yourself with a supportive community. Share your ambitions and struggles. Sometimes, simply talking about what's on your mind can be a form of self-care.

Dec 01, 202320:27
EP. 267: Millennial's Success Stories

EP. 267: Millennial's Success Stories

Discover the incredible impact of personal development in the lives of millennials as we share inspiring success stories. From turning side hustles into dream businesses to overcoming entrepreneurial burnout, these stories reveal how personal development principles have transformed lives. Join us for valuable insights and actionable takeaways to empower your own journey of self-discovery and growth.

Oct 25, 202321:59
EP. 266: The Do's & Don'ts of Personal Development

EP. 266: The Do's & Don'ts of Personal Development

Q u o t e s: Have you told yourself how Wonderful you are today?

2nd: Humans are a work in progress for their entire lives. Take pride in every little step you're taking that moves you forward.

S e g m e n t s:

Let's start with the "Dos" - the Actions & Strategies that can truly propel your Personal Development journey.

1. **Set Clear Goals**

   - Statistic: According to a study by Dominican University, people who write down their goals are 42% more likely to achieve them.

   - Value: Setting clear, specific goals provides a roadmap for personal growth.

2. **Continuous Learning**

   - Statistic: The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, over 50% of all employees will require significant reskilling & upskilling.

   - Value: Lifelong learning ensures you stay relevant in a rapidly changing world.

3. **Embrace Failure**

   - Statistic: Thomas Edison famously failed 1,000 times before inventing the light bulb.


- Value: Failure is a stepping stone to success, teaching resilience & innovation.

4. Cultivate Self-Discipline

- Statistic: Research shows that Self-Discipline is a key predicator of Personal Success.

- Value: Discipline helps you stick to your Goals & Maintain Consistency.

5. Networking & Mentorship

- Statistic: According to a survey by Linkedin, 85% of jobs are filled through networking.

- Value: Building a strong network & seeking mentorship can provide valuable guidance.

**[SEGMENT 2: The Don'ts of Personal Development]**

Now, let's explore the "Don'ts" - the common mistakes that can hinder your personal development journey.

1. **Procrastination**

   - Statistic: A study by Piers Steel, a researcher on procrastination, found that 95% of people procrastinate to some degree.

   - Value: Procrastination delays progress & keeps you from reaching your full potential.

2. **Negative Self-Talk**

   - Statistic: It's estimated that 80% of our thoughts are negative.

   - Value: Self-limiting beliefs can sabotage your efforts; positive self-talk is crucial for growth.

3. **Ignoring Mental Health**

   - Statistic: The World Health Organization states that depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide.

   - Value: Neglecting mental health can hinder personal development; if you need help ask for it.

4. **Fear of Change**

   - Statistic: The American Psychological Association reports that fear of change is a common barrier to personal growth.

   - Value: Embracing change is necessary for personal development; it leads to adaptability & growth.

5. **Comparison to Others**

   - Statistic: Research from Social Comparison Theory shows that constant social comparison can lead to decreased self-esteem.

   - Value: Focus on your own progress rather than comparing yourself to others.

**[SEGMENT 3: The Value of Personal Development]**

So, why invest in personal development? Let's look at some compelling reasons.

1. **Career Advancement**

   - Statistic: 70% of employers believe that soft skills are just as important as technical skills.

   - Value: Personal development enhances soft skills like communication & leadership.

2. **Happiness & Well-Being**

   - Statistic: A study in the journal "Emotion" found a strong connection between personal development & increased life satisfaction.

   - Value: Self-improvement often leads to a happier & more fulfilling life.

3. **Financial Success**

   - Statistic: Research by the University of California found a positive correlation between financial success & personal development.

   - Value: Skills acquired through personal development can lead to higher income & financial security.

4. **Improved Relationships**

   - Statistic: A study published in the Journal of Marriage and Family found that personal growth positively impacts relationships.

   - Value: Developing better interpersonal skills enhances relationships with family, friends, and colleagues.

Oct 16, 202332:33
EP. 265: 9 Tips For Personal Growth

EP. 265: 9 Tips For Personal Growth

q u o t e s: Stay Positive & Believe in Yourself, Even on the Hardest Days.

2nd: Life is too Short to waste your Time & Energy on People who bring you down.

S e g m e n t s: Navigating The Journey of Personal Growth

1. Set Clear Intentions:

- Start by setting Clear intentions for your Personal Growth Journey.

- Define what YOU want to Achieve, what Areas you want to Work on, & why Personal Development is Essential to your Well-Being & Entrepreneurial Pursuits.

2. Cultivate Self-Awareness:

- Self-Awareness is the compass that guides Personal Growth.

- Engage in introspective Practices such as Journaling, Meditation, or Mindfulness exercises to better understand your Thoughts, Emotions, & Behaviors.

3. Embrace Continuous Learning:

- Personal Growth thrives on a hunger for Knowledge & Learning.

- Invest in Books, Courses, Workshops, & Webinars to expand your Horizons & Acquire New Skills relevant to your Personal & Professional Goals.

4. Seek Mentorship & Feedback:

- Don't be afraid to seek Guidance from Mentors or Experienced individuals in your field.

- Constructive Feedback provides Valuable insights, Accelerates your Growth, & helps You refine your Entrepreneurial Journey.

5. Step Out of Your Comfort Zone:

- Growth happens when we step beyond our Comfort Zones.

- Challenge yourself to take Calculated Risks, Embrace Uncertainty, & tackle New Experiences that push Your Boundaries.

6. Develop Positive Habits:

- Incorporate Positive Habits into Your Daily Routine that Align with your Personal Growth Objectives.

- Whether it's Practicing Gratitude, Exercising Regularly, or Prioritizing Self-Care, Consistent Positive Habits lead to Lasting Change.

7. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity:

- Don't FEAR Failure; Embrace it as an integral part of Personal Development.

- Learn from your Setbacks, Analyze what went Wrong, & use those Experiences to Improve & Grow.

8. Build a Supportive Community:

- Surround Yourself with Like-Minded individuals who share your Commitment to Personal Growth.

- Engage in Networking Events, Join Online Communities, & Participate in Discussions that Encourage Growth & Well-Being.

9. Practice Patience and Celebrate Progress:

- Personal Development is a Continuous Journey with Ups & Downs.

- Be patient with Yourself & Celebrate every step of Progress, no matter how small.

- Acknowledge your Growth & give yourself Credit for the effort you put in.

Oct 09, 202321:08
EP. 264: What is Self-Compassion?

EP. 264: What is Self-Compassion?

Segment: Understanding Self-Compassion

        1.      What is Self-Compassion?

- Self-Compassion is the practice of treating Ourselves with the same Kindness, Understanding, & Support We would Offer to a Close Friend facing Difficulties.

It involves recognizing our own Suffering & Struggles without Judgment or Self-Criticism, Fostering a Sense of Warmth & Care toward Ourselves.

        2.      The Three Components of Self-Compassion:

1. Self-Kindness: Embracing Self-Kindness means being Gentle & Understanding toward Ourselves when we Encounter Hardships or Make Mistakes. Instead of Berating Ourselves for our Perceived Shortcomings, We offer Comfort & Support, just as we would to a friend.

2. Common Humanity: Acknowledging our shared Humanity is a Fundamental Aspect of Self-Compassion.

We recognize that Struggles & imperfections are Universal Experiences, reminding Us that We aren't Alone in Our Journey.

3. Mindfulness: Practicing Mindfulness involves being Present & Aware of our Thoughts & Emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. Mindfulness helps us approach Challenging Situations with Clarity & Non-Reactivity.

        3.      The Power of Self-Compassion for Millennial Mental Health:

Self-Compassion provides several benefits, particularly for Entrepreneurial Millennials navigating their Mental Health Journey:

        •       Reducing Self-Criticism: By Nurturing Self-Compassion, We Break Free from the Cycle of Harsh Self-Criticism & Self-Judgment, Allowing Space for Personal Growth & Self-improvement.

        •       Managing Stress: Self-Compassion serves as a Buffer against Stress, Promoting Emotional Well-Being & Resilience in the Face of Challenges.

        •       Building Resilience: With Self-Compassion, we bounce back from Setbacks & Failures, Learning from Experiences rather than Dwelling on Self-Doubt.

Practical Tips to Cultivate Self-Compassion:

        1.      Practice Self-Kindness: When you encounter a difficult situation, treat yourself with the same kindness & understanding you would extend to a friend. Offer words of encouragement & comfort.

        2.      Challenge Self-Criticism: Whenever self-criticism arises, counter it with self-compassionate thoughts. Remind yourself that everyone makes mistakes, & imperfection is part of being human.

        3.      Mindful Awareness: Practice mindfulness through meditation or breathing exercises to stay present & compassionate toward yourself during challenging moments.

        4.      Embrace Imperfections: Instead of striving for perfection, embrace your imperfections as a natural aspect of growth & learning.

Thank Your For Reading

Sep 27, 202316:27
EP. 263: 9 Tips of Personal Development

EP. 263: 9 Tips of Personal Development

Unraveling the Essence of Personal Development

        1.      Self-Awareness: At the core of Personal Development lies Self-Awareness

- the Process of Understanding our Emotions, Thoughts, Strengths, Weaknesses, & Motivations.

- Embracing Self-Awareness allows us to Recognize Triggers, Manage Stress, & Cultivate a Deeper Connection with Ourselves.

How To Become Self-Aware: Journaling is a huge key & Meditating, or ask friends or family

        2.      Emotional Intelligence: Developing Emotional Intelligence Enables Us to Navigate our Emotions & Understand those of Others, Fostering Healthier Relationships in BOTH Personal & Professional Spheres. It Empowers US to Handle Conflicts Effectively & Positively influence our interactions.

- - I recommend reading "Emotional intelligence 2.0" it'll help you understand what Emotional intelligence is & Understanding Self-Awareness.

        3.      Setting Goals: Personal Development Encourages US to Set Clear & Achievable Goals, Aligning our Actions with our Aspirations.

These Goals can range from Professional Milestones to Personal Growth Objectives, All Contributing to a Sense of Purpose & Fulfillment.

  - Set Start & End Dates for your Goals

      4.      Continuous Learning: The Pursuit of Personal Development Emphasizes LifeLong Learning & Growth.

Embracing New Skills, Knowledge, & Experiences enhances our Adaptability & Opens Doors to fresh Opportunities in Our Entrepreneurial Endeavors.


      5.      Resilience: As Entrepreneurial Millennials, We Encounter Numerous Challenges & Setbacks.

Personal Development equips us with the Resilience to Bounce Back from Adversity, Learn from Failures, & Stay Determined Despite Obstacles.

        6.      Positive Mindset: Cultivating a Positive Mindset fosters Optimism, Gratitude, & an ability to Reframe Challenges as Opportunities for Growth. This Mental Shift is Fundamental in Maintaining a Healthy Perspective on Life’s Ups & Downs.

        7.      Self-Compassion: In Our Journey toward Personal Growth, Self-Compassion is a Guiding Light.

Treating Ourselves with Kindness & Understanding during Difficult Times helps Us Build a Strong Foundation for Mental Well-Being.

        8.      Intentional Reflection: Personal Development Encourages Regular Reflection on our Actions, Experiences, & Emotions.

By intentionally taking time to introspect, We gain insights that guide our Growth & Decision-Making Processes.

- Journaling helps with this.

        9.      Authenticity: Embracing Authenticity means being True to Ourselves & Our Values.

By Living Authentically, We build a Stronger Sense of identity & Attract Genuine Connections with Others.

Sep 19, 202323:02
EP. 262: Nurturing Millennial Mental Health

EP. 262: Nurturing Millennial Mental Health

The Millennial Landscape & Mental Health Challenges

- We begin by Acknowledging the Unique Challenges faced by Entrepreneurial Millennials in the Fast-Paced & Dynamic World we live in.

- The pressures of Building Careers, Managing Businesses, & Maintaining Personal Lives can take a TOLL on Our Mental Health.

- Here are statistics to shed light on the reality of this generation's mental health struggles & Ways To Help

1. According to a report by the American Psychological Association, Millennials experience HIGHER Stress Levels compared to Other Generations, with Money, Work, & Future uncertainties being Major Contributors.

2. The World Health Organization states that Depression is the leading cause of Disability worldwide, affecting people of ALL ages, including Millennials. The Fast-Paced & Competitive Nature of our lives can contribute to this RISING trend.

3. A study by the Anxiety & Depression Association of America found that 72% of Millennials have Experienced Anxiety & Panic Attacks,

reflecting the Magnitude of Mental Health Challenges within this Generation.

Here are Ways to Help:

Acknowledging these challenges is Essential, but it's Equally important to explore ways to Address & Support Millennial Mental Health.

As Entrepreneurial Millennials, we can take Proactive Steps to Prioritize Our Well-Being:

1. Open Conversations: Engage in OPEN & HONEST Conversations about Mental Health with Friends, Colleagues, & Loved Ones.

Reducing the Stigma surrounding Mental Health helps create a Supportive Environment for those Struggling.

2. Seek Professional Help: DON'T Hesitate to reach out to Mental Health Professionals, Therapists, or Counselors if you feel Overwhelmed.

Seeking Support is a sign of Strength, NOT Weakness.

3. Establish Boundaries: Learn to Set Boundaries between Work & Personal Life.

- - Overworking & Constant Connectivity can NEGATIVELY impact Mental Health.

- - Allocate Time for Self-Care & Relaxation.

4. Embrace Physical Activity: Regular Exercise has proven benefits for Mental Well-Being.

- - Incorporate Physical Activities that you enjoy into your routine to REDUCE Stress & Boost Your Mood.

5. Practice Mindfulness: Engage in Mindfulness practices such as Meditation, Deep Breathing, or Yoga to Cultivate Self-Awareness & Reduce Anxiety.

6. Connect with Like-Minded Communities: Join Communities or Support Groups where you can connect with other Entrepreneurial Millennials who understand the Unique Challenges you face.

Remember, Taking Care of our Mental Health is not just Essential for Our Well-Being but also Enhances our Entrepreneurial Journey.

- - Let's prioritize Mental Health, Support One Another, & Foster a Culture of Growth & Well-Being within the Entrepreneurial Community.


Thank you for tuning in to this Educational episode, SAUNAIE community!

Sep 12, 202319:34
EP. 261: Embracing The Bipolar Journey: Thriving Amidst The Highs & Lows

EP. 261: Embracing The Bipolar Journey: Thriving Amidst The Highs & Lows

S A U N A I E Presents Embracing The Bipolar Journey

Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by extreme shifts in mood, energy levels,& activity levels. It can impact various aspects of a person's life, including their relationships, work, and overall well-being. Before we delve into the statistics and symptoms, it's important to note that I am not a mental health professional. I'm here to provide information based on research and personal experiences. If you suspect you or someone you know may be experiencing bipolar disorder, I strongly encourage seeking professional help.

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Jul 10, 202315:55
EP. 260: Goal Getter: Unleashing Your Purposeful Potential for Success

EP. 260: Goal Getter: Unleashing Your Purposeful Potential for Success

S A U N A I E Presents Setting Purposeful Goals

q u o t e s of the d a y: Your Struggles today are Preparing You for Your Victory Tomorrow.

2nd: Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.

S e g m e n t s: Setting Purposeful Goals

GOALS are Stepping Stones towards your Vision, Mission & Purpose, that's all they are & they serve little or no purpose if they don't fit in your vision for your life.

S T E P 1: Create a Clear & Definitive Vision for your Life.

- - The 1st step to Setting Purposeful Goals is to Create & Work from your Vision for Your Life, you have to know how you want your Life to look like & what you want to Create & Share with the World.

S T E P 2: Map Out the Steps that are going to make that Vision a Reality

- - The next step is to workout the steps that are going to make that Vision a Reality. So you may have to look at things like Location, Education, Skill Set, & Experience in order to move in that direction. Do Your research.

S T E P 3: Work out HOW you're going to Achieve each Goal along the way.

- - Once you've Mapped out the possible steps to make Your ideal Life & Vision a Reality, then & then do you have Actionable Goals.

- - Your next Challenge is to Work out HOW you're going to Achieve each Goal along the way, it's time to start looking at the Finer Details.

S T E P 4: Focus on the Top 3 ideas You can EXECUTE on right now.

- - You need to make FORWARD Progress on your Goals & start taking Action.

- - Choose the top 3 ideas that you can EXECUTE on factoring in your Current Time, Energy, Skills, & Resources.

S T E P 5: Remove anything that is in Conflict with your Goals & Vision.

- - You can start removing the Goals that are in Conflict with Each Other & Set a Realistic TimeFrame to reach each of your Targets.

- - This is 1 of the Most important parts of the Process.

- - Remove anything that is in Conflict with Your Vision.

Setting intelligent Goals takes Time, Research, & Requires you to think in Great Detail about your Life.

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o u t r o: You don't need a New Year to Make a Change. All You Need is a Monday.

Jul 07, 202314:07
EP. 259: The Mood Matrix: Decoding Mental Mood Disorders

EP. 259: The Mood Matrix: Decoding Mental Mood Disorders

SAUNAIE Presents The Mood Matrix

Q u o t e s: You Amplify Everything You React to.

2nd: Winning isn't getting ahead of others. It's about getting ahead of yourself.

Segments: Mood Disorders

- A Mood Disorder is a Mental Health condition that primarily affects your EMOTIONAL state.

It’s a disorder in which you experience long periods of EXETREME Happiness, EXTREME sadness or both.

- - Certain MOOD DISORDERS involve other PERSISTENT emotions, such as Anger & Irritability.

- - - It’s normal for your MOOD to Change, depending on the situation.

- - - However, for a Mood Disorder Diagnosis, symptoms must be present for SEVERAL Weeks or Longer.

- - - Mood Disorders can cause changes in your Behavior & can Affect your Ability to Perform Routine Activities, such as Work or School.

- - - - I'm sure you'e heard about the Two of the most common Mood Disorders are Depression & Bipolar disorder.



- Depression is a common Mental Health condition. Depressive symptoms include FEELING Sad or Hopeless.

- - The condition can also cause Difficulty with Thinking, Memory, Eating & Sleeping.

- - For a person to receive a Diagnosis of Clinical Depression, symptoms must last for at least 2 weeks.

There are several different types of depression, including:

- Postpartum Depression (peripartum depression): This type of Depression occurs during pregnancy or after the end of a pregnancy in women.

- - - Women Experience Hormonal, Physical, Emotional, Financial & Social changes after having a baby.

- - -These changes can cause symptoms of Postpartum Depression.

- Approximately 1 in 10 women will experience Postpartum Depression after giving birth, & some studies reporting 1 in 7 women.

- Postpartum Depression generally lasts 3 to 6 months, however, this varies based on several factors.

- It is estimated that nearly 50% of Mothers with Postpartum Depression aren't diagnosed by a health professional.

- 80% of women with Postpartum Depression will achieve a full recovery.


- - Persistent Depressive Disorder: This is a Chronic Form of Depression that must last for at LEAST 2 Years.

- - Symptoms may Occasionally Lessen in SEVERITY during this time.

- - It’s less severe than major depressive disorder, but it’s ongoing.

- Persistent Depressive Disorder (PDD) is a Mild to Moderate Chronic Depression.

- - It involves a SAD or DARK Mood most of the day for two years or more.

- - PDD is common & can happen to anyone at any age.

- - The most EFFECTIVE treatment combines Medication, Counseling & Healthy Lifestyle Choices.

- - - SYMPTOMS OF PDD - - -

The Main Symptom of PDD is a SAD, LOW or DARK Mood.

Other signs may include:

- Fatigue.

- Feelings of Hopelessness, worthlessness or isolation.

- Lack of Appetite or Overeating.

- Lack of Concentration.

- Limited Energy.

- Low Self-Esteem.

- Trouble at Work or School.

- Trouble Sleeping or Sleeping too much.

Most people with PDD also have an Episode of Major Depression at least once at some point, which is sometimes called “Double Depression.”

- - - - > Seasonal Depression, also called Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), is a type of Depression.

- - It’s triggered by the Change of Seasons & Most Commonly begins in Late Fall.

- - - Symptoms include feelings of sadness, lack of energy, loss of interest in usual activities, oversleeping and weight gain.

- - - Treatments include Light Therapy, Talk Therapy & Antidepressants.

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o u t r o: Dreams are the Beginning, Hustle is the Middle, & Success is at the End.

Jul 03, 202320:18
EP. 258: Beyond The Surface: Unraveling Anxiety Disorders

EP. 258: Beyond The Surface: Unraveling Anxiety Disorders

S A U N A I E Presents Diving into Mental Health q u o t e s: No one else can determine your future. It's in your hands, & it always was. 2nd: Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow. S e g m e n t s: Types of Mental Health Disorders - Specific mental disorders are grouped together due to features they have in common. Some are: - Anxiety Disorders - Mood Disorders - Schizophrenia disorders Anxiety Disorders are the most common Mental disorders. - People with these conditions have severe fear or anxiety related to certain objects or situations. - Most people with an anxiety disorder try to avoid exposure to whatever triggers their anxiety. - - Here are some examples of Anxiety Disorders - G e n e r a l i z e d A n x i e t y D i s o r d e r - - Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) involves excessive worry or fear that disrupts everyday living. People may also experience physical symptoms, including: - Restlessness - Fatigue - Poor concentration - Tense muscles - interrupted sleep Anxiety symptoms doesn't necessarily need a specific trigger in people with GAD. They may experience excessive anxiety when encountering everyday situations that don't pose a direct danger, such as chores or appointments. A person with GAD may sometimes feel anxiety with no trigger at all. GAD, a type of anxiety disorder, is very common. It affects 3.1% of the population (or 6.8 million adults) in the U.S. in any given year. It's more common in women. Living with anxiety can be challenging. However, as with other anxiety disorders, GAD is highly treatable. - Some of the most effective treatments include Psychotherapy, Medication, and making Lifestyle Changes. S Y M P T O M S Doctors diagnose GAD when a person experiences anxiety for 6 months or more. However, physical symptoms of the disorder can vary between cases. Symptoms may improve or worsen at different times. For example, periods of high stress or physical illness often cause symptoms to exacerbate for a while. Emotional and Cognitive symptoms of GAD include: Uncontrollable & Persistent Worries, Fears, & Concerns an inability to deal with uncertainty about the future intrusive thoughts excessive planning & troubleshooting difficulty making decisions fear of making the “wrong” decision problems concentrating an inability to relax Physical symptoms include: tense or tight muscles aches and pains difficulty sleeping fatigue feeling restless, jumpy, or twitchy heart palpitations digestive issues, such as nausea or diarrhea being easily startled excessive sweating frequent urination Behavioral symptoms include: being unable to relax or spend “quiet” time alone switching between tasks or not finishing tasks due to finding it difficult to concentrate spending excessive amounts of time completing simple tasks redoing tasks because they are not “perfect” avoiding situations that trigger anxiety, including socializing with others and speaking in public missing school or work due to fatigue, fear, or other symptoms requiring reassurance and approval from others It is important to note that children and adolescents may display tightening irritability and anger when experiencing depression or anxiety. h o u s e k e e p i n g: Share. Subscribe. Review o u t r o: Discipline Now Equals Results Later.
Jun 17, 202315:30
EP. 257: What is Mental Health?

EP. 257: What is Mental Health?

S A U N A I E Presents What is Mental Health?

q u o t e s: Results happen Over Time, Not Overnight, Work Hard, Stay Consistent & Be Patient

2nd: Sometimes the bad things happen in our lives put us directly on the path to the bes things that will ever happen to Us.

S e g m e n t s: What is Mental Health?

Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community.”

The WHO states that mental health is “more than just the absence of mental disorders or disabilities.” Peak mental health is not only about managing active conditions but also looking after ongoing wellness and happiness.

In the United States, the National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that almost 1 in 5 adults experience mental health problems each year.

In 2020, an estimated 14.2 million adults in the U.S., or about 5.6%, had a serious psychological condition, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).

Everyone is at some risk of developing a mental health disorder, regardless of age, sex, income, or ethnicity. In the U.S. and much of the developed world, mental disorders are one of the leading causes of disability.

Social and financial circumstances, adverse childhood experiences, biological factors, and underlying medical conditions can all shape a person’s mental health.

Many people with a mental health disorder have more than one condition at a time.

The following factors can contribute to mental health disruptions.

Continuous social and economic pressure

Having limited financial means or belonging to a marginalized or persecuted ethnic group can increase the risk of mental health disorders.

A 2015 Iranian study describes several socioeconomic causes of mental health conditions, including poverty and living on the outskirts of a large city.

The researchers found that being female increased the risk of low mental health status by nearly 4 times. People with a “weak economic status” also scored highest for mental health conditions in this study.

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o u t r o: Not Everyone Deserves to know The Real You. Let them Criticize who they think you are.

Jun 13, 202319:00
EP. 256: Upgrade Your Life

EP. 256: Upgrade Your Life

S A U N A I E presents Upgrading Your Life

q u o t e s: Be Your Number One Supporter. When Nobody else is there, You Have Yourself.

2nd: This is your Life, & you're the only one who can Write Your Story.

S e g m e n t s: Upgrading Your Life

1. Take Responsibility: When you take responsibiity for your life, you don't blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for your behavior or results or even people. You decide what you want & then consciously create a plan to have it.

2. Create A Mental Image: Once you've decided what you want, take the time to develop a clear mental picture of it.

- Then, keep that image in your mind as long & as often as possible. To be able to do that, all you need to know is what you want & to want it so badly that it will stay in your thoughts.

3. Prioritize & Exercise Discipline: Make sure you do at least one thing each day that moves you closer to your goal.

- Every Night or morning whatever you prefer, make a list of the top Goal-Achieving activities you can take the next day & then act on them, starting with the most important task.

4. Commit to Lifelong Learning: Study a book everyday.

- There are tremendous benefits to be had by rubbing your mind against the minds of great authors.

- Continuing education is the answer to real Success.

5. Stay The Course: Persistence is an essential factor in achieving any goal that makes you stretch.

- So get in the habit of pivoting or finding ways to navigate around impasses.

- Finish what you set out to do.

6. Wake Up Early

- Most Successful People Are Early Risers.

- To make things happen, get in the habit of waking up early & getting out of bed quickly to act on your goal.

- Recognize what a gift each day is & be excited about what it will bring.

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o u t r o: You have a purpose that is greater than your pain.

May 29, 202311:48
EP. 255: Rules of Money

EP. 255: Rules of Money

S A U N A I E Presents The Rules of Money

Q u o t e s: Don't Give Up. Not Today, Not Tomorrow, Not Next Week. Keep Going.

2nd: There are people who come as lessons & people who come as blessings. Both are necessary for your Growth & Evolution, so be thankful for both.

S e g m e n t s: The Rules of Money

1. Pay Yourself 1st.

2. Learn How to invest.

3. Don't be a Hater of it.

4. Give Every Dollar a Job.

5. Spend Less Than You Earn.

6. Have a Plan & Set Goals

7. Don't Be a Slave to Money.

8. Keep Your Finances Organized

9. It's a game, learn how it works. Always have an emergency fund.

10. Always Make Money Work for You.

11. Learn How to Make Money Passively.

12. Use it to Solve Problems in the World.

13. It's not what you make it's what you keep.

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o u t r o: He Who Has Overcome His Fears Will Truly Be Free.

May 26, 202314:52
EP. 254: Building Self-Confidence

EP. 254: Building Self-Confidence

S A U N A I E Presents Self-Confidence Tips

Q u o t e s: If you change your daily routine, & stay consistent you can change your entire life.

2nd: Some people love how convenient you are more than who you actually are. Stop being available to them 24/7.

S e g m e n t s: important Confident Tips

1. Everyone is Human

- Remember that the people you think are "cool" are actually no different than you.

- Everyone has their own problems insecurities & doubts.

- Stop thinking they're better than you.

2. Take Risks

- I know it's Scary, but you need to take Risks.

- If your dream looks too risky & scary, break it down into smaller parts.

- Then it won't be as intimidating to pursue.

- No Risk No Reward

3. Allow yourself to make mistakes.

- As Cheesy as it sounds, "Rome was not built in a day"

- You're allowed to make mistakes.

- This is how we Learn & Grow as Humans.

4. Put yourself in Uncomfortable Situations

- This is the best way to overcome shyness.

- Join a club, go to events & put yourself out there.

- These uncomfortable situations will soon become comfortable, & then you will become a confident person.

5. Believe in Yourself.

- Even if you don't believe in yourself, you can trick your brain into Believing.

- Say "I am a confident person" 10 times before going to bed every night.

- It will be programmed into your subconscious & trick yourself into becoming confident.

6. Get in Shape & Dress Well

- The easiest way to become confident is to look good.

- If you don't like your appearance, you'll shy away from Social Settings.

- If you like your appearance you'll be Proud & Confident in Public Settings.

7. Give Yourself Credit.

- Stop being so hard on yourself.

- Remember all the good things you've done.

- Remember how far you've come.

- You're doing Great, Just remind yourself of it more often.

8. Less Planning, More Action

- Too much Planning can Lead to Overthinking & Anxiety

- Take Action instead.

- Also the more times you do something the more confident you'll get.

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o u t r o: Everything Ultimately comes down to Trust.

May 25, 202320:10
EP. 253: Boosting Your Memory

EP. 253: Boosting Your Memory

S A U N A I E Presents Boosting Your Memory

q u o t e s: Respect yourself Enough to Walk Away from anything that no longer Serves you, Grows You, or Makes You Happy.

2nd: Hurt People Hurt People

S e g m e n t s: Boosting Memory

1. Get Moving - if you're overweight, your mental health will 25% faster than someone who's healthy.

2. Spicy Food - Spices like Cumin, Tumeric, & Cilantro offer memory boosting effects.

3. Stop Multi-tasking - Divided attention reduces productivity & ability to remember details.

4. Drinking Coffee - Regular coffee drinking can reduce your odds of developing Alzheimer's by up to 65%.

5. Clear Clutter - De-Clutter your life for faster Mental Processing & Brain Performance.

6. Eat Your Vegetables - Cartenoids found in Broccoli, Cabbage, & Kale protect the brain fat that helps nerves communicate & pass information.

7. Hit Snooze - Sleep is Vital to information processing, data sorting, & forming new memories that stick.

8. Learn a Foreign Language - 2nd languages reduce age-related Mental Decline & Produce higher Levels of Brain Plasticity.

9. Stop Stressing - Stress Hormones use up Glucose that should be feeding brain cells. Over time this prevents new memories from being stored & old ones from being accessed.

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o u t r o: Don't Let Your Loyalty Become Slavery. If they don't appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone.

May 15, 202317:08
EP. 252: Power of Cold Showers

EP. 252: Power of Cold Showers

S A U N A I E Presents Cold Showers Can Change Your Life

Q u o t e s: Beautiful Things Come Out of Positive Thoughts.

2nd: Your Grow Through What You Go Through Stay Strong.

S e g m e n t s: Cold Showers

1. Reduces Stress

- Cold induces a Brief Period of Beneficial Stress.

- It increases your Stress Tolerance in all Aspects of your Life.

- It also Raises Levels of Glutathione, An important Antioxidant.

- Glutathione lowers Oxidative Stress, a risk factor for Diabetes & Cancer.

2. Increases Alertness

- Cold Showers Force you to take Deeper Breaths.

- This is done by your body to increase oxygen intake & keep you warm.

- This also raises your Heart Rate, Gives you More Energy, & Makes You More Alert.

3. Aids in Weight loss

- Cold Showers Activate Brown Fat.

- Brown Fat Generates Heat to keep the body temperature stable.

- This Procedure degrades your Unhealthy White Fat Cells.

- If you want to lose body fat quickly, this will help.

4. Increases Testosterone Levels

- Your Testicles require temperatures that are lower than your body temperature.

- Cold Showers refresh them & help them with:

- Fertility

- Sperm Health

- Muscle Development

- Testosterone Levels

5. Promotes Muscle Recovery

- Cold Showers help with Delayed Onset Muscle Pain.

- That is the Soreness you feel 1-2 days after working out

- You don't need long-term ice baths like professional athletes.

- A few mins. in a cold shower will provide similar results.

6. Increases Willpower

- When you do something you don't want to do, your Willpower improves.

- Make it a Habit to take a Cold Shower 1st thing in the Morning.

- Don't Bargain with your mind.

- Don't let it be a choice.

- Simply Get Up & Just Do it.

- Your Willpower will grow Stronger over time.

7. Antidepressant Properties

- Cold Showers send Electrical Impulses through Your Brain.

- This is due to the fact that your skin contains numerous Receptors that are Activated.

- The unexpected rush has an anti-depressive effect, allowing you to begin feeling better.

8. Promotes Healthy Skin & Hair

- Cold Showers help to Preserve the Natural Oils in your Hair & Skin.

- This Tightens your pores, giving your skin a Healthier Appearance.

- The Coldness also smooths the Follicles of your Hair.

- This gives your hair a Shiner Appearance.

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o u t r o: Stop Saying "I Wish" & Start saying "I Will."

May 12, 202314:49
EP. 251: Let's Talk Mental Health

EP. 251: Let's Talk Mental Health

S A U N A i E Presents Mental Health Stigma

Q u o t e s: Give Yourself Credit for The Days You Made it when you thought you Couldn't.

2nd: Your Past is a Lesson, Not a Life Sentence. Forgive Yourself & Focus on The Future.


DiD You Know: According to the World Health Organization Two-Thirds of People Living with Mental Health Conditions Don't Seek Professional Support Likely Due to the Stigma around Mental Health. I Bet You're wondering What's The Stigma Surrounding Mental Health

Mental Health Stigma is the Negative Assumptions, Attitudes, & Beliefs about idividuals, who experience Mental Health conditions,

for example Believing that someone's Mental Health Challenge is their Fault.


- Stigma causes people to feel ashamed for something that is out of their control. Worse, stingma prevents people from seeking the help they need.


- Stigma happens on multiple levels.

- From Society = Public Stigma

- From the Gov't & Organizations = Institutional Stigma

- From Others = Interpersonal Stigma

- From Ourselves = Internalized Stigma

- When Stigma goes unchecked, it leads to discrimination by employers, by society, & by the Gov't which results in less opportunity & less access to care.


1. Talk openly about Mental Health within your family, friends, at work, on social media.

2. Educate yourself & others - respond to misperceptions or negative comments by sharing facts & experiences.

3. Be Conscious of Language - Remind people that words matter.

4. Encourage Equality between Physical & Mental Health conditions - draw comparisons to how you would treat somone with cancer or diabetes.

5. Show Compassion for those with Mental Health Conditions

6.Be Honest about Treatment - Normalize Mental Health Treatment

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o u t r o: The Truth is, Everyone is going to Hurt You. You just got to find the ones worth Suffering for.

May 08, 202318:07
EP. 250: Showing Up For Yourself

EP. 250: Showing Up For Yourself

S A U N A I E presents Showing Up For Yourself

Q u o t e s: Is it a Bad Life, or a Bad Day? Is it a bad day, or a bad 5 minutes? Perspective is Everything.

2nd: You've Done it before & you can do it Again.

S e g m e n t: Showing Up For Yourself

1. Commit to Habits, Practices, Routines, & Rituals that are good for your Well-being - even when you don't want to.

2. Allow Yourself to feel a Multiude of Feelings without labeling it as Wrong, Bad Or Negative.

3. Practice listening to your Needs & Discovering different ways of Meeting those Needs.

4. Practice self-forgiveness; for not being perfect, for forgetting, for your past, for what you don't know, & for getting "off-track" sometimes.

5. Let Yourself start again, over & over, as often as needed.

6. Take care of your basic needs: Stay Hydrated, Get Enough Sleep, Move Your Body,& Eat Nourishing Foods.

7. Give yourself Permission to Rest, To Take Breaks, & to Have Down Time.

8. Spend Quality Time with yourself: Reading, Writing, Creating & Getting to know who you are underneath who you think you should be.

9. Be Curious & Compassionate about yourself as often as possible.

10. Remind yourself that you're as worthy of being shown up for as anyone else in life. Make yourself a Priority in your Own Life.

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o u t r o: Your Storm is Running Out of Rain. Your Challenges will end, your heart will heal, & your soul will be at peace again

May 05, 202315:52
EP. 249: Mental Detox

EP. 249: Mental Detox

S A U N A I E Presents Detoxing Your Mind

Q u o t e s: 1 Day at a Time, 1 Part at a Time, We can Accomplish any Goal we set Our for Ourselves.

2nd: Not Every Day is Easy, But the Opportunity to Live Them is still a Blessing.

S e g m e n t: Detoxing Your Mind

Have you been feeling like Life has been a bit much lately?

Have you been feeling like you jus need to Detox?

Well this episode is for You...

Here's some tips

1. Start Unfollowing. Unfollow People who don't make you feel Empowered, Informed, or Inspired.

- This is a HUGE benefit for your brain health because we get stuck following people who don't do anything for us, I had to cultivate a positive environment on my feeds & I feel more peace.

2. Remember The Big Picture: Write Down a List of your Long-Term Goals. Call it Your Vision for Your Life. Check it Out Often.

- If you aren't the type to set goals, I think it's time to set those goals for your future self, to undertand the direction that you're heading in.

- Reviewing your Long Term Goals daily helps you stay on your path & you start creating a plan & vision for yourself.

3. Starting Journaling

- Sometiems we need to get out of our own head & just Journal how we're feeling & what we have planned.

- If you aren't fond of journaling just start one day at a time, start off with a sentence about how your day wa & slowly you'll start writing more.

- Your favorite people journal & it has tremendous benefits.

4. Ask Yourself These Questions:

- Are there any dead relationships in my life that I'm holding on to?

- What aspects of my Life can I improve by removing things that isn't working anymore?

5. Acceptance is Peace.

- No amount of Anxiety will change your future, no amount of regret will change your past.

- Peace is found in acceptance.

6. Disconnet from Social Media: Social media can be a source of stress & anxiety.

- Take a break from it & Prioritize connecting with people in Real Life.

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o u t r o: You can't Control The Waves. But You Can Learn How To Surf.

May 01, 202316:41
EP. 248: Millionaire Hacks

EP. 248: Millionaire Hacks

S A U N A I E Presents Who Wants to be A Millionaire?

Q u o t e s: Accept New Beginnings & Let Them Lead You to Positive Transformations.

2nd: The Person you are & the person you want to be are only Separated by Discipline.

S e g m e n t s: How To Become a Millionaire

1. Have 3 or More Streams of income

- 99% of people chase money, only 1% make it.

- You don't have to quit your 9 to 5.

Use it to:

- Save & Start a Business offline

- Set your Business in Order

- Seek Advice from a mentor & start a business online

Now with the online business:

- Sell a book or guide

- Create a Online Course

- Create a Blog

- Offer a Mentorship Program

- Having 1 stream of income equates to Committing Financial Suicide.

2. Spend at least 100 mins. of your day Reading

- 87% of Financially Free people are obsessed with Learning.

Financial Education is self-taught:

- Start Reading These Books:

- Human Nature

- Atomic Habits

- Think & Grow Rich

- The Psychology of Money

Use the knowledge you obtain & earn with it

- The Ultimate Modern Flex is:

- Staying Anonymous

- Being Filthy Rich

- A Great Physique

Simplicity is the New Rich.

3. Wake Up at 4 or 5am

People dread Waking Up Early

But this adds 3 hours to your day

Cultivate Successful Habits

- Make Your Bed

- Drink 1L of Water to flush out your system.

- Take a Morning Walk

- Read for 30 mins.

Success is hidden in your Daily Routine.

4. Sleep 6-7 Hours only

It's hard at 1st but you'll adjust with time.

- Make your bed a safe haven for your sleep.

- A good night sleep will help you focus 10x better the following day.

A recipe for a goodnight sleep:

- Be active during the day

- Invest in your beddings.

- Eat 3 hours before bed

- Wear comfortable PJs or Sleep Naked, I reccommend sleeping naked

Set an alarm to only sleep for 6:30 hours then get up when the alarm goes off. DON'T hit Snooze.

5. Adopt Writing Habits

Download your thoughts on a paper & you'll achieve any goal 10x Faster.

- Write your goal or goals down

- State the process to accomplishing them.

- Visualize the End goal

- Take Action

Create Goals & Hold Yourself Accountable.

6. Take Risks

Let Fear of the unknown Set You Free

- Open New Businesses

- Meet Top Executives

- Take That Scary Deal

7. Spend 30 mins a day alone

To tap into your Creative Juices, Embrace Solitude

Half an hour a day will help you:

- Reduce Stress

- Boost your Happiness

- Boost Mental Strength

Be Active in your Alone Time

- Take a pen & Notebook

- Take a Walk

- No Phone or Music

- Carry some water

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Better Quality Sleep Episode - - - >

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o u t r o: What makes your Heart Happy, Do More of That.

Apr 28, 202320:42


S A U N A I E Presents Happy Birthday XO

Q u o t e s: Put aside your Worries & Doubts, You Got This.

2nd: Your Biggest Fear is also your Biggest Opportunity for Growth

S e g m e n t s: What I Learned from 30 & Expecting from 31....


30 was a really learning year for me as every year is but this year I learned more about the power of the tongue & being cautious of what I speak into existence. I had to tell my family about this because we just usually speak things without knowing the power behind them. Any negative thing was speak has a 10x chance to happen versus speaking positive.

- Also learning more about affirmations & using them in my favor some are my favorite are "Abundance & Happiness are my birth right" "What I Desire, Desires Me More, The Money I'm Seeking is Seeking Me More." Speaking Affirmations aren't just it, you have to believe in what you're saying.

- A book I reccommend to understand more about Affirmations & The Subsconcious Mind is "The Power of The Subconscious Mind"

- Learning about Your Subconscious Mind will help you realize the power that you have & this book gives you a clear understanding of how to use it in your favor.

- Journaling has been big for me but I've been unconsistent but I'm learning the power of journaling and how it helps me.

- Journaling at the end of the day helps me decompress & leave the day on the paper.

- If you don't journal I highly reccommend it so that you can understand yourself more.

- I began taking Gratitude Walks & getting Sunlight daily, which helps me mentally & shows appreication for everything I have & the things that are coming. Getting sunlight early helps me regulate my Circadian Rhythm & gives me better sleep throughout the night.

- Meditating has been huge for me over the last decade & I decided to meditate 3x a day

- Helps me with my emotions & self-control, I feel grounded everytime I meditate.

- I honestly didn't know what to expect for 30 but I'm grateful for everything I learned, I've also cultivated a Positive Environment for myself because I know how that's beneficial to my Growth & Well-being.

- My social media feeds are all positive, the people I hang around are positive, & I'm always speaking Positivity to myself.


- Since 2023 started I've been going through an identity shift and now that I'm 31 I'm stepping into that identity.

- I know what I have to do for myself & my family as well as my future wife.

- This year I'm expecting to impact Thousands of people when it comes to their Personal Development weather it's from Podcasting or Coaching.

- I have a lot of surprises for y'all for Year 31 it's my Reggie Miller Year so be ready from interviews, to deep research on Mental/Brain Health, I don't want to give out too much but I know y'all will Love & appreciate it.

- As far as myself I'm investing more in myself, reading books, More Ted Talks, Meditating 3x a day, Praying 5x a day, & expressing Gratitude for everything. Also developing multiple streams of income for myself & fam. This is the year I become a Millionaire with your help of course.

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o u t r o: 80% of Success is Showing Up.

Apr 20, 202316:45
EP. 246: Better Life Hacks

EP. 246: Better Life Hacks

S A U N A I E Presents Best Advice For You

q u o t e s: Giving Up is the Greatest Failure

2nd: The Way To Get Started is to Quit Talking & Begin Doing.

S e g m e n t s: Best Advice For You To Getting Ahead

1. Don't Rush into Marriage

- Take your time before you make that lifetime commitment.

- The choice of your Spouse is one of the Biggest decisions of your Life.

- Make sure that it is well-thought out & not just based on emotions.

2. Don't keep up with the Joneses

- Society will lead you to have a lavish lifestyle

- You will get into debt just to keep up & end up with a lot of debt.

- You need to do your best to avoid consumer debt at all cost.

3. Chase Your Dreams

- Follow your Dreams, but make sure your strategy is grounded in reality.

- Don't pursue a degree for the sake of passion if it won't pay well.

- You are at an age where you can afford to make mistakes.

- Failures teach you more about than Successes.

4. Burn No Bridges

- Master the art of maintaining cordial relationships.

- Learn how to be tactful without inciting conflict when you don't want to be around people.

- Because life is too short, you can never be sure when you'll need someone's help.

5. Pick Friends Wisely

- Don't be influenced by friends who are into the nightlife.

- Trust Me, I was there & it didn't do anything for me.

- Be with those who seek to improve themselves.

- Their influence will rub off on you, & you'll want to better yourself as a result.

6. Prioritize Your Health

- The best investment you can make in yourself now is Prioritizting your Health.

- Don't Eat Unhealthy Foods & Put off Working Out.

- Make an Appt. with a doctor once a year to detect & prevent Diseases.

- Your Health is Your Wealth.

7. Become Financially Literate

- There are a lot of people who earn a lot of money yet struggle with Personal Finances & continue to live Paycheck to Paycheck.

- The easiest approach to being Financially Successful to learn to manage your money.

8. Open a Roth IRA

- The Roth IRA is one of the best accounts that you can have.

- The account can help you build a big nest egg as the investments compound tax-free for decades.

Its advantage:

- Tax-Free Growth

- Tax-Free Withdrawal

- Can be used as an Emergency if necessary.

09. Use your 401(k)

- Your Employer-sponsored plan is 1 of the best tools to get you started with investing.

- Put your money up to the match amount & let your money work for you.

- Don't leave free money on the table.

10. Create an Emergency Fund

- The ability to handle life's unexpected curveballs necessitates having an emergency fund.

- People's finances have been impacted as a result of failing to set aside money for emergencies.

- Too many people turn to debt to deal with emergencies.

11. Stay Out of Debt

- Debt ruins people's lives because they don't know how to control their impulses.

- Using Credit Cards irresponsibly has caused people to be put in a stressful situation.

- Credit Cards are predatory in Nature, with Outrageous interest rates. Avoid them at all costs.

12. Read Books

- Don't waste your time playing video games & watching tv shows. These are Deterrents to your future success.

- Read Books that will give you knowledge or skills that will be useful to you in the future.

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o u t r o: Lief has Meaning only if you do what is meaningful to you.

Apr 15, 202318:55
EP. 245: Benefits of Quality Sleep

EP. 245: Benefits of Quality Sleep

S A U N A I E Presents Get Your Sleep

Q u o t e s: It's Possible to Climb to the Top Without Stomping On Other People

2nd: Be Thankful For Each day. Everyday has it's own Blessings

S e g m e n t: Get Your Sleep

What Does Insufficient Sleep Do:

- Leads to Weight Gain

- Reduces Brain Function

- Decreases Muscle Memory

- Causes Mental Health issues

- Increases Chances of Disease

How to Fix This:

The 10,10,4,3,2,1 Method

1. 10 Minutes of Sunlight

- Every morning, view the sunlight for 10 mins

- Viewing a low solar angle sets your Circadian Rhythm, Making it Easier to Fall Asleep at Night

- Make a 10 Min. Morning Walk With Sunlight apart of your Morning Routine.

2. 10 Hours Without Caffeine

- Drinking coffee or any Caffeine as well as Pre-workout after 12pm are disrupting the Quality & Depth of your Sleep at Night.

- Caffeine's half-life is 6 hours, so an afternoon coffee is still in your system at 11pm.

- Aim to cut off Caffeine at least 10 hours before bed.

3. 4 Hours Without Exerecise

- Intense Exercise too close to bed keeps Cortisol Levels High, Making it Harder to Fall Asleep.

- Aim to Exercise in the Morning if you can.


- At least schedule your workouts so they aren't within 4 hours of your Bedtime.

4. 3 Hours without Food

- When you digest Food, your body's internal Thermostat Heats Up.

- But your body's temperature needs to DROP to fall asleep.

- Cut off food 3 hours before bed to improve the quality of your Sleep & Hormone Health.

5. 2 Hours Without Work

- Your mind needs Time to Rest & Wind Down before You Go to Sleep.

- Be done with your Work at least 2 hours before bed, & find a nightime routine that allows you to wind down & Relax

6. 1 Hour without Blue Light

- Blue light from your devices signals to your brain it's time to be alert & awake.

- This disrupts your ability to fall asleep.

- Cut off screens at least an hour before bed, or at least invest in blue light glasses.

If you follow these tips & aim for 6-8 hours of sleep a night, Your brain & body will feel better & will thank you.

o u t r o:

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q u o t e: Don't lose your inner peace fro anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems chaotic.

Apr 11, 202311:03
EP. 244: Building Wealth Habits

EP. 244: Building Wealth Habits

S A U N A I E Presents Steps To Build Your Wealth

q u o t e s: Take A Good, Honest Look At Everything Going On Around You. Then Start Eliminating Anything That Doesn't Bring You Positivity into Your Life.

2nd: You'll Never Be Free Until You Free Yourself from the Prison of your Own False Thoughts.

S e g m e n t s: Steps to Building Your Wealth

1. Avoid Lifestyle Creep

2. Invest

3. Build Healthy Habits

4. Start A Side Business

5. Stay Away from Credit Card Debt

6. Exercise Daily

7. Stay Hungry

8. Take Some Risk

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o u t r o : Every Opportunity You Ever Wished for Can Be Yours, As Long As You're Brave Enough To Take Risks.

Apr 07, 202315:32
Ep. 243: Small Habits Massive Impact

Ep. 243: Small Habits Massive Impact

S A U N A I E Presents The Power of Habits

Q u o t e s: You're Allowed To Cut Off Anyone who is Unhealthy for Your Inner Peace.

2nd: You Can't Move Forward Until You Stop Looking Back

S e g m e n t s: The Power of Habit ( 8 Tips )

1. Start Small

- Don't try to Achieve your Goals in 1 step.

- Make the 1st steps as Small as Possible

For Example:

- Walk 2 Miles

- Read 5 pages of a book

- Exercise for 15 Mins.

- Often, We will Do More Than We Set Out to Do, Which is The Goal.

2. Begin with the End in Mind

- Imagine Your Future & Then Create it.

- When you know what you want & Create a Plan to Achieve it, you can work backward to what you need to do each day to Succeed.

3. Reward Yourself

- Setup an External Reward System.

- Have a cheat meal on Sunday when you've worked out daily.

- When you've read each day, watch a movie on the weekend.

- When we reward the behavior, we're more liekly to maintain a Commitment to the behavior.

4. Track Your Progress

- Create a Journal

- Post Your Results Online

- The more you Publicize Your Tracking, the more likely you'll Succeed.

- When we add the element of Public Accountability, we increase our likelihood of Persisting.

5. Use the When --> Then Hack

- Tie the Work to a Specific Activity or Time.

For Example:

- When I am done brushing my teeth, I'll Floss

- When I Wake Up, I will take the dog for a walk.

6. Discipline - - > Motivation

- Motivation fades

- Discipline Remains

- Develop Discipline over time

- When you're Consistent, you build your discipline muscles day in & day out. Keep Building.

7. Reduce Friction

- Choose Goals & Habits, that Align with your Life.

- Make it as Simple as possible to form habits.

8. Prime Your Environment

- If you want to Write, Set Up a Writing Area.

- If you want to Work Out, Set Up a Home Gym.

- Setting up Our Environment to Faciliate our Desired Habits will mean we are more Likely to Follow Through.

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o u t r o: We can't Choose The Number of Our Age, But We CAN Choose the age of our Attitude.

Apr 03, 202316:14
EP. 242: Tips To Succeed Faster

EP. 242: Tips To Succeed Faster

S A U N A I E Presents Realize This Sooner Than Later with our Host XO

Q u o t e s: Be Careful Who Has Access To You. They can Affect Everything: Your Vibe, Your Energy, Your Peace.

2nd: The Moment You Know Yourself You Have Known The Most Precious Thing in Existence.

S e g m e n t s: Realize This

1. Your 9 - 5 is someone's Passive Income: Find new ways to make money & create your own income stream.

2. You Shouldn't take advice from People who're Not Where You Want To be in Life.

3. No one is coming to solve your problems. Your Life is 100% your Responsibility.

4. If you find someone smarter than you, Work with Them, don't compete

5. Comfort is the worst addiction & a cheap ticket to Depression.

6. Don't tell people more than they need to know, Respect Your Privacy.

7. Keep your Standards High & Don't Settle for Something because it's Available.

8. The Family you Create is more important than the Family You Come From.

9. Train yourself to Take Nothing Personally to Save Yourself from 99% of Mental Problems

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o u t r o: Let Go of All That No Longer Serves You.

Mar 30, 202311:34
Ep. 241: Tiny Life Changing Habits

Ep. 241: Tiny Life Changing Habits

S A U N A I E Presents Tiny Life Changing Habits 

Q u o t e s: Don't Let Anyone including yourself Speak Negatively About You

2nd: You've survived everything life has thrown at you, because you're Warrior

S e g m e n t s: Tiny Life Chaging Habits

1. Everyday Write 3 Things You're Grateful For.

2. Say "No" more often. People will walk all over you if you say "YES" to Everything.

3. Ask Yourself Whether What You're Doing is Worth it?

4. Invest in Experience

5. Declutter Your Workspace.

6. Do A Brain Dump

7. Giveaway Things You Don't Need

8. Keep Track of Your Money.

9. Split Your Tasks into bite-sized Actionable Steps. 

10. Try Social Media Detoxification Every Once in a While.

11. Use DND more often

12. Spend 30 mins. daily doing "Nothing"

13. Prepare your clothes the night before.

14. Head Full of Thoughts? Go for a Walk

15. Read 15 mins a Day

16. Let Go of Self-Critical Thoughts

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o u t r o: Be Strong Enough to be Patient while You're Waiting For Your Blessings to Show Up.

Mar 20, 202314:47
Ep. 240: How to Overcome Overthinking with XO

Ep. 240: How to Overcome Overthinking with XO

Q u o t e s: Everything is Possible when you Believe in Yourself.

2nd: Everything comes to him who Hustles While He Waits.

S e g m e n t s: The People You Attract Are A Mirror of You.

1. The Problem is Rarely The Problem

2. Avoid Self-Rejection. 

3. Silence & Time

4. An important Question 

5. The Power of Now

6. Fact-Check Your Own Thoughts 

7. Acceptance is Peace

8. Health starts in your mind

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O u t r o: You're A Walking Miracle, Never Doubt How Amazing You Truly Are.

Mar 17, 202315:57
Ep. 239: How To Stay Calm Under Life Storms

Ep. 239: How To Stay Calm Under Life Storms

Q u o t e s: Wear Gratitude like a Cloak & it will Feed Every Corner of your Life.

2nd: Stressing about the Future will Rob You of Today's Joys, Live Your Life One Day at a Time.

S e g m e n t s: Ways To Calm Yourself When Life is Getting Tough

1. Walk

2. Indulge

3. Be Generous

4. Sit in a Coffee Shop or a Busy Street & Soak Up Your Surroundings.

5. Educate Yourself

6. Preparation

7. Strengths

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o u t r o: You Deserve Relationships That Never Make You Question Your Worth.

Mar 13, 202311:05
EP. 238: Unspoken Social Rules

EP. 238: Unspoken Social Rules

S A U N A I E Presents Unspoken Social Rules 

q u o t e s:  The Best Decision You'll Ever Make is to Become The Best Version of Yourself

2nd: Let Yourself Walk Away From People & Situations that Don't Feel Right, So You Have Time & Space For Those That Do.

S e g m e n t s: Unspoken Social Rules

1. Don't Call Someone More Than Twice Continuously

2. If you borrow money from someone, Return it, even before they ask for it.

3. When Someone Treats You to Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner, Don't Buy The Most Expensive Dish on the Menu.

4. Always Open The Door for the Person Coming Behind You.

5. Be Nice & Kind to Waiters, Cleaners, Helpers, Drivers, or Anyone Offering You a Service & Treat Them with the same Respect You'd Give a Manager or a CEO

6. If you take an Uber, Lyft, or Taxi with a Friend, & He/She pays now, You Pay Next Time.

7. Respect Different Opinions

8. Never interrupt People Talking

9 .Say "Thank You" when someone is Helping You.

10. Don't Break Your Promises, or Don't Make 1 if you aren't sure you can keep it.

11. When someone tells you a Secret, Take it with you to your Grave, even if you wake up as enemies the next Morning.

12. Don't Set a Time without Being Punctual Yourself. 

13. Never Talk About Your Riches the Midst of the Poor.

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o u t r o: All Mistakes I Ever Made in My Life Were When I Wanted To Say No, & Said Yes

Mar 10, 202311:48
EP. 237: Are You Mentally Healthy?

EP. 237: Are You Mentally Healthy?

S A U N A I E Presents Tips For Staying Mentally Healthy

q u o t e s: Everyone has Highs & Lows that they have to learn from, but every morning I start my day saying "Today's going to be a great day"

2nd: Instead of impressing others with what you have, focus on impressing yourself with Who You Are. 

S e g m e n t: Tips for Staying Mentally Healthy

Tip #1: Getting Enough Sleep because People Suffering From Sleep issues are More Likely to Experience

Tip #2: Listen to Your Body: Our bodies have a way of Communicating with us when there's something it needs that it's not receiving.

Tip #3:Take A Break from Social Media

Tip #4: Be Patient With Yourself

Tip #5: Get Up & Get Moving

Tip #6: Track Gratitude & Achievement with a Journal

Tip #7: Identify your Strengths, Weaknesses, & Boundaries

H o u s e k e e p i n g 

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o u t r o: All You Have To Do Today is Start. Don't Worry About How Far You'll Go. Just Start.

Mar 06, 202312:25
EP. 236: Do You Have Self-Discipline?

EP. 236: Do You Have Self-Discipline?

S A U N A I E Presents Self-Discipline Secrets

q u o t e s: When Hard Work is Your Only Options, Success is your only Result.

2nd: Self-Care isn't Selfish. It's a Crucial Part of Being a Happy Healthy Human.

S e g m e n t s: Secrets of Self-Discipline

1. Meeting Your Own Deadlines. 

2. Not Eating in Front of a Screen

3. Doing that Final Rep in the Gym

4. Turning Off Netflix at a set time

5. Not touching your Phone when you're at Dinner or on a date

6. Putting Your Phone in a Different Room while Working 

7. Making Healthy Dinners Nightly or Meal Prep

8. Going To Workout Even When You're Tired

9. Eating the same food 4x a week to lose weight.

10. Reading even when you don't feel like it.

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o u t r o: Our Greatest Weakness Lies in Giving Up. The Most Certain Way To Succeed is Always to Try Just 1 More Time.

Feb 27, 202315:49
EP. 235: 7 Deadly Sins of the Tongue

EP. 235: 7 Deadly Sins of the Tongue

S A U N A I E Presents 7 Deadly Signs of Speaking You Should Avoid

q u o t e s: Consistency is the key to positive Progress. Never Forget Why You Started.

2nd: Have The Courage To Be Who You Are, Not What People Expect You To Be.

S e g m e n t s: 7 Deadly Signs of the Tongue

1. Gossiping

2. Judging

3. Negativity

4. Complaining

5. Lying 

6. Dogmatism

7. Excuses

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o u t r o: Not All Success Comes from Hard Work, it also Requires A Vision of The End Goal.

Feb 24, 202313:27
EP. 234: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

EP. 234: Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

S A U N A I E Presents Check Your Ego

q u o t e s: Humans aren't born to work & stress out. Rest Days are important. Self-Care days are important. You Deserve Time Off.

2nd: Your Goals are Unique & so is your Journey. Don't Judge your results by someone else's standards.

S e g m e n t: 7 Tips on Controlling Your Ego

1. Stop Getting Offended 

2. You Don't Need To Win All The Time

3. Know When To Stop

4. You Aren't Your Reputation or Achievements

5. Know Your Ego 

6. You aren't always right

7. Don't Be Superior

h o u s e k e e p i n g

o u t r o: You won't always be Blessed with what you want; Sometimes you'll be Blessed with What you Need.

Feb 20, 202313:25
EP. 233: Becoming Aware of Your Emotional Intelligence

EP. 233: Becoming Aware of Your Emotional Intelligence

Q u o t e s: Stop replaying it in your mind & start something new. Get out of your head

2nd: The key is to keep company only with people who uplift you, whose presence calls forth your best.

S e g m e n t s: E m o t i o n a l  i n t e l l i g e n c e

1. Observe Your Emotions (Self-Awareness)

2. Choose to Respond versus Reacting (Social Awareness)

3. Control Your Emotions (Self-Management)

4. Don't Brush off Negative Comments (Self-Management)

5. Empathize with Others ( Social Awareness )

6. Be Friendly ( Relationship Management )

7. Understand where stress comes from

q u o t e s: Enjoy this moment. It's now or never.

Feb 17, 202314:36
EP. 232: Stress Relievers for 2023

EP. 232: Stress Relievers for 2023

S A U N A I E Presents Stress Relievers

q u o t e s: You'll Never Regret Loving Yourself

2nd: Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.

S e g m e n t: Stress Relievers

1. Ask Yourself: Will This Crisis Really Matter 1 Year From Now?

 - We get caught up in the daily stresses of Life but never take the time to really analyze if this will matter a year from now or even 5 years from. 

2. Press the Pause button on your life for 5 mins. & go for a walk.

- This always helped me when stress came about, there's nothing like fresh air & nature.

3. Drink More Water: science confirms that drinking more water improves Brain Function.

4. Whatever is Stressing you or has you worried write it in a Journal. The very act of letting go onto paper will help you release the worries' hold on you.

5. Express how you're feeling to a family member or friend.

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o u t r o: Do one thing today that makes you Happy.

Feb 13, 202308:03
EP. 231: Top 10 Brain Foods

EP. 231: Top 10 Brain Foods

Q u o t e s: Before You Act, Just Ask Yourself if Tomorrow's Version of You Will Thank You for it.

2nd: Be Thankful for What You Have Now. Your Future Blessings Will Be Built On Your Current Ones.

S e g m e n t: Top 10 Brain Foods From Jim Kwik

1. Avocados

2. Blueberries

3. Broccoli

4. Dark Chocolate

5. Eggs

6. Green Leafy Vegetables

7. Salmon, Sardines, Caviar

8. Turmeric

9. Walnuts

10. Water

h o u s e k e e p i n g

We just released our Limited Edition SAUNAIE Hoodies, there's only 7 in stock & these won't be released again, so head over to the site to secure yours before they're all gone. 

o u t r o: To Teach is to Learn Twice.

Feb 10, 202312:04
EP. 230: Becoming Your Best Self

EP. 230: Becoming Your Best Self

S A U N A I E Presents Becoming the Best Version of Yourself

q u o t e s: Ignore anyone who says you can't, especially yourself.

2nd: Dreams are given to you as a gift. Don't Put them on the back burner. 

S e g m e n t s: best You Version of you 

1. You Can Look & Feel better than you ever have by Working Out  30 mins. daily & Cutting Junk Food

2. Do What You Say You're Going To Do. True Leaders Don't Lie

3. Stop Reacting to Everyone & Everything. 

4. Start Building Your Future.

5. Don't Try To Control Everything, Because You Can't

6. Ghost Everyone & Focus on Yourself

7. Start a Side Hustle 

q u o t e: What Others Think of You Doesn't Matter. What you think of yourself does.

Feb 06, 202312:29
EP. 229: Becoming Remembered

EP. 229: Becoming Remembered

S A U N A I E Presents Being Remembered 

Q u o t e s: Trust Your Potential

2nd: You'll Never Regret Enjoying The Moment

S e g m e n t s: Ways To Make People Remember You

1. Having Confident Body Language 

2. Genuine Compliments Make People Remember You

3. Use Their Name

4. It Shouldn't Always Be About You

5. Be an Engaged Listener 

6. Be Kind & Compassionate

q u o t e: You're the key to Everything. Trust The Process but also Trust Yourself.

Feb 03, 202309:33
EP. 228: Hacks To Win Your Morning

EP. 228: Hacks To Win Your Morning

S A U N A I E Presents How to create a Winning Morning Routine

Q U O T E S: Win The Morning, Win The Day

2nd: If you don't Sacrifice for What You Want, What You Want Becomes The Sacrifice

S E G M E N T S: Morning Routine

- - - - Psychological & Physical Benefits of a Morning Routine - - - - -

1. Prepares You For The Day

2. Increases Your Productivity

3. Feel in Control 

4. Lower Stress

5. improve Relationships

Bonus: Improves Your Confidence

- - - -  4 Tips on getting Started - - - -

1. Wake up earlier & take some time for yourself to relax & prepare for the day ahead

2. Make a list of things you need to do each day & try to stick to it as best you can

3. Organize your time so that you’re not rushed or stressed out all the time

4. Get enough sleep every night so that you feel refreshed & energized the next morning

h o u s e k e e p i n g: 

Link Linq - - - >

Never Give Up On Your Dreams Or Goals. More importantly Never Give Up on Yourself.

Jan 30, 202319:39
EP. 227: Mentally Checked Out w/Maurice Allmond

EP. 227: Mentally Checked Out w/Maurice Allmond

S A U N A I E Presents The Maurice Allmond interview

Q u o t e s: Don't Chase What's Not Meant to Be Caught, That's How you End Up lost.

B i O: Our Guest is A Behavioral Technician by Day & a Vibe Curator by Night, I bet you're wondering What's a Vibe Curator? 

Well he'll answer that himself, He's been in his carrer for 6 years. 

& Vibe Curating since 2010

if you party or go to clubs in the iE & LA you've probably seen him doing what he loves. 

Our 1st episode did numbers & if you haven't heard it, it'll be in the show notes but this one will impact you Mentally & Entrepreneurally. 

He's been in his 2 fields for 5 years & has another 10 in him but without further ado our Guest Maurice "DJ Finese" Allmond

Linq Link

q u o t e: No Matter What Happens To You it Ain't Over.

Jan 23, 202339:57
EP. 226: Sustaining a Career You Love w/ Nilik Griffin

EP. 226: Sustaining a Career You Love w/ Nilik Griffin

S A U N A I E Presents The Peanut Interview 

in this episode our host XO interviews his guest Nilik Griffin who's had a 10 year career as a Barber. 

They cover topics from Career, Life, Business, Retirement to Food. 

An insightful interview about his life & more to come.

O u t r o: Q u o t e: At The End of The Day, Always look at the Positive Aspects.

Jan 16, 202340:02