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Starting a Business Simplified: Navigating the Shift

Starting a Business Simplified: Navigating the Shift

By Suzy Wraines

Tired of working in the healthcare system? Looking to start your own business with flexible time. Not sure where to start? This is the podcast for you! Starting a Business Simplified, Navigating the Shift answers all the questions around starting a business shifting from a medical career to an online business. You will get actionable steps you can take each episode to start your business.
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Transitioning from Nursing to Patient Advocacy: A Conversation with Lori Schellenberg

Starting a Business Simplified: Navigating the ShiftMar 12, 2024

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Unleash Your Writing Potential: A Workshop on Maximizing ChatGPT

Join Workshop: Are you ready to revolutionize your writing process? Join us for an immersive workshop designed to unlock the full potential of ChatGPT and take your writing to the next level. In this dynamic workshop, you will learn invaluable skills that will transform the way you approach writing.

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Kimberly Ward's Business Success Story: A Testimonial Episode with Suzy Wraines
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Simplified Steps to Starting a Service-Based Business: Where do I Start?

Simplified Steps to Starting a Service-Based Business: Where do I Start?

Exciting news! In our latest episode of Starting a Business Simplified, Suzy Wraines, a business expert specializing in helping entrepreneurs reach their intended audience and solve problems through starting a business. Here are three key takeaways from our conversation:

1️⃣ Define what you do and how you solve a problem. Suzy emphasized the importance of clearly articulating your value proposition and understanding how you can make a difference for your target audience.

2️⃣ Develop a strong mission and vision statement. Your mission should focus on what you do, who you do it for, and the desired outcome. Your vision should encompass your future success and the impact you want to have in the world.

3️⃣ Plan, plan, plan! Suzy stressed the crucial role of planning in the business-building process. From defining your business idea and concept to mapping out your goals, milestones, and financials, a comprehensive plan will guide your journey and help you make informed decisions.

That's not all! Suzy has generously shared some amazing resources with our listeners. You can download a handy idea generator tool from her website to help you identify the perfect business idea.

Plus, we've included a "Starting a Business Simplified Guide" in our show notes. This workbook-style guide will ask you the right questions and ensure you have a strong foundation for starting your business.And guess what? At the end of the process, you'll have a basic business plan that incorporates your vision, marketing foundation, operations, and finances.

How cool is that? We've even provided a link in our show notes for you to download the business plan.

Suzy also offers one-on-one coaching for those who are feeling overwhelmed and need expert guidance to get started. With her coaching program, you'll work through worksheets, complete action items each week, and receive invaluable troubleshooting and brainstorming support.If you're ready to take the first step towards starting your business, I encourage you to check out the link that aligns with your current situation.

Whether it's the idea generator tool, the "Starting a Business Simplified Guide," or signing up for a free consultation call with Suzy, she's got you covered.

Remember, starting a business doesn't have to be complicated. With the right guidance and resources, you can simplify the process and turn your entrepreneurial dreams into a reality. So, let's get started together!

Connect with Suzy Wraines:

Business Simplified Website:

Download Starting a Business Simplified Guide

Schedule a FREE Setup your Business Session

Starting Your Practice Online Course LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines


[00:01:31] Summarize: Define business idea, vision, size, and specialty.

[00:05:59] Finance, team, marketing, operations, budget, income, setup

[00:07:46] Choose 1-2 ideas, use idea generator. Simplified guide for starting a business.

[00:11:40] Click link, let's work together. Stay simple.

Mar 30, 202412:51
Why Start a Business: The Power of Purpose

Why Start a Business: The Power of Purpose

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Welcome to another insightful episode with your host, Suzy Wraines. In this episode, Suzy delves into the fundamental question of why individuals choose to embark on the journey of starting a business. She emphasizes the significance of maintaining focus on the core purpose of the business, drawing from her personal experiences and challenges. Suzy invites listeners to join her podcast community, offering them a platform to interact, gain behind-the-scenes insights, and network with fellow business owners.

She also provides practical advice on defining one's "why" and shares guidance on uncovering the driving force behind their business endeavors. This episode is a valuable resource for anyone seeking clarity and inspiration for their entrepreneurial pursuits.

Mar 26, 202418:56
Healing Trauma to Unlock Entrepreneurship: Suzy Wraines's Journey

Healing Trauma to Unlock Entrepreneurship: Suzy Wraines's Journey

Welcome back to "Starting a Business Simplified," where we demystify the entrepreneurial process and offer real-world advice for turning your passion into profit.

In today’s episode, we're joined by, Suzy Wraines, a business foundation coach with a truly transformative story.

In this episode, we'll explore how Suzy overcame personal challenges by standing up for herself and setting healthy boundaries, and how this journey informed her approach to helping women transition from medical professions to entrepreneurship.

Suzy brings her unique background as an army medic with PTSD, a traumatic past, and her successful completion of the trauma energetics coaching certification to the table. After initially resisting energetic healing, her transformative experience with the Somagetics membership and the modality that rewired her nervous system pushed her to bridge the gap between personal healing and business success.

Her story is not just about overcoming adversity but also about using those lessons to empower others. Suzy's method focuses on healing before developing a business, assisting clients to navigate their own traumas, and embracing the uncertainties of entrepreneurship with flexibility and resilience.

Stay tuned as we dive deep into the intersection of personal growth and entrepreneurial venture, and discover the critical role that addressing internal blocks plays in achieving outward success. Whether you're dealing with your own barriers or just looking for a fresh perspective on starting your business, this episode is full of insights and actionable steps. Let’s get started.

Learn more about Somagetics:

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LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

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Mar 19, 202437:26
Transitioning from Nursing to Patient Advocacy: A Conversation with Lori Schellenberg

Transitioning from Nursing to Patient Advocacy: A Conversation with Lori Schellenberg

In this episode of "Starting a Business Simplified," host Suzy Wraines is joined by guest Lori Schellenberg, a seasoned nurse with over 40 years of experience. Lori shares her journey of thinking outside the box and finding unique opportunities in nursing, leading her to retire as a nurse and venture into patient advocacy.

They discuss how Lori is now helping other nurses pivot in their careers through her preceptorship program with the Alliance of Professional Health Advocates (APHA). They also touch on the various paths available in patient advocacy and the power of collaboration in this field. Listeners can expect to gain insights into this evolving profession and learn about valuable resources for those interested in becoming patient advocates.

Connect with Lori:

Lori Schellenberg LinkedIn:

To find out more about the Preceptorship Program they can click on this link

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Check out Starting Your Practice Simplified Online Course

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LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

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Mar 12, 202421:22
Setting Up Your Business: Taking Inspired Action to Succeed

Setting Up Your Business: Taking Inspired Action to Succeed

Are you serious about being a business owner?

Welcome back to Starting a Business Simplified with Suzy Wraines. In this episode, Suzy delves into the pivotal moment when aspiring entrepreneurs shift from simply having an idea to getting serious about making their business dreams a reality. Using her own experience as a roadmap, she guides you through the essential steps to take your business from a mere concept to a full-fledged operation.

In her trademark down-to-earth style, Suzy recounts her journey from corporate professional to a business owner. She emphasizes that the turning point came when she shifted her focus to helping women start their businesses, a passion that sparked her to create her business's foundational details and get serious about her goals.

Key moments include the inception of Suzy’s business and the critical steps she took to build her professional identity. Suzy shares invaluable tips on leveraging platforms like LinkedIn and personal branding by utilizing customized email addresses and domain names to create a professional image.

Diving into actionable advice, Suzy highlights the benefits of setting up a Google Workspace or Microsoft Suite for your business. She also emphasizes the importance of digital organization and the ability to access and synchronize documents across different devices seamlessly.

Don't miss the insightful takeaways from Suzy that help you answer the crucial question: Are you serious about starting a business? Get ready to be inspired and motivated to take the next step towards realizing your business dreams.

Join the conversation in the "Starting a Business Simplified Podcast Listener Facebook Group" and tap into a valuable network of entrepreneurs and business owners. Dive into the show notes for resourceful links and additional guidance.

Take your first step towards turning your business idea into a fully operational business. Listen to the episode and simplify the journey of starting a business. Stay tuned for more insightful episodes to fuel your entrepreneurial aspirations.

Keep it simple. See you in the next one!

Connect with Suzy Wraines:

Join the Starting a Business Simplified Podcast Listener Facebook Group

Check out Starting Your Practice Simplified Online Course

Download Starting a Business Simplified Guide

LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

Schedule a FREE Setup your Business Session

Mar 05, 202414:50
Grow Your Business: The Art of Sharing Your Brand and Expertise
Feb 27, 202408:20
RV Living and Entrepreneurship: A Conversation with Suzy Wraines
Feb 20, 202418:17
Mastering the Skills to Start a Successful Business
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Manifesting Success Turning Your Business Vision into a Reality
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Skills for Small Business Success: Time, Consistency, and Inspired Action
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How to Start a Business Essentials: Exploring Internal and External Resources for Success
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Starting a Business: The Basics You Need as a Solo Entrepreneur
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Ep. 49.5 How to Start a Business with the Starting A Business Simplified Community
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The Basics You Need to Start a Successful Service-Based Business in 2024
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Kim McClure The Power of Style: Enhancing Confidence and Success for Women in Business and Beyond
Jan 02, 202429:06
Bonus Episode: Turning Trauma to Transformed: The Impact of Somagetics TEC Program Certification

Bonus Episode: Turning Trauma to Transformed: The Impact of Somagetics TEC Program Certification

For more information visit Somagetics website: Join host Suzy Wraines in this special bonus episode of Starting a Business Simplified as she delves into the incredible impact of the Somagetics TEC Program Certification with the program's creator, Kimberly Ward, and graduate, Emilie Kershaw.

In this enlightening conversation, Kimberly Ward and Suzy Wraines explore the profound influence of life force energy on our physical structure and behavior. As they discuss the transformative power of the Somagetics TEC program, it becomes evident that changing the way we interact with life force energy can be the catalyst for a metamorphosis in every aspect of our lives, from our physical structure to our behavior patterns.

As the discussion unfolds, Kimberly shares her personal experience of shifting her identity from wounded to essential self by moving life force energy differently. This deeply personal journey forms the foundation of the Somagetics TEC program, highlighting how changing one's relationship with life force energy can lead to a profound shift in one's identity and overall well-being.

Suzy also shares her own experience of tapping into her essential self through the program, emphasizing the significant impact on her energy and behavior, leading to a 500% improvement in her business and personal life within just 8 months. The ripple effect of this transformation extends to her relationships, self-care, and holistic well-being, underlining the far-reaching influence of the program in all areas of her life.

As Suzy and Kimberly discuss the difference in Somagetics's certification program, they highlight its focus on addressing patterns stemming from trauma and working with life force energy. Through practical experience, live practice with teachers and fellow students, the program fosters confidence and competence, essential for practitioners to effectively utilize the skills learned.

Listen in as they discuss the community support provided by the program and the confidence gained through practical application, shedding light on the profound impact of the modality on both personal and professional levels.

Kimberly Ward reiterates the essence of transformation, emphasizing the shift from childhood wounds to flourishing in one's innate gifts. By identifying defensive behaviors and transforming them into qualities that benefit others, the program provides a clear path for personal evolution and professional success, proving to be a standalone, easy system that can be a full-time vocation or an adjunct to other modalities for supporting oneself and clients.

Closing this enlightening episode, Suzy and Kimberly touch upon the dynamic aspect of the Somagetics TEC program, shedding light on its potential to elevate practitioners in their personal and professional capacities.

Kimberly's vision to aid others in transforming their skills into a viable business aligns seamlessly with a partnership that aims to enhance the certification program, opening doors to a world of possibilities for aspiring practitioners and entrepreneurs.

This bonus episode of Starting a Business Simplified not only offers a profound insight into the impact of the Somagetics TEC Program Certification but also serves as an inspiring testament to the potential for personal and professional growth that resides within each individual.

Tune in and embark on a journey of discovery, empowerment, and transformation with Starting a Business Simplified. Whether you're an aspiring practitioner, entrepreneur, or simply seeking personal growth, this episode is brimming with the wisdom and insights that could potentially alter the course of your life. Don't miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to delve into the transformative world of the Somagetics TEC Program Certification.

For more information visit Somagetics website:


Dec 27, 202340:14
BONUS 100th Episode: Navigating Self-Love and Business Insights from Sandy Bartlett

BONUS 100th Episode: Navigating Self-Love and Business Insights from Sandy Bartlett

In this 100th episode of the "Starting a Business Simplified" podcast, Suzy welcomes back her very first guest, Sandy Bartlett. They reflect on the past year and Sandy's journey from a career in human resources to becoming a best-selling author and self-discovery coach. Sandy shares insights on the importance of self-love and empowering women, as well as practical tips for finding time to focus on personal growth and development. She emphasizes the significance of being unapologetically oneself and taking control of one's time and mindset.

Sandy also offers a simple yet impactful takeaway for listeners to start implementing into their daily routines. Join Suzy and Sandy as they dive into valuable lessons and experiences in this milestone episode.

Connect with Sandy: Use code BF65 to get 65% off of one session at this link: Connect with Suzy Wraines:

LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

Schedule a FREE Setup your Business Session


00:00 Empowering women through self-discovery coaching program.

03:52 Prioritize self-care, even with small steps.

07:31 Self-care is essential for helping others.

12:49 Nurses face challenges, can rewrite their story.

15:51 Online course designed for busy entrepreneurs. Say no.

18:11 I keep my weekends open for spontaneity.

22:56 Change perception of time with timers for tasks.

26:08 Contact me via website for book and assessment.

Dec 27, 202330:05
CRM and Email Marketing: Simplifying Business Relationships with Dana Sacco
Dec 26, 202329:03
Bonus Episode: Year-End Business Maintenance: Setting Yourself Up for Success in the New Year
Dec 25, 202311:08
Write, Heal, and Express with Rachel Dick: Tips for Unleashing Your Story

Write, Heal, and Express with Rachel Dick: Tips for Unleashing Your Story

In this episode of "Starting a Business Simplified," host Suzy is joined by the inspirational guest, Rachel Dick. Rachel is a nurse and coach who shares her journey of self-expression and storytelling.

Rachel's passion for helping others find their voice and tell their story shines through as she discusses the healing power of writing and her own personal experiences with processing trauma.

Rachel also provides valuable insight into her 4-month workshop, "Heal the Write Way," and how it helps individuals in their self-discovery journey. Together, Suzy and Rachel dive deep into the importance of self-expression in both personal and business contexts, and how sharing our stories can lead to connection and empowerment.

Tune in to hear Rachel's tips for easing into self-expression and where you can find her to embark on your own journey of self-discovery.

Connect with Rachel:


Facebook: YouTube:

Connect with Suzy Wraines:

Check out Starting Your Practice Simplified Online Course

Download Starting a Business Simplified Guide

LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

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00:00 Nurse discovers inspiring stories, encourages others to write.

03:22 Exploring our stories brings healing and empowerment.

09:30 Joining a community for writing support helps.

10:42 Normalize, validate, and overcome difficulties through repetition.

16:59 Finding strength and healing through storytelling.

17:59 Sharing and embracing our stories for healing.

21:02 Connect, share, resonate, and attract like-minded people.

Dec 19, 202325:44
Payment Collection 101: Best Practices for New Business Owners
Dec 12, 202309:20
Embracing the Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster: Tips for Handling the Ups and Downs
Dec 05, 202309:18
Ep. 43 Standing Out as Your Authentic Self: Angela Winter's Blend of Self-Discovery and Web Design
Dec 01, 202325:29
Ep. 42: Self-Doubt to Self-Belief: Embracing Your True Identity
Nov 28, 202307:30
Ep. 41: Creating Your Own Path: The Step-by-Step Guide to Launching a Business
Nov 21, 202310:28
Ep 40.5: Bonus: Navigating the Holidays: Tips for Entrepreneurs to Take Stress-Free Time Off
Nov 17, 202307:58
Ep. 40: Suzy's Calendar Hacks: Efficiently Managing Your Business Schedule

Ep. 40: Suzy's Calendar Hacks: Efficiently Managing Your Business Schedule

Welcome to this episode of "Starting a Business Simplified"! In today's episode, our host Suzy Wraines shares her personal experience managing her calendar as a business owner. Suzy discusses the love-hate relationship many business owners have with their calendars and the importance of finding balance between work and personal life.

She highlights the benefits of using electronic calendars, but also acknowledges that paper calendars can still work if properly maintained. Suzy dives into the specifics of her calendar management, revealing her preference for the Google Calendar and its integration with other programs. She explains how she utilizes a scheduling tool called Calendly to streamline appointment bookings and shares tips on effectively color coding appointments for better organization. Suzy emphasizes the importance of time management and avoiding overbooking oneself. So, if you're a business owner looking for insights on calendar management, you won't want to miss this episode of Suzy's Podcast Episodes!

Connect with Suzy Wraines:

Check out Starting Your Practice Simplified Online Course

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LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

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[00:00:00] Managing Business Calendar: Tips and Examples

[00:03:41] Appointment links eliminate double booking and scheduling hassle.

[00:09:19] Reschedule meetings, protect time, prioritize tasks.

[00:10:44] Map out appointments strategically to manage time.

Nov 14, 202314:24
Ep. 39: Navigating the World of Digital Marketing: Insights from Bri Logue
Nov 07, 202312:47
Ep. 37: From Dreams to Reality: Deanna Cooper Gillingham's Path to Success

Ep. 37: From Dreams to Reality: Deanna Cooper Gillingham's Path to Success

Welcome back to another episode of "Starting a Business Simplified"! In today's episode, our host Suzy is joined by the incredible Deanna Cooper Gillingham, as they dive deep into the topic of building a successful business and the sacrifices that often come with it. Deanna shares her own personal journey, discussing the expenses and risks involved in starting a business, as well as the importance of building an audience through strategies like having a website, an email list, and utilizing SEO.

She also emphasizes that building a thriving business takes time and effort, encouraging listeners to visualize their desired end results and consider how they want their business to function. Deanna candidly speaks about the challenges of turning a passion into a business and the potential impact it can have on one's enjoyment of the passion itself. Get ready to gain valuable insights and practical advice as we delve into the world of entrepreneurship with Deanna Cooper Gillingham on this episode of "Starting a Business Simplified"!

Deanna shares insights from a podcast "Entrepreneurs on Fire" by John Lee Dumas:

FOCUS: Follow One Course Until Success

Connect with Deanna:

Connect with Suzy Wraines:

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LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

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Timestamp: [00:00:43] Moved into case management, dream of working from home not enough.

[00:05:58] Always listen, look for needs, simplify.

[00:08:41] Publishing book took a year, self-publishing necessary.

[00:12:34] Risky business, but decision made, expenses planned.

[00:16:05] Sacrifices made to pursue dreams, building audience.

[00:17:21] Articles attract audience. Email opt-in, lead magnet. eBook review boost, low price strategy.

[00:20:12] Growing group builds presence on various platforms.

[00:26:12] Shift focus to doing what you love.

[00:26:46] Finding passion key to success in business.

[00:30:02] Business side overshadowed passion, back to hobby.

[00:35:31] Slow growth leads to thriving, autonomous business.

[00:36:34] 10 years of learning, building audience, purposeful decisions. No overnight success.

[00:41:20] Podcast & website for Stay At Home Nurse

Oct 24, 202344:24
Ep. 38: Transitioning from Medical to Entrepreneur: 15 Key Questions for Success
Oct 20, 202313:11
Ep. 36: The Power of Connection: How Networking and Communication Propel Business Growth
Oct 17, 202308:20
Ep. 35: The Power of Choice: Finding Freedom and Flexibility in Both Entrepreneurship and Employment with Melissa McClung

Ep. 35: The Power of Choice: Finding Freedom and Flexibility in Both Entrepreneurship and Employment with Melissa McClung

Hey there, entrepreneurs and aspiring business owners! Welcome back to another exciting episode of "Starting a Business Simplified." I'm your host, Suzy, and today we have a special guest joining us, Melissa McClung. Melissa is a career coach turned accidental entrepreneur, and she's here to share her journey and shed some light on how it doesn't have to be a black and white choice between being an employee or a business owner.

We'll be diving into the topic of finding that sweet spot in between, where you can have the freedom and flexibility of an entrepreneur while still working within an organization. Melissa even wrote a fantastic book called "Mind Your Career: How to Job Search Like an Entrepreneur Without Becoming One" which is all about using entrepreneurial tools and strategies to find the perfect job that aligns with your skills and interests.

So, if you're craving more flexibility in your work life but aren't ready to take the leap into full-time entrepreneurship, this episode is definitely for you. Stay tuned as we explore the world of entrepreneurship within organizations with Melissa McClung. Let's get started! Connect with Melissa:

Connect with Suzy Wraines:

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LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

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[00:00:18] Entrepreneur accidentally became a career coach, specialized in healthcare.

[00:03:34] Entrepreneurs can find freedom within organizations.

[00:06:59] "Balancing clinical work with entrepreneurship and boundaries."

[00:12:04] Spend time getting in touch with yourself.

[00:14:37] Entrepreneurship empowers you to take responsibility.

[00:19:37] Expand your options by considering all possibilities.

[00:21:04] Connect with Melissa McClung on LinkedIn.

Oct 10, 202323:32
Ep. 34: Unlocking the Secret to Business Success: Conquering the Biggest Startup Challenge Head-On
Oct 03, 202311:25
Ep. 33: Transforming Trauma into Triumph: Speaking Your Truth with Terina Maldonado

Ep. 33: Transforming Trauma into Triumph: Speaking Your Truth with Terina Maldonado

Welcome to another episode of Starting a Business Simplified! I'm your host, Suzy, and today we have a very special guest joining us: Terina Maldonado. Terina is here to share her inspiring story of intentional self-care and speaking out.

We believe in the power of sharing our experiences and stories, as they have the potential to motivate and encourage others to step out and do something bigger. Terina's story is just one of many that we will be sharing on this podcast, highlighting the ability to move forward, even in the face of challenges.In this episode, we will dive deep into the topic of self-care and how it plays a crucial role in both personal and business growth. Terina will share her expertise in helping people with self-care and avoiding burnout. We'll discuss practical ways to handle overwhelming situations and cultivate a sense of well-being.

Starting with self-care as a first step, we'll explore how taking a moment each morning to prioritize our needs can set us on a path to success. We'll also talk about the importance of mindfulness and being intentional in our everyday routines, regardless of our busy schedules.Fear and anxiety are emotions that everyone experiences, especially when stepping outside of our comfort zones. We'll explore techniques for neutralizing and grounding ourselves before important tasks, such as sales calls, and how to use difficult experiences for personal growth and resilience.But that's not all! Terina is not only a self-care expert but also a coach for religious transition and a certified facilitator for vocal empowerment.

We'll discuss the importance of aligning our inner voice with our outer voice and actions for authentic business success.Join us as we dive deep into the world of intentional self-care, personal growth, and finding our true purpose.

So, sit back, relax, and get ready to be inspired by Terina Maldonado's journey of intentional self-care and speaking out. Let's get started on this episode of Starting a Business Simplified!

Connect with Terina and download the self-care journal:

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LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

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[00:00:18] Long journey of trauma, religion, and growth.

[00:04:24] Self care is about intention and mindfulness.

[00:08:20] Mindfulness calms and relaxes in hectic environments.

[00:10:56] Fear and anxiety are common emotions. The fear of the unknown can be scary, especially when taking big steps like starting a business. It's important to know that these emotions are normal and okay. Naming and acknowledging your feelings can help bring you back to a grounded state. Breathing techniques, like box breathing, can also help calm and center yourself.

[00:15:16] Use curiosity to uncover fear and overcome it.

[00:21:11] Compassion and growth from difficult experiences.

[00:22:43] Coaching for religious transition, vocal empowerment system.

[00:27:20] Morning self-care: ask yourself what you need.

[00:29:23] "Key: Take a minute for yourself."

Sep 26, 202334:13
Ep. 32: From Imposter Syndrome to Empowered Entrepreneur: The Journey of Dr. Mandy Marziaz

Ep. 32: From Imposter Syndrome to Empowered Entrepreneur: The Journey of Dr. Mandy Marziaz

Welcome back to Starting a Business Simplified! I'm your host, Suzy, and today we have the incredible Dr. Mandy Marziaz joining us on the show. In this episode, Dr. Mandy shares invaluable insights on the importance of prioritizing oneself as a business owner.We delve into the concept of scheduling ourselves first, before making room for work hours and client obligations.

Dr. Mandy explains how taking care of ourselves and prioritizing personal needs not only benefits our well-being but also allows us to bring positive energy to our work. We also explore Dr. Mandy's passion for empowering women, particularly during the metabolic transition and menopause. She discusses the shortcomings of the current healthcare system and how she helps individuals read their own body signals and self-regulate.

As business owners, women often find themselves constantly giving and struggling to establish boundaries. Dr. Mandy emphasizes the importance of becoming the CEO of our own lives and setting limits to prioritize our own needs and well-being.

Throughout the episode, we hear inspiring stories from Dr. Mandy's own journey, from transitioning from a corporate job to pursuing her passion for helping others. She shares her experiences with imposter syndrome, the importance of mental and physical well-being, as well as the integration of health coaching and functional medicine. She provides practical advice on how to set boundaries with clients, establish work-life balance, and avoid burnout. She emphasizes that setting boundaries doesn't make us "jerks," but rather helps us serve others at our highest potential.

Lastly, we delve into the impact of social media and comparison on our self-esteem. Dr. Mandy encourages us to focus on personal growth, shift our mindset from self-judgment, and set boundaries with clients when it comes to communication.So, get ready to gain insights, tips, and inspiration in this empowering conversation with Dr. Mandy Marziaz. Let's start simplifying the journey of entrepreneurship and learn how to prioritize ourselves as we build successful businesses.

Connect with Dr. Mandy:

Connect with Suzy Wraines:

Check out Starting Your Practice Simplified Online Course

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LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

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Sep 19, 202324:16
Ep. 31: From Fear to Confidence: How Past Experiences Can Empower Your Business Journey

Ep. 31: From Fear to Confidence: How Past Experiences Can Empower Your Business Journey

In this episode, we delve into the importance of past experience and how it can greatly impact your business journey. Suzy Wraines, our amazing host, explores the notion that experience encompasses more than just career-related expertise. It starts from the earliest memories and even includes subconscious memories. Suzy shares a personal anecdote about how a conversation with a friend from the restaurant industry made her reflect on a limiting belief that had been holding her back since childhood.

She highlights the power of unique experiences in shaping your business and standing out in a crowded marketplace. Tune in as Suzy discusses the significance of past experiences, both as potential roadblocks and keys to success. She also offers insights into the importance of tapping into your body and recognizing the fight-or-flight response to overcome these hurdles. Plus, she shares a practical exercise to help you identify and leverage your past experiences for your business. Get ready for an enlightening episode that will inspire you to embrace your past and use it as a catalyst for growth. Get ready to uncover the power of past experience!

Connect with Suzy Wraines:

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LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

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[00:00:44] Our experiences shape our unique identities.

[00:03:09] Comfortable connecting with podcast listeners, but hesitant to initiate conversations with strangers. As a business owner, it's important to overcome fear and speak out. Working on self-improvement and managing fight or flight response.

[00:06:45] Overcoming business challenges through trauma healing.

Sep 15, 202310:11
Bonus: Why Being a Business Owner Isn't as Scary as You Think: Insights from a Former Medic
Sep 15, 202311:42
Ep. 30: Simplifying Pricing: The Link Between Understanding Client Type and Setting Service Prices

Ep. 30: Simplifying Pricing: The Link Between Understanding Client Type and Setting Service Prices

Welcome to another episode of "Starting a Business Simplified," the podcast that breaks down the complexities of entrepreneurship into easy-to-understand bite-sized episodes. I'm your host, Suzy, and today we're diving into an important topic: why it's crucial to consider the type of client being served when determining pricing for services.In our previous episodes, we've discussed how to set pricing and evaluate the value of your offering.

Today, we're taking it a step further and exploring how understanding your target market and their budget consciousness can greatly impact your pricing strategy. Join me as I share insights from a seasoned business owner who has successfully tailored their pricing to accommodate new entrepreneurs with smaller budgets. We'll explore the importance of considering the needs and perceived value of your clients, and how making adjustments to your pricing structure can yield incredible results.

That's not all – we'll also discuss how having a comprehensive business plan can help you determine pricing and make informed decisions about your venture. Plus, we'll touch on the potential tax benefits of investing in services like ours.Remember, pricing is not set in stone. It's a dynamic aspect of your business that can be adjusted over time. So sit back, relax, and let's dive into the fascinating world of pricing strategies for different types of clients.

And as always, don't forget to set up a call with Suzy. Let's get started on this episode of "Starting a Business Simplified."

Connect with Suzy Wraines:

Check out Starting Your Practice Simplified Online Course

Download Starting a Business Simplified Guide

LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

Schedule a FREE Setup your Business Session

Sep 12, 202308:01
Ep 29.5: Bonus: Navigating the Legal Landscape: Cheri Andrews' Guide to Protecting Your Business

Ep 29.5: Bonus: Navigating the Legal Landscape: Cheri Andrews' Guide to Protecting Your Business

Welcome to "Starting a Business Simplified," the podcast that takes the complexities out of entrepreneurship and provides you with practical tips and advice to start and grow your own business. I'm your host, Suzy, and in today's episode, we have a very special guest joining us: Cheri Andrews.Cheri is an experienced attorney with a diverse background in law and business. After spending years working in law firms and as an in-house general counsel, Cheri found herself without a job due to a merger.

This unexpected turn of events led Cheri to start her own virtual legal practice, specializing in serving the needs of small business owners.With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs, Cheri has become a trusted advisor in the business community. She recently authored a book called "Smooth Sailing: A Practical Guide to Legally Protecting Your Business," offering affordable and accessible information on important legal aspects that every small business owner should be aware of.In today's episode, Cheri will share her journey of starting her own practice and the valuable insights she has gained along the way.

From the importance of finding the right attorney for your specific needs to the significance of setting expectations in writing, Cheri will provide us with actionable strategies to safeguard our businesses legally. We'll also learn about the Wise Owl Academy, an online learning platform created by Cheri to provide small business owners with foundational knowledge in various areas, including business formation, legal matters, insurance, finances, taxes, and more.

Additionally, Cheri will shed light on the intricacies of jurisdiction and how it can impact legal disputes involving businesses in different states.Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, this episode is a must-listen. So grab a notepad and get ready to simplify the legal aspects of starting a business with our incredible guest, Cheri Andrews. Let's dive in!

Connect with Cheri:

Wise Owl Academy:

Download Smooth Sailing Business Checklist: with Suzy Wraines:

Check out Starting Your Practice Simplified Online Course

Download Starting a Business Simplified Guide

LinkedIn: Suzy Wraines

Schedule a FREE Setup your Business Session

[00:00:28] From law school to owning legal practice.

[00:04:17] Understanding clients and providing affordable legal guidance.

[00:08:29] Online learning platform for small business owners.

[00:13:27] Business owner learns legal basics, saves time.

[00:16:23] Liability: potential payment for others' damages, various forms. Legal assets protect against liability, contracts, policies. Setting up a business entity provides personal liability protection.

[00:23:27] Separate business and personal matters for success.

[00:26:51] Set expectations with written communication for business.

[00:29:57] Set expectations with clear contracts to avoid demanding clients.

[00:33:06] Jurisdiction and venue determine where lawsuits occur.

[00:38:27] Find attorney who understands your state law.

[00:44:40] Comfort, compassion, cost: keys to choosing attorney.

[00:48:04] Attorneys use retainers for upfront payment. Retainer money is held in a separate account. Attorneys can bill against it as they work. Any unused money is returned to the client. Attorneys can also bill based on hourly rates or flat rates. Some attorneys offer a membership for ongoing access.

[00:51:23] Clear examples of budgeting for legal expenses.

Sep 06, 202356:01