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You Can Be Anything

You Can Be Anything

By Solange Che

For many years, I was caught up in the thought that failing at my first big dream meant that was it for me. I started doing survival jobs that did not have anything to with my formal education. Suspending my PhD after about 2 years took me back to ground zero because all I had done for the past 28 years of my life was study. Failure is a state of mind that if not handled with care can destroy ones' personality. It took me to acceptance, goal setting, revamping my self-confidence, sacrifice, resilience and vulnerability to come to the realization that I can start all over again and be my best version. Episodes in this podcast will include real life experiences and lessons learnt, chats with people with a similar story so that listeners will have a wide variety of content to draw from. This is a learning process for us all and so deliberations based on questions and concerns will be discussed as well. This is a medium for us to learn how we can be audible and be our own best versions.
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Episode 15 - It is okay to ask/seek help!!!!

You Can Be AnythingJul 07, 2021

Episode 15 - It is okay to ask/seek help!!!!

Episode 15 - It is okay to ask/seek help!!!!

It happens more often than we realize that we get stuck on things because we were too scared to ask for help. In this episode, I encourage my listeners to speak out. Many people tend to hesitate asking for help because they are scared they are going to get judged. I do not blame them because I have been a victim as well. However, I will like to remind you that being able to ask for help is a sign that you are willing to learn and to grow. It is a strength. Do not let anyone hold you back.

Jul 07, 202112:48
Episode 14 - A chat with Raoul Fossi - Founder and CEO of SkyVue Solutions

Episode 14 - A chat with Raoul Fossi - Founder and CEO of SkyVue Solutions

Jun 19, 202148:28
Episode 13 - Interview with Ifang Akofu, Esq. on being a business owner in the legal sector in the US
Jun 09, 202148:53
Episode 12 - Haley Talks about her 5th grade challenges and how she is prepping for Middle School.

Episode 12 - Haley Talks about her 5th grade challenges and how she is prepping for Middle School.

In this episode, I talk with my daughter Haley about some of the interesting and challenging things she encountered in her last year of Elementary school. She also shares with us what are expectations, fears and plans for Middle school are. I see that as an opportunity for our kids to express themselves and by so doing, we as parents we might be able to understand their feelings and frustrations thereby creating a safe space where we can advice and guide them as they journey through life.

May 24, 202138:03
Episode 11 - Interview with Dr. Kenji on the Covid-19 Vaccine

Episode 11 - Interview with Dr. Kenji on the Covid-19 Vaccine

In this episode, I talk with Dr. Kenji a Lead Scientist at the Stanford Hospital and Stanford University. With the many doubts, myths, and concerns many people have been having about the vaccine, I invited him to my platform to help clear some of these doubts and debunk the myths as well. Dr. Kenji has been actively involved in combating this monster of a virus. He encourages us to get vaccinated and wear our masks as our own contribution at individual levels to fight this virus. Tune in and hear from the expert himself!

Follow me on Instagram - SolangeChe1

Please Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for Podcast Video Coverage -

See more about who Dr. Kenji is and the great job he does at Stanford-

May 13, 202155:09
Episode 10 - Letting Go!

Episode 10 - Letting Go!

We have made it to episode 10 of this journey in which I try to encourage my listeners to find their best versions in life. In this episode, I talk about some of the things that we find hard letting go of ranging from relationships/marriages, people, pain, jobs, dreams, etc... I also share a personal experience of how I am challenged by the words and ignorance of some of the people I encounter from day to day.
Apr 23, 202115:41
Episode 9 - Solo-Parenting

Episode 9 - Solo-Parenting

In this episode, I choose to give a shout out to all solo-parents irrespective of the circumstances that led you to doing this job alone. As a solo-parent myself and a woman working towards building a career for myself, my experiences have proven to me that no matter how much society thinks being a single parent is odd, we solo-parents are heroes to our little ones! Do not let narrow minded people push you into thinking less of who you are and the great job you do. Let's stop ALL HATE!
Apr 01, 202115:24
Episode 8 - What is Success to You?

Episode 8 - What is Success to You?

In this episode, I throw a little light on what success is and what metrics we should use to measure whether or not we are successful. I quote from one of Mark Mason's writings about the measurement of success/failure. It is a gentle reminder to not judge other people's success because you do not know what standards they have set for themselves. Opinions, Opinions, Opinions, everybody has ONE!
Mar 17, 202113:13
Episode 7 - Stop Making Convenient Excuses

Episode 7 - Stop Making Convenient Excuses

In this episode, I encourage you to snap out of what I refer to as convenient excuses. These are those excuses that prevent us from bursting out of our balloons to put out content that could be of great essence in someone else's life. I talk of the importance of using words that elevate people because I bet you would be shocked by the number of people who have placed limitations on themselves because someone instilled self-doubt in them.
Feb 26, 202115:36
Handling Rejection

Handling Rejection

Sometimes we feel guilty for asking the whys because it sounds like we are feeling entitled. I look at it more as trying to understand why we got rejected and making adjustments. Many people give up their quests in life because they were rejected. In this episode, I encourage you not to give up because of rejection. Inasmuch as it hurts really bad, it is important for you to understand that rejection is just a part of life. Remember that in this life, you will get way more Nos that Yes's. Keep Walking!
Feb 09, 202116:56
Episode 5 - My Salesforce Journey

Episode 5 - My Salesforce Journey

In this Episode, I talk about my Salesforce journey. I tell the story of the baby steps I took towards building a Salesforce career for myself. The work and the dedication involved, and my continuous learning process. I hope my story inspires you or someone you know who is in the process or thinking about pursuing a career in Salesforce.
Jan 23, 202119:19
Episode 4 - Fear is a Liar

Episode 4 - Fear is a Liar

I talk about how I made the decision to move to California and start a fresh new life for my kid and I, the support from my childhood friend and me finally facing the job I was most scared of.

I also talk about how I first heard about salesforce and my decision to pursue a career in the Salesforce Ohana.

I challenge myself to learn how to bake some pretty delicate things I like this year and call onto you to pick up something and join the challenge.
Jan 07, 202117:05
Episode 3- Welcome To America!

Episode 3- Welcome To America!

In Episodes 1&2, I talk about the challenges that made me run into the States for better opportunities. In this episode, I address my first experiences and how I started laying the foundation for my dream life. It is also a call to action for us to to try to add a personal touch in our Christmas wishes this year and be thankful for making it this far. Merry Christmas!
Dec 24, 202014:13


There are numerous situations in life that may cause us to lose track of our plans or ambitions. Things suddenly change and we find ourselves doing jobs that we have no passion for. In this episode, I call these jobs survival jobs and pull a couple of experiences from my life to help encourage people who find themselves in these lows to not give up on their passion. It is not an easy route but a worthy one.
Dec 15, 202015:29


This episode introduces me and starts off the life situation that led me to the process of finding my best version.
Dec 01, 202011:48