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Sleepy Qs-Answers to your child sleep questions

Sleepy Qs-Answers to your child sleep questions

By Linda Szmulewitz and Jessica Sawicki

Linda Szmulewitz and Jessica Sawicki are certified sleep consultants. Each episode, they will be answering all of the many questions they are asked by the families they work with around the world.
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The 4 month sleep regression

Sleepy Qs-Answers to your child sleep questionsNov 08, 2020

Premature baby sleep

Premature baby sleep

Having a baby who was born premature is hard in even the best of circumstances. There are so many unanticipated things that parents are trying to manage in those very stressful early months of a premie's life. It can sometimes take a few months to even get to a place where the dust has settled and now you are home and thinking about how to navigate sleep struggles. Listen in to today's episode about how to think about your premie's sleep and what sorts of things to take into account when considering sleep training.

Apr 17, 202417:44
The 3 naps to 2 transition

The 3 naps to 2 transition

Just when we think we have a handle on some predictability for our children, they go and change! Nap transitions can be hard for both parents and children. Listen in to today's episode where we will help you navigate the transition from 3 naps to 2 and hopefully help to smooth out this process for you and your baby.

Apr 03, 202413:05
Interview with Jill Rabin, pediatric speech pathologist and lactation consultant

Interview with Jill Rabin, pediatric speech pathologist and lactation consultant

Mar 20, 202448:28
Time change coming this weekend! Spring forward!

Time change coming this weekend! Spring forward!

In preparation for this weekend's upcoming time change here in North America, we wanted to reshare our episode about how to handle your child's sleep when the clocks move forward an hour.  Listen in so you'll know what to do!  

Mar 07, 202410:02
4 naps to 3 naps transition

4 naps to 3 naps transition

The transition from 4 naps to 3 is the first of many nap transitions although many babies don't really have a discernible schedule when they are taking 3 naps. Listen in to today's episode to learn more about what this transition looks like and how to think of the timing for naps at this stage.

Feb 22, 202411:24
Interview with Naomi Rosenkranz, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Feb 08, 202435:41
How to make bedtime smoother and more fun with your toddler

How to make bedtime smoother and more fun with your toddler

Why is it that the hardest moments of the day come at the end of the day when we have the least amount of reserves and patience left? Listen in to todays episode when we talk about ways to improve your toddler's bedtime so it doesn't feel like a struggle to the finish line!

Jan 25, 202417:40
Interview with Beth Goss on the transition to parenthood
Jan 11, 202449:04
What causes short naps for babies and how to improve them

What causes short naps for babies and how to improve them

Short naps are often the bane of a new parent's existence. You have just put your baby down for a nap and were on the verge of accomplishing something (like eating a meal or showering) when that 30 minute mark hits and your baby is UP! Listen in to today's episode all about those short naps and what to do to improve them.

Dec 28, 202315:31
How to manage fears and nightmares

How to manage fears and nightmares

As children move into toddlerhood, nightmares and general bedtime fears start to come up more and more. Listen in to today's episode to hear how to address these sorts of sleep challenges that may be starting to happen as your child gets older.

Dec 14, 202316:57
Interview with Evelyn Mendal on managing toddler behavior
Nov 30, 202333:10
Why your 3 year old's bedtime has moved so late

Why your 3 year old's bedtime has moved so late

One of the biggest struggles that we encounter with the families of toddlers who we work with is the challenges that start to arise at bedtime as your child gets older. In particular, we often hear from parents, "I can't get my 3 year old to bed before 9pm!" Listen in to today's episode to learn more about why bedtime has become so late for your 3 year old and what to do about it.

Nov 09, 202316:40
Be prepared for the end of Daylight Savings!

Be prepared for the end of Daylight Savings!

Welcome back for Season 4 of the Sleepy Qs podcast! As we often do to kick off the start of a new season, we wanted to reshare our episode all about how to manage the upcoming time change. Yes, you may have been trying to forget that it was coming. We understand. This is the one that used to be great before you had children because it meant you got an extra hour of sleep on Saturday night. Now it means that you have an extra hour in the day to contend with and sometimes even 24 hours is too long for small children to manage in a day. Have no fear! Today's episode will help you make it through the time change and hopefully not be awake too early on the other side.

Oct 25, 202306:38
Helping your child learn how to sit down from standing

Helping your child learn how to sit down from standing

While it may not seem like helping your child learn how to sit is related to their sleep, it most definitely is! Just because your baby has learned how to stand themself up, doesn't mean they know how to get themself back into the seated position and then laying down for sleep. Listen in to today's episode to learn how to help your child learn this important skill and not get stick in a regression as a result.

May 04, 202309:50
Interview with Lina Acosta Sandaal of Stop Parenting Alone
Apr 12, 202333:02
How to handle your child's sleep when a sibling arrives

How to handle your child's sleep when a sibling arrives

The arrival of a sibling in the house is a BIG change for everyone. This sort of an adjustment can most definitely trigger a regression in your child's sleep. Tune in to learn more about how to manage this and hopefully prevent this big change from causing too many disruptions in your now bigger household.

Mar 30, 202318:39
The importance of rolling for your baby's sleep

The importance of rolling for your baby's sleep

Helping your baby learn how to roll themselves from their back to their belly and belly to back can be incredibly important in improving your child's overall sleep.  Listen in to today episode to learn why this is important.  Also pick up tips and tricks to help your baby learn to be happier while practicing tummy time so that it can feel easier and therefore build core strength and lead to improved rolling.  

Mar 15, 202313:33
Time change coming this weekend! Spring forward!

Time change coming this weekend! Spring forward!

In preparation for this weekend's upcoming time change here in North America, we wanted to reshare our episode about how to handle your child's sleep when the clocks move forward an hour.  Listen in so you'll know what to do!  

Mar 09, 202310:02
Interview with Dr. Laura Gleason, Pelvic floor physical therapist
Feb 23, 202331:20
Naps in the first 6 months of your child's life

Naps in the first 6 months of your child's life

Naps in the first 6 months of your child's life can really be a struggle.  You are not alone if you are feeling this way.  In this episode, you will learn about what is normal for naps and overall sleep in the first 6 months of your child's life.  Learn how to manage naps in the early months until it starts to become easier for your baby to nap longer, more predictably and more independently.  

Feb 09, 202323:49
The 2 year old sleep regression

The 2 year old sleep regression

As if toddlerhood wasn't already a challenging stage, now there is a 2 year old sleep regression that can creep in.  Have no fear!  Today's episode will talk you through the major behaviors that can arise as part of the 2 year old sleep regression and give you tips for how to handle them.  Things like nap boycotts, bedtime stalling, multiple call backs and getting stuck in the room are common issues that can arise.  Listen in to learn how to navigate this stage!

Jan 26, 202322:43
Interview with Katie Holloran, behavioral analyst and special needs sleep consultant
Jan 12, 202342:38
The 18 month sleep regression

The 18 month sleep regression

We are back in today's episode to talk about another one of those feared sleep regressions: the 18 month regression.  You have firmly now entered into toddlerhood and WOW is it a whole new world.  I always think of parenting a baby as being all about management.  How do we get this baby to eat?  How do we get this baby to sleep?  How do we get out of the house?  Now, in toddlerhood, so much more is about behavior.  This is where parenting often really starts.  Like the other big developmental leaps, 18 months is a big one that can bring along a range of sleep troubles.  Listen in to today's episode where Jessica will talk you through how to handle this new stage.

Dec 29, 202217:36
Incorporating partners into sleep training

Incorporating partners into sleep training

Parenthood is a team sport, for sure!  It is extra important to work together as part of that team when it comes to making changes to your child's sleep.  On today's episode, we talk about the importance of incorporating both parents into the sleep training process and why that is helpful both when your child is a baby and also as you move into toddlerhood.

Dec 15, 202213:05
Interview with Jalussee Miller, postpartum doula
Dec 01, 202234:41
International travel and your child's sleep

International travel and your child's sleep

Have a big trip coming up to travel far away?  Whether you are taking a big vacation or going to see family, it can feel daunting to help your child adjust to the jet lag that comes with traveling through several time zones.  Have no fear!  It can be done.  Listen in to all the tips and tricks for making this a smooth process and helping your child's sleep stay on travel while traveling internationally. 

Nov 10, 202219:54
Be prepared! How to handle the end of daylight saving

Be prepared! How to handle the end of daylight saving

Since the end of daylight saving time change is an event that many parents of young children dread, we felt like it would be helpful to reshare our very first episode that we recorded all about how to handle this weekend's upcoming time change.  Listen in as we explain how to manage the time change and come out on the other side without a regular 5am wake up!

Nov 02, 202206:38
What to do when your child climbs out of their crib

What to do when your child climbs out of their crib

Welcome  to season 3 of the Sleepy Qs podcast!  Many parents have been there.  You are either enjoying your evening time after your child has gone to bed in their crib or it is the middle of the night and you are sleeping when suddenly you hear the dreaded THUMP.  Your child is now out of their crib.  GASP!  Maybe this was a thud followed by crying or maybe your child skillfully catapulted themselves out like an Olympic gymnast and came sauntering out of their room with a big satisfied smile on their face.  However it happens, this newfound freedom has the potential to wreck havoc to everyone's sleep.  In today's episode, you will learn tips and tricks to help you keep your child in their crib a bit longer so that when you are eventually moving them into a bed, they are at a developmental stage when they are ready for this move.  

Oct 19, 202209:54
Say bye bye to the pacifier

Say bye bye to the pacifier

Getting rid of the pacifier can feel daunting to many parents.  In todays episode, we talk through how to get rid of the pacifier for both babies and toddlers.  Learn when is a good time to make this change for children of different ages and how to implement a plan for saying bye bye to your child's pacifier for toddlers.

May 25, 202215:06
The 12 month sleep regression

The 12 month sleep regression

In those first 2 years, our babies will go through many sleep regressions. This can be startling because our baby can be sleeping beautifully and all of a sudden hit a regression.  Now suddenly sleep takes a turn for the worse. One common regression is at the 12-month mark. In today’s podcast you'll learn what a sleep regression is and signs to look out for to know your child is going through one. Learn what causes this 12-month sleep regression and how to handle it to ensure your child’s sleep doesn’t fall apart.

May 12, 202213:44
Dream feeds

Dream feeds

Dream feeds are a great way to be able to maintain feeding overnight for your little one but to also remove the association between feeding and sleeping.  In today's episode, Linda explains what a dream feed truly is.  She goes over several different scenarios in which dream feeds can happen and how they can help you meet your goals of both helping your child sleep better as well as maintaining some feeding overnight.  

Apr 27, 202217:51
Swaddles and sleep sacks

Swaddles and sleep sacks

This episode was a special request by one of our listeners! She asked us to talk about swaddles and sleep sacks. In this episode we talk about the benefits and differences between swaddles and sleep sacks. You'll learn the important things you need to look out for when choosing one for your baby, the different kinds and brands out there, and which to use when. You won't want to miss this episode!

Apr 13, 202217:35
Interview with Alexis Granelli, Potty training coach
Mar 30, 202240:43
Understanding awake windows
Mar 07, 202215:09
What to expect in the first night of sleep training

What to expect in the first night of sleep training

Are you ready to start sleep training? Are you so tired that you want to start tonight but don't know where to begin? Before you start, you will want to listen to this podcast! In today's episode we walk you through how to create your sleep training plan that will guide you through your process and then what that first night will look like.

Feb 24, 202212:04
Behavior modification devices
Feb 10, 202213:41
Sleep training methods

Sleep training methods

The actual process of sleep training or sleep coaching is all about helping your child fall asleep independently and back to sleep independently.  When your child is learning these skills, it is essential to have a way of responding consistently to him or her so that your child is learning, through your behavior, what to expect at both bedtime and for any night wakings.  All sleep training is essentially behavior modification.  Contrary to the many books and blog articles out in the world all about sleep training, there are really just a few ways to actually do this.  Today's podcast will talk you through what this looks like, in actuality.  

Jan 27, 202214:42
The intersection of temperament and children's sleep: an interview with Macall Gordon, MA

The intersection of temperament and children's sleep: an interview with Macall Gordon, MA

This week we bring you a long awaited interview with our Gentle Sleep Coach colleague Macall Gordon.  Macall specializes in working with "live wires:" Children with very alert temperaments.  She shares with us her immense knowledge gained from working with these children as well as research insights.  Macall has a master’s degree in Applied Psychology from Antioch University, Seattle with a research-based specialization in infant mental health, the development of emotional regulation, and parenting psychology. She also has a B.S. in Human Biology from Stanford University. She is currently a Senior Lecturer in the graduate Counseling Psychology program at Antioch University in Seattle.

She has conducted and presented research on temperament, sleep, and parenting advice at infant and child development conferences around the world including the World Association for Infant Mental Health, the International Society for Infant Studies, the Society for Research in Child Development, and the American Psychological Association. She has been a featured speaker at international sleep conferences and has led webinar-based advanced training for sleep coaches, mental health providers, and others. Macall has just finished the manuscript for a book on sleep techniques for livewires. She lives outside of Seattle with her livewire husband and two very dramatic dogs.

Macall can be found in any of these places:


Instagram: @littlelivewires

Jan 12, 202250:12
When you are ready to end co-sleeping

When you are ready to end co-sleeping

Many families all over the world co-sleep.  Co-sleeping is very normal in many different cultures.  Here in the US, co-sleeping is probably more common place then most parents are willing to admit but there are often instances where we find ourselves co-sleeping and may want to discontinue that practice.  Today's episode will talk you through the process of ending co-sleeping, whenever you are ready, so that this can go as smoothly as possible.

Dec 16, 202119:37
Interview with lactation consultant Mariana Bigio, IBCLC

Interview with lactation consultant Mariana Bigio, IBCLC

In this podcast Linda & Jessica talk with Mariana Bigio, a Board Certified Lactation Consultant. As nursing moms we always hear lots of different myths about breastfeeding; can I drink caffeine? Can my baby still sleep through the night while I breastfeed? Mariana, also a nursing mom of 3 boys, helps us bring answers to these questions and more!

Mariana is a Board Certified Lactation Consultant. She was born and raised in Venezuela and currently lives in Miami, Florida, together with her husband and her three little boys.

She is the founder of Mamalactea, an organization dedicated to supporting families along their lactation journeys that go from pregnancy all the way to weaning. At her practice, she counts with a multidisciplinary team of professionals that work together to face breastfeeding challenges.

Her private practice offers one-on-one consultations, prenatal breastfeeding classes, and support groups. She works every day to bring evidence-based information on lactation matters through her blog @Mamalactea.

Mariana is a member of the Lactation Consultants Association (ILCA). She also holds a number of accreditations that reflect her interest in tongue-tie and oral restrictions. She’s passionate about advocating for women’s right to an extended and fair paid maternity leave and the assurance of their jobs.

In 2020, she was invited to join a pediatric practice, one of the pioneers in South Florida to offer patient lactation care services.

She enjoys spending time with her boys in outdoor activities and baking.

You can find her at any of these places below:

IG:  @mamalactea

(786) 651-6673

Dec 02, 202133:07
Nightmares and night terrors

Nightmares and night terrors

We've all had nightmares.  Sometimes we remember them, sometimes we don't.  Either way, they can be scary in the moment.  Many children experience nightmares as their imaginations start to develop.  Some children experience them more intensely then others and they definitely have the potential to disrupt sleep.  In today's episode, learn how to handle the situations when your child has a nightmare and also the difference between a nightmare and a night terror.   

Nov 18, 202112:02
Nap transition points

Nap transition points

Just when you get used to something with your children's sleep, IT CHANGES!  Never is this more true then when it comes to your child's naps.  In the first few years of your child's life, there are a lot of nap transitions that take place.  Tune into today's episode to learn when those transitions happen and how to handle the adjustments in your child's sleep when those transitions happen.

May 26, 202113:00
Separation anxiety peaks

Separation anxiety peaks

Separation anxiety is a normal developmental phase that all children go through at various points over the first 3 years of their life.  Some children deal with repeated ebbs and flows, others only experience it briefly.  Regardless, it is normal although it is often challenging for parents to manage.  It can also have a bit impact on your child’s sleep.  Listen in learn how to handle your child’s sleep when they are experiencing separation anxiety.

May 19, 202113:52
When is the right time to sleep train?
May 12, 202118:33
10 common sleep mistakes

10 common sleep mistakes

It is SO hard to know what is right or wrong when it comes to pretty much ANYTHING related to parenting, especially in the beginning.  It's a huge learning curve with a lot of trial and error learning.  As you already know, there is a vast amount of information available about children's sleep.  Today's episode will go over all of the most common mistakes and missteps that we often make as parents, as it relates to our children's sleep so now you will know what to look out for!  Think of this as your instruction manual of what not to do.  

May 05, 202113:55
Maintaining your child's good sleep while traveling

Maintaining your child's good sleep while traveling

When you've put in all of the hard work to help your child become a great sleeper, the prospect of traveling can feel rather daunting.  This episode will share all sorts of tips and tricks to ensure that your child continues to sleep well while away from home.  Also, listen in for tips on how to manage travel to different time zones, both within the US and also internationally.  

Apr 28, 202124:20
Sleep training myths

Sleep training myths

With the vast amount of information that parents are constantly bombarded with, nearly every parent has come across much conflicting information when it comes to your child's sleep. There can also be intense debate on various parenting forums about the merits of sleep training.  Some of that information may be true but there are many myths (possibly more myths then truths) as well.  Check out today's episode all about those sleep training myths.

Apr 21, 202111:01
Your child's sleep at daycare

Your child's sleep at daycare

New parents often worry about how their child will sleep when starting daycare.  The start of daycare can be daunting for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is how your baby will ever be able to sleep in such a stimulating environment.  Listen in to today's episode to learn what questions to discuss with your child's daycare as it relates to their sleep, what to know about baby sleep at daycare and how to handle toddler and big kid sleep at daycare.  

Apr 14, 202116:21
Toddler bedtime struggles

Toddler bedtime struggles

Bedtime stalling is one of the most frustrating behaviors that parents of toddlers deal with.  Why is it that the end of the day, when we are at the end of our energy reserves, often feels like the hardest part of the day?  Toddlers love to squeeze every last moment out of the day and this often leads to prolonged power struggles and excessively drawn out bedtime routines.  Listen in for our tips on how to manage those toddler bedtime shenanigans.  

Apr 07, 202113:46
Transitioning out of the swaddle

Transitioning out of the swaddle

The transition out of the swaddle can feel daunting for many parents of young babies.  Some babies really love their swaddle so figuring out how to move out of it when the time comes, can be tricky.  Check out today's episode to learn how to make this transition as easy as possible for everyone.

Mar 31, 202114:32