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1 minute, please?

By Tobi To The W🌍rld

A 1 minute podcast about life grabbing you and i by the balls.

If any of the episodes are beyond 1 minute, please report to the nearest police to you.

Ps: this is a podcast about my diary:
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13. “I was on food stamps”

1 minute, please?Apr 30, 2024

13. “I was on food stamps”

13. “I was on food stamps”

I have this virtual basketball space where I hang out on the internet with other warriors’ fans to discuss basketball. But what ends up happening is, it usually ends up being about deep meaningful conversations. Today’s episode features Rich, who is also the founder of that virtual basketball space, which is also one of the biggest warriors virtual fan bases with over 169k YouTube subscribers, 3k Substack subscribers, and 133k twitter followers. my comment being displayed - Link to this particular clip And it's always a joy hanging out there. It feels good to connect with someone Like (Rich) who I see myself in. Someone who has done exceedingly well for himself on the internet. And someone who I inspires me to build my own thing on the internet. And it just feels good connecting with such persons and from the podcast that is attached to this write-up. I wish he would be kind enough to listen. In this episode, he shared how that he once was living on food stamps and he couldn't even afford so many things of life. He was trying to get somewhere that he knew his 9-to-5 job couldn't. And so he struggled for years. “you’re right where you need to be” — Rich Hearing such people's stories and seeing where my story connects with theirs is motivating and empowering to keep my eyes glued on what I'm trying to do here with Jollof Write and writing, in general. Hopefully, I'm able to create my own stage where I can bring together people who are hungry for the same ideas that I'm hungry about. Exchange ideas and dissect them in real time. And even create articles based off of those conversations. I hope that one day I'm able to get to that place where some of my friends on the internet are right now in their journey. I’m grateful I’m able to document these moments. Shout out to YOU for reading this article and reading all the other articles. It means a lot to me and it gets me one step closer to what I'm trying to achieve with Jollof-Write. So, thank you for always being here and I do hope you listen to the audio. And if you prefer, watch the video HERE support the podcast: or Buy a Coffee:
Apr 30, 202401:60
12. “Procrastination is a bitch”

12. “Procrastination is a bitch”

A friend (Dare) posted his frustration on WhatsApp Status saying:
Procastination is a bitch, because… Why did it take me less than ten minutes to do something that I procastinated for two weeks? It’s….It’s a bitch, really.

And I thought to myself, yes, it’s a bitch because it makes you do stuff you don’t even want to do. Like doom scrolling on TikTok when there’s an undone assignment and the deadline is in 2 minutes. Now, I’m left channelling my inner Usain Bolt and turning in the assignment at the last second.

Procrastination is a sneaky little devil. It lures you in with promises of temporary relief, only to leave you drowning in a sea of regret. The longer you put off a task, the heavier it weighs on your mind like a constant nagging partner reminding you of what you should be doing instead of binge-watching Ice Bucket challenges on YouTube.

This happens every time.

But guess what? Just like Dare (audio attached), once I start to tackle that tedious task, I realize it wasn’t as bad as I made it seem. In fact, it probably takes less time to complete than all the hours I spent procastinating.

It’s like ripping off a Band-Aid — painful at first, but once it’s done, you wonder why you didn’t do it sooner.

So, why do we procrastinate? That’s a question that even God can’t answer for us.

My best attempt is: As long as we can breathe, we can procastinate.
*procrastinate 🤦🏽‍♂️

Maybe it’s fear of failure or it’s just laziness on-the-red-carpet?

Whatever the reason, one thing’s for sure — Procastination is like every other addiction (drugs, sex, scrolling-tiktok-till-3am); you keep going back to it for no reason.

But hey, recognizing the problem is the first step, right?

Taking action is the second step, but we wouldn’t take that second step anyway, would we?

Apr 27, 202400:21
11. Why does God give gifts to broken people?

11. Why does God give gifts to broken people?

so this nigga whose voice you're hearing is actually a close friend, and he's one of those people that you don't even expect to distill such wisdom.

i had no choice but to record this part of the conversation and share it. I feel it’s something we can all benefit from.

a man that leaves the 99 to chase the ONE. Knowing fully well that ONE vessel can be so damaged that sometimes he uses them regardless.

He knows what he's doing alone, so It’s best to leave it up to him.

If you’re reading this, please listen to what my friend (Kenshin) said in this episode.


For the English interpretation:

something I realized recently is that

someone can be casting out demons, healing the sick, but back home, can be the devil.

when God gives gifts, only he knows why he gives them.

Good people get the gifts, and bad people get the gifts. He doesn’t select how or to whom he gives it.

For example, someone like David in the Bible, the atrocities he committed. If it was someone else, he’s probably hell-fire bound.

What about Moses? With all the good things that he did, he still messed up in God's presence.

My favourite example is Samson. He wasted his gift.

So, someone can speak tongues, fight demons, perform miracles, and still be the devil. While God is still fixing them. Both truths can exist.
Mar 20, 202401:24
10. Is there God?

10. Is there God?

The dad is the type of Christian I’m striving to become. One that isn’t afraid to be asked questions, also to question, and understanding that It's okay not to have all the answers.

My walk with God has been as slow as a snail but I rather walk my walk than become a pawn in the hand of the religious interpretations of people.

Just like the dad letting the son know God the most natural way and not beating it down his throat.

au revoir ✋🏽
Mar 16, 202400:42
9. the best stories happen to those who are willing to tell them — Salem Kinging

9. the best stories happen to those who are willing to tell them — Salem Kinging

I always need friends like this because they give me gist that I end up using as material for writing.

Like this one:

There are many things that people can hate in this world, but gist is NOT one of them. Everybody wants to know what's going on with this person ABC, every single person wants to know what's the latest news about person ABC.

because gist is basically how we run our lives, right? Gist is what made you sign up for Jollof Write, gist is what made you know about that deal, that discount offer, gist is what made you know about that latest movie that dropped, gist is what made you know about the divorce between your favourite artist and their partner, gist is what you always go to church for. Because after service, it's a gist galore, gist is just everywhere, it's like oxygen.

Shoutout to that friend that always has gist for us, we need to appreciate them. You can start by forwarding today’s episode to them.
Feb 09, 202400:54
8. my long lost uncle was my uber driver
Feb 03, 202401:08
7. the thing that made you weird as a kid

7. the thing that made you weird as a kid

this lady’s heart cry is so loud—it would literally cause your heart and ears to bleed till you hit your truth. It’s that good 1-minute podcast had to bend the 1-minute rule for it. 🥹
Dec 29, 202306:38
6. this 16-year-old accused me of doing unimaginable things

6. this 16-year-old accused me of doing unimaginable things

thankfully, I’m not writing this from my cell block cos I was found not guilty and all charges have been dropped. But to think that things could have gone south.


what if I didn’t have these people to thank for convincing the judge I’ve been a good boy? ( you’ll probably never hear from me again and think I broke up with you without saying a word.

except I luckily have an inmate who sneaked in a phone I could borrow to write to you every week.

you’ll eat this Jollof-Write every week without the slightest idea I’m cooking from jail.

back to reality, no one is going to jail.
this isn’t the first time I’ll get falsely accused. The other day it was Okiki telling the world how I sneaked into her room, without her permission (

this time around Ella (the 16-year-old) accused me of killing something so precious to her.

If you listened (the audio) to her statement here’s what got her triggered:

“Today’s Jollof-Write is a bit bitter, but sometimes life throws us lemons and the best thing to do is to just (forget about making lemonades) suck all the meaning that’s left.”

but who would think a statement I made in what i wrote about my late uncle ( ) would be used by Ella (now ex-friend)—to haunt me? Like, really?

anyway, I’m good and without waking up to iron bars in front of me. We’d talk soon.

cheers to the weekend. have fun, avoid friends like Ella, and do imaginable things. okay?
Sep 01, 202101:24
5. you made me smile-laugh
Aug 12, 202101:16
4. “you were in my room”
Aug 02, 202100:37
3. “will this put food on our table?” - guess who?!
Jul 17, 202101:11
2. best partnership after gala and la casera
Jul 10, 202100:59
1. Shall we? (Intro)
May 23, 202101:23