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He’s got the whole world in His Hands ministry.
Podcasting for Christ.

He’s got the whole world in His Hands ministry. Podcasting for Christ.

By Stacey Gibson

Going through the Bible teaching and preaching with some political views thrown in. Helping people understand truth.
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From Mask to Mark.

He’s got the whole world in His Hands ministry. Podcasting for Christ. Aug 08, 2020

Touched by an Angel

Touched by an Angel

The book of Daniel contains prophecies about the future and the end times.

  • There are battles going on in the unseen realm, and angels play a role in these battles.
  • Understanding Bible prophecy can help us make sense of current events.
  • The book of Daniel provides insight into the rise and fall of empires and the role of key figures like Alexander the Great. Understanding Bible prophecy is crucial for preparing for the end times.
  • The battles between the kings of the north and the south in Daniel foreshadow the coming of the Antichrist.
  • Michael the Archangel plays a significant role in protecting Israel.
  • God will ultimately have victory over the Antichrist and establish His kingdom.

May 19, 202456:08
Seventy Years of Desolation

Seventy Years of Desolation

In this episode, we dive into Daniel chapter 9 and focus on the 70 years of desolation and the significance of the 70 years of desolation as mentioned in the book of Jeremiah. I will emphasize the importance of humbling oneself and seeking God through prayer and supplication. It is important to note the need for confession and repentance, acknowledging that righteousness belongs to God and that we have sinned against Him. I will also emphasize the role of prophets in warning people and the importance of obedience to God's laws. In this part of the conversation, I will discuss the transgressions of Israel and draw parallels to the current state of America. I believe that America is facing God's judgment due to its sins, such as abortion and turning away from God. We also talk about the signs of the end times and the importance of having a personal relationship with God. The conversation ends with a prayer for those who may be listening during the tribulation.

Apr 22, 202453:16
Daniel's Second Vision

Daniel's Second Vision

In this episode, we continue our study of the book of Daniel, focusing on Daniel's second vision in chapter 8. we discuss the empires and kingdoms mentioned in the vision, including the Medo-Persian Empire and Alexander the Great. He also explores the significance of the ram with two horns and the goat with a notable horn. We will look at the historical events to the future rise of the Antichrist and the Great Tribulation. I will emphasize the importance of accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and being prepared for the rapture. In this conversation, as I continue this study of the book of Daniel, focusing on Daniel chapter 8. He discusses the visions and prophecies in this chapter, highlighting the rise and fall of empires and the coming of the Antichrist. I will emphasizes the importance of understanding the last days and the events that will take place during the Great Tribulation. I will also urge listeners to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and to be prepared for the future events described in the Bible.

Apr 07, 202447:56
Vision of the Four Beast

Vision of the Four Beast

In this episode, we continue the study of the book of Daniel, focusing on Daniel chapter 7 and his vision of the four great beasts. The first beast, a lion with eagle's wings, represents Babylon. The second beast, a bear, symbolizes the Medo-Persian Empire. The third beast, a leopard with four wings, represents Greece and Alexander the Great. The fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, represents the Roman Empire. The little horn that arises from the ten horns of the fourth beast represents the Antichrist. The chapter also explores God's judgment and the end times. In this conversation, we discusses the final judgment, the second coming of Christ, the thousand years of peace, the tribulation saints, the first resurrection, the battle of Gog and Magog, the destruction of the Antichrist, the rise of the Roman Empire, the persecution of the Jews, the one world government and church, the deception and offenses, the Ancient of Days and the Son of Man, the dominion of the Antichrist, the everlasting dominion of God, the true kingdom of peace, Daniel's grief and God's interpretation, the four beasts as four kingdoms, the dreadful fourth kingdom, the Antichrist's persecution of the saints, the judgment and possession of the kingdom, Daniel's troubled spirit, and hope in God's prophecies.


  • The book of Daniel contains prophecies that are relevant to both Daniel's time and the future.
  • The four great beasts in Daniel's vision represent Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and the Roman Empire.
  • The little horn that arises from the fourth beast represents the Antichrist.
  • God's judgment and the end times are depicted in Daniel's vision. God will judge all people and open the Book of Life to determine who will enter heaven.
  • After the seven-year tribulation, Jesus will return and there will be a thousand years of peace on earth.
  • During the thousand years of peace, Satan will be bound and unable to deceive the nations.
  • The tribulation saints are those who get saved during the tribulation and refuse to worship the beast or take the mark of the beast.
  • The Antichrist and the false prophet will be destroyed by God, and Satan will be cast into the lake of fire.
  • The Roman Empire will rise again as the fourth kingdom, and it will be a beast system controlled by AI technology.
  • The one world government and church will accept all religions, but true unity comes from sound doctrine.
  • The Ancient of Days and the Son of Man will be given dominion and an everlasting kingdom.
  • God's prophecies about the end times should give us hope and assurance of His ultimate victory.

Mar 10, 202455:09
In the Lions Den

In the Lions Den

In this episode, Stacey Allen Gibson continues the study of the book of Daniel, focusing on the story of Daniel in the lion's den. He highlights the importance of having an excellent spirit and being faithful to God, even in the face of opposition. The plot against Daniel is revealed, and a royal decree is made to prohibit anyone from praying to any god or man except the king. Stacey emphasizes the need for believers to take a stand for God and warns of the increasing persecution and laws against the church in today's world. In this episode, Stacey Allen Gibson discusses the story of Daniel in the lion's den and its relevance to the present day. He highlights the rise of a three-in-one religion and the global elites' efforts to suppress Christian beliefs. Despite the decree, Daniel remains steadfast in his worship of the one true God. The chapter concludes with Daniel's miraculous deliverance from the lion's den and the recognition of God's power by King Darius.


  • The rise of a three-in-one religion and the suppression of Christian beliefs by global elites
  • The importance of unwavering worship and faithfulness to God
  • The consequences of standing firm in one's beliefs
  • God's power to deliver and rescue His faithful servants

Mar 03, 202453:36
Writing on the Wall

Writing on the Wall

Daniel 5:5 "In the same hour came forth fingers of a man's hand, and wrote"

The King thought it was a good idea to use sacred items taken from the temple of God to drink wine and party it up with them. God however, has a different view, and a strong point to make.

Feb 05, 202450:50
Beast to Beliver

Beast to Beliver

Continuing our study in the book of Daniel we dive into chapter 4 where Daniel will interpret the King's dream, and the King will be humbled because of his pride. Proverbs 16:18 "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before the fall."

Nov 06, 202346:19
Bow or Burn

Bow or Burn

We are continuing our study in Daniel with the three Hebrew children Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refusing to bow to the image of gold that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up and refusing to worship other gods.

Oct 23, 202346:41
Statue of Empires

Statue of Empires

Continuing our study in the Book of Daniel, tonight we dive into the interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. The Statue of Empires.

Oct 16, 202350:27
Jerusalem A Cup of Trembling

Jerusalem A Cup of Trembling

I want to encourage you all to pray for the horrific things going on in Israel at this time. Anti-Semitism is on the rise and many nations will come against Jerusalem in the last days however, Jerusalem will become a cup of trembling to all who come against her in the end. My prayer is for you to accept Christ Jesus and escape the wrath to come.

Oct 10, 202333:49
Dream Weaver

Dream Weaver

King Nebuchadnezzar has asked the impossible of his magicians, astrologers, and sorcerers. The king has a dream and wakes up troubled by this dream, and as it sometimes happens the dream left him, and he can't remember the dream only the trouble. He asked that they tell him what he dreamed then tell him the interpretation of it. God will use Daniel to tell him the dream and the interpretation.

Sep 23, 202352:52
The Fantastic 4

The Fantastic 4

Daniel and his three friends Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah are put to the test and found to be heroes in the Old Testament. perfect examples of how to live in a hostile environment, men of action and faith. tonight, we start our journey through the book of Daniel, and we will find out what makes them the Fantastic 4.

I would like to apologize for the microphone popping and the blurry image.

I was using Riverside video for the first time and things did not work out as planned.

Sep 11, 202345:38
Knowing All Things, Illuminating the Last Hour Part 2

Knowing All Things, Illuminating the Last Hour Part 2

We can look around us today and things look bleak; however, God knows all things; our past as well as our future. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He knows the future, I can trust Him. If you do not know Jesus Christ, Please call on Him today!

Sep 03, 202352:09
Knowing All Things, Illuminating The Last Hour Part 1

Knowing All Things, Illuminating The Last Hour Part 1

John 18:4 "Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon Him, went forth, and said unto them, whom seek ye?" Christ Knew what He was about to face, the beating, the humiliation, the cross, and the moment of separation from the Father. Yet He went forth anyway because he loves us; and He knows exactly what we are going to face in the last hour.

Aug 26, 202358:29


What is going on in our world today? Is our government really having hearings about UFO's and have we got alien aircraft and alien bodies? Let me assure you that God has all the answers in His word and the book of Daniel tells us that many things are sealed up unto the end of days. Many things will happen in theses days. Signs in the heavens and sighs in the earth.

Aug 19, 202301:00:53
Things that are Right

Things that are Right

We live in a world where things seem to be off, out of whack, and downright crazy! The good news is God is still on the throne and He has not spoken in secret.

The LORD speaks in righteousness, and he declares things that are right.

Aug 06, 202343:17
God's Way is Perfect

God's Way is Perfect

We live in a world that is upside down and twisted in its thinking, calling the ways of God foolishness. God's word is perfect, His ways are perfect and thus He is the epitome of perfection. God can be trusted. Call on Him today for salvation before it is too late.4

Jul 01, 202349:34
Brain Washed

Brain Washed

Many people think that believers in Christ are brain washed like many of the cults today however, Romans 12:2 teaches us that we have been transformed by the renewing of our minds. Tonight we look at the difference.
May 20, 202353:54
"O Death, Where is Thy Sting."

"O Death, Where is Thy Sting."

Christ Jesus is Alive! He has taken away the sting of death and the grave no longer has victory over believers in Christ. We celebrate Easter because Christ has settled the sin debt, he has paid the way so all can come through Him to reach the Father and have eternal life. We celebrate Easter because He is Alive!!

Apr 08, 202345:47
The Fire of the LORD Fell

The Fire of the LORD Fell

Who is the real God? Who has real power? Who shows up when we call on Him? Elijah told the prophets of Baal to call on their god and they called from morning until the evening sacrifice but there was no answer. Then Elijah called on his God, the true living God and He brought fire from heaven to consume the sacrifice. On whom do you call?

Apr 01, 202352:03
Stay In the Battle

Stay In the Battle

King David had a moment of weakness; instead of going with the armies of Israel, he stayed home and as the old saying goes "Idle hands are the devil's workshop." King David found himself in sin after his lust of the eyes found Bathsheba bathing. A keynote takeaway is that we must "stay in the Battle!"

Mar 26, 202342:47


Tonight's episode is pulled from Truth Matters, I hope you enjoy.

Sin is sin in the eyes of God however, some things cause disgust and God hates these things and He calls them abominations.

Mar 12, 202329:46
Is There Anything Too Hard for Me?

Is There Anything Too Hard for Me?

What problem do you have that Christ can't fix? Health, finances, job situation, finding true love.  God is ready willing and able to help all His children in need and nothing is too hard for Him.  If you are lost without Christ, He can save you. The work has already been done at the cross of Calvery where Christ shed His blood for all.

Mar 06, 202342:09
Light and Darkness

Light and Darkness

Light and darkness there is no in-between, there is no gray area you are either lost or saved.  You can't serve God and man.  Merry Christmas to all! and let us always remember Jesus is the reason for the season.

Dec 26, 202245:21
No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Prosper

The world is full of evil, hatred, and being hated for following Christ is on the rise.  We have a great hope in knowing that Christ is on our side and that no weapon formed against us is going to prosper.  We must trust in God and His Holy word to carry us through until He returns.

Dec 10, 202245:36
Stand up for Jesus

Stand up for Jesus

Galatians 5:1 "Stand fast therefore in the liberty where-with Christ hath made us free and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."  

Christ has made us free, and we need to stand up for Him now.  Tonight's episode I would like to give you reasons why we stand up for Jesus.

Oct 22, 202254:36
Golden Rule

Golden Rule

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  Have we forgotten this?  In our world today filled with hate we seem to have lost our way, and no longer aware of truth found in God's word.  I learned this in vacation bible school, a truth that has stayed with me until today.  Now it seems to be a lost art, and no longer put into action.

Oct 08, 202250:43
Knights of Truth, Defenders of Faith

Knights of Truth, Defenders of Faith

Psalm 18:34 "He teacheth my hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by mine arms."  God has dubbed us Knights of Truth, and Defenders of Faith. The accolade ceremony has taken place and we may arise "Sir-Knight's in Christ Jesus.  Let's stand up and fight, and let the world hear our voices of Truth!

Sep 24, 202245:21
Has God's Judgment Arrived?

Has God's Judgment Arrived?

I want to encourage you to look around at what is going on in our world today; is not bible prophecy being fulfilled? are we not seeing one world government forming, one world monetary system, and one world religion? Everything is set for Christ' return, and He will be coming soon! are you ready?

Sep 10, 202245:23
Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster

Are you on a ride? up one day, down the next? Has Satan got you on a roller coaster? God was displeased with the children of Israel in the wilderness; after seeing all the miracles God had performed yet, still murmuring, complaining, and filled with doubt and disbelief.  My friend I encourage you to get off the roller coaster and get on the steam roller! 

Sep 03, 202243:23
Taking up the Crutch, not the Cross

Taking up the Crutch, not the Cross

Many of us get up every day taking up the crutch, not the Cross. We are abusing the resources, letting them lay dormant, instead of using them and bring glory to God, and strength to our souls.  We may suffer; however, God is with us and great will be our reward one day.

Aug 27, 202244:40
Seeing is Believing

Seeing is Believing

Why is it that we need to see in order to believe? God's word is full of promises that He will keep.  He will not let us down; we just need to paise Him in the storm and thank Him for deliverance before it happens; and this pleases Him and brings glory to His name.

Aug 20, 202244:07
In The Days of Noah

In The Days of Noah

They were eating, drinking, marrying, and given to marriage, just business as usual so to speak however, evil was on every man's heart and the wickedness God saw was great. Tonight, I would like to warn everyone that today history has repeated itself, and God's judgment is near. Call out to God now while He may be found.

Aug 13, 202244:09
The Preservation of God's Word

The Preservation of God's Word

Isaiah 40:8 Tells us "The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the word of our God shall stand forever." With all the turmoil that scripture has gone through over the centuries; one would think it would have never lasted.  With all the translations from Hebrew to Aramaic, then to Greek, and Italian, Spanish, French, and English; one would think surely it has lost its meaning. The Almighty God, however, has preserved it perfectly, and it is still changing lives today. 

Aug 06, 202248:42
Point of No Return

Point of No Return

Hebrew Chapter 6:1-12 has been in much debate by many scholars and theologians, and it has baffled me for years not knowing it's understanding.  Praise be to God; He has given me understanding by His spirit, and given me liberty to expound on this text tonight.

Jul 30, 202244:58
I Never Knew You

I Never Knew You

Many will stand before God one day and say LORD! LORD! however, Christ will say, depart for I never knew you. Tonight, I will expound and reveal truth of the fact that we have people in the church that are not saved seemingly doing a work for God but, are children of another light.

Jul 23, 202245:11
The Unveiling Truth, Modern Day Veils

The Unveiling Truth, Modern Day Veils

On tonight's episode I will unveil truth and expose some Modern-day veils that need to be uncovered. Satan is deceiving many into thinking they are okay; when the truth is we all need to take heed to God's word and understand we are in perilous times and time is short.

Jul 16, 202240:07
Liberty in Christ Jesus

Liberty in Christ Jesus

Why do we celebrate the 4th of July? What makes this day so special? who gave us these freedoms and liberties we celebrate? Let's dive into our History, and God's word to find out.

Jul 04, 202243:33
Why is Abortion Wrong?

Why is Abortion Wrong?

It's my body, I made a Mistake, why do I have to suffer by raising a child, the doctor told me the baby will not be normal, I might have complications giving birth, you do not understand I was raped!  All of these may seem to be good arguments however, tonight I will use polemics to these statements and apologetics to prove Abortion is wrong.

Jun 25, 202244:39


Emulation is an effort to match or surpass a person or achievement, typically by imitation.  Happy Father's Day!  Fathers we must emulate Christ in every way, teaching our kids to do the same.  If we do not teach our children truth, the world will teach them lies.

Jun 17, 202242:11
No More Tears

No More Tears

Why do we cry?  Is it okay to cry? When should we cry? I would like to address all of these issues tonight; and give you great news! one day God will wipe all of our tears away, and there will be no more pain, suffering, loss, and separation. 

May 28, 202247:06
I'll Change Tomorrow

I'll Change Tomorrow

Why do we always put off things we know we need to get done?  we say, I'll do it tomorrow.  Sin is something we need to change today, right now!  Salvation is something you never put off.  We are not promised tomorrow.  Call out to Christ today!

May 22, 202238:39
A Mother's Love

A Mother's Love

Happy Mother's Day from Podcasting for Christ!  Nothing can compare to a Mother's love, it nurtures, it flows, and follows us everywhere we go.

I can still hear my Mother's voice telling me to do right, act right, and look right.  She always wanted me to act and do my best.  I love you mom!

May 07, 202233:52
The Quickening Word of God

The Quickening Word of God

Psalm 119:93 "I will never forget thy precepts; for with them thou hast quickened me."   Tonight we will go through the bible and look at it's quickening power.

Nothing can pick you up like God's word.

Apr 30, 202249:51
12 Legions of Angels

12 Legions of Angels

Happy Easter! tonight we will look at what Christ told Peter.  Put down your sword, I can call 12 legions of angels if needed.   Peter did not need to fight for Christ.   We will also look at what angels are and what they do.

Apr 16, 202229:56
Disaster Relief

Disaster Relief

Disasters happen every day; it could be a flood, a fire, or you just dropping a gallon of milk.  In any case we find ourselves in a disaster.  The good news is that our God is in the disaster relief business.  God can turn any situation around if we just trust in Him and follow His guidance and direction.

Apr 09, 202239:16


We all like free right?  Salvation is freely offered to all however, it cost Christ everything! Tonight we will dive into what it takes to live free.

Apr 02, 202233:49
We are God's Watchmen

We are God's Watchmen

A King always has a Watchmen, one who is on guard, looking out for the Kingdom, watching and reporting trouble, one who warns others of danger to come.

As Christians, it is our job to warn others of the fate after death.  There is a judgment coming, however, the good news is Christ has made a way for us to live forever with Him in heaven.

Mar 19, 202242:03
The Believer's Toolbox

The Believer's Toolbox

Did you know that we have a Toolbox? Do you know what's in it? As believers we have access to many things in our toolbox.  Faith, trust, hope, wisdom, and much more can be found.  We should always have our toolbox ready and pull out daily what is needed.  If you do not have one, tune in to tonight's episode.

Mar 13, 202247:30
Ask, Seek, and Knock

Ask, Seek, and Knock

Tonight's episode will be uploaded audio from an event at Church a while back. Looking at: Ask, Seek, and Knock.

Mar 05, 202239:52