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Multipassionate Mama

Multipassionate Mama

By Karaleigh Garrison

As a Multipassionate Mama, I’m passionate about all of it: music, makeup, fashion, art, coaching, spirituality, podcasting, and of course, my three special needs kids. Diamonds are multi-faceted and so are we. It’s about time we let all the parts of us shine. But how can we do that in a world that insists we specialize in just one thing? How do we climb out of the box and fully embrace our own authenticity? Those are the questions we will answer on the Multipassionate Mama podcast, with expert guests and creative vision, clarity is just a click away.
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Creatively Living Your Best Life with Kristi Nellor

Multipassionate MamaNov 29, 2022

Is Summer Over Yet? -Minisode
May 31, 202410:58
Multipassionate? Me Too.
May 29, 202439:47
Multipassionate Mama Trailer

Multipassionate Mama Trailer

I’m Karaleigh Garrison, a Multipassionate Mama, and I’m passionate about all of it: music, makeup, fashion, art, coaching, spirituality, podcasting, and of course, my three special needs kids. Diamonds are multi-faceted and so are we. It’s about time we let all the parts of us shine. But how can we do that in a world that insists we specialize in just one thing? How do we climb out of the box and fully embrace our own authenticity? Those are the questions we will answer on the Multipassionate Mama podcast, with expert guests and creative vision, clarity is just a click away.
May 24, 202400:54
Living Intentionally with Mare App

Living Intentionally with Mare App

Join Karaleigh for an interview with the visionary Mare App.

In this episode we talk about what we really want, how to make the best of our human experience, and the ways we can support others.

Mare is the founder of Conscious Connections Circles™, a practice of intentionally showing up to witness the lives of women creating meaningful connections and navigating life’s accountabilities. Mare has empowered hundreds of women through her coaching and facilitating to identify and pursue their own life dreams and desires. She believes in the power of creating a safe and judgment-free space for people to share their Living Intentions. This practice helps women navigate through their many life journeys, uncover their authentic life dreams, develop meaningful connections, and learn to give and receive the support they need to bring those dreams to fruition. Mare’s commitment to fostering a supportive community of women has led her to help others start their own Conscious Connection Circles, guiding them in creating a framework that allows women to explore, identify, and achieve their dreams while supporting the dreams of other women.

Favorite takeaways:

1. Most humans want similar things. They want to be loved. They want to be seen. They want to be safe. They want to be creative. They want to be heard. They want to create a legacy for their children. Regardless of their religion, regardless of their politics, regardless of their health, those items- those constructs- are what most people want.

2. You’re here, you’re having a human experience, so get the most out of it! Squeeze the juice out of your human experience. And you can’t do it alone.

3. The power of vision and intention is everything. When you can see yourself in these dreams that you have, when you can see ahead- that’s literally what manifestation is. It’s knowing that you were made for this and it’s going to happen and it’s part of you already, even though it hasn’t necessarily played out yet.

4. A bucket list item is something you can check off. Done! A Living Intention is something that you’re being, an energy that you’re being. It’s a feeling that you eminate and expand into the world.

5. You don’t get excused from your human experience. The difference is you don’t have to stay in the suffering.

6. It’s really about excavating your authentic self and being who you really are, which is pure loving light energy. That’s who we really all are.

7. When you have people who are just choosing to see the best in you, you will rise to that. And it will change your life.

Find more from Mare on her website and be sure to listen to her podcast, Connection Project 360.

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here:

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
May 22, 202454:28
Something To Look Forward To- Minisode
May 17, 202414:45
Coming Home to Your Soul with Siri Baruc Thornton

Coming Home to Your Soul with Siri Baruc Thornton

Join Karaleigh in an interview with the beautiful Siri Baruc Thornton.

In this episode, we talk about the benefits of becoming our best selves, the different modalities that can help us come home to our souls, and the truth that everything testifies we really are enough.

Siri Baruc Thornton was born into a yoga ashram in Boston, Massachusetts in 1978. As a teenager, Siri became immersed in the world of Reiki and over the years became a Master of Masters. Siri is also a Certified Mountain Breathwork Facilitator and instructor and an Advanced Akashic Record Reader and instructor and has been working in the clairvoyant field for years. Siri also helps women process their emotions and become more embodied. She hosts The Authentic Creative podcast. All of her services provide the ability for you to come home to the soul that you are.

Favorite takeaways:

1. It’s only when you are shining your own genuine, authentic self through that people can relate to it. That’s the thing with creativity- the more specific you get, the more deep you dive, the more nuanced you get, the more other people can relate to your work.

2. Everything is so interconnected, so when you are learning how to breathe better, when you’re learning how to regulate your nervous system and control your emotions, that affects your work, whatever your work is. That affects every one of your relationships. It literally affects all parts of your life because they’re not compartmentalized, no matter how much you try to compartmentalize them. They’re not separate, they’re all intertwined. Nothing is actually separate.

3. Your worth is not based on anything external- behavior, accomplishments, or labels. It’s inherent.

4. You can only love somebody as much as you love yourself. You can only meet someone as deeply as you’ve met yourself.

5. It’s important to get out of ourselves and listen to someone else’s story.

6. Excavate but don’t perseverate. Don’t keep rewinding the story that’s been unwound already.

7. You’re enough. You’ve always been enough. Just show up with your whole heart and that is more than enough.

You can find more from Siri at

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here:

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
May 15, 202401:03:47
Use Your Voice- Minisode
May 10, 202410:52
Breathe Into Your Authentic Self with Jen Liss

Breathe Into Your Authentic Self with Jen Liss

Join Karaleigh in an interview with the creative unicorn, Jen Liss.

In this episode we dive into finding what really makes us (and others) happy, how curiosity invites self compassion, and the importance of breathing to regulate our nervous systems.

Jen Liss is a coach and breathworker who empowers others to actualize their most brilliant life. Known for her contagious enthusiasm and engaging storytelling, she approaches self-development with compassion, humor and fun. Jen's podcast, Untethered with Jen Liss, ranks in the top 2.5% of global podcasts, encouraging thousands of listeners to create a career and life that’s true to themselves. Her company, Brilliant Breathwork, helps people untether from external expectations so they can shine into a more joyful, authentic, and abundant life.

Favorite takeaways:

1. That’s how you actually do make other people happy is by you being so fully yourself and in your full state of happy.

2. One of my favorite stopping points in life is like wait a minute, what story am I telling myself? What meaning am I making out of this that I don’t need to be making?

3. If you made it this far, then you’re doing better than you think you are. You’re doing so damn amazing and every single decision that you’ve made, whether you feel it was the wrong decision or the right decision looking back, was all in support of the person who you are today.

4. We can’t know what the next right step is until we start with our messy action. We’ve got to start moving so that we can gain clarity.

5. Curiosity is love. We’re either in fear-based behaviors and actions, which is your ego-mind, or we’re in love, which is your consciousness. That’s your heart, that’s your soul. The world that we live in is highly guided by fear. What we need more of is us all taking actions that are based on love. It is easy to act based on fear. Curiosity is the gateway out of fear and into love. All we have to do is ask a question.

6. We activate other people based on our own energy. When you decide to come home to yourself and offer yourself a gift of what you need, you activate that in the other person. You activate their inner sage instead of their critical judge. The space that you move from matters.

7. Let yourself touch the leaf. Start letting yourself do more of those teeny tiny little joys in your day and watch what happens.

​Connect with Jen at and @untetheredjen.
To get 50% off first month of Brilliant Breathwork, use code SUNSHINE at

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here:

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
May 08, 202401:07:44
What Is Your Superpower? Minisode
May 03, 202410:38
See Your Cage As Your Calling

See Your Cage As Your Calling

Join Karaleigh in a solo episode about seeing past your limitations, focusing on what’s possible, and transforming your cage into your calling.

Favorite takeaways:

1. There’s this really magical thing that happens when you actually start looking at the stories that you’re telling yourself and asking if they’re really true.

2. No man is an island- you are not here to do everything yourself.

3. That impossible story that you are telling yourself every day is a lie. It’s a lie. It’s only true if you continue to tell yourself it’s true. It’s only true so far as you continue to tell that story.

4. Seeing your cage as your calling is really about seeing it from a different angle. It’s not about moving the bars, it’s about the way that you choose to view them.

5. It’s in the contrast that we have the true depth of character- who we really are. It’s because of both the darkness and the light that we get to be our full selves.

6. You get to be all of you. You get to be ALL of you. And that includes all the darkness and all the light and all the passion and every color that is part of you. You get to be all of it.

7. Stop letting the stories hold you back. Stop letting that cage tell you what you can and cannot do. There’s a creative solution to get around it, I promise.

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here:

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
May 01, 202446:22
It’s A Miracle- Can You See It Yet? Minisode

It’s A Miracle- Can You See It Yet? Minisode

Welcome to this Minisode all about seeing the miracles through the contrast in our lives. Join the miracle movement here: and you can also learn more at

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here:

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
Apr 26, 202408:52
Unlock Your Story with Becca Rae Eagle

Unlock Your Story with Becca Rae Eagle

Join Karaleigh in an interview with the amazing Becca Rae Eagle.

In this episode, we talk about how writing and speaking are a portal to the soul, the importance of being vulnerable, and why telling your story can change the world.

Becca Rae Eagle, M.S.Ed.,pen name Noelle Tryst, is a wife, mom to a college age son, avid hiker, podcast host of The Podcast: Sacred Penning™: Somatic Meditative Journaling, and a teacher since 2000. Becca currently teaches third grade at a private school in her community. She is an empath, HSP, intuitive, mental health advocate, woman of Faith, and a soul tender. Becca is also an international bestselling author and international speaker in training. She has been featured in at least a dozen podcasts and Julie Browne’s acclaimed book, Masters of Change, focusing on her resilient healing path. Her first work, Embodying Joy: A Heart Journal, A Memoir with Journal Space for Body, Mind, & Spirit Health, is available on Amazon. Her piece, “Anchored By a Star,” is featured in the International Bestselling collection, Ignite Your Faith. Her next book will be released in 2025. She is a proud staff writer for Women Who Podcast Magazine and a Transformative Soul Journaling Practitioner. Becca’s signature Sacred Penning™ Somatic Meditative Journaling method helps women with transformative writing experiences for body, mind, and spirit. Becca offers customized journaling retreats for individuals, private groups, corporate organizations, and community events.

Favorite takeaways:

1. The only person you actually need permission from is yourself.

2. Being vulnerable is one of the most important tools of resiliency.

3. When you hear somebody else talking about what lights them up, it lights you up in turn. That light spreads- it’s contagious. You will feel their energy and it will inspire you to go do what lights you up. That’s how we light the world on fire in the best possible way- by sharing our passions.

4. Shame thrives in secrecy. It’s the only thing we can’t come to terms with because it’s not real, it’s unhelpful, it’s such an unnecessary emotion- it’s all based in lies. It’s based in the lie that you have to be perfect, that you have to be not you in order to be successful, in order to be accepted, when the actual truth is that you are so beautifully and perfectly human, exactly as you are, and you don’t have to squeeze yourself into that box that doesn’t exist.

5. You need to take care of the person behind the passion. It’s ok to just ground yourself and shower yourself with love. Know that people are there for you, know that it’s ok to tell your story because it gives somebody else the strength and the bravery to tell their own.

6. When we can find appreciation in the contrast we start to grow. It’s never too late to grow. It’s never too late to bloom.

7. Make sure you schedule something in every day for yourself. Make a commitment to you- whatever your favorite form of self care is. Don’t go to bed at night before checking that off in your mind. Make sure you give yourself that time because you won’t regret it.

Be sure to follow Becca on FB and IG @BeccaRaeEagle. Her next online retreat featuring breathwork, sound healing, and somatic meditative journaling, is online May 4-The Beacon. Her next Course offering begins May 9, Six Weeks to Sunrise: Elevate your Summer Link to join the retreat: Link to join the course:

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here: Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote): Learn more about Karaleigh on her website Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠

Apr 24, 202453:22
You Get to Be Human- Minisode

You Get to Be Human- Minisode

Welcome to this Minisode all about being human.

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here:

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
Apr 19, 202412:22
Becoming Un-Perfected with Brooke Jean

Becoming Un-Perfected with Brooke Jean

Join Karaleigh in an interview with the incredible Brooke Jean.

In this episode, we dive in to what it means to be un-perfected, how to embrace the gold in your mess and come home to who you really are.

Brooke Jean, MA, LPC is a Licensed Therapist, Coach, Speaker, and the Host of The Unperfected Pod on a mission to normalize normal. She believes that life isn’t perfect, but it can be unperfected and using a blend of energy work, counseling, coaching, & facilitation, she guides her audience to let go of who they think they are, in order to create the life they’ve been waiting for.

Favorite takeaways:

1. The Unperfected Movement is really just about us shedding the shoulds of conditioning and social priming and remembering who we are underneath all of our roles, our responsibilities, our trauma responses, our good-girl syndrome, our people pleasing- all the masks that we wear that we develop to fit in. It’s about letting it all go, showing up messy, embracing the gold in your mess, and finding freedom in the messy so that you can create from an authentic place.

2. When you shut down the feelings of anger or rage- whatever we’ve been conditioned is shameful- when you shut that down, you also shut down the capacity for joy. You can’t shut off some feelings. If you’re gonna shut off the rage, you’re gonna shut off the joy. If you’re gonna shut off the anger, you’re gonna shut off the passion. As humans, we’re designed to have a full spectrum of emotions.

3. Protect the precious jewels: time, energy, and sanity. We are not an endless supply, yet we are just bleeding out time, energy, and sanity all day every day and then wondering why we lose our crap at the end of the night with our families. Go through a real inventory of what is stealing and draining your energy that you need to clean up.

4. Your first no is painful, your second no feels a little better, by your tenth no you are liberated! Your like, what else can I say no to, this feels amazing! And the world doesn’t fall apart when we choose to live in alignment with who we are- actually things just start to get really good when we come from that place.

5. Here’s where the tough love comes in: Stop getting in your own way. Stop making excuses. You are the one telling yourself that you can’t because… fill in societal expectation and standard. And while that’s a real thing, we also get to choose. One of our most potent tools in our tool belt is our choice point, our power of choice.

6. For so many women, we are not going for the thing that lights our soul on fire because we are telling ourselves a lie that we can’t or we shouldn’t or we don’t deserve it and that’s where you need to step aside and do the work to rewire all that, because your soul wants bigger for you.

7. Follow the joy. Follow the things that remind you of who you were when you were little. What did you freaking LOVE to do? Who were you? What made you feel the most alive?

You can find more from Brooke at or on IG @brookejeanunperfected. Also be sure to listen to her incredible podcast, The Unperfected Pod.

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here: Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote): Learn more about Karaleigh on her website Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠

Apr 17, 202401:08:45
Confronting Shame- Minisode

Confronting Shame- Minisode

Welcome to this Minisode all about confronting shame.

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here:

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
Apr 12, 202413:09
Cultivating Creative Vision with deJoly LaBrier

Cultivating Creative Vision with deJoly LaBrier

Join Karaleigh in an interview with the visionary deJoly LaBrier.

In this episode we discuss authenticity, learning to not care what other people think, and having the vision to create.

Dejoly LaBrier is an author, life and writing coach, speaker and artist. She was born in California, has lived in several different states, and finally settled in the woods of Northeast Alabama. Having recovered from the extreme trauma of childhood, she decided to use some of the wisdom she'd gained to help women do their own recovery work. Five years ago she became a life coach to guide women to heal from their traumas and embrace life with vitality, creating the life they desire. For 20 years she has spoken about this healing process nationally, and inspired others to do the work of healing through art, writing and a full palette of modalities. Today she has 4 published books, and writes personal development articles for the local newspapers. In addition to offering writing workshops and coaching, she’d also an avid gardener, and practices yoga and meditation.

Favorite takeaways:

1. Faith IS vision. Faith is having that greater perspective. Faith is borrowing God’s vision for our life. It’s so powerful.

2. Failure is just another step in the process, and who’s measuring failure anyway? I don’t. I say we progress, and there are lots of things that are gonna happen. We can assign it some sort of negativity- we can assign it failure- or we can say, oh, there’s a blip. We can decide to pivot.

3. We decide what we’re capable of- we are in charge of our own potential, and our potential is limitless. It doesn’t matter what limits society perceives you have, your capacity for growth is completely limitless.

4. It’s actually really important to stop and just be. Your value is not increasing the faster you go.

5. We move at our own pace and I think we have to honor that pace. We can’t be judgemental about our pace. We do it in our own time. What can be so important that you have to do it right now? Go smell the roses.

6. There’s so much value in slowing down and soaking up the moment.

7. HALT: Never make a decision when you’re hungry, angry, lonely, or tired.

You can find more from her on Facebook and Instagram, as well as on her website,

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here: Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote): Learn more about Karaleigh on her website Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠

Apr 10, 202456:22
You Are Not Trash- Minisode
Apr 05, 202408:59
The Gift of Being Triggered

The Gift of Being Triggered

Today is a solo episode all about being triggered, the lessons of motherhood, and the ABC's of being selfish. Favorite takeaways: 1. Here’s the amazing thing: When you let yourself feel your anger, it starts to dissipate. The initial reaction can either fuel a bigger, badder secondary reaction or you can let it work itself out on its own. If you give it the attention that it’s calling for in the first place, it will dissipate in a minute or two. If you just validate your own emotions and your own thoughts, they will start to dissipate. 2. I hope you’ve had the experience of somebody telling you that you are justified in feeling angry over something and feeling your shoulders relax- of feeling your body un-tense. When somebody tells you you’re right. Because it’s magical to feel that. It’s truly magical. So tell yourself you’re right. You don’t need someone else to do it for you- you can do that all by yourself. You can validate your own emotions. 3. Knowing yourself is absolutely essential. Knowing how you react to the triggers around you is essential as well as what helps with those triggers. 4. What are your needs? The more that you understand your needs and you prioritize those, your gonna be a better human being for your kids, for your family, for everyone around you because you won’t be showing up bitter, you’ll be showing up as patient, loving, and fun. 5. The more you prioritize your own self care, your own mental health, your own needs, you really do show up better. Your energy is better, you’re just a better human being for everyone you want to be around. Don’t you want to show up as the best version of yourself? 6. The awareness piece is so key and without it, none of the rest can happen. Give yourself so much grace and so much permission to cheer yourself on if you even look back on your behavior and you are aware. Because even looking back on your reactions is a huge step. 7. Awareness is absolutely amazing. You can’t fix something you’re not aware of.

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here: Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote): Learn more about Karaleigh on her website Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠

Apr 03, 202453:42
Forgive Yourself- Minisode
Mar 29, 202411:45
What’s Possible? Let’s Investigate with Skye Warren

What’s Possible? Let’s Investigate with Skye Warren

Join Karaleigh in an interview with the incredible Skye Warren.

In this episode, we talk about the incredible possibilities that are available no matter what your limitations are, how it’s possible to make money without stress and extra work, and how self care is a mechanism for living to our full potential.

Skye Warren is the New York Times bestselling author of dangerous romance. Her books have sold over two million copies. She makes her home in Texas with her loving family, sweet dogs, and sugar glider.

Favorite takeaways:

1. Self care is a mechanism for living, not a take-it-or-leave-it luxury item.

2. Science is really an art. It’s like, what’s possible? Let’s investigate. Let’s explore and experiment with what could work. Let’s look into that. We often think that science and creativity are so different but they’re really not.

3. We think if I were a math and science person, I would have certainty. But that’s not actually the way that discovery happens- those things were found through trial and error and messy situations. That is science: to not know things.

4. I’m gonna decide what my success looks like. I’m gonna decide that it is about my abilities and not about what anyone else can do about it. It’s about things I actually have power over, because then success actually has meaning.

5. The peace is in the progress and the joy is in the journey. That’s where we’re meant to be. We’re in this life to move forward.

6. You have to be able to find the happiness and joy where you can. There’s always sunshine- even if it’s just the tiniest little sparkle of it. It’s always there somewhere. Flowers are still beautiful even if you don’t own them. There is beauty everywhere and you can find reasons to be appreciative in every stage of life. The thing is, all of us have power. And the more that you focus on any little tiny bit of beauty and strength and sunshine that you can find, it grows.

7. To actually experiment, you need a little bit of space. Here’s permission to give yourself space.

You can find more from Skye on her website

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here:

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
Mar 27, 202401:02:02
Special Announcement
Mar 20, 202401:10
A Snippet of Sunshine: Be More of Yourself
Mar 19, 202401:28
A Snippet of Sunshine: You Are Making An Impact
Mar 18, 202401:28
A Snippet of Sunshine: Let Yourself Be All of You
Mar 17, 202401:31
A Snippet of Sunshine: I Really Am Worth It
Mar 16, 202401:25
It’s OK to Be Afraid- Minisode

It’s OK to Be Afraid- Minisode

Welcome to this Minisode all about giving yourself permission to feel your feelings.

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here: Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote): Learn more about Karaleigh on her website Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠

Mar 15, 202411:02
A Snippet of Sunshine: What Makes Life Worth Living
Mar 14, 202401:22
How Self-Care Cultivates Resilience with Becca Ingersol

How Self-Care Cultivates Resilience with Becca Ingersol

Join Karaleigh in an interview with the beautiful Becca Ingersol.

In this episode we talk about moving through trials, believing in our own worthiness, and how important it is to take time for ourselves.

Becca is a wife, mom of twin boys with special needs, and survivor of many hard knocks of life. She also happens to be a writer, blogger, and podcaster. She is passionate about helping other women—especially moms and especially moms of kids with special needs—know that they are not alone. She enjoys sharing stories (her own as well as others') of resilience. Her podcast is called Finding Joy through Life's Trials, and it can be found on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Favorite takeaways:

1. Any trial that you go through has the potential to make you so much more empathetic.

2. It’s all about looking at the roses in life instead of the thorns.

3. It’s so amazing how many times we have to hear that we’re worth it before we’re willing to start believing it. We can never hear it enough times.

4. Now is the time to live your life. Now is the time to be your whole self, to be fully lit up, to be your most amazing sunshiny- star- filled- most rockin self. Now is the time to be fully you.

5. Memories over money. Experience things that make you happy!

6. Take time for yourself. It is not selfish. You need to fill your own cup so you can pour into others. It’s very important to take time to do things that you love so that you can be more likely to love life, because that’s the whole purpose.

7. So many more people are watching and are listening than you realize. There’s a lot of silent watchers. There are people who are watching you take your journey who are not sure that they’re worthy to act yet that need to be told another 100 times that they are worthy to even talk to you, because they don’t think that they’re worthy yet. They’re there, they just don’t see it in themselves yet and they need that encouragement more from you, not less. They need you to believe in yourself even more so that they can know that they’re worth rising to be even in your world. They need you to have that confidence in yourself. So don’t give up, keep going, because you are making an impact. Your energy, your light- it is being seen.

Find more from Becca on her blog, her podcast Finding Joy Through Life’s Trials, her patreon the Mercy Rose Society, and on Instagram @blingersol.

Interested in learning how to create your own podcast? Check out Karaleigh’s new Podcast Creation Course here:

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
Mar 13, 202401:06:46
A Snippet of Sunshine: Say It Out Loud
Mar 12, 202401:24
A Snippet of Sunshine: I Could Never Have Imagined
Mar 11, 202401:29
A Snippet of Sunshine: Take the Greater Perspective
Mar 10, 202401:30
A Snippet of Sunshine: Miracles on the Other Side
Mar 09, 202401:34
You are a Lighthouse- Minisode

You are a Lighthouse- Minisode

Welcome to this Minisode all about shining your light.

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
Mar 08, 202414:59
A Snippet of Sunshine: Pour Into Yourself
Mar 07, 202401:17
Learning to Wait for Miracles

Learning to Wait for Miracles

Join Karaleigh in a special episode where she shares an interview another podcaster did with her!

On today’s show, hear Kristina Driscoll from the She’s Brave podcast interview Karaleigh and learn her story of overcoming and resilience. We’ll discuss creativity, miracles, and giving up control.

Favorite takeaways:

1. Creativity is therapeutic. The more that I’ve been able to dive into the things that light me up and the things that I love the most, the more that I have to give to my family and those who need me.

2. We see our lives through this narrow lens of what is happening right in that moment. And we really struggle to see beyond it. We struggle to see the next chapter. We struggle to see the miracle that is coming in the future.

3. My story is not over. There is more. There is so much more. There is another chapter ahead of me, I just can’t see it yet. If I can just be open to the possibility of more, of just wait and don’t give up on the future- there’s so much more waiting for me than what I can see right now, I just can’t forget that.

4. There are blessings in every trial and trials in every blessing. It’s all in how you choose to look at it.

5. It’s as you look back on your story and you start looking at it from that greater perspective, you start seeing how these pieces all fell in order and how everything worked out for you.

6. If I could just give up control, maybe it could work out better than I’d ever planned. Maybe it doesn’t have to look the way I thought it did.

7. Here’s permission for me to be good enough as I am.

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Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠

Book a 15 minute podcasting breakthrough call with Karaleigh now:
Mar 06, 202455:17
A Snippet of Sunshine: Live Today
Mar 05, 202401:15
A Snippet of Sunshine: Shine Your Light
Mar 04, 202401:14
A Snippet of Sunshine: Live Your Full Potential
Mar 03, 202401:11
A Snippet of Sunshine: Say It Again
Mar 02, 202401:26
What Story Are You Telling? -Minisode

What Story Are You Telling? -Minisode

Welcome to this Minisode all about Karaleigh’s Toastmasters speech and the stories we tell ourselves.

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
Mar 01, 202417:29
A Snippet of Sunshine: You are Making a Difference
Feb 29, 202401:15
Wake Up to the Life of Your Dreams with Jen Underwood

Wake Up to the Life of Your Dreams with Jen Underwood

Join Karaleigh in an interview with the unstoppable Jen Underwood.

In this episode we talk about living the life you were meant to live, waking up to our actual lives, and learning to pursue our dreams.

Jen Underwood has spent 20+ years working in a basement hiding her true gifts and passions from the world.  It wasn’t until the last couple of years when she was writing a book to her son for his 18th birthday that she realized she wasn’t living a life of passion and purpose.  She set about to change that by starting a podcast called Shake Me Awake to share her journey of finally WAKING UP to her true potential.  She wants to take others on this journey with her. She is working on her coaching certificate to become a certified life coach, and a digital course on crafting a written legacy for your children.  Jen works full time, has two teenagers and a pug and way too many hobbies.  She loves thrifting, sewing, reading, writing, watching the same movies over and over, making lists, journaling, manifesting, buying office supplies, and coming up with new ideas for businesses she’ll never have the time to start. 

Favorite takeaways:

1. When you feel like no one is listening, when you feel like no one is watching, just wait. Because they are, they just aren’t announcing their presence yet. You have a bigger impact than you think you’re having.

2. We need to hear those same truths over, and over, and over, and over again. We need them pounded into our head: You can do it. It’s possible for you. Those dreams that you have in the back of your mind that you don’t think could ever possibly work- guess what. They can. You can have everything that you’ve ever wanted. It’s possible for you too. You are worthy too.

3. It takes inner work, but it also takes outer work. Community is so important, because if you’re operating in a vacuum and trying to create this new dream for yourself, you will get lost, you will spin out and you will spin down to I can’t do it, this is too stressful, I don’t believe in myself. But if you surround yourself with a community of people that are doing similar things, that are walking similar paths, like working on themselves and focusing on their future, those people will guide you and pick you up. When you’re in the deepest darkest, those are the people who shine the light.

4. You gotta wake up. You have to wake up and start living a life where you’re not shutting out the majority of you, and start living a true life, start living in your true spirit.

5. What am I doing with my life? What if I found out that I only had a year to live- how would I live my life differently? I have been sleepwalking through my life. It feels like I have been shaken awake by this experience that I went through and I can’t go back to sleep.

6. It’s time for us to wake up to what our actual dreams are for our lives. What do we want to do and who do we want to be? Stop sleepwalking through life. We are going to reach this point where we’re like, what happened? What happened to my life? Where did it go? It’s time to start living the life we want to live, like now. Like today.

7. Go where the energy leads you and you’ll never go wrong.

Be sure to listen to Jen’s podcast, “Shake Me Awake,” on your favorite platform now. You can also check out her website, and follow her on Instagram @ShakeMeAwakePodcast.

Get yourself some Magic Mind today! use my code SEEKINGS20 Get the Easy Podcasting Basics Cheatsheet now: Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠

Book a 15 minute podcasting breakthrough call with Karaleigh now:

Feb 28, 202401:11:59
A Snippet of Sunshine: It’s Safe to Be Ourselves
Feb 27, 202401:21
A Snippet of Sunshine: We are Safe
Feb 26, 202401:21
A Snippet of Sunshine: Allow Ourselves to Be Imperfect
Feb 25, 202401:22
A Snippet of Sunshine: Be A Creative Problem Solver
Feb 24, 202401:15
Too Tired To Be Inspired- Minisode

Too Tired To Be Inspired- Minisode

Welcome to this Minisode all about inspiration and taking care of yourself.

Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote):

Learn more about Karaleigh on her website

Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠
Feb 23, 202418:38
A Snippet of Sunshine: Continue to Learn
Feb 22, 202401:19
Creating Financial Confidence with Carolyn Blosil

Creating Financial Confidence with Carolyn Blosil

Join Karaleigh in an interview with the amazingly wise Carolyn Blosil.

In this episode, we talk about expanding what we’re capable of, allowing ourselves to feel safe, and learning to feel financially confident.

Carolyn Blosil is a financial educator and retirement advisor and entrepreneur. She is a mom of 8 and also grandma to six adorable grandkids. She is always learning so that she can be a better mentor for her family and share with others how to play the game of money and win. In other words, everything she wishes she would have known decades earlier!

Favorite takeaways:

1. And he said, You are where you are in life because that’s the level of what you know. That sentence woke me up to the fact that I’d still be like this ten years from now because what I knew wasn’t enough to change what was happening around me.

2. We can only rise to the level that we believe we are capable of. That’s why it’s so incredibly important to surround yourself with people who have a greater vision.

3. We often times only see one solution. As soon as we see that there could be a second solution, not only do we start considering it, but now this whole world starts opening, and we’re expanded to options that we never even knew existed before.

4. We have to be willing to consider that there is more to learn than we currently know. The first person you talk to may not have all the answers, but they give you part of what you need to know to go to the next level, so that you keep increasing your level of understanding. Believe that you can learn and that it will become possible for you to understand it.

5. We can’t hate ourselves into somebody that we love. We need to love all iterations of ourselves.

6. We always have to look at the past and then look at our present- that we’ve been safe in the past, even when we thought we weren’t safe. Overall, in the big scheme of things, we’ve been provided for. We have to trust that it’s also going to happen in the future.

7. We grow at the speed of safety. The more that we can calm our nervous system and allow ourselves to be safe, the more we grow.

You can find more from Carolyn at, and be sure to book a 1:1 call with her to learn more about creating financial confidence for your future.

Get yourself some Magic Mind today! use my code SEEKINGS20 Get the Easy Podcasting Basics Cheatsheet now: Snippet of Sunshine (daily quote): Learn more about Karaleigh on her website Find the Podcast Like A Mother podcast here: ⁠⁠

Feb 21, 202401:08:02
A Snippet of Sunshine: Keep Going
Feb 20, 202401:21