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Spontaneous Evolution

Spontaneous Evolution

By Gav

A discussion on Non Duality, Shadow Work, medicine work such as ayahuasca.
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On Divine Masculine

Spontaneous EvolutionFeb 26, 2020



We all consider our lives to be an unfolding experience that we choose, that we design. A blank canvas that we paint our ever developing growth onto.

The more I observe the workings of mind the more I see what is untrue.

How about this perception: mind paints our lives onto the blank canvas and we think we are that life, that painting, when in fact we are the actual canvas that gives life to the painting.

For example, we think we are the painting of the tree and the clouds and we’ll add in a dog and some kids. Consider the importance of the canvas here, the thing that is unchanging, that gives life to the painting. Without that canvas all we would have is tubes of paint, with no means to make use of them.

All our experiences pour through this filter of mind, and it generates opinions and beliefs, likes and dislikes. It’s a grand game, a great trick. We’re all distracted by our thoughts and perceptions, judgements about life around us that we miss the essence of life itself. The aliveness.

Anyway, have a listen to this short podcast, audio at the top of the page, and video below.

Come join us this Sunday in Satsang and see where it takes you.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

This podcast is also available on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and all podcast platforms.

To venture further along this journey Home, I have the Sunday Satsang on Zoom, open to all, first session is free to newcomers. Link below or DM.

Like this post? You can 💰 a ☕ at

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Satsang


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Dec 13, 202212:54
Time + Past Lives

Time + Past Lives

In the past I have spoken about my medicine journeys and getting to see some of my past lives which led me to this present life experience. This life in a sense, within the story will be the last one. But remember the story is only relevant within mind. We are not mind and it's information is only that, information, not truth.

So within the human story past lives are interesting, temporarily. Really they are only a distraction, and are often used by the ego as a distraction or to inflate the ego to feel more spiritual etc.

What we are really dealing with here is the integration of frequency, if you wish to progress quickly. If you wish to play chess with the mind, that's fine too, but there's little to no actual growth in it. But it is entertaining for most of the population, until the limitations are reached.

As we come to see there is no time, no past, then of course there were no previous lives, so any memory, or journey is actually just an arising experience, thought, dream, vision, in that actual moment.

As we share One consciousness, what we see the human mind attaches to as My experience, when in actual fact it is the energy of Oneness.

So "I was a pirate in a previous life" actually means "I, Oneness, not I the individual, was/am a pirate". The second sentence is true as there is no I the individual, this is only imagined.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

This podcast is also available on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and all podcast platforms.

To venture further along this journey Home, I have the Sunday Satsang on Zoom, open to all, first session is free to newcomers. Link below or DM.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

This podcast is also available on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and all podcast platforms.

To venture further along this journey Home, I have the Sunday Satsang on Zoom, open to all, first session is free to newcomers. Link below or DM.

Like this post? You can 💰 a ☕ at

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Satsang


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Nov 19, 202214:14
Lack of Sleep

Lack of Sleep

Insomnia and broken nights sleep doesn't really bother me anymore and I'll tell you why in this video.

Exhaustion is very helpful for the ego. If you're doing any kind of inner work being overtired I have found very helpful, it slows the mind down which gives us more space to work through what is being released. I have countless experiences of working through stuff in the middle of the night. Or days before holotropic breathwork or ayahuasca I would often be unable to sleep and arrive absolutely exhausted. The exhaustion was always really beneficial to allow a release and roll back the activity of the mind.

The main problem is this:

People want to develop spiritually, heal etc. Their ego has a preconceived idea of what this healing and growth will look like. When the ego begins to be broken down (sleeplessness for example), the ego becomes defensive and obviously does not recognise the benefit of what is unfolding so tries to fight it.

Simply a change in perception, seeing the insomnia as an opportunity provided me the insight to work in these times, and they have been some of the most productive for me to heal and release. Many times simply by sitting up and meditating and allowing whatever release to occur, I would fall back asleep straight after.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

This podcast is also available on Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and all podcast platforms.

To venture further along this journey Home, I have the Sunday Satsang on Zoom, open to all, first session is free to newcomers. Link below or DM.

Like this post? You can 💰 a ☕ at

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


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Nov 02, 202213:53


This is such a fascinating subject for me! I love it. 

In a nutshell :

Remember that Pink Floyd image with light shinning through a prism and the rainbow coming out the other side? I don't know why they used that image back in the day, I don't know what their intention was, but for me this is a perfect example of Being looking through the body-mind.

Being is the white light, looking through the human mind. So the human mind projects the world and our experiences.

Awakening is the realisation that those experiences and our internal stories about those experiences are ultimately not real. The real is the white light, the Being. The life projected is the story, the film, the game, the character. 

This can be theory and nothing much if anything changes for us, but when truly realised, our whole consciousness shifts and all the intensity and pressure of life falls away. The deep realisation what what is really true, what is real takes center stage. 

Have a listen and please give a like and share around with anyone you think may benefit from this. 

Every Sunday I hold a Shadow Integration group on Zoom. You're welcome to join us, first session is free to newcomers. Details in the link below.

Like this post? You can 💰 a ☕ at

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Oct 18, 202213:15
Meeting, Not Changing, Reality
Oct 05, 202220:47
Raising Vibrations

Raising Vibrations

I have spoken in the past about about the activities people do to raise their vibration and how I see this exercise as simply a way to bypass the actual frequency needing to be integrated.

Ecstatic dance, visualisation, affirmations, thinking positive, are all ways to not take responsibility to what you feel within yourself. These frequencies are showing up for a reason, in many peoples experience, repeatedly. Until you integrate them they will continue to show up.

But today I have a new take on all this, the realisation that many people do not actually recognise what a raised frequency looks and feels like. They ask their guides and higher self to raise their frequency, then later on they get angry or frustrated, and they assume this is a lower frequency.

Who said this was a lower frequency?? And why give your power to them, or it, because often it's the mind that tells us this story.

Anger is intense energy is it not? Do you want more energy to blast through your Being and move you along your path? Yes? So when it shows up your job is to integrate it, not rationalise it, complain about it (and those around you), and try to escape it.

Have a listen and leave a comment.

Every Sunday I hold a Shadow Integration group on Zoom. You're welcome to join us, first session is free to newcomers. Details in the link below.

Like this post? You can 💰 a ☕ at

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Aug 30, 202212:20
Yoga, Self Esteem

Yoga, Self Esteem

We use all sorts of tricks to try deceive ourselves into thinking we have self esteem. 

People chase money and status and relationships to try to feel good and feel worthwhile, but eventually, often as these things fall away we realise we're as empty as the day the chase began.

Lately I have been taking a look at the yoga world to loosen my own physical flexibility. But something that surprised me to see was how emotionally restrictive and inflexible the teachers seem to be. Of course their bodies are wonderfully loose, I would love to get to that state of flexibility myself.

While looking at the clips or images all is well and admirable, but often (not always), when reading the text below, we see plenty of lifeless spiritual mundanity. Talk of sharing love, manifestation, only allowing positive thoughts, having intentions to create the life they want. 

Nice words and thoughts will never embrace the well of darkness that lies within all of us.

Fluffy spirituality is the opposite of how I work with clients. People arrive at me because all the spiritual platitudes ultimately did not bring them peace. This modern spiritual escapism is a layer of wallpaper over the much deeper cracks. We lie to ourselves, until we can't anymore. But, eventually we admit there is still an emptiness within. This is tough to accept and admit, but it is through this door that we can allow the old identity to die off (ego death), and a new life to be reborn. 

We must admit that all the positive thinking in the world and all the egos pushing for control and success, has nothing to do with a deep inner peace.

Have a listen to this podcast and let me know what you think.

Every Sunday I hold a Shadow Integration group on Zoom. You're welcome to join us, first session is free to newcomers. Details in the link below.

Like this post? You can 💰 a ☕ at

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


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Aug 19, 202214:57
Energy Body - Layers
Aug 10, 202210:04
Glimpses Of Awakening
Jul 16, 202203:56
Jun 21, 202214:56
Last Time

Last Time

From time to time I use different tricks to help remind me of the work, to bring me into the moment, such as writing on windows and mirrors, and post-it notes. But today I talk a little about the meaning behind the reminders of "Last Time..."  

"What if this is the last time I will ever get to..." can sound intriguing if it is the last time to see your family, or to eat an amazing meal for example. But what about the last time to walk across your living room, when you have already walked across it hundreds of times before, most of those times totally unaware of that living room.  

This is an opportunity to be here now, before this moment is lost forever.  

To venture further along this journey Home, I have the Sunday Group Integration Sessions on Zoom, open to all, first session is free to newcomers. Link below or DM.  

You. Are. Welcome.  

We have the Sunday Integration Sessions on Zoom, click here (I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects)

Like this post? You can 💰 a ☕ at

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


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Jun 21, 202213:44
How I Got Here

How I Got Here

This video begins covering the most recent years my journey.

Prior to this stage of my life I have meditated almost daily for about 27yrs or more, and I have been on a spiritual path for that time. But my life came to an intense turning point a few years ago. For those have not heard my story, or the most recent section of my story, the past few years to get to this point.

I am who I am because I have not had the option to learn or believe philosophies or spiritual theories, I have had to live them and experience and growth through them. While in the heat of these lessons of course life can be intense, but as the lesson unfolds the awareness and freedom unlocked is more than worth the price of comfort and ignorance.

If something within you knows me, recognises me, heed that. My videos are best listened to in quiet and stillness, with your attention focused within you, not on me. Observe how your own inner world responds.

To venture further along this journey Home, I have the Sunday Group Integration Sessions on Zoom, open to all, first session is free to newcomers. Link below or DM.

You. Are. Welcome.

Like this post? You can 💰 a ☕ at

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Apr 29, 202214:16
Upcoming Retreats With Me

Upcoming Retreats With Me

This coming June and September my doors will be open to those who feel moved to come to Acapulco and work with me.

Five or six days of us working closely together in a small group. The main purpose of this time will be to embody a different way of living, of Being. To deeply embody the practice of integration.

I continually will point how to witness and integrate our reflection. This will be an immersive week. The buzz for me is seeing people change, open up, live differently, freer, less reactive, less invested in their minds attachment to the physical world. 

There will be a number of exercises we can practice, from breathwork to writing exercises which will help to unravel old beliefs and open up possibilities of new ways to view your life. Also meditations and discussions, and videos. There may be medicine work, although I am moving away from this work having began to encounter its limitations. We will go with the flow and see what unfolds. During these days we will break down deep layers of identification with the body and mind, moving you further into the natural flow of the heart. The flow of life.   

There will be plenty of time to discuss and share, and also to enjoy the sun and views here. Also if people are interested there can be some time to see a few interesting sites of Acapulco.  

Those of you who have worked with me already know how I work, if you have not, simply follow your instinct, join us in a Sunday Zoom to experience the work and go from there.  

These retreats are open to anyone who have done an Integration course with me, without the experience of that work working with me in person might just be confusing and overwhelming. But if you wish to combine either a Beginners course or a Refresher and time it so you arrive here and then we work in person, that would be a great idea. To be immersed in the work for a few weeks!  

Have a listen to the video, and the rest is out of our hands.   

Have a listen and you're welcome to get in touch and ask any questions.

We have the Sunday Integration Sessions on Zoom, open to all, first session is free to newcomers. Link below or DM.

You. Are. Welcome.

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Apr 18, 202208:16
Therapy, Will Smith, Jordan Peterson

Therapy, Will Smith, Jordan Peterson

My work is mostly around Shadow integration, those pieces of ourselves that we most avoid and try to eradicate. In this podcast I speak a little about my own experience in therapy and how those working in the psychotherapy world greatly struggle with presence and shadow integration because they are so deeply invested in the process of analysing every feeling rather than just feeling, excluding the mind.

I go on to share my thoughts around Will Smith's reaction at the Oscars and Jordan Peterson's ongoing struggles. A man with all that knowledge, understanding, and success, yet deeply unhappy and in pain. 

In recent years my own work has been moving further and further away from the investment our society has in information and mind. Peace and joy cannot be found in these areas, but in experience, in the actual present moment, so I choose experience over information every time.

If anything you hear in this video resonates with you, you're welcome to join us in an integration group I run on Zoom on Sundays. Link below or feel free to get in touch if I can be of any help.

Have a listen and you're welcome to get in touch and ask any questions.

We have the Sunday Integration Sessions on Zoom, open to all, first session is free to newcomers. Link below or DM.

You. Are. Welcome.

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Apr 06, 202214:58
Mar 22, 202214:51
Wag The Dog

Wag The Dog

In this podcast I cover Ukraine, the now disappeared Corona flu and the also disappeared Canadian Truckers protest.

My attention, my time, and my sacred energy is far too important to invest in whatever this weeks overblown media hysteria might be.

I have some awareness of what is happening in the world and generally I view these events very differently from how I would have in recent years. In seeing there is no wrong or bad or evil, I get to enjoy the show. All that is unfolding is for each individuals highest good. Nothing is wrong.

Knowing, and living in the awareness that all we encounter is our own reflection, I know that what is unfolding in the world offers me an opportunity to see my Self.

These worldy events offer opportunities to both observe my own response, how centred I am within my Self, and to observe the hysteria around the world and how easily many people get sucked into the drama. If I react then I have work within me to attend to. The more we integrate, the freer we become, the outer world no longer triggers us. This is true freedom.

There is no wrong move. People watch the news and dive into outrage because it gives them exactly what they require, such as the addiction to the chemicals of fear or anger etc. Not wrong, not bad, not evil. Simply experience we all work through as I continue to work through. I am neither above nor beyond any of this in some respects. But I am at work with myself, not in competition with others. 

Have a listen to this podcast and I hope it gives you a little perspective on the 'out there'.

We have the Sunday Integration Sessions on Zoom, open to all, first session is free to newcomers. Link below or DM.

You. Are. Welcome.

This podcast is also available on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher etc.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Mar 10, 202214:28
Elevator Guy
Feb 26, 202213:57
To Meet Another
Feb 16, 202214:47
Leaving Maya 2
Jan 24, 202214:51
Leaving Maya
Jan 13, 202214:26
Mind V Be-ing
Dec 22, 202114:52
Healing Abortion
Dec 13, 202101:14:37
Mexico Retreat

Mexico Retreat

I'm running a small intimate retreat here in Acapulco, Mexico in February for a small number of people. 

Dates are roughly 8th February until the 12th. Anyone who has flights earlier or later I can accommodate you, or if you feel you would like further time and work after the retreat ends this is possible too.

Have a listen to this podcast and see how you feel, we can get on the phone and discuss the details and see if this would be something suitable for your growth.

Acapulco and Mexico is generally open and free moving regarding covid. Jab pass is not required etc, masks are generally not required here, mostly in supermarkets or the odd restaurant. It's a pretty relaxed place. So you will have to look into the requirements of your own country or airline to travel.

Have a listen and if you feel interested get in contact and we can have a chat and see what unfolds.

If you do feel interested in this work or this retreat I would strongly recommend joining a Sunday Zoom Session to see how I work and see if you feel drawn to working with me.

We work on being the observer in our Sunday Integration Sessions on Zoom, open to all. Link in bio or DM.

You. Are. Welcome.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Dec 06, 202113:33
End Of Year Opportunity
Nov 19, 202114:41
Be Still
Nov 16, 202114:41
Unfolding Freedom
Nov 11, 202114:52
The Enabler

The Enabler

The Enabler is a person who unknowingly is stopping others from evolving, waking up, growing. They think they are helping to save others but in actual fact they are denying that person (and themselves) the catalyst of pain by hitting bottom, and thus finding their own feet.

Stop saving people. Save yourself.

If there is anyone in your life who you think is always there helping others, what you might begin to notice is that they struggle to sit with themselves. I have no doubt they make you and others feel better, which in turn makes them feel better, this is where they get their self esteem, but continually making someone feel better can deny them their own journey, their own struggle. Descending to our depths is part of meeting ourselves. Often those who continually fix or help others, deeply struggle with being still or meeting the depths of who they are, so when they see you moving in that direction they panic.

The Enabler does this not because they are worried about you, although they will tell you this, but because they themselves are afraid of their own journey, the steps they as of yet have been too afraid to take.

Self esteem in an internally nurtured state. If we are gaining our self esteem from helping others, or gaining followers or making money we find ourselves at the mercy of the outside world. Self esteem is not something that comes and goes with income or relationships or clients, it is a state within that ultimately is unmoving regardless of status or the opinion of others.

So notice when you are taking others out of their pain is taking them off their actual path, and if you keep saving them, all you're doing is prolonging their suffering. Offering support is very different to fixing and saving and waking up. Be there, but respect others enough to honour their path.

To begin to see, come join our Sunday Integration Sessions on Zoom, open to all. Link in bio or DM.

You. Are. Welcome.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Oct 29, 202114:17
Shadow Work
Oct 19, 202103:19
Notes : Truth Part 2

Notes : Truth Part 2

This is Part 2 to yesterdays podcast where I read my notes on what I discovered one evening recently.  

The ego, or the human, thinks it is running this life, yet with even a glimpse of consciousness we see that we are barely making any decisions at all, we have no power possibly.  

Perhaps the only power available to us is in relinquishing control and allowing ourselves to be lived freely.   

The idea that we are steering our lives and that we have choices is a game we like to play, makes us feel in control and then we can inflate the ego further with any successes because we assume we are responsible. "I" achieved... "I" this "I" that.   

What if "I" the human am neither generating the successes nor failures. I like to think I am because that makes the journey here on earth exciting. But with it all mapped out and unfolding I have the option to watch the show unfold rather than think it's all up to "me".  

Have a listen and let me know what you think, if you have any questions let me know.

Come join us on Sunday’s for the Group Zoom Integration. We work on opening the heart and allowing all experiences and emotion to flow through.

You are welcome.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 6 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Oct 18, 202122:07
Notes : Truth Part 1
Oct 15, 202114:11
The Gift of Fear
Oct 05, 202114:56
Starseed Children

Starseed Children

As the intensity of awakening increases and we run out of time, we are moving into a new stage, ready or not, let go or be dragged. This is a wave of energy I much prefer to surf than be thrown onto the rocks.

The kids around us now are more than ever requiring our presence, our own inner work, to in turn activate and awaken them.

Starseeds are already tuned and trained. There is nothing a parent needs to teach, and this can be a problem, many parents try to heal, fix, teach, awaken etc, their children. In a sense the parent considers themselves the wise one and the child stupid, in actual fact its the other way around. The children are far more advanced than the parent, because the parent has decades of unresolved baggage they carry into every relationship, and continually emanate around the child.

Starseeds require a parent or being around them who is clearing their own baggage, continual integration, this in turn activates, generates an energetic space where the child begins to breathe a new breath, begins to expand and move into the being they are here to be.

But this cannot happen if the parent is avoiding their own inner work, indulging in fluffy junk spirituality, or basically lying to themselves about the spiritual work they do.

If you don't have the balls to do your own inner work for you, then do it for your child, they will be set free and embark on their journey. Whatever it takes, now is the time.

The world is becoming more wild and unhinged, your test is to remain centered and use this perceived imbalance to further clear your stuff, thus  quickly setting children free, into the New World.

I go into much more detail in this podcast so have a listen and let me know what you think. 

Also come join us on the Sunday Group Zoom, we get some work done in community.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 8 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Sep 21, 202114:55
Earth School
Sep 14, 202114:54
Embrace Sickness

Embrace Sickness

Part of my work with clients is to try to instill that everything that unfolds in our lives is for our highest good, absolutely everything. This is a no lose journey! Now it's easy to say this to sound spiritual, but it's quite different to have to learn to live it and practice this outlook.

I don't deal in platitudes or theories. The quotes I select in my Stories each day on Instagram are quotes that I am continually working on living day to day, not something I just read for a few seconds and forget about. 

If you're a regular listener you'll know I lived in my car for quite a time as my life fell apart, yet I still see this experience as being a great turning point in my life, and a great lesson.

In short, in this podcast I will briefly cover my being quite sick with different illnesses in recent months, and how I view each of them as being helpful to break my ego down further and detox me physically. 

In recent months I had an ear infection that lasted for weeks, then I caught the covid flu and after just recovering from that I developed colitis, which in my view was likely caused by all the previous medications killing off my gut bacteria. Colitis resulted in serious diarrhea and vomiting, for hours at a time. 

Physical illness has a great benefit of breaking us down the way spiritual work simply cannot. When our own mortality is brought into question we have no choice but to feel deeply, and this is where the healing lies. 

So in this podcast I discuss what I've learned from these illnesses and also how I don't view illness as a problem, when I'm sick it does not mean I have done something wrong, or made a mistake. My spirit does not make mistakes, all is for my benefit if I can allow the release.

To learn how to develop the trust that what life is giving us is for our highest evolution, join us on the Sunday Group Zoom. Link in bio or DM me with any questions.

Have a listen to this podcast and let me know what you think.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 8 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Sep 09, 202114:26
Year End Shift

Year End Shift

In January I made a podcast about the oncoming year. In that podcast I said I expected the world to become more chaotic certainly from September. We're now in September with the end of the year approaching. 

So now I think its important for those of us on the path to double down, ignore the madness, what we need to know will not pass us by. Now is the time to concentrate on continued integration, which continues to clear our energy field. First comes integration and clearing, then comes expansion into whoever or whatever we are. Expansion is the fun part, but there's no expansion without integration. 

So our tribe is on the same path now, we're working together behind the scenes even if you don't know others on this plane doing the work, keep going. 

This place, and our experiences of this place are definitely transforming, all while those sucked into the circus continue to be rung out by the stress and chaos. 

Twelve months ago I was living in a car in Ireland in lockdown. Every day I had to drive 20mins to use a bathroom, every day I would be stopped by the police at least once. As I type this I sit on a balcony overlooking the Pacific Ocean in Mexico, I'm not sure how I got here, I didn't plan it, but as long as I continue to meet my Self and integrate, more harmonious experiences unfold. But I remind myself and those of you doing this work know, to not attach to any comfort, who knows what is unfolding and how we will be challenged next. The aim is to be free, regardless of the circumstance.

Well done for facing this work, well done for doing your best, this is all we can do, but push through. Zoom Sunday is there when you're ready, the work is getting deeper as we unfold into a path.

Remember I said a few months back that "They" (us behind the curtain) had got a good group of who they wanted with the jib jab? As that show winds down, now we enter the next Act as the circus stumbles on. 

Be in the work, keep going and have a listen to my podcast above.

You're welcome to join us on Sundays in the Group Zoom Session where we work on meeting ourselves in presence and learning the tools to take us into the next stage. You'll find a link in my bio or DM me. 

Have a listen to this podcast and let me know what you think.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 8 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


Buy me a coffee



Sep 07, 202114:01
Being Seen - Let The World See You

Being Seen - Let The World See You

There's a lot of noisy people in the world, a lot of opinions about what needs to be fixed and changed. But many of us are quiet, perhaps too quiet. We don't have enough confidence, enough belief in ourselves, we struggle to express ourselves or show who we are to the world.

No I don't mean this as in get up on stage, or run for election, or start a YouTube channel. I mean simply to be us in our day to day lives, around family and friends or co workers. 

We are valid, we are necessary, we are needed. We have an important perspective on this unfolding. We have something to add, not to change others, fix others, heal others, but to share our experience, that may or may not influence those around us. We have a voice. 

This podcast is about allowing ourselves to be seen, which first begins with having the courage to meet who we are, bit by bit. This is a journey, baby steps, to continually, incrementally, move into our power, into our weaknesses, into our shadow, embracing all, and in that place to allow others to see us. 

As we become more at peace with ourselves, we are less influenced by the acceptance or rejection of others. This is freedom.

I want more of us to step forward, not the shiny Instagram accounts that are all about branding and marketing, I want those of us who are quiet and shy and afraid to be seen. 

Although I may do this work publicly, and have this account and YouTube etc, I'm still afraid, this is a journey for me to let my walls down, to work towards being more open, less defensive, less aggressive, less afraid, to allow my own love, and pain, and magic to come through. 

We can influence each other, inspire each other.

We meet on Sundays in a Group Zoom Session, we're sometimes afraid, self conscious, unsure of ourselves, I am too, but this is the road, to push into these places and grow through them. You are welcome to join us. Take the step. There is community among us.

On a  different note I'm very grateful for those previous clients who commented on my recent post (the image of the phoenix) about working with me, I felt your progress and power, thank you.

Have a listen to this podcast and let me know what you think.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

I run an 8 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects

Sunday Group Zoom Sessions


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Sep 01, 202114:27
Observing Polarity
Aug 24, 202112:47
A Movement Is Growing

A Movement Is Growing

In recent weeks and months I've been running live Group Zoom sessions on Sundays. These have been growing and I can see there is deep healing and change happening. I feel we are a part of something powerful, and now is the time to act. Now is the time to face ourselves. do our work, get free. Now is when we've been hoping, praying, waiting for. Now is the moment.

Joining a Zoom session or doing Shadow Work is not the real challenge, the the real challenge is overcoming our mind (ego), the relentless fears that keep us stuck and not moving forward. Sooner or later the frustration gets too much and eventually we override the ego, and take a leap of faith. As I have said "Your mind is not your friend", yet most people freely trust the mind over their spirit day in day out.

Isn't it interesting many people want to expand spiritually, yet ignore their spirit when it speaks to them. I receive three or four of these messages weekly, how fear traps people from healing and growing.

In this podcast I speak a little about the Zoom Sessions and how they work, and encourage anyone who feels curious or interested to give it a try, I don't think you'll be disappointed. 

Have a listen, share around and leave a comment. Give a like if you like, and bookmark, it just helps me reach more of an audience.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

(I run an 8 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects)

Send me a voice message on Anchor or email me at


Most popular course : Shadow Work

Donate to help fund my work



Aug 18, 202114:45
Spiritual Lessons From Having Covid

Spiritual Lessons From Having Covid

So I had the covid rona flu, I caught it almost one month ago now. Time flies, when you're not dead!

I'm grateful for the responses to my last podcast, and donations, and the support.

I'm still getting my energy back at the moment but I’m well on the mend. I wanted to make a podcast about the whole experience which I found quite beneficial and purposeful.

If we believe that everything in our lives is here to further our growth, that does indeed mean "everything". So we cannot be selective, "Ohh corona is not for my highest growth, but that new car is." People make me laugh at how selective the human ego is.

So in these times of sickness or darkness, or loss or grief, that is exactly when your spiritual practice comes into play, but it is often in these intense times that humans do what they can to try to escape the pressure. It's just funny how often we run in the opposite direction of spiritual expansion. We're so asleep, comfort becomes the priority. Trust me, I get it. In the past few weeks I’ve met layers of myself hidden deep down, but I’m glad I was taken there to meet what still required my attention and integration, and release.

Have a listen, share around and leave a comment. Give a like if you like, and bookmark, it just helps me reach more of an audience.

Have a listen and let me know what you think.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

(I run an 8 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects)

Send me a voice message on Anchor or email me at


Most popular course : Shadow Work

Donate to help fund my work



Jul 24, 202114:36
I Have The Rona Rona Flu
Jul 10, 202114:54
The Benefit of Gaslighting
Jun 19, 202114:06
What Has Improved My Life More Than Anything Else
Jun 14, 202114:01
How Do We Help Other People?
Jun 05, 202114:56
Your Mind Is Compromised! (correct upload)
May 27, 202113:20
Menstrual Cycle + The Vakz + Gluten
May 24, 202112:59
Energetic Implants, My Books, Ceremonies, Remote Sitter
May 20, 202114:33
The Savage

The Savage

I recorded this video a few weeks ago, but this subject came up yesterday in the Group Integration Session (I run weekly group Zoom sessions, contact me or join my newsletter for details), so today is the day to set it free.  

The love we see in the world can be very placid, especially the love we see in modern spirituality, but love also needs power. The love we are growing in the world today requires force. I stand in love, I am immovable in love does not mean I am a doormat and can be pushed around by government restrictions, or a burglar to my home. We're seeding more powerful people, not angry feminism, not reactive spiritual people who scream about Trump and toxicity. Have a listen to hear more and let me know your thoughts.  

A New World requires new perspectives, new ways of viewing and interacting with challenging people and circumstance.  

Right now we have two very obvious groups: those who are reactive to the world, protesting, trying to "wake people up" etc, which is merely projecting their own discomfort out into the world.  

And then those who are too timid and "spiritual" to rock the boat.   

But there is a third path: To not project, not react, but have the power, the force of love to speak up and act where moved to. Moving through the world from this energy is very different to moving through the world angry and fearful, or subservient and cowering. I'll speak more about this in a future video.  

Click above have a listen and let me know your thoughts. Thanks to those who attended yesterday's Zoom call and for the questions that brought back to this subject and to post this video.

Like this episode? You can 💰 a ☕ at

(I run an 8 week Shadow Work Integration course where I work with individuals one on one and teach how to witness, heal and integrate our shadow aspects)

Send me a voice message on Anchor or email me at


Most popular course : Shadow Work

Donate to help fund my work



Apr 12, 202111:45
Vax 3 - Endgame
Apr 05, 202114:34
Vax 2 (The Sequel)
Apr 04, 202114:43
Apr 02, 202114:39