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Sober is Dope!

Sober is Dope!

By POP Buchanan

Embark on your transformative journey from addiction to sobriety with the Sober is Dope Revolution, your ultimate Sober Empowerment HUB! Join POP Buchanan, author of the Sober is Dope Book and an 11-year sober and recovered alcoholic, as he shares a holistic recovery approach incorporating therapy, rehab, AA, prayer, and meditation. With over 350 game-changing episodes featuring world-class guests, be prepared to be inspired by practical spiritual tools. Follow in POP's footsteps to quit booze and smoking, reverse pre-diabetes, and reclaim your life.
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Sober is Dope! Jan 03, 2020

Sex and Sobriety: Navigating Intimacy and Libido in Early Recovery

Sex and Sobriety: Navigating Intimacy and Libido in Early Recovery

In this episode of Sober is Dope, we dive into the complexities of sex and recovery. Many individuals in early sobriety face challenges with intimacy, arousal, and low libido. We discuss why these issues occur, share personal stories, and offer expert advice on rekindling your sex life after quitting drugs and alcohol. Join us as we explore ways to reconnect with yourself and your partner during this transformative journey.

10 Tips to Improve Sex Life After Quitting Drugs and Alcohol:

Communicate Openly: Talk openly with your partner about your feelings and struggles. Honest communication builds trust and intimacy.
Be Patient: Understand that recovery is a process. Give yourself time to adjust and heal.
Focus on Emotional Intimacy: Strengthen your emotional connection through shared activities, deep conversations, and quality time together.
Seek Professional Help: Consider therapy or counseling to address underlying issues and receive professional guidance.
Practice Self-Care: Prioritize your physical and mental health. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and mindfulness can enhance your overall well-being.
Experiment with New Things: Explore new ways to connect sexually. Be open to trying different activities that can bring excitement and novelty.
Mindfulness and Meditation: Practice mindfulness and meditation to reduce stress and increase body awareness, which can improve your sexual experience.
Stay Sober: Maintain sobriety to avoid setbacks and ensure you are fully present with your partner.
Educate Yourself: Learn about the impact of substance abuse on sexual health and recovery to better understand your journey.
Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate progress, no matter how small. Positive reinforcement can boost confidence and motivation.

May 31, 202456:48
Navigating a Sober Easter: Renewal & Recovery

Navigating a Sober Easter: Renewal & Recovery

This episode of "Sober is Dope" delves into the power of renewal and recovery during the Easter holiday. Join us as we explore ten practical tips for navigating a sober Easter with confidence and grace, from planning ahead and choosing sober activities to leaning on support systems and practicing mindfulness. Discover how to make the most of this sacred time while staying true to your commitment to sobriety. Whether celebrating Easter for spiritual reasons or simply enjoying the festivities with loved ones, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration for anyone on the recovery journey. Tune in and learn how to use Easter to start fresh, recommit to your recovery goals, and embrace the beauty of a sober life. Navigating a sober Easter can be both rewarding and challenging, especially for individuals committed to recovery. Here are ten tips to help you navigate a sober Easter and use this time to start fresh and recommit to your recovery journey:

  1. Plan Ahead: Plan your Easter celebration in advance, including activities, gatherings, and potential triggers. Having a solid plan in place can help you stay focused on your recovery goals.

  2. Choose Sober Activities: Opt for activities that don't involve alcohol or drugs. Consider attending a sober Easter brunch, participating in family-friendly activities like egg decorating or Easter egg hunts, or spending quality time with loved ones in a sober environment.

  3. Lean on Support Systems: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, or fellow recovery peers who understand and respect your commitment to sobriety. Lean on them for encouragement and accountability during Easter celebrations.

  4. Practice Mindfulness: Stay present in the moment and practice mindfulness techniques to manage stress and cravings. Take deep breaths, focus on positive thoughts, and remind yourself of your reasons for choosing sobriety.

  5. Bring Your Own Non-Alcoholic Drinks: If you're attending a gathering or event where alcohol may be present, bring your own non-alcoholic beverages to enjoy. Having your preferred drink on hand can help you feel more comfortable and avoid temptation.

  6. Have an Exit Plan: If you find yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable or triggered, have an exit plan in place. Know when it's time to leave and remove yourself from any potentially risky situations.

  7. Focus on Gratitude: Use Easter as an opportunity to reflect on the positive aspects of your recovery journey and express gratitude for the progress you've made. Focus on the blessings in your life and the support you have from loved ones.

  8. Engage in Self-Care: Prioritize self-care during the Easter holiday. Take time to rest, relax, and engage in activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. Whether it's reading a book, going for a walk, or practicing yoga, find activities that help you feel rejuvenated.

  9. Stay Connected to Your Recovery Community: Stay connected to your recovery community, whether through support group meetings, online forums, or virtual gatherings. Share your experiences, challenges, and successes with others who understand and can offer support.

  10. Set Intentions for Renewal: Use Easter as a time to set intentions for renewal and recommitment to your recovery journey. Reflect on your goals, aspirations, and the positive changes you want to make in your life. Use this time to reaffirm your commitment to sobriety and take proactive steps towards achieving your dreams.

By following these tips and staying focused on your recovery goals, you can navigate a sober Easter with confidence and use this time as an opportunity for personal growth, renewal, and recommitment to your journey of sobriety.

Mar 30, 202401:00:48
Slipped and Sliding: Relapse Masterclass and Psychological Readiness

Slipped and Sliding: Relapse Masterclass and Psychological Readiness

Join us on the Sober is Dope podcast for an insightful discussion on the realities of relapse and how to navigate it with psychological readiness. In this episode, we delve into the theme of "Sober and Slipped, Still Sliding," exploring the challenges individuals face when experiencing a relapse in their sobriety journey. Our host, [Host's Name], and guest experts in addiction recovery, offer valuable insights and practical strategies to help listeners navigate relapse with resilience and psychological preparedness.

In this episode, we'll cover:

- Understanding the psychological factors contributing to relapse

- Identifying warning signs and triggers for relapse

- Practical tips for building psychological resilience and readiness

- The importance of self-compassion and forgiveness in the face of relapse

- Real-life stories of individuals who have successfully overcome relapse and continued on their path to sobriety

Whether you're currently navigating a relapse or seeking to support a loved one through theirs, this episode provides invaluable guidance and encouragement. Tune in to gain insights and inspiration for maintaining sobriety and thriving on your journey toward wellness.

Don't forget to grab your copy of the Sober is Dope book, available now, for further inspiration and guidance on your journey to sobriety. Together, we can embrace the power of sobriety and live our best lives.

Thank you for tuning in to the Sober is Dope podcast. If you found this episode helpful, please consider subscribing, leaving a review, and sharing it with others who may benefit. Remember, you're not alone on this journey. Stay strong, stay sober, and remember that Sober is Dope.

Mar 01, 202432:25
Are You Sober and Struggling?

Are You Sober and Struggling?

Tune in to the latest episode of Sober is Dope: "Are You Sober and Struggling?"

In this episode, we discuss the challenges many face on their sobriety journey. From battling cravings to navigating setbacks, we're here to remind you that you're not alone.

Join us as we share practical tips to help you overcome the hurdles of sobriety:

- Reach out for support: Whether it's a trusted friend, family member, or support group, lean on your network for guidance and encouragement.

- Practice mindfulness: Stay present and observe your thoughts without judgment. Mindfulness techniques can help you navigate through cravings and challenging emotions.

- Seek professional help: Consider reaching out to therapists, counselors, or addiction specialists who can provide additional support and guidance tailored to your needs.

- Take it day by day: Remember that sobriety is a journey, not a destination. Focus on taking small steps forward each day and celebrate your progress along the way.

Tune in to "Are You Sober and Struggling?" and discover the strength and resilience within you to overcome the obstacles on your path to sobriety. You've got this! #SoberIsDope #SobrietyJourney #YouAreNotAlone

Feb 21, 202441:53
Addiction Recovery Tips (Beating Relapse and Negative Thoughts)

Addiction Recovery Tips (Beating Relapse and Negative Thoughts)

  1. Set Clear Goals: Define your reasons for getting sober and set achievable goals. Having a clear purpose can keep you focused and motivated.

  2. Build a Support System: Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it's friends, family, or a support group. Having a strong support system is essential for success.

  3. Seek Professional Help: If needed, don't hesitate to reach out to professionals like counselors or therapists who specialize in addiction. Their expertise can provide valuable insights.

  4. Create a Routine: Establish a daily routine that includes healthy habits. Structure and consistency can help replace old patterns with new, positive behaviors.

  5. Avoid Triggers: Identify and avoid situations, people, or places that trigger your cravings. Minimizing exposure to triggers is a crucial part of staying on the path to recovery.

  6. Educate Yourself: Learn about addiction, recovery, and the tools available to you. Knowledge is empowering and can enhance your understanding of the journey ahead.

  7. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices like meditation or yoga into your daily routine. These techniques can help manage stress and increase self-awareness.

  8. Celebrate Milestones: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, whether big or small. Recognizing your progress reinforces your commitment to sobriety.

  9. Stay Active: Engage in physical activities that you enjoy. Exercise releases endorphins, which can positively impact your mood and overall well-being.

  10. Listen to Sober is Dope by POP Buchanan: As a source of inspiration and motivation, tune in to "Sober is Dope" by POP Buchanan. This anthem captures the essence of the sober journey, offering encouragement and strength.

Feb 06, 202401:49:55
Recovery Roadmap: Overcoming Addiction's Toughest Obstacles

Recovery Roadmap: Overcoming Addiction's Toughest Obstacles

Embark on a transformative journey with our latest podcast episode, "Recovery Roadmap: Overcoming Addiction's Toughest Obstacles."
Join us as we delve deep into the heart of addiction recovery, addressing the top pain points faced by individuals seeking a life free from drugs and alcohol.
Discover empowering tips and proven strategies to navigate these challenges and triumph over adversity. From breaking free of cravings to fostering mental well-being, each revelation serves as a guiding light on your path to a fulfilling recovery journey.
Tune in now for invaluable insights, resilience-building advice, and the renewed hope that recovery can bring. #RecoveryRoadmap #OvercomingObstacles #AddictionRecovery #PodcastJourney
Jan 31, 202433:19
Recommit to Clean and Sober New Year Resolutions: Navigating Dry January for Lasting Success

Recommit to Clean and Sober New Year Resolutions: Navigating Dry January for Lasting Success

Embark on a transformative journey with POP Buchanan in this episode of the Sober is Dope podcast, where he provides invaluable tips to help you recommit to your clean and sober New Year's resolutions. Learn practical strategies to finish Dry January strong and use the momentum for lasting success. POP encourages listeners to view resolutions not just as goals but as gateways to a more fulfilling life. From setting clear objectives to establishing robust support systems, discover ways to create healthier habits, celebrate victories, and find enjoyable non-alcoholic alternatives. Join the conversation on staying engaged, reflecting regularly, and practicing patience and self-kindness on the road to serenity and self-fulfillment. Seeking professional help is a sign of strength, and POP reminds you to be honest, speak love into yourself, and approach your journey with compassion. Tune in for inspiration and practical advice to navigate the path to lasting success.

Jan 19, 202401:38:58
Spiritual Sobriety: A Healing Journey with Richard Lybarger of Wisdom Won Through Conscious Connected Breathing

Spiritual Sobriety: A Healing Journey with Richard Lybarger of Wisdom Won Through Conscious Connected Breathing

Join host POP Buchanan in a profound episode of Sober is Dope as he sits down with Richard Lybarger, also known as Rick, a seasoned healer and teacher integrating ancient wisdom with modern techniques.

Embark on a transformative journey as Rick shares insights into spiritual enlightenment tools, consciously connected breathing techniques, and the power of ancient healing traditions. With over 5 years of experience and certifications from The Modern Mystery School INT and Breath Master's Inc., Rick's mission is to guide individuals toward holistic well-being.

Explore Rick's diverse expertise, from teachings rooted in the Lineage of King Solomon to serving as a Men's Group Facilitator and practicing as a Reiki Practitioner. Discover how Rick's approach involves reprogramming the subconscious mind, empowering individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and patterns.

At Wisdom Won Coaching and Energy Healing, Rick empowers clients to unlock their true potential, fostering benefits such as enhanced self-awareness, reduced stress, improved focus, and emotional healing. Dive deep into the serene town of Selinsgrove, PA, and allow Rick's compassionate guidance to support you on a journey to vibrant well-being.

Connect with Rick at,, and on Instagram @wisdomwon. Beyond his extensive qualifications, Rick draws from a 26-year career as a financial planner, emphasizing the importance of holistic well-being in life's complexities.

Experience the transformative power of Rick's services, taking the first step towards self-discovery, spiritual growth, and a more empowered life. Tune in to gain insights, inspiration, and tools for your journey of well-being.

🔗 **Connect with Rick:**

- [Wisdom Won Coaching] (

- [Empowered-Man] (

- [Instagram @wisdomwon] (

Dec 08, 202301:10:19
Alcohol-Drug Free Thanksgiving: 20 Tips for a Sober Thanksgiving Celebration

Alcohol-Drug Free Thanksgiving: 20 Tips for a Sober Thanksgiving Celebration

Maintaining sobriety during Thanksgiving, especially for individuals in recovery from alcohol and drug addiction, can present some challenges. Here are 20 ways to stay sober during the Thanksgiving holiday:

1. **Attend Sober Events:**

- Look for Thanksgiving events that are alcohol-free or recovery-oriented.

2. **Communicate Your Intentions:**

- Inform friends and family about your commitment to sobriety, so they can offer support.

3. **Bring a Sober Friend:**

- Attend gatherings with a friend who supports your recovery journey and understands the importance of staying sober.

4. **Plan Non-Alcoholic Activities:**

- Organize or participate in activities that don't involve alcohol, such as games, sports, or outdoor adventures.

5. **Volunteer:**

- Spend your Thanksgiving volunteering at a local charity or community event. It can be a fulfilling and positive experience.

6. **Create Sober Traditions:**

- Establish new traditions that do not involve alcohol, like cooking a special meal or watching a favorite movie.

7. **Have a Support System:**

- Make sure you have someone you can call or text for support if you feel tempted.

8. **Stay Busy:**

- Engage in activities that keep you occupied and take your mind off any potential cravings.

9. **Practice Mindfulness:**

- Use mindfulness and relaxation techniques to manage stress and stay centered.

10. **Bring Your Own Non-Alcoholic Beverages:**

- If you're attending a gathering, bring your favorite non-alcoholic drinks to enjoy.

11. **Have an Exit Plan:**

- Plan an exit strategy in case you feel uncomfortable or triggered, ensuring you can leave the situation if needed.

12. **Reflect on Gratitude:**

- Take time to reflect on the positive aspects of your life and express gratitude for your journey in recovery.

13. **Attend Support Meetings:**

- Find and attend local support group meetings during the holiday season.

14. **Create Accountability:**

- Share your Thanksgiving plans with a sponsor or someone who can hold you accountable.

15. **Avoid High-Risk Situations:**

- If certain people or places are associated with substance use, consider avoiding them during this time.

16. **Prepare Responses:**

- Anticipate questions about your recovery and have positive, firm responses ready.

17. **Focus on Non-Food Enjoyment:**

- Enjoy the company of others and focus on the joy of shared experiences rather than just the food.

18. **Educate Others:**

- Help educate friends and family about addiction and recovery to foster understanding and empathy.

19. **Create a Gratitude List:**

- Write down things you are grateful for, reinforcing positive feelings and perspectives.

20. **Plan for the Day After:**

Have a plan for the day after Thanksgiving to continue positive habits and avoid post-holiday blues.

Remember, everyone's journey in recovery is unique, and it's important to prioritize your well-being. Reach out for support if you need it, and celebrate the holiday season in a way that aligns with your commitment to sobriety.

Nov 15, 202301:01:18
Understanding Codependency and Addiction with Dr. Sarah Michaud, PsyD

Understanding Codependency and Addiction with Dr. Sarah Michaud, PsyD

In this powerful episode of the *Sober is Dope* podcast, we are joined by Dr. Sarah Michaud, PsyD, a seasoned clinical psychologist with over three decades of experience. Based in Central Massachusetts, Dr. Michaud has dedicated her career to guiding individuals and families through the challenging journey of addiction recovery and unraveling the complexities of codependency.

Having earned her doctorate from the esteemed California School of Professional Psychology, Dr. Michaud's expertise is deeply rooted in both her professional training and personal experiences. Growing up in an alcoholic household, battling her own struggles with alcohol and cocaine addiction, and marrying two recovering addicts, she brings a unique perspective to the discussion.

In this episode, Dr. Michaud shares her wealth of knowledge, offering insights into the intricate relationship between addiction and codependency. Drawing from her own life's journey, she provides genuine and relatable advice, emphasizing the importance of self-discovery and recovery. Her book, *Co-Crazy*, reflects her resilience and offers practical guidance for families grappling with the impact of addiction and codependency.

Join us as we delve into Dr. Michaud's inspiring story of self-discovery, resilience, and hope. Her wisdom serves as a beacon for those navigating similar challenges, reminding us that even in the depths of struggle, there is a path to healing and renewal.

For more information about Dr. Sarah Michaud and her work, please visit her website at [](

*Stay tuned, get inspired, and remember, sobriety is not just a choice; it's a lifestyle.*

Oct 25, 202349:50
5 Minute Sobriety: A new trend in Relapse, Healing ,Creativity,and Discovering your calling!
Oct 21, 202319:01
Getting Real About Healing in Recovery - because your journey is worth every step, and we're here to walk it with you.

Getting Real About Healing in Recovery - because your journey is worth every step, and we're here to walk it with you.

Welcome back to the Sober is Dope Podcast, Season 4! In this gripping episode, your host, POP Buchanan, dives headfirst into the deep waters of recovery. Get ready to explore the uncharted territory of healing and sobriety like never before.

In this raw and unfiltered episode, we're breaking down the nitty and gritty of what it means to heal in recovery. Sobriety isn't just about putting down the bottle; it's about picking up the pieces of your life, one shard at a time. Join us as we stress the paramount importance of healing on this journey towards a better, sober you.

We're talking self-care, love, and sobriety like you've never heard it before. POP Buchanan doesn't hold back, and neither should you when it comes to your recovery. Expect hard-hitting views and explicit language as we face the cold, hard truth about the dangers of relapse and the slippery slope that threatens to unbalance your newfound safety net of recovery.

But don't worry; this isn't all doom and gloom. It's about confronting the darkness to find the light. In this episode, we're not just pointing out the dangers; we're offering you tools, guidance, and the support you need to maintain your center of gravity on this remarkable journey.

So, whether you're in the early stages of recovery or a seasoned pro, join us in this pivotal Season 4 premiere as we explore the essence of healing and why it's the foundation upon which we build our sobriety. Tune in, buckle up, and prepare for a candid conversation that may just change your perspective on recovery forever.

Sep 09, 202301:02:16
Motivational Sobriety: Mastering Mindset and Staying Focused on Addiction Recovery
Aug 16, 202336:24
Motivational Sobriety: Empower Your Recovery Journey: 1-Hour Motivational Speech for Rebuilding Yourself | Unleash Your Beast Mode and Find Motivation in Recovery

Motivational Sobriety: Empower Your Recovery Journey: 1-Hour Motivational Speech for Rebuilding Yourself | Unleash Your Beast Mode and Find Motivation in Recovery

Join Pop Buchanan, the founder of Sober is Dope, as he presents a motivational speech that serves as a beacon of inspiration and guidance for those on their recovery journeys. In this transformative episode, Pop Buchanan curates powerful speeches from renowned, Terry Crews, Tiger Woods, TD Jakes, Eric Thomas, Cole DaSilva, Patrick Bet - David, David Goggins, Robin Sharma, Greg Plitt, Rich Wilkerson Jr., Les Brown, Andy Frisella, Jocko Willink, Sam Elliott, Stev Harvey, Chadd Wright, Tim Grover, Inky Johnson, Steven Furtick, Joey Diaz, Will Smith, Ed Mylett, Tom Bilyeu, Mel Robbins, Nathan Harmon, Chris Ross, Elliott Hulse, Owen Cook, and John Maxwell.

Jul 27, 202301:24:55
Motivational Sobriety: Relentless Pursuit: Embracing Commitment and Defying Defeat

Motivational Sobriety: Relentless Pursuit: Embracing Commitment and Defying Defeat

Join Pop Buchanan, the founder of Sober is Dope, as he shares a motivational speech centered around the challenging theme of relapse and the unwavering determination to never give up. In this powerful episode, Pop Buchanan draws from his own experiences and emphasizes the importance of staying focused on what truly matters while supporting our recovery journeys.

As someone who listens to motivational videos every day, Pop Buchanan understands the struggles and setbacks that individuals may face on their path to sobriety. With an unwavering spirit, he encourages listeners to stay dialed in, reminding them that even in the face of relapse, there is always hope for redemption and transformation.
▶Speakers: Coach Pain YouTube: Instagram: Website: Cole "The Wolf" DaSilva YouTube: Instagram: TikTok: Marcus Elevation Taylor YouTube: Instagram: Dr. Jessica Houston YouTube: Instagram: Website: Walter Bond YouTube: Instagram: Twitter: Joe Rogan Special thanks to Aubrey Marcus: ►Follow Aubrey Marcus: Alan Watts    / alanwattsorg   Speech courtesy of Licensed from Matthew McCounghey Jordan Peterson Kevin Hart Bobby Maximus    / @officialbobbymax...   Instagram: Twitter: Website: Lisa Nichols YouTube: Linkedin: Instagram: Special thanks to Mindvalley:    / mindvalley   Arnold Schwarzenegger    / @arnoldschwarzene...  

Jul 26, 202343:46
Motivational Sobriety: Unleashing the GO HARD Mindset: Empowering Your Inner Champion

Motivational Sobriety: Unleashing the GO HARD Mindset: Empowering Your Inner Champion

Join Pop Buchanan, the founder of Sober is Dope, as he presents a motivational speech that serves as a beacon of inspiration and guidance for those on their recovery journeys. In this transformative episode, Pop Buchanan curates powerful speeches from renowned speakers such as Bobby Maximus, Coach Pain, Marcus Taylor, Marisa Peer, and more. Full video:

Jul 22, 202326:58
Motivational Sobriety: Fueling Your Sober Morning: Empowering 30-Minute Motivation to Kickstart Your Day!
Jul 20, 202338:55
Motivational Sobriety: Rise, Push Forward, and Embrace the Sober Journey: It's Not Over, You've Got Work to Do

Motivational Sobriety: Rise, Push Forward, and Embrace the Sober Journey: It's Not Over, You've Got Work to Do

Join Pop Buchanan, the founder of Sober is Dope, as he presents a motivational speech that serves as a beacon of inspiration and guidance for those on their recovery journeys. In this transformative episode, Pop Buchanan curates powerful speeches from renowned speakers such as Marcus Elevation Taylor, Coach Pain, Cole "The Wolf" DaSilva, Marcus Taylor, Eric Thomas, Dr. Jessica Houston, and more.

Centered around the theme of "It's Not Over, You've Got Work to Do," this motivational speech emphasizes the importance of perseverance, resilience, and staying focused on the path of recovery. Drawing from his personal experiences and daily motivation rituals, Pop Buchanan shares invaluable insights to keep listeners determined and dialed in, reminding them that their journey is far from over.

Throughout the episode, you will:

  1. Rise Above Challenges: Explore the mindset of rising above adversity and embracing the strength within. Speakers like Marcus Elevation Taylor and Eric Thomas deliver powerful messages that encourage listeners to tap into their resilience, overcome setbacks, and keep pushing forward.

  2. Push Forward with Determination: Coach Pain and Cole "The Wolf" DaSilva bring their unique perspectives on pushing through pain and embracing discomfort as catalysts for growth. Discover how to harness the power of determination to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.

  3. Embrace the Journey of Recovery: Dr. Jessica Houston shares her expertise on the transformative nature of the recovery journey. Learn how to navigate the ups and downs, find meaning in the process, and cultivate self-compassion and self-discovery along the way.

Through this motivational speech, Pop Buchanan empowers listeners to keep striving for greatness, reminding them that there is still work to be done on their paths to recovery. Don't give up, stay focused, and embrace the transformative journey ahead.

Jul 19, 202338:37
Motivational Sobriety: Resilience Unleashed: Overcoming Relapse and Refusing to Give Up

Motivational Sobriety: Resilience Unleashed: Overcoming Relapse and Refusing to Give Up

Join Pop Buchanan, the founder of Sober is Dope, as he shares a motivational speech centered around the challenging theme of relapse and the unwavering determination to never give up. In this powerful episode, Pop Buchanan draws from his own experiences and emphasizes the importance of staying focused on what truly matters while supporting our recovery journeys.

As someone who listens to motivational videos every day, Pop Buchanan understands the struggles and setbacks that individuals may face on their path to sobriety. With an unwavering spirit, he encourages listeners to stay dialed in, reminding them that even in the face of relapse, there is always hope for redemption and transformation.

Through heartfelt storytelling and relatable insights, this motivational speech serves as a reminder to persevere and embrace resilience.

Jul 17, 202322:14
Motivational Sobriety: Rise and Perseverance: Fueling Your Recovery Journey

Motivational Sobriety: Rise and Perseverance: Fueling Your Recovery Journey

Join Sober is Dope founder Pop Buchanan as he brings you a powerful compilation of motivational speeches, carefully curated to help you stay focused on what truly matters and support your recovery journey. In this episode, we dive into the theme of Rise and Perseverance, featuring inspiring speeches from renowned speakers such as William Hollis, Torian Salary, Eddie Truck Gordon, Will Smith, Eric Thomas, Billy Alsbrooks, Les Brown, and more!

Jul 17, 202331:28
Sober Summer: Thriving in Sobriety During the Season of Sun

Sober Summer: Thriving in Sobriety During the Season of Sun

Welcome to the Sober is Dope Podcast, where we celebrate the joys and triumphs of living a sober life. In this special summer edition, join us as we explore the topic of staying sober during the sun-soaked season, where barbecues, parties, and distractions abound.

In each episode, your host, POP Buchanan, shares personal stories, interviews experts, and offers valuable insights to help you navigate the challenges that summer can bring to your sobriety journey. With our five essential tips, you'll discover how to enjoy a sober and fulfilling summer while embracing the spirit of the season.

Episodes Include:

  1. "Planning Ahead: Your Key to Sober Summertime Success" Explore practical strategies to prepare yourself for summer gatherings and events, learning how to identify triggers, develop a solid plan, and proactively protect your sobriety.

  2. "Finding Sober Support: Building Your Summer Tribe" Discover the power of sober support networks and recovery communities. Join us as we discuss the importance of finding like-minded individuals who understand your journey and can provide the support and camaraderie you need during the summer months.

  3. "Engaging in Healthy Activities: Summer Adventures in Sobriety" Explore a range of exciting and healthy activities to fill your summer days, from outdoor sports and hobbies to mindful practices that promote physical and mental well-being. Learn how engaging in these activities can strengthen your recovery and enhance your overall sense of fulfillment.

  4. "Communicating Your Needs: Navigating Summer Social Settings" Join us as we discuss the importance of open and honest communication with friends and loved ones. Discover effective ways to express your boundaries and needs regarding alcohol or drug-related events, and how to build a support system that embraces and celebrates your sobriety.

  5. "Creating a Sober Summer Bucket List: Embracing the Season with Joy" Wrap up the season with inspiration and excitement as we encourage you to create a personal sober summer bucket list. We'll explore unique experiences and positive endeavors that can make your summer memorable and help you grow in your recovery journey.

Join us on the Sober is Dope Podcast as we empower you to thrive in sobriety during the sunniest season of the year. Whether you're newly sober or have years of recovery under your belt, our episodes will provide valuable insights, encouragement, and practical tips to make this summer your best sober summer yet.

Remember, sobriety is a gift, and you deserve to enjoy every moment of the sun-soaked season. Tune in to the Sober is Dope Podcast and embark on a journey of discovery, growth, and inspiration as we celebrate a sober and sensational summer together.

Jul 07, 202322:01
From Darkness to Dreams: Rediscovering Creativity in Recovery

From Darkness to Dreams: Rediscovering Creativity in Recovery

In this episode of the Sober is Dope podcast, join your host, POP Buchanan, as he opens up about his personal journey through addiction, recovery, and the rediscovery of creativity. In a heartfelt reintroduction to the loving Sober is Dope podcast community, POP bares his soul and shares profound insights on various aspects of the recovery journey.

Throughout the episode, POP delves into the transformative power of embracing creativity as a vital tool in the recovery process. Drawing from his own experiences, he explores how pursuing dreams and passions can ignite a spark of hope, inspiring individuals to overcome adversity and reclaim their lives.

From forgiveness to honesty, POP addresses the crucial values that are instrumental in fostering personal growth and healing. He shares the significance of forgiving oneself and others, and how embracing honesty can be both liberating and transformative.

Furthermore, POP emphasizes the importance of perseverance in navigating the complexities of addiction, recovery, or simply finding oneself in the midst of life's challenges. He discusses the invaluable lessons he has learned along the way and encourages listeners to never give up, even when the path seems daunting.

Whether you are on your own recovery journey or simply seeking inspiration for personal growth, this episode will leave you feeling empowered and enlightened. Tune in as POP Buchanan fearlessly lays bare his own life details, inviting you to embark on a profound exploration of creativity, forgiveness, honesty, perseverance, and the intricate navigation of life in addiction, recovery, or being in the middle.

Join us on this transformational episode of the Sober is Dope podcast and discover the limitless possibilities that await when we embrace our true selves and dare to dream, even in the face of adversity.

Jun 21, 202301:02:06
Supporting Loved Ones Through Addiction: 20 Practical Tips for Families and Friends with Healing Power Prayer from POP Buchanan

Supporting Loved Ones Through Addiction: 20 Practical Tips for Families and Friends with Healing Power Prayer from POP Buchanan

Dealing with a loved one's #addiction can be challenging and painful, but it's essential to provide support and encouragement during their #recovery process. In this episode of the "Sober is Dope" podcast, we share 20 practical tips for family members and friends dealing with addiction. From setting boundaries to practicing self-care and encouraging positive behaviors, these tips can help you navigate the complexities of addiction and support your loved one on the road to recovery. Tune in to learn more about how to be a supportive and positive force in your loved one's life. #sober #addictions #samhsa #alanon #drugaddiction

20 practical tips for family members and loved ones dealing with a person addicted to drugs and alcohol:

  1. Educate yourself on addiction: Learn about the nature of addiction, its causes, and the potential treatment options. A better understanding of addiction can help you make informed decisions.

  2. Be supportive: Show your loved one that you are there for them and that you care about their well-being. Offer encouragement and support during their recovery process.

  3. Encourage them to seek professional help: A professional drug counselor can provide addiction treatment and help your loved one overcome their addiction. Encourage them to seek professional help.

  4. Set boundaries: Set clear boundaries and consequences for unacceptable behavior related to drug or alcohol abuse. Stick to them consistently.

  5. Practice self-care: Take care of yourself physically and mentally. It can be challenging to deal with a loved one's addiction, so make sure to prioritize your own well-being.

  6. Avoid enabling: Enabling behavior, such as providing money or shelter, can perpetuate the addiction. Refrain from enabling and seek professional advice on how to encourage positive behavior.

  7. Avoid judgment: Avoid blaming, shaming, or judging your loved one. This can exacerbate the addiction and make it harder for them to seek help.

  8. Seek support: Join support groups such as Al-Anon, which provide support and guidance for family members of addicts.

  9. Understand relapse: Relapse is common in addiction recovery. Learn how to recognize signs of relapse and support your loved one through the process.

  10. Encourage positive behaviors: Encourage healthy behaviors such as exercise, healthy eating, and regular sleep patterns.

  11. Practice open communication: Encourage open and honest communication with your loved one, but avoid being confrontational or aggressive.

  12. Learn how to handle triggers: Triggers such as stress, anxiety, or boredom can lead to relapse. Learn how to recognize triggers and help your loved one cope with them.

  13. Help them build a support network: Encourage your loved one to build a support network of friends, family, and professionals who can provide emotional support during recovery.

  14. Celebrate milestones: Celebrate your loved one's milestones, no matter how small. Recognizing their progress can encourage them to continue on the road to recovery.

  15. Avoid becoming a co-dependent: Avoid becoming overly involved in your loved one's addiction or recovery. This can lead to co-dependency and hinder their recovery.

  16. Set realistic expectations: Recovery from addiction is a long and challenging process. Set realistic expectations and be patient.

  17. Help them find purpose: Encourage your loved one to find purpose and meaning in life beyond their addiction. This can help them find motivation to stay sober.

  18. Seek professional advice: Seek advice from addiction professionals on how to deal with specific situations and challenges related to your loved one's addiction.

  19. Keep a positive attitude: Stay positive and hopeful, even in difficult times. A positive attitude can help your loved one stay motivated and focused on their recovery.

  20. Don't give up: Addiction recovery is a challenging process, but it is possible. Don't give up on your loved one, and continue to support them in their journey to recovery.

May 08, 202301:18:16
Breaking the Stigma: Mental Health Awareness Month Celebration and Navigating Mental Health in Addiction Recovery with Motivational Message by POP Buchanan

Breaking the Stigma: Mental Health Awareness Month Celebration and Navigating Mental Health in Addiction Recovery with Motivational Message by POP Buchanan

Breaking the Stigma: Navigating Mental Health in Early Recovery

#mentalhealth #mentalhealthawarenessmonth #breakthestigma

This May on the Sober is Dope Podcast, join host POP Buchanan as we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month with a powerful episode focused on breaking the stigma surrounding mental health. In this episode, POP shares his personal journey with mental health, grief, loss, depression, and addiction, and offers valuable tips, strategies, and advice on how to navigate mental health in early recovery. Grab the Sober is Dope Book on Amazon

Throughout the episode, POP explores the connection between mental health and addiction, discussing how trauma, pain, and loss can be foundational to our addictions and necessary to heal on our recovery journeys. He offers practical tips and insights for those in early recovery, emphasizing the importance of seeking therapy and breaking the stigma surrounding mental health.

Don't miss this inspiring and informative episode of the Sober is Dope Podcast, where we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month by highlighting the importance of mental health in recovery. Join us as we work to break the stigma and support those on the path to healing and wellness.

May 03, 202344:26
Surviving Relapse: Navigating Early Addiction Recovery and How to Deal with Shame and Guilt

Surviving Relapse: Navigating Early Addiction Recovery and How to Deal with Shame and Guilt

In this episode of Sober is Dope, we discuss the difficult topic of relapse and provide practical tips for getting back on track with sobriety after consuming alcohol. From seeking support to avoiding triggers, we offer insights to help you navigate this challenging time and continue on your journey toward recovery. Join us as we explore the ups and downs of sobriety and celebrate the power of perseverance and self-care.

If you have relapsed and consumed alcohol after a period of sobriety, it's important to take action to get back on track with your recovery. Here are some tips to help you sober up after a relapse:

  1. Acknowledge the relapse and forgive yourself. Remember that setbacks are a normal part of the recovery process.
  2. Seek support from your therapist, support group, or trusted loved ones. They can offer non-judgmental support and guidance.
  3. Avoid triggers that may have led to the relapse. This may mean avoiding certain social situations or people who may encourage you to drink.
  4. Refocus on your recovery goals and the reasons why you chose to get sober in the first place.
  5. Make a plan for moving forward, including steps you can take to prevent future relapses.
  6. Practice self-care by getting enough rest, eating well, and engaging in exercise or other physical activities that you enjoy.
  7. Take steps to manage stress and anxiety, such as through mindfulness techniques, journaling, or deep breathing exercises.
  8. Attend therapy or counseling sessions to address any underlying emotional issues that may have contributed to the relapse.
  9. Seek out support from others who have experienced relapse and learn from their experiences.
  10. Consider medication-assisted treatment options under the guidance of a healthcare professional.
  11. Celebrate small victories and progress towards your recovery goals.
  12. Stay committed to your recovery and remember that sobriety is a journey, not a destination.
  13. Understand that relapse is not a failure and that it's never too late to get back on track with your recovery.
  14. Be patient with yourself and trust the process of recovery.
Apr 26, 202356:49
Rising Above Trauma: 20 Tips For Navigating Early Recovery from Addiction and Mental Health with Motivational Speech by POP Buchanan

Rising Above Trauma: 20 Tips For Navigating Early Recovery from Addiction and Mental Health with Motivational Speech by POP Buchanan

In this podcast, we will explore the challenges that come with dealing with trauma in early recovery from addiction and mental health. We will discuss various tips and strategies for overcoming these challenges and moving towards a healthy and fulfilling life. Join us as we explore the power of self-care, self-reflection, and self-growth in rising above trauma and achieving lasting recovery. Grab a copy of the Sober is Dope book on Amazon

20 tips for dealing with trauma in early recovery, addiction, and mental health:

  1. Find a support system
  2. Seek professional help from a therapist
  3. Develop a routine and stick to it
  4. Practice self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and relaxation techniques
  5. Be patient with yourself
  6. Be honest with yourself and others
  7. Identify triggers and avoid them if possible
  8. Use positive affirmations to reinforce self-worth
  9. Stay away from substances and behaviors that can trigger relapse
  10. Learn healthy coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and anxiety
  11. Set realistic goals and celebrate progress
  12. Be open to new experiences and opportunities for growth
  13. Surround yourself with positive influences
  14. Use creativity as an outlet for expression
  15. Connect with others who have had similar experiences
  16. Practice gratitude and focus on the present moment
  17. Maintain healthy relationships with friends and family
  18. Take breaks when needed and prioritize rest
  19. Use journaling as a tool for self-reflection and processing emotions
  20. Remember that recovery is a journey, not a destination.

Apr 24, 202355:57
Navigating Early Recovery: Overcoming Relapse Struggles, Communicating with Loved Ones, and Building Your Legacy with Motivational Message from POP Buchanan

Navigating Early Recovery: Overcoming Relapse Struggles, Communicating with Loved Ones, and Building Your Legacy with Motivational Message from POP Buchanan

In this episode of Sober is Dope, I, POP Buchanan, a 10-year sober host, share my experience and tips on how to handle struggles in early recovery. I know firsthand how challenging it can be to stay sober in the early days of recovery, so I offer advice on how to cope with triggers and cravings, and how to stay committed to your sobriety. #sober #sobriety #earyrecovery #addiction #addictionrecovery

Additionally, I discuss the importance of communicating with family and friends about your sobriety journey. Letting loved ones know that you're sober curious and thinking about quitting can be daunting, but it's crucial for building a support system and maintaining accountability. I share some strategies for approaching these conversations and addressing potential challenges.

Finally, I emphasize the importance of building a legacy and avoiding relapse. Whether it's through giving back to the recovery community, pursuing your passions, or simply living a meaningful life, I believe that creating a sense of purpose is essential for long-term sobriety. I also discuss some common pitfalls that can lead to relapse and offer suggestions for staying on track. #soberisdope

If you're in early recovery or know someone who is, this episode is a must-listen. Join me as I share my experience, strength, and hope on the journey to lasting sobriety. Grab a copy of the Sober is Dope Book.

Apr 18, 202353:26
Fentanyl Overdose: The War on Drugs, Stigma, Person First Language, and Harm Reduction with Special Guest McCauley Sexton of Sexton Space

Fentanyl Overdose: The War on Drugs, Stigma, Person First Language, and Harm Reduction with Special Guest McCauley Sexton of Sexton Space

Join us for an insightful episode of Sober is Dope as we tackle the urgent issue of fentanyl overdoses. Our special guest, McCauley Sexton of Sexton Space, brings a unique perspective to the conversation, sharing his expertise and personal experiences related to the war on drugs and the stigma surrounding substance use and addiction.

In this episode, we will delve into the crucial importance of using person-first language and how it can help to shift the conversation and break down the barriers of stigma. We will also explore the concept of harm reduction and its role in reducing the number of overdoses and saving lives.

Get ready for a powerful and thought-provoking discussion as we delve into the fentanyl overdose epidemic and the various factors that contribute to it. So tune in and be a part of the conversation as we work towards finding solutions and creating a more compassionate and understanding society. Don't forget to grab a copy of the Sober is Dope book.

Apr 04, 202301:23:07
Navigating Early Recovery After Going Cold Turkey: Tips for Success

Navigating Early Recovery After Going Cold Turkey: Tips for Success

In this episode of the Sober is Dope podcast, we'll be discussing tips for individuals in early addiction recovery who have gone cold turkey and did not attend rehab. Going cold turkey can be a challenging experience, but with the right tools and support, it can also be a successful path to recovery. #earlyrecovery

Here are some tips to maximize success in early addiction recovery after going cold turkey:

  1. Build a strong support network: Surround yourself with people who support your recovery journey and can offer encouragement, accountability, and guidance. Consider attending support group meetings or finding a therapist to talk to. #addiction

  2. Create healthy habits: Establish a routine that includes healthy habits such as exercise, meditation, or journaling. This can help to promote physical and emotional wellness, and provide structure and stability in early recovery.

  3. Avoid triggers: Identify and avoid triggers that may tempt you to use drugs or alcohol. This may include certain people, places, or situations that you associate with drug use.

  4. Develop coping strategies: Learn healthy ways to cope with stress, anxiety, and other challenges that may arise in early recovery. This may include practicing mindfulness, deep breathing exercises, or seeking professional help when necessary. #sobriety

  5. Take care of yourself: Prioritize self-care and make time for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment. This can include hobbies, creative outlets, or spending time with loved ones.

Remember, recovery is a journey and it takes time. Be patient with yourself, and don't be afraid to reach out for help when you need it. With the right tools and support, you can build a strong foundation for a successful and fulfilling life in recovery.

Mar 24, 202301:02:38
Overcoming FOMO: Thriving in Addiction Recovery with 10 Ways to Improve Mental Health in Sobriety

Overcoming FOMO: Thriving in Addiction Recovery with 10 Ways to Improve Mental Health in Sobriety

Welcome to the Sober is Dope podcast, where we explore the challenges and victories of living a life of sobriety. In today's episode, we'll be discussing FOMO, or the fear of missing out, and how it can be one of the biggest killers in addiction recovery. This toxic ruminating thought can lead to feelings of anxiety, depression, and even relapse if not addressed properly. But fear not! We've got you covered with 10 ways to improve your mental health and put this thought to rest. And as a bonus, we'll be featuring readings from the Sober is Dope book, to provide additional insights and inspiration to help you thrive in your recovery journey. So let's get started!
Here are 10 ways to improve mental health in addiction recovery for the Sober is Dope podcast community:

Practice self-care: Make sure to prioritize self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, and getting enough sleep to help manage stress and anxiety.

Build a support network: Surround yourself with positive, supportive people who can help you navigate the ups and downs of recovery.

Attend therapy: Therapy can be an important tool in recovery for addressing underlying mental health issues and learning new coping skills.

Stay active: Engage in activities that bring you joy and a sense of accomplishment, whether it's pursuing a new hobby or volunteering in your community.

Eat a healthy diet: Eating a well-balanced diet can improve your mood and energy levels, which can in turn positively impact your mental health.

Practice mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine, such as deep breathing or yoga, to help you stay present and manage stress.

Avoid negative influences: Stay away from people, places, and things that may trigger cravings or negative emotions.

Set realistic goals: Set achievable goals for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

Keep a journal: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process your emotions and gain insight into your mental health.

Celebrate your successes: Take time to acknowledge and celebrate your successes, big or small, as a way to boost your self-confidence and motivation in recovery.

Mar 18, 202301:03:42


Sober is Dope: A Special Episode for Women in Addiction and Recovery with special clips from Brene Brown, Tony Robbins, and a Forgiveness Affirmation from Deepak Chopra and special readings from the Sober is Dope Book.


In this special episode of Sober is Dope, Pop Buchanan dedicates the show to women in addiction and recovery, letting them know that they are loved and worthy. The episode focuses on midlife drinking, midlife addiction, midlife crisis, and navigating early recovery during midlife. Special mention is given to those who started drinking and drugging in their 40s and 50s. 

This episode is for all gender roles and anyone who identifies as a woman and is designed to provide support and encouragement to those struggling with addiction and recovery. Pop Buchanan shares his own personal experiences and insights, along with tips and strategies for overcoming midlife addiction and navigating the challenges of early recovery.

Whether you're just starting out on your recovery journey or you've been in recovery for some time, this episode offers valuable insights and inspiration. You'll hear stories of triumph over addiction and learn about the power of self-love and compassion in recovery.

Join Pop Buchanan for this powerful and uplifting episode of Sober is Dope, dedicated to all the women in addiction and recovery who fight daily to overcome their challenges and live a life of sobriety and joy.

Midlife can be a time of great change; with change can come stress, anxiety, and even a crisis of identity. For some, this can lead to excessive drinking and addiction, which can be especially challenging for women. Here are some tips on how to navigate a midlife drinking crisis and addiction: here are some tips for women in midlife addiction and recovery:

  1. Acknowledge the problem
  2. Seek professional help
  3. Identify triggers
  4. Develop a support system
  5. Practice self-care
  6. Explore new hobbies
  7. Embrace change
  8. Set achievable goals
  9. Practice mindfulness
  10. Find a hobby or activity that brings you joy
  11. Avoid triggers
  12. Stay accountable
  13. Practice self-compassion
  14. Find a therapist or counselor
  15. Take care of your physical health.

Remember, it's never too late to make positive changes in your life. By taking steps to deal with a midlife crisis and midlife drinking and addiction, you can find new sources of joy and fulfillment in this stage of your life.

Mar 14, 202301:02:28
Celebrating 40K Instagram Followers and Sharing Powerful Mental Health Tips for Addiction Recovery (Special Notes for People Going Cold Turkey or in Early Sobriety)

Celebrating 40K Instagram Followers and Sharing Powerful Mental Health Tips for Addiction Recovery (Special Notes for People Going Cold Turkey or in Early Sobriety)

Join us for a special episode of the Sober is Dope podcast as we celebrate reaching 40K followers on Instagram and express our gratitude to the community. In this episode, we share powerful tips for early recovery for those going cold turkey from drugs or alcohol and those struggling with mental health and addiction. #SOBERISDOPE #ADDICTION #MENTALHEALTH #SOBER #SOBRIETY 

We discuss the importance of having compassion for other addicts and how it is key to a healthy recovery. We also dive into comorbid addiction and the challenges it presents in recovery. We talk about not stressing about haters and the social construction of reality. We also explore the topic of delirium tremens, detox, rehab, and more.

We read from the Sober is Dope book, sharing inspiring stories of those who have overcome addiction and achieved sobriety. We are joined by guest speaker POP Buchanan, who shares his insights on universal abundance and mindset and how these concepts can support those in recovery.

This episode you won't want to miss is filled with practical advice, inspiring stories, and a celebration of the sober community. Tune in to Sober is Dope and join us in celebrating 40K followers and the recovery journey. 

Mar 09, 202301:00:07
Celebrating the New Quitlit Mindset Book Sober is Dope - Tools for Healing and Addiction Recovery with Author and Host POP Buchanan

Celebrating the New Quitlit Mindset Book Sober is Dope - Tools for Healing and Addiction Recovery with Author and Host POP Buchanan

Description: In this latest episode of the Sober is Dope podcast, we celebrate the success of selling 500 copies of the Sober is Dope book by diving into one of the most impactful chapters: "POP Buchanan Tools for Healing and Recovery."

In this exclusive episode, POP gets candid about his journey from addiction to recovery and shares his experiences with the tools that have helped him along the way. He discusses activating your highest potential, the law of attraction, and the power of prayer and affirmations.

POP also touches on the importance of not letting relapse keep you in shame and guilt and how the practice of mindfulness, such as Netflix and chilling, can benefit your mental health.

With personal stories and transformative insights, this episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance on their journey toward healing and recovery.

Join us as we celebrate the success of the Sober is Dope book and explore the tools for healing and recovery that have transformed POP's life and can transform yours too. Tune in now! #SoberIsDope #Healing #Recovery #Addiction #MentalHealth #Wellness #Mindfulness #LawOfAttraction #Prayer #Affirmations #TransformativeInsights #Celebrate #500Copies #ExclusiveEpisode #PersonalJourney #Inspiration #Guidance #TransformYourLife #TuneInNow #soberbooks #quitlitt 

Mar 07, 202352:47


Welcome to the Sober is Dope podcast, where we're dedicated to inspiring and empowering those on the path to sobriety and recovery. In this episode, we're discussing the importance of finding compassion for yourself and for addicts worldwide and how embracing forgiveness can play a powerful role in addiction recovery. Grab a copy of the Sober is Dope Book Today

It's easy to feel overwhelmed and consumed by the shame and guilt often associated with addiction. But it's important to remember that addiction is a disease and that those struggling with it deserve compassion and understanding.

When we approach addiction recovery with compassion, we create a space for healing and growth. Here are just a few of the benefits of practicing compassion in addiction recovery:

1️⃣ Increases Self-Awareness: When we show compassion for ourselves and others, we become more aware of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

2️⃣ Improves Relationships: Compassion can help us connect more deeply with others, creating stronger and more supportive relationships.

3️⃣ Boosts Mental Health: Practicing compassion can improve our overall mental health and well-being, reducing stress and anxiety and increasing feelings of happiness and contentment.

4️⃣ Promotes Forgiveness: Compassion can help us overcome anger and resentment, promoting forgiveness and healing.

Join us as we discuss how finding compassion for yourself and for addicts worldwide can transform addiction recovery. We'll share practical tips and strategies for embracing forgiveness and creating a more compassionate world.

Don't miss this powerful episode of the Sober is Dope podcast. Tune in now and continue supporting each other on our journeys toward health and wellness. #SoberIsDope #Podcast #Compassion #AddictionRecovery #Forgiveness #MentalHealth #Wellness #Support #Healing #Growth #Relationships #SelfAwareness #AddictionAwareness #Empowerment #Transformation #RecoveryJourney

Mar 06, 202324:22
Sober Testimony: Surviving Near Death and Addiction with Daniel Spencer

Sober Testimony: Surviving Near Death and Addiction with Daniel Spencer

Daniel Spencer joins Sober is Dope to discuss his sobriety journey, addiction recovery, and near-death experience. #sober #recovery #addicition
Daniel Spencer has been through hell and back and is now Sober for over 11 years. Daniel abused marijuana and alcohol as a teenager into his late 20s. He has been married for almost 20 years, with three kids ( one “adopted” niece) and ALL teenagers, and almost divorced.
Daniel has achieved a total body transformation and was almost 300 pounds, and now he is 155 lbs. and under 10%body-fat. Daniel experienced a traumatic near-death electrical accident twice. With 3rd degree burns to his face and multiplied skin graft surgeries.
Daniel found his purpose in life. To tell his story and share his healing process through physical fitness and a strict diet. Daniel is now an online life coach, helping fellow humans gain self-confidence and mental strength through the same miracle morning process that he has adopted. Follow Daniel Spencer on Instagram
Thank you for listening to the Sober is Dope podcast. Please leave a review on Apple and follow us on IG @soberisdope
Grab a copy of the Sober is Dope Book today and share it as a gift for your loved one who needs help from depression, low self-esteem, trauma, and addiction.
Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

365 Profound Daily Affirmations For Mental Health, well-being, Healing, and Positivity
Prayers For Forgiveness, Addiction Healing, and Mental Health
A 15-Day Devotional For Spiritual Health
Tips For The Law of Attraction and Creating The Life That You Want
Meditations For Attracting Health, Clarity, and Peace
100 Tips, for Health, and Mental Health
And So Much More

Grab a copy today:
Feb 06, 202345:47
SOBER ORIGIN STORY by POP BUCHANAN: Recovering Out Loud with GOD and Writing The Sober is Dope Book

SOBER ORIGIN STORY by POP BUCHANAN: Recovering Out Loud with GOD and Writing The Sober is Dope Book

POP Buchanan recaps how he found sobriety and talks about his sober origin story, God, and why he wrote the Sober is Dope book. Discover how to free yourself from addiction with the power of Sobriety. #SOBERBOOK #SOBERISDOPE #SOBERLIFE #PRAYERS #AFFIRMATIONS #ADDICTIONRECOVERY #GOD #JESUSCHRIST #ALCOHLICSANONYMOUS #12STEPS

Are you battling addiction? Have you recently overcome addiction, and do you want to stay sober? Are you looking for a powerful tool to help you maintain or find Sobriety and succeed on your road to recovery? Then this is the book for you. ( ) (DIGITAL DOWNLOAD)

A master of Sobriety and recovered alcoholic of over ten years, POP Buchanan reveals the formula he used to put his life back on track and build the positivity he needed to find and maintain Sobriety.

Packed with over 365 profound and inspirational affirmations, as well as 20 Christian-based healing prayers, spiritual quotes, and a 15-day prayer plan, this powerful book offers you a simple and practical roadmap to addiction recovery. Challenging you to transform your mindset and stay free from whatever addiction you suffer from, the Sober is Dope book arms you with the spiritual, emotional, and psychological tools you need to build your life back up.

Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

  • 365 Profound Daily Affirmations For Mental Health, well-being, Healing, and Positivity
  • Prayers For Forgiveness, Addiction Healing, and Mental Health
  • A 15-Day Devotional For Spiritual Health
  • Tips For The Law of Attraction and Creating The Life That You Want
  • Meditations For Attracting Health, Clarity, and Peace
  • 100 Tips For Transforming Recovery, Health, and Mental Health
  • And So Much More

Don’t let addiction control your life any longer. Instead, take your life into your own hands, create a world of positivity around you, and harness the power of Sobriety to begin your journey to the life that you want to live. With honest, heartfelt advice and vital spiritual experience tools which have helped countless people on their road to lasting Sobriety, this book is perfect for anybody looking to beat addiction for good. 

Buy now to begin your journey to overcoming addiction!

Feb 06, 202358:41


Discover how to free yourself from addiction with the power of Sobriety.

Are you battling addiction? Have you recently overcome addiction, and do you want to stay sober? Are you looking for a powerful tool to help you maintain or find Sobriety and succeed on your road to recovery? Then this is the book for you. ( ) (DIGITAL DOWNLOAD

A master of Sobriety and recovered alcoholic of over ten years, POP Buchanan reveals the formula he used to put his life back on track and build the positivity he needed to find and maintain Sobriety. #soberbook #sobrietybooks #quitlit

Packed with over 365 profound and inspirational affirmations, as well as 20 Christian-based healing prayers, spiritual-quotes, and a 15-day prayer plan, this powerful book offers you a simple and practical roadmap to addiction recovery. Challenging you to transform your mindset and stay free from whatever addiction you suffer from, the Sober is Dope book arms you with the spiritual, emotional, and psychological tools you need to build your life back up.

Here’s what you’ll discover inside:

  • 365 Profound Daily Affirmations For Mental Health, well-being, Healing, and Positivity
  • Prayers For Forgiveness, Addiction Healing, and Mental Health
  • A 15-Day Devotional For Spiritual Health
  • Tips For The Law of Attraction and Creating The Life That You Want
  • Meditations For Attracting Health, Clarity, and Peace
  • 100 Tips For Transforming Recovery, Health, and Mental Health
  • And So Much More

Don’t let addiction control your life any longer. Instead, take your life into your own hands, create a world of positivity around you, and harness the power of Sobriety to begin your journey to the life that you want to live. With honest, heartfelt advice and vital spiritual experience tools which have helped countless people on their road to lasting Sobriety, this book is perfect for anybody looking to beat addiction for good. #SOBERBOOK #SOBERISDOPE #SOBERLIFE #PRAYERS #AFFIRMATIONS #ADDICTIONRECOVERY #GOD #JESUSCHRIST #ALCOHLICSANONYMOUS #12STEPS 

Buy now to begin your journey to overcoming addiction!

Jan 26, 202325:46


Thank you Tim Lodgen for joining the Sober is Dope podcast community. This episode covers various topics from depression, mental health issues, suicide attempts, and addiction. Follow Tim Lodgen on Instgram at ( ) Sober is Dope is a safe place for addicts, the sober curious, and anyone dealing with addiction, depression, sadness, loss, and pain. We do not judge and all are welcome. Find free prayers, tips, strategies, and motivation that can help transform your life. I am POP Buchanan. Thank you for joining our family. SOBERISDOPE.COM

Tim Lodgen grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, where he signed a skateboard contract that had him riding with Bucky Lasek and Brandon Novak. Playing sports kept him away from drugs and alcohol until he enlisted in the Marine Corps as a Senior in High School. He thought he'd let off some steam before he had to enter the highly regimented life of a soldier, and during that time, he did every drug he could get his hands on. Soon he was deployed to Somalia, where massive amounts of alcohol took the place of the drugs. When he finally returned home, he was happy to be out of the military but quickly fell into a deep depression that had him sitting with a gun in his lap and thinking about suicide. He finally admitted his depression and was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder. Still, without ever admitting to his drug and alcohol use, he spent the next 20 years with incorrect doses that did little for his mental health.

Tim then began a career as an MMA fighter. An eventual injury led him to introduce opiates into his use, which sent his addiction to another level and caused a second suicide attempt. He finally found help 27 years into his addiction after his wife discovered him preparing to take his own life. He has since become the healthiest version of himself, even coming in 3rd place in a Muscle and Fitness bodybuilding contest. Tim now uses his platform to help others by telling his story, working with the homeless, and offering addiction and health advice through his Instagram account. 

Jan 20, 202301:04:42
Kiola Raines, MS, Pn1: Kinesiology, Nutrition, Fitness, Mental Health, Anxiety, and Addiction Recovery

Kiola Raines, MS, Pn1: Kinesiology, Nutrition, Fitness, Mental Health, Anxiety, and Addiction Recovery

Kiola Raines is a Precision Nutrition certified coach, and a National Academy of Sports Medicine certified trainer. 

Kiola earned her BS in Kinesiology at CSU Fullerton and her MS in Exercise Psychology at CSU Long Beach. Over the past 12 years, she has developed a coaching philosophy based on building a knowledge base for her clients. Kiola's intention in coaching is for her clients to gain confidence in their nutrition and fitness programs, so much confidence that they will never need to hire another professional after her. In addition, Kiola wants her clients to LEARN and gain wisdom to help them create a healthy lifestyle in the long run.

Kiola's coaching philosophy is simple: Educate. Empower. Ignite. Kiola will give you the information needed to create nutrition and fitness programs custom to your needs. She will encourage you to believe in your own body and intuition to make realistic choices and send you off after your time together with a new bright outlook on your health and wellness routine. Kiola looks forward to working with you and LOVE that she has found her passion in this life.

Sober is Dope is a safe place for addicts, the sober curious, and anyone dealing with addiction, depression, sadness, loss, and pain. We do not judge, and all are welcome. Find free prayers, tips, strategies, and motivation to help transform your life. I am POP Buchanan. 

Thank you for joining our family. ( SOBERISDOPE.COM )

Dec 28, 202254:13



WHEN ALL HOPE IS LOST - Powerful Motivational Video
Edited by: @benlionelscott Spoken by: Jocko Willink, Tyrese Gibson, Martyn Ford, Dwayne Johnson

Sober is Dope is safe place for addicts, the sober curious, and anyone dealing with addiction, depression, sadness, loss, and pain. We do not judge and all are welcomed. Find free prayers, tips, strategies, and motivation that can help transform your life. I am POP Buchanan. Thank you for joining our family. https://SOBERISDOPE.COM 






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📘 - The Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Maté M.D.


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Dec 26, 202230:28
40 Tips for Staying Clean and Sober during the Holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years)
Dec 23, 202201:22:58
Dry January Tips: How to complete Dry January Successfully

Dry January Tips: How to complete Dry January Successfully

Sober is Dope Podcast and Dry January Resources:
1. Remind yourself of your motivations
2. Tell people- Accountability
3. Make a plan for situations where alcohol is on offer - Bring your own beverage or look for alcohol free alternatives
4.)Practice saying no
5. Plan some activities to look forward to
6.) 6. Be prepared for slip-ups
7.) 7. Keep a diary
8.) 8. Phone a friend
9.) 9. Think about why you drink, and make a switch - triggers fall into one of four categories - Social Occasions, Treats, Negative Emotions or Defenses Down. These can be internal (thoughts, feelings or sensations) or external (things going on around you). Knowing your triggers can really help you
10.) 10. Ask for help if you need it
11.) Enlisting a sober buddy will help keep you motivated
12.) Eliminating temptation within your home is mission critical
13.) Mocktails might help to quench your thirst
Stay hydrated
14.) Replacing your version of happy hour with another mood-boosting activity can kill cravings, too - Workout, Meditate, Hot Shower
15.) You don’t have to commit to being a shut-in
16.) You shouldn’t give up if you slip up
Benefits of Dry January
1.)Your overall health will actually improve significantly
2.) Your mood will improve, too
3.) You’ll get more accomplished
Dec 23, 202232:21
From Functional to Alcoholic 
(The Truth about Functional Alcoholism)

From Functional to Alcoholic (The Truth about Functional Alcoholism)

Welcome to the Sober is Dope Podcast with your host, POP Buchanan. From functional to alcoholic takes a look at the reality of functional alcoholism and sheds light on this addiction. In reality most functional alcoholics drink as much as clinical alcoholics. The difference lies in the tolerance level of the functional alcoholic. This form of addiction can lead to advance liver disease, mental health issues, and full alcoholism. This looks at the transition from the functional addict to the dysfunctional addict. Please enjoy.
Dec 23, 202239:10


Please stream and comment full video on Youtube:

Dec 15, 202203:36
POP Buchanan Celebrates his 10 Year Sober Anniversary (10th Sober Anniversary) Thank you Recovery Community

POP Buchanan Celebrates his 10 Year Sober Anniversary (10th Sober Anniversary) Thank you Recovery Community

Today I celebrate my 10th Sober Anniversary. GOD is good. I feel blessed to have a second chance at life. Thank you to the community for the endless support and love. If I can get Sober and heal myself then anyone can. Sobriety is a miracle of love and transformation. Here's to 10 more years and countless more blessings. Love you all. Never give up. - POP Buchanan ( )

#soberisdope #hiphop #mentalhealthawareness #alcoholic #addiction #sobermovement #addictiontreatment #cleanandsober #substanceabuse #soberlife #alcoholism #breakfastclub #addictionrecovery #boombap #music #recovery #odaat #sobriety #recoveryispossible #addict #wedorecover #hiphopmusic #soberaf #inspiration #sober #indiemusic #mentalhealth

Dec 15, 202213:29
Award Winning Filmmaker and Musician Sabyn Mayfield shares his Creative Journey and Healing Recovery

Award Winning Filmmaker and Musician Sabyn Mayfield shares his Creative Journey and Healing Recovery

Award Winning Filmmaker, Producer, Director, Music Artist, and Renaissance Man Sabyn Mayfield joins POP Buchanan on the Sober is Dope Podcast to discuss Music, Creativity, Healing, and Life being Clean and Sober. Learn More about Sabyn Mayfield here ( ) ...

Sober is Dope podcast, is a safe place for addicts, the sober curious, and anyone dealing with addiction, depression, sadness, loss, and pain. We do not judge and all are welcome. Find free prayers, tips, strategies, and motivation that can help transform your life. I am POP Buchanan. Thank you for joining our family. Learn More at ( )

Nashville native Sabyn Mayfield is an award winning filmmaker and musician. He founded the L.A. based production company Stay Fly LLC in 2012 as an incubator for himself and other filmmakers developing original content.

As a writer, director and producer, Sabyn is known for tackling relevant subject matter with an innovative and bare bones approach. After years of created critically acclaimed and award winning short form content, his award winning feature debut, “Boomtown”, was released in 2017 by 1091 Pictures; followed by his award-winning documentary “Time Cant be Wasted”, in 2020.

As a songwriter and artist, Sabyn is breaking barriers with his music and demonstrates the value of genre crossovers with his unique sound and lyrical content. Sabyn’s music has been featured in films and TV series around the globe. Sabyn released his debut EP, “Halfway There, in 2021 with sonaBLAST! Records, and has continued to release music at a fevered pace. In 2021, Sabyn founded the music publishing company CashVillain Music.

A graduate of the prestigious Los Angeles Film School, Sabyn continues to push the barriers as a multi-hyphenate, delivering a diverse catalogue of content, while staying true to the man behind it.

Nov 23, 202255:23
Navigating Early Recovery and Sobriety with Claire Comai of REHAB STUDIOS

Navigating Early Recovery and Sobriety with Claire Comai of REHAB STUDIOS

Welcome to Sober is Dope. Today's guest is Claire Comai the founder of Rehab Studios (formerly Rehab Barbie). Claire joins Sober is Dope to discuss her journey in Recovery. Claire Comai is the Founder & CEO of the apparel and jewelry brand Rehab Studios. The brand and designs are inspired by her own struggles with addiction before getting sober at age 24. She is now three and a half years sober and a vocal advocate for eradicating the stigma and increasing research and awareness of addiction and mental health. Claire lives in Brooklyn, New York. Her hobbies include skydiving–– she recently earned her professional A-level license in Brazil –– and spray painting. She is also an avid traveler, having visited 29 countries so far. 

Next stop: Tanzania in November! ( )

Topics Discussed: Early Recovery, Rehab Barbie, Alcohol Addiction, Addiction Science, Neuroplasticity, Comorbid Addiction, Stress, Triggers, Sadness, Depression, Rehab Studios, Recovering Out Loud, Alcoholics Anonymous, Community, Relapse, Having Fun in Sobriety, Making Recovery cool, and more. 

Sober is Dope is a safe place for addicts, the sober curious, and anyone dealing with addiction, depression, sadness, loss, and pain. We do not judge and all are welcome. Find free prayers, tips, strategies, and motivation that can help transform your life. I am POP Buchanan. Thank you for joining our family. SOBERISDOPE.COM






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📘 - The Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Maté M.D.


📗 - Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert -

📙 - The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.


📕 - Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson -

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👉 - Fight Addiction From Home  -

👍 - Alcohol Free Resource -

Nov 11, 202236:07
REKS: Rhythmatic Eternal King Supreme joins SOBER IS DOPE (Life Transformation and Inner Alignment)

REKS: Rhythmatic Eternal King Supreme joins SOBER IS DOPE (Life Transformation and Inner Alignment)

REKS: Rhythmatic Eternal King Supreme joins POP Buchanan on the Sober is Dope podcast to discuss his healing journey. Topics Discussed: Eastern philosophy and Godhead, Yoga and Kemetic principles, The importance of reading books, Inner Standing and Introspection, Cutting out Pork, Exercise, Choosing Sobriety as part of the path to Alignment, The healing power of his Queen, Financial Literacy, Ray Dalio's Book "Principles", Cutting out toxic people, places, and things, Hip Hop and Alcohol, Quitting Cigs, and more. You can follow REKS on Instagram Watch the Video clip here ⏩ Youtube Snippet 

Corey Isiah Christie (born August 24, 1977), better known as Reks (styled in all caps as REKS), is an American rapper. Reks emerged from Lawrence, Massachusetts' underground rap scene. His debut underground album, Along Came The Chosen, was released on Brick Records in 2001. Reks has released eight additional albums and has appeared on various albums and mixtapes.

Reks was a breakdancer in his teens and was part of a local B-boy crew called Funk Town Connection. By the time he entered college at University of Massachusetts Amherst, Reks had built a reputation for himself in the local Boston rap scene, and eventually quit school to begin recording for Brick Records. A few 12" singles, "I Could Have Done More" and "Fearless," arrived first in early 2001, before Brick issued his debut LP, Along Came the Chosen, later that year. This earned Reks nominations for Hip-Hop Album and Artist of the Year by the Boston Music Awards. Reks worked with DJ Premier, Styles P, Alchemist, Hi-Tek, and many others on his 2011 album Rhythmatic Eternal King Supreme. On October 14, 2016, he released the critically acclaimed album "The Greatest X"

Oct 17, 202249:26
SOBER IS DOPE ALBUM: Celebrating POP Buchanan's Birthday (Dedicated to Atiim Lyn Ferguson and the Addiction Recovery Community)
Sep 29, 202233:01


Sober is Dope podcast, is a safe place for addicts, the sober curious, and anyone dealing with addiction, depression, sadness, loss, and pain. We do not judge and all are welcomed. Find free prayers, tips, strategies, and motivation that can help transform your life. I am POP Buchanan. Thank you for joining our family. #addiction #mentalhealth #recovery #sober #sobriety

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📘 - The Realm of Hungry Ghosts by Gabor Maté M.D.
📗 - Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert -
📙 - The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk M.D.
📕 - Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson -
Sep 21, 202228:18