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Social Media Sanity: The podcast that talks you off a social media ledge

Social Media Sanity: The podcast that talks you off a social media ledge

By Tamay Shannon

Are you a busy entrepreneur looking for ways to boost your social media presence AND get out of always feeling behind and unaligned? Tune in to the 'Social Media Sanity' podcast with host Tamay Shannon where savvy strategies, incisive questions, and permission to authentically express yourself is served. With this bite-sized adventure, expand your knowledge on all things related to social media—from remaining mindful while engaging with followers to mastering the latest platform updates. Subscribe now and get ready to flourish in the world of digital empires authentically.
Currently playing episode

The Business Owner Dilemma: Navigating Free Work for Strategic Growth and Success

Social Media Sanity: The podcast that talks you off a social media ledgeFeb 19, 2024

The Business Owner Dilemma: Navigating Free Work for Strategic Growth and Success

The Business Owner Dilemma: Navigating Free Work for Strategic Growth and Success

🌟 This Week on Social Media Sanity: Navigating the Free Work Conundrum! 🌟

Ever found yourself pondering, "Is doing this for free really worth it?" Guess what? You're in good company! On this week's episode of Social Media Sanity, I'm diving headfirst into the contentious debate about free work, sparked by none other than Usher's unforgettable free halftime show performance. But, as we'll discover, there's much more beneath the surface. 🤔

Why do we, as driven entrepreneurs and creatives, entertain the idea of not charging for our services? Could this be a secret weapon for business growth, or are we just setting ourselves up for exhaustion? I'm not just here to pose questions; I'm here to explore answers. From boosting your brand's visibility to establishing yourself as a thought leader, and the genuine joy derived from helping out, we're unpacking everything.

Step into my world as I share essential insights, all spiced up with a dash of humor and heaps of practical wisdom, guiding you through the intricate dynamics of unpaid work. This isn't just any episode; it's a beacon for making informed, impactful decisions that align with your business vision and personal growth.

👉 Tune in now for the insider scoop on making the concept of free work actually work in your favor. Believe me, you won't want to miss this. And if you find yourself nodding along and craving more, make sure to subscribe for a weekly slice of sanity amidst the social media chaos.

Here's to making brave choices and smart plays. Let's jump right in!

Feb 19, 202414:57
MLK Day and Others: Mindful Recognition and Authentic Engagement with Cultural Holidays on Social Media

MLK Day and Others: Mindful Recognition and Authentic Engagement with Cultural Holidays on Social Media

Tune into this enlightening episode of Social Media Sanity, where we tackle the art of acknowledging cultural holidays on social media, with a focus on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Discover the importance of inclusion and learn how to conduct thorough, respectful research. This episode is your guide to authentically celebrating these significant occasions on your platforms. Tune in for insights and tips to ensure your content resonates with authenticity and respect. Let's navigate this journey together and make your brand shine!

Wanna talk?

Jan 09, 202408:43
Social Media Success in 2024: Embracing Consistency, Storytelling, and AI Literacy

Social Media Success in 2024: Embracing Consistency, Storytelling, and AI Literacy

In this episode of "Social Media Sanity," we look ahead to 2024 with insights on navigating social media successfully. 🌟 Consistency is key, 📈 storytelling is crucial, and 🤖 AI literacy is becoming essential for businesses.

Here are a few of our favorite quotable moments: "Consistency is still important," "Telling a story is entertaining even if it isn't funny," and "Look for ways to leverage AI in your business."

Listen in to gain valuable strategies for your mindful online presence in 2024. Don't miss out!

Dec 31, 202308:31
Q4 Alignment Secrets - Achieve Your Goals the Right Way!

Q4 Alignment Secrets - Achieve Your Goals the Right Way!

As the year comes to a close, it's time to take a step back and evaluate your social media strategy. In this episode of Social Media Sanity, host Tamay Shannon walks you through a series of thought-provoking questions to get your business goals back on track and ensure they align with your desired approach. Discover what worked and what didn't in your social media efforts, and learn how to leverage your successes and eliminate what no longer serves you. Tamay also shares the importance of setting realistic goals and committing to what truly matters to you as a business owner. Plus, find out how to establish a reliable data source to track your progress and make data-driven decisions. Join us as we dive into practical strategies for a mindful and purposeful online presence. Don't miss this opportunity to take control of your business and create it exactly as you envision. Tune in now to find your social media sanity!

Oct 08, 202307:27
Unlocking Event Success: Preparing and Leveraging Social Media for Optimal Results

Unlocking Event Success: Preparing and Leveraging Social Media for Optimal Results

Welcome to Social Media Sanity, the podcast that brings you practical strategies and insights to navigate the world of social media. In this episode, we're discussing how to achieve multiple outcomes from a single event on social media. We explore the importance of setting intentions and goals, capturing compelling images and videos, making it easy for people to connect with you, and leveraging hashtags to bridge the offline-online gap. Plus, we dive into the power of follow-ups and provide tips for crafting effective post-event messages. Tune in and level up your social media game!

In this conversation, we discuss:

👉 Setting intentions and goals for events

👉 Capturing engaging images and videos

👉 Leveraging hashtags to bridge the offline-online gap

Here are a few of our favorite quotable moments from the episode:

1. "Fortune is in the follow-up. Money is in the follow-up. Collaboration, the serendipity, the magic is in the follow-up."

2. "Make it easy for people to connect with you by using QR codes. Let them quickly scan and book a call, follow you on Instagram, or sign up for your newsletter."

3. "Using hashtags during events helps bridge the gap between offline and online connections, strengthening trust and collaboration opportunities."

Don't miss out on the opportunities events can bring. Tune in to this episode of Social Media Sanity to level up your social media game!

Sep 23, 202309:59
Preparing Your Social Media for Time Off: How to Keep it Running and Engaging

Preparing Your Social Media for Time Off: How to Keep it Running and Engaging

Welcome to Social Media Sanity, the podcast that brings you bite sized reminders and insights to navigate the world of social media. In this episode, we dive into the importance of taking time off from social media and provide practical strategies on how to prepare your content so it continues to run smoothly even when you're not actively engaged. From reusing and repurposing your best content to updating your calendar and setting up campaigns for passive income, we explore ways to maintain a mindful and purposeful online presence. Tune in and discover the secrets to finding social media sanity. Listen now!

In this conversation, we discuss:

👉 Repurposing engaging content

👉 Shifting calls to action

👉 Making money while on vacation

Here are a few of our favorite quotable moments:

1. "Taking time away from your business actually makes you more creative, makes you more excited to return back, gives you those ideas to take you to the next level."

2. "Be present, enjoy it. Soak it in. Let it be the restorative break that you need."

3. "Taking a break is just as important as balancing the books and delivering excellent service."

In this episode, learn how to prepare your social media for a break and discover the benefits of taking time away from your business. Find social media sanity and listen to the full episode now!

Sep 16, 202307:18
From Slow Sales to Success: Actionable Strategies for Marketing and Social Media

From Slow Sales to Success: Actionable Strategies for Marketing and Social Media

Welcome to Social Media Sanity, the podcast that talks you off a social media ledge. In this episode, we tackle the challenge of slow sales and provide practical strategies for fundamental marketing and social media.

📣 Follow Up: Reach out to potential clients.

📱 Call Past Clients: Ask for more business.

☑️ DMs and Calls-to-Action: Connect and ask for the sale on social media.

And more.

Here are a few of our favorite quotable moments:

1️⃣ "Having slow sales is not about you as a person, it's about the actions you're taking in your business."

2️⃣ "People want to eat. They want that transformation. So you following up is giving them the opportunity to eat."

3️⃣ "Making sure that people know what they can buy from you is a service."

Listen to this episode for action steps to boost your sales and transform lives. Don't miss out!

Sep 11, 202312:58
Content Creation Made Easy: 5 Quick Ideas for Social Media Success

Content Creation Made Easy: 5 Quick Ideas for Social Media Success

Welcome to Social Media Sanity, the podcast that brings you practical strategies and insights to navigate the world of social media. In this episode, we discuss 5 easy content creation ideas that can help you stand out in the online space. From recording your rants to showcasing the behind-the-scenes of your business, we've got you covered. Here are a few of our favorite quotable moments:

1️⃣ "Consistency is key. Your old posts can still shine only if you create them." 🌟

2️⃣ "Share the inner workings of your product or service. People love that!" 🎥

3️⃣ "Pick a fight with industry standards that don't align with how you teach." 🥊

Ready to up your content game? Tune in to the full episode now and start creating impactful social media content today.

If you need support with your social media and the upcoming holidays, book your time here:

Sep 03, 202310:41
The Black Friday Checklist: Get Prepared and Make Money Without Losing Sleep

The Black Friday Checklist: Get Prepared and Make Money Without Losing Sleep

Welcome to Social Media Sanity, the podcast that helps you navigate the world of social media. In this episode, we prepare you for Black Friday with practical tips to make money and reduce stress. Analyze last year's results, check your inventory, audit your website, and prep your customer service. Plan your downtime and celebrate your accomplishments. Listen for more strategies and tactics to support your Black Friday sale on social media. 📈💼

Catch up on the first episode in the series here, that answers the question "Should you even do Black Friday?"

In this conversation, we discuss:

👉 Analyzing last year's results

👉 Checking inventory and website

👉 Prepping customer service and celebrating

Here are a few of our favorite quotable moments:

1. "Make sure you look at your website analytics, your social media platform analytics."

2. "Create stock replies for people asking about where is my order at? I can't believe you did this."

3. "Plan your downtime. Make sure that you have a spa day, a reading day, a hiking day."

Get prepared for Black Friday! Tune in to this episode of Social Media Sanity for practical tips and strategies. 🎧💡

Aug 28, 202307:41
Boost Your Content Creation Game: Tools for Videos, Graphics, and Long Form Content

Boost Your Content Creation Game: Tools for Videos, Graphics, and Long Form Content

On "Social Media Sanity" podcast, we share tools to enhance your online presence. Listen in as we explore these game-changing tools for content creation.

🎙️ Apps we covered:

👉 Vidyo


👉 Wisecut

👉 Bigroom TV


👉 Design Stripe

👉 Castmagic

👉 Smartynames


💬 Quotable moments:

1️⃣ "Consistency is key to building a mindful online presence."

2️⃣ "Design Stripe brings diverse representation to graphic creation, inspiring inclusivity."

✨ Don't forget to rate and review us on your favorite podcast platform.

Aug 12, 202313:55
Staying Ahead: The Importance of Consistency in Social Media Engagement
Aug 05, 202304:58
Breaking Through Silence: How to Get Noticed and Engage on Social Media
Jul 31, 202310:33
No Wrong Answers: Intentional Actions for Black Friday Success
Jul 22, 202307:53
Leave These Trends Alone: Finding Social Media Sanity in a Noisy World
Jul 17, 202308:12
FOMO and Instagram's Threads: You Ain't Gotta Do It And Here's Why
Jul 10, 202306:20