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Splatterpictures Dead Air

Splatterpictures Dead Air

By Dead Air Podcast

Each week we sit down and discuss a horror movie that is either requested by you guys or from our own personal collections.

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Dead Air Ep 218 - The Forest

Splatterpictures Dead AirApr 27, 2024

Dead Air Ep 220 - Late Night With The Devil

Dead Air Ep 220 - Late Night With The Devil

Tune in to the late night event of the year! The year 1977, that is! Episode 220 of Dead air has us spending an evening with 2023's film that everyone has been talking about Late Night With The Devil!

Jack Delroy is a late night host of the show Night Owls. His battle in the ratings with late night king Carson has him pulling out all the stops for his 1977 Halloween special. He is going to interview among others, young Lily, the subject of the latest supernatural true crime book du jour. However, unleashing this presence to an unsuspecting audience and crew will have dire and deadly consequences. Chaos ensues while Jack tries to hold his show together because he would do anything to be the king of late night.

Jun 07, 202401:51:59
Dead Air Ep 219 - Rituals

Dead Air Ep 219 - Rituals

It's time once again for our more than annual ritual! We're heading to the black fly infested forests of beautiful Ontario Canada for episode 219 of Dead Air where we discuss the underrated classic Rituals.

Five doctors head into the deep and isolated woods near Lake Superior on their annual trip in hopes of fishing, rest and relaxation. However, they are soon stalked and tormented by an unknown assailant that seems to know their every move. What started as a once in a lifetime vacation turns to a deadly and desperate bid for survival.

Old wounds will open and new wounds will be formed!

May 11, 202401:54:06
Dead Air Ep 218 - The Forest

Dead Air Ep 218 - The Forest

There's something following you and it's not your imagination. Dead Air's coming and we're hungry!

On Episode 218 we discuss the 1982 slasher The Forest!

In what should be a relaxing weekend getaway to the beautiful Sequoia National Park turns into a bloody endurance for survival. These woods are haunted by the spirits of the dead and they all have the same warning, Daddy's coming. He's hungry - and you're on the menu!

Apr 27, 202401:36:40
Dead Air 217 - Nightmare

Dead Air 217 - Nightmare

From the mean streets of New York City to the sunny, prank filled, streets of Florida. Dead Air is here to bring you a discussion of the 1981 film, Nightmare!

George is a severely disturbed individual and part of an experimental psychiatric program. After a series of graphic nightmares he leaves on a journey to Florida where he secretly begins a murderous rampage of local young women. What's worst is now he's sought shelter in the home of family of a single mother who is non-the-wiser. Will they discover George before he can take his rampage to its bloody conclusion? Or will his monstrous nightmares overtake him and lead him to commit an endless series of heinous murders?!

Apr 12, 202401:29:10
Dead Air 216 - Eaten Alive

Dead Air 216 - Eaten Alive

Into this house of terror comes a handful of unsuspecting innocents! Episode 216 of Dead Air brings you Tobe Hooper's 1976 cult classic: Eaten Alive!

Judd is the proud owner of the Starlight Hotel, a run-down place with exotic animals including a gator in the back pond! One day when a disgruntled sex worker named Clara enters his place in search of shelter his other darker side becomes clear. Soon more people seeking rest or the missing Clara show up and it leads into a deranged fevered pitch blood-bath battle royal! The winners get life. The losers are lost to the hungry jaws of a massive gator!

Mar 29, 202401:25:55
Dead Air 215 - Doctor Jekyll

Dead Air 215 - Doctor Jekyll

A special presentation of Dead Air brings a modern re-imagining of classic story from the legendary film studio Hammer films! We discuss 2024's Doctor Jekyll!

Rob is a recently released criminal who desperately needs to get a job. Not only for his own sake bu the sake of his extremely ill daughter. His prayers are answered in the form of billionaire Doctor Jekyll. She seems kind and willing to give him a chance. Soon however, the mysteries begin to mount around this old mansion and Jekyll seems to be becoming increasingly erratic. Not only that but elements of Rob's old life seem intent on destroying his future.

Doctor Jekyll is Available in the UK from March 11 on Digital Download now at Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Rakuten, and Sky!

Starring; Eddie Izzard, Scott Chambers, Lindsay Duncan, Simon Callow, Jonathan Hyde, Morgan Watkins, Robyn Cara.

Mar 16, 202401:34:57
Dead Air 214 - The House On Sorority Row

Dead Air 214 - The House On Sorority Row

Be careful when wading into that pool you haven't cleaned in awhile. Those murky, alga infested waters, may hide a terrible secret! As terrible as the secret in the attic! Episode 214 is the long overdue discussion of the 1982 slasher classic: The House On Sorority Row!

Katey and her friends are all finished with college and what better way than to celebrate the next chapter of their lives than to have a party in the sorority. The problem is their old house mother Ms. Slater hates parties, drinking and sex.

After Vicki's prank goes awry and Slater ends up dead the girls have moments to stash the body before their guests arrive. Soon Slater's body goes missing aswell as some members of the sorority. Could Slater have survived and is seeking revenge? Or is there something else in this house?

Mar 02, 202401:48:25
Dead Air 213 - Stage Fright 1987
Feb 16, 202401:24:55
Dead Air 212 - Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum
Jan 26, 202401:34:30
Dead Air 211 - The Boogeyman
Jan 12, 202401:58:42
Dead Air 210 - Better Watch Out
Dec 23, 202301:44:59
Dead Air Ep 209 - Dark Harvest
Dec 08, 202301:17:59
Dead Air 208 - Hell House LLC
Oct 31, 202301:21:26
Dead Air 207 - A Tale of Two Sisters
Oct 28, 202301:19:53
Dead Air 206 - Whispering Corridors
Oct 26, 202301:39:51
Dead Air Ep 205 – The Howling

Dead Air Ep 205 – The Howling

Somewhere on the internet. In this human begins! Episode 205 of DEAD AIR! This time we discuss the 1981 werewolf classic; The Howling!

Karen is an investigative journalist with a unique opportunity to corner infamous serial killer Eddie Quist! The encounter traumatizes her so much that she and her husband escape the an island community where everyone seems to be there for mental health reasons. Soon it becomes clear that Eddie is far more than human and has ties to this "colony." What's worst is Karen's husband seems to run astray with the resident nymphomaniac, Marsha. Her support system crumbles around her and when she realized nobody on this island is what they seem, it just might be too late to escape!

Sep 15, 202301:25:05
Dead Air 204 - Dog Soldiers
Sep 14, 202301:29:31
Dead Air 203 - Malignant
Jun 06, 202301:38:18
Dead Air 202 - The Grudge

Dead Air 202 - The Grudge

Kayako is back and this time she's bringing Sarah Michelle Geller with her! On Episode 202 of Dead Air we wrap up our multi-episode J-horror extravaganza discussing the two pillars of the J-horror invasion and their American remakes! Today we finish off with the 2004 remake of The Grudge.

Karen Davis is an industrious exchange student that definitely has a boyfriend who is relevant and everything to the plot living in Japan, when the sudden loss of a care-worker to the Williams family occurs and she hastily takes on the assignment to accommodate the English speaking household. Once she crosses into that home it's clear that nothing is right. The family is gone save for an elderly woman who soon dies while being menaced by an evil presence. It becomes clear that all who cross that doorway are doomed. Can Karen discover the truth of the terrible curse that envelops this property and save herself or is she simply doomed like everyone else?

A groundbreaking haunting story by writer/director Takashi Shimizu. The grudge would solidify the early 2000's as the decade of remakes from overseas that meant big scares for Western audiences as well as big profits for studios.

May 19, 202301:26:28
Dead Air 201 - The Ring - 2002

Dead Air 201 - The Ring - 2002

Apr 16, 202301:43:35
Dead Air 200 - Ju-On

Dead Air 200 - Ju-On

Feb 25, 202301:49:16
Dead Air 199 - Curtains
Dec 30, 202201:11:19
Dead Air 198 - Ringu

Dead Air 198 - Ringu

I wonder if you'd heard this rumour about a strange episode of a podcast that's been passed around lately? They say once you listen to it you die seven days later. Today, pop in your VHS and press play of episode 198 of Dead Air! Finally Wes and Lydia discuss the 1998 film - Ring (Ringu). 

Reiko is an investigative journalist covering a story of a mysterious video that's been circulating amongst teens in the area. It's said that if you watch the tape you die. When her own niece suddenly dies while spending a quiet evening with a friend in her home - she's set off to discover the video for herself. 

Upon viewing it strange things start to occur and she ponders the tapes true origins. To make matters worse her own son will view the tape taking the deathly end to this course from curious possibility, to unacceptable truth. Reiko and her ex husband are now racing against the clock. Not just for her life, but also the life of their child. However, the curse and its origins are darker and more evil than either of them can understand. Until it's too late. 


Dead Air podcast brings you horror film reviews from a dark basement in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Wes 'Dead Air' Knipe and Lydia ‘typicallydia’ Peever hit classics and contemporary scary movies, usually recording moments after watching them. You can listen here, on ⁠iTunes⁠ or wherever you hang out on the web. Read more at ⁠⁠ and if there is a movie you think we should watch, drop us a line!

Dec 21, 202201:52:56
Dead Air 197 - Haunt
Oct 30, 202201:31:53
Dead Air 196 - 1922
Oct 22, 202201:22:18
Dead Air 195 - Children of the Corn
Aug 26, 202201:45:16
Dead Air 194 - Intruder
Jul 24, 202201:34:54
Dead Air 193 - Spree
Jun 29, 202201:54:49
Dead Air 192 -  C.H.U.D.

Dead Air 192 - C.H.U.D.

Episode 192 is lurking deep below the surface. Hungry for the blood of John Goodman!

In today's episode we discuss the 1984 cult classic C.H.U.D.

George Cooper is a professional photographer on the mean streets of New York in the early 80's. Stuck doing shoots of his fiance model in vapid magazine adds his passion project, artful pictures of the homeless population of the city becomes ground zero for a string of mysterious disappearances.
Simultaneously a gritty detective's wife has gone missing while walking her dog which opens up something sinister lurking in the sewers of New York. no matter what "C.H.U.D." stands for. It spells doom for anyone foolish enough to walk the streets at night.

We got blood, guts, monsters, coverups and a lot of charm in this undeniable classic!
Jun 03, 202201:43:31
Dead Air 191 - The Crazies

Dead Air 191 - The Crazies

episode 191 is here and in it Wes and Lydia discuss Geroge Romero's 1973 cult hit The Crazies. Also, plenty of discussion on the 2011 remake.

The government decends on a small town who's inhabitants are slowly starting to exhibit odd and even violent behavior. As time progresses it's revealed that a manufactured virus known as Tricksey accidently was introduced to the population.

Families and friends devolve to bloody and horrific chaos as the government races to find a cure. in the meantime their soldiers are given the simple order: shoot to kill.
May 10, 202201:44:03
Dead Air 190 - The Perfection

Dead Air 190 - The Perfection

We now bring you episode 190 of Dead Air! This week we discuss the 2018 film, The Perfection!

Charlotte is a musical prodigy and alum from the prestigious Bachoff school that left years ago to care for her sick mother. When her mother finally succumb to her illness she returns to her former teachers and is introduced to Lizze the current star pupil of the Bachoff institute. The two women fall for eachother and take a trip through China, which ends with one of the women bloody and maimed. What follows is a bizarre and horrific story as these women come to terms with their past and must kill to ensure their future.
Mar 27, 202201:15:28
Dead Air 189 - Let The Right One In

Dead Air 189 - Let The Right One In

Squeal pig! I said squeal! Well, maybe you'll change your tune after listening to episode 189 of the Dead Air Podcast! This time we bring you to the eerie snow covered suburb of Blackeberg in beautiful Stockholm Sweden for 2009's vampire film; Let the Right One In.

The year is 1982 and Oskar is a maladjusted youth who is relentlessly bullied by his peers. One night he chances upon a mysterious new girl, Eli that's arrived in the neighborhood. They strike up a friendship that turns to a twisted tale of love and death as Oskar slowly learns the truth that young Eli is anything but the innocent girl she pretends to be. Under the guise of youth hides the fangs of a very real and possibly ancient vampire who, with the help of her servant are stalking the rural parks and paths of this once quiet suburb.
Mar 05, 202201:31:29
Dead Air 188 - Dead Snow

Dead Air 188 - Dead Snow

I reckon you spoiled brats couldn't be bothered to read a little local history before you snow-scootered into episode 188 of DEAD AIR. We discuss the 2009 Nazi-Zombie jamboree: Dead Snow.

A group of friends head to an isolated cabin high atop the Norwegian mountains for rest and adventure. There they find that the cabin contains a small fortune in gold and jewels.

However, the snow hides a sinister past that dates back to world war two. German soldiers long dead rise from the grave to claim their riches and kill whomever is in their path!
Feb 25, 202201:27:19
Dead Air 187 - Pontypool

Dead Air 187 - Pontypool

Good morning listeners! You know here on Dead Air we take no prisoners. You know what I mean when I say that, right? Why, I mean we're always standing up for truth, justice and the radiowaves. But be careful what you say. The word can turn and leave you stuttering and bleeding out on the cold concrete floor. All while the shambled masses gather at your door. To save yourself remember, kill means kiss. At least it does in the 2008 Canadian horror film; PontyPool.
Jan 24, 202201:44:57
Dead Air 186 - New Years Evil

Dead Air 186 - New Years Evil

We were going to do a New Year episode of Dead Air but there's a big party over at Erik Estrada's place!

Just kidding! Today we're finally doing the 1980 cult classic New Years Evil!

Blaze is the New Wave Punk Goddess supreme and she's got a nationwide televised radio special to host! Complete with call-ins!

Unfortunately one such caller is the mysterious man of a thousand mustaches known only as "EEEEEEE VIL" and he has plans to commit murder! One murder for every time-zone that hits midnight on New Years Eve.

Why now? Why tonight - and why is he so fixated on Blaze? The answers will baffle you to your very core.
Dec 31, 202101:37:08
Dead Air 185 - The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Dead Air 185 - The Autopsy of Jane Doe

Seasons GRIEVINGS listeners! AH HA HA HA HA HA HAAAA, This is counting as our Christmas Episode. Sure there's no mention of Christmas or December within the run-time of 2016's The Autopsy of Jane Doe but it was released within the month of December. That's gotta count for something!

Tommy and his son Austin run a family coroners business out of their home. One day late at night they receive a mysterious corpse from the scene of a brutal homicide. The sheriff absolutely needs to learn the cause of death by tonight. No problem for the experienced duo. However, strangeness is the order of the day almost immediately. With no obvious signs of trauma the cause of death isn't so clear. As the autopsy goes on they are left with seemingly more questions. Who is this girl? How did she die? The night will bring storms, terror and more death. You see what becomes obvious is Jane Doe fell victim to a horrible nightmare and that nightmare is far from over.
Dec 24, 202101:20:55
Dead Air 184 - Halloween Kills

Dead Air 184 - Halloween Kills

Evil dies tonight! Episode 184 of Dead Air we tackle 2021
s Halloween Kills. A film that has caused a lot of online debate! Well here's more!

Haddonfield's favourite son is back and continuing his rampage he started in 2018's film. Halloween. In Halloween Kills Laurie Strode is recovering from her encounter with the legendary masked killer. Meanwhile other survivors from those long 40 years ago rally along with the town to put an end to Michael Myers once and for all. Michael carves a bloody and relentless path of death as he returns, yet again, to his childhood home.
Dec 10, 202101:36:29
Dead Air 183 - Just Before Dawn

Dead Air 183 - Just Before Dawn

Do you hear that whistle in the wind? It could be the harbinger of your doom!

Episode 183 of Dead Air brings us the 1981 slasher Just Before Dawn!

Warren and Constance head up to a rural land in deep Oregon because Warren has just been handed a deed to a plot of land. They take their friends up to the remote forest area for a weekend "Outing" of drinking full bottles of wine and listening to Blondie.

Once there and night falls, it becomes obvious that they aren't alone. An old farmhouse less than a mile from them is home to a humble family that doesn't take kindly to strangers. Moreover, they warn that the very presence of Warren and his friends will "raise the devil" Is this simply hyperbole? Or is there a true demon stalking these woods?

Warren and Constance will soon find out!
Nov 20, 202101:49:54
Dead Air 182 - Ginger Snaps

Dead Air 182 - Ginger Snaps

It's The Halloween season and that means parties galore but you know what they say. When Ginger Snaps there's nothing but gore!

The Fitzgerald sisters are the outsiders in their small little burrow of Baily Downs. Death obsessed alt girls with enough chips on their shoulders to feed a party of Halloween highschoolers!

During a bizzare rash of dog killings the girls go out to commit a revenge prank on a popular mean girl when the eldest sister, Ginger is attacked by a mysterious wolf-like creature. Her and her sister Brigitte manage to escape thanks to a well timed van but Ginger is badly hurt.

Miraculously her injuries heal but her personality changes drastically. Well not just her personality. Her body too! In the form of fangs and a tail.

While Ginger prowls the streets for boys and dogs, Brigitte teams up with local weed seller, Sam. Sam's the man with the plan thanks to his obsession with Lycanthropy. Can the unlikely pair develop a cure and save Ginger from herself? Or will Ginger be forever consumed by her violent curse?
Oct 30, 202101:54:43
Dead Air 181 - Stitches

Dead Air 181 - Stitches

We're going all the way to clown town on the 181st episode of Dead Air. We're doing the 2012 Irish slasher, Stitches!

Stitches is your average birthday party clown. On a gig to an affluent household he meets a troop of tiny terrors that heckle his hackneyed routine to death!

Now, years later, he returns from the grave thanks to some clown illuminati to enact his devious clown-themed revenge.
Oct 27, 202101:12:44
Dead Air 180 - In the Tall Grass

Dead Air 180 - In the Tall Grass

On the 180th episode of Dead Air we are called to The Tall Grass!

On a life determining drive on a only back road Becky and her brother Cal make a stop at a run down church. Moments later they hear the voice of a young boy begging for their help. You see he's lost in a vast field of grass and can't find the road. They effort in an attempt to help but soon realize that once they gross that threshold from the road to the grass, their are no cell signals and no escape. Now trapped they desperately try to find their way out. Can they escape this mysterious field where time and space seem to have no meaning? Find out!
Oct 16, 202101:26:30
Dead Air 179 - The HIlls Have Eyes (2006)

Dead Air 179 - The HIlls Have Eyes (2006)

It's double take time! on this episode we're exploring the 2006 remake of The Hills Have Eyes!

In the early 2000s - remakes were becoming a massive trend. They were modernized for the times which meant bigger, darker, more graphic than ever before. This film is no exception. Nearly the exact same plot with the brutality turned up to 11!
Sep 25, 202101:08:54
Dead Air 178 - The Hills Have Eyes

Dead Air 178 - The Hills Have Eyes

You wanted to hear something different but, something different heard you!

Episode 178 of Dead Air brings us the undisputed classic;The Hills Have Eyes.
The Carter family is crossing the desert on a family vacation. There off the beaten path they find themselves in a God-forsaken area where the military has done extensive weapons testing.

In a freak accident their car leaves them stranded and its up to the family to go for help. However, there is another family in this desolate wasteland. A family that is hungry for blood!

It's the button downed American dream versus the ravaged American nightmare in one of Wes Craven's best films!
Aug 07, 202101:20:27
Dead Air 177 - Tourist Trap - 1979

Dead Air 177 - Tourist Trap - 1979

We know we shouldn't listen to this episode of Dead Air but it feels good when we do it.

For episode 177 of the show we discuss the 1979 cult classic, Tourist Trap!

Molly and her friends run in to a small bit of bizarre car trouble and end up at The Hidden Oasis. A run down little swimmin' hole with a wax museum attraction. The owner is a lonely old man named Slausen. Well not totally alone. He does have his brother Davey with him.

As Molly's friends tread near an old house on the property they start to disappear. Can she and her friends escape before they become part of the attraction themselves?!
Jul 09, 202101:38:52
Dead Air 176 - You're Next

Dead Air 176 - You're Next

You're invited to the perfect weekend with the perfect family.
On episode 176 of Dead Air we're discussing the 2011 slasher film You're Next!

A rare family get together of the affluent Davisons should be cause for celebration. Especially considering its the 35th wedding anniversary for the heads of the household. However, old wounds still fester and we soon learn their is quite a bit of dysfunction during this family function.

Before the first course is even finished however, death comes via a crossbow bolt. The family is under siege by three strangers in animal masks that are hell bent on killing every single one of them. Little do they know that the deadliest person at this event isn't wearing a mask.
Jun 26, 202101:10:25
Dead Air - 175 - Open 24 Hours - 2018

Dead Air - 175 - Open 24 Hours - 2018

We know you LOVE to listen. Never fear, Dead Air is always open!

in episode 175 we discuss the 2018 film Open 24 Hours!

Mary is a young woman just two weeks out of prison. her crime? setting fire to notorious serial killer James Lincoln Field's. A man who just happened to be her boyfriend at the time.

A new start and a new job is all Mary is looking for. She starts the night shift at a 24hr gas station.

sadly Mary suffers from severe ptsd from her experiences with her Ex and is seeing visions of him and his victims everywhere. But, are these truly hallucinations? Her friends and co workers wouldn't agree. considering the gory ends they meet.

Can Mary survive the Night?
Jun 12, 202101:15:34
Dead Air 174 - Blood Vessel

Dead Air 174 - Blood Vessel

Bare your fangs and hope aboard this Nazi boat of doom! Today Dead Air 174 talks about the 2020 film; Blood Vessel!

A rag-tag group of survivors drifting in the ocean during the death throws of World War 2, come across the only salvation they've seen in days. An enemy German ship. Much to their luck and surprise the vessel seems to be abandoned. As they begin to explore the decks in search of what happened it becomes obvious that there is a story to be told among the ancient books and burned bodies. A story of family, thievery, death and vampires.
May 29, 202101:09:22
Dead Air 173 - Edge of the Axe

Dead Air 173 - Edge of the Axe

DEAD AIR is back and the whole towns on Edge! 1988's Edge Of The Axe, that is!

Gerald is a cool kid with keen knowledge of computers. Lillian is a small town girl with a fascination for tech. It should be a summer of love but instead bodies start piling up along with a ridiculous amount of soda cans.
May 15, 202101:25:36
Dead Air 172 - WNUF

Dead Air 172 - WNUF

Welcome! No you haven't just tuned in to Transylvania's cable access show! Dead Air has a special Halloween treat for you listeners! We discuss the 2013 film WNUF Halloween Special!

A mysterious viewer pops in a VHS tape of a long lost recording of local news station WNUF's Halloween Special. (complete with commercials) That took place in 1987. There host Frank Stewart and a group of Paranormal investigators film themselves exploring the infamous "Webber House" A place in which horrific murders and mysterious happens took place. The murders were attributed to demonic influence. As the broadcast unfolds unexplained events occur once after another causing Stewart to truly wonder. Does the devil live here?

Big thanks to Archie Bleyer for use of their song, The Rockin' Ghost!
Happy Halloween!
Oct 30, 202001:24:36
Dead Air Ep 171 - The Prey

Dead Air Ep 171 - The Prey

This episode of Dead Air will Prey on your fears! We tackle the 1984 film The Prey!
A group of camping adventurers head out to North Point in the Keen Wild national forest. Unbeknownst to them a wild man, long forgotten has staked out his territory at North Point and will kill any intruders.

The campers are in the mood for love, sunbathing and rock climbing and this sinister monster is in the mood for murder! Which mood will prevail. (HINT: It's murder!)
Oct 16, 202001:18:39