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By Shiva Narayan

Learning is knowledge transfer to brain parts known as learnography, the universal theory of reading, writing, working and understanding. This is a new frontier of neuroscience and future education system which deals with the methods and dimensions of book to brain direct knowledge transfer to produce high performing small teachers (skilled students) in the structural, functional and collaborative classrooms of school ecosystem.
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Intelligence described in the strong connectivity of specialized modules in brain

LearnographyOct 13, 2022

Benefits of Personalized Learning Experiences

Benefits of Personalized Learning Experiences

There are the numerous benefits of personalized learning, such as increased motivation, improved academic achievement, the development of critical 21st-century skills, inclusivity, and the promotion of lifelong motor learning habits.
Personalized learning experiences empower pre-trained students to take the ownership of their learning journey. This approach fosters lifelong motor learning habits, helping them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills essential for their future success. Personalized knowledge transfer involves adapting the complexity, pace and delivery methods of the transfer material based on continuous assessments. For example, a student who excels in mathematics might receive more challenging problems and advanced topics. While a student who struggles with reading comprehension might get additional support and targeted exercises to build foundational skills. #brainpage #learnography #knowledge #academy #reading #writing #growth #education #students #teaching #learning #school #science #taxshila
May 27, 202405:24
Interleaving Learning Very Effective for Dynamic Learners - Learnography, Taxshila Model

Interleaving Learning Very Effective for Dynamic Learners - Learnography, Taxshila Model

Dynamic Student: Why is interleaving learning so effective? The answer lies in its impact on your brain. When you interleave, you create multiple neural pathways for each concept, making it easier to access and apply information from various angles. This enhanced cognitive flexibility is crucial for solving complex problems and adapting to new situations. Neuronal synapses in the brain need some time to develop strong connections for the pathways of knowledge transfer. #education #learnography #knowledge #school #maths #science #technology #AI #books #brainpage #module
Dec 07, 202305:13
Human learnography and machine learnography go simultaneously in developmental process

Human learnography and machine learnography go simultaneously in developmental process

Human learnography refers to the study of learning mechanism and the brain's processing of definitions and information. It involves understanding how human brain retains and retrieves information, how emotions impact learning transfer, and how different types of learners process information differently. Human learnography also focuses on the development of new learning strategies to enhance the learning experience of tasks and projects. In today's world, learning has become a fundamental aspect of our daily lives. It is through learning activities that humans have been able to create technologies that make our lives easier, comfortable and more efficient. Two forms of learning system that have gained popularity in recent years are human learnography and machine learnography. While these two forms of learning may seem different, they actually complement each other in the developmental process of productions. #education #learnography #knowledge #school #science #brain #leadership #teamwork #teaching #books #teachers #learning #educator #AI #maths
Jul 23, 202306:50
Modern Approach to School System: Learnography runs on the transfer circuits of student’s brain

Modern Approach to School System: Learnography runs on the transfer circuits of student’s brain

Learnography is a modern approach to school system that emphasizes the transfer of knowledge and skills in structural and functional classroom. At the heart of this approach is the concept of brain transfer circuits, which are the neural pathways in the brain that are responsible for transferring definitions and other information from one cortical area to another. The transfer circuits in the brain are crucial to the learning process of student’s brain. When we learn something new, the information is initially stored in the short-term memory of prefrontal cortex. However, in order to retain this information and use it in the future, it must be transferred to the areas of long-term memory. This is where the transfer circuits come into play for cognitive, limbic and motor knowledge. #knowledge #school #science #teachers #education #brain #learning #learnography #books #evolution #biology
Jun 12, 202306:11
New Approach: Learnography revolutionizes school system in transfer learning
May 30, 202312:11
Education for the Future: Relevance of the Concept of Big and Small Teachers in the 21st Century

Education for the Future: Relevance of the Concept of Big and Small Teachers in the 21st Century

Education for the Future: Relevance of the Concept of Big and Small Teachers in the 21st Century
This concept of big and small teachers has many benefits for both the teachers and the students. For teachers, it creates a sense of responsibility and ownership over their subject matter. They must stay up to date with the latest developments in their field and be prepared to answer any questions that students may have in problem solving activities. It also gives them an opportunity to mentor and guide the next generation of learners.
For students, the concept of big and small teachers creates a supportive learning environment where everyone is encouraged to share their knowledge transfer with others. It also allows students to learn from their peers, who may have a different perspective or approach to a particular subject matter. This not only helps students understand the material better but also helps them develop valuable teamwork, social responsibility and communication skills.
#learnography #knowledge #learning #class #school #training #success #taxshila #Taxila #teaching #change #education #brain #Science #goals #biology #physics
May 16, 202310:03
School of taxshila teachers runs on the system of big teachers and small teachers

School of taxshila teachers runs on the system of big teachers and small teachers

School of taxshila teachers runs on the system of big teachers and small teachers for knowledge transfer. While the period system of teaching has been the norm for many years, the School of Taxshila Teachers has adopted the innovative system of learnography. This system promotes one day one book transfer learning, ensuring that students cover a wide range of topics and concepts over the course of a year. #learnography #knowledge #learning #class #school #training #biology #education #brain #transfer #teaching #teachers #Science #brainpower #technology
May 14, 202305:52
Hands-on approach and experiential learning activities are very useful in school learning system

Hands-on approach and experiential learning activities are very useful in school learning system

High class teaching is provided in the classroom but nothing is transferred to student’s brain. Arrange a test just after teaching and you will find the truth that teaching system is not good in knowledge transfer. Most of the students will fail in the tests if existing knowledge is not utilized. Do you agree that this is the waste of 10,000 hours in school over 10 years? #learnography #educaction #knowledge #skills #goals #learning #success #teaching
Mar 08, 202308:58
Motor transfer abilities of brain play main roles of learning for knowledge, creativity and skill

Motor transfer abilities of brain play main roles of learning for knowledge, creativity and skill

Motor learning factors such as working memory, attention and decision-making are critical for the successful transfer of knowledge and skills. High speed learners must be able to rehearse and apply key concepts and principles in new space and contexts. They have to generate proper ideas and make decisions about how to apply these concepts effectively. Motor circuits of the brain in transfer learning process can trigger the limbic system of emotions, drives and passions. Therefore, motivational factors are produced by self-directed learning attitude in the school of knowledge transfer. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #school #class
Mar 07, 202307:24
Textbooks are not transfer books of knowledge that deal with brain mechanisms of learnography

Textbooks are not transfer books of knowledge that deal with brain mechanisms of learnography

Exact neurological processes involved in knowledge transfer are still not fully applied in school system. It is obvious that both cognitive and motivational factors cannot influence the extent of brain learning to which transfer occurs in the classroom. It is found in education system that learners are motivated and engaged in the learning process of classroom. They are more likely unable to transfer knowledge in the writing of new contexts. The learners who are simply taking part in motor knowledge transfer are more likely to apply existing learned knowledge in new space, contexts and situations. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #mechanism #transfer
Mar 06, 202311:32
My destiny is learnography defining school of knowledge transfer based on motor science of brain

My destiny is learnography defining school of knowledge transfer based on motor science of brain

Learnography is the school of knowledge transfer that emphasizes the use of brain science and the motor abilities of transfer learning in school system. This approach has the potential to provide more effective and efficient methods of learning transfer, particularly for students who are struggling with traditional classroom teaching system. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #fate #destiny
Mar 05, 202310:40
Books of knowledge transfer for students are known as transfer books in school system

Books of knowledge transfer for students are known as transfer books in school system

Books of knowledge transfer for students are known as transfer books or primary source in the system of school learnography. There are a number of books that are designed to facilitate transfer learning and help learners apply knowledge and skills to new and different contexts. These books are also called the brainpage books of knowledge transfer such as system book, spectrum book, matrix book and source books. The system book of transfer learning explores the latest research on effective learning strategies, and provides practical tips and techniques for retaining information and applying it in new contexts and real-world situations. Transfer book also focuses on how to develop habits that support learning and growth, and provides practical strategies for creating lasting change. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #books
Mar 04, 202309:36
Knowledge learned in one context or dimension can be applied in another context by task formators

Knowledge learned in one context or dimension can be applied in another context by task formators

Transfer learning is the ability to apply knowledge learned in one context to a different but related context. This concept is relevant both in the field of machine learning and in the study of human learning and cognition, which is sometimes referred to as “brain learnography”. Both machine learnography and brain learnography benefit from transfer learning, as it allows knowledge transfer to be applied in new and different ways, leading to more efficient learning and better performance. In machine learnography, transfer learning refers to the ability to use knowledge gained from one machine learning task to improve performance on a different task. For example, a model that has been trained to recognize objects in photographs could potentially be used to identify objects in video footage, even if the training data for the two tasks was not identical. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #machine #contents #contex #dimension
Mar 03, 202311:07
Book is primary source and storehouse for the contents of school chapters in transfer learning

Book is primary source and storehouse for the contents of school chapters in transfer learning

Spectrum book, matrix book and source books are the brainpage books of knowledge transfer. These books are also called transfer books in learning transfer management system. Spectrum book is the collection of topics and object definitions, known as the mother book of knowledge transfer. Matrix book is the collection of querying matrix and the different types of questions. This book is knowledge as the father book of knowledge transfer. Source book describes the facts, contents and objects of knowledge transfer. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #contents #contexts #topics
Mar 02, 202313:44
Do-It-Yourself-Attitude DIYA promotes self-directed learning behavior in school knowledge transfer

Do-It-Yourself-Attitude DIYA promotes self-directed learning behavior in school knowledge transfer

Self-directed learning transfer refers to the process by which students take ownership of their learning and are able to apply what they have learned in new and unfamiliar situations. The development of a Do-It-Yourself-Attitude (DIYA) is critical to this process, as it helps students become more independent and proactive learners. Complete self-directed learning transfer is possible in the structural, functional and collaborative classrooms of school system. Students can develop Do-It-Yourself-Attitude (DIYA) in the school of knowledge transfer by applying the motor abilities of brain. Learning by doing plays a key role in self-directed classroom learning activities. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #diy #diya #transfer
Mar 01, 202310:22
Brain becomes intelligent in spatial reasoning to manipulate objects in transfer learning space

Brain becomes intelligent in spatial reasoning to manipulate objects in transfer learning space

In the traditional classroom setting, the transfer of knowledge often happens through lectures, readings and other forms of passive absorption. However, some researchers and educators argue that this approach may not be the most effective way to facilitate deep and meaningful learning. Instead, they advocate for more active and interactive learning experiences that allow students to manipulate and apply knowledge in meaningful ways. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #space #objects #transfer
Feb 28, 202319:59
Human intelligence is defined by complex behaviors of cortex, subcortical parts and brainstem parts

Human intelligence is defined by complex behaviors of cortex, subcortical parts and brainstem parts

The subcortical parts and brainstem parts of the brain are critical components of the neural networks that underlie human intelligence. They are involved in a variety of processes such as attention, memory, and motor control, and work in concert with the cortex to produce the complex behaviors that define human intelligence. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #intelligence
Feb 27, 202314:24
Human intelligence develops from knowledge transfer, artificial intelligence from machine learning

Human intelligence develops from knowledge transfer, artificial intelligence from machine learning

Human intelligence develops from knowledge transfer while artificial intelligence is created from machine transfer learning. The development of human intelligence is thought to depend on a complex interplay of genetic, environmental and cultural factors, as well as the brain's own intrinsic mechanisms for learning, attention and memory. It is remarkable that artificial intelligence develops from human learnography, but nothing has been done for the advancement of human intelligence in school system. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #machine #transformer
Feb 26, 202316:18
Knowledge, contents and skills learned in one context can be applied in new related context

Knowledge, contents and skills learned in one context can be applied in new related context

Transfer learning is a specific concept within the field of machine learnography and artificial intelligence. It refers to the process of applying knowledge gained from one task to a new one or related tasks. In transfer learnography, goal oriented task is to use the knowledge learned in the first task to improve performance on the second task. This is the main function of learnography. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #transfer #technology
Feb 25, 202310:20
What bores you? Boredom is subjective experience, and what bores one person may not bore another

What bores you? Boredom is subjective experience, and what bores one person may not bore another

Doing the same thing over and over again can become monotonous and dull in living and working. Variety in life can add spice, interests and excitement in working, earning and living. People need challenges to feel engaged and motivated. If there is no challenge or opportunity for growth, it can lead to boredom in one's life. Humans are social creatures and need social interaction to thrive. A lack of social interaction can lead to boring life, dissatisfaction and loneliness. Being stuck in a routine can also lead to the feelings of dissatisfaction. Trying new things and breaking the routine of working and living can add excitement and possibilities to the responses and enjoyments of life. Boredom is a subjective experience showing no interests in a person, and what bores one person may not bore another individual. This is the reality of life but try to be meaningful and productive in life. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #boredom #boring
Feb 24, 202315:08
Knowledge page is never stored in memory center but created in working memory from transfer modules

Knowledge page is never stored in memory center but created in working memory from transfer modules

Knowledge page is never stored in brain memory centers but it is created in working memory of prefrontal cortex from the modules of knowledge transfer. Learning system of indirect school is running in education in which knowledge is transferred from book to teacher’s brain and then it is projected towards student’s brain in human language. We should not ignore the defects of teaching theories and pedagogical methods. We know that the system of direct school describes book to brain knowledge transfer for the students in classroom. This is the brainpage theory of school learnography. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #memory #modules
Feb 23, 202317:44
Cognitive approach vs motor approach in the school of knowledge transfer and brain learnography

Cognitive approach vs motor approach in the school of knowledge transfer and brain learnography

Cognitive learning involves the acquisition of knowledge through the neocortex of cerebral structures, the speciality center of human thoughts. This is the outer layer of chapter brain responsible for conscious thought, perception and language. Within the neocortex, different areas are responsible for processing the different kinds of information, such as the visual cortex for processing visual information, the auditory cortex for processing listening information and the prefrontal cortex for higher-level cognitive thinking and contextual decision-making. Motor knowledge transfer, on the other hand, involves the acquisition of skills through the basal ganglia of subcortical brain. This is a set of nuclei in the brain responsible for cognitive transfer, motor control and movement. The nuclei of basal ganglia are connected to primary motor cortex, which is the area of human brain responsible for the execution of voluntary movements. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #contents #tools #scores #tests #topics
Feb 22, 202317:14
Do you find any significant differences between talking persons and working persons?

Do you find any significant differences between talking persons and working persons?

There are significant differences between talking individuals and working individuals from the perspective of knowledge transfer systems. Talking individuals typically refer to those who have acquired knowledge through the listening and talking practices of cognitive learning transfer. These persons are able to communicate and share information effectively through verbal and written communication. They may have a strong theoretical understanding of the subject and topics, but they may not necessarily have practical experience or hands-on skills. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #talking #working
Feb 21, 202310:42
Learning transfer management system for academic knowledge transfer to secure high scores in tests

Learning transfer management system for academic knowledge transfer to secure high scores in tests

Learning Transfer Management System (LTMS) is a framework for managing knowledge transfer in academic institutions. In learnography, students are transformed into small teachers in the process of knowledge transfer called taxshila teachers. It is designed to ensure that the knowledge and skills gained by students (taxshila teachers) in their academic programs are effectively transferred to real-world situations and applied in their professional lives. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #contents #tools #scores #tests
Feb 20, 202315:47
Significance of topics and contents in the process of learnography and knowledge transfer to brain

Significance of topics and contents in the process of learnography and knowledge transfer to brain

Human learning is knowledge transfer to brain known as learnography. The contents of topics are very important to the human learnography of knowledge transfer. Students are transformed into small teachers in learnography and they are called taxshila teachers to share the contents of knowledge transfer in school ecosystem. To facilitate the successful learnography of knowledge transfer, it is important to ensure that the contents of topics and definitions being learned are well-structured, clear and concise in writing and understanding. It should be relevant to the new context in which the knowledge will be applied in real-world space. This can be achieved through primary source book design and knowledge transfer strategies. Learnography emphasizes meaningful connections between the contents of different topics and the real-world applications of human beings. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #topics #contents
Feb 19, 202316:11
Human brain grows with the advanced motor systems of knowledge transfer for learning and memory

Human brain grows with the advanced motor systems of knowledge transfer for learning and memory

In learnography, human brain grows with the advanced motor systems of knowledge transfer for learning and memory. People with autism often have language delays and pay unusually intense attention to objects or topics that interest them. The knowledge transfer of cerebellum is absolutely necessary for learning motor skills and movement coordination such as how to ride a bicycle or drive a car. Some of the recognizable symptoms of autism are motor incoordination and a tendency to tip-toed walking. The white matter projections of cerebellum of core brain involve in the inhibitory control of movement in respect to space, object and time but these connections are observed weak in autistic persons. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #autism
Feb 18, 202311:36
Motor abilities of brain provide a foundation for learning, working and problem solving activities

Motor abilities of brain provide a foundation for learning, working and problem solving activities

All types of physical activities come under the functions of motor circuits to localize learning transfer in the different functional areas of working brain. The learning of physical activities is known as the motor knowledge of learning transfer. The development of motor abilities is closely linked to the development of intelligence, both in terms of basic cognitive abilities and more complex social and emotional intelligence. Motor abilities provide a foundation for learning, problem-solving, and social interaction, and are an essential component of human development. Motor abilities of brain provide a foundation for learning, working and problem solving activities #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #innovation
Feb 17, 202309:01
If students apply motor abilities in the classroom, knowledge transfer will go to student’s brain

If students apply motor abilities in the classroom, knowledge transfer will go to student’s brain

If students apply motor abilities in the classroom, knowledge transfer will go to student’s brain. This is the brainpage theory of motor science. Smart brainpage of solutions will produce high performing students in the classroom of high speed learning transfer. In fact, the dimension of module builder launches the solution building process of chapter tasks in the collaborative classroom. The cerebellar basal ganglia motor circuitry of human brain describes the visuo-motor learnography of knowledge transfer which is very powerful to reflect positive changes in the attitude and behavior of student’s brain. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class
Feb 16, 202310:07
Motor science of transfer learning can create high performing classrooms in school ecosystem

Motor science of transfer learning can create high performing classrooms in school ecosystem

Motor science of transfer learning can create high performing classrooms in school ecosystem. One of the bloggers wrote, “If students finish complete education at the age of 20 years and achieve mental, financial and living freedom, it is very likely that they will be able to create new innovations, establish great projects and manufacture good things in building the future.” #learnography #education #innovation #goals #mind #books #brain #writing #skills #facts #learning #success #biology #research #podcast #teachers #future #life #students #parents #school #class
Feb 15, 202310:33
Motor science of transfer learning is focused in Taxshila Model School System

Motor science of transfer learning is focused in Taxshila Model School System

Learning from teachers and learning from brainpage modulation both are different approaches in school system. School learnography is not school education. It deals with the science of learning mechanism to prepare the brainpage modules of knowledge chapters in the classroom. The learnography of book to brain knowledge transfer can draw the sketch of pathways that leads to the destiny of progressive working life. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class
Feb 14, 202307:50
Understanding and writing of transfer learning are processed in the association areas of brain

Understanding and writing of transfer learning are processed in the association areas of brain

Understanding and writing of transfer learning are processed in the modular mapping of association areas of student’s brain. Transfer learning refers to the process of transferring knowledge and skills acquired in one task to another related task. This type of learning is thought to occur in the association areas of the brain, which are responsible for processing and integrating information from multiple brain regions. The modular mapping of association cortices plays a crucial role in transfer learning by retaining knowledge and skills acquired in one task and applying them to another related task. This type of learning allows individuals to build on their existing knowledge and skills, rather than starting from scratch, and can lead to more efficient and effective learning. #learnography #education #innovation #goals #mind #books #brain #writing #skills #facts #learning #success #biology #research #podcast
Feb 13, 202309:40
Understanding capacity of student’s brain improves from brainpage modules of definition spectrum

Understanding capacity of student’s brain improves from brainpage modules of definition spectrum

Understanding capacity of student’s brain improves in learning from the brainpage modules of definition spectrum. Learning of the base objects reflects the definition spectrum of knowledge transfer for understanding and writing. The first dimension of learning transfer is definition spectrum and it is produced by the prefrontal cortex and visual cortex of brain. The eye of knowledge transfer is the prefrontal cortex of student’s brain which deals with logic, planning, decision and execution. Teaching performance won’t be necessary for understanding and learning if students rehearse and make the brainpage neuro-modules of object definitions in the classroom. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #principals #taxshila #university #understanding
Feb 12, 202312:27
Source page should be written like the application software of knowledge transfer for students

Source page should be written like the application software of knowledge transfer for students

The miraculous discovery of human civilization is the book writing of literature, discoveries and other knowledge chapters. The classroom teaching of cognitive knowledge is delivered in human language when course books are written and expressed in the object language of knowledge transfer. Books are the creative works of father teachers and this is the development of object knowledge for mathematics, science and technology. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #principals #taxshila
Feb 11, 202311:12
Facts, findings and knowledge are stored in source books for the use of future generation

Facts, findings and knowledge are stored in source books for the use of future generation

Book is the supreme teacher of many classified teachers in which facts, findings, events and responses are stored for the resources, benefits and academic uses of future generation. Book to brain knowledge transfer is very important for students reading in school system. A book is a source of knowledge transfer from one generation to the next generation. It is considered a supreme teacher among many other classified teachers as it stores facts, findings, events and responses. In education system, a book is considered as a tool for reading, writing and understanding. In learnography, the book is defined as the primary source of transferring knowledge. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #principals #taxshila
Feb 10, 202325:19
Death of a person or loved one changes perspectives of human life for working, earning and living

Death of a person or loved one changes perspectives of human life for working, earning and living

Someone may find that the death of a loved one has a profound impact on their career and financial goals. They may choose to pursue a different career path that aligns more with their values and brings them greater fulfillment. They may decide to scale back their workload to focus on their personal life. The loss of a loved one can also lead to a newfound appreciation for life, inspiring people to be more generous, volunteer their time, and help those in need. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #death #life #pain #grief
Feb 09, 202313:49
Creative skills and experience are needed to meet the requirements of working, earning and living

Creative skills and experience are needed to meet the requirements of working, earning and living

Creative skills and experience are needed to meet the requirements of working, earning and living. We can use the cerebellar basal ganglia circuitry of our brain in reading, writing and working by making brainpage for knowledge transfer. Motor knowledge is always described in space, object and time to consolidate the potentiation of long term memory. In my opinion, everything is learnt in brain and everything is done by brain. Good memory can be secured in the brainpage making process of knowledge transfer using the dimensions of motor science. Cognitive science and its teaching theories are running in the blood of educators, therefore, they do not like to change the school system of default education. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #principals #experience #creativity
Feb 08, 202310:22
Cognitive science and its teaching theories are running in blood stream of educators | Learnography

Cognitive science and its teaching theories are running in blood stream of educators | Learnography

Educators say that schools are running on the system of cognitive science. Actually, schools are running on motivational science in education system, which is the system of limbic science. High motivation, hard instruction and big dreams are performed in the classroom. Teacher is the primary source of learning transfer in education system. Teaching is everything in the classroom. Cognitive knowledge is written in books and these books are primary sources of knowledge transfer in learnography. In education system, teacher to students verbal learning transfer is conducted, so schools are running on motivational teaching, not on cognitive science. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #principals
Feb 07, 202315:30
Teaching system of education is MS-DOS for school operation, not Windows System like learnography

Teaching system of education is MS-DOS for school operation, not Windows System like learnography

All the students of a country will be produced as science graduates, the key source of future workforce. Teaching system of education is the MS-DOS of classroom operating system (CROS), while learnography is the Windows System of book to brain direct knowledge transfer. Book to brain direct knowledge transfer is conducted in happiness classroom by the cyclozeid of sourcepage, brainpage and zeidpage. This is the brainpage theory of book to brain transfer and teaching is not necessary in the classroom. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #principals
Feb 06, 202312:10
Brainpage theory of learnography is Windows System of book to brain knowledge transfer in schools

Brainpage theory of learnography is Windows System of book to brain knowledge transfer in schools

Brainpage theory of school learnography is the Windows System of book to brain direct knowledge transfer in school system. Everything is learnt in brain and everything is done by brain. Student’s brain has advanced working mechanism to conduct knowledge transfer in learning process. Students apply the brain circuits of motor science while doing homework. They have to read the topics of book and write the solutions of given tasks on paper by using finger mapping. Reading, writing and rehearsing brainpage are the physical activities of motor science. Classroom teaching is based on the cognitive thoughts of subject matter which is performed with high motivation. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #principals #taxshila
Feb 05, 202310:27
Degrees will be of no use but only particular training and skill would be required as per needs

Degrees will be of no use but only particular training and skill would be required as per needs

Do you think at some point degrees will be of no use but only particular training as per needs? In my opinion, degrees and training both are essential for the production, specialization and growth of economy. It’s true that there is a great problem in university education because it cannot provide required degrees on time for working and earning. Chief executives of the major companies said at Workforce Advisory Forum, “They are hiring more American workforce without college degrees as they search to find increasingly scarce applicants for open jobs.” In fact, manufacturing sectors are facing the lack of experienced workforce. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #economy #manufacturing
Feb 04, 202315:23
Classroom teaching is biologically observed as the waste of school hours | No transfer learning

Classroom teaching is biologically observed as the waste of school hours | No transfer learning

Four years degree course is not effective to provide productive workforce in manufacturing and economic development. Change the school system of knowledge transfer to provide the productive workforce in manufacturing. School time is mostly spent on motivational teaching activities and it continues for 12 years in children’s brain. Everyday homework is given to pupils for practice, writing and learning. We know that home isn’t school and parents are not teachers. Whole learning must be completed in school hours and it is possible in the brainpage theory of learnography. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #principals #taxshila
Feb 03, 202310:30
Whole education of our students should be finished at the age of 20 years | Learnography

Whole education of our students should be finished at the age of 20 years | Learnography

Children are intelligent in the motor science of knowledge transfer but they are bad in the application of cognitive science. Students should be allowed to make brainpage in the classroom using the motor science of knowledge transfer. Learnography is the school of knowledge transfer in which the learning fields of brainpage theory are launched in the classroom like the workplace of knowledge transfer. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #principals
Feb 02, 202306:02
What is cognitive blindness of human brain? Focused attention required in brain learning transfer

What is cognitive blindness of human brain? Focused attention required in brain learning transfer

A student suffering from the cognitive blindness of learning brain may not understand well the teaching performance of classroom. He won’t show any interests in learning process and classroom activities. Cognitive blindness develops attention deficit in learning process which is also known as knowledge blindness. It happens when there is lack of matrix and spectrum in knowledge transfer and brainpage development. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #cognitive #blindness
Feb 01, 202308:40
Why is homework given to children in school system? Home is not school and parents are not teachers

Why is homework given to children in school system? Home is not school and parents are not teachers

Homework also allows parents to become involved in their child's education and provides a way for teachers to gauge a student's understanding of a subject. The partnership between teachers, students, and parents is key to a successful educational experience. Parents are not skilled in guiding their children. Learning environment is not possible at home. Is complete learning practice not possible in school. I mean complete learning and practice in the classroom during school hours, not left for home learning. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #homework #home
Jan 31, 202308:52
Traditional teaching classes of education are running on the system of talking schools

Traditional teaching classes of education are running on the system of talking schools

What are the differences between talking schools and brainpage schools? Knowledge is practiced and learnt from the teaching theories of school system. Actually, learning is knowledge transfer to brain for the proficiency of academic courses where students have to be graduated in a particular course by learning the chapters in brain regions and motor finger mapping. In fact, education is the system of talking school and learnography is the system of brainpage school. The working circuit of teacher’s brain becomes highly active in talking school but the learning circuit of student’s brain is projected in brainpage school for the processing of high speed learning transfer. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class
Jan 30, 202306:32
Students suffering from cognitive blindness of brain may not understand the teaching of classroom

Students suffering from cognitive blindness of brain may not understand the teaching of classroom

In education system, knowledge is transferred from book to teacher’s brain, then it is projected to student’s brain in human language. This is the indirect learning of subject matter and most of the learning parts are lost in transferring mechanism. Students suffering from the cognitive blindness of learning brain may not understand the teaching performance of classroom. They won’t show any interests in learning process. It happens when there is lack of matrix and spectrum in knowledge transfer and modular brainpage development. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #blindness
Jan 29, 202311:02
Father !!! Ask questions from matrix book to know brainpage quality of your children | Learnography

Father !!! Ask questions from matrix book to know brainpage quality of your children | Learnography

Students may forget what you said in teaching but they will not forget how you made them achieve in the brainpage making process of knowledge transfer. This is really the application of motor science to run the flow of book to brain knowledge transfer in the structural classroom. Therefore, learning is finished in object language but understanding is done in human language. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #quality
Jan 28, 202311:20
Change teaching classroom of education into brainpage classroom of learnography in school system

Change teaching classroom of education into brainpage classroom of learnography in school system

In classroom, teachers should be free from teaching performance because it can’t conduct learning transfer to student’s brain. They will moderate hardships and help students to apply the learning dimensions of brain circuits in brainpage making process. The flow of knowledge transfer should be defined in school ecosystem to observe kid’s learning progress. The book to brain motor knowledge transfer is amazing in learning process. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #transformer
Jan 27, 202309:40
Flow of knowledge transfer should be focused in school ecosystem instead of teaching | Learnography

Flow of knowledge transfer should be focused in school ecosystem instead of teaching | Learnography

Main issue is the defective system of knowledge transfer. Student’s learning transfer should be focused in the classroom instead of high class teaching. Learning interests of the students are diminishing day by day while high class motivational teaching is focused and performed in default classroom. What happened to the knowledge transfer of school system? Everything is done at home in off hours under parental guidance. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class
Jan 26, 202310:23
Knowledge, understanding, application and higher ability are the four main merits of education

Knowledge, understanding, application and higher ability are the four main merits of education

Knowledge, understanding, application and higher ability are the four main merits of student’s learning brain. The teacher is professional in the learning transfer of classroom but students can launch DIYA process in book to brain knowledge transfer. To define the perspective of self-sufficiency, DIYA stands for Do-It-Yourself-Attitude and it is possible in the brainpage theory of knowledge transfer during school hours. Do it yourself attitude is the method of building, modifying or repairing things without the direct aid of experts or professionals. #learnography #education #knowledge #brain #biology #research #neuroscience #success #teaching #learning #parents #students #teachers #future #life #educators #school #class #diya
Jan 25, 202307:03