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Saving Brothers Podcast for Health, Self, and Wealth

Saving Brothers Podcast for Health, Self, and Wealth

By Philip Robison

Real stories, real understanding, and real solutions for men and the women that support them. We are creating a global brotherhood that cares for every brother's physical, mental and financial health.
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The Lady in The Mask - Pam Warren on Mastering Life after a near Death experience

Saving Brothers Podcast for Health, Self, and WealthAug 11, 2022

Understanding the Matrix with Dr. Vic Manzo

Understanding the Matrix with Dr. Vic Manzo

Today I catch up with Coach Dr. Vic Manzo originally from "The Windy City" Chicago and now resides in Knoxville Tennessee. Vic and I have a "Fireside Chat" where we explore and begin to Decode The Matrix.

Vic shares where he's come from as a Certified Pediatric Chiropractor 3 x Author, Podcaster and Speaker and what lead him to embarking on a journey of service not only to others but to understanding human potential and the part fears plays in stifling reaching our full potential.

Vic looks at the role energy plays and what happens when we shift our energy and how we can enter a whole new world to move away from living on auto pilot to moving in to a new space that unlocks what is possible by making it a reality. We bring this in to focus on how you can lead a life of intention. You effectively do life rather than have life do you...

Vic shares what his course is about which is to enable YOU to take back your life and lead a life of Fulfillment.

The question that Vic asks his students is "What do you truly want?" It's not a surface level kind of requires deep thought to get to the core of this. It's usually not what first pops in to our heads but rather something much more meaningful. It's about aligning with your true values and purpose so that you can create a life for you that is meaningful.

The course is about breaking down what you really want by creating fulfilment. It can be about money, a succesful business, relationships and good health.

Vic looks at what limiting beliefs are doing as roadblocks and how they are codes. He explains their impact on our outcomes and how they can be rewritten unblocked to move around and through to get away from that mental prison.

One of the big areas people have a limiting belief with is their finances. Vic's course helps people rewire those beliefs so they can actualise and create the financial freedom they know they really deserve. It's about smashing through those self-imposed financial ceilings and limiting beliefs. They are just B.S. - Belief Systems.

Vic's course goes for 5 weeks in a series of modules, videos and some work...reflections to work on some of the core messages to start creating the outcomes we truly want.

The course's theme is all about transformation and breaking away from our conditioning particuarly the type that is stealing our human potential. The time investment is around 40 minutes each week.

Who is the Matrix for and who will get the most benefit out of taking the Matrix course? It's for someone who feels like they are hitting a wall, they are unfilfulled they are tired of being burned out. Vic explains why this is happening to them and based on the hundreds of individuals who have taken his course says "that's the person that's going to get the most out of this course." Yes this is the person who wants to get out of the rat race and find that deeper fulfilment in life. These people have that feeling of..."I know there's more!"

Join Dr. Vic as he leads you to unlocking YOUR Matrix so you break through those glass ceilings for good!

Feb 24, 202337:57
Falling Down Getting Up Michael Harris shows you how with one step at a time...

Falling Down Getting Up Michael Harris shows you how with one step at a time...

Michael is an author, coach, trainer, yoga teacher, entrepreneur and co-founder of Endless Stages. One of his specialties is helping anyone move from fear of speaking in front of others to powerfully sharing their message with any size group or audience.

For years Michael struggled with health issues, addictions and low self-esteem.  Then one day he'd had had enough and became willing to make a change. It wasn’t easy. He had to stop dreaming about what he wanted - and begin to take massive action by applying the Law of GOYA. Everything changed through sobriety, walking, food and yoga.  Many of his friends and colleagues urged me to use his metamorphosis to inspire others.

At one point, Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul) reminded Michael that “your mess is your message.”  He went on to join Michael's book for his #1 bestselling book, "Falling Down Getting UP.”  

Michael has owned (or partnered) in several successful yoga studios - and in his prior business coached other studio owners around the world on attracting and enrolling new students - while increasing revenue and profits (over $40 million in sales). Michael has helped certify about 7,000 yoga teachers and as a teacher, his primary focus in class, is to help the students calm the mind and increase awareness.

We chat about what do blackberries have to do with being an entrepreneur?

How nature teaches us to take quantum leaps?

Why everyone's story is so important?

Michael explains what he means by “miserable failure can take you to the top.” 

Michael also shares his personal struggles after a waterskiing accident and how he almost never walked again...

I ask him how he went from barely being able to walk 10 feet to walking two miles in two weeks?

To learn more about Michael and his inspirational work head to his website at Michael Harris. 

Dec 08, 202249:33
Get ready to level up with Kevin Palmieri
Dec 02, 202243:40
Finish Line Thinking - Win Like a Champion with Nicky Billou

Finish Line Thinking - Win Like a Champion with Nicky Billou

Nicky Billou is the #1 International Best Selling Author of the book: Finish Line ThinkingTM: How to Think and Win Like a Champion,  The Thought Leader’s Journey: A Fable of Life, and The Power Of Connecting: How To Activate Profitable Relationships By Serving Your Network. He is an in-demand and highly inspirational speaker to corporate audiences such as RBC, Lululemon, Royal LePage,  and TorStar Media. He is and advisor and confidante to some of the most successful and dynamic entrepreneurs in Canada. He is the co-founder of eCircle Academy ( ) where he runs a yearlong Mastermind & Educational program working with Coaches, Consultants, Corporate Trainers, Clinic Owners, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers and other service-based Entrepreneurs, positioning them as authorities in their niche. He is the creator of the Thought Leader/Heart LeaderTM Designation.

We first up explore Nicky's back story from a young Immigrant from Iran to life in Canada and the values his late father bestowed upon him.

I ask Nicky why is freedom important and why does free enterprise matter?

We talk about and define a Charlatan Marketer and how can you avoid him or her?

Most people live in their comfort zone. I ask him about this and how can you get out of it?

How can you create a compelling personal brand through thought leadership ?

Making money is an important issue for many and Nicky shares how you can add USD$20,000 — $100,000 to your income this year?

To learn more about Nicky and the work he is doing head over to his site at E Circle Academy.

Nov 20, 202245:33
Empowering YOU to Speak with Confidence with Mike Acker Executive Communication Coach

Empowering YOU to Speak with Confidence with Mike Acker Executive Communication Coach

Mike Acker's life reads like an adventure movie from drug smuggling parents, to smuggling Bibles into communist China (in the 80's), to attending public inner city school in Mexico, to several near death experiences, and to overcoming insecurity to inspire audiences of over 10,000...

In Mike's own words his life is a story of good, bad, and ugly circumstances to which I had to adjust and learn to conquer with confidence.

 is an executive communication coach, a keynote speaker, and the author of ten books including the bestselling Speak With No Fear and the upcoming Speak with Confidence, published by Wiley. Mike is a recognized expert in communication and executive presence.

We discuss what lead Mike to write a book called “Speak with Confidence”?

Mike shares his framework for Executive Presence and Speaking with Confidence.  

One of the current Buzzwords is "Impostor Syndrome"? Mike helps define it and we gives us strategies on how to navigate this.

Mike has been known to write "Where you are is not where you stay." He explains to our listeners what makes this so important?

We take a look at why rejection is essential?

You use an interesting analogy about two weights you carry as a communicator and how that relates to insecurity.  Can you describe what that means and how that affects confidence?

Delivering a good speech can be influenced significantly by the things people do. Mike unpacks the importance of smiling, the pause, and breathing. 

How can we "filter" criticism or perceived criticism?

To learn about the work Mike is doing and to get a copy of any of his books head over to his website at Mike Acker

Nov 15, 202245:40
Are You Ready To Commit? Step in to the World of Self Development with Global Traveller Edward Sturm
Nov 10, 202248:28
 A Deep Dive in to Male on Male Violence with Brad Mewhort
Nov 06, 202245:46
The World of The Arts & Human Super Powers with Michaell Magrutsche
Oct 31, 202248:43
Solutions from the Multiverse with Adam Braus
Oct 25, 202246:19
Be the Champion of Change in YOUR own life with Dai Manuel
Oct 18, 202253:57
Decoding The Matrix - How to live an empowered life with Dr. Vic Manzo

Decoding The Matrix - How to live an empowered life with Dr. Vic Manzo

Before going into Business and becoming a Spiritual Mindset Coaching, Dr. Vic Manzo was a Chiropractor for the past 11 years and within the last 5 years, a Pediatric Chiropractor who became certified in the last 2 years of business.  
Vic's story is he was taught that to be successful you must work hard.

Like many others, he was taught to work hard, grind, hustle, put in the sweat equity, sacrificing his time, money health and family and just continue doing, chasing his dreams and eventually, one day, it will all be worth it.  

But, there came a moment in Vic's life where he realized this was not the only way to be leading the life he desired, to achieving success and so much more. He finally decided to stop DOING and start focusing on the BEING side of things.

From doing all of this, he ended up working less, making more, leading a more fulfilled and soul-filled life.

Every aspect of his life (relationships, mindset, health, money and business) all transformed to higher and higher levels.

Vic started to realize that, through understanding his limiting beliefs and turning them into empowering beliefs, it allowed for him to break out of the mental prison and the unconsciousness he had with them.

We discuss why do we struggle in life?

How do we create our own rules in life?

What is the Matrix and how does it put us in a mental prison?

What are the two things that cause all diseases and illnesses?

How do we achieve our dream life effortlessly?

Dr Vic talks about his third book “Decoding the Matrix.”

To learn more about the incredible work of Dr. Vic Manzo go to his website 

Oct 13, 202242:46
Understanding the Wisdom of Alternative Investing with Chris Odegard

Understanding the Wisdom of Alternative Investing with Chris Odegard

Chris describes himself as an average guy who had a white-collar job in the corporate world and followed the only thing he knew for decades, conventional wisdom and conventional investments. This worked relatively well until 2009 when he experienced an illiquidity event where he lost 55% of his assets and thousands of dollars per month in cash flow. Then, Chris read Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad, and his mind was opened to a different type of investing, investing in real assets and private deals mostly insulated from the volatility, risk, and taxation of the stock market (alternative investments). In just nine years, Chris recouped the 55% he had lost and multiplied it many times over and now shares his experience and knowledge with you through this alternative investment blog at

I ask Chris about the conventional investing wisdom and why it doesn't work?

We look at knowing it doesn't work then why is everyone doing it?

What are alternative investments and aren’t alternative investments meant to be risky?

Are alternatives better than conventional investments?

What types of people invest in alternatives?

Chris explains what's wrong with 401Ks and IRA?

What’s the best way for someone to learn more about alternatives and get started?

How quickly can you build wealth with alternatives?

Chris shares his about his book "Get off Your A$$ and Manage Your Money: Why You Need Alternative Investments."

To learn more about Chris and his work go to The Prolific Investor

Oct 10, 202244:43
From the Nightmare behind Bars to Raging Success with Brent Cassity
Sep 29, 202248:16
It all Starts with Breathing with Richard Burrows

It all Starts with Breathing with Richard Burrows

As an elite performance coach, Rich centres his approach on the mastery of breath. The foundations provided by sound breathing mechanics, efficient and effective use of oxygen and the ability to control the automatic responses to pressure, stress and fear can propel performance to completely new levels. Whether you are an athlete, business professional, tactical operator or busy parent, your success ultimately depends on your ability to generate and use energy at the critical moment; both of which are impossible without control of our critical life force - oxygen.

Rich's clients include Olympic Athletes, National and World Champions, as well as Senior Executives and Technology Entrepreneurs. He is excited to help individuals from all walks of life to 'build better wings'.

I ask Richard about his interest in breathing and how can people benefit from breathwork.

We look at the benefits of breathing in terms of dealing with anxiety.

Richard shares insights in to some of the breathing exercises he does which include putting people in ice baths and carrying heavy weights under water. I ask the obvious question...What is the purpose behind these types of activities?

What other physical benefits or changes are people going to notice once they become better breathers?

For the complete novice with average health and fitness, where is the best place to start with improving breathing?

There seems to be lots of different methods and techniques out there these days, if you had one piece of advice for anyone just starting out exploring the world of breath work what would it be?

To learn more about Richard and the work he does around breath control head over to his website at Performance Breathing

Sep 21, 202245:40
It's a Right Old Fit Mess You've Gotten into with Jeremy Grater & Zach Tucker

It's a Right Old Fit Mess You've Gotten into with Jeremy Grater & Zach Tucker

In this episode I catch up with two regular guys who have been able to channel their own struggles as men in to a superb Podcast called The Fit Mess 

Jeremey and Zach share with me their own journey's as they grabble with self-identity, weight, vulnerability and what it means to be a man today. Jeremy and Zach are constantly pushing themselves to learn more about healthy living and share a passion for helping others. They are the founders and hosts of The Fit Mess.

As hosts of the show for over 3 years, they have had the opportunity to speak to a wide range of guests, including some of the biggest names in health and wellness.

We unpack what their Podcast is all about with episodes across a variety of topics such as Meditation, Yoga, Biohacking, Exercise, Depression/Anxiety, Parenting, Addiction, and more. The Fit Mess explores the tools available to live a healthier, happier life and allows the listener to connect on a more personal level with leaders in the world of wellness. The show is for people who are sick of their own shit and ready to make a change. The goal of The Fit Mess is to take small steps every week toward a better more fulfilling life.

We explore issues around vulnerability and how all 3 of us see it as a vital strength if you want to be a more complete man. 

Take a deep dive with the guys as they share their personal experiences, what motivated them in starting in their podcast and the impact their show is having on others but also on themselves. 

To learn more about their work and their Podcast  go to their website at The Fit Mess.

Sep 14, 202251:45
Modern Meditation - Your Opportunity for Change & Personal Growth with Sara Webb

Modern Meditation - Your Opportunity for Change & Personal Growth with Sara Webb

Sep 10, 202249:37
Awakening Men's Spiritual Power with Dan Hanneman

Awakening Men's Spiritual Power with Dan Hanneman

In this episode we talk with Dan Hanneman who is a spiritual teacher / healer / channeler and intuitive business coach.

Dan enables spiritual entrepreneurs, healers, coaches, thought Leaders, trainers, authors & consultants DO WHAT YOU CAME HERE TO BE and DO by rocking their sacred purpose.

Dan leads a successful multi-6-figure international healing business that serves lightworkers, healers, and spiritual entrepreneurs around the globe to awaken deeply, claim their Infinite Power, get clear on their authentic desires, live a truly abundant life, and align them with their sacred purpose… and help them grow their businesses to 6-figures and beyond.

He’s transformed his own struggle of FEELING INVISIBLE to taking a stand for his true being to BE INVINCIBLE in living his sacred purpose, owning his gifts, sharing them with the world, helping many thousands of lightworkers / healers / spiritual entrepreneurs around the world, owning his worth, clearing disconnects between money and spirituality, learning how to effectively share and offer transformations to people.

He has a beautiful wife, 3 children, and a sense of wellbeing about his overall life that continues to deepen in having a feeling of DEEP FREEDOM to be, do, and have whatever he truly desires.

In this episode we cover such topics as:

· What it means to awaken your masculine spiritual power.

· Find and connect with infinite freedom no matter what is going on.

· Going beyond self judgement and self-sabotage.

· What Dan went through to find his inner and outer sacred purpose.

· Dan’s journey from experiencing toxic masculinity to deepen awakened masculinity.

· Letting go of narratives that don’t serve and finding ones that do.

· 3 steps to tune in with your sacred purpose based on who you are.

· Using masculine energy from a centered place through the power of self-inquiry and frequency.

· Relating to acquiring money from a spiritual perspective.

Find out more about Dan and his work at

Sep 07, 202250:09
The Power of Words to Positively Influence the Market you Serve with Scott Bywater

The Power of Words to Positively Influence the Market you Serve with Scott Bywater

Scott’s journey into copywriting began back in 2003 when at rock bottom and out of desperation, he ran a small classified ad in the Sydney Morning Herald.

Since then, he’s gone on to become the un-seen wordsmith behind hundreds of widely published and super-profitable email marketing campaigns including…

· An email product launch that generated $470,000.00 in revenue within 7 days…

· Creating over 9,127 email subject lines (and seeing the split-test results) for one of the leading health influencers on the planet.

· Strategy and copy which generated in excess of 3,000 attendees and $5 million in sales to an event.

· Combined with dozens of five and six-figure campaigns.

Over the last 17 years, he’s written for some of the biggest names on the planet including gurus like: Kerwin Ray, Scott Hallman, Jay Conrad Levinson of ‘Guerilla Marketing’ fame and Direct marketing giants in their day, Bodytrim and The Learning Annex…along with Aussie Franchises including ChemDry and Jim’s Mowing, and leaders in the digital marketing space such as Jon Giaan, Knowledge Source, Mark Rolton and Dymphna Boholt.

He runs what many regard as the highest level private marketing group in Australia: “Elite Marketers” and a sought after corporate speaker, including most recently at James Schramko’s Superfast Business Event, and for Dale Beaumont and Ben Simkin’s masterminds.

In this episode we cover:

· What prompted him to leave home at 17.

· Going through a 21 day fast with no water or food.

· Being exposed to cult propaganda

· Learning sales / marketing and the power of words through door-to-door sales and telemarketing

· The first basic steps to writing copy that sells.

· The power of doing research before you write a copy message that positively influences.

· Using emotive visual metaphors to grab people’s attention.

· Applying the power of words to better communicate with people close to you.

· Signs your mind is being manipulated via love bombing, gas lighting, and sorry story’s.

· The importance of headlines in emails.

· The most powerful proven four letter word to use in writing headlines and content.

Find out more about Scott and his work at

and get Scott’s 101 Headline Hacks at

Sep 02, 202243:35
How Trauma and Pain can be turned into beautiful Purpose with Greg Wieting

How Trauma and Pain can be turned into beautiful Purpose with Greg Wieting

Greg Wieting helps leaders and entrepreneurs heal anxiety, depression, chronic pain and trauma so they can lead with bold and courageous hearts.  
He is the founder of PRISMA – a framework overlaying trauma, neuroscience, and energy medicine with somatic and mindfulness-based practices. He developed this while healing his own anxiety, depression, and chronic pain rooted in trauma. This included unravelling a severe spinal curvature and standing three inches taller today!

Over the last two decades, Greg has helped thousands heal through his one-on-one practice and has certified hundreds of healthcare professionals in his methodology. His new online course and community now make healing practical and accessible to all.

Greg has spoken at The Institute of Noetic Sciences about energy medicine, The California Institute of Integral Studies about trauma-informed touch, the California Academy of Sciences on neuroplasticity and brain health, and Hive Global Leaders on the intersection of healing, spirituality and entrepreneurship.

He discusses leadership, healing and his journey with equity, diversity and inclusion on That’s Not How That Works podcast.

Greg’s been featured in Elephant Journal and Gay In America and has appeared in Mantra Magazine and 24Life. He has presented and written about trauma-informed healing for The Breathe Network and has been interviewed by Montana Public Radio.

We discuss trauma and how we can turn pain into purpose.

Greg gives some insights in to how he developed PRISMA and what is it? Greg also explains What PRISMA Peers is to connect others in the journey of healing.

To learn more about Greg and the work he is doing go to

Aug 31, 202242:22
Are YOU an Imposter? Let's find out with Sheryl Anjanette
Aug 26, 202252:40
Once You Have YOU have everything with Ise Ma’at El 0 (a.k.a. Kiko Ellsworth)
Aug 22, 202250:39
Navigating Change & Spreading Hope along the way with Donna Ferris
Aug 19, 202241:20
The Lady in The Mask - Pam Warren on Mastering Life after a near Death experience
Aug 11, 202248:05
What it Means to Be a Man with Dylan Roos
Aug 05, 202251:53
Crush Your Cravings one day at a time With Global Coach Jonathan McLernon
Jul 25, 202246:33
Happiness and how to have more of it with Tom Glaser

Happiness and how to have more of it with Tom Glaser

Also known as the “Senior Happiness Superhero,” Tom Glaser is a life coach, psychologist, and speaker with over 35 years of experience. Whether counselling, teaching, or appearing in the media, his passion for helping people live their best lives flows through. A dog lover, gardener, and yoga teacher, he and his husband are based in Minneapolis but spend as much time as possible in the Southern California desert.

Tom presents an engaging program on the subject of his book, Full Heart Living. He examines in a very interactive way the subject of happiness, and how to achieve it in a lasting and permanent way.

I ask Tom "Why is happiness important and surely there are other, more pressing matters people should attend to?"

We chat about what individuals can do to be happier...

Tom shares what he means by The Relationships Reset?

We delve in to The Resilience Reboot - three Pathways to Resilience: Body, Mind, and Heart. I ask Tom what this is?

Tom shares how his book Full Heart Living came about and we look at how Tom helps people achieve happiness.

To learn more about the work Tom is doing you can find him at his website Full Heart Living 

Jul 12, 202247:36
Suicide. How's Your Day Going out of 10 with Raamon Newman & Josh Liteky

Suicide. How's Your Day Going out of 10 with Raamon Newman & Josh Liteky

Suicide. It is such an important topic and in this discussion Raamon Newman, Josh Liteky and myself have a frank discussion about what we can all do to bring men in to the light and away from feeling the need to take their lives. 

Raamon is well known as one of our Coaches at Saving Brothers but listeners let me introduce you to Josh who is a teacher, coach, and trainer in the field of meditation, personal and professional development, and mindset mastery. He works very closely with U.S. Veterans and refers to the challenges they deal with as he puts it with "inner fighting." 

I ask Josh "What are the great challenges men and veterans are facing right now and secondly how we can create a better and safe space for them to open up and have discussions?"

Raamon shares with us how CEO's and high achievers as they succeed are taking on more and more pressure & how important it is they incorporate good self care with meditation and good sleep to keep those stresses at bay.

Raamon talks about the importance of when you are in a dark place that you have that "spirit of enquiry." We need to ask ourselves "How can I get better, How can I change this energy?"

We talk about the role of sleep and how important it comes to in the context of PTSD and stress. We need that optimal sleep of 7-8 hours a night. Fixing the sleep problem is the pinnacle to ensuring all the areas of life can work as they should.

Raamon reminds us that even nature sleeps. It's about rest and activity.

Josh shares with us how he's teaching Veterans Transcendental Meditation and the positive impact it's having with the Veterans he's working with. Meditation is for the mind and Sleep is for the body to rejuvenate. 

Raamon gives us an insight in to how Meditation helps us relieve stress and how it significantly drops Cortisol. 

Inner Development - How it helps to purify those stresses...

I ask Josh with the work he's doing particularly when a guy is "at the end of their rope" how he can help them. He reveals the importance of shifting the paradigm. - Inner Success creates Outer Success.

Josh shares that key before anything else is "learning to love yourself." He recommends reading "Love Yourself Like Your Life Depended On it."

Raamon asks "When was the last time you said to yourself I love You?" 

I ask the guys what are some examples of how we can show ourselves self-care and self-love? 

Remember creating the safe environment that it’s ok to not be ok, Why vulnerability is a strength.

Friends it's really important to have a fellow group of brothers to reach out to for support and daily check in.

To learn more about Raamon Newman go to New Mavericks and to explore the work that Josh Liteky is doing connect with him on LinkedIn

Jun 27, 202253:10
Money it's a Personal Thing with Richard Friesen

Money it's a Personal Thing with Richard Friesen

Richard Friesen works with professionals and business leaders who want to increase their personal effectiveness with joy and grace. His neuroscience-based Mind Muscles™ model gives his clients the opportunity to reach their goals with online training, simulations, interactive exercises, group support, and real-time decision processes.

Richard has been a futures broker for Merrill Lynch, a floor trader on the CME, CBOT, and the options floor of the Pacific Exchange where he built and sold a successful options trading firm where he served on the Exchange's board of directors. He also founded and built a financial software company and is the inventor of ten significant trading interface patents.

Richard jumps straight in to his own backstory which started out on the floors of the Exchanges in Chicago. We learn about how Richard had a very limited mindset and what this was doing for him in terms of holding him back from achieving success.

Richard reveals that many of the traders who joined his firm also suffered from limiting thinking which was impacting their financial outcomes.

Richard let's us in on his Golden Keys = Awareness, Acceptance and Agency. - What do I choose to do about the thoughts I have?

Richard reminds us that as men we wait too long, we're depleted - our sleep, nutrition, hydration and time.

We discuss Richard's book " A Private Conversation with Money." Richard shares "it's more comfortable to stay in the struggles we know than to let them go."

In Richard's book we learn about Money and the importance of delivering value to others. In the book we meet Joe who is the main protagonist and on the other side he meets the character Money. Follow their journey...

Richard reminds us that once you "value" yourself it's easier to build behaviours and habits that support that value.

On the flip side those that don't have control over their self talk continue to engage in destructive behaviours and habits that do not serve them.

I ask Richard why do people get embarrassed about having wealth? 

In Richard's world there's an infinite amount of value that can be delivered to the world. It's not about slicing about the pie but rather making the pie bigger for everyone to enjoy.

Richard shares his concept of collecting "certificates of appreciation" from the book.

We need to solve the problem of delivering value to others and as Richard says this is the "right hard problem to solve."

Richard explains to our listeners about the idea of a Money Negative Community and Money Positive Community.

To learn more about the work Richard is doing and to access the free online course that goes with the book head to

Jun 22, 202244:22
The Art of Happiness with Tamara Zoner
Jun 18, 202245:12
Walking a Higher Road with D. Neil Elliott

Walking a Higher Road with D. Neil Elliott

To any outsider, D. Neil Elliott was highly educated, owned a profitable consulting firm, and had a successful career and an amazing wife and family. But things were not all they seemed to be … Neil was facing a lot of challenges. In a phrase, he was in a dark place. Quite by accident, he discovered a Higher Road. As he travelled that road, he found the key to transforming his life.  
Over the course of the following year, Neil lifted himself to an inner state of love, peace, joy, and abundance. His perspectives on life changed entirely. His troubles and tribulations were his impetus to find the key that enabled him to revolutionize his life.

From 2002-2015 in his own words Neil drove himself in to a deep despondent depression. What followed next was a well constructed plan that Neil devised to leave this world.

Fast-forward to November 2018 and Neil's depression was totally gone, he was filled with inner peace, joy and he felt totally prosperous and abundant.

Neil shares if you can change your beliefs you change your perception of what you see.

I ask Neil about the impact and importance of sleep - the body needs to rest and the mind needs to reset.

Neil introduces us to his book A Higher Road. It's about opening up your consciousness to a higher perspective to take you to new truths; bridging the gap between spirituality and science. Neil describes it as a spiritual awakening.

He explains to our audience the 7 Steps from his book A Higher Road and how best to use the book as a resource. Neil reminds us it's a life long journey and there's no instant gratification. It's about stretching your consciousness.

To learn more about Neil's work go to his website Spiritual Awakening | D Neil Elliott, Author & Speaker

Jun 15, 202243:46
Mastering the Art of High Pressure Decisions with Paul Taylor & Raamon Newman
Jun 11, 202256:38
The World of Optimal Health with Nant Nissen

The World of Optimal Health with Nant Nissen

After very serious burnout, with ( pneumonia, pleurisy, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression and every symptom you can imagine) Nant not only learnt how to heal herself with education, knowledge and personal experience, but she's also helped hundreds of others to achieve optimal health.

A Master Coach and nearly 3 decades of experience with over 25,000 hours of accumulated coaching with clients. Having personal experience in a Domestic Violence relationship allowed Nant to see the change needed in Men’s Health. A focus on Men’s health, and empowering men to be their best is paramount to impacting our community in both a personal and social way.

Nant helps men regain their power by building optimal health physically! It’s all about helping them achieve a natural state of health, happiness, and vitality. 

We will unpack Nant’s personal journey after struggling for years of poor health, what the catalyst was for changing her life, owning her own gym and health centre & helping thousands of people face to face and online. 

We discuss the few aspects everyone needs to know about health and wellbeing. 

I ask Nant about how tech developments and changes in the world are impacting our health? 

We look at why the workplace is such an important aspect of changing the health of our community. 

We delve in to what areas we need to focus on to achieve optimal wellbeing? 

Our discussion finishes with me asking Nant where we need to start in helping men and the challenges they face?

To learn more about Nant and the work she is doing with men go to Nant Nissen

Jun 08, 202248:39
Neurodiversity a World of Opportunities with Danielle Sullivan

Neurodiversity a World of Opportunities with Danielle Sullivan

Danielle Sullivan is a Neurodiversity Life Coach working with neurodivergent (mostly autistic and ADHD) adults through the USA. Danielle uses solution-focused, positive psychology, and transformational coaching methods depending on what the client needs, and is grounded in neuroscience and the neurodiversity paradigm.
She is competent to speak on several themes, including:

Neurodiversity: Danielle can speak with authority about: - common myths about neurodiversity, how autism is portrayed in various films, television, and books, how to improve inclusivity and diversity efforts for autistic folks and the disability of being autistic in a world not designed for her. 

At 32 Danielle was considered as being "late identified" autistic adult meaning she wasn't caught as a child. This was really positive for her and she shares why.

Straight off I ask Danielle what is Neurodiversity?

Danielle shares the types of work she does with Neurodivergent folks as a Life Coach.

We learn about how Danielle got in to the work she does and where she started; her podcast that is about producing Neurodivergent resources for folks like her.

I ask Danielle about sleep and diet and exercise for Neurodivergent people and what role they play in functioning well. 

Danielle talks about the impact of blue light, screens and technology on good sleep habits and how "sleep hygiene" is foundational she considers it one of the greatest gifts we can give our children.

I ask Danielle about some of the common myths about Neurodiversity?

We talk about rigidity - knowing what's coming up next & control over surroundings & sensitivity to sensory input.

Danielle and I chat about what we can do as a society when it comes to defining what autism and ADHD are. 

Danielle explains the concept of Ableism.

I ask Danielle how has autism improved her world and her life?

Remember being different is an opportunity!

To learn more about Danielle and the work she is doing head over to

Jun 08, 202247:40
Bouncing back from Adversity and Loss with Teresa Bitner
Jun 06, 202240:09
How to dominate your Cashflow with Gordon Stein

How to dominate your Cashflow with Gordon Stein

Gordon Stein is an international keynote speaker, blogger, personal finance expert and author of Cashflow Cookbook - $2 Million of Financial Freedom in 60 Easy Recipes. He delivers transformational talks that help people crush their number one stress – their finances.  

His mission is to improve financial wellness and help his audience regain focus, balance and joy in their lives. Gordon combines his trademark wit and no-BS style to speak with employee and association groups, financial advisors and the media about a breakthrough path to financial wellness with no risk, minimal effort, minimal sacrifice and no budgeting.

We chat about how average people can find a path to financial freedom.

Is there a way to financial wellness without budgeting?

What is the first step to reduce financial stress?

How can listeners add $1 million to their wealth?

How can I pay down debt with making sacrifices?

How can I earn 7% on my money when the banks pay less than 1%?

What is the most important number to track?

What was the most interesting savings area from your research?

What 3 changes could our listeners make today to build wealth?

How can you attain financial freedom without taking any risk?

To learn more about Gordon and the work he is doing go to his website Gordon Stein

Jun 03, 202242:22
Creating Whole Mind Body Health to Evolve Beyond Dark Places with Mark Bunn & Raamon Newman

Creating Whole Mind Body Health to Evolve Beyond Dark Places with Mark Bunn & Raamon Newman

In this podcast I speak with former professional AFL footballer (a very 'inglorious one he says) turned Health Speaker and Author of Australia’s best-selling health book Ancient Wisdom for Modern Health” Mr. Mark Bunn.

After completing an Honours Degree in Exercise Physiology, a demanding course of studies deeply entrenched in western health science, he realized years of studying this hadn't provided the holistic answers to health and contentment he was looking for. A volunteer trip to South East Asia to work for an aid group changed all that.

Mark is creating a SHIFT in our thinking about health, happiness, high-performance and higher consciousness.

"We've never had more access to health information - everywhere we turn, there's a new diet, a new medication, a new exercise regime - yet we're more stressed, depressed, sleepless and overweight than we've ever been before."

We dive into Marks experiences and wisdom for creating whole mind body health to evolve beyond dark places by discussing the following:

1. How he went from being an inglorious football star to a total health expert.

2. Riding with the waves and laws of nature so life is a flow and joy.

3. Why societal connection is more important than diet and exercise.

4. Why being a light into someone else darkness is the most powerful antidote

5. What is means to water the roots of your health to enjoy the fruits.

6. Steps to rebooting yourself after losing meaning in life.

7. Why being of service and allowing yourself to be served can change everything.

8. How just giving what you can makes a huge difference to others.

9. Doing things you normally wouldn’t do to break the cycle of being in a dark place.

10. Three things you can do to create whole mind body health to evolve beyond being in a dark place.

Find out more about Mark, what he offers and his podcasts at

May 29, 202249:45
From Addiction to Empowerment...Yes HOPE really does exist with Kerrie Atherton

From Addiction to Empowerment...Yes HOPE really does exist with Kerrie Atherton

Kerrie Atherton, founder of EMPOWER Life Solutions has been working with individuals and families for many years now helping them through traumatic events in their lives and empowering them through counselling, therapy and community connection to find healing, purpose and HOPE.

Kerrie has experienced much trauma in her own life. After coming out the other side of a pill addiction and alcoholism herself at an early age, her passion was forged to help heal others experiencing pain in their lives. As a result, she has a genuine desire to see people recover and go on to become the best version of themselves as possible. Kerrie also has a great desire to inspire the masses with this message, ‘No matter what you have gone through in life, recovery and HOPE are definitely possible’.

Kerrie has over 30 years experience walking alongside those battling the cycle and the devastating effects of drug and alcohol addictions amongst other things, and using effective counselling techniques such as Mindfulness and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy has seen many of her clients not only walk free from their past, but into their destiny to a life far greater than they ever imagined.

I ask Kerrie what led you down the path of addictions?

5 Years ago Kerrie hit rock bottom and this lead her to start Stories of HOPE. Kerrie shares about some of the people in her Stories of HOPE books.

We chat about Kerrie's Worldwide Podcast and new book LIGHTBULB which is coming out soon to help men who are struggling.

Kerrie works with men and women struggling with mental health but her works sees her wanting to support men in particular and I ask her why that is?

We chat about why educating people in mental health first aid is so important and how it helps reduce the suicide rate which is much higher in men.

We delve in to some of the reasons people don’t seek help for mental health and how can we as a society change that.

Kerrie talks a lot about letting go of shame and why is this so important?

To learn more about Kerrie and the work she is doing go to Empower Life Solutions

May 26, 202249:17
Letting It Go - Dealing with Stress in Today's World with Dr. Laurie Weiss

Letting It Go - Dealing with Stress in Today's World with Dr. Laurie Weiss

Dr. Laurie Weiss, psychotherapist, Coach and Relationship Communication expert has helped more than 60,000 individuals reclaim life energy and find joy in life for more than four decades.  She has taught professionals in 13 countries and authored 13 books that make complex information accessible to anyone. Her popular, Letting It Go, teaches rapid anxiety and stress relief.

She earned an MA in Psychology and a PhD in Health and Human Services while practicing, writing and raising her family.  She is certified as a Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst, and Master Certified Coach.
She is the author of 13 books, several ebooks and numerous articles. Her work has been translated into German, Chinese, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Arabic.

We discuss Dr. Laurie Weiss's book Letting It Go and why she wrote it? In the book I ask Laurie about “The reason for your distress is often very different than you think it is." I ask her what she means by this?

Laurie shares what changed for her using the power of words with a strategy called  Logosynthesis® and how it can be used to resolve blocks to experience abundance. 

Dr. Weiss gives insights in to Logosynthesis® and how simple it is and how it works. 

We discuss how her work in relationship communications fit in with Logosynthesis?

To learn more about the work of Dr. Laurie Weiss 

May 24, 202240:57
Domestic Violence, What are we Doing About It with Pip Rae

Domestic Violence, What are we Doing About It with Pip Rae

Pip is a Private Investigator for Family & Domestic Violence. She is a former Police Officer having joined when she was 19 and spent nearly 20 years with the New South Wales Police. It was there she developed a real passion and focus to help people in crisis. 

Pip developed PTSD from her career as a result of the different types of trauma she collected along the way. Pip didn't like the person she was becoming.  

After leaving the Police Force Pip entered the world of Domestic Violence Investigative Journalism.

She leads a team of Female Investigators who specialise in Domestic and Family Violence. She helps people identify abusive behaviours to give them the confidence to walk away from that relationship or in to a police station to report it.

Pip shares her journey and help us learn how to identify Abuse & Abusive behaviours. 

I ask Pip if there is a common set of behaviours/events that lead to the abuse and abusive behaviours?

We talk about the importance of honesty, trust and transparency. If any of one of these pillars falls over then this creates a domino effect...

Pip explains about strategies of abusers and how abuse is created/co-created. Abuse can be enabled and Pip gives insights in to what this means and what can be the consequences when you enable your partner. Abuse is on a spectrum. Pip refers to clusters of behaviours including the "chilling effect."

Pip in her book "The Big Book of Abuse" refers to 136 behaviours that she has identified have contributed to the escalation of violence.

We talk about the impact of the Pandemic in the area of Family and Domestic Violence.

I ask Pip about Male Suicide and what she thinks drives men to contemplate ending their life. Self worth plays a huge role.

We delve into the impact having children has on relationships for couples and what we can do to plan for this and strategies to keep the spark going.

Sleep - We discuss it in the context of it's impact on family and domestic violence. Pip shares how important sleep and rest are for reducing cortisol levels.

We discuss the impact of financial stress and how couple's navigate being financially joined at the hip. We look at it in terms of being a Man and also from the perspective of a woman and options open to couple's for a positive resolution.

Pip shares how children are effected and how best to help them and protect them.

We finish up on Pip sharing information about her business Upstream Investigations  which supports mostly women navigate this tricky space.

Pip's final message is for men to give the women in their life the gift of safety and remind them that they are in a safe space and that they can come to you. Doing this will be returned to you in spades!

May 19, 202252:07
The Key to Happiness with Todd Patkin

The Key to Happiness with Todd Patkin

Todd Patkin has been in the happiness business since 2011. He has written books and created audio material on happiness. He has toured the U.S.A. teaching his Twelve Weeks to Happiness program. Todd has been on hundreds of radio and tv shows. Todd was Readers Digest’s happiness person of the year for 2012. Todd also has worked with Deepak Chopra. Yes Todd has had many highs including growing his family business to a sale of $100,000,000 but boy has Todd had just as many brutal lows growing up riddled with insecurity being bullied and homesickness even in college and two brutal break downs as an adult both of which left him contemplating suicide. So Todd knows it from both sides the lowest of the lows to the highest of the highs.

Todd grew up feeling that he needed straight A’s in school which led to insecurities and being bullied. Terrible homesickness. All of this followed him to Tufts University. 

After college Todd went into the family business had the time of his life had huge success but due to his need to achieve he was burning the candle at both ends. This led to a devastating nervous breakdown at the age of 36.

Todd shares with us the impact of losing their child during pregnancy and the devastating impact this had on him. He was suicidal.

Todd set about to change not only his life but the life of others with his Twelve Weeks to Happiness Program. 

In 2015 Todd after much success with his course and touring was suffering from Burnout.

From 2016-2021 Todd was doing a lot of Philanthropy work but was dealing with boredom - he felt he wasn't reaching his full potential for a number of years.

Todd talks about the role Anti Depressants have played in his life.

We discuss the importance of Learning to Love Yourself and we jump in to unpacking the 12 Weeks to Happiness Program. The Power of Self-Talk.

Todd shares with us about the power of living in the present. Remember wherever you are be there!

Todd teaches us the importance of looking at what you do right rather than what we do wrong. 

We discuss Todd's book Finding Happiness.

I ask Todd what is the one thing that can have the biggest impact in changing a person's life?

Todd also gives us a look at the statistics of men vs women who needed counselling for depression during Covid who actually sought help.

Sleep is such an important element of functioning well and I ask Todd about the impact sleep has had on him particularly when he was struggling.

I give Todd the final word on how brothers around the world can find more happiness.

To learn more about the work Todd is doing go to Todd Patkin


May 12, 202245:09
Helping Men Have it all - Success, Love & Happiness with Greg Gillies

Helping Men Have it all - Success, Love & Happiness with Greg Gillies

Husband, Father of 3, Entrepreneurial Businessman, Coach, Mentor, Business Consultant and Digital Marketing Expert…

Greg understand the Pressures and Demands of Married Businessmen, we carry the weight of the World on our shoulders as we work hard to build a Successful Life, whilst supporting Family, Friends, Staff, Colleagues & clients usually leaving us Energetically Drained with Lack of Time for ourselves...

After 20+ years of Hustle, Grind, Success and Failures in the Corporate World then working even harder to build his own businesses... Greg found himself with a lot of Materialistic Success but on the inside felt like something was missing, leaving him Stressed, Confused & Incomplete... He had achieved everything he thought would make him happy but wasn't... Then to deal with all the Stress, Pressure and Self Doubt Greg used Alcohol to drink it down & numb the pain....

In 2016 he hit the lowest point of his Life Mentally, spiralling into Burn-out and Breakdown! Greg finally surrendered and asked his wife to help him get help!

This is what happened next...

We unpack the Alpha Male Syndrome and the trappings of expectation around being a "successful male" and what success looks like.

Greg shares what he believes are the norms for men's behaviour namely that they have been unhealthy growing up in a culture of "harden up, drink your beer and watch the footy."

He shares the importance of the skill of listening and that as men we are no longer just providers.

We learn that it's OK to speak your truth to share with other men what you are going through.

Greg opens up around the differences between the "old ways" of thinking and how we need to not treat our relationships like a business, like another transaction. We are reminded that Men are black and white and women are like the rainbow. It's about really listening to our partners.

We discuss the value of sleep. Greg shares that the 2 best things anyone can do straight away is "dial in your sleep and hydration." It's where we rest and repair. We need to calm our nervous system down in order to get our sleep right.

Greg talks about his target market which is successful driven married businessmen. His mission is the ripple effect and he explains what this looks like.

Greg looks at the role fear plays in the success of these men. Fear drives them.

To learn more about the work Greg is doing go to

May 09, 202246:12
Money Makes the World Go Round with Rennie Gabriel
May 05, 202243:08
Great Things are Happening Everyday with Phil Barth

Great Things are Happening Everyday with Phil Barth

In 2015 Phil Barth suffered a "small heart attack" (according to his doctor).  After surgery he was told to "manage my stress or get ready for a big heart attack".

Phil heeded the warnings and set about lowering his stress, and wrote a best selling book about the journey "Great Things Happen Every Day - Finding Joy with Family, Friends and Banana Milkshakes".

Through the journey he discovered nine tricks to managing stress (Phil calls them the Nine S's of Successful Stress Management).

For almost six years Phil has published a daily list: Great things that happened today. Each day Phil celebrates the great things that happened. Since he started this journey he's met some fascinating people, discovered new recipes and celebrated life oh and in his own words..." I've laughed a lot."

Phil talks about the importance of setting your day up the right way and gives us some insights in to his A,B,C,D.

Phil's motto is "The way you start the day is the way you live the day."

Phil breaks down for us the Nine S's for Successful Stress Management.  

Whilst Phil is known for being super happy I ask him if he has bad days and if so how does he deal with them?

I ask Phil about books he would recommend our audience should read.

We discuss optimism vs pessimism and how some people can change the temperate in the room...Look for what's good!

Phil shares how optimism is about creating habits.

We take a look at sleep and managing stress and the role it plays in optimism.

Phil shares his final piece of advice to brothers around the world...

To learn more about Phil Barth go to Phil Barth Public Speaking (

May 04, 202243:08
What is Mindfulness and How can it help with Mental Health with Andrew Safer.

What is Mindfulness and How can it help with Mental Health with Andrew Safer.

Andrew Safer is a mindfulness instructor and trainer, program developer, workshop facilitator, and writer. A 52-year practitioner of mindfulness-awareness and Zen meditation, he began practicing in the Zen tradition in 1968 while in high school in California, and then continued in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition over the ensuing decades. Andrew became an authorized meditation instructor after completing training with Shambhala International in Halifax in 1993.

Since 2010, Andrew has developed and implemented a number of secular mindfulness programs, including Mindfulness-Awareness (an eight-session weekly program), Mindfulness in Recovery (Addictions) (a seven-session weekly program), Anxiety, Stress & Mindfulness (a twelve-session weekly program), Mindfulness for Depression (an eight or ten-session weekly program), Suicide Prevention through Mindfulness Training (an eight-session weekly program), Mindfulness at School (ten one-hour classroom sessions), and Workplace Mindfulness (nine 1.5-hour weekly sessions + a two-hour intensive).

I ask Andrew just what is "Mindfulness and what makes up the characteristics of Mindfulness?"

We discuss why people don't live with intention?

Andrew shares why he became involved in mindfulness from a teenager and how this came about in 1968.

We dive into the most common difficulties people have to face when getting on the mindfulness journey it all begins with one's expectations.

Andrew explains how thoughts are the activity of the mind and how this relates to mental health.

I ask Andrew about the impact of mindfulness in relation to the Global Pandemic and whether mindfulness has become more prevalent in the last 2 years particularly in relation to isolation.

Andrew looks at the importance of being present.

Stress - What's good (Eustress) and what's bad.

We discuss suicide and the importance of grounding and it's value and how it can be helpful when someone is having suicidal thoughts. Andrew says "we don't have to become a victim of our own thoughts."

Andrew's training has seen people experience a significant reduction in suicidal thoughts and he gives us some impressive statistics on this. 

Andrew discusses his workshops about Anxiety.

I ask Andrew about anger and what role mindfulness plays.

I give Andrew the final word on mindfulness.

To learn more about Andrew and his work go to Safer Mindfulness 

May 02, 202245:20
From Burnout to Balance with Michelle Connery

From Burnout to Balance with Michelle Connery

Michelle Connery is a burnout recovery coach and founder of Michelle Connery Coaching.
Prior to starting her business, she was a successful Corporate Accountant with over 20+ years of experience.  Like a lot of Accountants, she spent the majority of those years prioritizing her career over her mental and physical health.  

That was until 2018 when Michelle drove herself to the ER thinking that she was having a heart attack.  That experience started her healthy living journey, but it wasn’t until the pandemic hit that Michelle realized she needed to make a major change. She was exhausted, her anxiety was at an all-time high and she was suffering from burnout.

Michelle realized that it was time to ditch the high-pressure career and the toxic work environment to pursue her passion. Which is to help other ambitious professionals reignite their flame and go from burnt out to balanced.

Michelle shares what lead to her to make changes after a scary day sitting in Emergency due to some really challenging events in her Corporate job that was consuming every part of her.

The start of the pandemic was a real turning point for Michelle.

Michelle shares what Burnout is all's not stress. We look at what Burnout looks like so you can pre-empt it before it spirals out of control.

We discuss the "Pit of Despair" and what role insomnia plays in stress and ultimately burnout.

Michelle chats about the importance of exercise and her overriding message is start small.

We take a look at food and how to approach it and weight loss it all begins in the mind.

I ask Michelle about sleep and we look at "hustle culture" and burning the midnight oil and the importance of sleep and rest.

Michelle gives her tip around exercise and the best way to lose weight.

To learn more about Michelle's Coaching go to Michelle Connery Coaching

May 01, 202244:53
Coming Clean You Can Do It with Dr. Stephan Neff

Coming Clean You Can Do It with Dr. Stephan Neff

In this episode I catch up with Dr. Stephan Neff who is passionate about demystifying mental health problems and helping the people around him live a life so full of joy that yesterday is jealous of today. Born in Germany, Stephan studied medicine at the prestigious Heidelberg University before traveling and working around the globe. Nowadays he has settled down as an anaesthetist in beautiful New Zealand and has become a bestselling author and advocate for mental health and addiction.

After all, a life time of trauma led Stephan to drown his sorrows, only to find that the critters can swim. As an alcoholic in recovery he has experienced addiction and mental health problems first hand. After successful rehabilitation Stephan is now an expert in living a life so fantastic, that alcohol simply has no role to play.

We start with Stephan's back story and how alcohol numbed the pain to hide problems including PTSD. Stephan was a Workaholic/Alcoholic.

Stephan talks about his journey to self care to experiencing emotions and how to deal with his emotions. It's about little at a time.

Have you ever tried to smile and be sad - Stephan shares how we move from being a victim to a survivor. 

Working with a Life Coach Stephan talks about the importance of getting his sleep sorted out and how good this was for him.

We discuss how important sleep is and how CPAP machines can help men who literally stop breathing. Stephan discusses sleep hydration.

Check out Dr. Stephan Neffs book My Steps to Sobriety 

Apr 28, 202249:38
Unpacking & Integrating Holistic Health in to Your Life with Ali West

Unpacking & Integrating Holistic Health in to Your Life with Ali West

Today I catch up with Ali West whose life's purpose and mission is to inspire as many people as possible to live longer, healthier, happier and more joyful lives. I do this by using my skills and experience in health, fitness, well being, human performance, mindset and spirituality to help individuals become optimally healthy, on all levels, mind, body & spirit.

Ali is the founder of Kinetik Fitness which is a 9000 square foot gym in Nottingham, UK. He is also the host of The Kinetik Fitness Show Podcast. When Ali was younger he played semi-professional football (soccer) and has played in both the FA and FA Youth cups. He had to stop pursuing his football career in 2006 when he ruptured his Cruciate Ligament. This led Ali to embarking on a career of coaching and helping others to better themselves.

We start out by looking at Holistic Health and what this means in the context of Optimal Health. 

Ali discusses why he sees sleep as so important. It's the second most important dynamic with breathing being first.

Sleep needs to be a paramount part of your day/routine if you want to move toward optimal wellness.

I ask Ali how do we integrate Holistic Health in to our lives? It starts with taking stock of our lives & know where you want to get to. Set a Target.

Ali explains the importance of only picking one thing that you want to work on at a time.

Consistency is paramount, make optimal health a part of your life.

Ali reveals as men we need to show ourselves some compassion, we beat ourselves up, be kind to yourself. This aligns with #1 on the #keep5alive program at Saving Brothers which is self care/self love. Take care of yourself first.

Ali and I go deeper where I ask him "How and Why did he begin to work on himself?"

Ali emphasises the importance of taking care of yourself first and "levelling up" in all areas of your life.

We discuss Meditation and how it has changed Ali's life. We look at what it's done for him.

Ali shares about Self Awareness and it's Superpower to improve all areas of your life. 

We get real with the value of being present - live in the moment, in the now.

Ali shares some of his habits and practices to make him a better version of himself.

To learn more about the work Ali is doing go to

Apr 26, 202248:59
Living an Extraordinary Life the Story of a Well Travelled Man with Robert White

Living an Extraordinary Life the Story of a Well Travelled Man with Robert White

With over 1.3 million graduates from high-impact experiential trainings in companies he's founded and led, Robert White has "been there and done that." He's lived and worked abroad (Japan, Hong Kong, Mainland China) a total of 21 years. He's a Mentor to Executives, serial Entrepreneur, Trainer of thousands, Author of a best-seller and Public Speaker. His first career was 8 years in radio so he knows how to make a host look and sound good. In today's Podcast Robert does not disappoint.

Robert shares a personal story that he is working his way through some grief at the present time. It is a reminder that speaking your "truth" to the man in the mirror is so important.

Robert had a distinguished career with Mind Dynamics rising to President of the Organisation.

We go on a journey of his highs that included owning his own jet to the lows of losing the love of his life and having a major failure in business closing 15 offices in 7 countries and firing 240 people.

Through his companies he graduated over 1,200,000 people from his high impact experiential learning events. This work is transformational. It gets  people to shift their perspective on life around completing their past in dealing with any blame shame or guilt. It's about telling their truth.

These courses help you to really choose your future.

Robert wrote Living an Extraordinary Life where he makes a bold promise...He shares how some of his early success comes from being constantly told "you are not can't make it." 

Robert shares that those that reach the top usually do so at a huge price. 

We discuss the impact of betrayal and how that drives many successful individuals.

When working with corporate clients Robert shares how executives light up when you ask them "What do you like to do when you're not working." It's not all about work...

Robert talks about at least 1/3 of your life is spent working. Robert wants people to take a look at What their level of joy is? What their level of fulfilment is, their level of Philanthropic involvement.

Robert reveals to us insights about "The Chair of Joy." It's FREE for all of us.

Robert says Leadership is about persuading others to follow you, doing the work on yourself in terms of completing your past, becoming better at telling the truth about reality.

You need to discover your purpose - Why are you here? Robert says you need to get clear on a compelling vision, not just goals.

Robert looks at the question "What are your values? 

To learn more about the work Robert does to go 

Apr 24, 202244:23
Walking a Path to Financial Freedom with Rob Cook

Walking a Path to Financial Freedom with Rob Cook

Rob is a Certified Public Accountant and a Certified Financial Planner, and former financial advisor who left his job as an advisor to join a start-up trying to bring the next generation of financial planning software to market. After becoming a financial advisor, Rob quickly realized that the current model of financial advice was broken and ripe for innovation. When he was approached by his company, he jumped at the chance to help millions of people gain access to real, high quality, truly valuable financial advice. Rob is also the host of the Contenders Wanted podcast, where he helps listeners solve their money problems without sacrificing what’s most important in life.

Rob talks about how do we go about changing our financial lives "the right way" by doing it purposefully and without losing balance.

Rob delves in to the importance balance plays for people seeking financial freedom and one of the most underrated attributes being patience when wanting to create financial freedom. It's not about speed of the journey...Slow down to go faster! Take time to reflect.

Rob talks about the overwhelming concern we have with "getting it done" yesterday. Where has delayed gratification gone? Play the Long Game.

I ask Rob "How do I know if I am on the right path financially?" Rob says you need to look ahead on that path, where does it lead to and are you going to want to be there? It's important to be flexible and if necessary implement a course correct.

Rob talks of looking at your peers who are a decade or two ahead of you and see what their financial lives look like and decide is this where you want your future to look like or not?

How do you get on the right path? It requires some personal introspection right now.

I ask Rob about men and the ever so common Mid life crisis and we discuss Rob's thoughts around why this happens. Its' important to know what you want or what you value.

Rob talks about the power of a Legacy Letter.

Rob believes the financial advisory model that most firms use is broken. "People who have wealth don't use Financial Advisers."

He shares a personal story of what happened when he approached one of his wealthy friends to do business.

Rob mentions a book worth reading called "Where are all the customers yachts?"

Rob's final word for brothers around the world is "the only one who can control your financial journey is cannot put it on anyone else. Take the time to self reflect and go get the skills."

To learn more about Rob and connect with him go to

Apr 23, 202246:11
Never Give Up... It's Not Over till it's Over with Graeme Alford

Never Give Up... It's Not Over till it's Over with Graeme Alford

Graeme is the Founder of Reset My Future and 21 Renew. Graeme is a recovering alcoholic who has remained abstinent for the past 36 years. He has a Bachelor of Law and also a Diploma in Community Services Alcohol & Other Drugs. He is passionate about helping people with substance abuse issues put their life back together. 

Graeme shares his back story about how he was awarded a scholarship to study law and ended up practicing Criminal Law. Graeme's journey had him  acting for members of the "Underworld" which catapulted him in to a whole new world. It was a world of alcohol, slow racehorses and nightclubs, police and court. His story takes us to his time in jail for stealing from a Trust Account and then a second stint in jail followed after holding up a bank.

Graeme upon his second visit to jail whilst waiting on remand asked himself "How did you finish like this?" It definitely was not a normal career path for a lawyer. 

Graeme came to the realisation he only had 2 choices. You either give up or get up! Fortunately Graeme embarked on a journey of self improvement by Getting Up. 

Graeme shares how he set up and brought out "The World Masters of Business." Some of the speakers included General "Stormin" Norman Schwarzkopf,
Lee Iacocca, Stephen Covey, Ricardo Semler President Gorbachev, Nelson Mandella & Rubin Hurricane Carter.

The moral of the story "Never Give Up."

Graeme shares how he has reconciled with his past and whilst he acknowledges he cannot change it he has developed tools for how to deal with it. 

We talk about when Graeme meets with a family he explains when it comes to substance abuse the behaviour is not your loved one but a direct result of where the substance abuse takes you...

We look at the program Graeme was running Pre-Covid called 21 Renew up in Bali. Graeme's work includes CBT - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy & Motivational interviewing with Scenario based learning.

Graeme shares for the person in recovery time is your ally. 

We learn that when it comes dealing with someone dealing with substance issues you "can't wrap them in a cocoon."

Since Covid Graeme has been working with his clients in a 12 week non-residential program. It's all about the 3 components. The program is called Reset My Future. 

Graeme says once he takes on a client "It's not over till it's over" meaning the program may go beyond the 12 weeks.

Graeme's final word to brothers around the world..."You will never fix the problem by yourself."

Apr 23, 202246:14