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Sacred Silence ~ the art of meditation

Sacred Silence ~ the art of meditation

By Sue Ellen Jones

These guided meditations and short teaching segments are designed to bring you dear friend, into the Sacred Silence that you may breathe in peace and love and in every way, effortlessly experience divine healing physically, spiritually and emotionally. Visit Essential Life Essence or Sacred Silence Facebook group.
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Tuning in to Silence Part 1 Meditation 96

Sacred Silence ~ the art of meditationJan 06, 2020

Meditative Reconnective Healing Meditation Episode 150

Meditative Reconnective Healing Meditation Episode 150

Meditative Reconnective Healing is a meditation that allows us to know who we are and to recognize the field of Divine energy around us and in us. Meditation connects with that energy in a healing way. This guided meditation will take you step-by-step into the sacred silence and then to see yourself as you really are. Welcome
Apr 21, 202114:03
One Thing Meditation Episode 150 part 1 & 2

One Thing Meditation Episode 150 part 1 & 2

Welcome friends. Please visit my webpage Essential Life Essence at Or text me at 989-916-6035. Today’s lesson and meditation follows Eric Pearls Reconnective Healing. Find Eric pearl at The or by his book, the Reconnection, Healing Yourself and Others. Today we will focus on centering and quieting ourselves minds and hearts first. And then after entering the Sacred Silence we will use our imagination to begin seeing ourselves in our true identity. Seeing ourselves as a light, or energy, or as a child, seeing our father (God) with us. Keeping our mind and our heart filled with love and goodness. Observing our true identity with thankfulness. Allowing ourselves to receive love and more love. Until we meet again.
Apr 12, 202116:12
Energy Light Information Meditation Episode 149. 3 parts

Energy Light Information Meditation Episode 149. 3 parts

Energy Light, & Information. Everything is energy. We are part and parcel of that. Made of particles which sometimes are in waves of energy when thoughts and feelings are synchronized between our heart and our mind. Light photons are the particle of energy that quantum physics measures. Information is all around us in the form of photons and in us in particle or waveform. We entrap like particles in waves. Like begets like. You could also say light begets light. The most powerful thing we will ever do is recognize we are part of source, source is part of us. God is in us, Christ is in us and is our hope of glory. Realizing that it’s not a blasphemous statement but one of truth and releases infinite, divine perfection through oneness with God. Msg me 989-916-6035 or voice msg using the Anchor app. Visit
Mar 24, 202126:15
The Ultimate Christian Meditation Episode 148
Mar 09, 202127:53
Light Life Love Meditation Episode 147

Light Life Love Meditation Episode 147

Part one of this two-part recording is a teaching on what is meditation. The second part is the meditation - life,light, and love meditation. Hopefully we will all benefit from the review of what is meditation. Changing from techniques and processes to receiving and being intuitively led. This is a dimensional exercise in meditation. We are multi dimensional living in a three or four dimensional world if you include time. Yet in our mind and our spirit we can be more than four dimensional. Meditation will take you where not much else will go. Prayer can take you there when you stop asking and start ‘listening’ and ‘seeing’ in the spirit. Few of us practice ‘listening prayer’ though. Such a shame. In this place of higher consciousness is found perfection. God said be perfect as I am perfect and it is possible to do that. He said we are healed by his stripes. It is possible in the physical world to realize healing that has always been ours. It turns out faith and belief is simply higher dimensional practices. And you know kids do this best. They live from their imaginations which is the gift of God to access supernatural, totally out of this world, miracles.
Mar 02, 202122:41
Take Off the Training Wheels Meditation Episode 146

Take Off the Training Wheels Meditation Episode 146

Today we will simply takeoff the training wheels. You might wobble a bit. You might even fall off. But the object is to get back on and you might find that you find your center of balance for meditation by simplifying your environment, not using candles or any other symbol to help with the meditation.Rather we will come as children with enthusiasm and play and trust. As adults we will find this is a very very big assignment. But it’s totally doable so don’t anyone quit. Takeoff your training wheels and join me I want you.
Feb 17, 202118:05
You’ve Got This Meditation Episode 145
Feb 05, 202120:44
Be Filled with the Spirit Meditation Episode 144

Be Filled with the Spirit Meditation Episode 144

Christ is in you and you are in Christ. There is NO separation. > God Presides in the Divine Assembly “They do not know or understand; they wander in the darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken. I have said, ‘You are gods; you are all sons of the Most High.’ But like mortals you will die, and like rulers you will fall.”… . >“ We are not stoning You for any good work,” said the Jews, “but for blasphemy, because You, who are a man, declare Yourself to be God.” Jesus replied, “Is it not written in your Law: ‘I have said you are gods’? If he called them gods to whom the word of God came—and the Scripture cannot be broken—… > [God] saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began. (2 Timothy 1:9) > "Christ in you, the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27). Txt. me at 989–916 - 6035 or visit my webpage
Jan 26, 202110:30
Play Children Play Meditation Episode 143 Parts 1 and 2
Jan 20, 202118:23
RECEIVE Meditation Episode 142 PART one and two
Jan 15, 202116:00
In Him Meditation Episode 141
Jan 12, 202118:41
YOU ARE THE GIFT Meditation 🧘🏻‍♂️ Episode 141

YOU ARE THE GIFT Meditation 🧘🏻‍♂️ Episode 141

Welcome everyone to Sacred Silence. I am Sue Ellen Jones, your host for the next few minutes. I am so glad you joined me. At Christmas time we give and receive gifts. Today we will meditate on the gift. Let us joyfully appreciate all that we are and that you my friend are the gift. You might be the gift that keeps on giving.😊 It’s all in knowing, knowing who you are. So join me and enter your Sacred Silence where you will discover the ultimate truth about you. You are AMAZING. Merry Christmas everyone! You may contact me through anchor Voice Message. Or txt. 989-916-6035.
Dec 18, 202017:60
As Jesus Is So Am I In This Present World. Meditation Episode 140

As Jesus Is So Am I In This Present World. Meditation Episode 140

As Jesus is so am I in this present world. So how is Jesus? These are some things we can think about. I will guide you through a meditation using this phrase as a mantra or an affirmation. Think on these things while we meditate. We will begin as I guide you in bringing yourself, your body and mind, into quietness and stillness. Then we will ask the question, “Well, how is Jesus?”How is he physically, mentally and emotionally? Is he worried, concerned, fearful,? Is Jesus worried about money, is Jesus worried about health, is Jesus worried about relationships? Is Jesus kind and considerate to everyone? So how are you doing? I’ve got some good news, you are doing great! You are just like him! Let that sink in. Think on these things. Meditate on these words and you will see - you and I and everyone else is OK. Text me at 989-916-6035 or use Anchor Voice Message.
Dec 02, 202015:03
Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled Meditation Episode 139

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled Meditation Episode 139

Meditation will bring your heart and mind into synchronicity. Meditation allows us to access higher vibrations, higher energy, and live from a higher realm. Today we will learn how to rest in the love joy and peace of God and let go of worry and anxiety. We will simply use our minds eye to see in the spirit powerful words of grace and life and love. We will recognize our feelings that accompany a peaceful heart, feelings of love, joy and peace that passes human understanding. Your heart will respond with gratitude, gratefulness and Thanksgiving. Enter the Sacred Silence. Please leave a voice message in the anchor app and I will respond. Or text msg. me at 989-916-6035
Nov 20, 202016:36
The Finished Work Meditation 🧘🏻‍♀️      Episode 138

The Finished Work Meditation 🧘🏻‍♀️ Episode 138

The Finished Work: Today we’re going to begin with a peace, love and joy blanket. We will find a proper seating position. Attain a zero gravity position where the body feels weightless and energy is free to flow from top to bottom. Place your attention on your breath and do this for 10 minutes. Gently let go of stray thoughts. Allow the peace and the love and the joy of your own mind be your comfort blanket. This is the main thing for meditators. Out of love and joy and peace will flow higher energy transforming previously low energy thoughts, beliefs and physical and material manifestations. Peace, love and joy is our secret weapon. It is the main thing. The peace, love and stillness of body, mind and spirit, when focused on an Intention becomes your creation. (Read that again.) Example: let’s say I achieve a degree of peace and rest during my meditation and my mind feels soft and I have only a few stray thoughts passing by without judgment. My entire body is also responding to my mindful state of being. Another way of saying this is my physical reality, whether it’s physical health, physical wealth, or relationships are all reflecting my spirit, my energy body, or said another way, reflecting the degree to which I believe that Christ is in me. Sit in peace and use your imagination to see yourself healthy. What does a healthy you look like? Don’t bother or take any time whatsoever to see yourself sick even if that is your current state, do not see your self in a state of sickness but rather see yourself 100% healed & healthy, happily doing things that only a completely healthy person could do. It is not productive to see a broken, sick self or try to imagine your organs healing no,no, no. See yourself totally healed and hold the vision. Let’s say you want to move into a new home but you haven’t found one yet or sold your current home. Use your God-given imagination and see the new house, see yourself having coffee on the deck with a friend. Taste and smell the coffee. Really enter into the scene. Don’t even think about the process of selling your home, or finding and purchasing a new home in another place just see The Finished Work.                                 Namaste 🙏🏼 

I can be reached at 989-916-6035 (txt. or call) visit: Essential Life Essence

Nov 10, 202028:32
Serenity Meditation Episode 137

Serenity Meditation Episode 137

In the night season it can be challenging to our hearts and minds to be still. Serenity Meditation is designed to bring a cerebral quietness and stillness in the physical body, a quietness and rest. By slowing down our brain wave we reprogram our mind to enter rest with just our thought. This will help us in the future as well.
Oct 28, 202014:25
Fear Made Into Love Meditation Episode 136

Fear Made Into Love Meditation Episode 136

Hi friends, every day is a new day full of surprises. 😀 Some are good and some are not so good. Today’s meditation addresses your anxious thoughts, your fearful thoughts, and your worries. It brings your magnificent self into clear focus as creator to begin transforming previously fearful thoughts from the past into completely benign thoughts that carry no fear whatsoever. It’s all accomplished in love. God is love and we are made in his image. Therefore we are love. This is our source of power. Let’s think like our father in heaven. Surely, earthly parents want their children to think brilliantly and with love in their hearts. Today’s meditation helps us also clear our mind off these past thoughts coming in that wish to dominate our present moment. Our present moment is perfect. Your body is perfect, your mind is perfect, your spirit is perfect, in this present moment receive new life moment by moment from the Father Above who gives generously, good and perfect gifts to His children.
Oct 20, 202018:55
Where Your Attention Goes 🧐ENERGY Flows ⚡️ Meditation Episode 135
Oct 14, 202024:20
You Are Spirit Meditation Episode 134
Oct 04, 202015:10
Raise Your Consciousness Meditation Episode 133

Raise Your Consciousness Meditation Episode 133

Raising our consciousness is agreeing with God that we have the mind of Christ. That will allow you to expand into realms of the unseen. Once you achieve a quietness of mind, the quietness of body, then you will also be in a theta brainwave. Theta brainwave allows us to re-program messages from our past that are not serving us today. We can change the narrative. It’s not so much a rewrite as it is sitting with contentment and thankfulness while our bodies are balanced and energy free flowing . We will experience awareness of our own identity hidden in Christ and be incredibly thankful. One thing that helps facilitate that is to visualize what easterners called the energy body or Life force or Chi. God called it spirit. So we open our minds eye and see in the spirit the things which are. Obviously they will be spirit. See your energy body and your spirit body that surround you. Remember all those pictures that show the halo around Mary and the Saints and Jesus. Many scholars have thought the artist saw light around the body. And they only drew what they saw. Follow along with this guided meditation one time just perhaps listening, then engage in the meditation. And listen to the second part. Where I actually challenge you to do the visualization and expand and go further and raise your consciousness
Sep 18, 202016:26
Healing Song: I Am that I Am

Healing Song: I Am that I Am

Many years ago I received a song in prayer/meditation. Today I’m giving it to you as a gift.. Play it, sing 🎶 along , be thankful. The life you now live is Christ in you AS YOU.
Sep 14, 202002:12
Releasing YOU Episode 131

Releasing YOU Episode 131

Today’s episode is about releasing YOU. It is very simple yet seemingly difficult for us to understand our INNATE power, strength, and brilliance. We rather think in terms of our lack. But you are wonderfully made. Today we journey within using a very simple technique of our meditation posture. As we connect to the freedom of alignment with gravity our mind also aligns effortlessly with life force energy flowing freely in, through and around us, for it is us.
Sep 11, 202020:23
Wordless Meditation Episode 130 🧘🏻‍♂️

Wordless Meditation Episode 130 🧘🏻‍♂️

There is a place in meditation that when we achieve this state of being, all answers, all possibilities, are in that place. Meditation is the Sacred Holy Silence of Perfect Love . When we enter that Sacred Silence all the possibilities are there. It doesn’t require us to say anything correctly or do anything correctly. Today we will use our imagination to see the Light~Life and Love of the Divine Mind, the mind of God, filling us to overflowing, creating our aura, our energy body. We can use our imagination to see the expansion of this wonderful energy to fill a room, to fill a city, fill a state, a country, to fill the entire world, and to ultimately fill space. And now we see that we are pure energy, the energy of Light ~ Life ~ Love. We can bring our friend or ourselves into the midst of all this Light ~ Life ~ Love,. Transforming us from the inside out. Awakening to all our possibilities.
Aug 28, 202022:12
Millennials Meditation Episode 129

Millennials Meditation Episode 129

Hi to all the 20 yr olds listening. I want to bless you with a meditation geared toward your life experience now.
Today we will meditate and think on what is truly important about all of our life decisions.
There our relationships with friends and family.
During this pandemic Will there be school? Should I even go to school?
What about marriage is it for me? Should I marry someone?
And a a job a life occupation, what shall it be? I do have to earn a living don't die?
What does the future hold for me? And most of all, how do I feel about me?

Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. THIS is to align our spine , neck and head so that our subtle body Energy flows freely .
Take three deep breaths. Put your attention on each breath. Watch it come and fill your abdomen, and watch your breath as you exhale. We are bringing ourselves into relaxation.
Let's begin with yourself. Picture in your mind you - today, doing what you are you doing working going to school playing a videogame.What feelings arise?
Hold the image of you and to begin to smile from inside. A smile can change just about anything.
Be thankful - start - I am thankful for Me. I am thankful for my life my friends and relationships. Just say it inside and smile while you do. Continue being thankful ~ put me on pause. 🤫
Now as you come back what is the most important thing you need a decision on?
Bring that to your mind and apply the same technique. Smile from the inside. It is your strength it is your happy place and it's all yours and it's always there.
Bring that decision or thought to your happy place and be thankful for even the question What should I do about me . Ask the question with thankfulness in your heart and smile on the inside and let the energy of love and grace Bring the resolution and answers where there were none before.

Call/txt 989-916-6035. Email - Visit:
Aug 19, 202011:51
Up Up And Away teaching and Meditation Episode 128
Aug 10, 202023:07
A Minute of Joy Meditation Episode 127
Aug 05, 202014:27
Quiet Body Quiet Mind Meditation Episode 126

Quiet Body Quiet Mind Meditation Episode 126

Jul 28, 202011:17
Sitting by the Lake Meditation Episode 125
Jul 17, 202012:35
Christian Meditation Episode 124

Christian Meditation Episode 124

Christian meditation is a prayer and a meditation. We learn from Gregg Braden, the feeling is the prayer. This is the format I follow. Begin with good meditation posture. Sit with your back straight your neck aligned with your back, and legs in a half lotus position. Take three cleansing breaths. Bring your body into full relaxation by speaking to the various parts. Speak to your head and tell it to relax and go deeper into relaxation. Continue to speak to your neck and shoulders your chest abdomen and your hips, legs, feet and tell them all to relax and to go deeper into relaxation. Here is the mantra or the affirmation, “as Jesus is so am I in this present world.” See this mantra scroll across your mind as on the marquee of the theater. Hear the words. You may speak them out loud or you can hear them in your mind. “As Jesus is so am I in this present world.” Do that for two minutes. Next we wish to add our feelings, this is our prayer. We will pray and meditate here for 5 minutes. I feel grateful and thankful that I am (you are) just like him. He is whole and healthy so are you. He is perfect a son of the living God and so are you. He’s filled with peace and joy and happiness and so are you. Be thankful and full of gratefulness. When I think of gratefulness I smile on the inside. This smile helps us to be even more thankful and to keep my focus on what is unseen but true in this present world for you and for me.
Jun 23, 202020:40
Prayer Meditation - Episode 123🙏🏼🧘🏻‍♂️
Jun 22, 202019:15
Mark’s Meditation Episode 122

Mark’s Meditation Episode 122

Beginner‘s Meditation 101.

 1. Meditation benefits health. It brings a sense of peace at our cellular level. Hormones that regulate our fight and flight response are put to rest. Hormones that regulate joy and happiness are released because of the inner quietness resulting from meditation. 

2. Stress breaks down bodily defenses including our immune system. 

3. Peace, love, joy, and happiness build our immune system and our physical body benefits at every level. 

Shall We. . .

Reach me at sjessentialoils@gmail or txt. 989-916-6035

Jun 13, 202014:52
Loving Friendliness for Me and for You Episode 121
May 29, 202024:53
Mindfully Observe Distractions Episode 120
May 20, 202023:26
Part 2 Interview with Katrina - going deeper Episode 118

Part 2 Interview with Katrina - going deeper Episode 118

Meditation opens our spirit to the voice of God. The God in you, your hope of glory. 

May 20, 202032:41
Interview with Katrina Part 3 Sharing with our listeners. Episode 119
May 09, 202019:59
Part 2. Interview with Katrina - Inspiration/insight/Meditation

Part 2. Interview with Katrina - Inspiration/insight/Meditation

What I found so interesting in this segment of the interview was that Katrina and I both "received" a very similar illustration, a picture, and we 'saw' it while meditating on the same question, "What does 'IN' mean?".  The picture tells a simple truth easily understood by children but almost completely overlooked by adults. Katrina and I also share some of the ways we connect with our inner voice, enter the Sacred Silence, and be in the flow. Different strokes for different folks 😀

May 07, 202013:58
Interview with Katrina Episode 117

Interview with Katrina Episode 117

Today we are talking with Katrina Jones, my dear daughter-in-law about her understanding of meditation, how folks can begin a practice of meditation and why? We examine what commonly prevents us from being curious about the practice and examining it further.  Is it a mindless practice or a mindfulness practice? Who can meditate? How do I know if I'm doing it right?  What is the "Woo Woo Fear?" What is the difference between prayer, contemplation and meditation?  Along the way we discuss the appropriate science that connects us to our energy. 

Connect with me at - send a voice message using the Anchor App. or txt. 989-916-6035.

May 06, 202017:21
How to begin Meditation Episode 116

How to begin Meditation Episode 116

Welcome friends to Sacred Silence. I am Sue Ellen Jones and I will be your host. Today we will be learning how to begin our meditation..

Begin by finding a place to sit. We need to keep our backs straight, it is our highway of energy.
Once you have found your seated or lying down position place your hands in your lap in a cupped position or on your knees..
Gently close your eyes and we began with the 3 cleansing breaths. I breathe in through the nose and exhale through my mouth. Do this three or four times.

(The teaching today will help you concentrate by finding a point of concentration or focus.. We will also practice letting go of monkey mind thoughts and re -centering our awareness on the point of breath. We are using the breath for awareness because:

breath is available
breath is cheap
breath connects us with our subconscious mind
breath is common to all living things
breath places our mind and heart in this present moment.

Continue setting up our meditation

As you begin just breathe normally.
Find the spot in your nose where your inhale touches first. Practice locating this point a few times.
Now continue focusing on this point of inhalation and exhalation for 10 min.

Stray thoughts will come like the grocery list, phone calls to make, bills to pay, worries of every kind. We call them the Monkey Mind. Our monkey mind is not serving us well. Monkey Minds are the compulsive nature of our thoughts. We are re-training our mind and heart to be in control.

Notice when your attention has gone astray and GENTLY bring your attention back to your breath. Doing this over and over again - NO JUDGMENT - be kind but firm to bring your attention back to your breath. In time this gets much easier and you will begin to experience the peace of God throughout your meditation. Then eventually you will carry the peace with you even in your conscious moments during the day. And peace and love will show up even in stressful, challenging situations. It is WHO YOU ARE, WHO YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN. But the Monkey mind kept you diverted, kept you busy, busy, busy. with no time for self awareness. No time to see what is true only time to worry, get angry and react.

Say hi at , Essential Life Essence , txt. 989-916-6035 or leave a voice message on the Anchor app. I'll get it😀. I use essential oils in my diffuser and I apply them to my temples and the back of my neck. If you communicate with me I'll gladly send you a free sample because they are a gift of the earth and a big part of energy science. blessings sue
May 03, 202016:28
Mindfulness - Vipassana Meditation Episode 115

Mindfulness - Vipassana Meditation Episode 115

Vipassana. or Mindfulness Meditation is experiencing your own life events without judgement. It is ‘seeing’ your life unfold moment to moment without critical analysis. There are many many different kinds of meditation. We learn in the western culture prayer and contemplation. Both of these have been discussed in the past on this podcast. Also there’s the yogic meditation which this is a Mind focus, concentration. With in Buddhism there are many different kinds of meditation as well. Today we will learn about and practice of Vipassana Meditation. Vipassana Meditation is an ancient Buddhist meditation. It is the cultivation of mindfulness and awareness. It is the mindfulness of your own life. To me this seems not only practical but it seems empowering. To become an expert of your own self enables us to be present for others. Join me. I can be reached at 989-916-6035 or, or leave a voice msg. on the Anchor App. Thank you Sue Ellen
Apr 27, 202030:56
I Am the Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. MEDITATION Episode 114
Apr 19, 202022:49
Daisy Meditation 'Feeling Petal' Episode 113
Apr 13, 202022:58
DAISY MEDITATION "Smiling" petal Episode 112
Apr 10, 202019:23
Daisy Meditation "Breath" petal Episode 111

Daisy Meditation "Breath" petal Episode 111

Read my explanation for the Daisy Meditation in my notes in Episode 110 Breath Petal - 

Bring your body into  quietnes

Use the Stillness meditation episode 110

Begin to  observe your Breath* Do nothing more Let go of stray thoughts Keep breathing ~ Keep observing When you are ready  begin expressing gratefulness with thanksgiving. For 10 min. or as long as you like "Breath of Life" *If you like ~ inhale for 5 sec. Hold 5 sec. Exhale for 5 sec. Then increase 1 sec. until you reach 10 sec.  This greatly helps quiet the mind and nerves.
Apr 10, 202022:60
Promotional video April Daisy Meditation
Apr 01, 202001:39
Learn how to meditate with the Daisy ❃ Meditation Episode 110

Learn how to meditate with the Daisy ❃ Meditation Episode 110

    Daisy  ❃  Meditation   "The quality of our lives depends on the stillness that we find at the centre." John Main.      Let your personal meditation practice be your own heart's expression.    This is a special offering to help us all enter the practice of meditation with a great degree of confidence and experience success in this contemplative prayer of the heart.

I believe we can receive inner instructions from the Holy Spirit, our teacher, that gives life to our prayers and meditations. Just as every single thing created by God is a UNIQUE EXPRESSION OF HIM so are we. Every lily of the field, every blade of grass, grain of sand, snowflake and yes, every daisy is uniquely made, one of a kind, expression of God in the earth. To broaden our understanding of meditation I envisioned a daisy flower ❃ with simple white petals, each one a part of the daisy, made by God yet expressed slightly differently, a different shade of glory. That is how I understand meditation, simple lovely white petals on a daisy, all belonging, all beautiful alone, while being creatively inspiring in any combination too.

How to Begin 1. Select one or more of the Elements (petals) of Meditation ~  Stillness, Breath, One Word, Smiling, Feeling, Healing, Imagination, En Christo, New Wine, or my own personal combination called Sue's Meditation.  2. Use your intuition, select the elements you are drawn to.

3. Try different elements and combinations depending on how you feel.

Don't worry if you think you are not doing it right, you cannot do it wrong!  If you fidget just bring awareness back to your body and gently bring your physical body back to stillness. If your mind wonders, and it will,  observe the thought, even feel the emotions connected to that thought, then LET IT GO.  Just let it go like a hot air balloon, watch it rise. Some folks like to envision a stream or a river of flowing water and the stray thought floats away. The point is to intentionally set down and begin focusing your mind and heart on the element of the meditation you have chosen. 

Hint: if it seems daunting please try the Stillness or the Breath Meditation. Either one or together will help you establish quietness of mind and body.  

PURPOSE AND POINT: reduces stress, increases sleep, reduces pain, reduces stress, increases sleep, reduces pain, spiritually opens us to the fruit of our own spirit (God and I are ONE) , opens us to self knowledge which opens us to know God also unknowing, preconceptions, negative filters. 

Visit my web page: Essential Life Essence   Contact me: 989-916-6035.  Join my Facebook group: Sacred Silence

Apr 01, 202018:03
New Wine Meditation Episode 109

New Wine Meditation Episode 109

Welcome to Sacred Silence and New Wine in New Wineskins teaching and meditation. I have always believed through my Christian understanding that new wine was the age of grace and new wineskins were the organized church filled with that grace. I have come to a an additional understanding through my practice of meditation. I believe we have expanded. We are the wineskin and Holy Spirit is the new wine poured in and become one with us. With that understanding in mind, when the Bible says we should go into all the world and preach the gospel that men and women might know God. The phrase, “Feed my sheep” takes on greater meaning. We will serve them supper. We will say to our friends and family, taste and see that God is good. What shall they taste? Here is the Key teaching. This is why we repetitiously practice the sacrament of communion. The sacrament consists of bread and wine. The teaching is that Jesus is the bread of life for healing and wholeness and the wine is his blood for our forgiveness and right standing with God. Since that is the teaching from the Last Supper in which Jesus SHARED the bread and the cup of wine with his disciples then the last supper account must have deeper and wider spiritual meaning. Using the first mention principle and going back to the beginning in which God breathed into Adam the breath of life and Adam became a living soul. Firstly, note: the breath of life comes from God and it is breathed into all mankind. The name Adam in Hebrew, means mankind. In the book of Leviticus we discover that the life of each creature is in the blood. What is in the blood? Oxygen. The literal breath of God. This tells me that our breath carries LIFE. Further on in the description of Tabernacle worship we find that the body and blood of bulls and goats were used as offerings. Yet the Bible says that these offerings were symbolic of forgiveness, eternal life and health. The sacrifices of bulls and goats had no real power to give Life. In the New Testsment JESUS tells his disciples that his body is the bread and his blood is the wine. And he invites them to eat his flesh and drink his blood. Firstly, Jesus was NOT EQUATING his body and blood with the body and blood of bulls and goats. And secondly, Jews do not drink blood nor are they cannibals, eating human flesh. Both practices are strictly forbidden in their law. So what does it mean? As we expand our consciousness we connect the dots. Pearls of wisdom come together adorning our neck with a precious pure white beads strung together as pearls of truth . For we come to understand that our body, is the wineskin and God poured himself into us as the new wine for this age of grace. We carry life. because we are ONE with LIFE ~ God. We are pregnant with everlasting life, Holy Spirit overshadowed us and we conceived of the Holy Spirit. Do not our hearts leap with joy in the presence of Love? Invite your family and friends, invite the world, to come taste and see that God is good. Gather around a banqueting table in the presence of your enemies and feast on the life of God. YOU are his life, food for others. Energetically draw them in. Where your mind goes life energy flows. Join me for NEW WINE IN NEW WINESKINS MEDITATION.

Connect with me at: Anchor msg., Essential Life Essence, Sacred Silence Facebook Group, Essential Oils Joy Garden Facebook page,, txt. 989-916-6035.
Mar 19, 202021:37
Hope in the Midst of Pandemic Meditation 108

Hope in the Midst of Pandemic Meditation 108

Today I will use a meditation to address the current situation in our country, our communities and around the world. 

  •  Find a comfortable place to lie down or sit with your back straight. 
  • Take three cleansing breaths. 
  • Now we will do a body scan from head to toe. Tell your head and muscles bone and matter to relax. Speak to your neck and shoulders and arms, the bones, the muscles, and the blood vessels, tell them to relax and go deeper into relaxation. Speak to your neck and shoulders and arms the bones the muscles the blood vessels to relax and go deeper into relaxation. Speak to your chest your abdomen and eventually go to your hips and legs and speak to your own body to relax and to go deeper into relaxation. This is how we bring our physical body into the Sacred Silence.
  • We will now take several deep breaths and place our attention on the breath. This brings our heart and mind into quietness while quieting our nerves as well. Now are our spirit and our emotions will also be in the sacred rest the Sacred Silence
  • Begin by selecting a word that means safety and peace, health and wholeness TO YOU. Listen inwardly, begin to hear the word on the inside. Put your attention on the word that you hear in your mind. And begin to hear the word one syllable at a time. Let go of all extraneous thoughts. No blame here just to let them go. Gently bring your mind back to your wonderful, healing, life giving word. These words are really in our hearts and minds already and are very meaningful to us individually.
  •  Stay with the word for a few moments and then transition to opening your imagination. Your imagination is amazing . It is your creative center creating in your mind and heart your current - present  -moment. Your brain and body live in this picture you are creating in your mind. Your special word and your picture will agree. Your picture will reflect what the word entails. I chose the word peace. I listened to each syllable which is one syllable. Then I pictured myself in a boat on a turbulent sea. However I was at peace in the boat. In fact I was sleeping in the boat. Perfect peace. 
  • Allow yourself to enter into the emotions of the moment. The deep, deep seated emotions, elevated emotions of gratitude and thankfulness. You might even smell or touch something in your imagination. You are using all of your senses.  We have awakened all our senses in our minds in that moment, your moment of creating your Word Answer. This raises your faith and your trust in God's promises. Soon the answers manifest in you physical life. 

Connect with me at: Anchor msg., Essential Life Essence, Sacred Silence Facebook Group, Essential Oils Joy Garden Facebook page,, txt. 989-916-6035.

Mar 12, 202017:15
Imagination Meditation Episode 107

Imagination Meditation Episode 107

This particular meditation is part of my teaching series called Daisy Meditations. You can find it on my web pages, Essential Life Essence under the tab Daisy meditations - petals of uniqueness.  The purpose of this series of meditations is to introduce us all to the various possible  ways we can  meditate. With so many different kinds of meditations it's hard to know which style of meditation is right for us.  I don't think it matters really. I do think it is important to follow your heart and intuition and practice as they are leading.  This series offers some simple ways to meditate and different elements of meditation that can be combined many different ways, as you feel led. 

Today, let's settle down, open our minds and hearts to our beautiful imagination;

  • What is your wildest  dream?
  • ​Use Stillness to become inwardly quiet and at rest.
  • ​Continue gently Breathing
  • ​Bring your dream into view.
  • See your dream on the movie screen of  your mind.
  • ​Sit with the movie for a time, you are the star!
  • Feel your joy and exaltation of living your dream.Continue watching and experiencing emotions of satisfaction and happiness.
  • Express deep feelings of THANKFULNESS.
  • Stay with your vision as long as you wish. Energetically you are creating you're NOW.

Connect with me at: Anchor msg., Essential Life Essence, Sacred Silence Facebook Group, Essential Oils Joy Garden Facebook page,, txt. 989-916-6035.

Mar 07, 202017:37
En Christo Meditation Episode 106
Feb 27, 202018:33
Still 🧘🏽 Silent 🙏🏼 Simple😊

Still 🧘🏽 Silent 🙏🏼 Simple😊

Sacred Silence February 2020

Hi friends this is Sue Ellen Jones and I'm here to encourage you this day in your very own meditation.

Before we begin let me share with you a new teaching I will soon be offering. It's more like introducing you to your own, unique, personal practice of meditation, adapted to your particular self. I'm calling the study, "DAISY MEDITATION". I'm not just trying to be cute. Daisies are each one of a kind, no two daisies are exactly alike.  In their own way, daisies are beautiful,  I imagine a field of daisies blowing in the wind and I sigh with quiet satisfaction. So daisies are like us and like our unique, individual selves. My study of meditation has brought me through many streams. It seems I have sifted them through a fine wire mesh and only the GOLD gems remain. Now it is time for me to bring the many practices full circle into some magical way. I believe meditation can be personalized for each one. However one must first be exposed to the power and persuasion of the differences and then allow your intuition, your divine mind, to combine the elements of meditation in a new, infinitely more personal way just for you. Our practice of meditation will still be creative. The meditation puzzle pieces come together gloriously and that's what I will share with you soon. Look for a coming announcement of DAISY MEDITATION.

Today our meditation will be focusing on quieting our hearts and minds while listening to silence. To be quiet in our body we must first find a comfortable position to sit or lie down. Our back should be relatively straight. This all lines up with the flow of energy in the study we've had in the past of energy science. Try to still your hands and your legs from any type of movement. You will find this might be challenging at first. Next bring yourself into a place of silence, a listening state. The sacred sounds of silence produce a heart centered feeling of peace. Finally we think of a special word
A word that means something sacred, special, loving or kind to you.. Love, Joy, Jesus are suggestions.  I have chosen - Le’Chaim- to life. Begin saying your word,  your special word, saying it in your mind.  You don't need to see it but try to hear it in your mind, listen to your special significant word. Only one word. Simple. Shall we

Connect with me at: Anchor msg., Essential Life Essence, Sacred Silence Facebook Group, Essential Oils Joy Garden Facebook page,, txt. 989-916-6035.

Feb 18, 202021:37