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The Network

The Network

By Adam Callow

Get the inside scoop of what it's like to build small businesses. It's not all pretty, but it's real.
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StartUp Diary 065: Talking with Fordy - Changing roles and some useful advice

The NetworkOct 06, 2016

Brutal honesty about business

Brutal honesty about business

Click here to support mine and Sam's new podcast Infraction by Subscribing, Rating & Reviewing.

Business on a Beanbag episode description:

How hard actually is it to own a business?

Join your hosts Adam Baskill and Tom Bates as they dive into the vibrant business mind of Adam Callow CCO of The Growth Foundation.

Adam C has a wealth of experience starting businesses, growing businesses and helping entrepreneurs to reach their full potential.

Making mistakes, no matter how catastrophically big, is absolutely fine as long as you learn from them. We also discuss how important it is to be brutally honest with not only yourself, but your employees and stakeholders.

Apr 28, 202401:15:53
The Unseen Beauty of Scaling Back with Sam Wilcox

The Unseen Beauty of Scaling Back with Sam Wilcox

Episode Overview:

In this engaging episode, Adam catches up with Sam Wilcox. Beyond the warmth and casual banter lies a profound conversation about personal growth, business reevaluation, and the quest for simplicity.

Sam shares his rollercoaster journey through the entrepreneurial landscape, from expanding a business to embracing minimalism in work and life.

This episode isn't just a catch-up between friends; it's a deep dive into the lessons learned from confronting ego, the allure of public validation, and the ultimate realisation that sometimes, less truly is more.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Ego Trap: Sam discusses the challenging decisions he faced as he scaled back his business, addressing how ego and public perception influenced his journey.
  • Simplicity and Satisfaction: The conversation turns to the beauty of simplicity—both in business operations and personal aspirations.
  • Vulnerability in Public: Sam reflects on the double-edged sword of "building in public" and the pressures of sharing only the wins.
  • The Power of Pause: Taking a break allowed Sam to reassess his goals and rediscover his passions, emphasising the importance of space and curiosity in personal growth.
  • Looking Forward: The dialogue wraps up with thoughts on future aspirations, underpinned by a newfound appreciation for the present moment and the small, fulfilling aspects of daily life.

Recommendation: This episode is a must-listen for anyone feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of professional and personal aspirations. Sam's journey reminds us of the power of stepping back, reassessing our paths, and finding joy in simplicity.

Apr 11, 202430:39
How I do my quarterly review

How I do my quarterly review

  • Measure what matters with John Doerr- well worth your time:
  • Great episode of My First Million to:

*AI powered Show Notes Below*

When I realised that my calendar was more of a chaotic collage than a roadmap to my aspirations, I knew it was time for a change. Enter the personal quarterly review—a game-changer that brought my daily hustle into sharp focus, aligning my actions with my deepest convictions.

This episode is a candid exploration of that transformative experience. I open up about the meticulous time tracking and management techniques that shone a stark light on the disparity between my intended path and the one I was actually treading.

I dissect the philosophy behind saying "no" with intent, and how a "default no" policy is the gatekeeper of my calendar, ensuring that only the commitments that spark a resounding "yes" claim my time.

How to set and mercilessly pursue our goals amidst life's curveballs.

(01:23 - 02:30) Personal Quarterly Review Time Management

(05:44 - 06:46) Effective Time Management Through Prioritisation

(09:17 - 11:20) Achieving Fitness for Long-Term Health

(13:50 - 15:22) Time Management Framework for Prioritizing

Apr 06, 202416:37
Reflections after dinner last night with 'The Network'

Reflections after dinner last night with 'The Network'

AI Powered show notes:

(00:00) Community Networking Dinner Reflections

This chapter finds me reflecting on the value of community and connection after a network dinner, despite a restless night on the couch due to my son's minor injury. I explore the importance of finding your tribe and the energy that comes from being surrounded by like-minded individuals who are striving to better themselves both personally and professionally. Sharing insights from the evening, I touch on the rewarding experience of deep discussions, the benefits of vulnerability, and the plans to expand our gatherings to include speakers and workshops. I also share some key takeaways jotted down during my uncomfortable night, emphasising that these points resonated with me and could be beneficial to our listeners who couldn't attend the dinner.

(03:43) Importance of Finding Your Tribe

This chapter I reflect on the unique challenges and joys of being an entrepreneur, emphasising the importance of finding a community that understands the journey. I share insights from a recent gathering where fellow founders discussed the relatable struggles and the sometimes isolating path of entrepreneurship. We consider the idea that success is not just about reaching milestones but also about enjoying the process and recognizing that the journey itself is the destination. I explore the inherent contradiction in setting ambitious goals while also finding fulfillment in the day-to-day grind. The conversation culminates in the realization that the pursuit of entrepreneurship is continuous, with new peaks always on the horizon, and the true reward lies in the work and growth experienced along the way.

(12:34) Therapy, Entrepreneurship, and Self-Awareness

This chapter we explore the transformative power of therapy in gaining self-awareness and confidence, and how understanding oneself can lead to profound personal changes. I share my journey through therapy, highlighting the importance of perseverance in finding the right therapist and the value of being open and authentic about one's challenges. Additionally, I touch on the significance of talking to someone you trust, even if it's just to be heard, before potentially seeking professional help. We also discuss the concept of attraction in business, using a story to illustrate how adopting a consultative approach with clients, rather than a transactional one, can build trust and move the focus away from price. This strategy can lead to better, more fitting opportunities and the idea that 'people chase things that move away from them' can be an effective mindset when engaging with potential clients.

(21:53) Engaging Audience Feedback and Participation

This chapter, I discuss upcoming plans to enrich our podcast with guest speakers, workshops, and roundtable discussions on specific topics, culminating in a communal dinner. I'm eager to receive your feedback, whether it's praise or constructive criticism, as it will help me tailor the content and better label our episodes. So, your input is invaluable—drop me a message, let's start a dialogue. I'm here to ensure you get the most out of each episode, whether it's an interview or a solo monologue. Remember, your engagement shapes our journey. Stay connected, stay active, and I'll catch up with you soon.

Mar 23, 202422:41
You've already won.

You've already won.

"I haven't seen my family in 2 years and 6 months."
Last week, as I wrapped up my final meeting in Dubai, a casual taxi ride back to the hotel turned into one of the most memorable and reflective moments of my trip.
The driver greeted me with a warm smile that immediately drew me into conversation.
It turns out even in Dubai I can't hide my lack of Football knowledge, as the chat kicks off with 'what team do you support?". He's an Arsenal fan and went on to let me know how the Champions League is shaping up.
He shared a dream of his, to walk around the Emirates Stadium, 'one day', he said with a twinkle in his eye.
He's been in Dubai for 2 years and 6 months, working from 4 pm to 4 am, 7 days a week.
Once he's covered his living costs through his commissions and tips, no salary, he sends everything else home. His real home, not where he rests his head in Dubai, but where his family is back in Ethiopia.
As he talked about his family I could feel both the pride and pain in his words.
He flashed his phone towards me as I sat in the back of his cab to show me a beautiful photo of his family, his wife and two young daughters.
This short taxi ride has made a mark on me. Here are two takeaways I want to share:
🥇 You've already won.
If you're healthy. Have people in your life you love uncoditionally. Have a roof over your head and never go hungry. You've won. It's as simple as that. The rest is incremental so do your very best (and I know it's hard) to keep life in perspective.
Here's how I try to do this. Every day over my morning coffee I write down three things i'm grateful for, from the morning squeeze I get off my boys to the fact a friend dropped me a WhatsApp to say 'Checking in, how are you pal?'.
❤️ 'In a world where you can be anything, be kind'.
It's easy to see someone smiling and assume they're ok, but we've all had those days where we've put on brave face and feel really tested.
The truth is we don't know what people are going through, the sacrifices they're making or battles they're silently fighting. So do your best to approach every interaction with kindness and empathy; you don't know the impact it may just have.
I hope something here has resonated with you. If it has, hit share. Someone in your network just might need to read this today.
✅ Swipe over to your messages and check-in on someone you care about. I promise you this is one of the simplest, most rewarding habits you can ever build.
Stay well. Speak soon.
p.s if you're someone that's fighting a battle silently, the biggest gift you can give someone is the opportunity to be there for you when you're struggling. The first step of reaching out may sound daunting, but give someone that gift today and I promise you'll both feel the benefit. You're not alone. Don't forget it.
#Gratitude #Kindness #Empathy 

Mar 19, 202408:20
"Should I explore content marketing?" - Listener Question

"Should I explore content marketing?" - Listener Question

AI Driven Chapters & Show Notes Below

Content Marketing for Removals and Storage

This chapter addresses whether a traditional removals and storage company should venture into content marketing or stick to its established methods. I share insights on the effectiveness of content marketing for generating brand trust and discuss the AIDA framework—Attention, Interest, Desire, Action—as a guide for converting awareness into sales. We consider the importance of understanding your product's place in the market and whether your audience needs education on what you offer. Furthermore, we touch upon the significance of leveraging a strong recommendation base while exploring new avenues for growth, especially when aiming to attract cold leads in a competitive, post-Covid market landscape.

(09:56) Content and Partnerships Capturing in-Market Customers

This chapter focuses on the strategic use of content to generate a higher volume of leads by targeting individuals who are already in the market for a product or service. I emphasise the importance of identifying 'in-market' customers and the clever utilisation of data to pinpoint these prospects. We explore how to effectively leverage content in marketing campaigns, such as creating targeted YouTube pre-roll ads that address specific customer anxieties related to moving homes. By providing actionable advice on how to produce and tailor these ads to potential customers' search behavior, we offer a blueprint for enhancing online visibility and engagement. Additionally, I touch on the concept of increasing customer lifetime value through the introduction of additional services or partnerships, aimed at providing a more comprehensive solution to customer needs during high-interest moments.

(13:07) Expanding and Increasing Value for Customers

This chapter I discuss the strategic considerations for businesses looking to expand beyond their current geographic trading area, particularly within the UK. I talk about the importance of scaling successful local strategies to other areas and the potential of introducing additional products or services to increase customer value once they are part of your sales funnel. I invite Tommy, and any other listeners with feedback or questions, to reach out directly to continue the conversation or to delve into specific business challenges they might be facing.

Jan 30, 202413:52
Nothing beats hard work. [TRWTG Podcast]

Nothing beats hard work. [TRWTG Podcast]

8 Podcast recommendations post here.

7 Book recommendations post here.

Three takeaways from this podcast with Paul

1️⃣ Hard Work

2️⃣ Helicopter View

3️⃣ Fairness
I had an absolute blast with this one, especially in the post pod conversation where there's a good chance our dad's met (and given the wheeler dealer nature of them both, one likely owed the other one a few quid 😊).
Here's three key takeaways from this episode with Paul Richardson:
Importance of Perseverance and Hard Work
Paul underlines the necessity of hard graft as a cornerstone of success. Recounting his early business days, he shares how working seven days a week when rivals didn't, gave him an edge. This additional effort gave him a head start over time. He also discusses resilience or the capability to overcome hurdles. Paul believes in fostering resilience by setting strong examples and striking a balance between shielding and letting individuals experience near-failures.
Strategic Vision and a 'Helicopter View'
Paul underscores the need for a strategic outlook, or a 'helicopter view', to foresee potential challenges and opportunities. He suggests that leaders should demonstrate commercial maturity to offer guidance without getting caught up in the details. His leadership approach involves trusting others' expertise while providing strategic insights. He also stresses the role of physical spaces in mirroring company culture and promoting employee wellbeing.
Relationships and Fairness in Business
Paul highlights the significance of fairness and long-term relationships in business. He believes transactions should aim for mutual benefit, paving the way for future collaboration. He emphasises building relationships and the importance of fairness during deals, which can lead to future support. Richardson suggests investing in people often supersedes the product, and when considering collaborations or investments, traits like passion, perseverance, resilience, and risk-taking are crucial.

Jan 09, 202458:38
Reflections on a Year of Building, Branding, and Balancing [TN001]

Reflections on a Year of Building, Branding, and Balancing [TN001]

Join The Network by going to (working on buying a better domain 😊).

(00:00) Reflections on 2023

(07:30) Managing Sales Teams and Culture Diversity

(12:00) Business and Work-Life Balance Lessons

(24:33) Struggling With Focus and Prioritisation

(34:07) Building Influence in Your Industry

(41:22) Building Personal and Corporate Brands

(48:50) Personal Branding and Small Business Exploration

(56:47) Podcast Recommendations and Book Impact

(01:06:27) Effective Communication and Managing Relationships

Guest Recommendations - Let me know if linking these will help.

Podcast Recommendations

Gary Lee Audio Experience

Diary of a CEO

High Performance Podcast

Lateral by Tom Scott

Economics of everyday things


All In

Book Recommendations

Built to Sell



The Richer way

Unreasonable hospitality


The trillions dollar coach

The 60 minute father

(00:00) Reflections on 2023

Tom and Alex reflect on 2023's biggest learnings, including swift decision-making, team dynamics, and growth in entrepreneurship.

(07:30) Managing Sales Teams and Culture Diversity

Managing sales teams, balancing expansion and service, navigating different cultures, and maintaining cohesive leadership in multiple businesses.

(12:00) Business and Work-Life Balance Lessons

Lessons learned in 2023: building independent business functions, hiring key roles, balancing family and entrepreneurship, and trusting and supporting team growth.

(24:33) Struggling With Focus and Prioritisation

Balance between EBIT and profit, scaling with multiple ventures, partnership and delegation, systemising business, and shifting towards focused decisions.

(34:07) Building Influence in Your Industry

Empowering employees to make decisions without jeopardising the business through coaching and rewiring ingrained behaviors.

(41:22) Building Personal and Corporate Brands

Balancing personal and corporate branding, building influence, and authenticity in personal branding for young entrepreneurship.

(48:50) Personal Branding and Small Business Exploration

Clear writing enhances personal branding, content creation, and opportunities for young entrepreneurs and businesses.

(56:47) Podcast Recommendations and Book Impact

Long-form business podcasts, books on growth and personal development, and the value of focus and presence in work and family life.

(01:06:27) Effective Communication and Managing Relationships

Act thoughtfully, don't react impulsively. Use a 'bell jar' to create space. Building a life and business with family. Grateful for community and effective communication. Book recommendation from Stephen May. Connect with the network.

Dec 30, 202301:16:06
The Network in 2024

The Network in 2024

Join The Network by visiting (I tried to get a better domain but after 30m gave up 😊).

Dec 30, 202303:42
Military experience. Your competitive advantage [TRWTG Podcast]

Military experience. Your competitive advantage [TRWTG Podcast]

*** This episode was recorded for 'The right way to grow' podcast ***

In this episode we're joined by Ben, Founder of ⁠Redeployable⁠, a company on a mission to make military experience your competitive advantage.

Ben shares his story of moving from military service to entrepreneurship and technology. As a military veteran himself, he highlights the unique skills and experiences veterans bring to the table, especially in the tech industry.

As the discussion unfolds, we debunk some common misconceptions about hiring veterans and highlight the valuable contribution they can make. Key TakeawaysVeterans bring valuable skills to the tech industry. Ben, a military veteran and Founder of 'Redeployable', highlights the unique skills and experiences veterans bring to the tech industry. He underscores that military training fosters resilience, discipline, and adaptability, all of which are valuable in the fast-paced tech industry. Misconceptions about hiring veterans need to be debunked. The episode emphasises the need to debunk common misconceptions about hiring veterans. It's important to recognise the diversity of skills and backgrounds within the veteran community and the unique qualities they bring to the workforce, such as a strong work ethic, resilience, and loyalty. The episode also highlights the importance of creating a supportive company culture to integrate veterans successfully into teams.

Taking risks can lead to exciting career opportunities. The episode highlights the importance of risk-taking through the story of a military sergeant who transitioned into a sales career. This serves as a powerful reminder that stepping out of your comfort zone can open up new opportunities and pathways for career growth and personal development.

This episode is a valuable resource for anyone exploring a career change, especially veterans transitioning into the civilian workforce, and companies looking to diversify their teams by hiring veterans.

The Right Way to Grow is brought to you in partnership with our friends over at Bloomreach and Verse.

⁠Click here to explore the Bloomreach use case library and see how Bloomreach can support you, ensuring the right product is put in front of the right customer, at the right time.⁠

⁠See if composable is a fit for your ecommerce by claiming your free Composable Commerce Audit from our partner Verse here.⁠

Nov 27, 202349:20
TN000: Hiring Challenges | Personal Branding | Rising Interest Rates | Instagram's Threads

TN000: Hiring Challenges | Personal Branding | Rising Interest Rates | Instagram's Threads

** We take a transcript of the show and get AI to write our show notes - let us know what you think of them **

Welcome to another insightful episode of our podcast, where we dove into a plethora of topics, each as intriguing as the last.

Topic 1: Navigating Hiring Challenges in Practical Industries

Tommy kicked off the discussion by shedding light on the hurdles he faces in recruiting for his physically demanding removals company. We explored the possibilities and pitfalls of employing agency staff, discussing the often-encountered issues around employee commitment and care. Our conversation navigated through rising living costs and its potential impact on employee retention, before touching on the interesting concept of 'pulling value forward'. We proposed the idea of initially compensating employees beyond their worth, aiming to provide a glimpse of the future rewards and thus, enhancing employee retention.

Topic 2: The Art of Personal Branding

The concept of personal branding took centre stage next, with Sam elucidating its essence - crafting a brand that resonates with your personal interests and values. Tommy shared his experience of how he has leveraged a newsletter to cultivate a community that aligns with his core beliefs, not just his business operations. We all agreed on the importance of consistency, delivering value, and the necessity of clear, articulate goals in personal branding.

Topic 3: The Implications of Rising Interest Rates

The episode took a financially oriented turn as Harry initiated a discourse on the potential impacts of increasing interest rates on businesses and consumers. We looked at the adjustments businesses might need to implement, with Adam suggesting that efficiency and lean operation could be key. Tommy provided real-life context by discussing the impact of rising rates on the housing market and the implications for his removals business.

Topic 4: Instagram's New Kid on the Block - Threads

Finally, we discussed Instagram's newest feature, Threads, deemed by Sam as Instagram's answer to Twitter. While the potential benefits and pitfalls of this new platform were analysed, Tommy expressed concerns about yet another digital distraction. We concluded that although exploration of new platforms can be beneficial, it's crucial to remain focused on the platforms that serve your unique needs and objectives best.

Jul 14, 202301:13:53
Paying someone more than myself - Listener Question  | Ep. 440
Mar 31, 202330:24
You can skip this show  | Ep. 439
Mar 24, 202327:11
Starting something new. One way to think about - Listener Question | Ep. 438
Mar 18, 202339:34
Being on brand | Starting a community - Listener Question | Ep. 437
Mar 03, 202346:25
Join The Network | Family to Team | Accountancy as a tool  - Listener Question  | Ep. 436
Feb 12, 202333:11
Setting 5 year goals - Listener Question  | Ep. 435
Feb 03, 202324:23
Pitching largest deal to date | Ep. 434
Jan 27, 202338:14
Toughest question yet and some coaching on collaborating with the competition | Ep. 433
Jan 20, 202344:34
We had a plan. We didn't stick to it - Starting a business in 2023 (Kind of) | Ep. 432
Jan 13, 202351:54
I Quit. Goodbye Harrison | Startup Diary 431

I Quit. Goodbye Harrison | Startup Diary 431

After nearly two long years of not being on the mic’s, yes, we’re back and boy are we excited. In this episode we share everything that’s gone on since 15th Feb 2021 (the last time we were on the mics together.)Topics covered:

  • Impacts of covid
  • Breaking up with investors
  • Rebranding
  • Closing down a key service
  • Rebuilding the business
  • Leaving the day to day running of the business

We hope you enjoy the show, and a big thank you to everyone that’s still subscribed.See you soon (we promise it will be less than 2 years).

Jan 06, 202301:16:11
Big milestone, quick update 😊 | Startup Diary 430

Big milestone, quick update 😊 | Startup Diary 430

"I just had to jump on the mic and share this with you as soo many of you have been around since episode one. Wishing you all the hapiness, health and success in the world. Email me 😄" - Adam Callow

Jun 17, 202203:23
A few thoughts on bringing in a leadership team | Startup Diary 429

A few thoughts on bringing in a leadership team | Startup Diary 429

A solo show today from Adam sharing some thoughts on how he has bought on a Director into the business, key learnings and next steps to continue building out the leadership team in Expert Trades.

Mar 05, 202115:49
Rock, Paper, Scissors | Startup Diary 429
Feb 15, 202145:12
 People before profits | Startup Diary 428
Jan 18, 202133:33
Hiring in lockdown - Startup Diary 427
Dec 07, 202035:18
Welcome to season Fire! 🔥| Startup Diary 426
Nov 30, 202042:07
We'll be back soon! | Startup Diary 425

We'll be back soon! | Startup Diary 425

Support the show and join The Network today. We've built an active community of business owners and professionals that really care about helping each other along their journey. Also access bonus activities like:

- The Weekly Live Stream
- Monthly Book Club
- Member Panel Discussions

A subscription to the network costs just £5 per month. We want to thank you for supporting the show and the community. Learn more over at

Today on the Startup Diary we bring the season to a close. The world has gone through some big changes and it's time we take a quick break to regroup and bring the show back stronger than ever. 

We will still be doing our regular livestreams for The Network so if you'd like to show your support for the show and be part of a group of likeminded entrepreneurs, get involved in the discussions :

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Sep 28, 202014:50
Interview: Dan Cuprill, Advisor Architect | Startup Diary 424

Interview: Dan Cuprill, Advisor Architect | Startup Diary 424

Support the show and join The Network today. We've built an active community of business owners and professionals that really care about helping each other along their journey. Also access bonus activities like:

- The Weekly Live Stream
- Monthly Book Club
- Member Panel Discussions

A subscription to the network costs just £5 per month. We want to thank you for supporting the show and the community. Learn more over at

Today we have an interview with Adam Callow and Dan Cuprill.

Dan Cuprill is the author of several books, most notably Advisor Architect: Building the Practice You've Always Wanted and Renegade Advisor: Surviving in the Age of Amazon.

His firm, Advisor Architect, teaches advisors the power of systems to transition from what he calls a "crappy sales job" to becoming a real entrepreneur and owning a major profit center.

A financial advisor himself, Dan's fee-based firm Money & Clarity manages close to $200 million in assets for clients in 20 states. All while he resides some 300 miles away from his office.

Connect with Dan Cuprill:

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Sep 17, 202041:26
600 Seconds With Dan Cuprill, Advisor Architect | Startup Diary 423

600 Seconds With Dan Cuprill, Advisor Architect | Startup Diary 423

Support the show and join The Network today. We've built an active community of business owners and professionals that really care about helping each other along their journey. Also access bonus activities like:

- The Weekly Live Stream
- Monthly Book Club
- Member Panel Discussions

A subscription to the network costs just £5 per month. We want to thank you for supporting the show and the community. Learn more over at

Today we have Dan Cuprill in the hot seat for 600 seconds of rapid fire questions. You’ll hear more about being as systematic and profitable financial advisor from Dan tomorrow, but for now please enjoy these 600 with Dan Cuprill. Enjoy.

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Sep 16, 202012:35
Bringing new products to market, with Steven May | Startup Diary 422

Bringing new products to market, with Steven May | Startup Diary 422

Support the show and join The Network today. We've built an active community of business owners and professionals that really care about helping each other along their journey. Also access bonus activities like:

- The Weekly Live Stream
- Monthly Book Club
- Member Panel Discussions

A subscription to the network costs just £5 per month. We want to thank you for supporting the show and the community. Learn more over at

In today’s episode of the Startup Diary you’re going to hear a part of our weekly livestream exclusive to members of The Network. We’re lucky enough to be joined this week by Steven May who shares his current ventures bringing new, exciting products to market.

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Sep 14, 202001:02:35
Interview: Jeff Davis, Founder & CEO at Molio Inc. | Startup diary 421

Interview: Jeff Davis, Founder & CEO at Molio Inc. | Startup diary 421

Support the show and join The Network today. We've built an active community of business owners and professionals that really care about helping each other along their journey. Also access bonus activities like:

- The Weekly Live Stream
- Monthly Book Club
- Member Panel Discussions

A subscription to the network costs just £5 per month. We want to thank you for supporting the show and the community. Learn more over at

Today we have an interview with Adam Callow and Jeff Davis, Founder & CEO at Molio Inc.

For 23 years, Jeff Davis built brands at Procter & Gamble, in various leadership roles and in numerous product sectors, and in several countries. In fact, more than half of Jeff’s career has been outside the U.S.

After retiring from P&G in 2009, Jeff was the angel investor, board member and eventual CEO of Orabrush Inc., which pioneered Molio’s model and successfully built the Orabrush tongue cleaner brand.

According to Google, Orabrush was one of the first companies to build and commercialise a product on a global level only leveraging YouTube advertising. Orabrush was also recognised as one of the 10 most iconic ad moments on YouTube alongside billion dollar brands.

DenTek Oral Care acquired the Orabrush brand in 2014.

The “Molio Method” has been touted as a disruptive approach for building brands and has been recognised by AdAge, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, TechCrunch, ABC’s Nightline, MediaPost and Bloomberg TV.

Jeff is a rare executive that has run global billion dollar businesses and has also successfully launched two startups with successful exits. At the University of Utah business school, Jeff serves as adjunct professor of Marketing and is a published academic author.

Connect with Jeff:

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Have a question you want answering on the show? Email us at:

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Sep 10, 202047:59
600 Seconds With Jeff Davis, Founder & CEO at Molio Inc. | Startup Diary 420

600 Seconds With Jeff Davis, Founder & CEO at Molio Inc. | Startup Diary 420

Support the show and join The Network today. We've built an active community of business owners and professionals that really care about helping each other along their journey. Also access bonus activities like:

- The Weekly Live Stream
- Monthly Book Club
- Member Panel Discussions

A subscription to the network costs just £5 per month. We want to thank you for supporting the show and the community. Learn more over at

Today we have Jeff Davis, Founder & CEO at Molio Inc. in the hot seat, this time for 300 seconds of rapid fire questions. Stay tuned for tomorrow to hear the fascinating interview with Adam and Jeff but stick around now for these 300 seconds with Jeff Davis, Founder & CEO at Molio Inc. Enjoy.

Join our Network of likeminded entrepreneurs, get involved in the discussions and help support the show:

Have a question you want answering on the show? Email us at:

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Sep 09, 202007:04
Interview: Rachel Haley, Co-Founder & CEO at Clarus Designs | Startup Diary 418

Interview: Rachel Haley, Co-Founder & CEO at Clarus Designs | Startup Diary 418

Support the show and join The Network today. We've built an active community of business owners and professionals that really care about helping each other along their journey. Also access bonus activities like:

- The Weekly Live Stream
- Monthly Book Club
- Member Panel Discussions

A subscription to the network costs just £5 per month. We want to thank you for supporting the show and the community. Learn more over at

An interview wit hAdam Callow and Rachel Haley, Co-Founder & CEO at Clarus Designs

About Rachel Haley:

Rachel Haley has worked in the finance and tech industry for the past 10 years. She started her career at Hall Capital Partners in the portfolio management group, focusing on portfolio management, market analysis and financial modelling. After Hall Capital, Rachel moved to Salesforce to work in the finance and strategy department.

In 2015, she Co-Founded Clarus Designs, which now has over 100 employees globally and most recently, Rachel worked as the Senior Director of Sales Operations and Strategy at Snowflake, where she helped the company grow from 300 people to over 2,000 and more than 10X-ing in annual revenue.

Rachel’s core focus is flawless execution. In her own words she’d “rather have a sub-optimal strategy with flawless execution as opposed to constantly shifting strategy to fit a particular box.”

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Sep 03, 202038:59
600 Seconds with Rachel Haley, Co-Founder & CEO at Clarus Designs | Startup Diary 417

600 Seconds with Rachel Haley, Co-Founder & CEO at Clarus Designs | Startup Diary 417

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Today we have Co-Founder & CEO at Clarus Designs, Rachel Haley in the hot seat for 600 seconds of rapid fire questions. You’ll hear more from Rachel and how she helps young startups find traction and scale by optimising their sales process with strategy and outsourced execution tomorrow, but for now her’s Rachel Haley for her 600 seconds. Enjoy

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Sep 02, 202012:17
How we use | Startup Diary 416

How we use | Startup Diary 416

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Today on the show we answer a community question that was left in the private Slack channel dedicated to The Network. This time we have Cathrine  Elton asking how we use Monday.Com and what tips we have for her as she transitions her team over to the new software. 

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Aug 31, 202020:57
Interview: Cynthia Del'Aria, CEO & Co-Founder of Raika Technologies | Startup Diary 415

Interview: Cynthia Del'Aria, CEO & Co-Founder of Raika Technologies | Startup Diary 415

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An interview with Adam Callow and Cynthia Del'Aria, CEO & Co-Founder of Raika Technologies.

About Cynthia:

Cynthia is a self proclaimed startup ninja.

She knows how to dig into any idea and find the gold, the killer feature, the thing users absolutely cannot live without and she helps entrepreneurs turn their idea into a business that will make real money.

She began coding at 8 years old, and over the past several decades has learned what great technology implementations look like from some of the smartest people in the industry.

Her past experiences building startups have given her a unique lens which allow her to examine what would work for other business types in tech and how to apply those processes and methodologies for other people who have great tech ideas.

She’s developed the curriculum for the Raika Technologies and Startup Program based on what she did with her own companies and those of her clients, all for one guiding purpose: to help new app and tech entrepreneurs spend as little time and money as possible evaluating their idea, helping them get to a go-no-go decision quickly and efficiently.

She’s even developed a process to help stakeholders, Project Managers, Product Managers and IT professionals at all size companies test new ideas without impacting their teams, road maps and corporate priorities.

In short, she helps companies and entrepreneurs get things done!

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Aug 27, 202047:46
600 Seconds With Cynthia Del'Aria, CEO & Co-Founder of Raika Technologies | Startup Diary 414

600 Seconds With Cynthia Del'Aria, CEO & Co-Founder of Raika Technologies | Startup Diary 414

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Today we have Cynthia Del’Aria, CEO & Co-Founder of Raika Technologies in the hot seat for 600 seconds of rapid fire questions. You’ll hear more from Cynthia, but for now please enjoy this 600 seconds with Cynthia Del’Aria, CEO & Co-Founder of Raika Technologies.

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Aug 26, 202011:42
Member Spotlight: Tommy McNee | Startup Diary 413
Aug 20, 202038:44
Meet our new commercial director | Startup Diary 411

Meet our new commercial director | Startup Diary 411

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In today's episode we discuss the reasoning behind the latest hire at Expert Trades.

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Aug 17, 202040:31
Interview: Kat Houghton,PhD, Co-Founder of ilumivu | Startup Diary 410

Interview: Kat Houghton,PhD, Co-Founder of ilumivu | Startup Diary 410

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An interview with Adam Callow and Kat Houghton,PhD, Co-Founder of ilumivu.

About Kat:

Kat is fascinated by the intersection of technology and psychology. She is actively engaged in designing and testing systems to facilitate positive behaviour change in a variety of populations.

She co-founded ilumivu in 2009 ( to provide software systems to researchers and clinicians to capture human data and deliver just-in-time interventions.

Her story is all about digital tech disrupting the way mental health is accessed and delivered.

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Aug 13, 202046:58
300 Seconds With: Kat Houghton,PhD, Co-Founder of ilumivu | Startup Diary 409

300 Seconds With: Kat Houghton,PhD, Co-Founder of ilumivu | Startup Diary 409

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Today we have Kat Houghton, Co-Founder of ilumivu in the hot seat for just 300 seconds of rapid fire questions today. You’ll hear more from Kat tomorrow and I can’t wait for you to hear that episode as Kat’s topics were super interesting, so much so that it ran on a little longer than expected! But for now please enjoy this 300 seconds with Kat Houghton, Co-Founder of ilumivu.

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Aug 12, 202005:57
OKR's 1 Year Later | Startup Diary 408

OKR's 1 Year Later | Startup Diary 408

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In todays episode of the Startup Diary we jump on the mics for a quick chat to discuss talk about how the first in person team meeting went, post lockdown.  After finally getting the whole Expert Trades team together again to discuss OKR's it's great to see that staff morale and culture is still as great as it has been and bringing that energy and focus in to Q2's OKR's makes this next quarter look extremely promising.

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Aug 10, 202015:44
Interview: Jeff Bermant, founder of Cocoon MyData Rewards | Startup Diary 407

Interview: Jeff Bermant, founder of Cocoon MyData Rewards | Startup Diary 407

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An interview with Adam Callow and Jeff Bermant, founder of Cocoon MyData Rewards.

About Jeff:

Jeff Bermant believes that because your data is YOUR data, you deserve to get paid, and that is why he created Cocoon MyData Rewards™.For years, browsers and search engines have been collecting peoples data and making billions of dollars selling it. With so many people being left out, Jeff thought it was time to do something.Cocoon MyData Rewards™ helps users sell their online data easily and anonymously. Now you can decide, whether to cash in on the sale of your anonymised data or keep that data completely private.

Jeff founded his company, Virtual World Computing in 2008 and has been dedicated to providing a better, trusted browsing experience with superior privacy controls.

Jeff’s company has always been committed to their users, and they’re committed to improve the experience and increase the ability to profit.They’re a data company who is all about earning money FOR the user, NOT just FROM the user.

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Aug 06, 202050:24
600 Seconds With Jeff Bermant, Founder of Cocoon MyData Rewards | Startup Diary 406

600 Seconds With Jeff Bermant, Founder of Cocoon MyData Rewards | Startup Diary 406

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Today we have Jeff Bermant, founder of Cocoon MyData Rewards in the hot seat for 600 seconds of rapid fire questions. You’ll hear more from Jeff tomorrow, but for now please enjoy this 600 seconds with Jeff Bermant, founder of Cocoon MyData Rewards.

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Aug 05, 202011:30
Finding answers in snowdonia | Startup Diary 405

Finding answers in snowdonia | Startup Diary 405

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In todays episode of the Startup Diary Adam shares how he found clarity and solutions for some problems in the business by freeing is mind with a trek up Snowdon. We also talk about OKRs, lessons learned and changes happening in this next quarter. 

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Aug 03, 202032:05
Member Spotlight: Dan Holliday, DTS Building Materials | Startup Diary 404

Member Spotlight: Dan Holliday, DTS Building Materials | Startup Diary 404

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Today on the Startup Diary we put Dan Holliday in the spotlight and talk about his experience building his business as well as some of the challenges he’s been facing recently.

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Jul 30, 202048:14
Productise the journey, sell the solution - Startup Diary 403

Productise the journey, sell the solution - Startup Diary 403

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In today's episode of the Startup Diary we discuss recent changes to the product offerings Expert Trades provides to brands and how an "off the shelf" approach isn't quite the right fit for the company. 

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Jul 27, 202032:36
Interview: Rachael Jackson, Founder of Tribal App | Startup Diary 402

Interview: Rachael Jackson, Founder of Tribal App | Startup Diary 402

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An interview with Adam Callow and Rachael Jackson, Founder and CEO of Tribal App.

About Rachael:

Rachael is the founder of Tribal app that launched in May 2020. She raised $2,000,000 million and validated with 2,500 users with a 95% retention rate.

Rachael Jackson is a graduate of the United States Military Academy, a former Army Captain and Apache helicopter pilot.

She holds a degree in Engineering Physics with a minor in Nuclear Engineering, but found her passion in entrepreneurship and helping connect people to a more meaningful life.

She believes in the power of strategic storytelling to connect people in more meaningful relationships and to resources for hope, help and purpose and wants to partner with leaders to help them create stronger, more inspired and more resilient organisations.

So now please enjoy this interview with Adam Callow and Rachael Jackson, founder and CEO of Tribal App.

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Jul 23, 202044:39
600 Seconds with Rachael Jackson, Founder of Tribal App | Startup Diary 401

600 Seconds with Rachael Jackson, Founder of Tribal App | Startup Diary 401

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Today we have Rachael Jackson in the hot seat for 600 seconds of rapid fire questions. You’ll hear more from Rachel tomorrow about her fascinating journey, but for now please enjoy this 600 seconds with Rachel Jackson, founder of Tribal App.

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Jul 22, 202011:05