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Ebb and Flow with Solomon Ezra

Ebb and Flow with Solomon Ezra

By Solomon Ezra Berezin

Ebb and Flow, like the chassidic concept of Ratzo V’Shuv (running and returning), aims to provide you with the principles and practices, wisdom and willpower, insights and inspiration, and empowerment to access your higher vision, internalize it, and express it to the world. This podcast integrates Holistic Wellness and Hasidic Jewish Wisdom, so we can each thrive in body, mind, and soul. Each episode, each guest, and each story is another key to express this truth, as well as to open our eyes to the revealed goodness in the world.
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94: The Jewish Path to Self-Transcendence | Rabbi Moshe Genuth

Ebb and Flow with Solomon Ezra May 15, 2024

94: The Jewish Path to Self-Transcendence | Rabbi Moshe Genuth

94: The Jewish Path to Self-Transcendence | Rabbi Moshe Genuth

- Rabbi Genuth’s background
- Meeting Rav Ginsburg
- Rav Ginsburg’s teachings
- The meaning of Bittul (self transcendence)
- Shiflus (lowliness)
- Drawing G-d more into the picture and myself to the side
- Admitting one’s shortcomings is really a strength
- What your wife is telling you is a metaphor for what HaShem is telling you
- Egomania - where all problems start from
- Story of a student of the Alter Rebbe on a merry go round
- Importance of meditation
- Alef Bet Gimmel (ABC) from Rav Ginsburg
- Know thy self - or not?
- Messiah comes when you have “when our attention is diverted
- Praising the work, not the result
- What is the true satisfaction of doing something? The Simcha of doing it!
- Chassidic approach to meditating to break a habit
- Fingernails represent residual emotions
- Who is the world about? Who’s in the center?
- Can you feel that gam Zu letova - this too is good?
- The time you’re ready to get married is when you’re ready to invest in others
- It’s not that I want. It’s that HaShem commands me.
May 15, 202401:15:34
93: Breath of the Soul | Adam Klasner

93: Breath of the Soul | Adam Klasner

Show Notes:

  • Background and how Adam got into breathwork and leading Anochi Workshops
  • Background with personal development, Tony Robbins retreats
  • The Call of the Shofar
  • Concern of idol worship with these events? Is it real or a fear?
  • Aseh Lecha Rav - make for yourself a mentor
  • Giving tough decisions over to someone who is taking accountability for your spiritual health
  • Acquire for yourself a friend to hold you accountable
  • Everything good in those places comes from Torah - Friedeker (Previous) Rebbe
  • Discerning if the resistance is the body resisting change, or if it’s actually a nudge from your soul to do something else?
  • Emotions are the mirror of the soul. It does not have words.
  • The soul is not limited to words, it nudges you.
  • Become in touch with that communication.
  • Song is connected to the soul.
  • Meditation, breath-work, and prayer
  • Talking through breathwork and discomforts that may arise
  • The tool of breathwork and what it’s used for
  • Tools vs mitzvahs (commandments)
  • A spiritual practice can only be G-d given
  • Life calls us into different experiences. Finding G-d even in the places we think He is less available.
  • Thinker of the thoughts
  • Recognize the inner chatter around what you’re doing
  • A person should always be soft like a reed, and he should not be stiff like a cedar — Gemara Taanis 20
  • Response flexibility
  • Find the truth of every situation
Apr 17, 202454:17
92 : The Mind Controls the Heart | Reuvan Flamer

92 : The Mind Controls the Heart | Reuvan Flamer

Show Notes:

  • Reuven’s background with nutrition, going to yeshiva, and with Meditation and hisbonenus (contemplation)
  • Learning the Rebbe’s discourses and talks
  • Meditation in a conventional way and meditating after learning
  • His experience with Tony Robbins events
  • Moach Shalet al HaLev - The Mind controls the Heart
  • “If you think the world has Torah, this is wrong. If you don’t think they have wisdom, this is also wrong.”
  • Change your beliefs and perceptions, you’ll change what you want
  • The mind enlightens you to want in a different way
  • Natural Food Certifiers and discussing nutrition
  • What’s your identity
Mar 13, 202456:08
91: The Love Rabbi: Navigating the Path to Your Soulmate | Rabbi Bernath

91: The Love Rabbi: Navigating the Path to Your Soulmate | Rabbi Bernath

<li>Rabbi Bernath’s background growing up and becoming a Rabbi</li>
<li>Meeting the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, that inspires him till today</li>
<li>How he assumed the title “Love Rabbi”</li>
<li>Secrets of Matchmaking</li>
<li>The hardest job in the world — dating</li>
<li>Who am I and what do I bring to the relationship</li>
<li>Practical element of being together and of where you’re headed</li>
<li>Specific is Terrific</li>
<li>Fixed or Flexed - Fixed on and Flexible with</li>
<li>For everything non-negotiable, there must be many negotiable</li>
<li>3 I can live with, 3 things I cannot live without</li>
<li>Cast a specific not, not a wide net</li>
<li>Specific vs narrow-minded</li>
<li>Feeling that something is missing in your life</li>
<li><strong>3 Parts of Matchmaking: Introducing, Coaching, Closing</strong></li>
<li>3 types of people: I people, You people, We people</li>
<li>Importance of a Mashpia (mentor)</li>
<li>Be you and understand you and wherever you are in that moment you will find someone</li>
<li>Gemara about searching for your wife like searching for a lost object: it’s the man’s job to search for the wife</li>
<li>How much work internally and how much externally</li>
<li>The critical person is the mashpia</li>
<li>Hashem will give the right words for the Mashpia to say</li>
<li>Faith and Trust</li>
<li>What to look for in a mashpia (mentor)</li>
<li>Kabbalah and Chassidus meditation class he gives</li>
<li>You can only have one thought at a time</li>
Feb 14, 202442:04
Intro Season 7

Intro Season 7

Welcome back to the ebb & flow podcast! In this episode is a intro for this season, as well as the intros from the previous seasons.

Feb 13, 202405:59
The Heart’s Wisdom: Grasping Beyond Thought

The Heart’s Wisdom: Grasping Beyond Thought

Class on Women & Messianic Insights, celebrating before redemption, Wisdom of the heart, and anniversary of passing of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson, as well as guided meditation of a yechidus (private audience) with the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
Feb 01, 202425:19
Finding the Answers — Inside yourself
Jan 07, 202427:03
The Messiah will come when we Least Expect it
Nov 28, 202327:10
90: The Goal of Chassidus | Rabbi Naftoli Hertz Pewzner

90: The Goal of Chassidus | Rabbi Naftoli Hertz Pewzner

Show Notes for Part 2 of Interview with Rabbi Pewzner:

Goal of chassidus
Struggle of the body and the soul
What is the Messiah and Who is Messiah?
The role of Moshiach, the days of Moshiach
What will Moshiach do?
The Yechida Effect
The Torah was given for Peace (Shalom)
Dirah Bitachtonim
Who is G-d?
We won’t be teaching others because “all with know Me” - 14 minutes
The best thing is to be yourself
The mission of chassidus is for us to be truly who we are and be at peace with who we are in a way that we can be super active - 16:20
Tools to apply what we learn - Avodas Hashem (how to serve G-d)
How can a person really internalize this? — 20 min
Chassidic Meditation — 21 m
What do you invite in your consciousness once you achieved presence?
How to experience the neshama?
Neshama (soul) Frequency and
ChaBaD approach to uncalm complexities (29:30).
Dec 28, 202240:15
89: The Basics of Chassidus Part 1 | Rabbi Naftoli Hertz Pewzner

89: The Basics of Chassidus Part 1 | Rabbi Naftoli Hertz Pewzner

Show Notes:

  • Story and background
  • what is Chassidus Chabad
  • Experiencing *The Pintele Yid -  “*The Jewish Dot”
  • Start off with questions
  • Viewing life not from motivations but based on your identity, which can become your key motivator
  • Chassidus is not to create another denomination. Jewish People are divided enough. Appreciate what it means to be a Jew - 29 min
  • Layers of the soul - the highest being the yechida
  • Rather than it be abstract, chassidus embraces it as something relevant and relatable
  • The Basics of Chassidus
Dec 13, 202241:54
88: Health Series 6: Clarity in Knowing Who You Are | Rabbi Manis Friedman

88: Health Series 6: Clarity in Knowing Who You Are | Rabbi Manis Friedman

Show Notes

Mentioning a discourse I learned in Guatemala and a personal lesson from it
The tool of Meditation
Recap of previous 5 episodes
3 kinds of commandments - orientations towards mitzvahs
4 kingdoms - inanimate (mineral), vegetable, animal, and human
Yesod - foundation, fundamental
The 10 commandments were engraved on a stone
How to do a mitzvah like a mineral
The word for decree without a reason also means engraved
24:30 What’s the difference between engraved and writing?
Become the mitzvah, engraved in your heart
Doing mitzvot in the way like a mineral is a great unifier
What did the Baal Shemtov love about the simple Jew?
28:55 How to apply this into your daily life?
Doing something as you learn, not only doing it once you understand it
Unconditional love
Is something natural a virtue?
Don’t make conditions
No need to justify real love
Sincere it is what it is vs insincere it is what it is
41:44 There’s nothing more real than what doesn’t need justification
Difference between Married and not married
Concluding this series
45:30 Life is about intimacy with G-d
50:00 What do purpose of tools become? At first they were helping you get where you need to be. After the fact, you have gotten them where they need to be. They started off as secular personal stuff, now you’ve turned them into support for mitzvahs. They’ve become part of your Godly life so you’ve elevated them. They need you more than you need them.
The essence of Shavuot
There’s nothing more comfortable and satisfying when you can just be yourself
Jun 09, 202253:49
87: Health Series 5: The Dance between the Mind and the Heart | Rabbi Manis Friedman

87: Health Series 5: The Dance between the Mind and the Heart | Rabbi Manis Friedman

Show Notes:

  • the greater the darkness, the closer to transformation
  • relationship between mind and heart
  • by nature the mind controls everything
  • getting the heart to obey the mind is being healthy
  • how does the heart do its own thing without consulting the mind? It’s like sleepwalking
  • How do we bring back the healthy relationship between mind and heart?
  • animal soul and G-dly soul dynamic
  • each soul has its own mind and emotions
  • you didn’t lose control, you gave yourself permission rationally
  • governed by intelligence and not by emotions
  • dance between mind and heart, the mind must lead
  • “don’t get mystical, don’t get spiritual, just get healthy. A healthy person is the master of his ship.”
  • getting body to neurologically change its behavior
  • changing the animal soul’s mind
  • nothing more powerful than the will to get the body to behave
  • transformation is partly in the mind and partly in the soul
  • when a person feels stuck is when there’s trauma
  • thorough lasting change
  • Getting the mind back in charge
  • if emotions get very inflexible, it is the heart not the mind
  • nothing changes you more than discovering the purpose for which you exist
  • how does the mind affect the heart?
  • What kind of control does it have?
  • it can make the heart a little more flexible
  • the heart can’t think, but it let go.
  • loosening up the emotion
  • emotion is not the final outcome
  • don’t believe everything you feel
Jun 01, 202201:01:50
86: Health Series 4: Living a Fluid, not Rigid, Jewish Lifestyle | Rabbi Manis Friedman

86: Health Series 4: Living a Fluid, not Rigid, Jewish Lifestyle | Rabbi Manis Friedman

Show notes:

  • introducing today’s topic
  • what’s a stronger motivator - personal benefit or serving a larger cause?
  • Intention or kavana to serve
  • the importance of self-love … healthy or not?
  • don’t confuse the validity of being healthy with the obsession of being healthy
  • Does it make sense to say, “the more you love yourself, the more you’ll love others?”
  • Everyday do something you hate? — Mark Twain
  • Feels right or feels familiar?
  • When Hillel went to eat he said he’s going to feed a healthy body
  • Rigidity comes from self
  • Which is less forgiving? Christianity or Judaism?
  • Not judging you, but measuring what you accomplish for G-d
  • Awkward or Rigid
  • Mussar and religion
  • Can you spread some of your love to others?
  • Human nature is such that you love yourself. The mitzvah is to give some of that love to others
  • What does tzedaka mean?
  • Turn your (self) love outward
  • Don’t assume people don’t love themselves
  • The two most significant days in your life - the day you’re born and th
  • e day you figure out why — Mark Twain
  • Why was I born? Live your life knowing why you were born.
  • feeding others is a pleasure, feeding myself is a chore
  • Have a sense of humor about yourself
  • What’s a good self-image?
  • What’s the best response to how are you?
  • What does Baruch Hashem mean?
May 25, 202201:07:13
85: Health Series 3: The Foundation of Mindful Eating | Rabbi Manis Friedman

85: Health Series 3: The Foundation of Mindful Eating | Rabbi Manis Friedman

Show Notes:

  • relating our episode to Yitzchak digging wells of his father Avraham
  • what are the servants of Yitzchak? Thoughts, speech, action
  • observing and thinking
  • The servants must know their master
  • Who is your master?
  • Know where you’re going to be healthy
  • what it means to be “in alignment with Hashem?” Less about me
  • Beyond my “self”
  • Affirmations and Positive thinking
  • Miracle of affirmation is: I say I am okay even though I think I am not
  • Power of positive words and act of smiling
  • 14:30 - Dig to the living waters (neshama) through the servants, which can move the soul to a better place
  • 16:30 - Don’t stop doing
  • The amazing effect of song
  • 18:15 Never wait until something is right before you let your servants do their work
  • 20:00 intermittent fasting
  • Cause and Effect with eating
  • Is food giving you life or are you putting the food to its use? Who’s the recipient or the actor?
  • 28:40 Eat by conviction, not by taste buds
  • 31:00 Story of Reb Shmuel Munkus
  • Every now and then break the habit of what you’re eating
  • 36:00 Practicing a little self respect
  • Awareness helps... even if not immediately
  • Having what to eat is a blessing and a reward
  • 38:40 What did I do to deserve this meal?
  • 46:20- 47:05 Joke about an atheist
  • Foundation of mindfulness when it comes to food
  • G-d said to eat
  • Never be a servant to a servant
May 11, 202257:13
84: Health Series 2: Healthy Thinking for Healthy Eating | Rabbi Manis Friedman

84: Health Series 2: Healthy Thinking for Healthy Eating | Rabbi Manis Friedman

<li>How do we get healthy?</li>
<li>Mindset aspect of health</li>
<li>Attitude towards [seeming] problems</li>
<li><em>Nisah</em> means to elevate</li>
<li>There is a cause and effect to everything</li>
<li><strong>Relationship with food</strong></li>
<li><em>It’s not by bread alone that man lives</em>- don’t become subservient to the food.</li>
<li>Mindset #1: You’re the master. eating for a purpose</li>
<li>Tools to help notice if hungry or feeling stressed</li>
<li>When you’re feeling down, you eat which means you’re begging the food to give you life -</li>
<li>It’s unhealthy to eat when you’re needy</li>
<li><em>Food cannot give you life, it can maintain the life you have</em></li>
<li><em>You cannot sit by the table with a sour face</em> - Rabbi Friedman’s mother</li>
<li>why do we eat in the first place?</li>
<li>Mindset #2: I am Healthy</li>
<li>Healthy Mindsets are most important than health [25 min]</li>
<li>The question is not about how healthy is the food, rather it’s how healthy are you?</li>
<li>Food can be Healthful, but food itself is not healthy</li>
<li>Be a healthy person - one attracted to food most healthful</li>
<li><em>Eat for a Heavenly purpose -</em> you are Heaven compared to the food.</li>
<li>You are what you eat. What you eat becomes what you are. The objective is for the food to become you, not the other way</li>
<li>Spiritual side of Anorexia</li>
<li>Eat until you’re not hungry, not until you have no appetite. The hunger has to be satisfied, not the capacity</li>
<li>Mindset 3: Approach it with enthusiasm</li>
<li>Eat less and don’t be picky</li>
<li>Healthy attachments</li>
<li>Mindset 4: Flexibility</li>
<li>What’s my purpose?</li>
<li>Power of words and describing situations</li>
May 04, 202254:29
83: Health Series 1: Master your food, Don't let it master you | Rabbi Manis Friedman

83: Health Series 1: Master your food, Don't let it master you | Rabbi Manis Friedman

Show Notes:

  • How we can live in harmony physically, mentally, and spiritually
  • how do you define health for yourself
  • don’t get too serious about your health - making health your focus is not healthy, similar to making happiness your focus is almost guaranteed to make you unhappy1:40-2:40
  • it’s a necessary condition, but it’s not life.
  • What do you want to be healthy for? The question you’ll have to ask sooner or later3 - 7:50
  • One’s Personal Beliefs about health - Be enthusiastic about life
  • Fear should not be what drives - what is your life governed by?7:50 - 12:40
  • How can one make this simple and specific? Journal activities12:41 - 17:30
  • Who should be conscious of their health?17:30 - 19:00
  • The best attitudes towards health19:00 - 22:00
  • Not just what we eat, but how we eat it22:15 - 24:00
  • Eat like a Mensch: Master your eating, don’t let eating master you24:12 - 30:35
  • What to ask when you sit down to eat?30:35 - 31:20
  • Go to sleep hungry31:20 - 32:13
  • Rabbi Friedman’s approach with health32:13 - 35:00
  • Don’t be particular with foods35:01 - 38:24
  • Food is not an event, it’s just a tool38:45 - 41:45
  • A good Relationship with the food41:50 - 42:40
  • Eat in response to Hunger vs in response to Appetite42:41 - 45:00
  • Always have dessert45:05 - 46:30
  • Why eat at all?46:31 - 49:00
  • Conclusion49:01 -
Apr 27, 202253:40
82:  How to Look at things and Be a Master Problem Solver | Danny Gavin

82: How to Look at things and Be a Master Problem Solver | Danny Gavin

Show Notes:

  • background and growing up; how it led into business
  • how did his yeshiva education benefit or make challenging when getting into business
  • Learning in yeshiva - Talmud, Gemara, etc and how it helps broaden intellect
  • trains your mind to look at something from multiple angles and perspectives
  • Do you need to kosher a retainer for your teeth before Passover?!
  • how should you look at things and be a master problem solver
  • what yeshiva students do on Friday during the day
  • How it all translated into marketing
  • 2 ways to approach things: 1. ego 2. look at end consumer
  • It’s not about you, but about the people interacting with you
  • What are the problems people have and how can I solve them
  • Think less about you and more about the consumer
  • Focusing on what’s important and not getting distracted
  • What can I do that no one else can do?
  • learning how to delegate.
  • differentiating between delegating and dismissing: what will that free up for you to do?
  • ROI on what you’re doing
  • Start and then you’ll know what you don’t want, then what you do want
  • Advice to someone growing a business and growing in orthodox Jewish practices
  • Divine Providence
  • You have all the tools within you, you just got to pull them out and use them!
Apr 06, 202248:30
81: Deep Listening & Asking the Right Questions | Ipek Williamson
Mar 30, 202246:42
80: Using the Body in Service of G-d | Ari Enkin

80: Using the Body in Service of G-d | Ari Enkin

Show Notes:

Mar 09, 202229:21
79: Laughter Breaks All Barriers | Menachem Silverstein

79: Laughter Breaks All Barriers | Menachem Silverstein

Show Notes:

  • background and what led to comedy
  • Morning routines
  • Comedy and Mental Health
  • Just start Smiling! Smiling and laughter breaks down barriers
  • Showing that Orthodox Jews are normal
  • Menachem asks me about my life
  • Meditation - my practice and his practice to get centered
  • You need the journey! Is this a journey I want to take?
  • Meditation for creativity, to slow down brain waves
  • Jokes from antisemitism
  • Washing dishes and clean to get beyond stress
  • What are the lens of a comedian? How does he look at life?
  • “When I push for it it doesn’t come, when I let it happen it does”
  • Menachem’s favorite jokes. What were the jokes the great sages had.
  • Power of humor
  • Laughing and Listening
  • Story on laughter from Power of choice by Rav Dov Ber Pinson
  • Through laughter we can connect to the infinite light of G-d
Mar 02, 202254:04
78: Open to Receive | Jackie Glaser

78: Open to Receive | Jackie Glaser

Show Notes:

  • Jackie’s background and story leading to Psychology, Education and Leadership Development.
  • Exploring her own heritage. When you reject apart of yourself internally or just don’t know about it or don’t embrace it, you’re limited
  • Intense meditation retreats and background in psychology before realizing that all this knowledge is there in the Torah
  • When you do something for a higher purpose, it only comes back as blessing
  • Olami organization and Olami Connect course
  • The meditation inside herself that led her to get in touch with essence revealed clarity to explore her Judaism
  • Prayer and Meditation
  • Relationship with G-d
  • hitbodedut - from boded which means isolation
  • Tzaddikim used to meditate an hour before prayer and after prayer
  • Being Present and Visualization on subconscious level
  • G-d is manifesting, we are co-creators with Him. How do I become open to receive what G-d wants to give me?
  • "Fulfill His will as you would your own will, so that He may fulfill your will as though it were His will…." (Avot 2:4)
  • Be Active with G-d, don’t sit passively. He wants our contribution.
  • Abracadabra - Ani bara - I create - c’dabra - as I speak from dibur, to speak
  • It’s all in Your Mind book
  • It’s all a system and really G-d is doing everything - I am part of a bigger picture
  • Let go of the outcome. State of Surrender not submission. Practice Letting Go.
  • Her coaching work and the tools you use to help clients - meditation, hypnosis, somatic psychotherapy and bodywork
  • Dating Advice — lead with the head. 4 Things: Central values are Torah and growth oriented, good character traits, physically attractive, effective communication
Feb 23, 202252:46
Ways to be Healthy at Yeshiva
Feb 17, 202256:14
77: Hasidic Stories | Barak Hullman

77: Hasidic Stories | Barak Hullman

Show Notes:

Feb 16, 202201:02:30
76: The Art of Exceptional Performance | Nir Moriah

76: The Art of Exceptional Performance | Nir Moriah

Show Notes:

  • Nir’s Background with Taikwando and now Quantum Performance coaching.Training with best school which was in houston 
  • Traveling around the world to pick up patterns of what made a successful athlete 
  • there was never a philosophy with an excuse in the top athletes. 
  •  Chassidic concept of *Tzimtzumim* - contractions - 
  • “One thing about confidence and vision is that people who lack it don’t like it when you express it” 
  • Theme: You can always control your spirit. So everything flows from that 
  •  Building awareness on cultivating awareness 
  • A workout is a slice of time 
  •  Performance psychologies 
  • a summary that is unique to you or to your circumstances as a cue to yourself 
  • Things happen for you - Inward and upward (24 min) 
  •  Embrace pressure 
  • “No matter how good you do I’m going to push the limit one more time “ 
  •  Be satisfied and constantly improving (34 min) 
  • John Eliot - Goals and dreams / outcomes and performance 
  • Genuine confidence and focus on performance as opposed to result is a place where you’re always present 
  • How to respond to events in the day 
  •  Expressing innermost under pressure. Highest level of performance is almost like you’re not there. (43 min) 
  • Physically satisfied but in spiritual growth never satisfied, there’s always more 
  •  “If the outcome is tied to the dream correctly, it becomes a spiritual pursuit.” 
  • Honest evaluation with yourself 
  • how are you responding to how things unfold. 
  •  “Nothing stands in the way of a persons will” 
  •  Ironically, when you experience doubt it’s a sign of a high level. Recognize that it’s here for you. 
  •  52 min [for short clip about the more darkness the closer you are] 
  • Whatever challenge you’re dealing with will show up in one on area or another 
  • Where things mean the most to us, that’s exactly where G-d can get your attention 
  •  Things get solved very quickly when you focus on one, the right, piece 
  • An honest look, and the correct tools, at the right problem, gets solved quickly 
  •  - Pull the rug from under the yetzer hara, don’t fight with it, pull its premise out from under it. 
  •  Teshuva - refinement. When you’re - Accurate, honest, and consistent it’s a sinch. 
  •  components: Spiritual foundation, science, and training environment 
  •  How it applies into Quantum Performance Coaching 
  • - What your identity is - as pressure rises our performance becomes increasingly dependent on the quality of our interpretations. How i process information under pressure dictates how I perform under pressure -
  •  Performance Identity (unique strength, super power). Under pressure it gets challenged -
  •  Performance Targets - cue focusing on ahead of time vs outcome - Mistakes we can make (1) target or result and (2) incorrectly evaluating what step they’re at. - Performance Routine - physically what I do and here’s the key in a rhythmic, fun, free way. - Called Quantum Performance because Quantum is looking for underlying principles that help us organize chaotic environments
Feb 09, 202201:15:47
75: The Essence of Jewish Spirituality | Rabbi Rom

75: The Essence of Jewish Spirituality | Rabbi Rom

Show Notes:
Background and meditation
Journey into Eastern Spirituality and meditation coursein place with self he hadn’t touched before
religion was theoretical
From Buddha to Baal Shem Tov - My Journey back to Judaism
What were the meditations like in India... Did you ever have a thought of Judaism come up?
Pealing back layers of identity
How can someone within meditation become aware of these subtleties?

Using meditation as a therapeutic practice

Do not let your experience dictate to you what the truth is
This is where Emunah (faith) comes in. We are relying on the Torah and on the tzaddikim are telling us.

Our goal is always to go beyond all limitations, including spiritual, of reality; to connect with Hashem which transcends any level

Integrating it into one’s practice - one’s intention
Compassion and Joy with real Jewish spirituality don’t be so hard on yourself for making mistakes - Teshuva means realignment. It is an adventure.

Before He created you and He created the world He created Teshuva

What led to the Rabbi Rome of today and on Youtube
Feb 02, 202201:15:33
Ebb & Flow: Holistic Hasidic Health

Ebb & Flow: Holistic Hasidic Health

Welcome to Season 5! 

Jan 26, 202202:59
74: Float Tank Therapy | Infinity Float Center

74: Float Tank Therapy | Infinity Float Center

Background and how they got into starting Infinity Float

"When was the last time you did absolutely NOTHING? You bring yourself, we'll add perfectly warm water, Epsom salt, darkness & silence. "

Combination of the epsom salt and darkness in the tank — 10" solution of water and 1200 pounds of magnesium sulfate, otherwise known as Epsom Salts.

Relaxation and Mental Downtime

How floating got started?

The basics: What is Floating? What happens? Why does it work? The Epsom salt

minimum amount of input that your brain has to process

The brain goes into a theta brain wave state like when you're sleeping

The calmer state of mind you're in, the more receptive and focused you can become on anything you put your mind to

Active Floating vs Passive Floating

Sensory enhancement not deprivation - Interoception

How floating helps people with PTSD

The body is so relaxed that the mind is forced to relax with it

Getting into isolation can be intimidating, so how do you encourage people to try it?

alleviate fear of the unknown

Float 3 times

Jun 23, 202143:03
73: Financial Health & Living Aligned with your Values| Yael Trusch

73: Financial Health & Living Aligned with your Values| Yael Trusch

Yael's Background and integrating Judaism

Jewish Latin Princess Blog and Podcast

Spirituality and practicality are one

what are the pain points women have? what is it people are really struggling with?

Money Coach 

help Jewish women achieve financial clarity & confidence to design a richer life. 💸

using thousands of years of Jewish wisdom to transform your financial life?

Financial Health

3 Jewish ideas with Money:

  1. Art of Giving - giving first
  2. Aligning Finances with our Values
  3. Trust - Money comes from God.
Get really honest with what your soul needs to be doing in this world

what are the things that feed your soul?

Living a Life Aligned with your Values

Building a relationship with the Creator

Do it & then learn

All we're resisting is finding ourselves

Belief Systems around Money

What is the story we have in our head?

Abundant Mindset & Tools

Body check ins

EFT Tapping, Journaling

Numbers give tremendous clarity

What is it I need to learn from these numbers?

Jewish Money Matters

Spirituality weaved into the practical

Jun 16, 202146:03
72: Connecting with Your Emotions | Ryan Hance

72: Connecting with Your Emotions | Ryan Hance

Show Notes:

Ryan's Background and Coaching Practice

Vulnerability is fun to do and to be. Every time I am opportunities arise and people connect with you... It's no fun to talk to somebody without vulnerability...

The more he disconnected from his emotions and tried to hide them the worse his life got

Connecting with your Emotions

Curiosity is the best tool for getting into your emotions and understanding why they exist

Empower your emotions

Desire to be better

What tools Ryan found most helpful with his healing journey?

MER, Somatic brain testing, etc



If you were fulfilled, what would that look like?

EQ Book Club

Me 101 Course

Jun 09, 202140:05
71: Listening to Your Body | Robbin Finney

71: Listening to Your Body | Robbin Finney

Show Notes:

How Robin & I met and her Background

When you follow your heart and follow your Yes! Life just shows up for you

Being really in tune with your body and i'd love to discuss it further. One of my favorite quotes has been:

“There is more wisdom in your body than in your deepest philosophy.” ― Nietzsche, Friedrich

A Photoshoot can change your life — Around the world

Setting an intention of what it is you want to embody in the photos

Who do I want to shine in my photos and allow that person to be expressed?

How she learned to listen to your body and distinguish between listening to it and not falling victim to how it feels at times?

Ask questions to your body & get still and allow the answers to come. Is this mine or is this someone else's? [14 min]

Clearing Energy

When you tune into your breath and allow that to guide you it takes you out of what's going on in your mind. Then ask that any energy stored in my body that's not mine be released.

Building trust

discomfort is comfortable to us because it's what we know [23 min]

Always believe something wonderful is about to happen

Shifting your Energy


Oracle Cards - " a mirror reflecting back to you what you already know inside."

when to pull cards and when not to

You still ultimately have the authority

Anything can become a crutch. Notice where you're giving your power away to.

Reveal your soul with Photoshoot experience

Soul Retreats

Wandering Aunt

Jun 02, 202141:12
70: Spirituality & Godliness | 'The Millennial Rabbi' Daniel Bortz

70: Spirituality & Godliness | 'The Millennial Rabbi' Daniel Bortz

Show Notes


Main reason he connected back to religion and God was through spiritual experiences

Take the things he enjoyed and elevate it to a Godly experience

How the spiritual experiences guided him to a religious observance?

Difference between Spirituality and Godliness/Holiness

How do I take the feeling and permeate the physical with it

How is sitting on a mountain top meditating all day any different than sitting and studying Torah all day?

In all your ways know God — Baal Shemtov

Running & Returning

📘 Beneath the Surface

He would write a short blog about a discourse he learned

Finding the soul behind every thing and every one

Soul Living Immersive Course: meditation and transformational sensory experience. Through the program, Soul Living, Rabbi helps clients overcome stress and anxiety through accessing their soul’s greatness.

At the IBJJF Pan Ams Jiu Jitsu Tournament

Torah learning helps you develop penetrating analysis

Chochmah (Wisdom), Bina (comprehension), and Da'at (knowledge)

How can we making Judaism Experiential?

How is the way Judaism is being taught making a resurgence compared to the strict, rigid ways it was taught - or the way in which it was presented in how it was taught - before?

incorporating mindfulness and meditation into rituals and services

An experience not a to-do list

Mitzvahs are portals, opportunities of connection

when we talk about a mitzvah, something God asks of us, you can have the most spirituality in the world... And we believe it doesn't get you as high as doing a simple mitzvah that God asks - even eating matzah on passover with zero intention.

Levitating is a finite being going to the peak of their ability, while eating matzah is considered doing an infinite act. The ideal is to merge the two - like wings on a bird.

The word for reasoning is Ta'am which also means taste. If you understand what you're doing it gives you taste.

Religion as a Relationship

Expanded consciousness & Constricted consciousness — Baal Shemtov

Make sure to keep even a point of expanded consciousness even within constricted consciousness — the fire and wonder

Divine You Virtual Retreat

May 26, 202147:45
69: Breaking Through Personal Limitations | Rabbi YY Jacobson

69: Breaking Through Personal Limitations | Rabbi YY Jacobson

Show Notes:

Two States of Consciousness - Ebb & Flow/ Ratzo V'Shuv

The rhythm of life is comprised of Ratzo V'Shuv

Ezekiel Chapter 1: The angelic beings are running and they're returning

The heart contracts and then expands, the inhale and exhale of the breath

We often get stuck in wanting to be in one place but only when we embrace the value of the paradox can we actually begin to suck the marrow out of life and live every moment to its fullest. Rabbi YY's background growing up and being at the feet of the Lubavitcher Rebbe at a young age  [7:34]

He memorized and transcribed many of the Rebbe's discourses

How he was able to memorize the discourses? Total suspension of any other mental noise. Tuning in completely to the words and the energy.

If not now, when?  — Hillel How to keep the relationship with a great leader pure?

"It's easy for people to lose their individuality and use the great leader as a substitute for developing themselves to their own maximum"

There are leaders who create followers, but the greatest leaders create leaders — Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

You have to find your own relationship with God, with yourself, and realize you have a mission in this world that no one else can fulfill. You are an indispensable note in the divine symphony and the music, only your soul's violin can play

How to Apply and Personalize Great Ideas

Law about a Bull who domesticates other animals 3x... (Tractate Baba Kama)

"If you sell the bull or gift it to another person, the calculation start over again..."

We each have a bull in our own lives... This law tells us how to recover from addiction

There are 2 ways for recovery:

  1. train the bull and retrain it to not goring — working with the habit
  2. sell it — surrender it to the domain of God then everything changes
Approach to Judaism: Living with the observances and not being absorbed by them - Distinguishing not being a fanatic & Addiction [39 min]

Approach with laws (Halacha) like in a sports game or following notes in a symphony

The Baal Shemtov said that Halacha (Law) is an acronym of 4 words in Psalms: Ariyu LaShem Kol Ha'Aretz meaning Let the whole world Sing to God.

The details are channels for vibration of the Divine Ebb & Flow. When it is stripped from the symphony it can be restrictive, so it's important to have the bird's eye view of Judaism, appreciate its full tapestry, the fusion between the revealed and the esoteric, the body and the soul. Then the details become the notes of a Balad

Approach it not from a judgmental way. It's an invitation that by playing these notes you can channel this energy through your pschye, your brain, your body, your home. Jewish Law is describing the spiritual science of the Universe.

How it applies to Kosher and not mixing meat and milk [46:15]

Graduate the judgmental model into a model of opportunity to be able to live a meaningful and productive life

Balancing transcending things with doing the things according to Torah (or interpretations of what the Torah means)

Tanya chapter 31: Distinguishing between Atzmut (guilt, depression) and Merirut (remorse with a resolution for the future).

You're not allowed to gossip about other people. You're also not allowed to gossip about yourself — Chofetz Chaim

Use the 'mistake' as a springboard for awareness 

What it means to reveal Godliness in the world?

What is Moshiach, the Messiah?

May 12, 202101:18:50
68: A Magician’s Mindset | Ben Jackson

68: A Magician’s Mindset | Ben Jackson

Background and getting into magic, museum of natural science
More than Magic
Magic requires an audience to be appreciated, as opposed to a musician
work so hard to conceal the skill, the details no one should detect
How magic is like coaching
Captivating audiences with humble props
Barriers to entry to captivate a room are small, you don’t need the big production...
The way magicians think
Most people when they come across a problem they can’t solve, they say it’s impossible and they stop. That’s where Magicians start, they think of the impossible and figure it out.
It’s a mindset to think about impossible things and then bring them into a theatrical reality
Wouldn’t it be cool if...
Create predictable outcomes to ensure a magical moment
Multiple Outs - steer the conclusion of an effect based upon the audiences input. You’re prepared for any situation, and can create the impression that that’s the desired effect all the while.
Planning in advance for an opportunity to arise. When it arises you are ready to give someone a moment they’ll never forget.
Stories of preparing in advance
Planting the seed in someone else’s mind
Ham sandwich theory of magic
To be quiet and create the seed to plant in the spectators mind to ask to do more
Always thinking what the audience will see
How do you get into the present moment and draw your audience there too
You owe your audience your best
A magician can give someone the reminder that the world is full of possibilities. Nothing is impossible.

Ben's Website:
Apr 07, 202146:39
67: Living & Creating from Wholeness | Rav DovBer Pinson

67: Living & Creating from Wholeness | Rav DovBer Pinson


what led to the growing interest in Kabbalah, writing books, and IYYUN center

My objective in life is to live. That's the biggest thing in life is to be alive. And Part of being alive was to not only understand what's going in world and spiritually understand the inner working of the world, but also to share it.

All his great grandfathers were ChaBaD. They were famous spiritual teachers and guides.

Everything in life has to come from within. You have to feel like somehow that you need to do this, the strong desire to share is overflowing within you.= It's about spiritually growing from within and living by example, and from that everything naturally flows outward as oppose to choosing a certain path and saying this is what I want to do in this world

There's a deep part of us that's broken and an even deeper part of us that's very whole... The place of wholeness is where you're full and redeemed.

Believe that it's a possibility

Identify as the person beyond the struggle

His series of books on meditation - tools to recognize who you are & what's your true identity

Meditation, Prayer, & Shabbat

With all the knowledge you have shared about being the creator of one's life, for example, then what is unique about Shabbat? Since, I can control my thoughts and over practice harness an elevated state of being, couldn't a person maintain an inner state of Shabbat regardless of the external laws?

"in simple definition, you could create spaces within time and space, your own consciousness where there's a certain oasis you go inward and that's your place of wholeness and you connect with that. It can be in a day, throughout time, but the mystics will say that's actually Shabbat. What you're actually doing is accessing Shabbat in the week."

There's no day, Sunday, Monday, but day 1 to Shabbat, day 2 to shabbat, which means Shabbat is the essence of all time. There's flow of time, duality of time, and there's the point of time - the stillness within all of time.

Mitzvahs & Teshuva (return)

 Are mitzvahs just connections or much deeper?

The Purpose of a Mitzvah is to connect you to the Commander of the Mitzvah

The Kotzker Rebbe said it's possible a mitzvah can become idol worship because you're so connected to the detail you forget this detail is a passageway that's allowing you to enter into a place of transcendence  Enter everything with Intention & the art of transitioning The person who invests in the eruv shabbat is someone who can really reap the benefits of Shabbat.

The journey is the destination itself


Hishtavut from the Sheviti Hashem - I place Hashem before me at all times

two descriptions about this experience

  1. A student's teacher asking if he reached a state where everything is equal
  2. Baal ShemTov - equanimity is relatable to food. Food shouldn't be distinctions of food. Eat to survive.

It's not the ultimate level, because there's a level of reengagement where you're present with taste

The Witness self - can make one detached from life and losing value

Awake to Life!

Eastern philosophies compared with Judaic Philosophies

Uniqueness of Jewish Months

God always says Yes. No, not possible is a negative voice

IYYUN Center — to delve deeper

Mar 24, 202143:49
66: Free Choice - Use It Wisely | Rabbi Shais Taub

66: Free Choice - Use It Wisely | Rabbi Shais Taub

Topics of Discussion & Show Notes

Rabbi Taub's background that led to becoming a well known, influential Rabbi
  1. and how it led to writing God of our Understanding
  2. "fascinated by human insights found in Torah, especially Chassidic teachings, and what they teach us about how people work... and how we can best fit ourselves for service."
  3. At age of 20 he came across the Book of Tanya, by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi the founder of Chabad. He felt like an observer and wanted to become more of a student of life.
Obvious to you. Amazing to Others -- Derek Sivers The Book of Tanya as a way to understand reality & How he cultivated the perspective he shares we intuitively sense the truth and the genius is in how to give it the proper words.
  1. Personalizing information & keys to happiness
  2. Tanya is about distinguishing between emotions and behaviors
  3. "The AR classifies thought as a behavior. There's impulse for thought, which we can't really control... but we can control what we think about."
what are we going to choose to meditate on. I can't choose what I think of, but I can choose what I think about. Wisdom compared with Torah Wisdom
The Wisdom of Maimonides: Truth is independent of its presenter (Mishneh Torah, book 14, treatise 17, 24:1)

"Go to your faith tradition - if you're not finding it compelling. It probably hasn't been presented properly to you."

"If you have a jewish soul, then your soul is going to be compatible with a jewish spiritual path."

God of Our Understanding & Addiction

Defining Addiction and how it is a state of being; and the process of breaking (releasing) habits

  1. how to get out of addiction if someone is using holy objects as escape from reality?
  2. Differentiating a religious observant life with insulating oneself
  3. Religion can be misused - turning religion another form of self-medication It's all about language. Soul is the abstract. Words are the containers... self limitation is ironically self expressive
  1. Class Series - Essence of Chassidus
  2. Tanya + Map
  3. Parsha, Holidays

To check out more about Rabbi Taub head over to or

Mar 17, 202148:38
65: Manifestation Mindset by Getting Out of Your Own Way | Ayelet Polonsky

65: Manifestation Mindset by Getting Out of Your Own Way | Ayelet Polonsky

Background that led to becoming a transformational coach and meditation coach
  1. How she spent 6 years in India at an Ashram where it was taught to train the body to be submissive to the mind.
  2. A voice came through in meditation that told her to go to Israel. Within 30 minutes she booked a flight to Israel.
when you let go of the how, Source shows up big time and takes care of the details for you Her Connection with Judaism before going to India
  1. The Hebrew name is a person's essence and reciting the Shema every night while in India
  2. What is idol worship and what happened at the Ashram
  3. When and how she got to Israel
  4. Magnetic pull to Jerusalem
With your understanding of meditation and manifesting, plus being in control of our thoughts, what is still attracting to living an orthodox life and with modesty?
  1. Coming to Torah
While the eastern culture focused on transcending the physical - celibacy, living without solid food, without sleep, etc - what drew her to Torah and Judaism was that it is a place where Heaven and Earth kiss, the spiritual meets physical Manifestation through a Torah Lens

co-creating with God. My job is to get out of my own way, so God can shower me with miracles

  1. Setting a clear intention
  2. Manifesting through a Torah Lens allows God to be present in all that she teaches

How Torah made manifesting easier

In India the relationship with manifesting was "look what I manifested." It felt very ego-centric. When I came to Israel and learned manifestation through a Jewish lens, it allowed just me to relax so much more into the receiving part of receiving the miracles because I realized God's creativity is so much more creative than anything my human mind can possibly come up with in terms of the how
  1. trusting in Hashem's creation and not needing to set an intention — "ultimately God knows what I want, but if Hashem was in control and just gave everyone what they want 24/7, then there'd be no reason to create us in the first place...where we have no free will."

 A Mindset of lack creates more lack, a mindset of abundance creates more abundance

  1. When people go to pray it usually comes in the form of begging, complaining, crying from a place of lack, but when you're asking from lack what is communicated is that the person doesn't believe in God' Infiniteness and that He can create any possibility for the person.
Ayelet's Meditation practice
  1. She spends 21 minutes doing visualization. She writes her intention, any doubts or blockages that she believes are stopping her from already having the desire be manifest, then 21 minutes envisioning herself in that future as if its already hers.
  2. as a daily practice 21 minutes is a magic number. The key is to make it daily.
Her coaching practice
  1. Manifestation Retreat coming up 
  2. Manifestation Menu, Daily Yoga, Daily Tidbits
  3. Online 3 part class she has —
  4. SM @ayeletpolonsky
Mar 10, 202101:00:33
64: Bringing Jews Home from the Church with The Art of Listening | Rabbi Tovia Singer
Feb 24, 202156:34
63: Becoming a Chooser & Meditation for Monotheists | Rus Devorah Wallen

63: Becoming a Chooser & Meditation for Monotheists | Rus Devorah Wallen

Background of Rus Devorah and introduction into meditation & her company Toratherapeutics®

  • Her Introduction into Transcendental Meditation
  • The Problems with Transcendental Meditation and The Rebbe's talk on it
    Not have any Meditation of any format or religion - not Jewish or other.

Toratherapeutics and Devora's guided meditations online
Passages in the Torah referencing whole health
The mind is the meditation & meditation for the body
What idolatry is and the problem with bells, gongs, and statues
Jewish sources of meditation. The Rebbe wanted to bifurcate health/wellness with the service of God. Yet, they can be integrated to make it easier to pray.

Feb 17, 202149:08
62: Liberation, Momentum, and Thriving - The LMT Challenge & Smart Supplementation | Craig McCloskey

62: Liberation, Momentum, and Thriving - The LMT Challenge & Smart Supplementation | Craig McCloskey

Background and how Craig got into health coaching

How to address health - what comes first

60 Day LMT Challenge
Mindset and Changing from Within

Smarter_Supplementation Supplement Guide
best recommendations for discovering what supplements are best for an individual
You sourced examples of fraudulent supplements at local stores and even online retailers, so can you touch on your 5 rules with purchasing supplements
Healthy Together Cookbook

There are so many books and resources on health and nutrition, so how do you encourage or recommend individuals with where to start?

Health & Nutrition Book Recommendations

Feb 10, 202154:10
61: No Brain, No Gain | Coach Johnny Shelby

61: No Brain, No Gain | Coach Johnny Shelby

Show Notes:

Background and getting into training endurance athletes

Training Method and Using Baseline Performance Testing

Train Smarter Not Harder. No Pain no gain  No Brain No Gain

Using Technology correctly

the process/framework in training, including the holistic part of training (mental, nutrition, meditation, etc), and all the technologies you used.

  1. VO2 Max → how good the body is extracting O2 - using the Oxygen - How big there engine is

Improve when you recover not when you workout

At a Coaching level testing is about eliminating variables

How a VO2 Max test can help an everyday athlete - depends on their objective

It may not be the immediate test, but rather a blood lactate test could be first

Story of a Client who was a swimmer not eating enough because of other girls telling her she eats a lot

Story of a triathlete competing for Kona Triathlon

Poetry In Motion - mind, body, nutrition, everything crescendoing into this one moment in time they prepared for, sleep, family encouragement, work environment - to execute and perform!
Feb 03, 202156:05
60: Money Miracles, Living in Greater Perspective and the Exchange of Currency | Nichole Sylvester

60: Money Miracles, Living in Greater Perspective and the Exchange of Currency | Nichole Sylvester

Background and how she transformed her life

Her Spiritual Awakening

Going to Michael Beckwith at Agape Church:

There's a part of you that cannot be broken, tarnished, or damaged by anything in the past

Introduction into meditation and a silent meditation retreat run by Michael Beckwith

2 meditation retreats a year for 6 years

How she got into coaching and helping women

clear voice: help women, share your story, everything will be taken care of

Sharing her story → When she shared the things she judged herself for, it actually brought people closer when she embraced it with love.

Whatever she felt a nudge to do she would do it

Growth with business from low finances to $200,000 the next year. It led to coaching about money and she understood the pain of what women will do when they don't have money - stress, staying in toxic relationships, etc.

Money Miracles, Courses, and Podcast

Let go of logic and everything that's been to create in the Infinite unknown miracle realm

Adopting and Embodying an empowering belief about Money

$10,000/month meditation she has

When you let go of needing it and recognizing you're fine, it's easier to get

How it feels on the body when you envision something money related like checking the bank account or thinking about an unexpected bill

Re-training the body to feel safe and be connected to true source and supply. We have to open up and say we have infinite income sources and money comes in unexpected ways. Money shows up in unexpected ways - I am supported at all times.

Miracle story she had when she needed money. However, she doesn't recommend living in that space but it was a part of her quantum leaping journey.

If Spirit is asking you to do something and you know it is for the betterment of your life and its going to overflow and benefit your community, family, and lineage, you must do it and take the leap; you'll never know the net unless you leap

Nichole walks us through her $10,000 month meditation

how do I get myself involved in this circulation of exchange and trust that I am worthy and deserving of this receiving?

When we have a product or service, we tend to think only of the people in our minds eye, so it appears people aren't going to buy your stuff, etc

Living in the greater perspective and understand that money is always exchanging

Grant Cardone: Other people have your money, go get it

Being Generous with more than money, like with a compliment, sharing, etc - it's all currency

Harmonious Hustle Event

love what you want to disappear
Jan 27, 202138:43
59: Activating Your Vagus Nerve | Dr. Navaz Habib
Jan 20, 202155:40
58: High Performance Mindfulness & Mastering the Present Moment | Jake Rauchbach

58: High Performance Mindfulness & Mastering the Present Moment | Jake Rauchbach

Show Notes

Background  with sports and how Jake got into the mental and mindfulness side of the game and of life

What Mind Right Pro programs are like that really helps these players take their games to the next level?

Building a relationship before beginning to work with a player (9:35 - 10:33) Key mindset concepts taught & Awareness Expression of self with sport, not Identity with the sport Meditations used with Players & The present moment 🔑 ( 24:422-25:11) The present moment is really where everything good happens in our life

Kobe's talk to the LA Chargers - masters of the present moment

🔒 locked in and letting go of everything that isn't what their focused on

Observe the thoughts below the surface

Jan 13, 202138:52
57: Training Deep, Not Wide | David Ben Moshe
Jan 06, 202143:04
56: Playing with Transformation & Navigating out of 'Problems' | Jason Goldberg

56: Playing with Transformation & Navigating out of 'Problems' | Jason Goldberg

Show Notes:
Background and how Jason became an international and transformational speaker, trainer, coach, author and host
"Don't have to be a prisoner of circumstance, but a self leader in my life" transformational theme that when actually practiced has massive implications for how life feels
How he got through the challenging, intense periods?
His own coaching experience

"What I know to be true is that resistance to change is the #1 reason transformation doesn't occur
"sitting in the fire"

Lowering the resistance to what it may look like. When we lower the significance, than it doesn’t have to feel like fire, it may be uncomfortable, but if it's looked at through the lens as speaking a new language it will be much lighter.

Remove some significance: "if I never change anything about myself I am still fine. I am enough."
I remove all the heaviness of transformation and I can just play with it. Let's play with transformation instead of let's overcome every obstacle.
Levity. Help client look at their own situation in a humorous way, make fun of their own fears.

His most powerful coaching experience from his own coach: So much compassion for what you're putting yourself through right now.
"There's never been anything in my life I've gone through that I haven't gotten through"

There's a lesson in everything

Byron Katie's The Work
"Sometimes we overthink things, they are just the way they are."

How Jason navigates out of "problems"

Increase level of consciousness so we have creativity to solve it. Once that happens, there may actually be no more problem to solve.
Story of Barbie doll
"Transcend the fact that you think it's a problem"
Present but irrelevant: having a feeling be present, but not a relevant part of my experience. Analogy of driving a car with an anxious person in the passenger seat. No matter how that person feels, the car still works the same. It doesn’t have to affect how I drive the car.
As long as it's not an in order to . If we try to eliminate the symptom than it's motive based. If I accept it so I can get rid of it, than I haven't really accepted it.
Jeff Foster - Falling in Love with Where You Are:

"It's not about immunity from stress, but navigation of them when they show up. The less we make them a problematic thing we have to get rid of, the sooner they'll move on on their own."
Why Advise s against trying to let things go because it still has a implication of trying to make something happen

There's not a right and wrong way to transform
"Every system is perfect for the result that it's getting"If you like the result than don't change anything, if you don't than change the system.

PBQ's : Prison Break Questions

A format for a question that takes something that is a problem and makes it no longer problematic
If I knew x, what would I do….How would I show up/respond differently?
"if you're experiencing anxieties, its because you're engaging with life, doing something in the world." Usually it’s a good sign because it's something triggered because there's a next level of leadership for you to step into

Whenever you feel you're in a funk, go be of service
What to look for in a coach

the way they see the world is a way you want to see your world.
The right coach will ask a question like: "why do you want a coach?"
What's the hard part? I'd love to do x, but it's hard to do y
Sep 16, 202051:44
55: Where you've traveled is the terrain you know; a talk on spiritual, mental, and physical health | ND Dr. Adam Rinde

55: Where you've traveled is the terrain you know; a talk on spiritual, mental, and physical health | ND Dr. Adam Rinde

On today's show Dr. Rinde and I talk about:
The Hebrew calendar month of Elul
Dr. Rinde's background and how you got into naturopathic medicine
How he creates a patient protocol
Choosing diets and what a client really needs
Early childhood stress is linked with IBS and digestive dysfunction
Metabolic screening questionnaire
What makes your body get right. What particular diet tried fits your level of performance the true north
Figure out what makes you feel balanced and right for the individual, like standing on a Wobble board
Move with where the patient is by listening more to him or her
Anywhere you've traveled (experienced) you know the terrain and that's how he knows the gut-brain, gut-skin access was how his stress and physical imbalances manifested.
Health Scans

NutrEval by Genova
General chem in labs, like complete blood count, chem panels, thyroid and lipid panels, can tell a lot about nutrition

The One Thing podcast with Dr. Adam Rinde

The one thing that moved everything forward
Adam's one thing: To really listen to what the patient is saying and to really listen to their story, while removing oneself as much as possible.
"If you listen to your patients, they'll tell you what's wrong with them"
Patients will guide you to where you need to guide them.

Give up perception of doing all things perfect. We can't be perfect during this time even if we try. Challenge self just enough but not too much. What's the balance between the least and most I can do? People can create illness by trying to be perfect
Sep 09, 202001:00:46
54: Sports Stories, Head in the Game, & Sooner | Brandon Sneed

54: Sports Stories, Head in the Game, & Sooner | Brandon Sneed

On this episode with Brandon Sneed
Brandon's background and passion for writing
Sports as a natural area for storytelling

Shay serrano sports are like watching your favorite movie but you don't know the ending

Head in the Game

"Not needing to feel good to do good work"

Sooner the story of OU football coach Lincoln Riley

Working with them instead of making them work for you
What it means to be a coach, by definition
How do we help athletes actually learn the lessons sports are there to teach us?
Room for error is necessary to make room for success

Lessons to be learned

Anger is a secondary emotion, from a sense of frustration. Lincoln learned how to make it fun regardless of W or L. There's a difference between having fun and getting addicted to stuff that feels good.
If it's not fun you're not doing something right.
How the event that seemingly stripped the game away actually made him into someone he probably wouldn't have become
If you keep holding onto what you were, then you're not going to become what you could be otherwise
Sep 02, 202051:02
53.5 What it means to be a Jew | Rabbi Manis Friedman

53.5 What it means to be a Jew | Rabbi Manis Friedman

What it means to be Jewish

The body parts are matched to the personality. The more definitions we give ourselves, the healthier. If I know who I am, where I belong, what my mission is, I'm solid. If not, I spend half the day worrying about it all - existential problems.
Would it make other people able to accept us if we didn't identify as Jews?
If I can't present myself as a Jew, then I cant present myself. Something essential about me.
Born Jewish, not a religion. In fact you are more Jewish than you are male. Your Neshama could come back as a female, or the opposite sex.
A soul can't change from Jewish to non-Jewish. A convert doesn’t change his soul, he receives a Jewish soul, that's why a convert is a real Jew. That soul can honestly say "my ancestors were slaves in Egypt." Even if he was an Egyptian.
We're almost a different species. That's why we don't fit in no matter where we go.
As long as you see the commonality, you haven't identified the Jewish you. What is Universal is not Jewish.
Jewish is beyond Universal. We're all created in God's image, but what makes us Jewish?
To identify something you must identify a unique quality not the universal one.
Aug 28, 202014:51
53: Modesty, Borders, Intimacy vs Sex, & Getting ‘things’ out of the way | Rabbi Manis Friedman

53: Modesty, Borders, Intimacy vs Sex, & Getting ‘things’ out of the way | Rabbi Manis Friedman

On today's show:
Rabbi Manis' background and what initiated to passion and power into becoming a rabbi, writing this book and sharing beautiful ways to foster intimate relationships.
Marriage and Doesn't Anybody Blush Anymore?

Everything in nature has its Borders, so does marriage.
Open vs shallow. A relationship can't afford to be shallow.
Broadcasting sexual energy
Adam and Eve ashamed that they didn’t protect and preserve their sexual energy, not because it was a bad thing

What modesty means? The purpose is to enhance sexual energy

"Modesty is a focused surrender"
Natural instinct to want privacy, not a religious obligation
Violation of modesty is unnatural
"The more sensitive, insightful, mature a person is, the more modesty he requires."
The more we preserve ourselves, and not dissipate it into the air,

Difference between Sex and Intimacy

Sex is a performance. Intimacy means just us with no barriers. In order to have no barriers, you need to have borders.
"If there are no borders and you're allowing yourself to be spontaneous, you’re actually being reckless"
When the borders are in place… now you can just relax and be spontaneous

We want to put our free choice to good use

God gives us the parameters, the rules of the game, and we will use our free choice to play the game well.

Joy of Intimacy and feeling alone

The purpose is to become one
In order to have more intimacy, you have to get all things out of the way, even love. Love is a thing.

Marriage means I want you not what I can get from you

"If you introduce things into a relationship that's pornography"
"Never be intimate with the lights on"
"Intimacy is never visible. "

Achieving Intimacy

Keep things away from your intimacy
The room should be dark
No sound. Hear Nothing. No talking. All attention on the person.
Sex leaves you feeling alone, not bonded. And it leaves you feeling a little reduced.
Intimacy leaves you feeling more innocent
Having separate beds.

Intimacy is not a subject, it’s life

Aug 26, 202001:02:44
52: Continuously Arriving into Stillness | Solo Episode
Aug 19, 202035:59