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Diet Haters Podcast

Diet Haters Podcast

By Sundi Jo

The Diet Haters Podcast with Sundi Jo helps women learn how to stop dieting, lose weight, find lasting results, and learn their true identities in Christ!

Hosted by Sundi Jo Graham, who once weighed 330 lbs., she gets what it’s like to live defeated in the neverending cycle of dieting. After hitting rock bottom, she turned her life around, lost 145 lbs., and committed herself to helping others find and pursue their passions and God-given dreams.
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23. What If I Fail Again?

Diet Haters PodcastJul 19, 2022

24. Digging up the Roots of Shame and Guilt with Jill Jamieson

24. Digging up the Roots of Shame and Guilt with Jill Jamieson

Today is a day of celebrations as we are wrapping up our second season of The Diet Hates Podcast. We’re 24 episodes in and all I can say is, “Wow! I’m so grateful to be doing this podcast with you and I’m so grateful that you and I have been on this journey together for 24 episodes. So so cool!

I’m telling you.. The enemy has fought hard to keep this podcast from happening, which tells me that it must be making a difference. So, if you’re good with it, I’m gonna keep pushing through to victory and shoot for Season 3 unless Jesus comes back to get us before then.

I couldn’t think of a better way to wrap up Season 2 than doing an interview with one of the coolest people out there, my friend Jill.

She has written a memoir full of powerful, raw, gritty truth, and it’s gonna rock your world. I’m inspired by her bravery to tell her story so that others can find healing. Secrets of the Little Green-Eyed Girl, Digging up the Roots of Shame and Guilt, is a book of hope. A book about learning to walk daily in the freedom of being forgiven and clean.

One of the reasons I wanted to have Jill on to talk about the book is because so much of our struggles with weight loss is tied to shame, for many of us anyway, myself included. I’ve met so many women who have spent years of their lives eating their shame away. Again, myself included.

But God did not design us to live our lives this way. In the book, Jill shares her powerful story of God’s forgiveness. And she shares a part of her journey of secrets that she feared would destroy her. She’s pulling back the covers to show what kept her bound and tied to the darkness of shame, as well as sharing the victories, in hopes to inspire you to keep pushing forward.

Links In This Episode:

Secrets of the Little Green-Eyed Girl
Diet Haters University
Diet Haters Facebook Community
4 Simple Steps to Weight Loss

Jul 26, 202243:18
23. What If I Fail Again?

23. What If I Fail Again?

How many times have you asked yourself this question, or how many times have you heard others around you say it.. “What if I fail?” "What if I fail again?" “I’m so afraid to start another diet because I just know I’m going to fail this one, too.”

As we learn to overcome the diet mentality, we’re learning how to think differently. How to reframe our thoughts. How to change our mindsets. Learning how to dive into this question, “What if I fail?” is going to help us move forward on our freedom journey.

If you keep telling yourself you’re going to fail again, then you’re right. You’re going to fail. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.” And he’s right.. You get to decide how successful you are on your health journey, my friend.

And it has to start with STOPPING the miserable dieting cycle. Because you will fail if you keep dieting. Why? Because diets are temporary. They bring temporary results. And they also bring shame and condemnation and most of the time, more weight gain than before we started.

But we’re gonna OVERCOME that together, my friend, in this episode of The Diet Haters Podcast. No more fear.. No more dieting. No more asking, “What if I fail?” No more believing lies from the enemy, whose sole purpose is to steal, kill, and destroy us and all of our dreams of being the woman God created us to be.

Links In This Episode:

Diet Haters University

Diet Haters Facebook Community

4 Simple Steps to Weight Loss

Jul 19, 202214:14
22. Relationship, Religion, & Weight Loss Redemption
Jul 12, 202218:39
21. How Do I Enjoy Vacation Without Gaining Weight?

21. How Do I Enjoy Vacation Without Gaining Weight?

We are in the throes of Summer right now and you know what that means… Summer vacation. Target’s sold out of bathing suits and the beaches are full of women who are miserable because all they’re thinking about is how much weight they’ve gained while there, or telling themselves they can’t eat whatever the rest of the family is eating because they’re going to get fat.

Maybe that’s you right now. Maybe you’re on vacation listening to this podcast and you’ve just avoided another family picture because you don’t want to look fat AGAIN!

Maybe you’re preparing to head on vacation and you’re obsessing about what you’re going to eat and putting the scale on your list of things to pack.

Maybe you just got back from vacation and now you’re only eating rice cakes and guilt and shame because you gained 7 lbs last week.

Wherever you’re at on your journey, my friend, I want to tackle this subject today because we’ve got to stop with the jacked up mindsets we’re allowing ourselves to walk in. We’ve got to stop believing the lies from the enemy about who we are, what we have to do, and who we have to be.

Why in the world are we going to spend all that money on vacation, especially with the price of gas today, and allow ourselves to be filled with guilt and worry and shame?

So, how do you enjoy vacation without gaining weight? We’re going to tackle that topic on today’s episode of The Diet Haters Podcast.

Listen here..

Links in this episode:

Diet Haters University


Diet Haters Facebook Community

4 Simple Steps to Weight Loss

Jul 05, 202214:46
20. What If I Lose Weight & Still Don't Like What I See?
Jun 28, 202209:50
19. Peanut Butter, Jesus, and Obedience
Jun 21, 202255:58
18: BMI, Fatty Liver, and Collar Bones, Oh My!
Jun 14, 202251:43
17. What Does Eve Have to Do With My Weight Loss Journey?

17. What Does Eve Have to Do With My Weight Loss Journey?

I’ve been reading through this book, The Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible by Mary DeMuth. It’s truly a fascinating read as one-by-one, she brings the lives of many women in the bible to life.

In this episode of The Diet Haters Podcast, we're going to focus specifically on Eve and why her decision has affected our weight loss journey. 

God offered grace to Eve, despite her failures, and He offers the same to us, if only we'll accept His gift. 

Now is the time for us to stop holding onto the baggage weighing us down and keeping us from being free. May today's episode inspire you to do just that, my friend. 

Links in This Episode: 

The Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible

4 Simple Steps to Weight Loss Guide

Diet Haters Facebook Community

Jun 07, 202253:58
16. Jesus, Weight Loss Surgery, and Why Confidence is Sexy (Dayna's Story)

16. Jesus, Weight Loss Surgery, and Why Confidence is Sexy (Dayna's Story)

You don’t want to miss this episode of The Diet Haters Podcast.

My friend Dayna joins us as she shares some incredible insight about her weight loss journey.

She has an incredible weight loss story that I can’t wait for you to hear. Her story inspires me and I know it’s going to inspire you too.

In the interview we talk about so much good stuff – how she decided on her path to weight loss, the struggles getting there, the root of what made her addicted to food, paleo, and even how sexual intimacy with her husband has changed since she lost weight.

No, this won’t be a rated R podcast, I promise. But Dayna is real and vulnerable in this interview and I’m so proud of her.

You can listen right here...

Links in this episode:

Love Paleo Documentary
4 Simple Steps to Weight Loss
Diet Haters Facebook Group
Dayna on Instagram
Dayna on Facebook

May 31, 202201:01:07
#15: Why Your BMI Doesn’t Define Your Identity
May 24, 202213:58
#14: How to Escape the Weight Loss Comparison Trap
May 17, 202210:28
13: 4 Signs That You May Be Emotionally Eating

13: 4 Signs That You May Be Emotionally Eating

Hey friend! Welcome back to The Diet Haters Podcast, Season Two. I’ve been out for a bit due to recovering from surgery and first of all, thanks for your patience and grace. Secondly, I’m excited to be back. We’re gonna cover some great topics this season.

Today we’re gonna talk about something that we’ve probably all dealt with at one time or another - emotional eating. This is a topic that I don’t think we can ever talk too much about.

It’s so easy for us to find ourselves in the emotional eating boat. Something goes wrong in our life. We start believing a lie the enemy is telling us. We believe a lie someone else has told us. We have a bad day at our jobs, in our marriages, with our kids, you name it. Food becomes an easy distraction. It becomes our “savior” from the emotions we either don’t want to feel, or think eating will help us feel through the emotions.

Here’s the deal, my friend, and let me just say… I’m pointing three fingers back at myself for the one finger I’m pointing at you while I say this…

Until we deal with what’s really going on in our hearts and minds, we’re never going to overcome emotional eating. We’re never going to truly find freedom on our health journeys. When we get to the root of the issue, allow Jesus to heal the broken places of our hearts, that’s when everything changes. That’s when we really lose the weight. That’s when we really get healthy, not just physically.

So, today we’re gonna talk about four signs that you may be emotionally eating. 

Links in this episode:

2B Mindset
Diet Haters Facebook Group

May 10, 202219:29
#12: 7 Fat-Burning Mistakes You Might Be Making and What to Do Instead
Mar 29, 202227:05
#11: How God Can Redeem the Time for You

#11: How God Can Redeem the Time for You

What would it look like for God to redeem the time in your health journey? You know.. In the last week I talked about God restoring what the locusts have eaten. He restores what the enemy has tried to steal from us in our lives.

But what does it look like after that restoration happens? What does it look like for our health to be redeemed? Our relationships? Our dreams? Our greatest desires?

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to speak at Gateway Church in Ashland City, TN on this very topic - redeeming the time. It was such a beautiful experience. What you don’t hear in this episode is what happened afterwards. A few different women came up to me and thanked me for sharing my story with them, but then they got real and raw about their own struggles. And I was able to pray with them. And man.. That’s one of the greatest rewards from sharing your story, seeing others inspired and praying with them. I wish you could’ve been there.

But.. when you listen to today’s episode, you’ll kinda be there. So.. I hope you enjoy it, my friend.

Links in Today's Episode: 

Gateway Church
Sundi Jo’s Favorites
2B Mindset
Diet Haters Facebook Group
Sundi Jo on Instagram

Mar 08, 202234:28
#10: God Can Restore Your Health Back to You

#10: God Can Restore Your Health Back to You

Holy Smokes this is an exciting week!

A few weeks ago I had the chance to do an interview with The Kevin Shorey Show in Nashville. We had a great time talking about how God can restore what the enemy has tried to steal.

Joel 2:25 tells us that “God will restore what the locusts have eaten.” I don’t know about you, but I’m holding onto that promise.

In this interview, I shared part of my story on how food became a coping mechanism for me. I talked about shame, sexual abuse, and how God brought me out of a relationship I didn’t need need to be in.

I also talked about why the church needs to stop trying to play Holy Spirit and let Holy Spirit do what He’s come to do. Touchy subject, I know..

Hope you enjoy the interview and be sure to check out Kevin Shorey! He’s awesome!

Links mentioned in this episode:
Kevin Shorey Interview
Diet Haters Facebook Group
2B Mindset
Sundi Jo on Instagram
Email SJ About March Momentum
Kevin Shorey Show

Join the March Make Your Own Momentum Community

Starting in March, I’ll be leading the Make Your Own Momentum community. We’ll be doing 30 days of life together, learning about how to create routines so you can build momentum that allows you to reach your goals quicker and easier! We’ll talk morning routines to get you feeling good for the day, evening routines to help you unwind, routines for meal planning & prepping, and there will be daily motivation to keep you moving towards a life of consistency!

We’ll also be diving more into the 2B Mindset I mentioned earlier and learning how to stop dieting together.

If you’re interested, send me a direct message on Instagram or shoot me an email at I’d love for us to make our own momentum together!

Mar 01, 202228:00
#9: How To Guard Your Heart on Your Weight Loss Journey Part Two

#9: How To Guard Your Heart on Your Weight Loss Journey Part Two

In last week’s episode, we talked about the importance of guarding our hearts, but doing so the right way. We’re spending some time going through the four chambers of the heart, as described in Annie F. Downs’ book, Perfectly Unique: Love Yourself Completely, Just As You Are.

We covered some deep, yet powerfully freeing stuff, so I wanted to break it up into two episodes so we had some time to process. And like I love to do, I gave you some heartwork. If you haven’t had a chance to listen yet, don’t miss out.

Guarding our hearts the proper way means everything for us in every area of our lives, not just weight loss. But.. If we want to get healthy and stay that way, we must work on our hearts. Otherwise, our results will only be temporary.

Last week we talked about allowing the right people to have access to our hearts, and also allowing God to have access to our heart.

In this episode, we’re going to talk about:

  • How to love God back
  • Knowing our identity in Christ

I’m excited to dive in with you. 

Links mentioned in this episode:

Sundi Jo’s Favorites
Energy Bits
Perfectly Unique
How to Guard Your Heart on Your Weight Loss Journey Part One
Who I am in Christ pdf
Diet Haters Facebook Group
Sundi Jo on Instagram
Email SJ About March Momentum

Heartwork Questions

What does it look like to love God back, specifically on your health journey?

What step can you take today to start honoring the body God blessed you with?

Are you confident in your identity in Christ? If not, ask Him to show you what’s getting in the way.

What desires has God put in your heart that you’re afraid to pursue? What do you think is getting in the way?

Feb 22, 202221:53
#8: How To Guard Your Heart on Your Weight Loss Journey Part One

#8: How To Guard Your Heart on Your Weight Loss Journey Part One

Perhaps you’ve heard the verse before.. Proverbs 4:23, “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.”

Maybe today’s the first day you’ve ever heard it. That’s okay, too.

Either way, we’re going to dive into this passage together and learn how to guard our heart the proper way, which means everything for us in every area of our lives, not just weight loss. But.. If we want to get healthy and stay that way, we must work on our hearts. Otherwise, our results will only be temporary.

I’ve been reading this book from Annie F. Downs, called Perfectly Unique: Love Yourself Completely, Just As You Are. It’s so good for so many reasons, but when I got to the chapter focused on the heart, I knew we needed to have a deeper talk about it.

Our hearts matter for so many reasons. Taking care of it is vital for all parts of us – physically, and for our soul (our mind, will, and emotions). If we don’t take care of the hearts God gave us, we’re going to wind up in trouble in every area of our lives.

In the words from Annie F. Downs in Perfectly Unique, we’re going to talk about “the inner heart, the place in you that you know so well… the secret place that houses your inner deepest wants, your secret crushes, and those most painful memories and hurts. That’s the one we want to focus on here, because that heart is the core of who you are as a person – as you.”

We’re going to dissect (sorry, I couldn’t help myself), the four chambers of the heart in this episode.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Sundi Jo’s Favorites
Energy Bits
Perfectly Unique
Diet Haters Facebook Group
Sundi Jo on Instagram
Email SJ About March Momentum

Journaling Questions: 

  1. Do you have one or two or more close friends who have access to your heart? What about them makes you feel safe enough to let them in?
  2. If you answered no to that question, make a list of 3-5 people who you feel like you could trust with the inner parts of your heart.
  3. Reach out to them for coffee, lunch, a walk, something.. And ask them if they’d be willing to be a safe, loving person in your life. Let them know you’re working on guarding your heart well and letting the right people in, and that you would like for them to be one of those people.
  4. Do you struggle to allow God to love you? If so, go to Him in prayer and ask Him to show you why.
  5. Is there something you need to forgive God for? If so, tell Him. He can handle it. Ask Him what steps you need to take to work through that hurt with Him so that there are no barriers in your relationship with Him.

Feb 15, 202226:40
7: The Four Steps to Weight Loss Success

7: The Four Steps to Weight Loss Success

How many diets have you been on that go a little something like this… Throw everything out of your pantry immediately. Get a food scale. Get a body scale. Stop eating all carbs immediately. Pack your fridge full of lettuce and kale because that’s all you’re allowed to eat. Sunday night you have to eat yourself into oblivion so you can get started on the right foot getting skinny on Monday.

Are you relating to this at all? Well.. let me just tell you friend, that’s not how we roll in the Diet Haters world. We’ve gotta learn how to stop doing these crazy things to ourselves.

In this episode, we’re gonna focus on four simple foundations to weight loss. These are easy to follow and change everything for your health journey. You don’t have to count your calories, restrict foods, or even cut out foods if you don’t want to. Just some simple steps.

Most diets have convinced you that in order to lose weight you have to restrict everything and can never have any fun. But that’s not how God created us. He created us to enjoy food. He created us to have fun.  Weight loss isn’t always serious.

So, let’s get back to the basics – to these simple foundations. 

Links mentioned in this episode:

Sundi Jo’s Favorites
Bone Broth Protein – Salted Caramel
Bone Broth Protein – Chocolate
Water Bottle
Dave’s Killer Bread
Organic Fermented Cacao Powder from MRM Superfoods
Birch Benders paleo pancake mix2B Mindset
Diet Haters Facebook Group
Sundi Jo on Instagram

Get my free weight loss ebook…

And if you haven’t already, you can download my free ebook, Step Away From That Diet: Five Simple Steps to Help You Lose Weight and Gain the Confidence You’ve Been Searching For. 

In the book I share simple, but not necessarily easy, steps to help you get back on track.

You deserve better than what you’re believing about yourself, my friend, and I’m ready to help you take the next right steps to get where you need to be!

Step Away from that Diet will help you overcome the diet mentality, learn how to remove the barriers getting in the way of your freedom, find encouragement on your journey, and more!

And don’t miss the special prayer I’ve written at the end personalized just for you, my friend.

Download it today at

Feb 08, 202225:01
Episode 6: 10 Ways to Celebrate Yourself on Valentine’s Day if You’re Single

Episode 6: 10 Ways to Celebrate Yourself on Valentine’s Day if You’re Single

Well.. we’ve officially hit February and you know what that means? It’s the month of looovvvvee..

It’s the most romantic month of the year, so they say. Or at least it has the most romantic day of the year, right – Valentine’s Day.

But.. and it’s a big but.. Valentine’s Day can be hard for all my single ladies out there. Now I’m singing Beyonce in my head. You know, so are you!

Valentine’s Day can be a lonely day for single gals, especially those of us who are longing for a relationship, desiring for marriage.

On this episode of The Diet Haters Podcast, we’re going to dive deeper into some practical ways to celebrate ourselves on Valentine’s Day.

Maybe it’s a day you’ve found yourself in the past, eating your way into comfort so you don’t have to think about being lonely, or drinking more than a few glasses of wine, feeling sorry for yourself because you don’t have anyone to celebrate with.

Just because it’s the most romantic day of the year, doesn’t mean it can only be celebrated by couples, am I right?

Today on The Diet Haters Podcast, we’re going to talk about how to treat 10 fun ideas to celebrate yourself on Valentine’s Day.  Tune into today’s episode here, whether you’re the single gal or you might have some good ideas to pass onto your single friends.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Sundi Jo’s Favorites
Bone Broth Protein – Salted Caramel
Bone Broth Protein – Chocolate
Redeeming Love book
Ep. 5: How to Understand Your Value on Your Weight loss Journey
40 Scripture Based Prayers to Pray Over Your Husband.
Step Away from That Diet ebook
Diet Haters Facebook Group
Sundi Jo on Instagram

Get my free weight loss ebook…

And if you haven’t already, you can download my free ebook, Step Away From That Diet: Five Simple Steps to Help You Lose Weight and Gain the Confidence You’ve Been Searching For. 

In the book I share simple, but not necessarily easy, steps to help you get back on track.

You deserve better than what you’re believing about yourself, my friend, and I’m ready to help you take the next right steps to get where you need to be!

Step Away from that Diet will help you overcome the diet mentality, learn how to remove the barriers getting in the way of your freedom, find encouragement on your journey, and more!

And don’t miss the special prayer I’ve written at the end personalized just for you, my friend.

Download it today at

Feb 01, 202221:48
#5: How to Understand Your Value on Your Weight Loss Journey

#5: How to Understand Your Value on Your Weight Loss Journey

When we know our value, our decisions reflect that. When we don’t know our value, our decisions reflect that.

Those are powerful words, my friend. So, how do we truly find our value? How do we know where to find it? What in the world does knowing our value have to do with weight loss? Great questions.

We’re diving into the deep of this in today’s episode. 

So, here’s the thing: You can choose to base your value on your past decisions, or the things that have happened to you in the past, or you can choose today. You can’t do both.

“Now listen! Today I am giving you a choice between life and death…” – Deut. 30:15

These words sum it all up. We can choose life with our words and actions or we can choose death. The choice is up to us.

And the words we speak over ourselves as women will determine what we believe about our value.

The words we hear, whether spoken to us or by us, affect the way we see the world. They affect the decisions we make. We start to believe things that aren’t true and before we know it, our minds only know what we’ve led ourselves to believe.

For true change to take place we have to replace the lies we’ve been believing about ourselves with the truth about who God says we are.

We’ll be learning how to:

  • Replace lies with liberating truths
  • Creating a value statement that reflects who we really are

Behind every lie is a liberating truth. Behind every lie is the voice of God longing to speak to our hearts to tell us who we really are.

But we have to choose to find the truth. Then we have to choose to believe the truth, no matter how long it takes.

Join us for today’s episode on how to understand your value on your weight loss journey.

Jan 25, 202226:37
#4: How to Find Your Why

#4: How to Find Your Why

One of the things I learned early on in my 145 lb. weight loss journey is that if I don’t know my why, it’s much harder to bounce back onto the right path when we’ve gone off the rails for whatever reason.

I used to teach men and women in the prison system how to find their why, and I’m telling you what, nothing made my heart smile more than when you saw the light bulb come on in their eyes and they realized they still had a reason to keep going. I would see grown men full of tattoos weep. Those are some of the most cherished moments in my career.

But finding our why isn’t just reserved for people in prison, corporate CEO’s, or super-focused high achievers. No, finding our why is critical for all of us, especially as we continue on the journey of weight loss and health and finding lasting freedom.

My hope for you is that by the end of this episode, you’re going to cling to your why like your life depends on it, because your life might just really depend on it.

“You lose your way when you lose your why.” Those are nine of the most powerful words I’ve ever heard, spoken by my friend Gail Hyatt.

Have you ever stopped long enough to ask yourself why?

And not the why you might be thinking I’m referring to.

Not “Why did I gain all the weight back that I lost?” 
Not “Why can’t I get my crap together when it comes to getting healthy?” 
Not “Why can’t I be like those other moms that can do all the things?” 
Not “Why am I still single?

Those are important questions to ask at the right time, but those aren’t the why questions I’m talking about. We're going to process through some more empowering why questions in today's episode. You don't want to miss it.

I may shed a tear a or two. So, click here to listen and let's figure out your why together.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Episode 3: Why You Need to Set Goals Instead of New Year’s Resolutions Part Two
Episode 1: How I Lost 145 lbs.
Step Away from That Diet ebook
Finding Your Why Workbook
Sundi Jo on Instagram

Get my free weight loss ebook…

And if you haven’t already, you can download my free ebook, Step Away From That Diet: Five Simple Steps to Help You Lose Weight and Gain the Confidence You’ve Been Searching For. 

In the book I share simple, but not necessarily easy, steps to help you get back on track.

You deserve better than what you’re believing about yourself, my friend, and I’m ready to help you take the next right steps to get where you need to be!

Step Away from that Diet will help you overcome the diet mentality, learn how to remove the barriers getting in the way of your freedom, find encouragement on your journey, and more!

And don’t miss the special prayer I’ve written at the end personalized just for you, my friend.

Download it today at

Jan 18, 202226:60
#3 Why You Need to Set Goals Instead of New Year’s Resolutions Part Two

#3 Why You Need to Set Goals Instead of New Year’s Resolutions Part Two

In last week’s episode, I spoke some strong words. I said, “New Year’s Resolutions are dumb and they don’t work!” I’m not only holding onto that opinion, but I’m hoping I gave you a better understanding last week as to why I think so.

Setting achievable goals is what really works. I shared two of the six steps you need to take to set goals instead of New Year’s resolutions, and in today’s episode I’m sharing the other four.

Our pasts aren’t always pretty, but without our pasts we wouldn’t have our future. We must learn to acknowledge our past without staying stuck in it. We use what we’ve learned to build a better future for ourselves, and that’s where setting goals comes in.

In today’s episode, we’re going to dive into:

  • Reflections
  • Going Back to the Future
  • Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals
  • Finding our Why
  • …and more…

So, click here to listen to listen and rest easy that when you’re done with this episode, you’re going to have clear, S.M.A.R.T. goals to build your best year ever in every area of your life!

Jan 11, 202233:02
#2: Why You Need to Set Goals Instead of New Year’s Resolutions Part One

#2: Why You Need to Set Goals Instead of New Year’s Resolutions Part One

So.. it’s a new year.. And you know what that means? New Year’s Resolutions. New Year’s Resolutions are dumb and they don’t work! Yep... You heard me say it. 

But let me tell you what does work.. Setting goals. Setting achievable, attainable, realistic goals full of next right steps.

In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about why now is the time to STOP making New Year’s Resolutions and find a different plan - a plan that will help you achieve your greatest dreams and desires.

Jan 04, 202226:19
Episode 1: How I Lost 145 Lbs.

Episode 1: How I Lost 145 Lbs.

In the first episode of The Diet Haters Podcast with Sundi Jo, I share my journey of losing 145 lbs. That's right! I lost a whole person!

I didn't do it overnight. I didn't take a magic pill. I didn't diet. I took one next right step at a time.

And that's just what I want to encourage you to do, my friend.

f I can lose 145 lbs., you can lose weight, too. Doesn’t matter if it’s 10, 20, 50, or a 100 lbs. or more. If I can do it, so can you!

I’m looking forward to diving deeper into The Diet Haters Podcast with you, my friend, as we learn how to keep taking the next right steps, say goodbye to dieting, and learn our true identities in Christ!

Don't forget to leave a review...

If you enjoyed today’s episode, would you mind heading over to iTunes and leaving a review? This helps get the word out to others who need to hear this podcast.

And if you want to get email reminders of new episodes when they release, you can sign up at 

Get my free weight loss ebook...

And if you haven’t already, you can download my free ebook, Step Away From That Diet: Five Simple Steps to Help You Lose Weight and Gain the Confidence You’ve Been Searching For. 

In the book I share simple, but not necessarily easy, steps to help you get back on track.

You deserve better than what you’re believing about yourself, my friend, and I’m ready to help you take the next right steps to get where you need to be!

Step Away from that Diet will help you overcome the diet mentality, learn how to remove the barriers getting in the way of your freedom, find encouragement on your journey, and more!

And don’t miss the special prayer I’ve written at the end personalized just for you, my friend.

Download it today at

Dec 28, 202124:42
The Diet Haters Podcast Teaser

The Diet Haters Podcast Teaser

Hey friend! Welcome to the Diet Haters Podcast with me, your host, Sundi Jo. I am beyond excited that you’re here and that we’re on this journey together.

The Diet Haters Podcast will help women (and men, too), learn how to stop dieting, lose weight, find lasting results, and learn their true identities in Christ!

I once weighed 330 lbs., and I get what it's like to live defeated in the never-ending cycle of dieting. After hitting rock bottom, I turned my life around, lost 145 lbs., and committed myself to helping others find and pursue their passions and God-given dreams.

The Diet Haters Podcast provides a ton of free content to encourage and inspire women to get on the path to a healthier version of themselves and find lasting freedom.

The podcast includes health, diet, wellness, fitness, nutrition, exercise, food prep, and more from a gal who's been where you are and wants to help you get to the other side of freedom. Let's do this together, friend!

I can’t WAIT to hang out with you, my friend, as we kick dieting to the curb, find our confidence, and stand together in victory!

And if you haven’t already, you can download my free ebook, Step Away From That Diet: Five Simple Steps to Help You Lose Weight and Gain the Confidence You've Been Searching For. 

In the book I share simple, but not necessarily easy, steps to help you get back on track.

You deserve better than what you’re believing about yourself, my friend, and I’m ready to help you take the next right steps to get where you need to be!

Step Away from that Diet will help you overcome the diet mentality, learn how to remove the barriers getting in the way of your freedom, find encouragement on your journey, and more!

And don’t miss the special prayer I’ve written at the end personalized just for you, my friend.

Download it today at

I’ll also share the link in the show notes.

Alright, friend, we’ll see you soon for our first episode of the Diet Haters Podcast with me, Sundi Jo.

Stay up to date on the latest happening with the Diet Haters podcast at

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