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Simply Cintia Podcast

Simply Cintia Podcast

By Cintia Listenbee

Faith, Fitness, Family, Goals and more at
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Simply Cintia PodcastAug 27, 2020

Summer in the Teen Years

Summer in the Teen Years

If you are a parent, you are running summer camp during the summer. Today I tell you about a helpful approach to parenting teens in the summer.

Jun 02, 202422:53
Summer Challenge Week 1
May 27, 202405:23
Summer Health Challenge

Summer Health Challenge

Ready to gain control of your health? Join me for a 10-week summer health challenge! More details on the blog!

May 21, 202417:14
Goals Update

Goals Update

How am I doing with my goals for the year? How can you review your goals?

May 06, 202422:38
Sunday Seven

Sunday Seven

A simple reflection of my week.

May 05, 202419:17
How to find time to do what you love

How to find time to do what you love

I hope these tips help you! - from the Archive

May 04, 202419:17
What I know for sure about Busy Weeks

What I know for sure about Busy Weeks

Busy weeks happen to all of us. I recently wrote about this topic and the 7 things I learned. Enjoy!

Apr 17, 202419:18
How to actually enjoy Easter
Mar 29, 202419:16
Easter Practices for Busy Families

Easter Practices for Busy Families

Easter is almost here! I reflect on how my busy family connects with God during this season.

Mar 22, 202419:30


I sometimes find myself drowning in the media chatter out there. Today I want to tell you about how we can listen to the voices that matter.

Feb 28, 202407:44
Simple ways to conquer a busy Spring

Simple ways to conquer a busy Spring

We all get busy from time to time. Today I want to tell you how I plan to conquer a busy season.

Feb 22, 202413:51
Self Leadership

Self Leadership

Leading yourself is the first step toward reaching your goals for the year.

Feb 05, 202413:49
Simplifying a busy season

Simplifying a busy season

Donate to The Eden Project here. Thank you for helping those with food insecurity this season.

Dec 01, 202323:09
Post Holiday Bounce

Post Holiday Bounce

How to bounce back to your healthy habits post-holiday. Enjoy!

Nov 26, 202315:25
Holiday Health Plan

Holiday Health Plan

Please read the show notes here and support The Ranting Weight Watcher Podcast here.

Nov 21, 202321:42
Prioritizing your Progress this Holiday

Prioritizing your Progress this Holiday

What is the holiday? It depends on you, your culture, and your choices. How will you prioritize your progress? These and more answers on today's episode.

Nov 17, 202325:13
Foundations for goal achieving

Foundations for goal achieving

If January is the dress rehearsal, December can be the foundation for what's to come. You and I have what it takes to establish a strong foundation. It starts with planning and preparing.

Nov 10, 202315:36
Vision, behaviors, and principles

Vision, behaviors, and principles

I hope you enjoy this episode! Visit me at for more inspiration.

Oct 29, 202315:08
Around your goals in 80 days

Around your goals in 80 days

A little inspiration to those burning the end-of-the-year oil trying to be more and accomplish more good things in their world.

Oct 11, 202319:32


I want to encourage those of you who are praying for a prodigal. Leave me a message if this episode encourages you:

Oct 03, 202321:28
Goal getter: 98 days

Goal getter: 98 days

There are 98 days until the end of the year. How does this fact make you feel? Desperate? Happy? Relieved? Blah? Today I want to give you a practical plan to accomplish your goals in 98 days. 

I love countdowns. I feel empowered when I know how much time I have to accomplish a tast. Even if the task takes more than 98 days, I can be assured that my efforts will add up to successfully achieving my goals.

What can you accomplish?

Think possibilities. Think big. Think brave. Do not shrink in fear. Condition yourself to be confident in the grandeur of your goals. 

Think with pen and paper

Digitally writing things down may work for you. For me, pen and paper have a finality that the digital screen cannot replicate. I find joy in looking back at my journals and finding goals that are now a reality. I encourage you to go through this exercise with pen and paper. 

Start at the end 

Answer the question: "What do I want to see, feel, and experience by the end of the year?" 

Do you want to diminish your debt?

How about establish an exercise habit?

How about organize your home?

You are allowed to be very specific. 

If you want to start running, you may want to say: I want to run three days a week for 30 minutes in 98 days. 

I want to pay off the following debts in 98 days... 

I want to declutter and organize my linen closet in 98 days. 

Your current steps can lead you to your goal. You have to create a path forward. 


If the goal is to start running, a path forward looks like:

  1. Downloading a couch to 5K App. 
  2. Plugging the daily mileage to your calendar.
  3. Having tennis shoes and clothes ready to go the night before your run.
  4. Take your clothes to work so you can stop by the gym on your way home.
  5. Commit to recapping the week to learn, celebrate and tweak anything for the following week

A path forward to organizing a linen closet may look like:

  1. Committing to a day and time to start working on the closet 
  2. Doing laundry 
  3. Creating a system for how the closet works 
  4. Keeping up with the system when things start to get out of place 

A path forward to paying off three debts may be:

  1. Finding out the total amounts of the debts
  2. Starting with the lowest debt and moving on to the others 
  3. Finding a system to continue to practice good financial stewardship 
  4. Sign up for a class to learn the next set of skills in money management.

I hope you are ready to think about all you will accomplish in 98 days. No step is too small when you are walking in the direction of your goals. 

Sep 25, 202309:25
Fall Tune Up

Fall Tune Up

Today I present a few tips to tune up your goals this Fall. Enjoy!

Show Notes:

Unapologetically accept your priority - If you made a commitment, by all means, be faithful to finish. It is important to practice integrity. We can always learn from being stretched thin and make better choices. Taking too many detours does not lead us to our final destination. Identify your priority and press on.

Practice long-term thinking - The opposite mindset focuses on doing what feels good right now. Long-term thinking considers the lasting consequences of temporary feelings and desires. Ask, "how will this affect me long term?"

Do not use religion as an excuse to be lazy. - God is known for requiring His servants to do hard things. Remember Daniel? Any of the major or minor prophets? The disciples? They all had demanding and difficult assignments. I know, we're not in the first century. I know there are exceptions to this. For example, if you are sick, you shouldn't be fasting. If you have a fever, we need you to stay home until you are well, then you do not forsake the assembly of believers. Now, if there is nothing wrong with you, and if you go to the store and sporting events on a regular basis, you need to own up to your own choices and decide if you will obey or disobey God. 

Put on your learning hat this fall - I was making a lot of assumptions about a group. Instead of being furious, I got curious. It is difficult to learn when you are angry. When I put my feelings aside, I was able to learn and grow.

Want more? Visit my blog!

Sep 20, 202316:04
Solo Health Journey: the beginning

Solo Health Journey: the beginning

Today I invite you to come to a "solo health journey" with me.

Sep 08, 202309:44
Working with Difficult People

Working with Difficult People

Today I share solutions for working with 7 types of difficult professionals. Share it with your friends!

Aug 11, 202308:55
3 Helpful Fall Practices

3 Helpful Fall Practices

Fall is the new January. Everything starts again. Learn three helpful practices for a better season.

Aug 10, 202312:15
Marriage Lessons

Marriage Lessons

Marriage! It's been a joyful responsibility we take seriously. Today I share a few lessons we learned over the years.

Aug 04, 202320:03
Book Recommendations
Jul 23, 202310:15
When the unexpected happens
Jul 20, 202308:41
How to be consistent in your health journey
Jul 17, 202321:49
Unphotographed: parenting in the digital age
Jul 10, 202322:28


Knock knock! Let's check-in!

Jul 08, 202301:37
Summer: I'm not Disneyland

Summer: I'm not Disneyland

Encouragement for those looking towards the summer break.

May 22, 202307:34


A "little" series of short episodes to make your heart a happier.

May 12, 202300:31
5 strategies to read the Bible in one year

5 strategies to read the Bible in one year

I enjoy reading the Bible every year. Listen to these easy strategies so you too can enjoy this life-changing process!

May 05, 202316:26
Busy Schedule + JOMO

Busy Schedule + JOMO

Everyone is busy these days. I believe we can successfully thrive even tough we are in the thick of busy seasons. Listen to this episode and share it with your friends!

May 05, 202315:52


A boost of inspiration for you about self-control.

Apr 28, 202301:41
How to start and keep exercising

How to start and keep exercising

Do you want to start exercising as a habit? Do you want to stay motivated? Listen to this helpful episode!

Apr 20, 202320:23
The best decluttering tips for busy working moms

The best decluttering tips for busy working moms

Working moms have special challenges when it comes to decluttering. Today, I share my best tips for working moms like me who are tight on time yet truly need help with decluttering projects.

Apr 02, 202315:02
Made to thrive

Made to thrive

I share helpful tools to help you thrive during busy seasons. Yes, you were made to thrive!

Mar 30, 202319:44
Reality Check

Reality Check

A quick boost to your reality today friend.

Mar 24, 202306:29


When did you first start paying attention to your thoughts? Were you one of those kids who was always lost in their thoughts? Do you think about your thoughts? Do you set aside time to think? Let's talk about it!

Mar 14, 202316:03
Faith in times of trial

Faith in times of trial

How do you stand strong in faith and learn patience during trying times?

Mar 10, 202317:07
Before you find a mentor

Before you find a mentor

A few insightful thoughts to consider. Enjoy!

Mar 04, 202315:17
Ten Marks of a Mentor

Ten Marks of a Mentor

Looking for a mentor? Here are 10 marks to keep in mind.

Mar 01, 202313:30
Navigating Changes in Life

Navigating Changes in Life

I think you will like this one. If you are going through changes, listen up! 

Feb 16, 202312:23
Goals: learning and making progress
Jan 26, 202316:16
How do you keep good habits going?

How do you keep good habits going?

Listen and enjoy!

Jan 19, 202315:41
3 steps to intuitive goal setting

3 steps to intuitive goal setting

Happy new year! Today, I'm offering you 3 easy steps to intuitively set goals for the year. Enjoy this episode and share it with your friends!

Jan 02, 202313:23
8 things you may not have considered when reading the Bible in One Year

8 things you may not have considered when reading the Bible in One Year

Happy New year! Here are 8 things you may not have considered when reading the Bible in One Year. Go to my blog for the resources I listed at the end of this episode!

Jan 01, 202314:47
Journey to Bravery on Kindle!
Dec 29, 202207:27