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Spa Business Mastery

Spa Business Mastery

By Kirsten Foss

Welcome to Spa Business Mastery, a podcast that teaches team and solo spa owners how to scale their business growth and impact by implementing thriving systems and strong leadership.

My name is Kirsten Foss, and over the past 25 years I've been an esthetician, spa owners, and business-and-marketing strategist. Join me today to start cultivating a bountiful spa business.
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Spa Business MasteryAug 31, 2021

Boundaries for Success: How Manuals Can Transform Your Spa Team

Boundaries for Success: How Manuals Can Transform Your Spa Team

In the peaceful and luxurious world of spa businesses, the calm you provide your clients can sometimes hide the complex, often tricky dynamics happening behind the scenes. As a spa owner or manager, keeping your team in harmony is key to reaching your business goals. In this week’s podcast episode, we explore the art and science of managing challenging team members, highlighting the importance of strong leadership, clear communication, and well-defined processes.

In this podcast you’ll learn about the power of spa training manuals: 

Importance of Addressing Problematic Behavior:

  • Strategies to tackle gossiping and rule-breaking.

  • Maintaining team dynamics and business objectives.

Effective Leadership:

  • Establishing structures to minimize conflicts.

  • Handling issues with compassion and respect.

Preventive Measures:

  • The significance of proper onboarding and training.

  • Creating a solid training program with documented policies and procedures.

Personal Experiences:

  • Transitioning from solo operations to managing a team.

  • Real-life examples of handling breaches in confidentiality and job performance issues.

  • Implementation of staff handbooks and operations manuals to set clear business boundaries.

Organizational Tools:

  • The role of manuals in outlining company values, team values, and company culture.

  • Using these manuals as recruiting filters, training guides, and disciplinary tools.

Spa Training Manual Resources:

Why You Should Tune In

Managing a spa is no small feat, and navigating team dynamics can often feel like walking a tightrope. This podcast episode offers practical advice, personal experiences, and valuable resources to help you master the art of spa management. Whether you’re struggling with problematic team members or looking to establish a more structured, harmonious work environment, the insights shared in this episode are sure to provide the guidance you need.

So, tune in to this week’s podcast and take the first step towards creating a cohesive, dynamic team that works together to achieve your business goals. Your path to effective spa management starts here!

Jun 06, 202421:53
June 2024 Business Numerology Forecast

June 2024 Business Numerology Forecast

Welcome to another episode of The Spa Business Mastery Podcast, where we empower beauty business entrepreneurs to create thriving businesses that are profitable and purposeful. Today is our June business forecast where we're diving into the transformative power of June’s energy of change - and how you can harness it to achieve the freedom you’re seeking. 

In this podcast episode you’ll learn about:

Understanding the Energetic Shift:

  • The significance of moving from 4 energy (stability, structure) to 5 energy (change, freedom).

  • Freedom through discipline; making choices as a pathway to achieving freedom and success.

The High/Low Characteristics of the 5:

  • Common beauty business strengths & challenges that show up when the 5 energy of CHANGE is active 

  • Traits of individuals with a life path number 5, focusing on their freedom-seeking, agent of change, wild & free energies! “Don’t hold me back!” they’ll say! 

Embracing Change Through Discipline:

  • The role of discipline in navigating change and fostering personal and professional growth.

  • Business growth often comes after personal development & spiritual growth.

Importance of Playfulness and Joy:

  • Balancing work “must do’s” with elements of playfulness, adventure, and joy to keep low 5 vibrations at bay.

  • Personal anecdotes and tips for incorporating laughter and playful activities into daily life. 

Numerology & Lunar Business Power Days in June:

Kirsten's favorite quote about change:

“It’s not happening TO me, it’s happening FOR me.”

Beauty Business Inquiry Questions To Work With the 5 Energy:

  • Where am I feeling a lack of freedom in my business? Financial, time, energy, resources? 

  • Where am I lacking discipline in my business? Financial, time, energy, resources?

  • What choices do I need to make to feel some relief?

  • Am I noticing when I’m distracting myself from the tasks that help me reach my goals?  

  • Where am I lacking joy in my life? Where can I explore playfulness, fearlessness, adventure, freedom? 

As we embrace the dynamic 5 energy of June, remember that change is a powerful catalyst for growth and transformation. By making mindful choices, balancing discipline with playfulness, and seeking support when needed, you can navigate your leadership and beauty business growth with more flow and ease. As change-makers in the spa industry, freedom and joy are not just destinations but integral parts of your journey.

Thank you for joining us today. We hope you feel inspired to embrace the changes ahead and create a beauty business that truly reflects your highest aspirations. Stay tuned for more insights and tips on building a successful, joyful beauty business. Until next time, keep shining and creating with intention!

May 31, 202447:06
Mastering Spa Marketing Copywriting

Mastering Spa Marketing Copywriting

If you're feeling frustrated with your spa's copywriting and struggling to connect with your audience, then you are not alone! Many spa owners find themselves stuck in a cycle of ineffective messaging that fails to resonate with potential clients, leading to missed opportunities for growth and engagement. 

In today’s episode of The Spa Business Mastery Podcast: Spa Marketing With Delia, I sat down with my friend and stellar copywriter, Sam from Search & Social where we uncover the secrets of effective copywriting tailored specifically for your spa audience!

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Master spa marketing copywriting techniques to captivate your audience and boost bookings.

  • Craft detailed spa audience personas to tailor your marketing messages effectively.

  • Uncover your spa's unique tone of voice to create a consistent and compelling brand identity.

  • Learn how to write engaging spa treatment descriptions that entice and inform potential clients.

  • Discover how to seamlessly incorporate SEO into your spa website content for improved online visibility.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:01:22 - Tailoring Copy to Spa Audience 

00:04:23 - Importance of Spa's Tone of Voice 

00:06:34 - Overcoming Copywriting Challenges 

00:09:43 - Utilizing Storytelling in Copywriting 

00:12:59 - Creating Consistency in Marketing Channels 

00:15:41 - Integrating SEO in Copywriting 

00:17:50 - Improving Copywriting Skills 

00:19:45 - Seeking Copywriting Assistance

The resources in this podcast are:

  • Email to explore spa copywriting packages and marketing services.

  • Book a free Get Acquainted call with Delia to chat more about how she can help with revamping your spa’s website, email marketing, or social media copy.

  • Bookmark this episode for future reference when working on your copywriting skills.

  • Visit to check out all the marketing services offered by Virtual Spa Business Marketing!

May 22, 202420:54
Building Spa Success: Your Guide to Thriving Through Structure

Building Spa Success: Your Guide to Thriving Through Structure

In today’s episode, we dive deep into the transformative power of implementing structured systems within spa businesses. Kirsten Foss, business coach for the spa industry, explores why creating efficient and reliable processes isn’t just good for consistent client results, but essential for growth, efficiency, and stability in the spa industry. Join Kirsten as she uncovers the key elements necessary for spa owners to transcend their service provider roles and excel as entrepreneurs.

In this podcast episode you’ll learn about:

  • The Foundation of Efficiency
  • Franchising as a Model
  • Delegation and Workflow
  • Systematic Approaches to Business Areas
  • Numerology and Timing
  • Training Programs for Systemization


01:21 Why spa owners struggle with their businesses, emphasizing the need for applying systems and structure to the guest experience, sales and team cutlure for growth and scalability.

04:06 Discussing the concept of preparing a business for franchising, highlighting the importance of documented systems, structure, and training for consistent outcomes and scalability.

06:36 Exploring how solo business owners can benefit from delegation and clear systems, emphasizing the need for documented processes to avoid inefficiencies and ensure consistent outcomes.

07:05 Connecting numerology’s 4 energy month to the importance of grounding ideas into tangible systems for business success, highlighting the significance of structure, stability, and foundations in the manifestation cycle.

11:04 Identifying and discussing key systems such as marketing, guest experience, sales, recruiting, inventory, and spa management.

24:55 Exploring the process of creating and implementing systems in a spa business, including spa-specific, plug-and-play systems and training programs for efficient implementation.

The Most Efficient Path to Sustainable Spa Growth

Wrapping up, Kirsten emphasizes the significance of investing in the implementation & maintenance of structured systems. Discover how prioritizing these systems not only helps in attracting and retaining clients but also provides a solid platform for scaling and achieving spa entrepreneurial success.

Structured systems are the backbone of any successful spa business. By focusing on creating and refining these systems, spa owners can ensure their business not only survives but thrives, paving the way for sustainable growth and success.

If you’re inspired to start transforming your spa business through systemization, save time and effort by purchasing Kirsten’s “plug & play” systems that are specifically designed for the spa industry. Each spa system includes all the documentation and support materials plus private 8-week coaching to customize your system transformation & ensure implementation. Book a complimentary Get-Acquainted call with Kirsten to chat about which system is your 1st priority.

May 09, 202429:13
May 2024 Business Numerology Forecast

May 2024 Business Numerology Forecast

Join Kirsten Foss, certified Numerologist and spa business consultant, for the May Business Numerology forecast to help you navigate this month with confidence and purpose. It’s a 4 energy month for everyone - you, clients, staff, family and friends - which means you’ll be experiencing both the high & low energies of stability, structure and foundations. It’s taking April’s creatively expansive activations and grounding them into stable foundations that have the structure and efficiencies needed to finish manifesting! 

In this episode, you’ll learn how May’s 4 energy can: 

  • Maximize spa business growth with May’s energetic planning techniques.

  • Uncover the power of numerology in shaping your spa's future success.

  • Boost spa management efficiency with structured systems for greater benefits.

  • Navigate fluctuating energy cycles for sustained business stability.

  • Learn to develop a systematic approach for successful spa ownership.

The Power of Blending Numerology & Spa Business

Drawing from her personal experience and expertise in numerology, Kirsten highlights the significance of aligning with the energy of each month and how it can impact both personal well-being and business success. By sharing the impact of the previous month's energy and diving into the four energy of May, she offers valuable guidance on harnessing stability and structure for sustainable business growth. 

Through practical advice on implementing systems, addressing potential stability issues, and prioritizing self-care, Kirsten emphasizes the interconnectedness of personal and business energy. Her relatable approach and insightful commentary make this episode a must-listen for spa owners seeking to optimize the energy of the month and cultivate a more balanced and sustainable approach to running their businesses. 

“This month is about implementing systems and structure into your business. So use this month as the month to analyze which parts of your spa business need more stability and structure.” - Kirsten Foss

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:00 - Introduction to May Numerology Forecast 

00:06:39 - Understanding the Four Energy Month 

00:10:33 - Importance of Systems and Structure in Spa Business 

00:13:55 - Embracing Commitment and Purpose in Spa Business 

00:16:52 - Understanding the High Four Energy 

00:17:35 - Exploring the Low Vibration of Four 

00:19:18 - Challenges and Frustrations of Four Energy 

00:22:37 - Embracing Tenacity and Overcoming Quitting 

00:27:11 - Implementing Systems and Structures in the Spa Business 

00:32:39 - Benefits of Guided Meditations 

00:34:29 - Practical Action Steps 

00:36:11 - Energetic Dates to Note 

00:39:34 - Full Moon and Release 

00:41:58 - Finishing May with Abundance

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Subscribe to the Spa Business Mastery podcast on your preferred podcast platform to receive regular updates and insights on scaling your spa business and implementing thriving systems and strong leadership.

  • Join the Soul of Spa Business Membership Waitlist to hear when Kirsten opens registration to access guided meditations, energetic forecasts, and tools specifically designed for spa and wellness entrepreneurs. This membership provides valuable resources to support your personal and professional growth as a spa owner.

  • Consider exploring guided meditation apps or platforms such as Insight Timer, Calm, or Headspace to incorporate grounding guided meditations into your daily routine. These can help you find balance and reduce stress, supporting your overall well-being.

  • Take the opportunity to analyze and develop systems and structures in your spa business to bring stability and organization. Kirsten can help you identify areas that feel chaotic or disorganized and work on creating systems to improve stability and efficiency.

May 01, 202442:37
Spa Mama’s: How to Stay Well in a Wellness Business

Spa Mama’s: How to Stay Well in a Wellness Business

Are you a spa owner and a mom feeling the weight of trying to do it all? You're not alone! Juggling self-care, running a spa business, and parenting can leave you feeling overwhelmed and drained.

But fear not, because in this episode of The Spa Business Mastery Podcast, Kirsten is joined by Dr. Sue McCredie from Soulfull Medicine to shed light on the journey of maintaining well-being as a spa mama.

This topic is all about our role as caregivers and how to make sense of the ever-present and ever-changing roles that challenge our ability to feel peace and balance in both your personal and professional life!

Key takeaways of this podcast: 

  • Finding Balance: Discover practical tips to balance self-care and caregiving in the fast-paced world of spa entrepreneurship, ensuring your well-being remains a top priority.

  • Transformative Insights: Dive into Dr. Sue McCredie's journey from pediatrician to coaching midlife women, and learn valuable lessons that can help you navigate your own path with grace and resilience.

  • Elevating Wellness Practices: Explore powerful wellness techniques that you can implement in your spa business to enhance the experience for both your clients and staff, creating a harmonious environment for all.

  • Parenthood and Entrepreneurship: Master the art of managing parenting and entrepreneurship in the spa industry, finding equilibrium between your family life and your business endeavors.

  • Personal Growth: Delve into the fascinating world of numerology and tarot with Dr. Sue, unlocking new avenues for self-discovery and personal growth that can enrich both your personal and professional life.

I think it's less about achieving something and more about just the grace of the journey. - Dr. Sue McCready

The key moments in this episode are:

00:00:00 - Introduction to Soulful Medicine 

00:03:39 - The Challenges of Balancing Caregiving and Entrepreneurship

00:09:20 - Tuning into the Seasons of Life

00:11:59 - Shifting Expectations and Health as Balance

00:13:31 - Flexing and Flowing Between Responsibilities

00:13:49 - Setting Expectations and Boundaries

00:17:01 - Problem-solving versus Witnessing

00:18:38 - Mama Archetypes: Visionary and Giver

00:19:57 - Mama Archetypes: Inspirational and Detail

00:25:33 - Shifting Boundaries in Parenting

00:27:36 - Importance of Hiring Help

00:28:27 - Utilizing Personality Types in Business

00:29:33 - Embracing Details in Business

00:30:33 - Embracing the Journey of Entrepreneurship

00:33:32 - Self-Care for Mom Entrepreneurs 

Motherhood and spa entrepreneurship are both a calling most of us can never choose between so it’s more critical than ever to manage the expectations we have for ourselves and our business. Tune in to this episode and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and sustainable journey in both parenthood and your career!

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

Embark on a journey of self-discovery by taking the Mama Archetypes quiz, curated by Dr. Sue McCredie. Gain valuable insights into your personality type and learn how to optimize your life, work, and relationships based on your unique archetype.

For more information about Soulfull Medicine , email Dr. Sue at

Apr 26, 202434:28
6 Tik Tok Tips for Spa Owners to Dominate on Social Media

6 Tik Tok Tips for Spa Owners to Dominate on Social Media

So, picture this: you're sitting there, scratching your head, wondering how to make your spa's TikTok content pop. You've tried everything, from random videos to crossing your fingers and hoping for the best. But let's face it, it feels like you're shouting into the void, right? Well, buckle up, because Cassie's about to drop some knowledge bombs that'll turn that frustration into pure excitement.

In this episode, we're diving deep into:

  • The secret sauce of TikTok marketing to skyrocket your spa's social media game.

  • Riding the TikTok trends wave to keep your audience hooked and coming back for more.

  • Crafting content that not only looks amazing but also speaks directly to your audience's soul.

  • Letting your audience take the reins with user-generated content strategies that'll have them feeling like VIPs.

  • Playing around with different video lengths to find that sweet spot that keeps your audience glued to the screen.

  • Getting cozy with analytics to understand exactly what makes your audience tick and how to give them more of what they love.

But here's the real kicker, folks – it's not just about churning out content and hoping for the best. Nope, Cassie's got some ninja-level tricks up her sleeve to show you how to use TikTok as a secret weapon for SEO and building a real, authentic community around your spa.

Timestamped summary of this episode:

00:00:00 - Introduction to TikTok for Spa Businesses

00:03:20 - Leveraging TikTok Trends

00:05:51 - Creating Eye-Catching Visuals 00:07:30 - User-Generated Content Strategies

00:12:30 - Testing Different Video Lengths

00:14:36 - Understanding Your Audience Preferences

00:15:18 - Authentic and Genuine Content Creation

00:17:28 - Maximizing Engagement and Community Building

00:18:03 - Utilizing Analytics and Metrics

I'm telling you, this episode is like a masterclass in spa social media domination. So, grab your favorite beverage, get cozy, and let's dive into the world of TikTok tips that'll transform your spa's social media game from meh to marvelous! Trust me, you won't want to miss this one.

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Email Delia at for social media management packages and support in creating engaging TikTok content for your spa business.

  • Tune into the next episode of the Spa Business Mastery podcast for more tips and insights on leveraging your marketing for your spa business.

Apr 17, 202424:01
The #1 KPI To Monitor During Spa Growth Planning

The #1 KPI To Monitor During Spa Growth Planning

It's an exciting time when you're ready to expand, but are you truly prepared for the financial side of things? Let's explore the crucial spa business metric you need to keep an eye on before taking the leap.

It's easy to get swept up in the excitement of growth plans, but have you checked your financial reports to see if your business can handle the upcoming costs and expenses? Sometimes, our optimism can cloud our judgment. And the usual Profit/Loss statement from your bookkeeper or the sales from your Point of Sale are not enough to make a wise decision that’s based on calculated risk. 

Numbers Are Navigators…Again!

But fear not, there's a key number hiding in your booking system that can give you a clear view of your financial readiness. Running a spa business on a budget requires mindfulness. Jumping into growth initiatives based solely on perception can lead to some sticky situations. Just think about it:

  • Hiring before you're truly busy enough can strain your finances.

  • Introducing new products without enough sales can hurt your cash flow.

  • Expanding your space too soon adds extra expenses without boosting revenue.

Let's talk about the big KPI that sits at the critical point of growth decisions: Productivity and it’s your compass during spa growth planning. In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • What Productivity tracks in your business.

  • The green light Productivity number for growth.

  • Where to find this metric in your spa software.

  • How often to check your Productivity metric.

  • What you should be looking for while you’re tracking this KPI.

I'm very much about tapping into your intuition, trusting your intuition in your business, letting that guide you hundred percent. But we also need to pair that with the data, the actual numbers. - Kirsten Foss

What’s Your Productivity KPI At, Dear Spa Owner? 

Discovering what Productivity means & how it affects your spa business and team growth outcomes is a huge eye-opener. When I first learned all of this information, you would have seen my mouth hang open in disbelief! “OH!! That’s why I’m so cash strapped. I didn’t know what to look for BEFORE I dropped thousands of dollars on that new hire that I didn’t end up staying because it wasn’t busy enough.” and “OH!! Now I see where the opportunity gaps are with my sales!!”

Now the question is “How do I increase Productivity”

I would love to answer that for you! It’s a big topic and I’ll make that for another podcast. 

If you could use a seasoned Spa Business Strategist (that’s me!) to get eyes on your spa sales opportunities, book a Get-Acquainted call with me. I’ll show you how to analyze and use your reports to make strategic growth decisions that will bring your more client sales and financial freedom!

Apr 12, 202421:01
April 2024 Business Numerology Forecast

April 2024 Business Numerology Forecast

Happy April 1st! This ain't no joke - April's Business Numerology Forecast says it's time to step into this month's amplified CREATIVITY & COMMUNICATION because It's a 3 energy month y'all.

But first, a quick reframe about what “being creative” means. We’re not referring to the paint & sew kind of creativity you think about when the word "creative" is mentioned. For you, dear Spa Owner, the 3 energy refers to the incessant flow of creative ideas & solutions you have for your clients and spa business type of creativity. see it now, don’t you? Agreed! You ARE very creative!! 

I’m diving into how the wonderful energy of April provides us all an opportunity to amp up our creativity, communication, and those heart-to-heart connections in life & spa business, which fuels growth and brings fresh innovations to their businesses. Consider this forecast as your trusty spring guide to make the most of these potentials! You’ll also want to watch out for the most common 3 energy traps - it's the other side of the massive creativity coin that can undo your entrepreneurial creativity if you're going in blind. 

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover how numerology can guide your business decisions and strategies for the month of April

  • Uncover the secrets (not-so-secret when you can decode it!) of capturing April’s 3 energy to drive growth and success in the spa business.

  • Learn why emotional intelligence will be especially needed this month to become a more effective and empathetic leader in your business.

  • Make note of four specific dates in April that will act as portals to structure, creativity, letting go & balance.

“In numerology, the biggest piece to remember is that we study the energetics of the numbers one to nine, and at any time, we get to choose whether we are expressing the high vibration or the low vibration.” Kirsten Foss

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Join the Soul of Spa Business Membership for a deep dive into blending practical spa business tactics with Numerology. This membership includes monthly business calls, meditations, Focus Worksheets, community & more for seasoned spa owners seeking growth beyond the grind. IfThe beta test starts on April 9, and joining during this phase secures founding members pricing and the opportunity to provide feedback for future improvements for our fall 2024 launch.

  • Discover your Leadership Code! Download your free Leadership Code report and get valuable insights into how your Code influences your personal and business life.

Apr 01, 202434:52
Aligning Values with Business Practices: The Journey to Conscious Leadership with guest Ann Marie McKenzie

Aligning Values with Business Practices: The Journey to Conscious Leadership with guest Ann Marie McKenzie

Step into the world of Conscious Leadership with our special guest, Ann Marie McKenzie! Join us as we explore the magic of integrating spirituality and numerology into your entrepreneurial path. Once you know about this style of running your business (in fact, you may already be doing this but didn’t know the term!), our hope is that you’ll feel inspired to align your values with your practices and embrace conscious leadership like never before!

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover how Heart Conscious Leadership can transform your business approach and create a positive impact on your team and customers.

  • Unlock the power of integrating Numerology into your business strategy to gain a deeper understanding of your business's purpose and direction.

  • Develop your Emotional Intelligence to drive business success and improve your relationships with employees & clients.

  • Explore how Conscious Business Leadership can help you create a lasting impact and make a difference in your industry and community.

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence for Business

During our chat with Ann Marie McKenzie, we delved deep into the significance of emotional intelligence in the world of entrepreneurship. We learned that emotional intelligence isn't just about understanding and managing our own feelings, but also about navigating the emotions of others, paving the way for more enriching and sustainable business relationships.

“Everything is energy. And energetics matters because we are always emitting a vibration or a frequency. And that vibration or a frequency dictates what we attract into our world.” - Ann Marie McKenzie

The resources mentioned in this episode are:

  • Join the Conscious Business Collective: Connect with Ann Marie McKenzie and other like-minded entrepreneurs in the Conscious Business Collective.
  • Explore Conscious Business Immersion: If you're looking for a more personalized experience, consider the Conscious Business Immersion program.
  • Connect with Ann Marie: Visit Ann Marie McKenzie's website to explore her Numerology services, learn more about her approach to conscious business, and connect with her directly.
  • Follow Ann Marie on Instagram and Facebook
Mar 22, 202438:32
3 Spa Manager Tools to Boost Your Leadership Confidence & Team Collaboration

3 Spa Manager Tools to Boost Your Leadership Confidence & Team Collaboration

This podcast is for my spa owners and managers! Ever felt like you're caught in a whirlwind of chaos when trying to build and lead a successful spa team? Putting out fires, re-explaining policy, feeling like you have to do everything yourself, getting annoyed…basically wondering how your team vision turned into team buren so quickly.

You may have been advised that simply hiring a team would leverage your Solopreneur success, only you’ve ended up feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and disconnected from the very people you’ve hired. 

But here's the thing: building a thriving spa team requires more than just bringing people on board. It's about creating a strong connection and collaboration within your team - with support for you too.

If you're tired of feeling like you're stuck in the middle of chaos, then it's time to discover the 3 spa manager tools that will transform your leadership, boost team confidence, and foster seamless collaboration. Get ready to build a team that works together towards your business goals, and say goodbye to the crazies for good!

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Boost team collaboration and morale with simple, effective strategies.

  • Create a positive work environment that fosters teamwork and support.

  • Enhance communication and connection amongst your spa team.

  • Learn how to motivate and empower your staff for a more cohesive team.

  • Implement proven techniques to build a successful and harmonious spa team.

  • Cultivate a sense of belonging and unity within your spa staff.

  • Discover the secrets to building a high-performing and cohesive spa team.

  • Foster a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect within your spa team.

  • Develop a strong and connected team that drives success in your spa business.

  • Learn how to create a collaborative and inclusive culture within your spa team.

“It's really exciting to think about working with other like-minded estheticians and service providers. If you've ever had that opportunity, it's wonderful and it is just so fulfilling on top of feeling fulfilled in the work that you do.” - Kirsten Foss

Improving Spa Team Communication and Connection

If that list above feels like an impossible wish list, it’s really not! This podcast underlines the need for clear communication and connection within the spa team. Utilizing tools like a staff handbook and operations manual to establish clear regulations and procedures helps in facilitating this.

But it doesn’t end there. You must continue to seed collaboration with regular team meetings, allowing for open discussions and providing platforms for insightful feedback, fostering stronger bonds within the team.

The Spa Management Resources Mentioned in this Episode Are:

DIY + Tutorials

Purchase the Spa Team Handbook Template & Walkthrough Tutorial ($444 USD) to create efficient policies and procedures for your spa team.

Documents Only - No Tutorial

Get the Operations Manual Template ($99 USD) to start organizing your spa's protocols for reception and spa treatments. Please note - this isn’t a finished manual, but a 57-page template and example of how to organize it clearly and efficiently for your team training. No more guessing how to best organize your procedures. This is a fully editable document Google Document for you to add your customized protocols. Email for more info.

Invest in the Spa Manager Manual ($499 USD), a unique 85-page resource developed by a spa management expert, to streamline your spa management system and support your leadership. Included are Spa Manager protocols for team (recruiting, hiring, training, coaching), clients, inventory, business and marketing as well as all relevant templates, scripts & worksheets to ensure efficient leadership. Email for more info.

Mar 08, 202430:20
March 2024 Business Numerology Forecast

March 2024 Business Numerology Forecast

This year, March is a universal 2 energy month - meaning, the spirit of connection, collaboration, balance & intuition is potent for everyone. But it's not just about numbers and energy and feelings; it's about using a cooperative spirit and your intuition as a business strategy. Today I’m sharing the March Numerology Business Forecast on this episode of the Spa Business Mastery Podcast to help you prepare & take action on the upcoming opportunities & challenges for your leadership, client care, sales and team growth.

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Discover the impact of March’s energetic code can have on your spa sales success and growth.

  • Harness the high vibrations of the number 2 to pull in aligned partnerships (your Ideal Clients & dream team are your partners!)

  • Recognize and address the low vibrations that might be sabotaging your spa business leadership & growth.

  • Gain insight into the energy forecast for businesses and how it can influence your strategic decisions.

  • Learn how to effectively leverage intuition in sales conversations for improved client relationships and business growth.

“We can use our intuition to pick up on our clients' needs as well, without having to compromise our sales conversations and our sales opportunities.”

Podcast Timestamps: 

00:00:00 - Introduction to the March 2024 Forecast 

00:02:10 - What a manifestation cycle and number amplification mean in business strategy

00:04:42 - Recognizing the high vibration of the 2 energy and how it shows up in your life & spa business.

00:09:48 - Recognizing the low vibration of the 2 energy and what it’s telling you. 

00:17:18 - Why the highly collaborative energy of 2 requires aligned partnerships to anchor your business confidence.  

00:19:25 - How collaborative energy works/doesn’t work with delegating vs. abdicating leadership responsibilities.

00:23:11 - Mark your calendars for 3 sets of “Spa CEO Power Days”; amplified portals of connection & creativity for spa sales and marketing ideas. 

00:31:56 - The March Energy Sales Tip 

00:35:07 - Action steps with your clients and spa team to help them feel like aligned partners AND provide everyone the opportunity to build trust & abundance. 

00:37:01 - Trusting Intuition to create comfortable spa sales conversations, whether they buy now or later.

00:38:35 - How to tap into your spa business intuition for spa business strategy.  

Download the March Business Energetic Guide to Boost Growth Strategies

This month, I’ve created a 1-page guide to help you optimize the 2 energy for amplified client connections, team heart and personal fulfillment for being able to serve your community at your highest level.

I invite you to use this resource as a tool for being intentional with your spa goals and taking action in a way that comes from your heart AND builds your financial growth.

Email for a copy of the March Spa Business Energetic Guide.

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Mar 03, 202439:49
Spa Dollars and Sense: Untangling Bookkeeping Challenges

Spa Dollars and Sense: Untangling Bookkeeping Challenges

Hey, Spa Owners! Do you dread tax time and struggle with bookkeeping challenges? Have you been told to simply hire a financial team and expect everything to fall into place, only to end up feeling overwhelmed and frustrated?

If you can relate to the pain of trying to keep your books in order without seeing the results you need, you're not alone. Let's untangle the complexities of bookkeeping and discover the key to efficient financial management and growth for your spa business.

Lilly Cook - Spa Owner & Certified CPA

Introducing Lilly Cook, the heart and soul behind Oasis Skincare nestled in the serene landscapes of southern Illinois. With a genuine commitment to financial health and longevity in the spa industry, Lilly's expertise illuminates pathways through the maze of bookkeeping challenges our industry faces. Her insights not only demystify the financial landscape but also pave the way for sustainable growth and prosperity for spa owners.

Even if you are outsourcing things, you get to delegate, you do not get to abdicate. So you still have to be an active member in your bookkeeping process, because it's garbage in, garbage out. - Lilly Cook

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Listen to savvy financial management advice from a spa owner who is also a certified bookkeeper, igniting profitability and long-term sustainability.

  • Discover the crucial role of bookkeepers in driving small business success, especially for spas.

  • Unlock the treasure trove of advantages that having a CPA onboard your financial crew brings, propelling strategic growth and ensuring compliance.

  • Embrace your unique role in the bookkeeping journey to gain hands-on insight into your spa's financial vitality while fostering control and clarity.

  • Discover why specialized bookkeepers versed in the nuances of spa operations, effortlessly streamline financial processes and amplifying your bottom line.


  • 00:00:54 - How I know Lilly Cook, spa owner AND bookkeeper, and how she came to master both roles.

  • 00:04:09 - How Lilly got out of the her treatment room to take on more of a CEO role in her spa business

  • 00:06:16 - How Lilly was able to receive financial assistance so quickly during COVID shutdowns

  • 00:08:33 - The disconnect between spa & bookkeeping software and how it can trigger a cascading downwards spiral of overspending and becoming cash-strapped

  • 00:13:23 - The importance of choosing a bookkeeper that is niched in salon or spa business.

  • 00:19:40 - The difference between a bookkeeper and CPA; which one you want managing your daily bookkeeping to save you money.

  • 00:23:40 - How to work with a spa bookkeeper virtually.

  • 00:26:31- Lilly’s voice of reason for staying in control of your spa finances: delegating vs abdicating.

Unlock the Power of Spa-Specific Bookkeepers

Having a specialized bookkeeper is essential for managing both daily transactions and maintaining accurate financial records in the spa industry. Lilly encourages spa owners to build a strong working relationship with their bookkeeper, combining open communication and necessary access to tools and documents. A good bookkeeper can help identify financial leaks, reduce unnecessary expenses and ensure effective inventory management. In fact, it’s my opinion that a good bookkeeper should be on every spa owner's business support team to save you time, money and your sanity! 

Spa Bookkeeping Clean Up for 2024 Taxes

Visit  to learn more about Lilly Cook's bookkeeping services tailored specifically for the spa industry. Whether you need cleanups for the end of 2023 or ongoing bookkeeping support, you can find more information and contact details on her website.

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Feb 22, 202431:06
Boosting Website Visits: Expert Tips for Spa Owners to Increase Online Presence and Maximize Profits

Boosting Website Visits: Expert Tips for Spa Owners to Increase Online Presence and Maximize Profits

Are you struggling to attract clients to your spa website, despite creating compelling content and a visually appealing design? Well, what if I told you that the key to increasing your online presence lies in strategies that don't require a hefty marketing budget?

Today on Spa Marketing With Delia I’m chatting with my friend Drew, a marketing expert from Search & Social. In this episode he reveals surprising techniques that can help spa businesses compete with the big brands and draw in more Ideal Clients, increase bookings and skyrocket your online sales! 

From leveraging localized marketing to maximizing the power of social media and Google ads, these insights could be the game-changer you've been searching for. 

In this episode you will: 

  • Discover effective spa marketing strategies for boosting website traffic and client conversions.

  • Learn how to develop a compelling content strategy tailored specifically for spa businesses.

  • Uncover the secrets to engaging and connecting with clients through social media.

  • Gain insights into leveraging website data analysis to enhance your spa marketing efforts.

  • Get professional assistance in creating impactful social media advertising campaigns for your spa.

The key moments in this episode are:

00:02:19 - Understanding the Spa Marketing Funnel

00:05:46 - Building Awareness through marketing strategies

00:09:34 - Engaging with Potential Clients on Social Media

00:11:52 - Leveraging Social Media Content on the Website

00:12:53 - Customizing Content for Different Audiences

00:13:44 - Utilizing Data for Ad Campaigns

00:15:33 - Importance of Professional Social Ad Management

00:17:02 - Boosting Posts for Increased Visibility

Ready to Maximize Your Online Impact? Implement These 5 Key Strategies to Enhance Your Online Presence and Drive Conversions

  1. Google Analytics - Implement Google Analytics on your website to capture important data about your website visitors, such as demographics, behavior, and interests. This data will help you understand your audience and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly.

  2. Social Media Engagement - Encourage engagement on your social media posts by prompting followers to take action, such as leaving a comment, sharing the post, or saving the content for later reference. Engaging content can lead to increased visibility and brand recognition.

  3. Boosted Posts - Consider boosting posts on social media that have already gained organic traction. Boosting a post can extend its reach to a wider audience, including friends of followers, and increase its visibility and engagement.

  4. Conversion Ads - Utilize conversion ads on social media platforms to drive specific actions, such as booking appointments, making phone calls, or completing purchases. These ads can be targeted to individuals who have shown engagement with your brand and are more likely to convert.

  5. Localized Marketing - Implement localized marketing strategies by setting specific parameters for your ad campaigns, such as targeting a particular age group, interests, and geographical location. This can help maximize the impact of your budget and reach potential clients in your local area.

“Your website should be set up and built to convert. There's lots of opportunities on there for different conversion points, whether that's a phone call, a booked appointment, a lead form, whatever that might be.” - Drew James - Search & Social

Are you ready for more bookings and sales in your spa? Stay tuned as we uncover the secrets to boosting your online presence and attracting more Ideal Clients. 

Feb 19, 202426:15
Boost Spa Sales & Bookings in 5 Minutes: The Power of a Daily Client Checklist
Feb 08, 202420:11
February 2024 Numerology Forecast

February 2024 Numerology Forecast

Embrace the power of fresh starts and new beginnings this February! ⁠

Calling all spa owners: Dive into the energy of the 1 with our exclusive Numerology Forecast for February 2023. Discover how to use the energy of innovation, fresh starts, independence and visioning can elevate your spa business sales & leadership. ⁠

Tune in for insights on leveraging the 1 energy for success and growth.

Feb 01, 202429:14
Solo’s & Start Ups: Your New Spa Website – Start Simple or Go Big?
Jan 25, 202413:12
Resilience and Renewal: 4 Ways to Navigating the Road to Higher Spa Sales in 2024
Jan 12, 202441:05
2024 Business Numerology Forecast

2024 Business Numerology Forecast

Every January, spa owners around the world find themselves wondering about the future of their personal lives & business…and unsure of how to navigate the twists and turns of the upcoming year with a clear sense of purpose. You’ve heard me talk about systems, systems, systems, but there’s also more to it when it comes to mindset & taking action. And while there is wisdom in “going with the flow” as opportunities and challenges arise, deep down, that uncertainty and lack of control can be a bit overwhelming. 

Well, now is the perfect moment to discover the hidden messages within the numbers and get a glimpse into the universal energy that's influencing 2024. By doing so, you can tap into your personal power, take charge of your life and business, and bid farewell to that uncertainty. Let's embark on a journey together this year, unlocking new perspectives and embracing the potential for boundless abundance and prosperity. 2024 IS being called the Year of Infinite Abundance. Claim your rightful place in this 8 energy year!

Jan 03, 202424:16
A Spa Owners Guide to Thriving Sales & Leadership in January
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2024 Spa Business Planning Workshop
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3 Holiday Marketing Ideas For a Busy January
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3 Reasons Why Your Spa Sales Are In A Slump & How to Revive Them
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5 Tips For A 5-Star Spa Website
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The Numerology Advantage: Building Opportunities in Business
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Mastering Q4 Marketing: Strategies to Finish Strong in 2023
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How to Stop Feeling Like a Controlling & Overbearing Spa Leader Without Compromising Your High Expectations
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From Frazzled to Flourishing: Spa Website Revival Tips for Time-Strapped Owners
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Breaking the Chains: How Spa Owners Can Redefine Freedom in Business!
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Marketing Strategies To Create Spa Business Freedom & Peace Of Mind This Summer
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Jun 23, 202318:55
Maximizing Revenue: 5 Automation Features for your Spa Website to Bring in More Sales & Bookings

Maximizing Revenue: 5 Automation Features for your Spa Website to Bring in More Sales & Bookings

💫 Unlock the Power of Website Automation for Your Spa Business! 💫

Ready to boost your revenue and streamline your spa operations? Discover the game-changing benefits of website automation. Save time, increase bookings, and enhance client retention. 🌟

In our latest episode, we share five essential website automations:

1️⃣ Newsletter Opt-In: Engage subscribers and drive sales.

2️⃣ Website Chat Feature: Provide quick answers and exceptional service.

3️⃣ Abandoned Cart Nurture Sequence: Recover lost revenue and close sales.

4️⃣ After Purchase Emails for Reviews: Generate social proof and boost sales.

5️⃣ Reengagement Emails: Bring back clients and show them they're missed.

Listen in to unleash the power of website automation in your spa business and maximize your revenue!

Jun 09, 202319:15
Embrace Spa Leadership Excellence: Thrive as a Confident Leader, Despite Self-Doubt
May 26, 202311:30
Why Your Spa eCommerce Store is Falling Behind Competitors (And How to Catch Up)
May 11, 202329:28
Maximizing Your Solo Spa's Potential: 3 Proven Strategies to Boost Business and Make the Most of Your Fully Booked Schedule
Apr 21, 202314:04
Overcome the Spa Reels Overwhelm: Elevate Your Instagram Game with These 5 Simple Tips
Mar 31, 202327:51
Transitioning from Spa Solo to Team: Lessons Learned from 3 Key Mistakes

Transitioning from Spa Solo to Team: Lessons Learned from 3 Key Mistakes

Mar 15, 202315:33
Q2 Spa Marketing: Steal Our 3-Month Strategy!

Q2 Spa Marketing: Steal Our 3-Month Strategy!

Need a shot of organizational & content inspo for your spa marketing? Listen along with Kirsten Foss & Delia Taylor, an expert in Digital Marketing with over 25 years in the spa industry, as they guide spa owners in creating a quarterly strategy for social media marketing.

Together, this spa business duo will provide you with a plan for spa-specific content for April/May/June, including a goal-setting process, post creation ideas, batching recommendations, and focusing on key services and products. Steal their marketing strategy system to create stronger, more intentional social media content and repurpose it across multiple platforms! It’s literally a mini-marketing workshop, so hit save and grab a pen!

In this episode, you will learn the following:

1. Discover how to create an effective Q2 social media marketing plan with their FREE Monthly Marketing Strategy Doc

2. Understand why batching your content creation is essential for getting monthly marketing done & dusted

3. Learn the keys to setting and achieving spa marketing goals for seasonality, niching, team pivots

Download or copy the FREE Monthly Marketing Strategy Doc here

Make sure to be ready to take notes on this marketing podcast, Spa Owner!

🔔 Hit subscribe to hear about upcoming spa business topics!

🚀 Visit Kirsten's Website for More Tips About Scaling Your Spa Business -

🖊 Download Kirsten's Free "Feel Good Spa Sales" checklist -

♥️ Loved this episode? Leave us a comment and let us know what Spa topics you want to hear next!

Mar 02, 202337:49
Unlocking Team Motivation and Spa Business Growth: Hourly Pay Based on Performance

Unlocking Team Motivation and Spa Business Growth: Hourly Pay Based on Performance

When spa owners are faced with the prospect of giving a raise, they need a compelling compensation system that encourages staff performance and career growth, while ensuring the business stays profitable. Does this sound like a pipe dream, dear Spa Owner?

In this video, you will learn:

1. How can spa owners create a compensation structure that benefits both the business and their team?

2. What are the advantages of a performance-based pay structure for spas?

3. How can spa owners ensure their team is motivated and engaged by their compensation system?

🔔 Hit subscribe to hear about upcoming spa business topics!

🚀 Visit Kirsten's Website for More Tips About Scaling Your Spa Business -

🖊 Download Kirsten's Free "Feel Good Spa Sales" checklist -

♥️ Loved this episode? Leave us a comment and let us know what spa topics you want to hear next!

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Spa Marketing With Delia: Q4 Marketing Tips for Spa Owners in 2022
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Is Your Website Working For You Or Against You?
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