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The Daily Thistle, St. Margaret's School

The Daily Thistle, St. Margaret's School

By St. Margaret's School

The nation's only independent school daily news brief from St. Margaret's School in Tappahannock, Virginia
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The Daily Thistle, Thursday, May 27, 2021

The Daily Thistle, St. Margaret's SchoolMay 27, 2021

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday. April 12, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday. April 12, 2024

I've been critical of social media for its toxicity, often discussing my concerns about its negative impacts. Recently, I decided to take a break from TikTok, and the cleanse proved beneficial. While I've returned to the platform, I find that I'm not as drawn to it as before, which feels like a positive shift for me.

Apr 12, 202416:10
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, April 11, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, April 11, 2024

Over sandwiches and laughter, the lunch table delved into the essence of goodness. Opinions varied from kindness and empathy to integrity and selflessness. Each voice echoed the belief that a good person embodies compassion, integrity, and a genuine desire to uplift others, resonating long after the meal ended.

Apr 11, 202414:27
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, April 10, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, April 10, 2024

In yesterday’s Chapel, Ash offered a profound homily rooted in Matthew 13:47–52, which delves into the Parable of the Net where Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to a net thrown into the sea, gathering fish of every kind. Once full, the fishermen pull it ashore, sit down, and sort the good fish into containers but throw away the bad ones. This parable illustrates the end times when angels will separate the wicked from the righteous, demonstrating the inclusivity of God’s kingdom that ultimately leads to a separation based on righteousness. Jesus concludes by comparing a knowledgeable scribe about the kingdom of heaven to a homeowner who brings out new and old treasures, suggesting the value of both the Old and New Testament teachings in understanding God’s kingdom.

Apr 10, 202414:07
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Student Stories! Kendall speaks to important revelations from observations of her friends!

Apr 09, 202412:56
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, April 8th, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, April 8th, 2024

Personalization in hosting elevates the experience, making guests feel truly valued and understood. Tailoring details to their preferences demonstrates thoughtfulness and care, fostering a deeper connection and a memorable visit. It transforms a simple gathering into a unique, cherishable moment, enhancing comfort and enjoyment for all involved.

Apr 08, 202413:28
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, April 3, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Kendall navigates the sisterhood to gather students' aspirations before graduation, seeking to uncover the one thing each desires to accomplish before leaving St. Margaret's.

Apr 03, 202405:42
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, April 2, 2024

As digital natives, Gen Z grapples with the allure of online platforms where delusional beliefs flourish. The 'Delusional Online' trend sees them encountering echo chambers of misinformation and conspiracy theories, fueling polarization and mistrust. Kendall notes that when this trend became a philosophy, what might have been humorous, became worrisome in "feeding into the Delulu." Gen Z's immersion in these spaces raises concerns about their susceptibility to radicalization and the impact on societal discourse. Understanding this trend is crucial for guiding Gen Z towards critical thinking and responsible online engagement, ensuring they navigate the digital landscape with discernment and resilience.

Apr 02, 202417:18
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, March 28, 2024

Kendall shares insights into some school tidbits and then delves into the nature of "success." She emphasized that true success isn't measured by accolades but by personal growth, the courage to face challenges, and the impact one has on their community.

Mar 28, 202413:32
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, March 27, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Your environment significantly influences your well-being, shaping your habits, mindset, and opportunities. Access to green spaces, community resources, and positive social interactions fosters physical and mental health. Living in Tappahannock, Virginia, affords a safe and happy life!

Mar 27, 202414:38
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, March 26, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Embracing daily physical workouts cultivates discipline, enhances physical and mental health, and fosters resilience. It's about prioritizing oneself, pushing boundaries, and embracing discomfort for growth. This mindset values consistency over intensity, focuses on progress, and recognizes the transformative power of regular exercise on overall well-being.

Mar 26, 202417:29
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, March 25, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, March 25, 2024

"Sisters Pride" delves into the complex interplay between gut feelings and logical thinking. This conversation explores how intuition and reasoned analysis can guide decisions, highlighting the balance between emotional instinct and rational thought in navigating life's challenges and opportunities.

Mar 25, 202424:56
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, March 8, 2023

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, March 8, 2023

Kendall discusses the concept of girl power and its significance to institutions like St. Margaret's, which stands out as one of the nation's few all-girls boarding and day schools.

Girl Power is a cultural movement and philosophy that empowers women and girls, celebrating their strengths, capabilities, and rights. It challenges traditional gender roles and promotes equality, encouraging girls to pursue their ambitions in education, careers, sports, or leadership roles. Originating in the early 1990s with ties to music and pop culture, girl power emphasizes the importance of confidence, independence, and solidarity among women. By advocating for female empowerment and unity, girl power inspires a generation of girls to recognize their potential and assert their place in the world, breaking barriers and setting new standards for what women can achieve.

Mar 08, 202408:54
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, March 7, 2024

Decision-making plays a pivotal role in shaping our futures, emphasizing the importance of this skill across all age groups. From students grappling with academic and career choices to adults reflecting on their paths, the ability to make informed decisions is crucial. Kendall’s personal journey from indecision to confidence underscores the significance of self-awareness and practice in honing this skill. She outlines a decision-making process that begins with defining the desired outcome and evaluating options in alignment with one’s goals. Strategies and psychological tricks, like gauging emotional reactions to hypothetical choices, aid in revealing true preferences. Differentiation between similar options, acknowledging the evolution of one’s decision-making process over time, and the importance of every decision, however small, she highlights. She stresses making decisions thoughtfully, based on personal desires rather than external pressures, to ensure satisfaction with outcomes. This installment of Sisters’ Pride champions self-awareness, thoughtful consideration, and personal growth as key to effective decision-making, shaping individuals’ futures through conscientious choices.

Mar 07, 202416:10
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, March 6, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, March 6, 2024

To Mr. Lloyd, teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it's about connecting with students and sharing passions. Sure, the mundame tasks are disliked, interaction with students is cherished. Meeting Viola Wolfolk was pivotal, solidifying Mr. Lloyd's commitment to the school. Continuous learning through diverse interests and research is valued. The Aeneid is a favorite book. Mr. Lloyd advocates state funding for private education, especially for subjects like Latin. This encapsulates a holistic teaching view, emphasizing personal connection and academic enrichment while advocating for broader educational opportunities.

Mar 06, 202410:28
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Kendall leads a discussion about effective stress management strategies: music, comfort shows, physical space, physical activity and social interaction, and positive digital distractions.

Mar 05, 202409:04
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, March 4, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, March 4, 2024

Exploring Sibling Dynamics and Learning Through Middle and Younger Sisters' Perspectives `sibling relationships` `family dynamics` `shared experiences. The sisters discuss their roles within their family, highlighting the dynamics and misconceptions associated with their positions as the middle and younger siblings. The conversation concludes with reflections on the value of sibling relationships, emphasizing mutual learning and the importance of such bonds beyond biological connections. The Daily Thistle also offer a sports reports on basketballs's state finals.

Mar 04, 202413:33
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, March 1, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, March 1, 2024

Nestled in the rural outskirts, we've transitioned from the urban sprawl of Washington D.C. to the tranquility of the countryside. While we now savor the quiet and space of rural living, the city—with its proximity and all it offers—remains within easy reach. The myriad opportunities of urban life, from cultural events to professional advancements, beckon us still. Yet, we've traded the city's pervasive mentality of solitary independence, the pervasive "I am on my own" ethos, for the communal spirit and open spaces that define our new pastoral setting.

Mar 01, 202417:37
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 29, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 29, 2024

The stimulation from music, video games, and movies can evoke emotions, inspire creativity, and provide temporary escape. Yet, excessive exposure can cultivate mindless consumption, leading to decreased productivity, social isolation, and detrimental effects on mental health. Moreover, certain media content may perpetuate negative stereotypes, desensitize to violence, and foster unrealistic expectations. Overindulgence can also contribute to physical inactivity and disrupt healthy sleep patterns. It's crucial to balance entertainment with mindful engagement, seeking activities that nourish the mind, body, and spirit while minimizing the adverse effects of prolonged exposure to passive entertainment mediums.

Feb 29, 202421:45
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Kendall's homily critiques leadership hypocrisy and a call to genuine humility and servant leadership. It challenges us to examine our motives and actions and break the mirror of self-absorption, ensuring that we align with the principles of love, humility, and service exemplified by Jesus Christ.

Feb 28, 202411:43
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, February 26, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, February 26, 2024

Being obsessed with the chase in friendships can lead to superficial connections, overlooking genuine bonds for fleeting excitement. It fosters a cycle of constant pursuit, neglecting the value of authentic and lasting relationships. Prioritizing the thrill of pursuit over genuine connection may ultimately leave one feeling unfulfilled and emotionally disconnected.

Feb 27, 202409:24
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, February 26, 2023

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, February 26, 2023

In the hustle of life, amidst the chaos, there's a beacon of wisdom and love – Mom. Amidst the whirlwind, pause, dial her number. Listen to her voice, cherish her advice. In every laugh, every tear, she's there. Call her, talk to her, seek her counsel – for in her, lies infinite comfort and guidance.

Feb 26, 202411:22
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, February 23, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, February 23, 2024

The art of storytelling captivates through vivid narration, evoking emotions and transporting listeners to distant realms. Through masterful weaving of characters, plot, and setting, storytellers enchant, inspire, and illuminate, leaving indelible impressions that resonate long after the tale concludes.

Feb 23, 202414:08
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 22, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 22, 2024

To turn a bad day around, focus on self-care: take deep breaths, go for a walk, or indulge in a favorite hobby. Reach out to a friend for support, practice gratitude by listing positives, or treat yourself to something special. Small acts of kindness and self-compassion can transform a difficult day.

Feb 22, 202413:12
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Kendall convenes a group of students in the collaboration room, creating a space for sharing and exchanging diverse stories. This gathering fosters a sense of community and understanding among the participants, enriching their collective experience through the power of storytelling.

Feb 21, 202411:11
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Kendall and Silvy discuss their holistic approach to self-care, emphasizing exercise and balanced nutrition. They delve into intuitive and mindful eating practices, highlighting the importance of listening to their bodies' signals and making conscious food choices for overall well-being.

Feb 20, 202414:16
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, February 19, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, February 19, 2024

In the spring of one's senior year in high school, Kendall and Whitney speak about "living in the moment." A precious present encapsulates embracing the present fully, cherishing experiences as they unfold without dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. It's about mindfulness, appreciating the beauty of now, fostering gratitude, and finding joy in life's simple pleasures, cultivating a profound sense of fulfillment and contentment. Grab a hand and run to the river!

Feb 19, 202413:04
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, February 16, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, February 16, 2024

How about a listen to parts of the day in the life of Kendall and Whitney?

Feb 16, 202417:21
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 15, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 15, 2024

At St. Margaret's School, Kendall weaved through her circle of friends, relishing in the comforting symphony of grace-filled voices. In the nurturing environment, friendships blossomed, each interaction a testament to the supportive community at St. Margaret's.

Feb 14, 202407:55
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Valentine's Day, Wednesday, February 14, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Valentine's Day, Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Transfiguration signifies a profound transformation, transcending mere physical change to embrace a higher, more sublime state. Imperfection is inherent in humanity, stemming from the original sin of Adam and Eve. We are not destined for flawlessness; rather, we are meant to grapple with doubts and fears, using them as catalysts for personal growth. Our aspirations for greatness should not be driven by narcissism, but rather by a fundamental human desire for evolution and metamorphosis. True glory lies not in static perfection, but in the dynamic process of self-discovery and transformation that defines our journey through life.

Feb 14, 202411:49
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, February 13, 2024

In their candid conversation, Kendall and Whitney delve into the notion that embarrassing moments are only as embarrassing as one allows them to be. They reflect on personal experiences, emphasizing the importance of resilience and self-acceptance. By reframing mishaps as learning opportunities, they empower themselves and others to embrace vulnerability and grow from adversity. Through their shared wisdom, they inspire a shift in perspective, encouraging acceptance of imperfection and celebrating the human experience in all its complexities. In their laughter and understanding, they find solace and strength, united in their journey towards self-discovery and self-love.

Feb 13, 202424:35
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, February 12, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, February 12, 2024

Trusting in the universe, we find solace in the belief that a divine plan is guiding our journey. Amidst life's uncertainties, this faith offers reassurance, fostering resilience and hope. It reminds us to surrender control, embracing the flow of existence with gratitude and acceptance. Through challenges and triumphs, we draw strength from the interconnectedness of all things, knowing that every twist and turn serves a purpose in the grand tapestry of life. In moments of doubt, we anchor ourselves in this trust, finding peace in the unfolding of events and the wisdom of the universe's intricate design.

Feb 12, 202421:03
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, February 9, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, February 9, 2024

Swim team participation involves more than just individual athletes competing in their respective events; it encompasses a deeply rooted sense of community and teamwork that is essential for the success of both individuals and the team as a whole.

Feb 09, 202409:56
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 8, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 8, 2024

Battling perfectionism is like being in a never-ending race against oneself. The relentless pursuit of flawlessness creates a paradox where achievements feel inadequate, and efforts seem never enough. This constant striving for the unattainable sets a trap of perpetual dissatisfaction and self-doubt. It turns success into an elusive shadow, always just beyond reach, making it difficult to celebrate victories or acknowledge progress. The fear of making mistakes can paralyze decision-making and stifle creativity, turning every task into a mountain of pressure. Learning to embrace imperfection and accept that mistakes are part of growth is key to breaking free from the chains of perfectionism.

Feb 08, 202412:27
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, February 7, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Kendall and Ash talk about friendships from the comforts of the St. Margaret's Sisterhood!

Feb 07, 202413:07
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, February 6, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, February 6, 2024

"Eat, Sleep, Accomplish" embodies a mantra for those driven to achieve greatness in their endeavors. It emphasizes the importance of nurturing the body with good nutrition, the restoration that comes from adequate sleep, and the relentless pursuit of goals. This philosophy underlines a balanced approach to success, where physical well-being and focused ambition go hand in hand. It's a call to action for anyone aiming to turn dreams into reality through discipline, health, and unwavering determination.

Feb 06, 202410:47
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 1st, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, February 1st, 2024

Embracing a digital detox, many are turning off TikTok and other social media platforms to reclaim precious time once lost to endless scrolling. This conscious decision opens up new opportunities for engaging in more constructive tasks. By stepping away from the constant barrage of online content, individuals find themselves with more hours in the day to devote to personal growth, hobbies, and meaningful interactions. This shift not only enhances productivity but also fosters mental well-being. In a world increasingly dominated by digital distractions, the choice to disconnect becomes a powerful statement in favor of a more intentional, fulfilling lifestyle.

Feb 01, 202411:10
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, January 31st, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, January 31st, 2024

In Mark 1:21-28, Kendall interprets Jesus' encounter with the unclean spirit as a metaphor for our personal struggles. She suggests that just as Jesus confronts and casts out the unclean spirit, we, too, are called to confront our inner demons. Kendall emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our flaws and seeking transformation. By confronting our own 'unclean spirits,' Kendall believes we embrace a path of redemption and growth, much like the liberation experienced by the man in the synagogue under Jesus' compassionate authority.

Jan 31, 202409:42
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, January 30, 2024

The widespread use of Photoshop, particularly on social media, sparks a discussion. While it allows creative expression and aesthetic enhancement, it also risks distorting reality, potentially harming self-perception and promoting unattainable beauty ideals. Both phenomena underscore the complex relationship between digital media trends and their ethical implications, reflecting how online content can influence real-world perceptions and behaviors.

Jan 30, 202420:37
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, January 29, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, January 29, 2024

Embarking on a social media cleanse, Kendall decided to start by turning off TikTok. This platform, known for its endless stream of engaging content, had become a significant part of her daily routine. Initially, the silence felt unusual, a stark contrast to the constant buzz of notifications and updates. However, as days passed, she noticed a shift. Her mind seemed clearer, less cluttered with the relentless influx of information and entertainment. The absence of TikTok opened up spaces in my day, allowing for more meaningful activities and interactions. This detox, although challenging, brought a newfound sense of balance and tranquility to her life.

Jan 29, 202416:09
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, January 26, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, January 26, 2024

Having a bad day is a universal experience. It's when everything seems to go wrong, and you feel overwhelmed by negativity. Personal issues, work stress, or external factors could trigger it. Coping with a bad day involves acknowledging your feelings, taking deep breaths, and finding healthy ways to manage stress. Talking to a friend, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in enjoyable activities can help improve your mood. Remember, bad days are temporary, and tomorrow is a new opportunity for a better day. Accepting the ups and downs of life is a crucial part of maintaining mental well-being.

Jan 26, 202419:15
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, January 24, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, January 24, 2024

Kendall reminds us that accountability is crucial in understanding that failure is integral to life. It shapes our resilience, teaching us to embrace our setbacks rather than evading them. When we fail, it's not a signal to tune out or escape; instead, it's an opportunity to grow stronger and wiser. Recognizing our missteps and taking responsibility for them helps us learn and progress. By accepting failure as a natural step in life's journey, we cultivate a mindset of perseverance and determination. In the moments of overcoming our failures, we often find our greatest strengths and lessons.

Jan 25, 202409:19
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, January 24, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Kendall explores "creativity" - Creativity is a multifaceted and boundless concept, extending far beyond the mere act of drawing. It encompasses the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, and relationships to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations. It's not confined to the arts alone but is evident in problem-solving, innovative thinking in science and technology, novel approaches in business, and even in everyday life solutions. Creativity involves imagination and originality, an adventurous spirit willing to take risks and think outside the box. It is a fundamental human capacity that fuels progress, enriches culture, and enhances personal and collective experiences.

Jan 24, 202411:18
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall and Whitney Quinn, Friday, January 19, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall and Whitney Quinn, Friday, January 19, 2024

This episode of Sisters' Pride Kendall and Whitney focuses on New Year's Resolutions and the importance of nurturing the mind and body for a fresh and rejuvenated perspective. Join them as they explore ways to set goals, prioritize self-care, and embark on a journey toward a healthier and more vibrant outlook for the year ahead.

Jan 19, 202421:30
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, January 18, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, January 18, 2024

Kendall is joined by her sister on "Sisters' Pride" to engage in a lively discussion about genuine friendship, spontaneity, ambition, and the essence of sisterhood. While their conversation may meander at times, it's clear that the joy of their sisterly bond infuses their exchange with a delightful sense of fun and camaraderie.

Jan 18, 202418:41
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, January 17, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Kendall and Whitney talk about role models. Underclassmen admire seniors who exemplify role model traits beyond mere status. These include achieving good grades, demonstrating consistent hard work, showing kindness to everyone, and maintaining a standard of excellence. These attributes inspire and guide younger students in their own academic and personal growth.

Jan 16, 202411:50
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, January 16, 2023

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Tuesday, January 16, 2023

Adopting new habits involves consistency and commitment. Start small, focusing on one habit at a time. Set clear, achievable goals and integrate them into your daily routine. Be patient and forgiving with yourself during setbacks. Tracking progress and celebrating small victories can greatly enhance your motivation and success in habit formation.

Jan 16, 202412:13
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, January 15, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Monday, January 15, 2024

On Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, the Daily Thistle shared some sounds and thoughts in honoring this great man. In the spirit of honoring one another, Kendall's Sister Pride spoke on the importance of personal engagement. The focus was on being present in conversations, highlighting the distractions of phones and technology, and emphasizing the value of attentive, meaningful dialogue in the spirit of Dr. King's teachings, hearing one another.

Jan 15, 202410:54
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, January 12, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Friday, January 12, 2024

The conversation between Kendall, Charlotte, and Whitney reflects a thoughtful and mature understanding of the unique challenges faced by young people today. Their discussion about growing up too fast, the generational gaps despite being in high school and college, and the impact of social media trends, highlights the complexities of modern youth. They emphasize the importance of living in the moment and not getting too caught up in the past or the rapidly changing trends of social media. This indicates a deep awareness of how these factors can swing young people's perspectives and experiences in extreme directions.

Jan 12, 202419:27
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Thursday, January 11, 2024

Kendall and Sister's Pride "Week with Charlie" continues exploring social media today, revealing varied perspectives. While one embraced it as a platform for self-expression and networking, another might find it overwhelming and intrusive. Their differing views sparked a thoughtful discussion and a deeper understanding of how technology shapes their lives.

Jan 11, 202415:08
The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, January 10, 2024

The Daily Thistle and Sisters' Pride with Kendall Quinn, Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Balancing sports and college work can be challenging but crucial for student-athletes. While excelling in both areas is the goal, prioritizing academics is essential. It requires effective time management, discipline, and support from coaches and professors. Enjoying the game is vital; sports should be a source of passion and fun. Striking a balance ensures personal growth and success on and off the field. Ultimately, while the thrill of competition is essential, the true victory lies in achieving academic and athletic excellence simultaneously.

Jan 10, 202412:03