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Sum On Sleeve Podcast

Sum On Sleeve Podcast

By Katharine Chan

Become a Paid Subscriber: ***NEW EPISODE EVERY FRIDAY!*** Katharine Chan has over a decade of experience working in healthcare. She’s worked in emergency health services, mental health, women’s health, facilitating, coaching, and promoting honest conversations among healthcare leaders to enable organizational change. She’s passionate about putting words to her feelings despite growing up in a culture that hides them. She empowers others by teaching them how to love themselves, embracing their culture and improving relationships
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Why Following Asian Superstitions Won’t Help You Reach Your Goals

Sum On Sleeve PodcastJul 01, 2019

13 Beliefs I Stopped Holding. But They Still Haunt Me

13 Beliefs I Stopped Holding. But They Still Haunt Me

All of us know at least a dozen people who do not share all of our beliefs. With over 7 billion of us, there is bound to be conflict. I can agree to disagree on topics like the correct way of hanging toilet paper or whether pineapple is an acceptable pizza topping (it is, btw).

The bottom line is that if the point of contention isn’t something close to my heart, I’m not going to fight over it. I don’t like camping, drinking, online shopping, watching sports or doing anything in the snow. I don’t care if you do and won’t bat an eye if you try to convince me otherwise.

But I can’t stand being around a person who has beliefs that I used to hold. I’ve spent years unlearning and shedding them through painful experiences, growth and adversity. So when I interact with someone who has these old beliefs, I can’t help but feel haunted. Then I’m angry at myself for letting something that I thought I’d grown from affect me.

I’m a recovering perfectionist who is trying to accept her flaws and own her shortcomings. Perfectionism is in my blood; I get upset when I’m not good at embracing my imperfections. It’s like, “Why can’t I be good at forgiving myself? Letting go? Accepting mistakes? Treating myself with compassion?”

In my head, I know certain thoughts and beliefs don’t serve me, that I’ve evolved from my past self. But in my heart, I start questioning how far I’ve actually come. Perhaps I haven’t changed? Perhaps my transformation is back to square one? Perhaps these beliefs still hold me under, drowning me in a sea of insecurities and poor self-esteem.

So I’m writing down a list of old beliefs that I’ve learned to detach from over the past decade. Bringing these to the surface and exposing them to you and the world gives me something tangible to revisit and validate my efforts. Also, reading these out loud makes them seem ridiculous…almost to the brink of satire.

P.S. Check out my new personal growth toolkit! 50 Shadow Work Prompts: A Journal to Uncover Your Hidden Psyche

So Readers, let me know if any of these haunt you as they haunt me.

Dec 22, 202308:14
Sometimes I Wish I Sucked At Listening

Sometimes I Wish I Sucked At Listening

Listening is a life skill. Everyone knows that.

We’ve all seen self-help gurus, thought leaders, TED talks, psychologists and the latest news and research share how we should all be listening more than we speak…especially in a society where attention is scarce and distractions are plentiful. Everything seems to be TL;DR.

Listening skills are crucial for developing strong relationships. I mean it’s hard to make friends when you don’t know anything about them. If all you can hear is your voice throughout your interactions, you don’t have a friend…you have a sounding board.

If you told your partner your deepest darkest secret and they didn’t listen…how would you feel?

Or what if you explicitly tell them that you were deathly allergic to shellfish Then they take you to an all-you-can-eat shrimp fest for your birthday…wouldn’t you be inclined to leave them? Or perhaps watching all those true crime documentaries would have you wondering if they might be plotting your murder?

Listening skills are crucial for work. For instance, if all a teacher did was preach and lecture, how would they know their students are learning? If you didn’t listen to a client’s specifications and needs, how well would your business be?

Do you know what can ruin your day? When the waitress doesn’t listen to your order and adds a prawn chowder to your meal.

But the problem is...

So Listeners, are you a good listener? Do you ever feel burdened by your superpower?

Need help processing emotions and writing down your thoughts? Check out my 60 Feelings to Feel: A Journal To Identify Your Emotions

Dec 15, 202308:30
I Became Mortgage-Free at 36 but I'm Not Retired

I Became Mortgage-Free at 36 but I'm Not Retired

My parents retired in their 60s.

For over 40 years, they were clocking in and clocking out every single day, from Monday through Friday. They’d rush home, drop us off and pick us up from whatever activities we were in, all the while trying to cook dinner so that it was ready for 3 hungry children.

Then they’d madly clean up and get us to bed so they can relax for an hour before starting all over again. They were like rats chasing their own tails.

Then as their kids grew up and left home, they were finally able to stop working. They now spend their time at leisure, watching shows, going out for dim sum, shopping for groceries…pretty much anything they want.

All this fun for the rest of their lives…at least what is left of it. Old bones, sore joints and bad backs creep into their daily routine. They are tired and easily tired. Their zest for life can be satisfied with a salty MSG-laden snack.

This is what they worked so hard for. Now they’re enjoying the fruits of their labour. When I recently asked my parents about it, they said they wouldn’t have done anything differently. And I absolutely believe them. They really do enjoy doing nothing. They are fulfilled because considering what they know and value about the good life, they really are living it up.

I don’t want to work my ass off for 40-plus years and then enjoy myself for 15 years (maybe 20 years if I’m lucky) before my health starts to deteriorate and my physical abilities become increasingly limited. That’s not how I want my life to be because I grew up in a different time and place than them.

But I’m not them.

P.S. Check out my new personal growth toolkit! 50 Shadow Work Prompts: A Journal to Uncover Your Hidden Psyche

Dec 08, 202309:31
5 Things I Did When My Clients Suddenly Reduced Their Work For Me

5 Things I Did When My Clients Suddenly Reduced Their Work For Me

Do you know how when you get some bad news, you kinda want to deny it and move on?

One of my biggest clients cut back on their work for me. Then shortly after, another client had budget cuts and told me they no longer needed freelance writers.

So I’ve been trying to find new work.

Have you ever had to bounce back from a setback in your business? What were some things that help you shift your focus?

Need ideas to write about? Check out my 60 Feelings to Feel: A Journal To Identify Your Emotions

Full Transcript here

Dec 31, 202205:52
Why It’s Difficult For Me To Share Good News
Dec 23, 202205:15
I Quit My 9–5 Job To Pursue My Side Hustle 6 Months Ago
Dec 16, 202204:56
I’m Struggling To Balance Writing for Pay Versus Writing for Pleasure
Dec 09, 202205:11
8 Dreams I’m Holding Onto For Now

8 Dreams I’m Holding Onto For Now

Lately, I’ve been thinking about my old dreams so I wrote an entire list that I’ve given up on despite thinking they’ll make me happy. Through that reflection exercise, I realized there are some old ones I’d like to revisit and some new ones I’d like to pursue. 

Here are 8 Dreams I’m Holding Onto For Now

Never say never…

Full Transcript here

Dec 02, 202205:46
10 Dreams I Stopped Pursuing Even Though I Thought They Would Make Me Happy
Nov 25, 202211:25
8 Dreams I Had as a Kid That I’ve Given Up On
Nov 18, 202206:27
I Was Jealous of the Attention My Parents’ Gave My Eldest Sister Until I Became a Mom
Nov 11, 202205:39
Business advice, working mom guilt and leading with inspirational conversation with Becky Choi of Tummy Warriors

Business advice, working mom guilt and leading with inspirational conversation with Becky Choi of Tummy Warriors

Becky Choi (Tummy Warrior™️) “Follow your heart and have a big vision.”

Becky Choi is a Certified Postpartum Corrective Exercise Specialist, and the founder of Tummy Warrior diastasis recti coaching program. Becky is a mom of 2 little ones with a passion for diastasis recti (DR) as she experienced severe DR twice. She helps moms heal their diastasis recti, strengthen their core and improve their health and fitness.

She has been featured on Toronto Sun, CTV, Yahoo Finance and Amazon Kindle. Becky is the author of Diastasis Recti Secrets for New Moms: Proven Methods and Postpartum Exercises for Healing Core Weakness and Weight loss.

Here’s what Becky had to say:

“The biggest challenge, in the beginning, was that I just didn’t know what I really needed to do. I had to figure everything out by myself, know that it will work out and have faith and belief that it will work out for me.

At the time, I only had 100 people following me but everyone starts like that in the beginning. It was hard to grow my social following and juggle my business as a mom. I had to take care of my baby, learn how to run my business and keep working on my fitness recovery journey. How was I going to divide my time to do all these things?

The mindset is very important to your success. You have to think about your vision, destination and what you really want. Don’t aim for something small because it you aim too small, it will take the same amount of effort to reach something big. You might as well as have a big vision because it will pull you and give you enough motivation to keep working on this.

You have to have passion for what you do. If you don’t have passion for what you teach or create and you’re just trying to make money as a goal…it will be very difficult for you to sustain. You might as well get a part-time job.

You have to find something you love and you really think it will be impactful for other people and change their lives. Follow your heart and have a big vision and believe! Right now, all the dots are all over the place but it will straighten out as you walk through these trenches. You will connect these dots in the future. It might be messy but have faith and do lots of mindset work.”

Jul 01, 202220:47
The Negative Effects of East Asian Culture on Female Body Image with Authentic Energy's Jing Fang
Jun 24, 202246:11
How The Pandemic Made Me Stop Wearing My Wedding Ring
Jun 17, 202204:32
How I Stopped Using Sex as a Weapon When We Started Trying For A Baby
Jun 10, 202207:05
As an Asian Woman, Self-Work Means Creating Balance Between Collectivistic Instincts and Individualistic Urges

As an Asian Woman, Self-Work Means Creating Balance Between Collectivistic Instincts and Individualistic Urges

Jun 03, 202209:59
5 Things I Started Spending More Money on When I Hit My 30’s

5 Things I Started Spending More Money on When I Hit My 30’s

I turned 36 earlier this year. It was a simple celebration with my husband, our kids and a very decadent chocolate cake from Whole Foods. It was perfect.

As I made my wish and blew out the single, pink candle, I realized my life had changed quite a bit in the past 5 years. I no longer try to impress people I didn’t care about. I declined events I know I won’t enjoy. Lastly, I stopped spending money on things that didn’t matter to me like new clothes, make-up, heels and drinks.

Instead, with the busyness of motherhood, I’ve started investing more time and effort in cultivating deeper relationships with loved ones. I re-discovered my old hobbies and pastimes like writing, baking and shooting hoops. Lastly, I started spending more money on things I never thought I would. Growing up was about feeling comfortable in my skin. Getting older is about living a life of meaning.

Full Transcript here:

May 27, 202204:53
How I Landed My First Freelance Writing Clients as an Introvert
May 20, 202205:30
5 Things I Stopped Spending A lot of Money on When I Hit My 30’s
May 13, 202207:10
Why I Decided To Pursue A Freelance Writing Career
May 06, 202209:07
5 Reasons I Exercise and Eat Well That Aren’t Related To Weight Loss
Apr 29, 202208:57
How I Realistically Figured Out My Freelance Writing Rate

How I Realistically Figured Out My Freelance Writing Rate

Although I’ve been blogging since 2017, I only officially started my freelance writing journey a little over 2 months ago. I’ve dibbled and dabbled with selling books and courses but the amount of money I was making just wasn’t enough for me to leave my 9–5. But most importantly, it was leading me down a path that didn’t align with my passion for writing.

When I made the decision to start freelancing, the first thing I had to do was realistically figure out my rate.

Opposing opinions and methods

So I Googled “freelance writer rates”. I read every article on the first page of the search results. I mean, who even looks at the second page right? Anyway, I got a slew of opposing opinions and methods.

From charging per word, per page, per hour to the type of work, it was confusing for someone who was just starting out but had been working professionally for over 15 years.

Do I charge as a newbie? Or as an experienced writer? Or somewhere in between?

The range is so wide, it’s almost impossible to choose a rate that I thought was reasonable.

Where do I even start?

Full Transcript:

Apr 22, 202206:27
How I Made $3525.71 In My First Two Months As A Freelance Writer

How I Made $3525.71 In My First Two Months As A Freelance Writer

Two months have flown by

After debunking some serious misconceptions about freelance writing, I started my journey with zero expectations. I don’t regret it for a second as the last 2 months have flown by.

I am doing this as a side gig in addition to my 9–5. Those additional hours have proved to be more rewarding and more meaningful than the 8 that I spend in the office, zoning out in meetings, writing arduous emails, doing small talk with coworkers and eating my lunch at my desk.

I have a firm plan to leave my job so I can pursue this full-time. I’m excited to continue sharing my journey with you, my avid readers, fellow writers and supporters.

Full transcript:

Apr 15, 202207:14
3 Toxic Myths About Body Positivity That I Used To Believe In
Apr 08, 202206:48
3 Misconceptions That Discouraged Me From Becoming A Freelance Writer
Apr 01, 202208:30
My Daughter Called Me Out for Fighting With My Husband
Mar 25, 202206:09
Why I Wouldn’t Want To Live The Digital Nomad Lifestyle
Mar 18, 202208:00
How I Made $3.590.11 By Trading Stocks In 2 Years With No Investing Experience
Mar 11, 202213:24
Why I Don’t Expect My Friends And Family To Read What I Write
Mar 04, 202205:20
9 Asian Female Stereotypes That Need To Die

9 Asian Female Stereotypes That Need To Die

Why not both?

I wish this meant I could have both soft and hard tacos but instead it’s experiencing both sexism and racism as an Asian woman. It’s like if I’m not being discriminated against for being a woman, then I’m being discriminated against for being an Asian.

And if it’s not that, there’s a third category where race and gender come together into a mixed bag of shit, from subtle to blatant, the worst of both worlds. And that needs to die.

So here are 9 Asian female stereotypes that need to die:

Feb 25, 202205:59
5 Valuable Life Lessons I Learned From My Exes

5 Valuable Life Lessons I Learned From My Exes

I used to believe I needed to scrub clean of my past and start fresh every time I stepped into a new relationship. So when I first started dating my husband, I told him I didn’t want to talk about my past relationships. The past is the past right?

However, I’ve realized the experience and wisdom I gained from being with my exes have not only helped my marriage but taught me so much about myself. Here are 5 valuable life lessons I learned from my exes.

Feb 18, 202207:47
9 Examples of Microaggression I’ve Experienced as an Asian Canadian

9 Examples of Microaggression I’ve Experienced as an Asian Canadian

I knew I had experienced racism, from being made fun of how I look and what I ate to having someone shout ‘ching chong’ at me while they drove by. Those acts were blatant and obvious.

However, microaggressions are, to say the least, micro. They happen so subtly that after each incident, I would feel confused, unable to pinpoint what I had experienced and what I felt about it.

I didn’t know I was being discriminated against for being Asian because it was unintentional and/or indirect. In addition, the person discriminating against me didn’t know that’s what they were doing.

We don’t know what we don’t know.

That is until now. So here are 9 examples of microaggression I’ve experienced as an Asian.

Feb 11, 202208:19
Why I Started Using Screens At Mealtime

Why I Started Using Screens At Mealtime

I was really against using screens at mealtime because of everything I know about distracted eating. It prevents them from listening to their bodies, enables unnecessary snacking between meals, and increases their risk of obesity later in life; using screens at mealtimes seems to do more harm than good.

In addition, I’ve personally struggled with emotional eating most of my life and battled an eating disorder when I was a teenager. It wasn’t until my late 20’s when I started treating my body right. Learning to eat mindfully, listening to my body’s hunger and full cues and appreciating food instead of viewing it as an enemy was a significant part of my recovery.

And I want my kids to learn to self-regulate how much they need to eat early on so that they don’t go through what I went through.

But then, one day, in a fit of frustration while struggling to feed my son scrambled eggs, my husband turned the TV on, flipped it to a Cantonese episode of Peppa Pig and within seconds, there were silence and stillness.

Feb 04, 202208:16
5 Stereotypes About The Youngest Child That Aren’t True

5 Stereotypes About The Youngest Child That Aren’t True

Growing up with two older sisters wasn’t easy. From always getting hand-me-down clothes, toys and shoes, playing catch up because I was “never old enough”, having a fraction of the baby pictures that my sisters had, to being called the wrong name too many times to count, being the youngest had its challenges.

Over the years, I’ve realized that although those experiences shaped a part of who I am, they didn’t define my life. My identity is the cumulation of different experiences, not just my experience as the youngest in my family. Like with all psych theories and personality types, it’s never one-size-fits-all. I’m unique, just like everyone else.

Therefore, here are 5 stereotypes about being the youngest child that aren’t true for me:

Jan 28, 202206:29
24 Reasons A Mom Is On Her Phone When She’s Watching Her Kids

24 Reasons A Mom Is On Her Phone When She’s Watching Her Kids

From books, calendars, watches, radios, CD players, pedometers, cameras to GPS, the phone has replaced so many things in our lives. It’s incredibly difficult to avoid using our phones. I even use the camera as a mirror sometimes. Therefore, instead of criticizing this mom’s behaviour, I came up with a list of things moms do on their phones when they’re watching their kids.

Jan 21, 202206:29
The Time I Listened To My Child Instead Of Jumping To Conclusions

The Time I Listened To My Child Instead Of Jumping To Conclusions

This was my first taste of my kid keeping something from me because they were scared of my reaction. There will be many more to come as they grow up. I don’t expect the conversations to happen like this every time, especially when they reach the tricky teenage years.

However, I’m going to keep in mind that sometimes, sitting silently with my child gives them the time and space to find their voice. If I wait long enough, suppressing my urge to lecture and discipline, being present, listening without judgment, they might just share that voice with me. And that’s how trust is built.

Jan 14, 202206:14
How I Use My Fears To Stop Procrastinating On My Goals
Jan 07, 202210:56
Why I Changed My Mind About Taking My Husband’s Name

Why I Changed My Mind About Taking My Husband’s Name

To take or not to take…

“Do or do not. There is no try.”


Actually, nowadays, a couple has options when they get married. They can do the hyphen thing. The husband can take the wife’s name. They can change their last name completely by combining their favourite hobbies and becoming The Gardenknits.

Therefore, a woman taking her husband’s name is no longer the social norm. But for most of my life, I believed that was the only option.

When I got married, I was planning to take my husband's name. It's a tradition I thought I valued. But then as time went by, I changed my mind.

Dec 31, 202107:09
Should You Focus On Writing Quality Or Quantity?

Should You Focus On Writing Quality Or Quantity?

A writer’s dilemma

The quality versus quantity debate is what tears a writer apart. You want to write a ton but you’re afraid the more you write and faster you get, the quality of your writing declines.

So what should you focus on?

Dec 24, 202106:54
4 Underrated Habits That Helped Me Lose The Baby Weight Not Once But Twice
Dec 17, 202111:11
4 Lessons Learned When I Self-Published 3 Books
Dec 10, 202110:57
What No One Tells You About Being Married To A Realtor

What No One Tells You About Being Married To A Realtor

My husband made a career change about 3 years ago. He’s a Chartered Accountant by trade but real estate has been his passion for years. It was one of the reasons we fell in love as we both love Vancouver. When he took the plunge, we had a 2-year-old and was working on expanding our family.

The change affected our marriage, family dynamics, schedules and everything in between. I expected things to be different but there were some things no one told me about.

Dec 03, 202107:49
How I Stopped People-Pleasing And Started Living Life On My Own Terms

How I Stopped People-Pleasing And Started Living Life On My Own Terms

People-pleasing = low self-esteem

From always saying yes, breaking promises with ourselves, sacrificing our values to help someone out, enabling toxic behaviours, keeping silent to prevent hurting someone’s feelings even though they’ve hurt ours, being inauthentic about our true feelings to siding with the majority when we completely disagreed, people-pleasing behaviours come in all forms.

When I reflect back on my life, I’ve had my fair share of trying to get people to like me. Starting in my teen years, it was about doing anything to rise up in the ranks of the high school hierarchy. As one of the few Asian kids in a predominately Caucasian school, I desperately wanted to fit in, to be cool, seeking approval from the popular kids.

Then came the young adult years when it was about having the coolest gadgets, wearing the latest fashion trends, going to the newest restaurants, gossiping, spending frivolously, creating drama, drinking like a fish, and of course, getting attention from men. I cared more about what others thought than what I thought. I valued their opinion of me more than my own. Deep down inside, what I lacked was self-esteem.

Now married with 2 kids and comfortably settled in her mid-30’s, I’ve stopped trying to be someone else, embracing my authentic self and coming into my own. Here are 5

Nov 26, 202111:12
3 Things I Did To Increase My Medium Partner Earnings From $17.08 to $354.79 Per Month

3 Things I Did To Increase My Medium Partner Earnings From $17.08 to $354.79 Per Month

I've written on Medium for years and I never thought my partner earnings would increase to the 3 digits. Here are the 3 things I did to reach this.

Humble beginnings with zero expectations

I’ve been writing on Medium for over 3 years. At first, it started as just another avenue to get folks to read my stuff. I published here and there, not thinking much would happen. I rarely logged in and when I did, I would basically dump a bunch of old blog posts, schedule them out throughout the month and didn’t bother to check who’s read what. I’m a mom of 2 who works full-time so this was merely a place to express myself with zero expectations to make money from this.

Then in July 2019, I was about to hit publish when the platform asked if I wanted to join their Medium Partner Program. I read through what it was and clicked yes. I didn’t think much of it until about a year ago when I published an article titled, “Why People Are Overly Critical And How To Deal With Them.” It was a hit relative to my other pieces.

After that, I started to see a tiny bit of money come in consistently each month; I’m talking enough to buy myself a couple of cups of coffee type of cash. This was the first time I had ever made money doing what I love, writing personal stories and lessons learned to empower folks to talk about their feelings despite growing up in a culture that hid them. I even wrote a short article about what happened when I told my Asian parents about this and how unimpressed they were.

By the time I started making double digits per month, I almost had 100 articles published on Medium. That was when I decided to do three things to see if I could increase my monthly earnings. And boy I was surprised to see what happened.

Nov 19, 202108:16
Why I Was Furious When My Husband Surprised Me With A Break From The Kids

Why I Was Furious When My Husband Surprised Me With A Break From The Kids

I've heard the stories of wives praising their husbands for surprising them with a break from their kids. However, a break wasn't what I wanted.

I thought I wanted the surprise

I’ve heard the stories of women praising their husbands for surprising them with a day off, taking the kids out and giving their wives a much-deserved break. It’s like that joke about what mothers really want on Mother’s Day: a day to not be a mother, to do whatever they want without the kids.

When I hear these stories, I can sense my blood turn green as envy courses through my veins. This type of surprise sounds like what I need, want and deserve.

How come my husband hadn’t done that for me yet?

Nov 12, 202108:10
How To Move On After Your Story Has Been Rejected

How To Move On After Your Story Has Been Rejected

As a writer, it sucks when you get that email saying your article, proposal, or idea wasn't accepted. How do I deal with the rejection so that I can quickly move on and keep writing?

You’ve probably heard the wise saying,

“It’s not a rejection; it’s a redirection.”

Okay, sure but it still sucks when you get that email saying your article, proposal, or idea wasn’t accepted. Over 20 different publications have rejected my articles and yet I keep submitting them. The first time my article wasn’t accepted felt the worst but every rejection after that has stung a little less.

It takes a bit of time for me to reel from the burn before I can move forward; however, after experiencing so much rejection, that recovery time has decreased from a couple of hours to mere seconds. When I get that rejection message, here’s exactly what I do to manage my emotions, change my mindset so I can quickly move on.

Nov 05, 202106:10
How My Husband And I Stopped Fighting About Cleaning

How My Husband And I Stopped Fighting About Cleaning

Leaving dishes in the sink, socks on the floor, hairs in the shower. How can a couple stop fighting about cleaning and household chores without hiring a cleaner? 6 years and 2 kids later, our system still works.

There are dirty dishes in the sink, building crud-like plaque on teeth that haven’t been brushed for months. The bathroom floor is hairier than Austin Powers’ chest. The basket of laundry sits in the hallway, collecting more dust than a CD player.

What do you do? How do you feel? Who was supposed to do what?

Does resentment build? Is turning a blind eye part of the game?

Oct 29, 202108:41
How I Find Motivation To Write When I Don’t Feel Like It
Oct 22, 202109:17
How Submitting To Publications Made Me A Better Writer

How Submitting To Publications Made Me A Better Writer

It can seem daunting to submit to publications. Will they accept or reject? Either way, it's a valuable lesson that's made me a better writer.

Self-publishing is rewarding but…

I’ve been blogging since 2017 and it’s been quite the experience to put words onto digital paper, sharing my personal stories and insight. From keeping a diary to entering short story contests during grade school, writing has been in my blood since I could remember.

Owning a website where I can freely create as I please, no holds barred, is incredibly rewarding. Self-publishing allows me to write, record, film whatever floats my boat and deliver it to the world with the quick press of a button. Anyone with an Internet connection can read, watch and listen to my content.

As an Asian female, I’m grateful I live in a country (Canada) and grew up during a time where I have the opportunity to do this without having to jump through hoops or cross any red tape. I feel empowered to have a voice in this world even if only 1 out of the 7.8 billion people hear me.

But what if the rest of the 7.8 billion people also want to listen but can’t find me?

Oct 15, 202110:10
Why I Don’t Think I Wasted My Time Going To School

Why I Don’t Think I Wasted My Time Going To School

From kindergarten to university, I spent over half my life in school. Do I regret my decision? Was it a waste of time or time well wasted? It's about seeing the life skills I acquired from years of study.

I didn’t enjoy school

Don’t get me wrong, going to school wasn’t a pleasurable experience for me. I wrote an entire article about how I hated it even though I was good at it and concluded that doing well at something doesn’t mean you enjoy it.

From depression, anxiety, self-harm and an eating disorder, I was a mess. Being unpopular, having few friends, acne, braces, and glasses were just the tip of the iceberg when it came to those teen years.

The part I hated the most about school was the exams. They required me to study, memorize, remember and then regurgitate silently in an enclosed space under a time constraint with dozens of other angsty beings. Talk about anxiety-inducing situations!

Often, 50% of my grade would depend on one exam that took an hour to complete but several weeks to prepare for. The pressure to perform weighed down on me more than the weight of the world on Atlas’ shoulders.

However, like many Asian kids, I trudged along, finishing high school with scholarships to University and furthering my studies at Grad School. So in total, I’ve spent about 20 years of my life in school which accounts for over half my life.

Oct 08, 202111:36