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By Jamal Mulume

SimSto : Libérez le Génie en Vous". Notre podcast explore le développement personnel, le succès social, et la transformation de vie. Nos hôtes distillent des conseils pratiques pour améliorer votre vie. Rejoignez-nous dans ce voyage vers votre génie intérieur et réalisez votre plein potentiel.
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Vex'oh/from all woman are the win or loss of the human species, but they not getting the trophy.

SimStoNov 20, 2020

Republik 'Redéfinir le Devoir'

Republik 'Redéfinir le Devoir'

Dans cet épisode, nous abordons le thème de la "République" et le devoir de chaque citoyen africain, en particulier ceux de la diaspora. Nous explorons l'importance de la créativité dans la construction de l'avenir du continent et appelons à mettre fin à l'adulation passive des idéaux occidentaux. Rejoignez-nous pour une discussion stimulante sur le rôle crucial de l'engagement et de l'innovation dans la transformation de l'Afrique.

Apr 24, 202415:49


Dans cet épisode de "Collision", nous explorons le concept profond de la collision et ses parallèles avec l'expérience humaine. Tout comme deux forces entrent en collision, façonnant le monde qui nous entoure, nos vies sont une toile d'intersections où nos choix, expériences et circonstances convergent. Rejoignez-nous alors que nous plongeons dans la dynamique de la collision et réfléchissons à son impact sur notre parcours de vie.

Apr 24, 202415:46


Dans cet épisode, plongez dans le discord entre les attentes sociales et les réalités humaines. Explorez comment ce désaccord peut semer la confusion et le conflit dans nos vies, influençant nos relations et notre bien-être mental. Embarquez avec nous dans une réflexion sur la recherche d'harmonie dans un monde où nos réalités ne correspondent pas toujours aux normes établies.

Apr 03, 202415:55
Le Moment

Le Moment

Dans cet épisode, nous explorons les moments clés qui définissent notre courage, face aux défis et à la peur. À travers une réflexion philosophique, nous discutons comment ces choix difficiles façonnent notre essence, mettant en lumière la force intérieure qui nous guide. Découvrez avec nous comment ces décisions révèlent notre bravoure.

Feb 12, 202416:08


Dans cet épisode, nous examinons l'engouement sélectif pour des causes, soulignant l'impact des réseaux sociaux sur notre engagement. Nous questionnons la légitimité de représenter des expériences non vécues et la prétention à l'expertise sans expérience directe. Nous proposons une réflexion sur l'authenticité de notre empathie et l'importance d'un soutien réellement informé et sincère.

Feb 09, 202415:40
La Journée

La Journée

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Explorez mon podcast personnel, un espace où je vous ouvre les portes de ma vie, de nos activités sportives en famille, et de mes réflexions sur la navigation des défis quotidiens. Rejoignez-moi pour des moments authentiques et inspirants qui révèlent la profondeur de notre humanité commune, transcendant nos différences.

Jan 31, 202419:08
Le TruK

Le TruK

Dans cet épisode du Sifu Podcast, je m'intéresse à la lutte des idées et à l'endoctrinement qui ont conduit à la sensualisation de chaque personne, quel que soit son genre. Explorez comment certaines valeurs immorales ont été diffusées, incitant les individus à oublier la vérité et à perdre de vue le sens moral de l'existence humaine. Venez participer à une réflexion approfondie sur les enjeux sociaux actuels et la quête de la vérité et de la moralité dans un monde complexe.

Jan 26, 202414:46
Le Mask

Le Mask

Objet dont on couvre le visage humain pour transformer son aspect naturel.

Quelles sont les circonstances de notre vie actuelle qui nous obligent à observer sans pouvoir réagir sur ce que nous observons?

Jan 22, 202421:09
Le Retour

Le Retour

Un aperçu de l'année 2023 et comment créer un nouveau format sur ma chaîne en abordant des sujets qui me tiennent à cœur pour stimuler la réflexion intellectuelle en Afrique.

Jan 20, 202417:42
V Day

V Day

Be self love, remember think does not have to be like other so love the day, yourself and your lover.
Feb 14, 202307:51
C.T “ Classe Tendresse”

C.T “ Classe Tendresse”

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Aimer c’est être déjà passionnée pour son amour personnel, car cela est le début de ton examen pour l’amour infinie.
Feb 13, 202311:14


Être centré sur soit deviens d’une importance, donc soit plus passionné sur You
Feb 12, 202305:09
The year of 7

The year of 7

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

At the start of my trip in the year 7, commit to accept me and love my most important future desire to increase my learning through life.

Jan 30, 202343:12
On the Kongo

On the Kongo

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
To be free, everything begins with the ability to understand or recognize problems from a different perspective. On the Kongo issues, with all the resources the country owns and for the fact many corporations maintain the country in a critical stage to enjoy all the benefits of the Congolese land so the technology can dictate our behave on the eyes of the world.
Dec 07, 202227:50
Perspective Desire(FR)

Perspective Desire(FR)

Avec toutes les connaissances, nous avons tendance à oublier comment nous pourrions construire une vision digne de qui nous sommes et ce que nous voulons devenir.
Oct 16, 202233:49
Perspective Desire

Perspective Desire

With all knowledge, we tend to forget how we might build a vision worthy of who we are and what we want to become.
Oct 16, 202233:54
Le Lac du Mensonge

Le Lac du Mensonge

il y a qu'une seule loi humanitaire c'est celui d'exister pour sa propre liberté, mais être aveugle sur la souffrance ou le deuil des autres c'est simplement être inhumain pour faire cour le mal incarné.
Jul 27, 202238:20
De La Guerre

De La Guerre

Le monde nous appartient à tous et sans la gourmandise de certains, nous pourrions tous dormir au paradis.
Jul 24, 202215:42
Ojectif Personnel

Ojectif Personnel

Nous sommes dans une nouvelle ère, il devient donc primordial de se responsabiliser afin de construire son avenir mais la question qui se pose est comment le faire en ayant son propre rythme. Se fixer des objectifs seraient la première étape du processus. Nous en discuterons en compagnie d'un invité spéciale @callhermariaa qui partagera son ressenti en tant que jeune femme.
Jun 28, 202130:33
Le temps

Le temps

Ma tentative est de réunir de nombreuses parties disparates dans un ensemble organique qui je crois similaire aux enseignements les plus anciens et complets.  De cette façon, le rôle de la détermination se limite aux angoisses du doute et aux périls de l’hésitation lorsque les motifs d’action sont insuffisants. 

Mar 18, 202140:53


My attempt is to bring together many disparate parts in an organic whole which I believe is similar to the oldest and most complete teachings. In this way, the role of determination is limited to the anxieties of doubt and the dangers of hesitation when the grounds for action are insufficient.

Mar 17, 202141:40
Sifu New/ All eyes on SI

Sifu New/ All eyes on SI

All the best for 2021 and I would like first of all to say thank you to everyone who follows me on my channel. With all our heart and hope that this year will be more eventful and that we will be able to take all the best precautions to be vigilant during this difficult period. 

In 2021 Sifu Podcast will be focused on culture and community, since we learned one thing about 2020 and that the essential thing about this year 2021 is the sharing of what we know and what makes us the men and women of this world who are the founders of this world. And to better bring the subject to the table, to come interviews with different artists, entrepreneurs, creator of all kinds of imagination so that we can do what we will be led to develop throughout this year "H.C.S". Harmonious Cultural Sharing" the aim of this initiative is to be able to go to culture but what we have as a cultural notion. Sharing is one thing, but sharing in a community is even better.

Feb 05, 202112:15
Tout sur Si
Feb 04, 202112:13


Despite the current mediocrity of most popular culture, there are tremendous forces driving the race into expanded consciousness. Like so many things, intelligence is a combination of attitudes and actions, and is dependent on context.
Dec 14, 202035:36
Vex'Ex/ Les femmes sont la victoire ou la perte de l'espèce humaine, mais elles sont sous-estimées.

Vex'Ex/ Les femmes sont la victoire ou la perte de l'espèce humaine, mais elles sont sous-estimées.

Malgré la médiocrité actuelle de la culture la plus populaire, il existe d'énormes forces conduisant la race à une conscience élargie. Comme tant de choses, l'intelligence est une combinaison d'attitudes et d'actions et dépend du contexte
Dec 14, 202035:01
Vex'oh/from all woman are the win or loss of the human species, but they not getting the trophy.

Vex'oh/from all woman are the win or loss of the human species, but they not getting the trophy.

Despite the current mediocrity of most popular culture, there are tremendous forces driving the race into expanded consciousness.
Nov 20, 202006:29
Vex'oh/ Sur beaucoup de chose sur cette terre, faut dire que les femmes manquent la Voix.

Vex'oh/ Sur beaucoup de chose sur cette terre, faut dire que les femmes manquent la Voix.

Malgré la médiocrité actuelle de la culture la plus populaire, il existe d'énormes forces conduisant la race à une conscience élargie.
Nov 20, 202010:22
$!fu Episode\ Ego and Hero. Because we all have to $hine but first let $! Who is in the mirror?

$!fu Episode\ Ego and Hero. Because we all have to $hine but first let $! Who is in the mirror?

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Ego and Hero "Mirror-Reflect\Ego" confusion maybe on trying to run after an individual to find "$elf", "mirror, mirror, tell me that am beautiful" quote said need to meet face to face with yourself.
Oct 14, 202036:01
$ifu-E¶!$ode\Ego And Hero, an element of life to try to figure out who we should fight or fight for.

$ifu-E¶!$ode\Ego And Hero, an element of life to try to figure out who we should fight or fight for.

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.
Ego and Hero "Mirror-Reflect\Ego" confusion maybe on trying to run after an individual to find "$elf", "mirror, mirror, tell me that am beautiful" quote said need to meet face to face with yourself.
Oct 14, 202007:51
Welcome To the jungle, Like all states of mind, persistence is based upon definite causes

Welcome To the jungle, Like all states of mind, persistence is based upon definite causes

In the Jungle Self-Made can be developed through the principal of auto-suggestion.
By everything . The Purpose / easy to acquire and to maintain persistence in pursuing the object of intense desire
Sep 26, 202031:01
Welcome 2the Jungle $!fu, where word should be medicine instead of poison, where freedom a smile.

Welcome 2the Jungle $!fu, where word should be medicine instead of poison, where freedom a smile.

The “depression” was a blessing in disguise. It reduced the whole world to a new starting point that gives everyone a new opportunity. By any mean necessary we must be happy on our life to be blessed any time the same as in the jungle where no matter how human damage it, it always comes back.
Sep 25, 202005:02
Change will come and the only easy way on this will be for The African or The D$PA to understand th$

Change will come and the only easy way on this will be for The African or The D$PA to understand th$

It'$ first on taking responsibility of yourself which most of the African needs to read up "Good $oul a Good Mind" you can not build a life with other people ideologies, Earth need to feel good energy, putting everybody effort together can change this world if we want it.
Sep 04, 202034:09
A long talk on Di@$apora, cAll/Ap$, Purpose, the Value of 0wnership, mindset and How to....

A long talk on Di@$apora, cAll/Ap$, Purpose, the Value of 0wnership, mindset and How to....

Life is a purpose and we all skipping the part we need to come together and learn how to change yourself first and learning about the meaning of everything, how the diaspora is just a political Word instead of talking about African so we can solve certain issues in Africa. We have to bring a new ideology. #£pisode-4 #ChangeYourself1
Aug 30, 202040:09
The Diaspora/ we never decline, we learn and our $oul was made to always reborn like the phoenix #AL

The Diaspora/ we never decline, we learn and our $oul was made to always reborn like the phoenix #AL

From Africa made the best of humanity and brought technology and science which many especially their own child to call them "Alpha Kids" never comprehend the solution for Africa to prosper and to be honest we all doing it wrong. Nobody speaks logic or see the logic on their genius conscience to save Africa from all the disease we been feed by the world of Capital. This £pisode will inform and Miss-inform most of the people who think to do the right purpose to save the continent and African. "All are responsible for the downfall of this world" and I will be coming with two Episode to explain what exactly I mean by saying that "until Africa continent come and save life and prosper, this world will keep collapsing on a high level of Frequency."
Aug 28, 202006:09
The Culture/ we all came from different background and the culture means everything on our future.

The Culture/ we all came from different background and the culture means everything on our future.

We all came from this society and the culture influences our way of thinking but most people do not accept the difference of others and how other making their life. But the culture helps each of us to go through our future.
Aug 22, 202018:09
#The Culture "Everything is a combination of all kind of culture" That a principle of life today.

#The Culture "Everything is a combination of all kind of culture" That a principle of life today.

Like spices, without it we wouldn't be able to identify ourselves or simply identify where we came from and where we need to bring our cultivation in the future and it has become so bad that our generation has forgotten about it. meaning, but I'm going to talk about what makes culture and what is the impact of having one and last thing what is the harm that culture to cause the loss of their children. Culture is always at the center of many men's conversations to begin with but not to demonstrate, because few of us like it.
Aug 19, 202005:07
"Cri$!$" Ep!$0de2.1F/
I'm clarifying how a simple word "Crisis" can bring fear at any mean.

"Cri$!$" Ep!$0de2.1F/ I'm clarifying how a simple word "Crisis" can bring fear at any mean.

This short episode just episode to start our new Topic as described here. That word bright answer event by just googling it and finding a various subject which I find really interesting to talk about on my main episode #DontBeAStranger #ChangeIsComing.
Aug 14, 202005:55
"Cri$!$" Everything starts with that word in particular but tolerance can make us change our vision.

"Cri$!$" Everything starts with that word in particular but tolerance can make us change our vision.

We live in a period where we missing to see the right information to say and most of us miss to change the simple thing in life so we can come to change this life we are experiencing those days. Each of us needs to work on themself, so they can see "the day and night" to progress. #DontBeStranger #ChangeIsComing #BeUserf "Fantasy doesn't make you Rich"
Aug 14, 202016:39
£pisode #1/ $trong on Ear" it's for the best always as human first to talk about fact than other.

£pisode #1/ $trong on Ear" it's for the best always as human first to talk about fact than other.

"$trong on £ear" with this topic I want you to focus on what we suppose to "£ar" how life bring change on all of us this 2020, they said circonstance can always bring some experience to share together and I think it's time for all of us to start to recreate a space of Happy. We all have purpose to change this world by making it better.
Aug 03, 202016:09
Tango talking to you about how experience should bring us expecting better lifestyle. #$!fuOfficial

Tango talking to you about how experience should bring us expecting better lifestyle. #$!fuOfficial

This episode is just about how I come with $!fu Podcast and how this year continue to be an experience for all of us also how we should understand the power. Of $elf Preservation sand so we can change the world. #£njoyDontbeA$tranger.
Jul 31, 202006:44
July 15, 2020

July 15, 2020

Jul 15, 202000:50