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South Hills Church - Costa Mesa

South Hills Church - Costa Mesa

By Chris Kretzu

Welcome to the podcast from South Hills Church in Costa Mesa. You will always find our Sunday messages here, but from time -to-time you may find additional bonus episodes as well!
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Prince of Peace - Christmas At South Hills - Week 4

South Hills Church - Costa MesaDec 26, 2021

Easter at South Hills 2024

Easter at South Hills 2024

Mar 31, 202424:03
Know Your Stop (The Part Each of Us Needs to Play) - Week 4 - CARPOOL: The Life We Were Meant to Live

Know Your Stop (The Part Each of Us Needs to Play) - Week 4 - CARPOOL: The Life We Were Meant to Live

You are God’s Plan A to reach the world, and there is no Plan B. This may feel overwhelming at first, it’s important to note that His strategy doesn’t require you to change careers, memorize every scripture, or become a missionary on the other side of the world. In fact, for most of us it means staying exactly where we are. So what part do you have to play, and what is God inviting you to do?

Mar 24, 202435:44
Curated Playlists (The Crucial Role of Collective Worship) - Week 3 - CARPOOL: The Life We Were Meant to Live

Curated Playlists (The Crucial Role of Collective Worship) - Week 3 - CARPOOL: The Life We Were Meant to Live

Everybody knows that just like a road trip isn’t complete without music, a church service isn’t complete without worship. We may not know how we know, or why it’s true, we just know it is. Obviously, there’s something powerful about music, but why do we need to sing (what amounts to) love songs to someone we can’t see, hear, or touch? Especially with other people. It’s kind of weird. Why has worship been essential to religious gatherings since humans started having them? Is it something God requires? Are we obligated to do it? Is it how we prove our worth and earn His blessing? Or is it about something else altogether? How might knowing what God intends worship to be change how we approach it and how fulfilling we find it?

Mar 17, 202437:19
Fast Food & Table Settings (The Difficult Work of Communion) - Week 2 - CARPOOL: The Life We Were Meant to Live

Fast Food & Table Settings (The Difficult Work of Communion) - Week 2 - CARPOOL: The Life We Were Meant to Live

Life is busy, and it shows no signs of slowing down. For many of us, that means we do our best to maximize our time and minimize distractions. That isn’t always a bad thing, but it certainly can be a bad thing. Some parts of life aren’t meant to be rushed, skipped, or sped through. It might be convenient to drive-thru a favorite fast-food spot, or even Door Dash your meal, but it’s just not the same as sitting down at a table with others. Jesus sat at a few different tables and seemed to think sharing a meal with others was worth it. Why is that, and what can Jesus’ meals then teach us about our meals today?

Mar 10, 202431:37
Enough Seats for Everyone (The Importance of Gathering) - Week 1 - CARPOOL: The Life We Were Meant to Live

Enough Seats for Everyone (The Importance of Gathering) - Week 1 - CARPOOL: The Life We Were Meant to Live

Making room for and compromising with other people can be uncomfortable and annoying. Which is why a lot of us would rather go it alone. We drive alone, eat alone, and binge our shows alone. The catch is: doing so much alone is…lonely. We all want to find people we just click with—people who share our interests, opinions, and preferences. In other words, people just like us. Is that so bad? Doesn’t God want us to have meaningful relationships? If so, how come so many of us feel unwanted and disconnected? What if we’re missing the kind of connections we long for because they’re inconvenient and too much work? What if the relationships we need come from building community with those who are nothing like us as opposed to magically finding those who are? If that were true, what would we do about it?

Mar 03, 202437:48
"How we’re unintentionally reinforcing materialism in ourselves (and our kids) and how to stop." - Week 3 - THE OPPOSITE OF SPOILED: Practical Money Conversations Everyone Needs to Have

"How we’re unintentionally reinforcing materialism in ourselves (and our kids) and how to stop." - Week 3 - THE OPPOSITE OF SPOILED: Practical Money Conversations Everyone Needs to Have

So much of what we think we need is dictated by what those around us have. We feel the pressure to keep up with and occasionally one-up our neighbors. But social media has expanded our community of comparison to everyone in existence. Which is a little overwhelming. Why is so much of our self-worth tied to what we have, and why do even those who have a lot often feel worthless? How do we break our addiction to more? And how do we teach our kids there’s more to life than having the best stuff?

Feb 18, 202436:27
"Why sorting your money into 3 categories is game-changing and why most of us don’t do it" - Week 2 - THE OPPOSITE OF SPOILED: Practical Money Conversations Everyone Needs to Have

"Why sorting your money into 3 categories is game-changing and why most of us don’t do it" - Week 2 - THE OPPOSITE OF SPOILED: Practical Money Conversations Everyone Needs to Have

Statistically, most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet regardless of how much they make. It’s easier to make money than to make a plan for your money. We tend to just spend what we get on whatever we need in the moment, not realizing that some of our needs may just be wants in disguise. How can you tell the difference? Is it the same for everybody? Is it even realistic to stick to a budget in a modern age? If so, how?

Feb 11, 202445:48
"What your spending says about you and why you’re better off talking openly about it" - Week 1 - THE OPPOSITE OF SPOILED: Practical Money Conversations Everyone Needs to Have

"What your spending says about you and why you’re better off talking openly about it" - Week 1 - THE OPPOSITE OF SPOILED: Practical Money Conversations Everyone Needs to Have

Most families don’t talk about money, especially to their kids. Which is a shame because money is a big part of life. A lot of us leave home without much of a financial compass. What we do know we’ve cobbled together from peers, commercials, and social media. Most of that advice leads us to crave what we don’t have and spend what we haven’t earned. Few people have taken time to think about their philosophy of money, but Jesus talked a lot about just that. He seemed to think the way you spend has a lot to do with what you value and that you could redirect your values with the way you handle your money.

Feb 04, 202446:32
OVERHAULED - Week 4 - SUBTRACTION: Accomplish More by Doing Less

OVERHAULED - Week 4 - SUBTRACTION: Accomplish More by Doing Less

Getting started with something new is tough enough but sustaining a habit long-term is even harder. To create lasting life-change, make what’s important easy to do, and what’s unimportant hard to do. So, how do you do that?

Jan 28, 202435:58
OVERBOOKED - Week 3 - SUBTRACTION: Accomplish More by Doing Less

OVERBOOKED - Week 3 - SUBTRACTION: Accomplish More by Doing Less

It’s not enough to know what’s most important; you have to say no to what’s not. Most of us are aware we should say no, and maybe even what or who we should say no to. But we’re nervous about the repercussions. So, how do we courageously navigate no with the least amount of collateral damage?

Jan 21, 202440:44
OVERWHELMED - Week 2 - SUBTRACTION: Accomplish More by Doing Less

OVERWHELMED - Week 2 - SUBTRACTION: Accomplish More by Doing Less

Of all the things we feel like we could or should do, what takes priority and where do you start? Knowing what to do is about clarifying what’s most important to you. So…How do you do that for yourself in this season?

Jan 14, 202438:50
OVERSTIMULATED - Week 1 - SUBTRACTION: Accomplish More by Doing Less

OVERSTIMULATED - Week 1 - SUBTRACTION: Accomplish More by Doing Less

Our culture attempts to convince us we can be, do, and have it all—all at once. But often, the more we do, the less fulfilled we are. Why is that and what do we do about it?

Jan 07, 202438:44
Christmas at South Hills 2023 with Alec Alvarado

Christmas at South Hills 2023 with Alec Alvarado

Christmas at South Hills 2023 with Alec Alvarado

Dec 31, 202333:12
Villain: Baby Jesus (A cute God) - Week 4 - Christmas at South Hills 2023

Villain: Baby Jesus (A cute God) - Week 4 - Christmas at South Hills 2023

Whether you laugh or cringe, we’re all familiar with fictional NASCAR driver Ricky Bobby’s prayer to “Dear 8lb, 6oz newborn infant Jesus.” When he said “I like the Christmas-Jesus best,” he said out-loud what many of us think internally. Christmas-Jesus is adorable, cute, and easy to imagine. We keep the Jesus of our faith small and contained, like an ancient fairy-tale we recite to get warm feelings. While we should embrace the wonder of God-made-flesh, we also need to remember that this infant is our King, and he calls us to follow him with our whole lives. We’re in danger of exchanging a child-like faith for a childish faith.

Dec 24, 202320:58
Villain: Gifts of the Magi (Consumerism) - Week 3 - Christmas at South Hills 2023

Villain: Gifts of the Magi (Consumerism) - Week 3 - Christmas at South Hills 2023

The gifts that the wisemen gave Jesus were deeply meaningful, symbolic and extravagant. Those gifts, according to many, were the impetus for the Christmas tradition of gift-giving. While there is nothing wrong with gift-giving, gift-buying has become an increasingly large focus for many. Christmas for many just means consumerism, debt, and wish-lists. Is it possible to spend less, but give more? Or will we spend every Christmas climbing out from underneath this pile of stuff?

Dec 19, 202334:51
Villain: The Innkeeper (Busyness) - Week 2 - Christmas at South Hills 2023

Villain: The Innkeeper (Busyness) - Week 2 - Christmas at South Hills 2023

Every nativity play we’ve seen has the grumpy innkeeper who turns Mary & Joseph away. We imagine a heartless man slamming the door in the face of a pregnant woman. Scripture actually says almost nothing about who this person was, or why they turned the young couple away. But what we do know is that, whether it was intentional or not, there was an unwillingness to make space that first Christmas. Still today, many of us have no room left to experience the beauty of Christmas – and a tangible experience of God’s presence.

Dec 10, 202333:28
Villain: Herod (Power) - Week 1 - Christmas at South Hills 2023

Villain: Herod (Power) - Week 1 - Christmas at South Hills 2023

Because of his murderous campaign to kill every boy child under 2 years old, Herod is the obvious villain of the Christmas story. He’s also the easiest villain to look down on, because his actions are so evil we can only compare them to something from a movie. But, while his actions are unimaginable, his motivations are much more familiar to us. King Herod’s grasping for power led him to commit one tragedy after another. For many of us, our yearning for power is a threat to Christmas still.

Dec 03, 202332:10
“It’s Just Something I Do; It’s Not Hurting Anyone” - Week 3 - I Can Quit Whenever I Want To

“It’s Just Something I Do; It’s Not Hurting Anyone” - Week 3 - I Can Quit Whenever I Want To

For the most part, our mindset is, “I should be able to do whatever I want, as long as I’m not hurting anyone.” And most of our indulgences don’t seem to be. Who cares if you add more clothes you don’t need to your closet, or sneak an extra piece of cake in the breakroom, or lose sight of your other obligations during NFL season? Although, if what we were doing was hurting someone, would we even notice? Is it possible that some of our pursuits are doing a disservice to our bodies, budgets, or relationships in ways we don’t even realize? Saying ‘yes’ to anything means saying ‘no’ to something else. Could it be we’re saying ‘no’ to something ultimately meaningful in pursuit of something temporarily enjoyable? Are their costs we’re not calculating? And if they suddenly came into view, what would you do?

Nov 19, 202334:43
Lie #5: There Are Certain Rifts You Just Can’t Repair - Week 5 - Family Month 2023

Lie #5: There Are Certain Rifts You Just Can’t Repair - Week 5 - Family Month 2023

Family members aren’t always going to get along. That’s a given. With different personalities come different preferences and perspectives. We’re bound to disagree and get on each other’s nerves. Obviously, we can overlook the small stuff, but what about the big stuff? What happens when someone says or does something deeply wounding that they can’t take back? The type of stuff you can’t undo, or fully make up for. What then? Are there certain levels of hurt relationships just can't recover from? How do you make peace with people who don’t seem sorry and may never change? You don’t, right? You can’t. Or can you?

Oct 29, 202340:53
Lie #4: We’ve Got Each Other So We Don’t Need Anybody Else ft. JR Carmichael - Family Month 2023

Lie #4: We’ve Got Each Other So We Don’t Need Anybody Else ft. JR Carmichael - Family Month 2023

We all know people who didn’t grow up in a great family but made their way through life leaning on their “chosen” family. These are people they’re not biologically related to, but who love, support, challenge, and encourage them to be their best selves. They needed these extra influences because they didn’t have access to a built-in family. But does that mean that those who do, don’t need additional help from the outside? If a family was completely healthy and godly, should they be able to meet all each other’s needs on their own? Can you become who God has called you to be without the involvement of anyone but your family?

Oct 22, 202332:11
Lie #3: Everyone Should Sacrifice Themselves for The Sake of Their Family - Week 3 - Family Month 2023

Lie #3: Everyone Should Sacrifice Themselves for The Sake of Their Family - Week 3 - Family Month 2023

We’ve all heard the phrase, “Family first!” What does that mean though? Is the family unit more important than the individuals in it? Does being a part of a family mean letting go of your personal identity? What if what’s good for them is bad for you? The Bible seems to talk a lot about sacrifice. Is that God’s expectation—that give up our goals and dreams for the sake of our family? What if you’re giving so much it’s making you unhealthy? Most families say they want to support each other, but if that’s true, why does it feel like some are doing all the work and others are reaping all the benefits? Is that just the way it is?

Oct 15, 202339:41
Lie #2: If You Don’t Agree with Me, You Don’t Accept Me ft. Moses Camacho - Week 2 - Family Month 2023

Lie #2: If You Don’t Agree with Me, You Don’t Accept Me ft. Moses Camacho - Week 2 - Family Month 2023

We all have a high need for belonging; to feel like we fit with a group of people. We want to be known, loved, and accepted for who we are. But when it comes to family, it can feel like we have pick one or the other. Like we can either be honest OR accepted, but we can’t be both. Why do some of us feel least comfortable with those we should have the closest connection to? Can you ONLY truly belong with people who see eye-to-eye with you on everything? Is diversity possible in a close-knit family? Or is “my way or the highway” the only way?

Oct 08, 202335:52
Lie #1: In A Good Family, Everyone Is Mostly Happy - Week 1 - Family Month 2023

Lie #1: In A Good Family, Everyone Is Mostly Happy - Week 1 - Family Month 2023

We all want to be happy. We design our lives around it. We want to have fun, be carefree, and enjoy our day to day. And obviously, we want the same thing for our family. Few things make us sadder than seeing those we love unhappy. But sometimes they are. Happiness is a hard state to sustain. Expectations go unmet, preferences clash, and feelings get hurt. What then? Do we ignore it, try and fix it, change the subject, force everyone into alignment? If someone in my family is unhappy, what’s my responsibility? Isn’t making each other happy the whole point of family? If not, then what is?

Oct 01, 202335:28
"Most Organized" - Week 4 - TINY GOLDEN STATUES

"Most Organized" - Week 4 - TINY GOLDEN STATUES

Nobody likes feeling out of control, but for some, uncertainty is their nightmare. They desire self-discipline, certainty, and standards above all things – and they’re willing to sacrifice spontaneity and relationship to get it. The controller’s mantra is “If I want it done right, I have to do it myself.” In our attempt to control our environment, we realize we can’t – so we begin to worry. This causes us to try to control more, and the cycle continues – and the pursuit of control ultimately enslaves us.

Sep 24, 202339:35
"Most Relaxed" with Moses Camacho - Week 3 - TINY GOLDEN STATUES

"Most Relaxed" with Moses Camacho - Week 3 - TINY GOLDEN STATUES

We’d all appreciate less demands and more freedom – but for some, this is an obsession of their heart. When we pursue the idol of comfort, we’re more than willing to not be productive at all if we can be comfortable. In our avoidance of stress and expectations, we see people around us as potential obstacles to our comfort – because relationships take work. But for all the comfort we pursue, we simply make ourselves more uncomfortable – because our hearts were designed for community and meaning through work.

Sep 17, 202338:59
"Most Liked" - Week 2 - TINY GOLDEN STATUES

"Most Liked" - Week 2 - TINY GOLDEN STATUES

When we begin to feel that life only has meaning, or that we only have worth, if we are loved and respected by a certain person or group, we’re facing the idol of approval. We want affirmation, love and relationships so much that we sacrifice our independence. The desire to be loved is healthy and natural, but for the problem for the person with the approval idol is that they are not ultimately satisfied with God’s love for them, so they do just about anything to get it from people.

Sep 10, 202338:26
"Most Influential" - Week 1 - TINY GOLDEN STATUES

"Most Influential" - Week 1 - TINY GOLDEN STATUES

What we would define as success or influence, may be the idol of power in disguise. It’s not even primarily about winning as much as the fear of losing – of humiliation. People with an unhealthy pursuit of power often cause others to feel used or manipulated, because their relationships are built on what others can bring them or do for them to increase their position. Jesus called us to a very different relationship with power, one that is more beautiful and more difficult than any the world could entice us with.

Sep 03, 202339:13
“Is it stupid to still have hope?” - Week 4 - POLITICAL POWDER KEG

“Is it stupid to still have hope?” - Week 4 - POLITICAL POWDER KEG

It’s becoming all-too-common for our politician, platform or party of choice to not be in power. People have always believed the right political power will save them, but how can we make sure that people in power don’t determine our level of personal peace? How can we hold on to hope when it feels like it’s all falling apart?

Aug 27, 202337:46
“Can I somehow win them over?” - Week 3 - POLITICAL POWDER KEG

“Can I somehow win them over?” - Week 3 - POLITICAL POWDER KEG

It’s easy to feel like our Christian values are under assault and that we need to fight to protect them. But while we’re hoping to beat the opposition and change people’s minds, Jesus is calling us to pray for our enemies while he changes their hearts. All-to-often, we’re louder about our political beliefs than we are about our spiritual beliefs; shouting our politics and whispering our faith. Scripture is clear that we should try to win people over…but it might be a surprise what we’re supposed to win them for.

Aug 20, 202339:16
“How could they think that?” - Week 2 - POLITICAL POWDER KEG

“How could they think that?” - Week 2 - POLITICAL POWDER KEG

How can they claim to be a Christian, but vote that way? How could they possibly think that person is the right choice? My faith is why I’m a Republican! Wait…your faith is why you’re a Democrat? Maybe things aren’t as cut and dry as we think they are. Could it be that we’ve edited Jesus to fit neatly within our political framework? And more importantly, have we lost sight of the very thing he was most clearly concerned about?

Aug 13, 202346:24
“God’s on my side, isn’t he?” - Week 1 - POLITICAL POWDER KEG

“God’s on my side, isn’t he?” - Week 1 - POLITICAL POWDER KEG

It seems that all of life is a battle between good and evil. It only makes sense that we, as Christians, are the good guys – right? We see sin, brokenness and evil all around us, and we want to make it stop! Obviously God is on our side, right? This week we’ll look at the importance of having “rightly ordered loves” and avoiding the temptation to recruit Jesus for our own goals.

Aug 06, 202343:17
"Sensing God in Beer Commercials, Rap Lyrics, and HBO Shows" - Week 5 - Noise Canceling

"Sensing God in Beer Commercials, Rap Lyrics, and HBO Shows" - Week 5 - Noise Canceling

We might expect God to speak through a Bible verse, worship lyric, or sermon quote. These things feel sanctified, sacred, safe. But where else might we find the voice of God? What about a romance novel, superhero comic, R rated movie, or explicit song? Should we look for God in these places or avoid them altogether? Are there certain things God never speaks through? Is it possible for something to pull one person closer to God while pushing someone else away? How do you know when to look closer and when to look away?

Jul 30, 202341:53
"Hearing God With Your Gut Instead of Your Ears" - Week 4 - Noise Canceling ft. Alec Alvarado

"Hearing God With Your Gut Instead of Your Ears" - Week 4 - Noise Canceling ft. Alec Alvarado

Most of us aren’t great at stillness. We’re always on-the-go, multitasking, earbuds in, distractedly doing one thing while worrying about not having time for the next. A lot of us can’t stand silence. Even more of us can’t sit still. Our lives are busy and noisy, our minds even more so. Ever have someone nudge you and ask, “Did you hear me?” And you wanted to say, “yes”, but you were so distracted you didn’t even realize they were talking? What if God was speaking, but the pace and noise of our everyday lives prevents us from hearing Him? Could it be that God whispers more than He shouts? And if that’s true, what do those whispers sound like and how do we still our souls long enough to sense them?

Jul 23, 202332:33
"When and Why God Sometimes Sounds Like Someone Else" - Week 3 - Noise Canceling ft. Jeff Fernandez

"When and Why God Sometimes Sounds Like Someone Else" - Week 3 - Noise Canceling ft. Jeff Fernandez

If you’ve ever visited a place where you don’t speak the language, having a reliable interpreter is a lifesaver. You need someone to translate what’s being said into words you can understand. But everyone’s who’s gotten a message through an interpreter has also wondered, “Is that really what the other person said?” Trusting someone to translate takes a lot of faith—because what if they get it wrong? Then their mistake becomes your mistake. And what if they’re translating for God? Ever had someone tell you what God wants you to do and wondered, “How would they know?” How do you tell the difference between someone pushing their own agenda and someone trying to help you hear God’s voice for yourself?

Jul 16, 202338:31
"How to Receive a Personalized Message from God Every Day" - Week 2 - Noise Canceling

"How to Receive a Personalized Message from God Every Day" - Week 2 - Noise Canceling

Some people say the Bible is the ‘Word of God’; like it’s somehow His way of speaking to us. But it wasn’t written to us. It was written to people who lived a really long time ago, in another part of the world, and spoke different languages. And yet, some people read this ancient book and say things like, “that spoke to me” or “that was just for me”. What does that mean? How does God use all these old stories and sayings to guide us through our current situations? Does God say specific things to specific people through Scripture? Or is everyone just seeing what they want to see to justify doing whatever they want to do?

Jul 09, 202344:10
"The One Full Proof Way to Know if a Thought is from God" - Week 1 - Noise Canceling

"The One Full Proof Way to Know if a Thought is from God" - Week 1 - Noise Canceling

We all know stories or have seen documentaries about people who claim to have heard from God. Most of them weren’t just convinced God wanted them to know something, but DO something, and the ‘somethings’ are all over the place—adopt a baby, launch a non-profit, fight an addiction, pass a law, start a commune, or bomb a building. Most of us have our fair share of suspicion. Did God really tell these people to do these things? That can’t be true. But I guess it’s possible he said something to some of them. After all, the bible has stories about people hearing from God. How do you know if something is from God or not?

Jul 02, 202336:20
"IN – How do I carve out a life I’m proud of?" - Week 4 - Four Short Words

"IN – How do I carve out a life I’m proud of?" - Week 4 - Four Short Words

Everyone eventually asks themselves, “What do I do with my life?” And a lot of the cultural answers to this question don’t end up being all that satisfying. We all know people who have made lots of money, acquired lots of power, and had lots of sex, but feel hollow and unhappy. It turns out, humans aren’t content to simply be alive, we want something to live for. The obvious Christian answer might be, “Just live for God.” But, how? What does that mean? How do I channel who I am and how I’m wired into something that matters? Do you ever wish you could have something inside you that would lead and guide you to do what’s ultimately best for you? Interestingly, God had that very same idea. Everything after the Gospels in the New Testament is the story of God enlightening and empowering us to discover our true selves and partner with one another to bring heaven to earth. So, what was this big idea and how exactly is it supposed to work?

Jun 25, 202338:22
"WITH – Why is loneliness so unbearably painful?" - Week 3 - Four Short Words

"WITH – Why is loneliness so unbearably painful?" - Week 3 - Four Short Words

There are few things as painful as feeling like nobody gets you and there’s no one you can turn to. We are meant and made for relationships—with each other and with God. The people part can be difficult but is somewhat intuitive. But a lot of us don’t think of God as relational. And to be fair, through most of human history, He wasn’t. For the most part, people didn’t walk and talk with God. They connected with Him from a distance by carrying out various rules and rituals. God was present but not close, real but not relatable. That is until God picked a point in history and inserted himself into humanity. God closed the gap between us, not just by coming near to us, but by becoming one of us. And this mind-blowing move changed everything about everything…forever. This is the story of the Gospels, and it reframes everything that came before. But what exactly does that mean for us and our everyday lives?

Jun 18, 202333:45
"BETWEEN – Why don’t things work like they should?" - Week 2 - Four Short Words

"BETWEEN – Why don’t things work like they should?" - Week 2 - Four Short Words

Ever felt like there was something between you and someone else? Like something was off between you. Maybe you weren’t even sure what it was, but it was clear there was something there. Almost every relationship has these moments. But it wasn’t meant to be that way. Something happened in the story of humanity that got between us and each other, us and God, us and ourselves, God and His creation. Something went off course. Something got in the way. And our entire existence afterward has revolved around us trying to work through it or work around it. This is what the Old Testament is about. And when we see it through this lens, it reveals why so much of our lives and our world doesn’t work the way it should. The question is, what do we do about it?

Jun 11, 202343:07
"Who am I deep down?" - Week 1 - Four Short Words

"Who am I deep down?" - Week 1 - Four Short Words

Knowing where you came from brings into focus who you really are and how you got that way. Our culture is interested in this, maybe more than ever. When we meet people, we impulsively ask them where they’re from. We love movies that revolve around the origin story of a character. We map our family trees. We ship our spit off to companies to tell us the ancestry of our genetic code. When you open the Bible, the beginning of Scripture is about how we began. It’s our origin story. But maybe not in the way you might think. What does this ancient piece of poetry that opens the story of us and God tell us about the bigger picture of who we are and what we’re made for?

Jun 04, 202340:48
"Can Anyone Become More Resilient in Any Area?" - Week 4 - The Rules of Resilience

"Can Anyone Become More Resilient in Any Area?" - Week 4 - The Rules of Resilience

We’ve all seen stories of people doing things we thought were impossible. They made a massive change, turned their lives around, overcame an addiction, or overturned an entire industry. The reason we’re in awe of these people is that most seem to come from humble beginnings. We’re not impressed that they did something they ought to be able to do, we’re impressed they did something we weren’t sure anyone could do. What’s truly unbelievable is some people do it more than once. Are these just special people? Or do they know something we don’t? Can anyone become better, stronger, and more successful in any area or is that just an American myth? How are those with multiple successes doing it?

May 28, 202338:02
Is What You Say More Powerful Than What You Do? (feat. Sam Mahlstadt) - Week 3 - The Rules of Resilience

Is What You Say More Powerful Than What You Do? (feat. Sam Mahlstadt) - Week 3 - The Rules of Resilience

How can two people with similar skill sets look at the same situation and come to vastly different conclusions? It would make sense that both would have the same shot at success. But we’ve all seen prepared people fail, and those nobody would bet on succeed. Is it pure luck? Is it circumstantial? Or is there something happening on the inside of them that’s influencing what’s happening on the outside of them. We’re told that the mind is pretty powerful. Is that just something people say? How much does outlook effect outcomes? How much are our experiences impacted by our expectations? And if so, can you change yours?

May 21, 202338:20
"Does Who You’re Around Limit How Much You Can Handle?" - Week 2 - The Rules of Resilience

"Does Who You’re Around Limit How Much You Can Handle?" - Week 2 - The Rules of Resilience

The plot of most inspirational stories boils down to someone with everything stacked against them, who, through sheer will and determination, conquer seemingly insurmountable odds & rise to the top. We love the self-made success story. There’s just one catch: that’s not how it works. No one who survives, overcomes, or achieves anything unbelievable does so by themselves. We’re social creatures, significantly shaped by our surroundings. Could what’s holding you back be more of a “who” than a “what”? How much do the people you do life alongside determine what kind of life you end up living?

May 14, 202328:23
"Are Inspiration and Determination Enough?" - Week 1 - The Rules of Resilience

"Are Inspiration and Determination Enough?" - Week 1 - The Rules of Resilience

When there’s something we can’t seem to make ourselves do or stick to, we assume it’s because we lack inspiration. We go on the hunt for an uplifting story, an encouraging word, or motivational quote to get us going. But all of us have things we feel inspired to do but never quite get around to. Is it that we don’t want it bad enough, aren’t focused, or don’t quite see its significance? But some of what we’d argue is most important, we still can’t seem to prioritize. So, what’s the problem? Is it that we need more or different inspiration? Is that we need a better, more compelling “why”? Or is there another ingredient we might be missing? What are successful people not telling us? Is there a magic recipe for resilience? If so, what is it?

May 07, 202338:29
"Christianity makes people more arrogant, selfish and vengeful; not less." - Reason #3 that people are NOT INTERESTED

"Christianity makes people more arrogant, selfish and vengeful; not less." - Reason #3 that people are NOT INTERESTED

Almost everyone’s heard the statement, “God is love.” If that’s true, why do so many of His followers seem so unloving? How important is it to reflect the god you believe in? Are most Christians just hypocrites, or are they a reflection of who they think God is—condescending, self-protecting, and punishing? Is Christianity about you living a certain way or you getting everyone else to live a certain way? Some people say becoming a Christian changes everything. Does it? How? Are Christians supposed to live like Jesus or is it more about praying a prayer to get into heaven? How does trust in Jesus affect how you treat other people? Should it?

Apr 30, 202339:15
"Christianity punishes anyone who thinks differently or asks difficult questions." - Reason #2 that people are NOT INTERESTED ft. Moses Camacho

"Christianity punishes anyone who thinks differently or asks difficult questions." - Reason #2 that people are NOT INTERESTED ft. Moses Camacho

Christians are nice enough, as long as you fall in line, fit the mold, and don’t ask too many questions. But if you have your doubts or disagree with someone in authority, you’re out. Does having faith mean playing along with everything you’re told & keeping your mouth shut? Is God as annoyed with our lack of certainty as other Christians seem to be? Is what you say you believe more important than how you behave? Is it possible for a thriving spiritual community to be full of people who aren’t on the same page?

Apr 23, 202339:47
"Christianity breeds ignorant people who use the bible to avoid reason" - Reason #1 that people are NOT INTERESTED

"Christianity breeds ignorant people who use the bible to avoid reason" - Reason #1 that people are NOT INTERESTED

Christians have a reputation for getting cornered by a logical argument, responding by quoting a cryptic Bible verse, and then celebrating as if they won the fight. Is that what the Bible’s for? Is quoting Scripture some sort of untouchable trump card? Are there certain situations where ancient instructions don’t make sense in our modern context? If so, which ones? Are we even allowed to ask that question? How did Jesus treat Scripture? And as His followers, how should we read it and what are we supposed to do with it?

Apr 16, 202344:31
"She Thought He Was The Gardener!" - Easter at South Hills

"She Thought He Was The Gardener!" - Easter at South Hills

What does help look like? It may be most recognizable in the flashing lights of a tow truck, or the sirens of a fire engine, or maybe even in the red swimsuit of a lifeguard. But what if we don’t know what we’re looking for? Would you even recognize help if it was standing in front of you? The Easter story is full of twists and turns - not the least of which is that Jesus’ followers didn’t even recognize him after the resurrection. What were they looking for? And, if they missed it, is it possible that we could?

Apr 09, 202329:33
"My Pesky Ability To See Other's Flaws Before My Own" - Palm Sunday at South Hills

"My Pesky Ability To See Other's Flaws Before My Own" - Palm Sunday at South Hills

There’s not a person around who would claim that the world is perfect. In fact, with social media and the 24-hour news cycle, we are over-informed of the issues, problems and challenges both locally and globally. War, politics, the environment, education, and the general fabric of society: God, won’t you please fix it? This same thing was shouted at a parade 2000 years ago, so what does it mean for us today?

Apr 02, 202332:01
"The Two Hardest Words To Say To Yourself" - Week 4 - Economic Atheist

"The Two Hardest Words To Say To Yourself" - Week 4 - Economic Atheist

We get that it’s a good thing to be a giver. Maybe generosity is even a goal of yours. But where do you draw what lines? If you gave everything away—you’d end up naked and penniless, living on the streets. That can’t be what God wants. You don’t want to be a miser either. How do you know what to give and what to keep? There are needs and needy people everywhere. What do you say YES and NO to? How do you use what you’ve got wisely, not wastefully? How do you pursue selflessness without starving? Will you eventually just arrive at a certain sweet spot, or is this an area you’re going to have to constantly wrestle with?

Mar 26, 202340:47