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Growthpreneurs Podcast by Growth Academy

Growthpreneurs Podcast by Growth Academy

By Shanee Moret

The listening experience for entrepreneurs who want to grow their brands, create better content and make a bigger impact online.
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Dream BIG with Billionaire Entrepreneur Naveen Jain

Growthpreneurs Podcast by Growth AcademySep 05, 2020

From Broke Marine to Multimillionaire

From Broke Marine to Multimillionaire

How Matt Saupala, went from being a broke Marine working three jobs to make ends meet to becoming a multimillionaire in the insurance industry. He also shares how his mentor, Patrick Bet David, has helped him grow throughout the years and the traits you need to succeed as an entrepreneur.

Nov 18, 202030:12
Opportunity is On the Other Side of Attention

Opportunity is On the Other Side of Attention

To succeed, the right people need to know that you exist. They also need to trust you enough to give you a chance, to give you an opportunity. Consistent content creation is the relentless factor in being able to differentiate your brand from the rest so that you can get the most success. 

Nov 16, 202017:15
The #1 Marketing Strategy to Grow Your Brand in 2021

The #1 Marketing Strategy to Grow Your Brand in 2021

Going live on social is going to help creators stand out in 2021.  People want to feel connected to authentic influencers they can relate to now more than ever... and live video removes all filters. Live also has many other benefits, such as the ability to do more in less time and the ability to leverage one piece of content over and over and over again... 

Nov 14, 202008:24
One Skill That Can Help You Succeed in 2021

One Skill That Can Help You Succeed in 2021

Broadus Palmer, is the founder of LEVELUPINTECH. He teaches people - with zero tech experience - how to thrive in the cloud engineering space. We chat about how the world has changed and why skills such as cloud engineering and copywriting are what people should be learning and developing if they want to thrive in 2021 and build real wealth in the future. 

Nov 12, 202038:48
10 Things You Are Always in Control Of

10 Things You Are Always in Control Of

In this episode, Shea Schneider and I have a conversation about the ten things you are always in control of. 

Nov 11, 202032:56
85% of Your Success Depends on 2 Things You Can Control

85% of Your Success Depends on 2 Things You Can Control

In this podcast episode, I talk about the two things that 85% of your success in life depends on. The first is your personality, and the second is your ability to relate to other people. If 85% of our success relies on these two factors... why do we spend so little time cultivating them? And better question is, how can we start?

Nov 08, 202013:28
The Most Powerful Content Strategy You Can Imagine

The Most Powerful Content Strategy You Can Imagine

In this podcast, I talk about the most powerful content strategy you can ever imagine... creating content that people want to SHARE. I talk about why this should be the core of your content strategy, and how ironically it is an often neglected piece of content strategies across all industries. 

Nov 05, 202019:28
How Dreamspace Academy is Creating Entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka

How Dreamspace Academy is Creating Entrepreneurs in Sri Lanka

In this episode, I speak with Aravinth Panch, Founder of Dreamspace Academy. Aravinth is no stranger to suffering and struggle. He was born during a time of war in Sri Lanka... Where the only thing that could guarantee your safety or freedom was who you knew. So from a very early age, he knew that his network was a million times more valuable than money. As a young pre-teen, he had to separate from his family and go to India, where he was considered a refugee. Today, he lives in Germany and helps people in Sri Lanka become entrepreneurs in very innovative fields. 

Oct 31, 202057:02
How to Kill the Excuses You Tell Yourself

How to Kill the Excuses You Tell Yourself

Here are the top 10 EXCUSES  you need to stop telling yourself if you want to change your life:

  1. If I had money....
  2. If I had not failed....
  3. If I had more time....
  4. If I had a good education....
  5. If I had done things differently....
  6. If I had more confidence in my ability....
  7. If I had the talent that some people have.....
  8. If I had been given a chance to prove myself....
  9. If I had no fear for what they’d say about me....
  10. If I had the courage to believe in myself enough to take a chance....

In this podcast episode, I talk about how you can overcome each and every one of them....

Oct 20, 202021:22
5 Steps to Quit Your Job and Start Your Dreams

5 Steps to Quit Your Job and Start Your Dreams

In this episode, Shea Shneider and I talk about  5 actionable steps you can take to take to quit your job and start your dreams. 

Oct 14, 202035:12
How to Do Work With Meaning w/ Sharon Gill

How to Do Work With Meaning w/ Sharon Gill

In this podcast episode, I chat with Sharon Gill, who is a faith-centered life coach that helps empower women to leave their 9-5 jobs and live their purpose. But to live your purpose takes courage... 

Oct 11, 202051:07
Empathy is Everything in Life and Business

Empathy is Everything in Life and Business

In this episode, I give you 5 actionable tips to become more empathetic that you can start taking action on right now. 

Oct 10, 202015:05
The Market Only Cares About Value!

The Market Only Cares About Value!

The market doesn’t care about your education, last name, or where you come from as long as you provide value. If you want to learn the skills that really matter in 2020 and beyond, you should apply to join Growth Academy.

Oct 07, 202021:45
7 Networking Tips That Helped Me Generate My First 100K Without Spending a Dime on Paid Advertising

7 Networking Tips That Helped Me Generate My First 100K Without Spending a Dime on Paid Advertising

In this episode, I break down 7 LinkedIn networking tips that helped me go from a single mother with less than $200 to her name to generating my first $100,000 without spending a dime on paid advertising. 

Oct 05, 202019:15
How Losing Her Sister to Cancer Helped Her Find Her Life Purpose w/ Adrian Wilson, Founder of Cancer University

How Losing Her Sister to Cancer Helped Her Find Her Life Purpose w/ Adrian Wilson, Founder of Cancer University

In this episode, I chat with Andrea Wilson, the Founder of Cancer University. She partners with hospitals across the country to help cancer patients and their families become advocates for their health. Andrea shares how her sister Adrian's short fight against liver cancer, and her passing, helped her find her life's purpose. 

Oct 03, 202047:57
The Future of Work with Kyle Burt, Founder of Acuerdo

The Future of Work with Kyle Burt, Founder of Acuerdo

In this episode, I chat with Kyle Burt, Co-Founder of Acuerdo. We talk about why he left a six-figure corporate job five years ago, was a solopreneur for  several years, what led to him co-founding Acuerdo and how he's helping companies optimize their work.

Sep 29, 202053:56
Second Chance Staffing with Cheri Garcia, Founder of Cornbread Hustle

Second Chance Staffing with Cheri Garcia, Founder of Cornbread Hustle

In this episode, I chat with Cheri Garcia, Founder of Cornbread Hustle. We chat about her personal struggle with addiction, what led her to start Cornbread Hustle and how she's making a difference through second-chance staffing! 

Sep 29, 202057:24
The Future of Entrepreneurship w/ Jason Feifer, Editor in Chief at Entrepreneur Magazine

The Future of Entrepreneurship w/ Jason Feifer, Editor in Chief at Entrepreneur Magazine

In this episode, I chat with Jason Feifer, Editor in Chief at Entrepreneur Magazine, about the resilience of entrepreneurs and the future of entrepreneurship. 

Sep 25, 202028:14
How to Start and Grow a Business with Nothing But a Dream

How to Start and Grow a Business with Nothing But a Dream

In this episode, I have a very heartfelt conversation with Kim Roundtree who was fired for doing her job too well. Her back against the wall, with nothing but her infant daughter, she had no choice but to take action and success. This is how she started her healthcare business from the ground up and it's a story I really resonate with because I started my journey as an entrepreneur in a very similar situation. 

Sep 24, 202047:02
How to Network With People to Grow In Life

How to Network With People to Grow In Life

I chat with my good friend Shea Schneider about the power of networking and why judging people will cause you to miss out on once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.

Sep 23, 202040:44
How Much Are Opinions Costing You?

How Much Are Opinions Costing You?

I was talking to a friend. He listened to someone's negative opinion and he missed out on over 1 million dollars in business. How much are people's opinions costing you?

Sep 22, 202013:51
Get Massive Growth on LinkedIn with Berel Solomon

Get Massive Growth on LinkedIn with Berel Solomon

In this podcast episode, I interview sales trainer Berel Solomon who has generated over 50 million dollars in sales in the last ten years. We talk about piivoting during Covid-19, not letting the opinions of others get in the way of your dreams, and how he can gain massive traction on LinkedIn for Q4 2020 and beyond. 

Sep 21, 202049:38
Why Universities Need to Teach Networking w/ Rachel Potula

Why Universities Need to Teach Networking w/ Rachel Potula

Rachel Potula, a junior college student at Hofstra University in long island, NY reached out to me and invited me to speak at her school. The event got a raving response and one thing was clear: college students are hungry to learn real-life business skills like networking that they can easily apply. In this podcast, Rachel and I chat about the current state of college education and where there's room for improvement. 

Sep 18, 202039:33
Blue Ocean Strategy with LinkedIn Influencer Emily Crooke

Blue Ocean Strategy with LinkedIn Influencer Emily Crooke

Emily Crooke has built her business by using the power of LinkedIn. As a 24-year-old entrepreneur, she didn't want to chase superficial likes on Instagram based on her looks, so she started building her brand and promoting her brains on LinkedIn instead. For her, this was her successful blue ocean strategy. Emily is also a fighter, who has overcome her challenges with an eating disorder. In this very vulnerable and inspiring episode, she shares her story.

Sep 17, 202029:37
Faith over fear with Sharon Gill

Faith over fear with Sharon Gill

In this podcast, I talk to Faith-Based Coach, Sharon Gill! At 27 years old, she had her son prematurely. He was two pounds when he was born. The doctors told her, "I hope you have faith. We can only hold onto the next hour." At that moment, she closed her eyes and started to pray... And she asked God that if her son made it through that she would never lose her faith again. Well, today, her son is 27 years old and is the epitome of health and Sharon has KEPT HER PROMISE. She helps new entrepreneurs and business owners transform into prosperous leaders in their industries. 

Sep 13, 202059:51
A Simple Marketing SECRET Worth Millions

A Simple Marketing SECRET Worth Millions

I give you the one simple marketing secret that helped me reach 195 million people through my videos and copywriting in 2020.   And it's SO simple.   So, once you watch the video and learn it you can do it too.   It will help you create content that produces sales, influence, and brings you lots of opportunities and new connections.  

Sep 12, 202007:51
10 Questions to Consistently Answer to Build Brand and Drive Sales

10 Questions to Consistently Answer to Build Brand and Drive Sales

In this episode, I go over 10 questions you should be consistently answering for your customers in your marketing strategy to boost sales.  

Sep 11, 202022:56
Why Storytelling Can Grow Your Brand

Why Storytelling Can Grow Your Brand

In this podcast episode, I talk about why storytelling is so effective to grow your brand.

Sep 05, 202006:16
Dream BIG with Billionaire Entrepreneur Naveen Jain

Dream BIG with Billionaire Entrepreneur Naveen Jain

In this video, I chat with billionaire Naveen Jain, Founder, and CEO of VIOME. In this video, I chat with billionaire entrepreneur Naveen Jain. He is the founder of several successful companies including Moon Express, Viome, Bluedot, TalentWise, Intelius, and InfoSpace.  

Moon Express is the only company in the world to have the permission to leave earth orbit and land on the moon with the goal to harvest planetary resources and to develop infrastructure to make humanity a multi-planetary society.  

And Viome is focused on disrupting healthcare with the goal of “making illness elective” by identifying microbial biomarkers that are predictive of chronic diseases and to adjust the microbial imbalance through personalized nutrition.

Sep 05, 202056:40
Why People Follow Influencers and Spend Time on Social Media (and why it matters to brands)

Why People Follow Influencers and Spend Time on Social Media (and why it matters to brands)

In this Monday morning episode I talk about:

1. Why people follow influencers (the top reasons are for positivity, encouragement, and sense of community)

2. Why people spend time on social (the top reasons are to connect with friends, boredom, and to welcome a distraction)

3. Why people report not using social media to grow their business (the top reasons are that they think it doesn’t matter to their industry and that they don’t know how to use it)

Use this data to help you build your online community in your industry.

Aug 31, 202056:13
How to Positively Influence People w/ Bob Burg

How to Positively Influence People w/ Bob Burg

In this video, I chat with Bob Burg the author of the Go-Giver. We chat about the importance of being a Go-Giver if you want to grow your influence in business and in life.   

Aug 27, 202049:59
Copywriting for Marketers w/ Daniel Murray

Copywriting for Marketers w/ Daniel Murray

In this video, Daniel Murray and I chat about what copywriting is, why it's so important, and share tips on how you can improve your copywriting skills.

Aug 26, 202051:07
The #1 Way to Get Your Dream Job in 2020

The #1 Way to Get Your Dream Job in 2020

The #1 way to get a job: NETWORK.

Numbers don’t lie: referrals are the best way to apply. 

Here’s why...

1. Employee referrals have the highest applicant to hire conversion rate.

2. 40% of new hires are employee referrals.

3. Companies want employees to refer great talent.

Based on these odds, if I were a job seeker, I would invest 80% of my time networking with people, instead of spending that time on very overcrowded job boards.

As the saying goes, you’re either networking or not working.

Aug 25, 202009:10
How Strategic Partnerships Can Grow Your Business Revenue w/ Britton Clark

How Strategic Partnerships Can Grow Your Business Revenue w/ Britton Clark

In this podcast, I chat with Britton Clark, who's the VP of Marketing for GRAVY. Britton shares how GRAVY has used feedback loops, customer referrals, and exceptional customer service to grow. In the next few years, GRAVY has a vision of returning over 1B dollars to businesses.

Aug 24, 202045:60
Top 5 Networking Skills To Help You Grow Your Personal Brand w/ Daryl Perry

Top 5 Networking Skills To Help You Grow Your Personal Brand w/ Daryl Perry

In this chat, I talk to Daryl Perry, the Founder of Business With Benefits, a live show on LinkedIn. In this podcast, we talk about the importance of skills like people skills, persuasion, creativity, strategy, and perseverance when building your business and online network. 

Aug 24, 202059:13
How CEO's Can Inspire Their Teams to Grow Online (and why they should) w/ Casey Graham CEO of GRAVY

How CEO's Can Inspire Their Teams to Grow Online (and why they should) w/ Casey Graham CEO of GRAVY

In this episode, I talk about growth, marketing, company culture, LinkedIn strategy, and overcoming challenges with Casey Graham, CEO of Gravy. 

Aug 19, 202043:45
How Christopher Hummel Grew an International Healthy Lifestyle Brand

How Christopher Hummel Grew an International Healthy Lifestyle Brand

How Christopher Hummel Grew an International Lifestyle Brand, FITTEAM Global. 

Aug 16, 202020:23