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Sparking the Sacred

Sparking the Sacred

By Stela Murrizi

The sacred is not separate from that which I AM (what we each are).

In this podcast, I delve into conversations that are intended to spark the sacred in YOU!

Here you will find interviews with a guest, stream-of-consciousness reflections, live recordings, or reading of blog posts.

Discover the power of a different conversation that enlivens your essence!

As you listen, I invite you to consider: How else might I choose to live my life, today?

The thing we seek "out there" lives "in here".

Be willing to dare. God within. Discover the MORE that awaits you!
Currently playing episode

What Women Want Most: Sovereignty

Sparking the SacredFeb 25, 2022

What mothers reclaiming power looks & feels like

What mothers reclaiming power looks & feels like

For me, the significance of this awakening and reclamation is particularly important for mother's; no matter how old your children are, your modeling profoundly influences them. Your evolution gives them permission to choose their evolution, too ... 

This is how you do it!

New Ways in Chaotic Times: Reclaiming the Power of the Crone

“And here I am in a time where the world is in chaos, my entire life has been chaos, and my little family is often in chaos. Yet I keep emerging to experience calm in it all by integrating it as I go. Not a coincidence!” Read her email to me here.


“The yearlong programs have complemented several other intensive experiences and have lead to a definitive reclamation and integration of mySelf as divine energy in a body for the human experience. 

This creates space, movement and flow … a life of abundance with the only change being my ownership of all I create and my power to envision, manifest, and act on what I want all from who I am and choose to become, rather than from external demands or old habits.”

So, while you're hanging about today I invite you to listen to my recent interview on all things-Crone with Jennifer Hatt. 

Finally, this is one of my absolute favourite transformations of a mother-daughter relationship ... 


This woman discovered how to see her daughter and the problems she was experiencing not from the lens of a hurt and powerless maiden, but from the Present and powerful Crone that she is; that transformed her parenting and most importantly, the life her daughter now knows is possible. it started ... “My daughters intense outwardly expressed rage, became my own fuel to heal those parts in me as a child that lived in a world that had many rules of how we express and show up in our world.  She is the brilliant trigger, WEL-Systems is the new context to know a different process, and slowly I have been giving myself permission to feel it all again with power to finally allow my body to open and metabolize as opposed to experiencing it with tears and a sad story.”

 And now … “At home my daughters aggression and rage shifted dramatically as I continued to open more space in myself while in her presence. She is doing amazing with homeschooling and has fun learning with an online tutor. She can now share her truth of her experience with me. Even when that truth is very different then mine or would appear “rude” to some. Control is integrating into a massive respect for each others process and experience. I no longer am interested in strategies to create an outcome with her.” Read the story of this spectacular transformation here.


I. Have. Chills


If you want to see more testimonials, you can check out this page of about working with me


There is an immense, indescribable sensation we get when we 

  • discover how to live like the wholeness of woman that we are
  • intentionally embrace the power of the Crone so we no longer shun any parts of ourselves and take response-ability for the quality of our lives; 
  • and reclaim the Boundless LeaderSelf we were always meant to be. 

Join us for: New Ways in Chaotic Times: Reclaiming the Power of the Crone

May 11, 202413:49
Leveraging the Genius of the Moment WORKSHOP
May 03, 202454:05
Is Now the Right Time to Transition From Captive to Creator?

Is Now the Right Time to Transition From Captive to Creator?

Have you ever felt hostage to your “reality”? 

I know I sure have. The more I free myself from the infinite layers of cultural conditioning that takes my nervous system hostage (more often than I care to admit), the more I notice how I create my reality

A strange stance to take when most of the women I connect with are filled with a sense of felt powerlessness that stems from fear, rage, outrage, and a lack of clarity that drives them to seek to micromanage anothers behaviours, control all the details of the experience, all the while feeling like an imposter in their own lives.

In this episode, we explore the fundamental wrong thinking that leads us to live tunnel vision lives.


Here's to the power of The Predictable Structure of Thought, as taught by WEL-Systems (not NLP or anywhere else where they miss the choice point … which is … the whole point of power). 

Want to explore the systemic hurts you are likely carrying that are getting in the way of you moving on? Check out the “When the Horse Dies, Get Off and Stop Dragging it Around” book (preview the sample, at least). 


This is what we’ll be exploring in the upcoming workshop Leveraging the Genius of the Moment on April 28th at 10:00 -11:30 AM EST.

If you choose to participate in this experience—you will discover: 

  • How to trust the intensity of your body to guide you toward reclamation of your Truth. 

  • How you hold yourself hostage to a reality and a series of belief systems you have long ago outgrown. 

  • The pressure in your body is speaking to you to pay attention… to what? 

  • How shifting to a new context can be turbulent and chaotic – and, it is brilliant

  • How your filtration system calibrates for the continuum of safe and dangerous and why you want to pay attention. 

And whatever else the moment brings our way … 

Email me to join.

Apr 17, 202409:21
Leveraging the Genius of Your Moment

Leveraging the Genius of Your Moment

Reading of my blog post...

Surrendering to the wave of information that the body carries in the moment you are in will invite and allow the body to do what it’s designed to do: process information! 

You trust your body to process food without you telling a story about it, don’t you? It’s the exact.same.thing with emotions (energy in motion). 

Truth is, when you understand how processing speed works you understand why you feel tired from telling the same story over and over and seeing no movement. You also understand why it doesn’t work. 

I know from personal experience that no matter how awkward it is to talk about thinking differently in a world that coerces compliance, it is also fundamentally necessary if you are looking to transform the quality of your life…  

Alchemizing “life long” diseases is possible though the process of Quantum TLC

To read the full blog post, go here.

Let me share with you some personal stories so you find examples that show you what’s possible for you when you let go of bracing and invite the process of Quantum TLC to guide you to actively find the genius of what is presenting in and through the moment you are in.

This first example comes from an experience when I recreated my own hair-disaster story through my son (as one does…). 

This one is about that time when I almost divorced my husband (not reallyyyyy) because he shrunk my favourite wool cardigan

And this one is about a time when I almost didn’t eat my  bread and margarine because the voice of shame presented itself.

Here’s my definitive stance on this: unless and until we are willing to leverage the genius of the moment we are in to digest and metabolize eeeeeeverything that shows up in our lives, we are doomed to repeat history. 

To sign up to my newsletter for what's coming up, subscribe to ChoicePoints here.

Apr 11, 202410:40
The story of bread & shame

The story of bread & shame

Reading from my blog on my discoveries of what Bread & Shame have in common.

"This is not a story about bread. This is a story about how the undercurrent of shame shows up when you least expect it. 

So, as I was saying – there I was, cutting into a piece of freshly baked bread and taking out (wait for it) margarine to put on it (with salt, of course, I’m not an animal!). As I am doing this, I am noticing my own internal dialogue “margarine is disgusting” “I don’t know what you’re doing but…gross” “this will definitely kill you” and other such stuff going through my mind while my body is doing the action of prepping to eat.

Everything I do in my line of work revolves around pattern interrupting habituated patterns of thought (and replacing them with Quantum TLC). So I was surprised to notice that this very dialogue had been going on in my head every.single.time I eat bread. 

This time I paused … I noticed … and I asked myself what I often ask my clients … whose voice is that?!

Ah, there it is. My fathers. 

Now, up until today, I would try to rush through all the actions, put the margarine on, add the extra salt, and wolf the damn thing down (before anyone sees me?).

I chose to take ownership of my choices (in this case, to eat bread with margarine and salt because I damn well please). And in having done so, I noticed the undercurrent that was running the show of my moment for 36 years of my life: internalized, deeply rooted shame.

Now, if you are curious about exploring this nominalization called shame, I offer you some resources for you to consider. Shame is culture’s most powerful weapon because it works. In the last Igniting Your Potential monthly gathering, I found myself saying something along the lines of “parents intentionally choose shame as a tool in order to control their children’s behaviour”. 

But today, once I noticed, I chose to pause, and slow down. "

Apr 04, 202406:42
Differentiating Options & Choice

Differentiating Options & Choice

Fro my blog on the Illusion of Choice when we don't understand the process of choosing.


When we stand at the choice point, the moment we are in NOW, we have the choice to choose from history and limitation (aka who we believe ourselves to be), or to choose from potential and abundance (aka who we are capable of becoming). This is the most fundamental choice we must make in each waking moment. 

Now, here’s where it gets tricky when you don’t understand what I’m referring to above: when you hear choice, you compress it into a familiar box that says you can make different choices from within the confines of how your life “is” (as in, reality). So reality is real and the best you’ve got is to learn how to make better choices within it.  

Think about this: if what you’re doing is choosing from what you already have, are you really choosing to manifest? Or are you choosing to comply? If you mistake choice for options, then you will be trapped in the illusion of choice, yet your life your never change. 

Moving away from what you don’t want is not the  same as moving toward that which you do want. Creation with intention, or manifestation can only happens when you know what you want to create instead of the box your conditioning has predefined as ‘real’.

The problem is that from this way of conceptualizing reality as external and fixed, choosing becomes an illusion. "

To sign up to my newsletter for the more that's coming up, ⁠subscribe to ChoicePoints⁠ here.

Mar 28, 202408:07
Redefining Leadership
Mar 14, 202410:02
The choice to LEAP into authenticity!

The choice to LEAP into authenticity!

Recorded from the unapologetically unfuckwithable yearlong experience all about reclamation of person power, this piece explores:

- what it takes to perpetually seek "aha" moments of discovery

- how staying curious will invite you to notice the finer distinctions of discovery

- how to notice what's a culturally conditioned response and what's an authentic exploration of the truth of what I AM and who I'm becoming (not the same thing)

- and why leaps are hard to make given that everything is intentionally designed to keep us in a box.

Yes, you intellectually know things but do you know how to walk the walk?

Choose to leap, and watch your life transform!

Mar 13, 202405:34
What does it take to choose joy!
Dec 20, 202325:38
Paradigm Shift = Ditch the content and embrace the process.

Paradigm Shift = Ditch the content and embrace the process.

If your brilliant intellect could get you the life you wanted, you'd have it by now. So, what's missing?

You see, as a CODE Model Coach™ I firmly believe that we are Creators (intentional beings of light). We are meant to create! We are meant to shape reality!

When we create that which brings us JOY, that's when we are most alive! Why? Because we ARE C-reators!

When we do not create, we are trapped in a life that is filled with obligation and no fun. If there's no fun, there's no joy. If there's no joy, there's no creativity. If there's no creativity, Creators die (and there are many different ways to die).

Here's what I've discovered caps our potential: Content. Blah blah blah. S/he said this and s/he did that and then I said this and then I did that. Boooooringggg!

Fun fact those of us who embrace living the WEL-Systems context sooner or later internalize: there is no content in content worth knowing! The only point of content? To leverage the wave of information to flow so we intentionally engage Quantum TLC. That's it.

Otherwise, all we've got is self-destruction. There is no power there... no life, no joy.

Personally, when I'm in my content, I know the cultural conditioning has won. Because the state of familiarity has taken over. For most of us, that is some form of either: defend, deny, or dismiss (fight, flight, freeze). The point is, if you're in that state, you're in the most primitive survival mode there is.

In that state, there is no space for movement or flow ...

In that state: who's directing the show of your life? Cuz it sure isn't the adult you!

Instead of trying to over-ride that state by trying to figure it out or by just doing the self-destructive thing anyway, I invite you to consider: how else might you engage your moment?

If you presuppose for a moment that your intellect is brilliant AND it cannot take you where you want to go, what happens inside your body?

And what happens if I tell you that the magic you are only shows up when you invite and allow your body to take the lead? When you pause ... breathe ... and be in Quantum TLC?

If you are sick and tired of managing your reality rather than creating it, I invite you to consider an alternative way to live that moves you UP logical levels so you discover just how powerful you are.

This is the paradigm shift we are after here: moving us from the trap of content to the exploration of process and discovery of context. Raise your thinking UP logical levels and watch your life transform!

Your options are as follows: Intentionally pause and engage Quantum TLC, or habitually deny-defend-dismiss your way into self-destruction.

All I know is, it is all a matter of choice ...

Yes, it takes effort to live this way. It takes effort to pause. To breathe. To pay attention differently.

It's far easier to be in the default. Why? Because it's familiar. That's the only reason. Everything out there is geared toward ensuring that we are trapped in that paradigm of familiarity with no hope out ... in my experience, it simply isn't true.

But I had to discover that. I had to test it out. I had to stay with it until I knew a different truth. I did it because I knew: there has got to be more to life than this ...

Truly, interrupting our destructive patterns to embrace an expansive way of living our moment-to-moment life takes an unwavering commitment to one's self, evolution, and emerging truth.

What does it take to take yourself from a content-driven human to a process- and context-driven godForce?

These are the types of explorations we delve into the monthly "Igniting Your Potential". In this space, we learn together how to mindfully push the pause button, breathe, and pattern interrupt your habits so you discover how to embrace your moment and make congruent choices that propel you to create the magnificent life you were meant to live! This is my "why".

If you're curious about it, I invite you to come and play...

Until next time, breathing is good.

Dec 10, 202312:24
Manifestation is not a strategy.
Oct 23, 202310:09
The Subtle Art of Self-Manipulation
Sep 18, 202311:43
Perceptual Filters Shape Reality: Decloaking as a Process of Self-Discovery

Perceptual Filters Shape Reality: Decloaking as a Process of Self-Discovery

Decloaking is a process of Self discovery -- how you came to be who you are, AND who you are capable of becoming once you notice that your perceptual filters can (must!) be shifted. In this intensive, I guide you through a reliable and replicable process that gives you the opportunity to practice what it means to discover ...

There are lots of ways to get to evolution; if you're seeking a shortcut, I suggest you start here, with this free audio file. For those who dare, buy the set and delve in!

Seeking to delve in and have an experience for yourself? A good introductory place for you to be is Igniting Your Potential (my monthly explorations) and Conversations That Heal (Sheila Winter Wallace’s monthly calls).

If you're up for a conversation that ups the anti significantly Louise LeBrun herself is facilitating a monthly conversation for those who have listened to the Decloaking audio files. Check out: Navigating Chaos.

If you’re ready and willing to take a much deeper dive into the gateway for transformation, I have room for one more participant in the upcoming Decloaking and Living Authentically experience (Sept 8 -12). If you're curious about it, book a discovery  call with me to see if this way of living is for you.

Sep 03, 202304:14
Safety comes from congruency & living authentically

Safety comes from congruency & living authentically

When we live authentically, we are safe inside our own beings, and therefore safe in the world.

Everything else that pulls us away from our own deep inner knowings is bound to lead to a life of struggle.

End of the day, I've discovered: it's all a choice.

How to make congruent choices that propel you toward your authentic life? That's a great question.

If you’re curious but not quite certain, email me to explore options. As always, a good introductory place for you to be is Igniting Your Potential (my monthly explorations) and Conversations That Heal (Sheila Winter Wallace’s monthly calls).

If you're up for a conversation that ups the anti significantly Louise LeBrun herself is facilitating a monthly conversation for those who have listened to the Decloaking audio files. Check out: Navigating Chaos.

If you’re ready and willing to take a much deeper dive into the gateway for transformation, I have room for one more participant in the upcoming Decloaking and Living Authentically experience (Sept 8 -12). If you're curious about it, book a discovery  call with me to see if this way of living is for you.

Aug 31, 202303:50
The inherent power of Crone fire: and why women are taught to shun it.
Aug 24, 202314:40
The six fundamentals of freedom
Aug 19, 202322:58
Sensuality & Shame

Sensuality & Shame

I am always so intrigued and in love with the expressed sensuality of little ones. To be in the presence of that expression of Innocence, rejoicing in discovery, is a sacred gift. It is a reminder of how simple it could be, how joyous, how immensely precious. 

And, simultaneously, it is a reminder of just how fucking few people are allowed to rejoice in it. It is a reminder of everything that has been taken from most children. And now, most of them living in adult bodies, taking from their children that which was taken from them. Innocence taken, takes. Innocence violated, violates. So the cycle goes. Until one day, one sacred being awakens to their essence (truth), and then … that game is over. (And this is exactly WHY I do what I do...)

There's a point to having a body.


If you are wondering about how to shed your internalized shame and begin to reclaim your sensuality so you begin to finally enjoy living, I invite you to start with the "Sexual, Sensual, Spiritual Beings" audio files. >>> This is the kind of stuff we explore in the "Unapologetically Unfuckwithable" yearlong exploration.

As always, THE starting point for all conversations from this paradigm start with the "Decloaking and Living Authentically" audio files. First CD, which contextualizes what this journey is all about, is free.

>>> If you want to delve deeper into uncovering the ways in which you live cloaked to yourself, consider participating in the five day "Decloaking and Living Authentically" intensive coming up in September.

If you're curious and you seek to deepen your exploration of what living "this way" might mean for you, email me.


an invitation to an expansive playground...

If you want to change your life, you have to mindfully choose to engage with a different community who lives the values you aspire to live.

I invite you to come play, risk free, with women who value evolution, empowerment, and living full & authentic lives. You got three options happening monthly with no strings attached (no "six month contract". Show up as is meaningful to you).

Igniting Your Potential, first Monday of every month at 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM EST, facilitated by Yours Truly.

Conversation That Heal, second Wednesday of every month at 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST, facilitated by Sheila Winter Wallace.

Navigating Chaos: Touchstone for Transition, last Tuesday of every month at 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM EST, facilitated by Louise LeBrun herself!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Jul 01, 202314:18
Drama & Trauma: How else then, shall I live?

Drama & Trauma: How else then, shall I live?

Drama means different things to different people. There is the soap-opera drama of messing in everyone's life; then there's the drama of being alive.

For those who know WEL-Systems and what above the choice point means, this will make more sense:

To me, drama above the choice point converts to intensity, definiteness, clarity of intention, honesty, directness. I know what I know, and I am unapologetic about that. It is a deep connection with our own inner cues, and it is savouring the moment and everything it brings, trusting: this is where freedom lives. In the perceived mess of the whole thing. Where there is no right or wrong, how could there be? There is only the truth of my experience, owned. 

This is an incredibly attractive space for us to live in, once we give ourselves permission to taste its sweetness. The space where we each show up as our authentic Selves, expressing. Letting go of the habitauted and worn-0ut, and embracing the power of the body. This is where the energetic Force of the Crone lives...and therefore creates.  

How then, shall I live? asks Louise. There is a powerful alternative .... Will you choose it?


Quantum TLC is not a strategy; it is WHAT we are as quantum-biological beings. I say, read what this is, from the horse's mouth, so that you know, in the quantum spaces of your being, Quantum TLC is Life in flow ... itself. The whole point of living from the right side of the doted line is to invite and allow the wave to move. That's it, that's all. To try and stop the flow of Life, is to stop living. That is what causes us pain. 

Our bodies are constantly revealing secrets. Are we listening?

Pain is usually perceived as something we want to move away from. Perhaps, it is time to reconsider how we interpret pain. Here's a podcast reframing the nominalization of pain. The point of the CODE Model™ is to invite the wave to move. That's where the power lives! 

There was a time when I wanted to die. And then, I discovered there is another way to live ... 


an invitation to an expansive playground...

When I attended Narcotics Anonymous meetings, one of the first things they said to me is to change who I hang out with. There's a good reason for that. Turns out, modelling is our greatest teacher. 

"Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are". My dad loves that expression. I've always been fond of it ...

Point is: if you want to change your life, you have to mindfully choose to engage with a different community who lives the values you aspire to live.

I invite you to come play, risk free, with women who value evolution, empowerment, and living full & authentic lives. You got three options happening monthly with no strings attached (no "six month contract". Show up as is meaningful to you).

Igniting Your Potential, facilitated by Yours Truly.

Conversation That Heal, facilitated by Sheila Winter Wallace.

Navigating Chaos: Touchstone for Transition, facilitated by Louise LeBrun herself!

I look forward to seeing you there!

Jun 16, 202311:28
Authenticity as Boundary: What life looks like when we know ourselves

Authenticity as Boundary: What life looks like when we know ourselves

Today I speak with Karina Evangelista, a woman who has been an active participant in the WEL-Systems® experiences for almost 25 years. In her early days through this paradigm, she cured herself of Crohns, a disease the medical model says is incurable. If you're curious to find out more, check it out here.

Karina is a powerful and courageous woman who stays in the tough conversations, no matter what. Setting boundaries is not an easy task, especially for women who have been told our whole lives to not rock the boat -- as if declaring what's meaningful for us in an open, honest, clear and direct way somehow violates another. In this episode, Karina and I explore what it means to live with authenticity as boundary. We don't need to set boundaries when we simply BECOME the boundary through our very being.

As you listen, notice where your thinking is ... notice how your body responds ... and notice if and when you are holding your breath. in those moments, pause, breathe, and continue listening.

Be sure to stay until the end of the episode where I will share with you some questions to consider as move along your day.


If you're curious to get to know Karina, send her an email! She'd love to hear from you. Also, check out her website full of art!

As for me, I can be found at Make sure to check out my blog and upcoming experiences geared toward accelerated evolution of women. Check out the free resources, too.

Lastly, if you're curious about what is WEL-Systems® and how it can help profoundly transform the quality of your life, I invite you to check out the Institute's website.

May 26, 202354:00
Thoughts on the Myth of the Intact Family, Women and Safety

Thoughts on the Myth of the Intact Family, Women and Safety

This is an excerpt from the Unapologetically Unfuckwithable: Embracing the Crone that I AM yearlong. In it, I share with a client my thoughts around the illusion we keep feeding that the women in our lives should have cared. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. Fact is: when we allow ourselves to be depleted, all that is left is a shell of what was ...

And, it's never too late.

If, as you listen, you are inspired to take action differently, I'd love to hear from you!

To read more about domestic violence and women, check out this blog post.

May 24, 202310:19
Whispers from Within™, with Jennifer Hatt
Feb 19, 202301:06:32
Dear Declan: A love letter on your third birthday

Dear Declan: A love letter on your third birthday

On this third birthday, I invite you to be YOU! 

My promise to you is to never allow that to happen, as long as I am responsible for the quality of your life and the shaping of your mind.

My promise to you is to give you full permission to evolve into the greatest version of yourself that you were always meant to be. I don't want you to lose that and discover it as you go along, I want you to always viscerally know it. To know who you are, and most importantly: what you are.

In a world where spirituality has become a mere strategy of patriarchal upbringing, I want you to know your Self.

In a world that tells you there is no Self, there is only God (or nothing/coincidence/random/chance/chaos), I want you to know your divinity.

In a world convinced it is right, I want you to grow up trusting the process and the magical discoveries found only in the unknown (and unknowable).

In a world that will try to mold you and shape you into something you are not (for its own purposes), I want you to see right through the illusion and not mistake the carrot for the stick (and maybe even notice what's beyond the stick...).

In a world where abomination is idolized and psychopathy normalized, I want you to pay...attention, differently.

Feb 01, 202318:13
Who am I? Beyond the roles I have always played
Jan 29, 202311:56
Dear Declan: Pay attention, differently

Dear Declan: Pay attention, differently

This is a reading of my latest blog post, titled the same as the podcast episode. 

"If I achieve one goal in my lifetime, I wish it to be that you grow up knowing your true Self, your essence, your I AM. It is only by knowing this that you do not fall victim to another's construction of the world. If you notice the patterns playing out in the world and choose mindfully that which is meaningful for you, I know you will be okay.  

I share these thoughts with you because I have come to discover that there is nothing in the world that is more powerful than you knowing your essence... your truth ... yourSelf."

Nov 16, 202220:02
WEL-Systems® conversations: The ticket to freedom

WEL-Systems® conversations: The ticket to freedom

This is a reading of my blog post: WEL-Systems® conversations: The ticket to freedom. 

The WEL-Systems® experiences that I facilitate and participate in are not courses or programs; they are experiences. Their purpose is individualized integration of the historical habits that keep us stagnated in a particular way of thinking, out of our awareness.

They are sacred conversations among equals. While there is no hierarchy, no gurus, no teachers, no master, there is a massive educational component to point us toward consideration of the existence of an alternative paradigm that directs us toward honouring and respecting our own inner cues. In essence, the whole point is to show us how to become, and live from, and internally referenced space.

In the process of engaging, we are exposed to a new set of beliefs, values and attitudes we might awaken to and begin to embody, not as a strategy, but as a way of being. Not because someone told us to do so, but because we choose it for yourself.

In these spaces, there is nothing that is good, bad, right or wrong in and of itself. After all, everything is context dependent. There isn’t a singular strategy that everyone must adopt. There isn’t a single mindset that is correct. No one gets “good girl” points and no one gets demerits. The only requirement is showing up authentically for yourself. Owning the truth of your experience, for yourself. Be yourself, tell the truth. It's that simple AND that challenging.

In this way of living, the main name of the game is personal evolution, for it's own sake.

Nov 07, 202207:30
What is your life's purpose?

What is your life's purpose?

It can be terrifying to find ones life purpose...the intention behind the manifestation of ones being...

This is why most people avoid it.

We've been taught to seek, to a certain extent, and then just do as we're told.

We're told it's best if move through life not making any waves, sustain the default, the status quo.

At some point, we begin to believe the lie more than we believe the truth in our body: there must be more to life than this.

Even those who seek, rarely find. They go on a pilgrimage, a journey that ends with same-old but slightly different. Maybe a new strategy, maybe a new insight, maybe some catharsis. But, nothing sticks.

Eventually most people continue seeking, stopping often just before they find.

Because once they find, they can't undo it. It beings us to a new choice point that must be honoured, or we will die. Once we find, eventually we must act. That's the terrifying part.

That's the sacred responsibility that we came on this planet at this time to embrace.

What is your highest intention for being here, at this time? 

Nov 01, 202209:21
Choice: The bridge between the past and the future

Choice: The bridge between the past and the future

From my blog post: Choice: The bridge between the past and the future

I am profoundly aware of the fact that there are lots of different ways to see and move through the world.

Like most people, I spent the majority of my adult life believing that there was something wrong with me and the way to heal is to find a new strategy that would help me with the quality of my life. I tried everything: from therapy, to drugs, to twelve-step groups, to a library of self-help books, to journaling, to strategizing, to yoga and meditation. Trying to change my life in these ways means I was approaching transformation like most people out there do today: from the bottom - up, by changing the environment, managing my behaviours, and finding the right strategy. I became an expert at strategizing, managing and keeping accurate counts. Although I kept at it for over a decade, incremental shifts is all I got...which means, nothing really changed. Who I believed myself to be was the same, and what I believed about myself still kept me stagnated to the same old.

The Newtonian - Allopathic paradigm says: I am the sum of my body parts.

Most of us live in a culture that conditions us to focus all of our attention on the content, the visuals, the audio, the details, the feelings, the story. That's what talk therapy is -- hashing out the details and zoning in on the feelings. Most of us walk around believing that if we accurately know the content of what happened, then it's real. We have been taught that only once we know the story can we begin to work on it, usually by strategizing to do something differently than we have until now. This way of coming to know "truth" becomes very tedious, very fast.

We are not designed for incremental shifts, because we are quantum-biological beings!

The WEL-Systems® paradigm says: I am a quantum-biological being.

The journey through the WEL-Systems® body of wisdom has taught me that I am so much more than I ever imagined I was. Truly. To know myself as the Force of Creation itself, manifesting uniquely through this tissue has been a life changer.

And, I didn't get there overnight. I took the outlined journey, and I stayed with it, no matter what.

Oct 25, 202213:09
Letting go to get clear: FEEL!

Letting go to get clear: FEEL!

"The greatest gift you can give another human being is the depth of your own clarity." - Louise LeBrun

This is a reading of my latest blog post: Letting go to get clear: FEEL! inspired by a writing email exchange developed by Louise LeBrun called "Whispers From Within". 


When we begin to let go of what we've been grasping so tightly on, our whole world begins to feel different ... we discover a peace that we couldn't notice before ... we notice an internal space that feels real and true for us... we begin to feel more like "ourselves".

And there is no greater gift to Life than each being feeling fully like themselves ... a part of an infinite community of living beings ... all who BE their part. When we all live aligned in our Soul's purpose, all of Life benefits ...

Grasp all you want ... in the end, acceptance of the Truth that lives inside you is the only thing that can, and when embraced, will set you free.




I welcome comments, questions, concerns ... email me at:

Aug 14, 202204:58
Let's talk about boundaries, baby!

Let's talk about boundaries, baby!

A must-talk about topic for women: reclaiming our ability to set boundaries, with conviction! 

Because ...that fire that we work so hard to shut down and minimize, always comes out in ways we haven't imagined. Women have learned well how to spew their fire instead of own it. We have become master manipulators within ourselves. We lie to ourselves to protect the illusion. Think for a moment, the last time you were overworked, overtired and overextended and the next request came in. Your whole body said NO more! but out your mouth comes "sure, no problem". What happened next? I'm willing to bet you burned yourself out. You needed rest. You needed a massage, or a vacation, or lots and lots of wine. That is one way to deal with feeling overwhelmed, with taking on too much, with giving too much.

The truth is, if you don't set limits, your body will set them for you. Setting boundaries is a Crone response.

Boundaries are absolutely necessary if we are to stay connected to our essence. Pretending and being pleasant ensures you stay disconnected. What's the intelligence of that? What does that ensure you don't focus on? Who does that ensure you don't become? much do you grasp to hang on to the life you have, as opposed to leaning in and creating the life you're meant to live? The life you're meant to create? YOU are The One that must show up in your life.

So, this is a conversation about intimacy with ourSelves.
It is a conversation about how to become so fine tuned to our own internal cues that nothing else matters.
It is a conversation about paying attention to the cues as they move, value and judgement free.
It is a conversation about letting go of the stories, socializations and strategies that keep us confined to a boxed-in version of who a "good woman" should be.
It is a conversation about noticing and claiming the penetration of patriarchal mindsets in every nook and cranny of our existence. It is about beginning to wake up, and pay attention, differently.

Aug 10, 202217:07
The Social Construct We Call Reality

The Social Construct We Call Reality

I don't always read my blog posts, however there's something about this one that invited me to read it and share it. In this piece of intuitive writing, I express my thoughts around truth, reality, and choice. I often wonder ...How else, might i choose to live my life, today?
Mar 29, 202214:00
What Women Want Most: Sovereignty

What Women Want Most: Sovereignty

Welcome to this series of conversations I am facilitating around the question of What is Woman

In this first episode, myself and a small group of women gathered to explore what is sovereignty? 

Over the last ten thousand years of patriarchy as the paradigm we operate from women have known systemic and systematic silencing well. We have been imprisoned by the cultural and familial messages to defer to others for answers, to be polite and appropriate and nice, to be seen and not heard. We have been taught to keep ourselves small, to not dare to want for fear of rejection, disapproval or shame, or else we will be excluded from society. We will be outcaste. We will be alone. 

It is no wonder then that so many of us have lost touch with ourselves in an effort to try to please another, believing that our survival depends on self-deprecation out of fear of repercussions if we speak out or stand up for ourselves. In essence, we have been taught to suppress our fire. 

And yet it is through women's fire that cultural transformation occurs. 

I wonder then, what happens to authority when women embody their sovereignty? 

In my life, to be sovereign means that I am the ultimate authority over my life because I am sourced from within. In other words, I am internally referenced. I am the only one that can ever know what's right for me, if and when I know how to listen to my S-elf and then act with radical compassion, sacred responsibility, and deep integrity and generosity of spirit. 

What do I mean by all that? Listen to this first episode to find out. 

If what you hear moves something in you that you'd like to share with me, I welcome your comments... 

Until next time,


Feb 25, 202244:15
Embracing “The Madness of Mis”

Embracing “The Madness of Mis”

In order to come out transformed, we must be courageous enough to be willing to shed the unfitting skin of our former life — the life that simply no longer fits us. We have to become willing and able to shapeshift into who we are, before culture indoctrinated us and broke us into something we were never meant to be to begin with. 

If you feel the mad woman rising within you, know that you are not alone. Know that she is powerful. She has the wisdom of all our ancestors inside of her. There is no sensation that you cannot move through. There is nothing that scares her, but remaining trapped in a life that isn’t meant to be — a life that doesn’t feel “mine”.

She is there to release you from the conditioning that has numbed your Soul. She is there to remind you of the powerhouse that lives within you. She is there as a reminder of all you are, of all you can choose to become and embody. She is there to set you free. 

Only question is: Are you willing to give her space? To lovingly embrace her? To allow yourself to become her wildness? Once you recognize the gift that she is to your becoming, you’d not be afraid of her. You’d love her, unconditionally, and allow her to guide

you into becoming yourself. 

Jan 29, 202107:32
My Spin on the Ten Year Challenge

My Spin on the Ten Year Challenge

"There is no use in going back to yesterday, I was a different person then." - Alice in Wonderland

Oct 15, 201915:11