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Be The Frequency Podcast

Be The Frequency Podcast

By Shalane Carter

Welcome to the Be The Fequency podcast, I’m your host Shalane Carter. This podcast is the perfect convergence of all things health, wealth, quantum physics and spirituality. I help bring you practical tools to be able to understand and utilize the subtle energy realms to work for your to create your most abundant life. I have been everything from a single mom living off food stamps, being a makeup artist and feeling so lost to building a 6 figure business, attracting the love of my lie, traveling the world and feeling incredibly aligned with my purpose here on earth. With my back ground in hea
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41. Pivoting with Purpose with Jonnie Agresta

Be The Frequency PodcastNov 30, 2020

119. Are You Curious or Committed?
Feb 21, 202422:53
118. What comes first? Healing or Manifesting?
Feb 14, 202433:32
117. What I do NOT do to manifest money.

117. What I do NOT do to manifest money.

Everyone's out there giving you all the tools to manifest money...

Whether it be manifesting more money in your business, a raise or a new opportunity there lots of tools out there.

(in fact the Ascension Manual on amazon is a great tool for that, CLICK HERE to get yours)

What if you're doing something though that is self sabotaging?

In this episode I am going to give you a few things that I DO NOT do that help me manifest more money and have been a game changer in growing my business and manifesting more clients.

*** Please don't forget to hit the subscribe button so you get to be the first to know when a new episode drops!

Feb 07, 202431:48
116. The 1 thing you can do to feel younger, and it's not botox!
Jan 29, 202422:46
115. Could "soft girl" era be as toxic as the "girl boss" era?
Jan 22, 202417:01
114. How to "be less" in 2024 so you can have more of what you want.
Jan 15, 202426:55
113. Energy Espresso: Change Your Inner Dialogue

113. Energy Espresso: Change Your Inner Dialogue

One of the greatest things that you can do is to change your inner dialogue.

In this quick shot of motivation and inspiration I'm going to teach you 2 practices that can help to change your life and the way your "inner roommate" talks to you.

Don't forget if you love this episode or think that someone else would benefit from this please share it with them!

Sep 07, 202308:49
112. The 3 Things No One Talks About in Manifestation
Sep 05, 202337:23
111. Energy Espresso: How to make shit feel like gold

111. Energy Espresso: How to make shit feel like gold

You know those people who always see the silver lining? What's their secret?

Use this quick story to help you shift your perspective so you too can always know how to make the shit feel like gold.

Don't forget to share this energy espresso episode to your socials... you never know who could use a pick me up.

Aug 31, 202303:55
110. The Crazy Thing That Happened on a Retreat
Aug 29, 202322:31
109. Energy Espresso: Swap caffeine for this tapping exercise

109. Energy Espresso: Swap caffeine for this tapping exercise

This meridian point I describe in this episode is great for giving you a little boost of energy without the crash.

Use this when you hit the midday slump before you reach for the coffee, sugary snack, or whatever pick me up you usually go for.

Don't forget to share this episode with someone who's always got a cup of coffee in their hand ;)

Aug 24, 202303:50
108. It's not your type, it's your pattern
Aug 22, 202327:37
107. Energy Espresso: What can you put down?
Aug 17, 202304:04
106. Healing Generations: What is Can Look Like

106. Healing Generations: What is Can Look Like

You've heard about healing trauma and how it can affect future generations but what if it went in reverse?

What if you could heal generations that come before you? We talk all about it in this episode


Before we get into that here are some of the links to resources that I mentioned in the episode...

Podcast episode talking about Karma and Reincarnation

Click here for "The Quantum Doctor" book

Click HERE for the Braintap Headset

Ok this episode has been a long time coming. After a 6 month break I feel ready to connect and share with you through podcasting. It's one of my favorite ways to connect and I have lots of ideas and special guests in the wing so don't forget to subscribe so you get reminders when there is a new episode.

In this episode I talk all about some healing that recently happened for me that I did not anticipate. It was like I was finally in a space where I could receive some of the medicine that time and experience and to offer.

Healing has often been said to not be something that is a linear experience but does it also defy time?

How is trauma passed down through generations? And if we can heal future generations does you doing healing work change the past?

We talk about all these hypothesis in this episode.

If you loved this episode or found snippets of it useful please, share it with someone you love or you could even share it on your socials.

Don't forget... come hang with me in IG @shalanecarter

Aug 15, 202345:60
105. What are you calling in for 2023?

105. What are you calling in for 2023?

Welcome to 2023 my friend! In this episode give you an update on what I was working on on the Be The Frequency hiatus but let’s get to thee goods first….

If you’re interested in traveling with my retreact company Rechaka Retreats, CLICK HERE

If you wanted to get yourself some tasty non alcoholic beverages to enjoy during dry January, or all the time to avoid the hangover, Get 10% off Gruvi products HERE

If taking the fast track to changing your brain to see your life start to unfold differently then you NEED the Braintap headset, get it HERE.

I have so many fin projects that I’m working on this year and so many ways for you to join me and help to build yourself an unshakable community where you feel loved, supported and able to really be yourself.

Whether it’s a retreat to Costa Rica, Temecula or Sedona or the Incredible Rechaka Yoga Fest happening in April, Rechaka Retreats has this incredible gift for bringing together really amazing people. So if you’re ready this then you are one of those incredible people.

Let community change you. We have been encourage to take of ourselves or just put our heads down and work for so long it’s almost like we’ve forgotten that the whole point of being a human is to connect.

When you insult for too long it turns into isolation. One of my words for this year is embodied, and I cant do that without incredible relationships to show me where my blind spots are.

community is necessary for growth, so come join me this year. I want to see you in person, hug ya in real life!

Jan 09, 202341:03
104. Why You Need to Kiss and Make Up With Meditation, for Your Brain's Sake!

104. Why You Need to Kiss and Make Up With Meditation, for Your Brain's Sake!

Link for 1 Day Mini Retreat "Turn Back Time" Click Here

How many times have you sat down to meditate and get frustrated because your mind is just being "too damn loud"?!

This is the complaint of a lot of my clients and many people that I teach in many of my programs so trust me, you're not alone my friend. 

However I was listening to this incredible talk given at TEDx Cambridge and the pretenrotr had incredible sats of how meditation can actually change your brain! She even had research that supported retreats and the good that they can impart on your health. 

Which considering that the Turn Back Time Retreat is only 1 month away I found this fascinating and just continued to support how I know I'm meant to help people.

If you're needing the reset and don't want the travel expense then this is going to be the retreat for you! CLICK HERE to reserve your spot!

And don't forget to take a screenshot and share that you're listening to the episode on IG and tag me @shalanecarter so we can all change our brains togetherY

Oct 17, 202230:33
103. Sober Curiosity and Releasing the Stigma of Shame with Tina Von Sachs
Oct 10, 202246:16
102. Revisiting Your Trauma to Heal
Sep 27, 202234:26
101. Everyday Plant Magic with Rachael Cohen

101. Everyday Plant Magic with Rachael Cohen

"We are not perfect and we don't try to be, why do you?" Rachael's (pronounced Rakael) plant whispered to her while in meditation. She shared this with us during this episode and I felt it was one of the most profound statements, and she is full of wisdom so that's saying a lot. 

This conversation was EPIC!!! This is my second podcast with Rachael and I love chatting with her because her immense amount of knowledge about plants.

And not just in the way of knowing facts about them but she actually uses planets and her attunment to nature to be able to help here clients and draw inspiration for her books. 

In her most recent book "Everyday Plant Magic" Available for preorder HERE she teaches you how to actually work with the energy of plants in your daily life. They go from being decor to actually helping you harness the energy necessary for whatever you may be going through. 

Rachael and I go far beyond here book and really get into how nature (and plants of course) are really affecting us in a much larger way, from a more global perspective to the most subtle.

Pre Order Everyday Plant Magic HERE

Follow Rachael on IG HERE

If you know a plant mama or plant daddy that would love this episode please send it to them or share it to your socials so that we can all get closer to nature and really tune into the true "plant magic"!

Sep 19, 202258:14
100. I'm Youthing, celebrating 35 years of getting younger and you can too!

100. I'm Youthing, celebrating 35 years of getting younger and you can too!

Why is it when you say you're having a birthday that everyone always associates it with something bad?

That getting older cant actually mean feeling better and more vibrant?

I'm sharing with you one of my favorite books on getting younger, and it has nothing to do with a diet per say, or a supplement that is going to turn back time.

You can get a copy of thee book HERE

35 years younger, full of wisdom and cant believe how great I feel! This is my reality and I share with you how I got there by looking at my beliefs around time, how I live and my habits, and some of my way I lived. This episode is to remind of you of how powerful you are, that truly age means nothing and what you can do to feel younger and younger with each passing year. 

Sep 13, 202249:47
99. 6 Ways to Increase Your Frequency
Sep 11, 202215:39
98. How to Create Good Money Karma

98. How to Create Good Money Karma

I strongly disagree with the phrase "karma's a bitch"...however I know that there is always going to be a yang to yin, a light to the darkness, an inhale to an exhale, balance. All of nature is cyclical and so acts and choices that we make are the same.

And when it comes to money I see a lot of my clients creating money karma thats going to haunt them in the future like a one of those scary movies that you watch right before bed.

In this episode I give you the 4 principles how not only to create better money karma but help you to understand maybe why you have a hard time saving any time you get  little further ahead. Or even why you feel so guilty when you spend money on yourself. It has a lot to do with you energy and beliefs around money and this episode is going to clear the air.

This episode is powerful and more people need to here this because your reality doesn't have to bee scarcity or always being stressed about money, I want to help as many people as possible with this info so please, SHARE IT! Shout it from the rooftops! 

We should all feel abundant as f*ck! We are meant to live a life filled pleasure...including enjoying, spending and circulating money!

Sep 08, 202235:50
97. The Wildest Spiritual Experience I Had in a Yoga Class

97. The Wildest Spiritual Experience I Had in a Yoga Class

I FINALLY got to meet my teacher and mentor in person and let me tell rocked my world! Let's get to the goods (links that you want) first...

- Start 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training with myself and Makenzie Fly next year because you want this kind of transformation in your life CLICK HERE

- Book a healing session CLICK HERE

Ok now that that is out of the way, I was so excited to share this episode because this experience rocked my world! I had waited years to meet my yoga teacher in person. I had not only learned from his particular linage but also had taken a 300 hour training with him in 2020 but had never had the chance too meet him in person.

In this episode I share with you what was one of the most wild 24 hours I've had in a long time. I came back changed.

It also reiterated to meet the importance of getting in rooms with people you admire, people who lift you up, people who inspire you. Not only because of how it makes you feel but because of what it does for your energy. 

I had wanted to take Yoga Teacher Training for years and I'm glad I waited to be able to take it from people who inspire me, people who when they talk it stirs something deep in my soul.

If you're ready for this kind of change in your life, something that will literally change the trajectory of your life, then you need to go through a yoga teacher training. I always say it's a lot more like life school and a lot less about teacher yoga but I'm telling you, you will never be the same after!

Or if you've already gone through a 200 hour and are ready to go deeper we are also offering a 300 hour next year too. DETAILS HERE


Shalane xo

Sep 06, 202246:26
96. You CAN Make a Quantum Leap in Your Life, I'm Going to Tell You How!

96. You CAN Make a Quantum Leap in Your Life, I'm Going to Tell You How!

Links for the episode....

- If you are interested in 1 or the 2 spots for my 6 month Healing Business Mentorship email me at

- Caroline Mess Book Sacred Contracts PURCHASE HERE

-Book a Healing Session CLICK HERE

Ever heard of the term "quantum leap"? Feels a little mystical, out of this world kind of shit right? Well, my friend, it isn't! In fact its actually quite scientific.

I explain a little bit about quantum leaps and the science behind it so you can actually yndersatdn how it is possible for you to actually "hop timelines". Yes you heard me, bend time...ok maybe not the movie kind of bending time but actually shifting the timeline that you are on to be one that is more ini alignment with what you're wanting for your future.

Because you cant timeline hop and still entertain the timeline you're on!

Happy Hopping,

Shalane xo

Aug 29, 202221:34
95. The Difference Between Healing and Spiritual Development
Aug 22, 202223:31
94. Trauma, what is it? And why does everyone have it? And how you can heal it.

94. Trauma, what is it? And why does everyone have it? And how you can heal it.

Let's get straight to the links for info about the episode...

-If you are interested in 1 of the 2 spots open for the 1:1 mentorship program please email me at

-For thee tiktok video I reference CLICK HERE ....also  don't forget to hit the follow button while you're there ;)

Ok, now that all  the ties out of the way, Trauma. What is it, how do you get it? Can you catch it? And why does it seem like everywhere you go your being told you have trauma.

Well because you do. The stigma around trauma needs to be dissolved and in this episode I am doing just that. Giving you clarity as to exactly how traumatic events and as a by product there emotions get lodged into the body and how to actually work through them.

As a parent I found understanding this extremely helpful and also took a lot of the pressure off being a "perfect parent" and not ruining my kids.

If you have any questions about healing sessions or if it could help you please don't be afraid to reach out.


Shalane xo

Aug 15, 202237:26
93. Is Your Favorite TV Show Programming You with Negative Experiences?

93. Is Your Favorite TV Show Programming You with Negative Experiences?

Take a screenshot of you listening to this episode and tell me which show you are watching right now! Don't forget to tag me @shalanecarter

I was watching Virgin River, the show on Netflix, the other night and just couldn't handle it anymore! 

Have you watched it?! It's not that it's a bad show, I actually like I, but it was blatantly staring me in the face... like so many shows had done before but for whatever reason this time it hit different SUPPRESSING EMOTIONS!

And it was pretty much every character. Even the way they communicated about it was showing all the energetic imbalances and coping mechanisms of the characters.

I also happening to be reading and in a class about neuron linguistic programming and how we use language to shape our world so this particularly stuck out to me.

I share with you so much detail about some of the science and history of how this is happening but also what you can do to unlearn the programming you no longer want to be playing out in your life and how to create new habits, and as a result, a new reality for yourself.

Cheers my friend,

Shalane xo

Aug 09, 202229:33
92. HUGE Announcement!
Aug 01, 202225:07
91. Stop Blaming the Planets

91. Stop Blaming the Planets

You're going to want to watch this reel on why you chose to be born to a specific astrological sign WATCH IT HERE and don't forget to hit the follow button on IG!

How many times have you said "oh, its because he's a leo" or "Of course this is happening because Mercury is in redtrograde" well my friend, you cant blame the planets!

I talk about all this in the episode but the cosmos just gives you energy but I share with you why that doesn't have absolute power in this episode and how you may actually be self sabotaging!

For funsies I also recorded 35...yes 35... tiktok videos explain all about the chakra system and how to spot imbalances, rituals to balance them and even different yoga postures to support them. ALLLL the things!

Go check them out at HERE

Love you my friends,

Shalane xo

Jul 27, 202213:18
90. Wedding Recap, How I Manifested the Love of My Life
Jul 19, 202245:53
89. What's Missing in Your "I AM" Statements That Will Change Your Life

89. What's Missing in Your "I AM" Statements That Will Change Your Life

Ok, if you're here you've for sure heard about manifestation before. So you've probably heard that I am statements can be very powerful in changing your reality. 

In this episode I break down why they work, but more importantly what you've been doing wrong 😑 

Don't worry, I got you!

SAVE THIS EPISODE because you are going to want to remember these few little adjustments to be able to increase your magnetism for what you want.

You're going to want to share this episode with you're friends and anyone else who uses the understands and practices of manifestation. 

Love you my friends,


Jul 12, 202216:37
88. Why Does Life Sometimes Feel Like You're Going Through the Ringer?!

88. Why Does Life Sometimes Feel Like You're Going Through the Ringer?!

How do you become the person that you imagine you are, you know you could be but also feels slightly out of reach?

I often get asked what exactly do I need to do to...

" have a million dollar company?"

"To attract the love of my life?"

"To get rid off this chronic pain that is eating away at my every day life?"

I share with you one of probably the most profound conversations that one of my closest friends and I had about these kinds of times in your life that really develop the skills you need to become that person you know that you are inside.

To shift from admiring people "like that" to becoming that person.

As always if you loved this episode or had any big AH-HA moments please take a screen shot of you listening and share it to social media! Don't forget to tag me @shalanecarter

Jul 05, 202217:44
87. Roe vs. Wade, abortion, agency, and what you can do with all the feelings

87. Roe vs. Wade, abortion, agency, and what you can do with all the feelings

With the recent over turn of the Roe vs Wade decision there have been a lot of feelings that have stirred in so many of us. As a energy healer people have come to me over and over with issues around abortion, on both sides of the perspective however as a healer the answer is always the same.

I share with you what's always been shared from source to me regarding abortion, the parents involved, and the soul of the unborn baby.

Each persons story, each persons need for growth, each persons agency is there own. 

This episode is designed to open up your awareness, to invoke conversations and to create opportunities to learn.

Listen to the end to the end of the episode if you're having a lot of feelings of anger, hatred and malice. I give you some insight as to what to do with those feelings so they don't eat your up and lower your vibration. 

Sending you so much love (and even a hug 🤗)

Shalane xo

Jun 27, 202238:55
86. Why You Are Attracting Pain Into Your Life

86. Why You Are Attracting Pain Into Your Life

How many times have you googled your symptoms...c'mon don't be shy. We've all done it. Is that behavior though keeping you sick?

In fact is at actually attracting more of that into your life?

How is it that you have this disease, this issue, or this chronic problem that just plagues you but maybe someone in a similar position experiences none of it?

How energetically are you attracting pain and suffering?

I go over all of this in this episode of the Be The Frequency podcast.

If you know someone that would love or benefit from this episode please make sure to share it with them, it's giving the gift of healing and when you heal, they heal and everyone wins!

Love you my friend,

Shalane xo

Jun 14, 202223:02
85. The Energy of Web3 and How it's Going to Affect Your Life and Business

85. The Energy of Web3 and How it's Going to Affect Your Life and Business

Buckle up buttercups! The wild wild west of Web3 is well on it's way and there is no turning back from here. 

***Disclaimer: This is not financial advice

I need for y'all to understand some of the basics of Web3 so you don't get left behind because our society is heading this way and there's no stopping it.

From what I've learned and invested time in to really piecing together the collective energy and shift that is inevitable Web3 makers perfect sense and is really going to be so beneficial in so many ways (I'll explain more about this in the episode).

If you own a business, are thinking about starting one or identify as a creative this episode is a MUSTTTT!

Don't forget if you love it one of the best compliments and ways to support is to share it, whether it be through a text to a friend, a share moon social media, or even a review shouting to the rooftops how little nuggets of gold from the Be The Frequency podcast have changed your life in some way. 

I love you around the Universe and back,


Apr 18, 202228:36
84. We are in the 6th Mass Extinction, How did we get here? And how do we get out?

84. We are in the 6th Mass Extinction, How did we get here? And how do we get out?

Pretty heavy title huh?! You are currently experiencing the 6th mass extinction. That's not said to scam you but in this episode I share some of the inklings I have had over the years and how how an incredible lecture from Bruce Lipton pieced together what I had a hunch about.

Don't worry it isn't all dooms day prepper style, I'm going to share with you some of the incredible research that is showing us how we can reverse some of the issues and what YOU can do about it.

I hope this episode changes your life, I hope it changes your perspective, I hope that if you never listen to another episode of the Be The Frequency podcast that you listen to this one.

If you resonated with what was said or it stirred some curiosity in you please share this episode. Like the Buddha said to his students who asked "How many people does it take to make a difference in the world?". The Buddha said to him "You are the difference!"

Love you around the Universe and Back,

Shalane xo

Apr 05, 202234:09
83. Sedona Retreat Recap: Why Retreats are Magic!
Mar 22, 202226:36
82. How to Actually Become The Frequency That You Want to Attract

82. How to Actually Become The Frequency That You Want to Attract

How many times have you heard that you attract the frequency that you are? Or just get into the frequency to attract what you want? Well in this episode I give to you a practice that you can actually use to become the frequency that you want to attract rather that it being some ambiguous idea that seems to be far out of reach for your day to day life. 

Save this episode, share it with your friends! It's a quick 15 minutes to be able to learn one of my most powerful tools that I give my healing clients when they are learning how to shift their frequency and hold it to be able to attract what you want in your life.

Mar 08, 202213:46
81. 3 Ways to Fix the Thought Patterns That Are Making You Sick

81. 3 Ways to Fix the Thought Patterns That Are Making You Sick

Have you ever wondered why some people get sick more than others? Why something that is considered "genetic" by some only occurs occasionally in the family? Why is that?

In this episode we get into how a lot of disease, chronic illness, and sickness actually starts with the mind. 

I'll give you 3 practical tips to be able to shift your thought process so you can change your reality and increase your health and vitality. 

Mar 02, 202238:19
When a Healer and a Therapist walk into a bar with Caitlin Werlinger: Why you keep attracting shitty relationships

When a Healer and a Therapist walk into a bar with Caitlin Werlinger: Why you keep attracting shitty relationships

This episode is a continuation of the conversation from Episode 1, so if you haven't already go and have a listen to the first episode.

In last half of those episode we give you the goods on not only spotting the behaviors but also why they are happening and how you can begin to shift what your attracting to put yourself in a position to be with someone who is truly a partner.

Love can be hard too find, trauma can make it harder. Let us help you!

If you are loving this series LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW letting us know what else you'd like us to talk about. Believe me, I'm sure we have a story for just about every scenario you could think of.

Don't for get to hit the subscribe button so you never miss out when a new episode drops.

Feb 07, 202245:09
When a Healer and a Therapist walk into a bar with Caitlin Werlinger: Why you keep attracting shitty relationships

When a Healer and a Therapist walk into a bar with Caitlin Werlinger: Why you keep attracting shitty relationships

Relationship after relationship your probably are experiencing some of the same played out excuses from your potential partner and you can often begin to wonder... "is its me?"

No..and yes! As people who are not only in the business of helping people heal but also seem to have the faces that just say to people "tell me all your trauma" Caitlin and I are uniquely qualified to be able to help you out in this area.

We cover everything about why this keeps happening, how to spot the pattern, and what you can do to change the kind of person that you are attracting into your life.

Second half of this conversation is the next episode so don't forget to listen to that one to hear all the anecdotes.

And as always I appreciate you so much for being a part of this community, don't forget to hit subscribe so you don't miss a minute of it!

Feb 07, 202230:22
80. The Power of Prayer and How It Can Help Yo uManifest

80. The Power of Prayer and How It Can Help Yo uManifest

Often society attributes prayer to religion but it its so much more than that andddd if you aren't utilizing this tool in your manifestation efforts you're missing out.

Also covered in this episode is how your can utilize prayer to ease social anxiety and maintain energetic sovereignty.

If you have enjoyed listening to the podcast I would really appreciate a review sharing your biggest takeaway or favorite thing you've learned.

Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode.



Jan 17, 202223:51
79. What's new in 22 and what to do when things aren't working out.

79. What's new in 22 and what to do when things aren't working out.

This episode is a quick listen to updates you on why I dropped off the Podcast planet late last year, what's coming down the pipeline that is going to be beneficial to you and what to do when "doing more" isn't working.

Please don't forget to hit the subscribe button so you don't miss when an episode drops and leave a review so I know what you're loving learning.

Love you around the Universe and back,


Jan 12, 202227:42
78. Karma and Reincarnation and What Do We Take With Us From Life to Life
Oct 26, 202124:13
77. The Power of Rituals in Your Daily Life
Oct 19, 202116:42
76. Turn Jealousy & Comparison into Creative Energy
Oct 12, 202131:16
75. How to Reprogram Your Thoughts To Create Your Dream Reality Through NLP with Kelsey Mead
Sep 14, 202155:01
74. When Are You Done With Healing?
Sep 06, 202116:13
73. The Kind of Vaccination Conversation That You May Not Be Having

73. The Kind of Vaccination Conversation That You May Not Be Having

Given the current climate around vaccinations I thought now would be a good time to share my thoughts that have been decades in the making.

This is topic that really gets people going these days and so use this episode as a way to open your mind and awareness to what's out there in all aspects of life.

If you listen to this episode and found value in it I would love if you would take a screenshot of your listening and share it to your Instagram stories.

You can also send it directly to someone you think would love to have a listen.

So much love to you, my wonderful community.

Aug 25, 202128:59
72. When to Take Action vs. When to Observe Emotions
Aug 10, 202126:11